Hey, you wonderful Judeo-Christian church women, will this wake you up? He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat. There are no statistics on this matter, but the examples we have been seen so far lead us to conclude that the Jewish community is, by far, the most suicidal community in the world.

The philosopher Walter Benjamin committed suicide in after crossing the Spanish border. The German dramatist Kurt Tucholsky killed himself in by swallowing sleeping pills, just like his fellow Jew Ludwig Fulda, who killed himself in , etc. They were busy killing themselves long before the war: The Viennese physician and philosopher Ludwig Boltzmann hanged himself in The Austrian philosopher Otto Weininger shot himself in mid- October The eldest son of the Austrian poet Hugo von Hofmannsthal committed suicide at the age of 26 — once again, with a revolver.

The daughter of the grand rabbi Weil threw herself off the Eiffel Tower, etc. At the beginning of the 20th century, Kafka spoke of the pathological oddness and mental imbalance of his fellow Jewish students at the German high school in Prague. His two heroes in Around the Point succumb to despair, one by suicide, the other by going insane.

In , the painter Rothko put an end to his career in abstract art by cutting his veins. The mother of the Israeli writer Amos Oz committed suicide in , at the age of And the writer Elie Wiesel is surrounded by a veritable massacre of suicides on all side. Michel Recanati, a Trotskyite leader in May , committed suicide in The 18 November edition of the Communist newspaper Liberation contained the testimony of a former Maoist — also a Jew — who declared that suicide was a very common cause of death among radical militants in his group in the 70s: Bruno Bettelheim, the child psychiatrist of worldwide fame, committed suicide as well.

Bettelheim specialised in infantile autism in particular, claiming to have treated hundreds of schizophrenics. The international media made a star out of him, admired by millions. In reality, as revealed by the biographical investigations of Paul Roazen in , Bettelheim was a mythomaniac and a faker — like Primo Levi, like Marek Halter, like Elie Wiesel, like Simon Wiesenthal, like Einstein, Freud, and so many others. Bettelheim committed suicide in March , asphyxiating himself with a plastic bag The Mirror of Judaism , At the beginning of this, the third millennium, this hysterical contagion is propagating itself in all homes, threatening all cultures, all religions, all identities.

Nothing seems capable of stopping the advance of this unifying, anti-racist, materialistic and — in the end — destructive frenzy, which represents a deadly threat to all of humanity. Such is the tragedy of every Jew on earth. The tragedy of the Jewish condition is revealed here in its full light… in the reflection of a mirror. Above is an excerpt from: Understanding Jews and Anti Semitism. Kill the best Gentiles-gentiles are non-Jews! Regardless of what you do, you can never satisfy our desires.

We will, therefore, always destroy, because we want our own world. This is not an accident. Six-Pack is a film by Alain Berberian: In Panic Room , by David Fincher, three criminals break into a house. The gang leader is a white man, a very frightening, unpredictable, highly nervous person, who ends up with a bullet in the head. The third, a Negro, is intelligent and humane. None of this is by accident. The film is by Barry Sonnenfeld. In a little village in the southern United States, the whites are all bigoted, racially-prejudiced cowards, narrow-minded, evil, and downright contemptible.

The women are depicted as intimidated, bullied into submission, dreaming only of escape. In the s, Jewish film makers did everything they could to make white people feel guilty. Since his boss refuses to continue the inquiry, the journalist goes into hiding and article is published by a small local newspaper.

American Indians — The Truth. Black-slave-owners in the USA-robert-m-groomshistory. American Indian tribes practiced canibalism. Irish girls were forced to breed with blacks! The First Slaves in America were Irish. Irish Slaves — To Hell or Barbados. Jewish Hatred of Aryan Beauty. Karankawa Indians practiced Canibalism. Moral and Aesthetic Idealism among Whites against Themselves. My-Awakening-David-Duke — on Race. New Facts About Slavery in the South.

Red Man versus White Man-pdf. The Roots of the White Man — part 1. The Roots of the White Man — part 2. The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews. Lessons to Learn About the Future: White Irish Slaves in the Sugar Plantations. White Slavery and Sex Slave Trade. Jewish worldwide cinema is also characterised by an anti-Christian messages. In television or at the cinema, Christians, and Catholics in particular, are most often depicted as bigots, narrow-minded and intolerant, even rapists and murderers.

The Catholic clergy is regularly depicted as a haven for sadists and perverts of all stripes. They set up their general headquarters in a monastery in Lorraine, linked by underground tunnels to the Maginot Line. The film is signed Olivier Dahan. They grease their palms off the peasants who bring them their miserable harvests, while the peasants live in the filth and garbage tossed to them by the monks.

The Catholic Church from top to bottom is just a perversion: Of course, it all ends up in torture and the stake. The film was produced with the collaboration of Jacques Le Goff, an historian of the Marxist school. Let us note that at no time during the entire film is there any question of a rose… The title is obviously intended for initiates in the Kabbala ; in this regard, we note that the author of this tale, Umberto Eco, in , also wrote the preface to a book entitled Messianic Mystics , in which he establishes a parallel between Hebraic messianism and Marxism.

Among Jewish American directors, anti-Christian hatred is expressed in the same manner. In Seven , a Catholic sex pervert has undertaken to commit seven murders symbolizing his hatred of the seven capital sins: In The Shawshank Redemption , the prison warden turns out to be the real villain; at the same time, of course, he is a very pious Christian. We see Jesus make love to her. This film is an adaptation of a novel by Niko Kazantzakis.

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Jewish film directors also appear to derive pleasure, in their films, from disrupting Catholic ceremonies. The ceremony breaks up in an uproar, and the couple quarrel violently in public. The film is directed by Frank Oz. In Shrek , the marriage ceremony is disrupted by a dragon who enters the church by smashing a stained glass window. The film Hair USA, contains a sacrilegious scene set in a church: In actual fact, however, these contortions resemble the ceremonies of Hassidic Jews more than anything else.

Law to Kill American Christians: It is coming systematically, step by step. Bolshevism is not a seminary for young ladies. All children should be present at the executions and rejoice at the death of the enemies of the proletariat. The Dead Poets Society was filmed in The film shows us an elite boarding school in the USA, an old and noble institution intended for the sons of high society. This film, which invites us to reject traditions and norms, was directed by Peter Weir.

