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Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Isolde's crafts became known to him; with healing ointments and soothing lotions, the wound which tormented him she faithfully nursed. He who with sly cunning called himself "Tantris" Isolde soon recognised as Tristan since in his sword, as he lay there, she perceived a notch into which, as she found with nimble fingers, there fitted exactly a splinter which once, in the head of the Irish knight, had been sent back to mock her.
Then a cry awoke from the depths of my heart! With the gleaming sword I stood before him, ready to averge on him, the presumptuous one, Lord Morold's death. From his bed, he looked up - not at the sword, not at my hand - he gazed into my eyes. Isoldes Kunst ward ihm bekannt; mit Heilsalben und Balsamsaft der Wunde, die ihn plagte, getreulich pflag sie da. Da schrie's mir auf aus tiefstem Grund! Von seinem Lager blickt' er her, - nicht auf das Schwert, nicht auf die Hand, - er sah mir in die Augen.
Seines Elendes tormented me! The sword - I dropped it! The wound that Morold smote, I healed it so that he recovered and returned home Where were my eyes? The guest that once I helped to nurse? With a thousand oaths he swore to me eternal gratitude and loyalty. Hear now how a hero keeps his oath! He whom, as Tantris, I let go unidentified, as Tristan boldly soon returned; on a proud ship, from a lofty deck he demanded the Irish successor as a bride for Cornwall's feeble king, for Mark, his uncle.
If Morold were alive, who would ever have dared to bring such shame upon us? For this vassal prince of the Cornish to suit for the crown of Ireland! Ah, I am lost! Yes, I it was who, in secret, brought the shame upon myself! The avenging sword, instead of wielding it, I impotently let it fall! Now I am in the vassal's bondage! How could I have foreseen that it would cause you such grief? Die Morold schlug, die Wunde, sie heilt' ich, dass er gesunde, und heim nach Hause kehre, - mit dem Blick mich nicht mehr beschwere! Wo hatt' ich die Augen?
Der Gast, den einst ich pflegen half? Er schwur mit tausend Eiden mir ew'gen Dank und Treue! Ich ja war's, die heimlich selbst die Schmach sich schuf. Nun dien ich dem Vasallen! Despairing silence, feeble courage! How differently Tristan paraded what I had kept concealed! She who in silence gave him his life, from the enemy's fury quietly hid him, who silently lent her sanctuary to save him, both her and all that he abandoned! Boasting of victory, glorious and bold, loud and clear he pointed to me: This trim Irish girl I'll bring back to you; knowing well the way, with a wave I was off to Ireland; Isolde - she's yours!
What a splendid bit of adventure! Death for us both! She gradually draws Isolde to the couch Listen to me! Zahmer Mut, verzagtes Schweigen! Wie anders prahlte Tristan aus, was ich verschlossen hielt! Die schweigend ihm das Leben gab, vor Feindes Rache ihn schweigend barg; was stumm ihr Schutz zum Heil ihm schuf, - mit ihr gab er es preis! Wie siegprangend heil und hehr, laut und hell wies er auf mich: Isolde, die ist euer! What Lord Tristan ever owed you, how better could he repay it than with the most splendid of crowns? Thus could he loyally serve his noble uncle.
To you he gave the world's most desirable prize - his own inheritance, nobly and in good faith; he relinquished it at your feet to hail you as Queen! Isolde turns aside And if he secured Mark as a husband for you, why did you scorn the choice? Can you not see its value? Of noble blood and gentle disposition, who can compare with the man in power and glory?
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He whom a bold hero so faithfully serves, who might not share his fortune and live beside him as his wife? How could I bear the torment? She comes close, reassuring and embracing Isolde Where is the man who would not love you? So dient' er treu dem edlen Ohm; dir gab er der Welt begehrlichsten Lohn: Isolde wendet sich ab Und warb er Marke dir zum Gemahl, wie wolltest du die Wahl doch schelten, muss er nicht wert dir gelten?
I would know how to constrain him. The power of love would constrain him secretively and confidentially to Isolde Do you not know our mother's craft? Do you imagine that she, who considers everything, would have sent me away with you without means of help into foregin land? Vengeance for the treachery! Easement for the heart's distress! Fetch me that chest over there! She fetches a small golden chest, opens it and shows its contents In this your mother arranged the powerful magic draughts.
