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Original longer version of the text can be found at academia. The Unbearable Lightness of Building: Grey Room , No.

The Language of Nationality and the Nationality of Language: Past and Present , No. English State Formation and the Rise of Capitalism. American Journal of Sociology , Vol. British Reaction to the Amritsar Massacre Essays in the Displacement of Western Civilization.

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University of Arizona Press, Ghai eds , Jallianwala Bagh: Punjabi University, , pp. Revolution Against the State: Dialectical Anthropology , Vol. The Critique of Politics and Political Economy: Sociological Review , Vol. Critical Assessments , London: Bolshevism and the USSR. Method and Dogma in Historical Materialism.

Introduction to Kyler Zeleny ed. Velvet Cell Pocketbooks, , Art History and the Czech Avant-garde. Prologue to Gafijczuk and Sayer, Inhabited Ruins , Hypermodernism in the Boondocks: Oxford Art Journal , Vol. Cambridge Scholars Press, , Exchange and Transformation , exh. Everyday Forms of State Formation: Dissident Remarks on Hegemony. Revolution and the Negotiation of Rule in Modern Mexico. Duke University Press, , Zybertowicz eds , Interdyscyplinarne studia nad geneza kapitalismu , t.

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika, , In Jon Clark et al eds , Anthony Giddens: Falmer Press, , In Teodor Shanin ed. Routledge, and New York: Monthly Review Press, , In Shanin, Late Marx , How the Law Rules.

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Fryer et al eds , Law, State and Society. Croom Helm, , Proceedings of BSA annual conference. The State as a Relation of Production. In Philip Corrigan ed. Ruben eds , Issues in Marxist Philosophy , vol. Schizophrenie, et-il une solution? Iron Curtains of the mind. Open Democracy , 6 November Prejudice, hysteria, and a want of political leadership: Times Higher Education , 30 July CDBU blog , 1 February Times Higher Education , 11 December Problems with peer review for the REF. CDBU blog , 21 November Time to abandon the gold standard?

Peer review for the REF falls far short of internationally accepted standards. LSE Impact blog , 19 November Austin in available light photoessay.

The End of Austin , Issue 5, 22 May Subsequently republished on History News Network and elsewhere. Keynote, Genealogies of Memory: Notes on Surrealism and Sociology.

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  • The Inhabited Ruins of Central Europe. Re-imagining Space, History, and Memory;
  • Dariusz Gafijczuk - Google Scholar Citations.

Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 8 December Prague, Capital of the Twentieth Century. All the Beauties of the World: Modernism, as Seen from Twentieth-Century Prague.

The Inhabited Ruins of Central Europe : Re-imagining Space, History, and Memory

England and Bohemia Compared. Love, War, and the Songs of Exile: The Architecture of Forgetting: The Trade Fair Palace in Prague. Memoirs in Search of a Subject. Prague as a Capital for Modernity. Public lecture in series to inaugurate Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Victoria, Everyday Forms of State Formation. Royal Historical Society symposium Edges of Europe: Frontiers in Context , Lancaster University, June Czech Avant-gardes and the Canons of Forgetting. A Choice of Abdications: Great Arches Viewed from the Coasts of Bohemia.

American Anthropology Association annual meetings, Chicago, November The Amritsar Massacre and British Responses, From the Body Politic to the National Interest: Reflections on The Great Arch.