This is also the message of a film called School Ties by Robert Mandel His athletic and intellectual talents naturally make him the star of the institution in a few weeks. But to be accepted by his wealthy schoolmates, filled with anti-Semitic prejudice, and gain the love of a young girl from a good family, he is compelled to hide his Jewishness… until one day the truth explodes.

At this moment, we understand that Christians are truly filthy people. A wildcat strike breaks out: The aggressiveness of cosmopolitan Jewish directors against the European world finds expression once again in The Servant The Middle Ages are always depicted in the darkest colours. We are told that the lords were always wicked and cruel: In the 11th century, the local lord notices a young peasant girl while out hunting. She is engaged to be married, and just as they are about to celebrate their nuptials, the lord enforces his jus primae noctis an invention of French republicans in the 19th century.

The film is by Franklin Schaffner. The same contempt for traditional civilization may also be found in amusing cartoons, like Shrek USA, , set, once again. He confronts a dreadful dragon and rescues a beautiful princess. The king is a stubborn, ridiculous nabob which is not in the European tradition at all who wants to marry the princess, too, but Shrek, who has fallen in love with her, saves her from the coerced match in the cathedral in which the marriage is to be celebrated.

Directed by Ted Elliott. Truman is a man who is unaware that he only the unsuspecting star of a TV show. His surroundings are nothing but a set. This hypocritical society is a WASP society in which there are no drugs, no delinquency, no porn. Wherever Jews settle, they set about to undermine, mock, ridicule and attack all local elites so as to replace them. A Donkey in the Brahmin Ghetto India, A donkey sneaks into a village enclave reserved for the superior caste of Brahmins and is adopted as a mascot.

The donkey induces miraculous visions in the priests, and the animal quickly becomes an object of veneration. Judaism, we see, is a dissolving force in all nations in which it is introduced. We intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros ruled over by the Jews.

The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order, the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews.

It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands. Cosmopolitan Propaganda of the Jews. Carpet bombing, or Soviet totalitarianism, is one way. Jewish intellectuals exhibit a certain characteristic inclination towards enormous untruths.

The demographer Gerard Noiriel, the essayist Guy Sorman, the sociologist Edgar Morin Nahoum , the philosopher Alain Finkelkraut and diplomat Stephane Hessel, for example, became famous for these little exercises. To the general public, this unceasing, indefatigable, planetary propaganda is most obvious in film production. He breaks up with his girl friend a goy and meets a Sephardic Jewess, like himself. The French, by contrast, are depicted as much inclined towards race-mixing: The producer also depicts adultery, Marxism, feminism, etc.

In Love Field , Jonathan Kaplan tells the story of a beautiful blonde who leaves her idiot of a husband and falls in love with a Black. Her husband is a Black, likeable, cultured, intelligent. His natural charm and niceness overcome the instinctive and vicious mistrust of her bourgeois white parents. The film, by Stanley Kramer, naturally won ten Oscar nominations. You can go much further back than that if you wish: In , No Way Out told the story of a black intern in a hospital. Today, early in the 21st century, this propaganda is becoming even more extreme. Ich besitze die Auch vor Gericht kann man die Aussage verweigern, wenn man sich dadurch selbst belastet.

Anwalt einschalten — oder man sog. Selbststeller ist — siehe Glossar. Man kann zudem einiges in den Knast mitbringen. So jetzt bei mir in Mannheim; die Knastverwaltung hielt sich nicht daran. Formulare, im Anhang oder am Ende der einzelnen Kapitel, sollen einen Einblick in die Welt der Knastverwaltung vermitteln; es handelt sich durchweg um die aktuellen Formulare meiner Mann-heimer Zeit vom 2. In Mannheim jeweils Volljuristen? Hatte in Mannheim damit auch teilweise Erfolg. Kann man selbst machen; dazu braucht man keinen Anwalt. Lohnt sich immer, auch wenn meistens hauskonform entschieden wird.

Geduld — Diese wieder zu erlernende Tugend wird durchweg auf eine harte Probe gestellt — im Revier war der Sptzenwert an Wartezeit im verrauchten Wartezimmer 3,5 St. Ich werde mich mit einem Anwalt meines Vertrauens beraten und, sofern es mir wesentlich erscheint, dazu schriftlich Stellung nehmen. Schon bei Lumen kann man nicht ins Licht hineinschauen; jetzt sogar 2, Lumen. Plus einige haben ein Stroboskop per Druckknopf. Besser als Wattenbaeuschchen zu werfen. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, at his headquarters in the European theather of operations. He wears the five-star cluster of the newly-created rank of General of the Army.

Wednesday, August 24, Airport Comfort Inn Rexdale Blvd. Frankly, sir, I hold an M. But what do her views on WW II have to do with her playing the violin. She has frequently volunteered for benefits and has been a generous and giving member of the Jasper community for 35 years. Almost any opinion is non-inclusive: Perhaps, actions may be inclusive. Monika will play for ALL passersby. What should her personal or historical opinions, mainstream or otherwise, have to do with her busking. Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, however imperfect, guarantees freedom of speech and belief.

Your actions have blatantly violated hers. People often sneer at our superstitious ancestors and wonder how they could turn on their neighbours and burn some as witches. Look at what is happening in Jasper to a giving, well-liked woman you once called your neighbour. Thank you very much for showing me yesterday exactly where you stand on the issue of my busking permit. Before having finally seen you face-to-face for the first time this summer, I had given you the benefit of the doubt.

I believed that surely someone else is whispering in your ear, giving you direction. I believed that, because I did not recognize the Dave Baker that I have known since many years, in the curt email which you sent on 23rd July , quoted here:. In light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time…. Please see the attached Values and Principles statement. It became much more obvious to me that it must indeed be you who has made the decision to arbitrarily deny me a busking permit.

Your attitude was belligerent and quite frankly, cowardly. You and I have been generous with each other and with the community in the countless endeavours that we have participated in and shared over the years. Is that all forgotten? It seems you have left your humanity behind. You have designated yourself judge, jury, prosecutor, and enforcer all at once, on a spurious assumption that I am guilty of a crime, when in fact I am acting in good conscience to rectify past wrongs. My actions are based on my new understanding that the Hollywood version of history we have been taught is indeed full of factual errors.

You made it perfectly clear that answers are not forthcoming to my two questions which I asked in my email of August 1st quoted here:. These are two very important questions and I expect that you will be forthcoming with an answer to these…. This is a sacred place. When would the answers be coming? Could we set up a meeting please? My first question was about accountability.