For pain and wounds here is ointment; for evil poisons antidote She draws out a flask The finest draught I keep here. She takes a flash and shows it This is the potion that I need! Lower mast, take in sail! Wretched that I am! Am Untermast die Segel ein! Come along, smartly now! From the mast the festive flag is fluttering merrily towards land; in Mark's royal castle it announces its approach.
He therefore requests Lady Isolde to hurry and to prepare for landing so that he may escort her. If I am to walk at his side to stand before King Mark, it would not be done with due propriety and custom unless I received restitution in advance for guilt still unatoned. Let him then seek my grace. Isolde continues, more forcefully Mark it well and report it true! Fertig nun, hurtig und flink! Nicht woll ich mich bereiten, ans Land ihn zu begleiten; I shall not walk at his side to stand before King Mark; he must first seek forgiveness and forgetting, according to propriety and custom, for unatoned guilt.
Such my grace would grant him! He returns quikly to Tristan. Bid the world farewell for me, bid my mother and father farewell! What are you thinking of?
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Do you intend to flee? Whither am I to follow you? I shall stay here and wait for Tristan. Faithfully carry out my orders, the draught of reconciliation - prepare it quickly; you know, the one I showed you? Pour it out into the golden goblet; it will hold it all. Wohin soll ich dir folgen? Hier bleib ich, Tristan will ich erwarten.
Have pity on me, poor wretch! Do you not know my mother's craft? Do you imagine that she, who considers everything, would have sent me away with you without means of help into a foregin land? For pain and wounds she gave ointment, for evil potions antidote; For sharpest pain, for extreme anguish she gave the death potion. Let Death now thank her.
Der Tod nun sag ihr Dank! Brangaene rises, horrified and confused. Brangaene, almost fainting, moves upstage. Isolde, summoning up all her strength for the crisis, moves slowly and with great dignity towards the couch and, leaning against it, fixes her gaze on the entrance. A debt of blood exists between us! There he stood, glorious, bold and strong; but what he swore I did not swear; I had learned to keep silent. When in my quiet chamber he lay sick, and I stood quietly before him with the sword, my lips were silent, I held my hand - but what once with my hands and lips I praised I swore to keep silent.
Now I will discharge my oath! Blutschuld schwebt zwischen uns. Da stand er herrlich, hehr und heil; doch was er schwur, das schwurt ich nicht: Da in stiller Kammer krank er lag, mit dem Schwerte stumm ich vor ihm stund: Nun will ich des Eides walten. He was betrothed to me, the bold Irish hero. I had blessed his weapons, for me he went into battle. When he fell my honour fell too. With heavy heart I took the oath, swearing that if a man did not atone for his murder, I, the maid, would venture to do so. Sickly and feeble, in my power, why did I not strike you down then? You know well why that was so.
I nursed his wounds so that, restored to strength, he would be slain in vengeance by that man who had won Isolde from him. But now you yourself can speak your lot!
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Since all men have bound themselves to him, who now has to slay Tristan? Do you value so lightly what he owes you, bringing the irish maid to him as his bride? Da er gefallen, fiel meine Ehr': Siech und matt in meiner Macht, warum ich dich da nicht schlug? Das sag dir selbst mit leichtem Fug. Dein Los nun selber magst du dir sagen! Put up your sword! When I wielded it before, when vengeance tore at my breast, when your measuring gaze stole my likeness, to see if I would suit King Mark as a wife, the sword - I let it sink.
Let us now drink reconciliation! She makes a sign to Brangaene. Brangaene shudders, wavers and hesitates. Isolde urges her on with more emphatic gestures. Upper mast, take in sail! Tristan, do I win reconciliation? What have you to say to me? If I grasp what she concealed, I shall conceal what she does not grasp. You are evading me.
Do you refuse to make atonement? Da einst ich's schwang, als mir die Rache im Busen rang: Am Obermast die Segel ein! Was hast du mir zu sagen? Before long we still be standing before King Mark. When you escort me, would it not be good if you were to speak to him thus: A more gentle wife you would never have won. Her betrothed I once slew, his head I sent home to her. The wounds which his arms inflicted she tenderly healed.
My life lay in her power; the gentle maid gave it to me, and her land's shame and disgrace she gave me with it, to be your consort. Gracious thanks for such sweet gifts were awakened in me by a sweet draught of reconciliation. In it was contained her grace which absolved me from all guilt.
Sails and mast to the wind! He seizes the goblet from her Well I know Ireland's queen and the wondrous power of her craft. I used the ointment Wir sind am Ziel: Ihren Angelobten erschlug ich ihr einst, sein Haupt sandt' ich ihr heim; die Wunde, die seine Wehr mir schuf, die hat sie hold geheilt; mein Leben lag in ihrer Macht: Das Steuer dem Strom! Den Winden Segel und Mast! I shall take the goblet that I may be fully cleansed.
And witness too the oath of reconciliation which I take, in gratitude to you. Tristan's honour, utter loyalty! Tristan's misery, keenest defiance! Heart's deceit, wishful dreaming! The only consolation in eternal mourning.
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Beneficent draught of forgetsulness, I drain you unweaveringly! She snatches the goblet Traitor! I drink to you! Then she throws the goblet aside. In the grip of terror, they gaze steadily into each other's eyes in utmost agitation, but unmoving. In their eyes deadly defiance gives way to the glow of love. They are seized with trembling. They clutch convulsively at their hearts and raise their hands to their heads. Then their eyes seek out one another, are cast down again in confusion, and meet again with growing desire ISOLDE her voice trembling Tristan!
They remain in silent embrace In the distance trumpets are heard den sie bot: Ew'ger Trauer einz'ger Trost: Ich trink sie dir! Dann wirft sie die Schale fort. BRANGAENE looking away in confusion and terror, has leaned over the rail, now turns to see the couple clasped in a loving embrace and moves downstage, wringing her hands in despair Ah!
Inescapable eternal misery instead of an early death! The deceiving effects of foolish loyalty now bear their miserable fruit. How all our senses pulsate with bliss!
Longing devotion's burgeoning blossoms, yearning love's blessed glow! My breast bursting with exultant delight! Broken free of the world, won for me! You my only awareness, utmost rapture of love! The curtains are pulled apart, the whole ship is crowded with knights and sailors waving joyfully over the side towards the shore which can be seen close by, with a high, rocky fortress. Tristan and Isolde remain lost in gazing at one another, unaware of what is happening arounf them BRANGAENE to the ladies who, at her command, have come up from below deck Quickly, the mantle here, the royal raiment!
Listen, don't you hear where we are? Hail to King Mark! Long live the King! Wie alle Sinne wonnig erbeben! Jach in der Brust jauchzende Lust! Welten entronnen, du mir gewonnen! Mit reichem Hofgesinde, dort auf Nachen Lord Mark is approaching. Ah, how the journey delights him, winning a bride. What are they calling out? What was that draught? She falls on his breast, unconscious naht Herr Marke. Oh happiness in thrall to deceit! A garden with tall trees in front of Isolde's apartments with steps leading up to it at one side. A clear, pleasant summer's night. At the open door is placed a burning torch.
Brangaene, on the steps to the apartments, looks out after the hunting party as their sounds fade away into the distance. Thay are out of my hearing already. Mir schwand schon fern der Klang. You are misled by the grove's whisperings, laughingly rustling in the wind.
She listens I can hear the horns calling. ISOLDE listening again The calling of horns does not sound so sweet, it is the stream's gently murmuring waves flowing along so gaily. How could I hear that if horns were still calling? In the still of the night it is just stream that laughs with me. He who is waiting for me in the silence of the night, as if horns still sounded nearby, do you want to keep him for me? Because you are so blinded do you imagine that the sight of the world has been dimmed for you too?
When, on board ship, from Tristan's trembling hand the pallid bride, scarcely conscious, was received by King Mark, when everybody bemusedly watched her wavering there, the kingly King, with gentle concern, loudly bewailed the trials of the voyage which you had undergone.
