The second act begins in the police station's interrogation room.

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Each member is questioned individually. During the interrogations, the police receive a call informing them that a border patrol guard was murdered earlier that day.

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The police chief interrogates Passe-Partout, who reveals that Tarzan had crossed the border that day. Under the impression that the other gang members have betrayed him, Tarzan confesses to the murder of the border guard. In the third act, Tarzan escapes from jail and confesses his affection for Ciboulette.

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Ciboulette suggests a makeshift marriage in the hideout, but Tarzan refuses, not wanting to make his believed certain death more painful than it needs to be. Tarzan wastes all of his escape time making out with Ciboulette. Tarzan runs off into the night, followed by police. Heard shortly thereafter are several gunshots, ending in silence with Roger the police officer standing over.

Laroche suggests that the teenaged gang members are play-acting as the characters they saw in films. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article has multiple issues.

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Autonomous community Residential community. Administrative county Autonomous county Consolidated city-county Metropolitan county Non-metropolitan Viscountcy. Capital district City district Congressional district Electoral district Federal district Indian government district Land district Metropolitan district Non-metropolitan district Military district Municipal district Police district Regional district Rural district Sanitary district Subdistrict Urban district Special district.

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Autonomous prefecture Subprefecture Super-prefecture Praetorian prefecture. Autonomous province Overseas province Roman province. Administrative region Autonomous region Capital region Development region Economic region Mesoregion Microregion Overseas region Planning region Special administrative region Statistical region Subregion.

Biosphere reserve Ecological reserve Game reserve Indian reserve Nature reserve. Federal state Free state Sovereign state. Capital territory Federal capital territory Dependent territory Federal territory Military territory Organized incorporated territory Overseas territory Union territory Unorganized territory.

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List of regions of Europe. Administrative regions of France. Current administrative regions since Former administrative regions — A zone of restricted access to civilians was established to increase the security of the Atlantic wall. Although Adolf Hitler had initially no plans of territorially expanding towards eastern France except for the return of the formerly German Alsace-Lorraine even so he did not regard the acquiring of these provinces as a real benefit to Germany, telling Albert Speer his belief that they had become "racially worthless" after decades of French rule [3] , the position of total German hegemony gained after the Battle of France now made it possible for him to plan the annexation of those regions of France deemed of possessing strategic or economic advantage to Germany.

On 28 June , the zone was hermetically closed, allegedly because of devastation caused by heavy fighting during the German campaign. In any event, the German forces guarding the line were insufficient in number to prevent the return of the territory's inhabitants, and thus by the end of only about a million of them were still missing amounting roughly to one-seventh of the pre-war population. Following the commencement of Operation Barbarossa in June , any lingering German ambitions to expand the Reich westward beyond annexation of Alsace-Lorraine and Luxembourg were, for all intents and purposes, abandoned.

The war with the Soviet Union brought the prospect of vast conquests in the East that would have taken decades if not generations to colonize. Hitler, who had always believed Germany's destiny lay in the east, basically lost whatever interest he had in diverting German settlers and resources from the East in an effort to colonize what he saw to be Germany's relatively "civilized" western neighbors.

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