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His symbolic weapons are the umbrella or pagoda.

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  6. Why No Protection from the Heavenly Gods? | WND II | Nichiren Buddhism Library.

Wearing heavy armor and carrying the umbrella in his right hand, he is often associated with the ancient Indian God of wealth, Kubera. Associated with the color yellow or green. Chief of the four kings and protector of the north.

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King of the south and one who causes good growth of roots. He is the ruler of the wind.

Heavenly-Protection Mountain: North Jeolla's Cheon-ho-san

His symbolic weapon is the sword which he carries in his right hand to protect the Dharma and the southern continent. Associated with the color blue. King of the east and God of music. His symbolic weapon is the pipa stringed instrument. He is harmonious and compassionate and protects all beings.

Uses his music to convert others to Buddhism. Associated with the color white.

Hummel Heavenly Protection Hummel Figurine 88

King of the west and one who sees all. His symbolic weapon is a snake or red cord that is representative of a dragon. As the eye in the sky, he sees people who do not believe in Buddhism and converts them. His ancient name means "he who has broad objectives".

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Associated with the color red. I would never dare to make an arbitrary decision of my own. All affairs will come to a conclusion in the pure land of Eagle Peak. Nichiren Daishonin wrote this letter in the fourth month of , while in exile on Sado Island, after being transferred to the residence of the lay priest Ichinosawa. Worse, the lay priest Ichinosawa, who was also a Pure Land believer, appeared to be hostile to and fearful of the Daishonin at the beginning, though he later came to offer him food.

Four Heavenly Kings

He gives three reasons here. Two months earlier, in The Opening of the Eyes , which he refers to in this letter, the Daishonin discussed the same point, offering the following three reasons: Skip navigation Press Enter. Reply [ to Toki] I have no doubt what my final moments will be.

Angelic Encounters & Supernatural Protection!

Protect us from criminals, evil doers, deceivers, thieves. Protect us from black magic, divinations, envy, jealousy, hatred and all capital sins. Protect us from the temptations of the world, the devil and the flesh. Protect us from wild and poisonous animals, from mosquito bites. Protect us from pest and disease, sickness, pain and death. Protect us from poverty, calamity and ruin.

Protect us from accidents. Protect our integrity, our dignity, our faith, hope and love.

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Protect everything that we are and everything that we have. Lord God, bless your creation, may you be glorified in it. Bless the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and all the cosmic powers.