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She is a fourth year student pursuing a major in Sociology, and a double minor in French and Latin American Studies at the University of Toronto. She has been working with Her Campus since her first year of University, and she is also highly involved on campus through various other leadership positions. When she's not busy studying, you can catch her running around campus to get to her next class or meeting. When she has some spare time, she's likely busy writing, discussing politics, or spending quality time with friends and family. Skip to main content.

Find any excuse to either walk or bike to your destination in lieu of driving or taking the bus. There will bound to be one that matches your taste! Although you can try to muster up your motivation to go to the gym, a less committed option would be to check out any free workshops on fitness training or dance or martial arts and more and just drop in on a few sessions.

How cool is that? Having workout buddies to keep you company as you work out keeps you obligated to meet them at the gym and makes exercising just that much more enjoyable. Although there is a huge stigma against growing muscles, especially for females, building lean muscle with chicken and other lean protein combined with a mild muscle building routine ie. The more muscles you have, the higher metabolism you will have, and as a result, the more calories you will burn!

You definitely need your beauty sleep if you want to keep off those pounds. Stress is a major factor in weight gain, as it may lead to not only less physical activity, apathy, and drive, but also increased eating as a potential coping mechanism. Investing in a time to yourself during the day, for example, 5 minutes for meditation and self-reflection, or finding stress-relieving hobbies, be it knitting, washing dishes, or doing laundry, will really help increase your ability to keep the weight off.

15 Ways to Avoid Gaining the Freshman 15

Smart scheduling and getting your homework or any other work done early will do wonders for your peace of mind, so also look into buying a planner or agenda to organize your stuff! Ever heard of the saying that: Even if it is just a light toast or a fruit, make sure that you grab a healthy breakfast before you head to class! Instead of the nearest Coke, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, Canada Dry, or any sugary beverage, try water.

Furthermore, drinking a glass of cold water before a meal will help fill your stomach so that you eat a lot less. If you are on a meal plan, it might be difficult to control your own portions and understand exactly what you are consuming in your body.

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Try to incorporate some extra food and veggies into your diet on top of what they give you for cafeteria food — leafy foods high in cellulose and roughage can really help detox your digestive system and flush out unneeded residues in your intestinal tract that add to your weight. If you make your own food, try figuring out and researching portion sizes and what you need as portion sizes to suit your weight goals.

The Canadian Food Guide is a great resource to start checking out portion sizes for your age group. You will end up being more full and eat overall less food than if you gorge on your meal during breakfast, lunch and dinner exclusively.

15 ways to stay healthy and avoid the 'Freshman 15'

If you are a fast eater, try slowing down the pace you usually have and deliberately chew on and relish in the flavor of your nourishment. Even though you may be up to your neck in work to do, try your best to make your meal time just about your meal time. When you watch movies or stare at a screen and try to do work, you become unaware of how much you are actually consuming; oftentimes, you will consume more food than your body will actually need, which will result in weight gain over time. Instead of devouring that full bag of Lays chips you have hiding in your closet in a day, try to set aside small portions for you to eat every day until the bag is finished.

So you want to go to the Old K party this weekend, well when it comes to drinking, be smart. Every time you have a beer, wash it down with some water. Additionally, many students gain weight from being dehydrated, so water may just be your saving grace when it comes to avoiding the freshman Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are essential to attaining that healthy lifestyle we all desire.

Everyone always eats lunch and dinner, but many people miss breakfast, believing that the most important meal of the day is a myth. However, breakfast is so important, especially if you have an 8AM math class on Monday morning—you need that extra energy to understand those algorithms! Binge-watching that last season of The Office?

Eating late at night or before you go to bed is not a good idea. Eating before bedtime makes the food settle in your stomach throughout the night giving you a big time food baby as I like to call it. If you feel hungry after dinner, it may be best to eat at least 1 hour before your planned bedtime. Grabbing 12 quesadilla slices, along with some other snacks and dessert, is absolutely insane! Paying attention to serving sizes is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, job to do when eating food. It is so easy for us to eat multiple portions instead of one.

This makes it even easier for us to gain unnecessary pounds throughout the school year.

Nine Tips for Avoiding the Freshman 15 | BU Today | Boston University

Okay, I get it. You have to be in class in ten minutes, but please take your time eating your Cocoa Puffs instead of scarfing them down like an animal. When you feel tired after a hard day of classes, your brain automatically thinks your body needs sugar and responds strongly to sugary treats and junk food. This all adds to the freshman So the next time you are feeling tired and want to order a large chai tea latte from Wiggins, just remember that is a sign that you need to sleep more.


Stress makes you hungry and crave sugar. Additionally, it reduces your ability to burn fat and increases the rate at which you store fat, thus increasing belly fat and making your liver fatty. At Kenyon, there are plenty of intermural sports teams and clubs to help keep you fit. We have the Outdoors Club, intermural soccer, even ballroom dancing! Participating in any of these activities will definitely help you keep your body healthy.

  1. Jump Shot Detectives: A Clues Brothers Adventure (Hardy Boys Clues Bros.);
  2. 5 Tips to Avoid the Freshman 15 - InBody USA?
  3. 15 Ways to Avoid Gaining the Freshman 15 | Her Campus!
  4. 15 Ways to Fight Off the “Freshman 15”;
  5. The Complete Idiots Guide to Lawsuits?
  6. 15 Ways to Fight Off the “Freshman 15” | Her Campus;

But have no fear! The KAC offers many free classes, such as yoga and Zumba, for those who think running is over-rated. The BFEC is the perfect place for outdoorsy people to hike. It gets your leg muscles moving and on the bright side: