The University of Chicago Press A collection of articles on: Anne Scott — Cynthia Kosso eds. Walter de Gruyter , The preaching accepted some of the stereotypes but only minimally the apocalyptic view of the heretics as signs of the end or the concept of laesum maiestatis. The general topoi are enriched with particular details, e.
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Anna Aurast — Hans-Werner Goetz eds. Vita e Pensiero , Iogna-Prat, Dominique , Ordonner et exclure: Recenze Heresis 38, ad.. One of the most important points is the attack on the position leaving over the question what heresy is to the papacy or the Roman Church which is the strategy of, e. This means somehow to hope to bring both the substance of sectarian thinking, and its condemnation under the single heading, i. An intriguing article, even if more as a critique than as a positive programme the latter remaining wholly in the shadow of Grundmann.
A very interesting critique of Marxism, social history, and what was to become deconstructionism in the person of J. Moore , and also of the concept of dissent. All those, the author argues, take over the inquisitorial view, which confines religious movements to disobedience and refusal and obviates the question of their substance which is, for the author, a religious one. Lorenzo Paolini, Le piccole volpi: Bononia University Press , A major imperfection is relying heavily on Polish research on medieval heresy and — as far as sources are concerned — on WEH. This reduces dramatically the value of the book, but the disquisition on Polish authors is useful.
Defining Heresy and Inventing the Relationship with the Other: Not available online or in the MU e-resources. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana , Karen Sullivan, Truth and the Heretic: The University of Chicago Press , Paul Waldau — Kimberley Patton eds. Columbia University Press , University of Turku Miscelanea Antonio Perez Goyena , Madrid: Societas Vistulana , Central European University Press , The Dominicans and the Medieval Inquisition , Roma: Istituto Storico Domenicano , Boureau, Alain , Satan the Heretic , trans. Teresa Lavender Fagan, Chicago — London: The University of Chicago Press 2 1.
Walter de Gruyter , around Comments on the theriomorphic representations dragon etc. Not directly about heresy but important in this context. Merlo, Grado Giovanni , Contro gli eretici: Max Niemeyer , Odkaz a anotace Biller. Hahnsche Buchhandlung , Dendermonde Abbey Belgium , cod. This book wants to answer: Medieval heresies and the birth of Luciferianism; German Gnostic Luciferianism in the 13th century; Austria in 14th century — genesis of popular Luciferianism; Luciferianism among Czech and Silesian Waldensians; Brandenburg in 14thth century.
September , Bingen am Rhein , Mainz: Philipp von Zabern , Frankfurter, David , Evil Incarnate: Princeton University Press Christoph Auffarth — Loren T. I am preparing a research project using the literature on Satanic ritual in order to better understand the heretical antiritual. Cautions and Guides for Therapists , Washington: American Psychiatric Press National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect , La Fontaine, Jean S. Richardson Joel Best — David G. The Creation of a Contemporary Legend , Chicago: The Social Construction of Imaginary Deviance.
The Narrative Construction of Reality , Washington: American Psychological Association , University of Pennsylvania Press Peter Biller, The Waldenses, Between a Religious Order and a Church , Aldershot: Bilanci e prospettiva di ricerca , Torino: Narrating Communities between Latin and Vernaculars: Historiographies in Central and Eastern Central Europe 13th — 16th ct.
De Gruyter , Proceedings of the Harlaxton Conference , Donnington , Zanella, Gabriele , Itinerari ereticali: Patari e catari tra Rimini e Verona , Roma: Temi e discussioni , Collectanea 7 , Spoleto: Biller, Peter — Green, J??? Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk Very much based on the best available literature in French, German and Italian.
Introductory considerations; humiliati of Lombardia; beguins in southern France; beghards in upper Rhineland. BJ Instytut Religioznawstwa, book no. Bertuzzi, Roberta , Ecclesiarum forma: Tematiche di ecclesiologia catara e valdese , Roma: Fried, Johannes , Millennium-Studien: Donation of Constantine and Constitutum Constantini: The misinterpretation of a fiction and its original meaning.
With a contribution by Wolfram Brandes: Kraus 2 first ed. Vita e Pensiero , around For groups other than heretics, practices and marks of exclusion, toleration etc. Popes and violence in the high Middle Ages. Introduction; new view of the right to violence and its biblical grounds under Gregory VII; origins of the use of potestas by the reforming papacy — battle for the celibate and against simony; law-making on violence in Gregorian polemical texts; polemics against Henricians; Urban II and violence against non-believers in the first crusade; causa 23 of the Decretum Gratiani ; rhetoric of violence, and violence itself; disobedience and heresy in the 12th to 13th century; summary.