Are they also playing the role of thought police? I contend it is you who is being non-inclusive. We know it enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development. It is beginning to look like this pretty little town in a National Park and a World Heritage Site is becoming a leader in the totalitarian anti-free-speech direction that Canada is taking.

If someone were to deny the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, to say that He did not rise bodily from the grave, would you want that person to be punished by the state with a fine or a prison sentence or to be driven from career and community and turned into a pariah? The second question is the same as the first except that instead of denying the Resurrection of Jesus Christ the person in question denies that the Holocaust took place, or questions the veracity of certain elements of the Holocaust narrative, such as the death count of six million.

If your answer to the first question is yes then I would suggest you need to think through your faith. If you are a Christian then you yourself believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead for you cannot be a Christian without believing this. If you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead then you believe that this was an actual event.

The denier, therefore, can only harm himself by his denial, and so the appropriate response on your part, as a Christian, is to testify to your own faith in the Living Christ and to pray that the eyes of the denier would be opened that he might see the light of the Gospel, be converted, and believe. If a yes answer to the first question suggests that the believer is insecure in his own faith, a yes answer to the second question, especially when joined with a no answer to the first, indicates a far more serious problem. It indicates that the Holocaust is of greater importance to you than the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, that the Holocaust is now in the space which the Gospel ought to occupy in the heart of the Christian believer.

These are all things that Canadian Christians ought to keep in mind in hearing or reading the recent news story about one Monika Schaefer and contemplating what they ought to think about the whole affair. Schaefer, the Canadian born daughter of German immigrants who were of the generation that saw the Third Reich, is a violin instructor in Jasper, Alberta who has run, unsuccessfully, as the Green Party candidate in the federal constituency of Yellowhead on several occasions.

As you have probably guessed, certain people are rather upset about this. Schaefer faces more than just being kicked out of her political party, however. That yet another person may find herself the victim of the injustice of being punished for expressing forbidden thoughts at the hands of these Stalinist inquisitions is something which concerns and ought to outrage all Canadians.

The Canadian and provincial Human Rights Commissions are fundamentally un-Canadian institutions if by Canada we mean the Dominion of Canada that fought against Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich alongside the United Kingdom and the other countries in the great British family of nations between and The Dominion of Canada was established in by the Fathers of Confederation on the Loyalist foundation of preserving in the new country they were building, our rich British heritage including our parliamentary monarchy form of government, our Christian religion, our English Common Law, and the basic freedoms and legal rights that developed in the course of over a thousand years of history that included such highlights as the constitution of Alfred the Great of Wessex and the Magna Carta Libertatum.

It was the ideology that drove these states — the ideology of Marxist-Leninism, more commonly known as Communism — to which the Liberal Prime Ministers who governed Canada from to subscribed, secretly in the case of Lester Pearson, more openly in the case of Pierre Trudeau who was responsible for the Canadian Human Rights Act which established these Soviet-style tribunals. This ideology was an enemy of National Socialism, the ideology behind the Third Reich, but the enmity was that of bitter rivalry between virtually identical twin siblings. The only significant difference between the two was that National Socialism, being racist and nationalist, rejected the liberal universalism, internationalism, and cosmopolitanism of Communism.

Otherwise they were revolutionary ideologies that attracted young thugs, hated the old, traditional, order, and established virtually identical party-ruled, police states that governed by fear and required everyone to at least give lip service to the tenets of their ideology. The British family of nations, including the Dominion of Canada, was forced to make a temporary alliance with the Soviet Union in the war against the Third Reich, but the wisest of our leaders, such as Sir Winston Churchill, recognized that the ideology of the USSR was just as bad and dangerous as that of Nazi Germany and it would serve us well in this day to remember that the two ideologies were twins.

Those who think that ideas like those of Monika Schaefer ought to be punished by law maintain that they hold this position to prevent a resurgence of National Socialism. This, however, is clearly nonsense. The first holocaust revisionist was Paul Rassinier, a French Communist and pacifist, who joined the anti-Nazi resistance and was himself imprisoned in Buchenwald and Dora.

Calvinist theologian Rousas J. David Cole, who became a Holocaust revisionist in his youth, going to the site of Auschwitz to investigate after the fall of Communism in Poland, is a fairly mainstream American conservative and certainly no Nazi-sympathizer. Due to the similarity between the ideologies, it is therefore also true to say that those who want to see people like Monika Schaefer silenced, dragged before Human Rights tribunals, and punished for their views, are closer to the spirit of Adolf Hitler than those they seek to persecute. It has been pointed out that the adherents of these totalitarian ideologies often had no problem switching from the one to the other and it is interesting to note that when the Dominion of Canada was fighting Hitler at the side of Great Britain, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the author of the Canadian Human Rights Act who throughout his political career praised Communist tyrants like Mao and Castro, was riding around on his motorcycle, denouncing the war effort, with a German helmut on his head and a big swastika on his back.

Fellow Canadians, if any of the spirit of the old Dominion still lives on in you, I urge you not to remain silent while another Canadian is persecuted for expressing an unpopular point of view. It is those who wish to silence and punish Monika Schaefer, not Schaefer herself, who represent all of the things our country went to war to fight in As for the Holocaust — make up your own minds about it.

If you find the conventional history more convincing, believe it. If you find the revisionists have better arguments, believe them. Any of these options is fine. Finally, Canadian Christians, when you see Holocaust revisionists being persecuted for their views, recognize this for the injustice that it is. This, and not the unevenness of the distribution of wealth, is what real injustice looks like. If you do not want people thrown in jail or otherwise persecuted for denying the Resurrection — and you should not want that — then you ought to be opposed to their being persecuted for denying the Holocaust.

Otherwise, you testify that the Holocaust is more important to you than the Resurrection, raising the question of where your faith truly lies. Not only was I disappointed in your article allowing the printing of the condemnation of Miss Schaefer by Ken Kuzminski and the two Jewsish organizations, I became downright angry. I am an 80 year old now retired in Kelowna but was once the alderman and Mayor of Grande Prairie where I lived and worked as a lawyer for 15 glorious years.

I have been an avid free speech advocate all my life. And there are many deniers out there. I have yet to receive answers. Kuzminski he ought to be ashamed of himself as President of the Jasper Legion to inflame the public against Miss Schaefer for expressing her opinion. Kuzminski knows the first thing about the history of the so-called Jewish holocaust of WW2.

His bigoted opinion against Miss Schaefer deserves the worst condemnation because as the grand pooh-bear of a prestigious organization he should know better. The same goes for every Jewish organization in Canada. Blocking freedom of speech and of the press is nothing short of silencing those of us who believe in the unrestricted right to our freedoms. Monika Schaefer is a gentle violin teacher, a woman of independent mind, a supporter of organic and environmental causes, and a longtime Green Party stalwart and candidate. In , her skeptical nature led her to re-examine the German guilt and German bashing she had experienced.

She came to doubt the new religion of holocaust, a tribal history that has become the secular religion of the cultural Marxists in the west. It is enforced, in many countries, with fines, imprisonment and job loss. In June, Miss Schaefer released a video apologizing to her deceased mother for blaming her generation for having done nothing during the so-called holocaust. Retribution from the apostles of tolerance was swift. CBC News July 15, reported: He says many people have approached him in the town of Jasper in disbelief over what Schaefer has said.

She is simply seeking to correct errors in received opinion. Apparently, the Green Party now has a religious litmus test. While you can deny the divinity of Christ or even the existence of God Himself and be a loyal Greenie in good standing, you cannot question the new religion of holocaust. So much for the edgy, counter-culture freethinkers. A video shot by a local resident denying the Holocaust has been widely condemned by the community and at least one resident has filed a formal complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

The video was subsequently posted on her Facebook page. The six-minute video quickly went viral and garnered more than 30, views at the time of publishing. The Alberta Human Rights Commission neither confirmed nor denied it had received a formal complaint. With that said, she said any complaint involving hate would fall under section three of the Alberta Human Rights Act.

The Jasper RCMP confirmed it was aware of the video, but said no formal investigation has been launched. Schaefer said she stood by her comments in the video during a telephone interview July She confirmed she shot the video in Germany, where it is illegal to deny the Holocaust. Schaefer was slated to perform during Canada Day, but was pulled from the schedule after the Canada Day committee learned a group of residents were going to protest her performance. Denying the Holocaust exposes her as an anti-Semitic ignoramus. It is the most well documented genocide—by both perpetrator and victim—in history.

To deny this fact is to spit in the face of truth. Dieses Wissen verdanken wir dem deutsch-amerikanischen Religionswissenschaftler Prof. Reuben Clarence Lang aus Texas. Lang ist weder der erste noch der einzige Bibelbezweifler. Lang war es vor allem sein Mitstreiter und Vorbild Dr. Ich komme nicht umhin, festzustellen: Seine Entsinnbildlichung und geschichtlich zutreffende Einordnung durch Reuben C. Gott hier David in Vertretung Alexanders ist bei ihr Jerusalem darinnen d. Ich will Ehre einlegen unter den Heiden Feinden. Jerusalem war unter den Jebusiten den Persern tributpflichtig gewesen.

Jesaja, Jeremia, Hesekiel, Daniel u. Sie waren Zeitgenossen Davids und wirkten von bis Mit dem letztgenannten Jahr endet diese Literaturgattung. Wesen und Zweck des Alten Testaments. Es ging also um gruppenegoistische Ziele, die eine Besatzungstruppe unter David absichern sollte. Der Bund, den Jahwe lt. Noch bis vor rund Jahren diente sie selbst Wissenschaftlern als Forschungsgrundlage. Wie eine Erbkrankheit zieht sich dieser Glaube, gepaart mit der Angst, wegen Tabubruchs belangt zu werden oder Gottes Strafe auf sich zu ziehen, durch die Zeiten.

Die Grundlage einer solchen Vorstellungswelt ist eigentlich recht einfach:. Das Geldwesen der Vereinigten Staaten ging am Obama tat am Die Verbindung zwischen Chassidismus und Zionismus war von jeher eng. Victor Thorn on the Holocaust. Thorn Victor — Evil-pdf. More Books by Victorn Thorn on Archive. A trail of deaths-people close to the Clintons. The Clinton Body Count. Volk is the name for the people in a country. Perhaps this it where these titles come from as they are used in England, the U.

But no longer, the women are the bosses now and the men are the wimps. This is the result of Jewish media indoctrination to confuse and weaken our men. A master race without women, hugh? Get your brains fixed! The Jews, as always, are opportunists and take everything they can get a hold off that might serve their evil political purpose and pervert it, and that is in the first place, to serve their hate against the Germans. Often the German haters called out something to the effect: The tallest, most handsome German men, and most beautiful German girls and women, and the blondest among captured soldiers or civilians were often selected out first and tormented to death in the worst imaginable way, cutting off body part after body part and poking out eyes.

Today Hollywood stirs the same hate by presenting the blue-eyed blond Nordic race as evil. What devils these Hollywood Jews are! Nun, wir wissen alle, dem ist es nicht so. Vielleicht wurden sie deshalb Meister oder Herren genannt. Eine Meisterrasse ohne Frauen? Weil sie als die Besten bekannt sind und der Bastardrasse den Juden am meisten im Weg stehen gegen die Bastardrasse die in Europa bei den Juden geplant ist.

Oft riefen die Feinde aus: Dabei sind es in Wahrheit die Unschuldigsten und diese boesen Hollywood Juden die schlimmsten Teufel. Solchen Menschen darf man nicht vergeben. Ich bin kein Christ mehr! Diese Geschichte wurde uns von den Juden gestohlen, bei ihnen sich angeeignet und total verdreht. Sie sind keine Israeliten. Die Juden sind brutale Bestien. Das haben sie gut gelernt. He has utterly destroyed them. He has given them over to the slaughter. Their stench shall rise from their corpses, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood. Der Versuch der Alliierten, Deutschland verhungern zu lassen.

Der Versuch Deutschland Verhungern zu Lassen: Die AfD meinte am 9. Da lacht ein Pferd. Solchen Leuten ist Deutschland ausgeliefert. Vor allem aber darf man von diesen Gebilden nichts erwarten! Die BRD ist eine amerikanische Kolonie und kann gar nicht austreten! Das musste jetzt einmal kurz und deutlich gesagt werden.

Das nimmt nur Kraft und Zeit weg. Hilf dir selbst — sonst hilft dir keiner. Und der deswegen auch nicht das Recht hatte, ihnen einen Eid abzunehmen. Wir brauchen einen europaweiten Volksaufstand. Von solchen Mafiosi kann man sich einfach nur fernhalten. Das ist bitter, aber Weinen hilft nicht: Wer das nicht haben will, dem fehlt der Mut oder der Grips.

Sonst wird das Ganze wiederum zum Schuss in den Ofen oder gar zum Rohrkrepierer. Es ist uns in den letzten Jahrzehnten leider nicht gelungen, eine solche Elite zu formieren. Damit kann jeder anfangen, wo er gerade steht. Weltkriegs entmachtet worden ist. Es gibt einen harten Kern, und der ist jetzt gefordert. Vor allem aber gibt es einen historisch-juristischen Grund, warum ich diese Sache hier vorbringe: Diese 22 Familien bestehen allesamt. Wir unterscheiden nicht zwischen alt und neu, sondern zwischen richtig und falsch.

In crowded lorries — 60 to 70 people in a car, including old people, pregnant women, boys, ill, amputees and other disabled persons — one creates it regardless of age and physical condition among insults and beatings in many many hours lasting trips first in collection and transit camp and from there to the detention center. A former area, which is divided by barbed wire into individual smaller camp, with a long central corridor, which is silted up as the whole camp deep, welcomes the new arrivals. Through this morass they are being chased by ten white and black American soldiers.

If it does not go fast enough, you hit indiscriminately with batons and rifle butts to the people. Wounded German soldiers benefited with blood-soaked dressings and leg amputated be driven with sticks through the mud. Who gets stuck, is beaten until he pelt weiterhum- cumbersome who falls, remains lying and gets under Schimpf- and shameful words as much lashes until he straightens up again and can continue to falter.

EV , , , , , Kirchhain at Hersfeld: In cold, wet soil, poorly clothed, the snow and rain exposed without protection, there are , and year old, the sick and newly amputated soldiers. As latrines narrow trenches to be excavated without seating, which are soon full to the brim, and overcrowded. Since the camp is crowded, some of the prisoners must remain in the immediate vicinity of mines and is located in the mixed with rainwater feces.

So run some of them on the status and cheldraht to be shot by the American positions. Although there are doctors available but no cure and no accommoda- tion options, so that daily enter deaths. The hearings in the GI building in Hersfeld. Young girls are brought in, wearing the clothes his wife sometimes, and be forced under threats to beat him. Then he receives from American soldiers sharp blows in the neck and by the officer a whiplash on the lower abdomen and testicles. After continuing further beatings he must go into the squat, is kicked in the stomach and in the side with all his strength and lose consciousness.

For three weeks he has blood traces in the stool, the urine is almost eight weeks coffee color dark. A medical treatment is denied to him. An officer kicks him repeatedly against the genitals and into the stomach. An officer beat him with a truncheon on the stomach. Here he has to go in the squat, will propose GE of soldiers on the head and arms, about ten times transshipped kicked and punched in the stomach and forced under strokes of the cane over again in the squat.

Its rings are with pieces of skin torn down- he must open his mouth and is under the words: Kicks to the coccyx bone, forcing stomach him to get up again. His wallet takes you 70 to 80 rubber stamps, which he crumpled with the words: An American officer who is beige call by telephone produced by the MP-people, continues the abuse. The defeated who wants to commit suicide out of desperation and sense of honor is injured, rescued only by chance.

Another prisoner intersects the pulse veins. About a comrade, one has also beaten to the ground and moaning in pain, you throw a white cloth, leaving him to himself. In the evening, the SS men with rubber truncheons and again beaten fists. A prisoner who does not again comes up, the Americans put their feet on the neck and upper body.

He takes after life. Then he is whipped with thirty strokes on the bare chest. He is at least eight times beaten to the ground and then further processed with kicks of blows to the stomach, kicks against the sex part and in the buttocks, as well as by blows with a wooden stick. Most recently, he has to be permanent under the kicks with his handkerchief winding-up the blood from the floor rule. In between beats him to his belt on his back to shreds. If he falls to the ground, it is as long kicked until he gets up again, when he holds his hands to protect against stomach or genitals, an American commanding: At his request, to shoot him, he receives the answer: Then he has to slide around on her knees in the Room, lick the blood lying on the floor and wipe clean with a handkerchief.

Here it is perma- nently kicked in the buttocks. Confessions are enforced with of the applied firearm. Prisoners are shorn hair smooth. You will be guided step and beaten and have to do calisthenics to exhaustion, including the wounded. Yard and street, they must clean with his bare hands. These are blows with a rifle butt and if you can not get up again, kicks. A p r i l — M a y 1 9 4 5 Upon arrival the prisoners by American soldiers with sticks are driven down from the trucks and propose Community.

Even old men with luggage will be forced by caning for a run. Once in the camp, he is struck by an American sergeant so long with his fist until he collapses, pulled up by the hair again several times, beaten repeatedly and finally thrown over a barbed wire. He suffered several fractures. Teeth are knocked out, the broken glass of his spectacles stuck him in the jaw, but his companions should not help him.

A piece of farmland, off blocked by barbed wire. Without any protection against wind and weather, suspended on the day the sunburn and freezing at night because most without blankets or have coats, here are some 40 people, including disabled persons, amputees, the sick, the aged and still half children, closely aneinandergepfercht and can put in some places at night only rows closed on the other side more. Due to the overcrowding of the camp, many people need to constantly be in the vicinity of these pits and sleep or even gene life to the just been thrown at holes.

As meals they receive each only a half box fat meat that for a daily about five hours march is received. On this occasion, an American officer knocks down an old man who laboriously drags himself forward and asking you to go faster, unable to meet with the floor, so that he dies from it. Besides the meat, there is water in totally inadequate quantities, which are also obtained only after hours of queuing.

One leg amputee is beaten due to slow walking with a heavy stick over his head. One evening one shoots even into the crowd. German soldiers are beaten with sticks into it formally in the car. Gastric and intestinal diseases that were common even in Helfta, multiply threatening. In rainy weather verwan- the whole camp delt in a mud hole, so that you can not even sit down. A captured German officer is struck by an American soldier several times in the face.

Every time he sink his arms, an American soldier beats him so long over his hands until he pulls up again and again with great effort a hand with the other at the fingertips. Arbitrarily they are beating with batons, rifle butts or even with bayonets to various works that step in the running must be carried out, driven.

All baggage will be taken to the prisoners from the hands respectively. Regardless of old people, the sick, disabled veterans are driven with sticks back to the truck and transported ter together with the other prisoners further. Then the bank will so greatly shaken that the blindfold he remembers, he is beaten and must be stopped together with others many hours. Who falls down from exhaustion, is highly driven by blows again. Later, the prisoners get uppercut, setbacks, so that they fly off with his head against the wall, kicks and punches must climb the trees, being pelted with stones, they have to jump, crawl and jump with outstretched arms, it continued beats are.