Im Schweigen der Nacht nur lacht mir der Quell. With a threatening gaze full of malevolent guile he sought to find in his expression whatever would serve his purpose. Spitefully listening I have often found him. Of him who secretly sets snares for you both, of Melot, be warned! Oh, how mistaken you are! Is he not Tristan's dearest friend? If my beloved cannot be with me, then he is only in Melot's company. From Tristan to Mark is Melot's path: Those who decided today on this night hunt, so promptly and quickly planned, have a nobler quarry than you imagine as the target of their huntsmen's cunning.
Schuld und Sühne (German Edition) eBook: Fjodr Michailowitsch Dostojewski: theranchhands.com: Kindle Store
Do you now scold this faithful friend? Better than you does he care for me; to him he opens up what you bar to me. Oh, spare me the distress of further delay! Oh, give the signal! Extinguish the light's last glimmer! That it may fall completely, give Night its signal! Ist er nicht Tristans treuester Freund? Muss mein Trauter mich meiden, dann weilt er bei Melot allein. Nun willst du den Treuen schelten? O gib das Zeichen! Dass ganz sie sich neige, winke der Nacht. Schon goss sie ihr Schweigen through the groves and the house, already it fills the heart with ecstatic terror!
Oh, extinguish the light now, extinguish its dread rays! Let my beloved come! How wretched I am! That, unfaithful just once, I betrayed my mistress's will! Had I obeyed, deaf and blind, your work would have been death! But your disgrace, your ignominious distress are my work, and I, the guilty one, must know it! Do you not know the Love Spirit, not know her magic's power? The Queen of boldest courage, Regent of the world's course? Love and Death are subject to her, she weaves them out of bliss and sorrow, transmuting envy into love.
Death's work, upon which I audaciously embarked, the Love Spirit wrested it from my power. She took the girl destined for death under her sway and took her work into her own hands. However she performed it, however she completes it, wherever she may choose for me, wherever she may lead me, I became subject to her. Now let me display my obedience! Lass meinen Liebsten ein! Dass ich untreu einmal nur der Herrin Willen trog! Gehorcht' ich taub und blind, dein Werk war dann der Tod.
Frau Minne kenntest du nicht? Nicht ihres Zaubers Macht? Die Todgeweihte nahm sie in Pfand, fasste das Werk in ihre Hand. The gleaming signal of danger, oh, not now, do not extinguish the torch now! The will of the Love Spirit is - let it be night, that brightly she may shine forth, She hurries to the torch where she shuns your light! She takes the torch from the doorway To the tower with you! This light, were it the light of my life, laughing, I do not hesitate to extinguish it.
She throws the torch to the ground where it gradually dies out Brangaene turns away in dismay to climb an outside stairway to the tower, where she gradually disappears from sight Isolde listens and looks, timidly at first, along an avenue of trees. Moved by a growing desire she approaches the trees and looks more carefully. She waves with a kerchief, a little at first, then, with passionate impatience, more and more quickly A gesture of sudden delight proclaims that she has noticed her beloved in the distance.
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Der Gefahr leuchtendes Licht, nur heute, heut'! You, clasped in my arms?

O heart's rapture, o sweet, most sublime, boldest, loveliest, most blessed joy! Halt ich dich fest? Ist es kein Trug? Away for so long! So near yet how far! Wie fern so lang! So nah wie weit! Drawn-out time's lingering expanse! Oh, this light, how long before it was extinguished!
The sun set, Day ran its course but it would not stifle its spite: For Day, for spiteful Day, the most bitter foe, hatred and grievance! Just as you extinguished the light, would that I could extinguish the light of insolent Day to avenge the pangs of love! Is there any distress, is there any anguish which it does not revive with its beams? O dieses Licht, wie lang verlosch es nicht! Die Sonne sank, der Tag verging, doch seinen Neid erstickt' er nicht: Gibt's eine Not, gibt's eine Pein, die er nicht weckt mit seinem Schein?
Selbst in der Nacht darkling glory my beloved harbours it in her house, letting its threatening beams fall towards me. ISOLDE Is your beloved keeps it in her own house, so did my love once defiantly foster it in his heart, bright and devious: Tristan, he that betrayed me! Was it not Day that made him false when he came to Ireland as a suitor to court me for King Mark, to dedicate loyalty to Death? Which shimmered round about you, to there where she seemed like the sun in highest honour's radiant glow, Isolde withdrew from me! That which so delighted my eye made my heart sink to the depths of the earth: Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.
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