Religione popolare ed eresia , Roma: Jouvence 3 , A collection of articles linked by the idea of militia Christi in anti-heretical endeavours, introduced and made coherent by a long and sophisticated introductory chapter. The idea of an anti-heretical militia Christi starts in southern France in the s where the fight against the heretics progressively took the connotations of a crusade Merlo mentions the idea that it is the heretic who breaks the peace links to the Peace of God movement , and argues that the idea of a holy war is there since the Third Lateran , even if not mentioned explicitly in this text.
Between the s and the s, the idea of militia Christi was an important idea in the fight against heresy This ideal comes from the Scripture, the monastic tradition, hagiographic traditions, and the epic utopia of a crusade against the infidels. The anti-heretical struggle is an internal crusade within Christianity full of biblical allegories. It is a strategy having a violent dimension and violence was considered as necessary but, most importantly, not sufficient According to Merlo, there was no gap between coercion and persuasion, between the militia Christi with and without weapons.
Militia Christi and the anti-heretical crusade; the saints and anti-heretical propaganda; demonization of heretics; anti-herecital sanctity of Anthony of Padua; Frederic II; the role of preaching and mendicants in the eradication of heresy; historical conscience of the presence of heresy Les Belles Lettres Authority and Deviance in Western Europe, , Oxford: Profile unlike the American version, this edition has, according to the catalogue of the BL, the following subtitle: Profile , a shorter one: Faith and Power in Medieval Europe. A book popularizing and, in some ways, modifying or sharpening the conclusions of Formation but not with the same theoretical depth which is perhaps due partly to the intended readership.
The author thanks M. Pegg, who has followed the birth of the book from the beginning, ang R. Weis, knowing better than himself the audience the book addresses p. Bibliography and fuller notes available at http: Peter Biller online ; Ian Forrest mostly appraisal; p. Late medieval polemics and its continuity into early modern era: First, Troyes is incorrect for Troyes verified, exists in the library of Troyes but it is early 20th-c. Second, these are three independent DEA theses, this title is artificial and not bibliographically correct.
See also Goiran, below — her part of the work was finished as a Ph. Defended successfully in A study of a treatise against the Beghards by Henry Havrer correct reading of the ms. Medieval and Renaissance Studies 18, , References to the manuscripts also in the bibliography of this book.
See also under Catharism, Waldensianism, Hussitism not only for treatises against these specific heresies. The author worked in Avignon, and participated in the discussions on Franciscan poverty of which he was an advocate, but a moderate one. This is not a very good edition, according to I. Pointed to by I. Terreni, Guido , Summa de heresibus et earum confutationibus , ed. Jean Roch — Antoine Duprat, D. Summa de heresibus et earum confutationibus , He also wrote a commentary on the Decretum Gratiani and Errores Saracenorum.
Available on Google Books. IRHT digital images, List of dioceses of Christendom. Privileges for the Dominicans inquisitors? Rubric Forma qualiter heretici hereticant hereticos suos without the text itself v; sic; I have a reproduction of this ms.
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Isti sunt errores valdensium?? Disputatio catholici contra hereticos, super articulos fidei et aliis capitulis que inferius subscribuntur fol. Several papal commissions in the matter of inquisition fol. An antiheretical collection containing the acta of the Arras synod fol. Manifestatio heresis catharorum ; fol. Adversus hereticos qui catari vocantur , Adversus hereticos qui passagii nuncupantur and Adversus arnaldistas these three treatises are printed as a part of the Manifestatio by Bonacursus in Migne. Contains among other texts: Raniero Sacconi, Summa de catharis et leonistis 18rv ; Pseudo-David of Augsburg 24vv ; note on the beginnings of Waldensians 31v ; anonymous treatise on the Poor of Lyons; Interrogatio Iohannis 44rr ; Disputatio inter catholicum et paterinum hereticum 46rr ; Bernard Gui on pseudo-apostles; letters of St Dominic; 11 royal letters on the inquisition; Interrogatio Iohannis 44rr; ed.