Finally, they must position themselves in two rows with their faces to each other and get out of the current soldiers punches in the face. Locks is situated increases, a noose is placed around his neck and often dressed with a wire so that it must stretch every time. The soldiers encoun- ter plus against the chair, stands on the locks so that of this comes to falter. Later the castles one intends sichtigte shooting is merely simulated. Because he fails, it tries the soldier himself, leaving only on the prisoner when he cries out in pain. The submitted declarations relating to the months of August to November th Of the approximately prisoners still in November , many have to sleep on the ground with two thin blankets.

In October, twenty amputees as well as some totally blind persons are in the camp. Many have in November still did not have a coat; they too are without shaving, without a change of clothes and towels without. It is estimated at to calories. About two-thirds of men are undernourished. Anyone found with this is that it will bring potato peels out of the landfill, will propose Community.

In four weeks, twenty pounds. Those who want to rest here, blows or sun gets bour. With data they need to take in the Augustsonnenglut after time to the barracks. For non-observed time there are shocks. See also th Others have to carry heavy 70 presses a to 80 pounds. Whoever collapses, is been mishandled and not get anything to eat. One after another collapses unconscious and is carried into the station infirmary. A sergeant suggests a prisoner for no reason in the face. He then is given the task to put zen blank rusty ashtray.

Because he sits down at work, he is beaten again. The front teeth are knocked out here in the upper jaw, so that three roots must be pulled. Here most of the political prisoners of the American enclave Bremen are housed. In the summer of , the average employee is about men and 50 women. A notice in the room of the German Police employees of the warehouse management states that the prisoners as common criminals should be treated.

The personal property of the new arrivals will be taken and kept largely off. About food brought be taken by the German police. Allen is shorn hair. First impressions are so devastating that happen two suicide attempts man and woman in the persons transported. The cells are the former classrooms of the school. The windows are barred over the summer, the doors are locked with heavy reindeer iron bars. In the cells are in general twelve Drilling beds for 36 residents. Lying on the bed is a punishable offense in the day.

The lower bed during the day may be used for sitting, other seating areas are not present. Reading, writing, card and board games and smoking is prohibited. In September , however, a cigarette is granted per day. Artificial lighting is not available. If a man is at the window, he will be punished or it will sen geschos- him.

The cell may be left only for washing, appeal, food, labor service, compulsory walk and defecation. Each of leaving the cell is done in close order, even when going to the latrine. The hands must be kept on the back GE; Talk is a punishable offense. Washing of the men carried out in great haste in the morning in just 12 to 15 basins the first time in big, dirty vats in the latrine. Towels, toothbrush and tooth powder are delivered only later. For shaving twice a week are only a few devices and old blades and little soap available. The duty is carried out several times a week walk in a quarter-hour circular gear among speech ban in the yard, hands behind his back.

The labor service includes chores and activities, related to the transformation of the school into a prison Wegstem- men unnecessary walls, grating of the window, Arrestzellenbau, tile work, carpentry work, furniture removal, the Baumwurzelro- etc. The men who stood with farm work during the summer in the sun without head cover. Headgear with a shaved head. The food is totally inadequate: This results in severe weight falls 20 kg, 30 kg and over , hunger edema, Schwindelan- cases, debility. It should be noted that the men ner need to work hard.

Woefully is medical care. Sick often get less than healthy meals. Few remedies are Exists. The slightest offense in severe punishments to be. Primarily multi-day arrest punishments are enforced in damp dark cell in the basement on bread and water. A detainee is interrogated before arrangement of punishment by an American and accused him here that he had a razor on his Bettrah- hidden men.

He denies the accusation truthfully, is then struck with his fist and led for two days in the brig. During interrogation of detainees by the CIC often occurs mistreatment particularly to extract confessions and statements are applied. With swollen faces, bloodshot points and missing teeth which often interrogated return back to their capital Meraden. An old man has two weeks in spite of complete exhaustion flatten with a rammer the court because he refused be a required confirmation the exhaust. Then he is released from prison. In September prisoners are in the Int.

There is found that two thirds of men are undernourished such that they get to medical arrangement for weeks additional food. The men are transported gene in polluted Viehwa- in which they have for 21 hours against one another hen closely stereo. The small necessities can be done during this period once, the large at all. It is hence necessary for the racial consciousness of humans of the same race to be raised and the dangers correctly recognized which lead to a mixing, alteration, degeneration and hence annihilation of the races affected….

I do not know how genuine this document is. I could not find the original publication to compare. There are some difficult spots in the document that are confusing. The original SS book contained four chapters. The second chapter covered the life of Adolf Hitler and the history of the National Socialist movement, the third chapter German history, and the fourth chapter the history of the SS.

The subraces are translated as follows: There is a public view of the National Socialist view of race, and the truth as expressed by National Socialist writers themselves. In our view it was too valuable as information for National Socialist scholars and detractors alike for this to be anything but a public domain, freeware document. While this document was written for people of Germanic descent outside Germany, its principles apply to all races who wish to preserve themselves in an increasingly conformist, monochromatic globalist world. In this period of struggle for the future of our folk you will become conscious — through the family and clan and beyond — of the bond that unites us all in an inseparable and sworn community of striving.

Furthermore you know that your life, your essence, all abilities and characteristics stem from your ancestors, and that you must take over the same role for the generations which come after you. You cannot shake it off; rather, you have the obligation and duty to adjust your life and live it accordingly. Consider for once what a tremendous revolutionary change has taken place in the thought and action of our folk in such a short time.

After years of decline new life-courage, life- will and confidence broke through in the German folk on a wide front. National Socialism has pulled up our folk from threatened annihilation not only economically and politically, but also biologically. The answer to the question of how the Fuehrer and his following could achieve such accomplishments is very simple: Adolf Hitler has again made the laws of life of our kind — whose observance is the prerequisite for any further development — the foundation of our thought, action and feeling.

What our ancestors, who were firmly rooted in the soil, instinctually recognized as right through the feeling of their kid, has through the course of history been partially erased and covered over by foreign intellectual and racial influence. The knowledge of the laws of life and awakened consciousness of our kind are today a certain signpost for our entire action. So we want to look at the following described foundations of the laws of life of our world view from the perspective of the great community of the entire folk and make the resultant duties of the individual a principle of our entire life.

