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And no, they aren't fantasy. Romance might seem an odd fit after an architecture degree and jobs in everything from cosmetics to accounting to molecular biology but five minutes into their first date she knew she had met her future husband. It has been twenty years, a kid, their fair share of richer, poorer, sickness, and health later and she still believes in a happy ending.

While romance author is the last in a long line of diverse careers it is by far her favorite.

She now likes to say that all that career indecision was just research for her writing career. She hasn't even begun to tap into the stories from her time in the Air Force. Being a tech geek, self publishing was a natural fit for her and she dove in head first. Her first book was published in and only after it was uploaded for sale did she realize that maybe getting an editor might not be a bad idea.

She won't ever make that mistake again! The following book was the beginning of her Lovers and Other Strangers series. When she started it was just to prove that she had more than one book in her. When the best friend character proved too good to pass up and got a story of his own, it became a series of 12 books and 4 novellas. She enjoys writing about imperfect heroes and heroines of all types and sizes who grow into themselves over the course of a book. Working at a major research university while writing, one of her students started asking her for tips to publish her own work and another new career was born.

She is working to bring that and other courses online through her website justpublishyourself. She also opened the vault on her cosmetics experience and started her Dolci Cosmetics series. This series is set in New York and Rome and features the glamour of fashion and beauty as well as the glittering world of high stakes business.

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She has lived in more college towns than is good for anyone over the age of thirty. She finds it fertile ground for more story ideas. You can read excerpts of her work at www. Are you an author? I adored the hero who was completly devoted to the heroine from the beginning of the book. You can find this book on smashbooks. Its a really great read and i reccomend it. Jun 22, Sydney Baily rated it liked it. Great to read a romance hero in a wheelchair.

  1. List of Batman supporting characters - Wikipedia.
  2. L.C. Giroux.
  3. See a Problem??
  4. Loki Laufeyson (German Edition).

It didn't define him; he just handled it as any other part of his life. Nice story, good characters. Only thing that was a little difficult was telling who was speaking sometimes, as one character might speak at the beginning of a paragraph, and the dialog at the end of a paragraph might be another character. That happened a number of times, and is clearly a formatting issue.

I think it's best to have a new paragraph for each character's words; other Great to read a romance hero in a wheelchair. I think it's best to have a new paragraph for each character's words; otherwise you at least need the occasional "he said" or "she said. Everyone is not a voluptuous double-D. Every woman does not have luscious curves, as they're sometimes described.

  1. Sleep In Heavenly Peace.
  2. Nothing More to Tell.
  3. HTML5 Programming for ASP.NET Developers (Experts Voice in .NET).
  4. Sensible Shoes: A Novel.

Author wrote her sexy and real, and more importantly, sexy and with a small bust. Heroine had a bit of a complex about it and the hero helped her see her beauty. Dec 05, Cheryl Whitty rated it really liked it Shelves: This is book two in the Lovers and Other Srangers series. We meet Cam a police officer wounded in action. We meet him in book one at a basketball match with Stephen. He gets roped into a charity bet on a date night.

He gets the hightest bid,and lady in question refuses to book a date.

Hot Ice by Nora Roberts | Books

Evie went to High School with Cam and always had a crash on him. Another good read highly recommend for romance lovers. Nov 05, Selina rated it really liked it. Definitely better than the first in the series. I thought their romance was nice, but I thought that two weeks then a wedding seemed a bit too unbelievable. It was nice to see Michael and Violet, and the part about the sculpture just killed me! Feb 21, Peggy rated it it was amazing.

Protective Instinct - Protective Series

Aug 08, Stacie rated it really liked it Shelves: May 09, Ana added it Shelves: The review can be found here. Viktoriya rated it really liked it Jun 13, Lauren Watson rated it really liked it Nov 06, Lindsay rated it liked it Apr 30, First she punches him for not believing her claims, and then she kisses him for coming to her rescue, poisoning him with her mind control toxin. Resisting it, he warns that they would be best off helping each other for now. Thanks to her own resistance and the kiss he received, both Batman and Ivy become immune to Scarecrow's gas effect.

Several characters featured outside of modern Batman canon are of note:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Gotham City Police Department. List of Batman Family enemies. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. The DC Comics Encyclopedia. Alternative versions of Barbara Gordon Alternative versions of Joker.

Lovers and Other Strangers: The Short Stories

Links to related topics. Bob Kane Bill Finger Other contributors.

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In film In video games In amusement parks In children's books. Batman publications and storylines. Azrael Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Batman: The Dark Knight Batman: Shadow of the Bat Batman: Robin World's Finest Comics Batman: Battle for the Cowl Batman: The Master Race Batman: Dark Victory Batman Eternal Batman: Gates of Gotham Batman: Gotham County Line Batman: The Long Halloween Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne Batman: The Widening Gyre Batman: Last Laugh " " Bruce Wayne: Fugitive " " Hush " " Batman: Elegy " " Bruce Wayne: The Road Home " " Batman: Night of the Owls " " Batman: Death of the Family " " Zero Year " " Batman: Endgame " " Robin War ".

Judgment on Gotham Batman-Spawn: Child of Dreams Batman: Publications are listed alphabetically by published titles.