Ego Zanghinus Ugolini Sene de porta s. A codex written by student in Prague, Jakub of Piotrkow, in , i. Victore De virtute orandi; Augustinus, De dogmatibus fidei et alia opera Augustini. Codex, paper, 15th century, in-quarto, 12 folios. Tractatus optimus De secta Waldensium. Begins with Dum dormirent homines. Part of a greater whole. No explicit given by Wyslocki. Resource of a part of information: B, a bad copy, probably printed from a microfilm ; v. Contains the Tractatulus de errore Leonistarum et Rumbariorum qui duraverunt tempore Silvestri et Ortlibariorum Katharorum et Paterinorum et Manicheorum qui adhuc serpunt in Theutonia incipit: Ad habendas aliqualem notitiam per dogmatis heretice parvitatis expedit , vr.
- Bibliography of Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Christian Heresy, Inquisition, Witchcraft.
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Some more information in my local file rukopisy. Reproduction available at manuscriptorium. Conclusiones Ymberti supra quartum librum Sentenciarum i. Walter de Gruyter Includes De quadam heresi orta in tempore Frederici imperatoris on fol. Digital images available in the Digital Library of Wroclaw University http: Neither description nor reproduction found in the Manuscriptorium unlike some other mss.
See also under Anonymous of Passau. Contains also Sermones dominicales per annum , then Dialogus inter catholicum. The topic is very much linked to other polemics, e. Werner, Thomas , Den Irrtum liquidieren: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht An extensive historical overview of the burning of books in the Middle Ages in different sources textual, visual , with a clear preference for the 15th c.
Interesting insights into this burning as a ritual and performance. Detailed footnotes, bibliography, index. Les Bergers et les Mages , The Century , The Church in a Changing Society: Conflict — Reconciliation or Adjustment? Russian and German summary. Conference on Loca haereticorum Roma, , on heresies from 4th-6th c. Will be published in Studi e materiali end Not really on geography, but some useful ideas. Comes back to the idea of highlands vs.
Tiziana Lazzari — L. Studi per Augusto Vasina , Nuovi studi storici 67 , Roma: Points to the fact that even if known as diligent defenders of orthodoxy by arms, the Capetian kings in the 13th century were sometimes in the position of defenders of heterodoxy p. This relation is exposed to be the reason for some strangely mild formulations on the Amalricians in papal documents. Another case is that of the Albigensians — Philip Augustus was reluctant to fight them p. Similarly, Louis IX tried to limit the extent of excommunications, and refused papal abuses p. The article also searches for a political context of the uprising of the Pastoreaux as a crusading movement p.
Heresy was anti-papal, and therefore frequently coincided with the French royal policy p. Pierre Toubert — Agostino Paravicini Bagliani eds.
Patschovsky, Alexander , Heresy and Politics: Caterina Bruschi — Peter Biller eds. York Medieval Press , Ragg, Sascha , Ketzer und Recht: Studien und Texte 37 , Hannover: Atti dei convegni Ferentino, 23 febbraio e 21 maggio , Casamari: Abbazia di Casamari , Giorgio Picasso, Sacri canones et monastica regula: Hoareau-Dodinau — Pascal Textier eds. Moore, investigating another category of oppressed people, usurers, in the Toulousain. Conflict, Reconciliation, or Adjustment , Uppsala , Jerome Taylor — Lester K. Little, Toronto — Buffalo — London: University of Toronto Press 2 , first ed.
University of Chicago Press Crassons, Kate , The Claims of Poverty: University of Notre Dame Press X Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 3 reprint of the first ed. The second edition Darmstadt 2 is told in the English translation? But the edition says: Steven Rowan, Notre Dame: A groundbreaking work of its time, nowadays widely accepted in its search for a common context of lay heretical and reform movements.
Translation from German of the second, expanded ed. Preface by Robert E. Detailed endnotes , bibliography. Recenze Heresis 31, Katherine Walsh — Diana Wood eds. Subsidia 4 , Oxford: Blackwell , My ; h. Manteuffel, Tadeusz , Narodziny herezji: Deputazione romana di Storia patria 67, , Peretto, Elio , Movimenti spirituali laicali del medioevo: Tra ortodossia ed eresia , Roma: Weinmann, Ute , Mittelalterliche Frauenbewegungen: Kocha a Abels — Harrison.
Werner, Ernst , Pauperes Christi: Dal Medioevo ad oggi , Bologna: Textus prior , Corpus Christianorum: Continuatio Medievalis A , Turnhout: Textus alter , Corpus Christianorum: Continuatio Medievalis B , Turnhout: The article is based on statements by individuals to the inquisitors of Soria and Osma dioceses north-east Castile in the second half of the 15th century.