What is not of good race in the world is chaff. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf. The great number of life forms shows groups which more or less resemble one another and show common physical characteristics. They have the same nature. This leads to the concept of human races. The individual races can be distinguished by differences which they have in respect to the uniqueness of their hereditary, intellectual-psychological and physical features, tendencies and characteristics.

Each race has certain characteristics and features which are unique to it. Race is hence a group of life forms which distinguishes itself by the common possession of certain hereditary features. It always produces only its own kind. As long as a race remains pure its hereditary essence is passed on unadulterated from one generation to the next. It is hence necessary for the racial consciousness of humans of the same race to be raised and the dangers correctly recognized which lead to a mixing, alteration, degeneration and hence annihilation of the races affected.

The predominant race determines the folkish character and continues its influence in it as a hereditary factor. As in the Germanic peoples, the predominant Nordic race gives the German folk, too, the predisposition of our kind. Each folk represents a visible community to the outside world. The same blood, the same soil, the same language, customs, culture and history are an inseparable bond.

For a population to become a folk, race as well as history and culture are necessary. The generation alive at any one time is only one link in the chain which begins with the earliest ancestors and continues with the following generations into the future. All of them together form the folk community. The existence of the individual is only then purposeful if it is innerly bound with the entirety of the folk. Each folk has its own unique folkish character. The roots of this unique folkish character lie in the racial composition of the folk.

Folk is a community of descent and of fate. As a hereditary community it is large able to create and shape its own environment. The common heredity determines the physical and intellectual-psychological abilities of a race. There are races which can create high cultures and those which can never elevate themselves on their own strength.

There are races with heroic bearing and those without the courage to fight. Cultural accomplishments are exclusively the creation of higher races. The elevation of mankind continues or ceases with the preservation of the purity and of the strength of the culture-bearing races. The racial composition of a folk is unique. Its alteration always has a transformation of its nature and culture as a consequence. Each racial mixing always means a lowering of the worth of the higher race.

Mankind displays strictly separated racial groups. Very roughly expressed, we distinguish between: White, Black and Yellow. Each of these groups in turn contains a number of subraces with certain common features. In this case one speaks of related races. Opposed to these stand the foreign races. To these belong the majority of European folks. Since the racial core of our racially related folks is often very diverse, one must look quantitatively at the racial elements for the foundation of a distinction.

In the Germanic folks Nordic blood predominates in their racial composition. The existign positive racial composition of the German folk rests on the fusion of related races and the large predominant portion of Nordic blood. The main territory of the Nordic race encompasses the area of southern Scandinavia, Jutland, the North and Baltic Seas and reaches into central Germany. Already in the earliest period the Nordic man was a settled farmer. He invented the plow, which other folks later adopted, cultivated crops and breed pets.

The explosive population growth of this Nordic mankind led to a new, necessary acquisition of space and caused wave after wave to stream down into bordering areas: The previous original inhabitants — even if often for only a short time — were imprinted with the mark of Nordic culture. With the decline of the Nordic ruling class they, too, again disappeared.

Even today we feel relationed to these cultures, which have a common racial origin. We are not so presumptuous, however, to believe that all cultures, even in earlier times, can only be credited to the Nordic race. Folks with other racial composition have also created cultures.

In us, however, other feelings are roused if we try to relate to the cultures of Old China, Babylon or the old Indian cultures of the Aztecs in present-day Mexico and the Incas in present-day Peru. It cannot be denied: They are not related to us, but rather, are of foreign race.

A different spirit speaks from them. Never did these foreign cultures reach a commensurate peak with those based on Nordic spirit. The technological development of today has also emerged under the leadership of the Nordic race. This is just as much true, for example, in modern Turkey, the progress of America and the rise in the Far East. Wherever mixed with closely related races the influence of the Nordic race has always proven beneficial and developed abilities which produce the highest cultural achievements.

Despite the often heavy mixture and meshing of races in the various provinces of the Reich we find individual races more pronounced in the various parts of Germany:. There are areas in which a tall stature, narrow face and light colored hair, eyes and skin predominate physical appearance of the NORDIC race. Closely related to Nordic man — perhaps only described as a variation of the same — but larger, wider and more stocky appearing is FALISH man.

In many parts of the Reich we find large people with a short head and a narrow face, large nose, brown eyes and black hair physical appearance of the DINARIC race. Or in individual areas are found small, slender and nimble people with dark eyes and hair color appearance of the ALPINE race. Many people in our folk cannot be absolutely assigned to one or another race. In each folk are found — next to examples who are in appearance racially pure — the individual races in more or less mixed form.

In the German folk the Nordic heritage predominates. Hence the breeding goal of the German folk is also given.

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It is completed in the fulfillment of the laws of life of its predominant race. Furthermore family trees teach us: So the German folk is, in the truest sense of the word, a blood community.

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History on a racial basis has long proven that the Nordic race has a much larger share of extraordinary men than other races. The Nordic race is above all the carrier of the high degree of ability of the German folk. Great deeds in all spheres have made it the leader race of mankind. There is no other human race which has produced so many extraordinary leaders, commands and statesmen. In darking exploit Nordic man conquered large areas, founded states and created cultures. Already around the year Vikings had landed in America.

The opening up of entire continents was led by the Nordic spirit. One of the striking characteristics of the northern race is self-control. Nordic daring is the foundation of the martial accomplishments of Nordic races. Conscientiousness and strength of will, paired with reliability, greatly strengthen the drive for independence. These characteristics, however, reduce his ability to sympathize, and the danger is great that the Nordic man loses himself and expends himself. Nordic man possesses a great love for sport and competition; he stands there where one must dare.

Therefore he is also more frequently found than other men in those professions which are tied to danger. But here, too, is the knowledge: One belongs essentially to the race whose virtues he professes through deed. If one examines the individual countries of Europe according to their racial composition, one initially notices that in almost all states the same races are represented. We also find, however, East Baltic man in the various European countries. The overall racial evaluation of a folk does not come down to that. And there we determine: From the sperm of a beech tree again grows a beech tree.

Negroes breed negroes, Whites always Whites. Later other characteristics appear like industriousness, talent, susceptiveness to certain illnesses. That an inheritance has taken place is ancient knowledge of men. Breeders have always tried to promote the passing on of certain features and characteristics and to prevent animals and plants with undesirable characteristics from breeding. That this was a matter of development according to natural laws, however, has only been recognized and proven during the last few decades. The laws of heredity — like all other laws of life — have the same validity for plant, animal and man.

