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Pope as the new commander of the Army of Virginia, and planned to merge the Army of the Potomac with the Army of Virginia. This combining of forces would enable a more threatening attack on the Confederate capital at Richmond. With Federal forces at well over 75, men, they fancied better odds against the 55, Confederates opposing them.

This attack also forced Pope to retreat from Rappahannock Station. Thursday, August 28, was the auspicious day the second battle of Bull Run, also known as Second Manassas, began.

Bull Run; Its Strategy and Tactics (Hardcover)

Although General Lee had suggested that Longstreet attack on the 29th, Longstreet refused, preferring to fight on the defensive. August 30 was a morning of quandary, as Pope considered disagreeing intelligence and weighed his options.

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However, the Confederate defenders had enough gun support to rebuff the attack. Lee and Longstreet took control of the situation and responded by launching a huge attack against the Union left.

Catalog Record: Bull Run; its strategy and tactics | Hathi Trust Digital Library

Union forces mounted a stubborn defense on Chinn Ridge which bought time for Pope to shift more troops onto Henry Hill and stop a disaster from happening. They actually take longer to come up with than people might think. Blogger ID not required, but if you choose not to create one please sign your post with your name no promotional information, please.

The Early Morning of War: Bull Run, by Edward Longacre Many First Bull Run campaign histories have been published over the years, among them fine contributions from Rafuse, Davis, Detzer, Johnston, and others, but I think Longacre's expansiveness puts it over the top. Even so, the book still leaves me with some nagging feelings of dissatisfaction that I can't fully articulate.

Hennessy's slim volume has long been the consensus pick for the best tactical treatment of the core features of the FBR battle.


The revised and expanded edition makes an already great book even better. In my mind, not very many turn of the century [can we still say that in and have everyone know what we mean?

Aggressive Tactics at 2nd Bull Run Led to Pope’s Defeat

It's been way too long since I've read it to go into specifics, but I recall being struck by the presence of elements in Johnston's work that distinguished it from the series of campaign overviews published during more recent decades. It's my opinion that Rafuse's Bull Run tour book which includes both First and Second Manassas is the best available for the battle. The This Hallowed Ground series as a whole is my favorite, as well, though output has slowed to a crawl.

  1. The Painted Tent (Smiler Trilogy Book 3).
  2. Lelfe de lune 10 - Linvasion des hommes-rats (French Edition).
  3. Catalog Record: Bull Run; its strategy and tactics | Hathi Trust Digital Library.
  4. Sama Xarit (French Edition).