It presents the sources within a wider contexts of religious life and modern scholarship. Continues with an introduction to the problem of conversos. Cites statements exemplifying irreverence towards the Eucharist and towards other Christian objects and institutions, and argues that not all fall in a converso context. Some of them are generally sceptical, materialistic, anti-Church, humourous, blasphemous mostly during pelota or gambling , etc.
Another type of statements fall under the category of religious universalism positive statements about the Moors and the Jews, or magic Kamen coming to the surface only during persecutions. Refuses the concept of marranism as a specific mixture of Christianity and Judaism Calls for caution while using terms like Judaism, the Church etc. Also concludes from the Soria cases that all humanly available sceptical attitudes were simply used here, and do not result from learning or social status At the end of the day, distinguishing elite vs.
Then presents a brief overview of the history of the word religio with useful references , and defends his original opening statement that doubt is intrinsic to belief including contextual information on Cardinal Newman cited by Sommerville in support of his rejection of this statement. Begins with a deliberation on normative vs. Berman who points to religious doubt of the inquisitors of orthodoxy themselves being at the basis of their unrestful inquiry Accepts the main point made by Edwards, i.
Atheismus und Skeptizismus im Mittelalter , Badenweiler: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Bachmann The medieval notion of infidelitas ; unbelief in pre-Christian Middle Ages; sociology of unbelief I: Footnotes, bibliography, brief index. FF MU classical philology, book no. Golinelli, Paolo , Il Medioevo degli increduli: Miscredenti, beffatori, anticlericali , Milano: A useful overview of unbelief in medieval Europe not only in the later Middle Ages as Arnold , written in a lively, essayistic style.
Cites Goodich, Reynolds, Arnold, and Flanagan see 14 but — most unfortunately — without stating precisely his opinion about them or his progress beyond the current state of research. Endnotes , bg, name index. A number of recent reprints etc. To my knowledge, this is the first book but see Atheism for some old prints to verify to widely include popular movements in the history of pantheism.
Fourteenth and fifteenth century: A Marxist overview of medieval philosophical i. Mengel — Lisa Wolverton eds.
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University of Notre Dame Press , Flanagan, Sabina , Doubt in an Age of Faith: Uncertainty in the Long Twelfth Century , Turnhout: University of California Press , Oxford University Press , This biased view has been seriously questioned by cultural relativism, and dismissed 24; the author demonstrates quite some orientation in anthropological literature.
Some sort of scepticism based on common-sense rationalism exists even in traditional societies But admittedly, cognitive opportunities differ in different societies e. Now, since Romanticism and the Catholic revival, the European Middle Ages is seen as an age of faith This view still survives not only among non-specialists but also among historians, even if hidden under labels such as heresy or popular religion However, medieval European culture was a diversified one Unbelief is understudied and interesting instances are being interpreted away 26; cites e.
Some medievalists still think that peasants will believe what they are told provided that it is told properly. The trap of this assumption, however, is that it follows the normative clerical view Reynolds argues against this assumption, and makes some important observations.
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The fact that medieval people liked miracle stories does not imply that they believed them 30 ; there is no correlation between scepticism and social status 36 ; the idea of unbelief is not anachronistic 36, with arguments. However, not everyone believed equally 32 , and the demand of individual commitment opens the possibility of doubt Doubt or disbelief of medieval people had different grounds than today 35 , but this does not make them less sceptical or unbelieving Even medieval peasants — yes, even women — were able to think 36!
Reynolds stays very careful about presuming growingly modern attitudes, e. The chronology and geography of doubt is more likely linked to the fact that evidence is the best where persecution was active Now, once it is accepted that doubt and unbelief were possible, also impiety, indifference and anticlericalism need reassessment; the implication of scepticism, let alone atheism, is not necessary but why should it be impossible 36?
Potential ignorance of Christianity among the laity before the 12th century does not preclude rejection Reynolds then criticizes G. She admits the well-established character of the Church, including the importance of lay people for its functionning, which would not be possible without real piety, on the sole basis of convention However, even if statistics are of course unthinkable, there is evidence of some people believing less than others, and this is impossible to explain away just by referring to their alleged ignorance, paganism or preference of rural magic Even a single case is enough to falsify the claim that scepticism was foreign to the mind of medieval people , whose cognitive processes need not be seen as more uniform than ours The idea of impossibility of scepticism in medieval Europe is bound to a careless relying on the concept of social mentality Arnold as to an article which stimulated him to write Belief According to Golinelli Points out that medieval Christianity had not only its canon of belief but also its theory of belief and a theory of how to make people believe Evidences deliberate limits set to the instruction of laity by the Church: On the other hand, a layman has to have some instruction for him to avoid superstition and magic The precarious search for such a balance is a source of much tension.
Previously published in Faire croire persee. Schmitt aligns himself with M. Schmitt searches for 1 social frameworks of belief, 2 limits of belief, and 3 modalities of belief. He stresses the feudal and behavioral aspect of fides 79 , the link of belief to the ecclesiastical institution , its active and individual aspect 82 , but also its limits and diversity, unbelief, and rationalization of the religious even in official religion.
Contains statements on the categories fides , credo , veritas , falsitas etc. Concludes that belief is above all a process of believing He starts by analysing the relevant medieval terminology Part I. Schmitt later, Wirth points out feudal aspects of the term fides 14 , and remarks that the concept of belief has changed considerably since the Middle Ages and expresses now more easily a false belief Part II dismantles the medieval concept of fides in its different aspects including 1 the failure according to Wirth of the inquisition, needing a strong state apparatus and diabolizing the enemy too much to be able to deal with superstition, lay religion, and finally with the fragmentation of Christianity , and 2 the nominalistic crisis confining belief to the supernatural world but, at the same time, liberating it from the constraints of reason These factors had considerable impact on the meaning of relevant words: Part III 34 sqq.
Medieval concepts become widely ridiculed, the relation of fides was being discussed, and fides lost its epistemological specificity 38 sqq. Part IV 42 sqq. However, this vocabulary is not innocent; it is a dominant, colonial one this word is not used by Wirth: Acknowledging that the studied populations are in competent posession of their own rationality is a real epistemological challenge for critical historiography, and a sort of experimental, scientific part of historiography, which is to be cultivated Introduced by a quick look at two turns in historiography, the cultural turn the discovery of anthropology in medieval studies, leading to bracketing faith and the rhetorical turn for which religious sources are suspicious, serving particular needs; 1.
After these deliberations and a typology with criticism of rhetorical strategies of 20th-century scholars treating miracles, the author turns to the Veynean question whether medieval people believed in their miracles, and in what sense. He stresses that miracles were constantly subject to doubt 6 , and shows how the asymmetrical idea of medieval credulity was introduced in the history of scholarship Explaining belief certainly cartoons the Middle Ages, but so does bracketing belief: Moreover, the jink from beliefs towards institutions avoids some questions yes, from the functionalist point of view Margery Kempe claimed visions in order to attain authority she would never could attain officially as a woman, but this only bypasses the question whether she did believe her visions and in what sense.
Then the author turns to the category of fides mostly in Aquinas. He holds that it is impossible to explain belief from outside, but also that medieval belief already incorporates naturalizing and demystifying accounts of belief one might use as models, which can be demonstrated on miracle stories Doubting miracles begins almost simultaneously with believing in them Cuming — Derek Baker eds. Article is based mostly on mendicant sermons by six friars There is strong evidence for piety — good thinkers, popes, lay saints But the author searches for evidence of unbelief.
Surely, not all sinners were non-believers, but some were, as references to their unbelief in sermons demonstrate Concludes that the faithful struggled with doubt, the faithless could vaunt scepticism Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture n.
Gives a summary of the relevant depositions. According to the author, some of those can be characterized as skeptical, rationalistic, or materialistic p. Unorthodox opinions may have arisen spontaneously from cogitations of men and women searching for explanations of experience p.
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This article influenced heavily J. Also some influence on J. Albert or just similar ideas produced within a similar framework?

In Marxist scholarship partly even beyond , pantheism is thought to be a stage at the evolution towards atheistic materialism. A Case of Juristic Pantheism? La filosofia della natura nel Medioevo: Congresso internazionale di filosofia medioevale , Milano , Ideas and Realities , Leiden — Boston: Starts with pointing out the tension between tradition and innovation for criticism of these as opposites, ask Milan Fujda , and shows how medieval heretics were being linked to Protestants by Catholic polemic who were first to make the link same as Bedouelle ; this strategy failed and was even taken over by Protestants themselves and turned against Catholics Flee me I follow you, follow me I flee: The methodHow do you understand the behavior of a person who tends to run away when you get closer and vice versa?
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