In the offspring either the characteristics of both parents are again recognizable or a characteristic of the father or mother predominates. Many times a characteristic can be traced through many generations or it skips entire generations to later suddenly again make an appearance. Heredity is hence the passing on of features and characteristics from parents to offspring.

Not only physical characteristics are inherited, but also intellectual and psychological. Man possesses TWO hereditary factors for each characteristic. A mix-breed can resemble a purebred as a result of the possession of predominant hereditary factors in his appearance. The suppressed hereditary factors are not thus eliminated; they simply do not appear in that generation. What appears healthy on the outside can hide the covered over hereditary factors for sickness inside. One does not see on any many what hereditary factors lie in him.

A purely external evaluation can hence never be conclusive. Two different races distinguish themselves through a great number of hereditary factors. By their mixture crossing these hereditary factors are randomly brought together, whereby in the descendants a great diversity resuls in regard to the hereditary makeup. The result of such a mixture is disruption of the continuity of the hereditary structure. The laws of heredity today form the basis of our knowledge of the formation and development of successive generations.

Since normal and sick hereditary factors are passed on equally to the offspring, an enormous importance of the knowledge of hereditary factors and the duty to intervene and work — to restrict and to promote — for the formation of coming generations follows. Certainly education and environment can later develop and promote certain traits and restrain others in that generation only , but the fundamental essence remains unchangeable. Hence the responsibility for the next generation lies with us.

The right choice of mate is not only the prerequisite for the preservation of the species, but also for the continuance of high selectivity.

Dem Leser werden nachfolgend verzeichnete Bücher dringend empfohlen: [*Das war 1925]

It is the foundation of any racial higher development. The selection of a racially highly worthy wife in itself still does not necessarily mean an improvement of the race. That only comes when the right mate selection is followed by the breeding of an above-average number of children. For what would the elimination of bad hereditary factors from the folk help, if simultaneously a reproduction of the good hereditary factors was not preserved and expanded?

If, for example, mate selection was made by a man who did not want any children, then this would mean a deterioration of the race, because elimination of good hereditary factors from the future generation would result. If there were only physical differences between the individual human races, the question of belonging to a race would be rather unimportant.

Therefore the appearance of a man — which is given by the totality of visual features, characteristics and abilities — must be strictly kept apart. Often it is extremely difficult to derive psychological disposition from the appearance of an individual. By heredity, chance may combine a preponderance of the physical traits of one race with the psychological traits of another race. In most cases, however, one will be able to figure the psychological disposition from the physical appearance or at least approximate it correctly. In the course of his life only a portion of them are realized. Environment has a part in the formation of the individual.

Climate, nutrition, living space, position, etc. If a life form lacks the environmental conditions needed for it to flourish, then it is stunted. Its appearance is thus subject to many changes due to the environment, but not the hereditary makeup. Environmental influences are not able to fundamentally alter the hereditary makeup the preservation of Germandom for centuries on foreign-folkish soil is a visible proof of the strength of the blood. Due to lack of possibilities for development the individual person often is sooner or later ruined.

For the preservation and further evolution of a race, the necessary foundations for life must be present or be created. The last fact is of especially fundamental importance. Through physical exercise the muscles of an individual can indeed be significantly strengthened. The son of an athlete, however, does not therefore get stronger muscles than any average child. Likewise, intellectual knowledge is in no way inherited. The son of a scholar has to start at the beginning with the alphabet just like every other child. The same is proven by the mother tongue, which has been practiced for many generations.

Marxists and democrats have — with much fantasy and one-sided over-estimation of the effect of environment — believed that a change of this environment could improve the destiny of entire folks. For them all people are the same. Hence, placed under the same conditions, Whites, Blacks and Yellows must also achieve the same accomplishments in all areas. Racially and ethnically alien people can never become equal even in the same living space and even over long periods of time.

They always remain what they are: The great folkish task hence consists of protecting the genetic mass of the folk from race- mixing, to prevent the spread of genetic defects and to shape the environment so that the best genetic elements of the folk achieve the greatest procreation. The laws of nature run according to an unchangeable, un-influenceable will. They are valid for all life forms. It is therefore necessary to acknowledge these laws, and their observance must be viewed as the prerequisite for the preservation and further development of life.

Failure to observe the laws of nature is followed by decay, deformity and finally, ruin. National Socialism has made the re-establishment of a natural order of life a goal and has given the necessary government recognition to the validity of the laws of nature for man. Animals and plants produce more offspring than is necessary for their survival. Here are a few examples:. A poppy produces about 4, seeds. If all the seeds grew and again reproduced, after five years there would be ,,,, poppy flowers. Already by the sixth year the entire surface of the earth would no longer suffice to hold all of these plants.

A single female cod contains three to four million eggs. After just a few generations of reproduction, the waters of the earth would be stuffed full of cod. Such examples can be expanded upon as much as desired. The enormous fertility which we find in nature again and again receives the necessary curtailment through the destruction of large numbers of individual creatures. The prospects of survival are not equal for all life forms. The birth rate will determine the future of our folk. The number of cribs must be much larger than the number of coffins.

Only then can we offer successful resistance against all arising dangers and turn into deed our right, which is due us on the basis of our leading position in Europe. We have gained knowledge about the development of life on earth largery through sedimentation and fossils. The examinations show again and again: Development means change, growth, reproduction, expansion, etc. Each development requires huge spans of time and knows no standing still. The life of the individual disappears completely in the evolution of the species.

How does nature intervene in events and direct? If we go through the world with open eyes, we see that there is hard struggle everywhere. A struggle for existence or non- existence. The goal is hence a selection upward, the preservation of the best. We only have to correctly recognize the natural events and act accordignly. What our ancestors correctly understood instinctively, being much more strongly bound to nature, must again become our common knowledge. Each folk needs space to live. Again and again throughout history the struggle for living space occurs.

You and the Question of Blood

The growing, healthy folk alone has the moral right to expand its living space and, if necessary, to conquer it. We understand it in a purely biological sense. Artificial, often unnatural selection takes place on a large scale in every culture-folk culture-folk appears to refer here to political states, as opposed to ethnic-cultural states, or folks.

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Do they just want to scare those, who have not got accustomed to thenotion of the Illuminati endgame? Commandment of Baptism just as Imperialistic as Islam! To Depopulate The World. Posted on September 23, by Anders. This entry was posted in english , euromed. September 28, at Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website. The old blog will remain online as it is for future reference.