Middle Pliocene hydrocarbon gases and their geochemical characteristics using the example of the Kura Lowland. Structural, lithological and fluid systems may be considered in the composition of the Kura-South-Caspian Depression. On the basis of these data it is concluded that the depression is favorable in its tectonic and lithological conditions for oil and gas accumulation in Mesozoic -Cenozoic deposits. Regularities in distribution and prospects for finding oil pools in Mesozoic sediments of Muradkhanly field of the Kura intermontane downwarp.
Opyt primeneniya tsifrovoy zapisi pri pryamykh poiska zalezhey nefti i gaza seysmorazvedkoy MPV. The use of digital recording at the direct location of oil and gas by refraction survey exploration. Rezul'taty issledovaniya vzaimosvyazi skvazhin pri vytesnenii nefti nagnetayemoy vodoy na mestorozhdeniyakh Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny metodami geofizicheskogo kontrolya razrabotki. Results from interlinked wells in the presence of water displacing oil in deposits of the Nizhnekurinsk Basin from geophysical studies of exploitation controls.
Raspredeleniye nekotorykh malykh khimicheskikh elementov v eotsenovykh otlozheniyakh srednekurinskoy vpadiny i ikh paleogeograficheskoye znacheniye. The distribution of some micro-chemical elements in the Eocene deposits of the middle Kura Depression and their paleogeographic significance. Correlation and differentiation of the Maikop deposition of the middle Kura Basin. Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of the Tarsdallyar Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits.
Nekotoryye morfometricheskiye osobennosti Nizhnearaksinskogo progiba i smezhnykh predgoriy. Morphostructural peculiarities of Alpine mountain structures of the Lesser Caucasus. Osobennosti stroyeniya rel'yefa poverkhnosti Priaraksinskoy predgorney ravniny i smezhykh gor. Paleogeomorphology of Kura Lowland in lower Pliocene; age of productive series.
Rol' vyvetrivaniya v formirovanii inzhenerno-geologicheskikh svoystv terrigenno-mergelistykh porod verkhnego eotsena. The role of weathering in the formation of engineering geological properties of upper Eocene terrigenous marl rocks. Retrospektivnyy analiz otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti Nizhnekuinskoy vpadiny s primeneniyem metoda trend-analiza.
Retrospective analysis of some oil and gas possibilities of the Kura Lowland with the application of trend analysis methods. Pore pressures at great depths m and more and their variation from the Kura Depression to the West Turkmen Depression. Obosnovaniye mnogomernykh petrofizicheskikh svyazey dlya opredeleniya poristosti i glinistosti porod po dannym promyslovoy geofiziki. Substantiation of multivariate petrophysical connections for rock porosity and clayeyness determination according to field geophysical data. Volcanic series in the cross section drilled by the Saatlin extra-deep borehole.
Paleotectonicheskiye i paleogeograficheskiye usloviya razvitiya territorii Azerbaydzhana v pozdnem eotsene. Paleotectonic and paleogeographic conditions of the development of Azerbaidzhan in the upper Eocene. International Association of Sedimentologists, 8th regional meeting of sedimentology. International Association of Sedimentologists. Neftegazo-produtsiruyushchiye svoystva glubokopogruzhennykh gorizontov Prikurinskoy vpadiny. Petroleum generating properties in deep-sinking horizons of the Prekurian Depression. The Sakharetbi Anticline; a promising site for oil and gas prospecting in Kakheti.
O tektonicheski ekranirovannykh zalezhakh nefti i gaza Nizhnekurinskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti. Tectonic shielding of oil and gas deposits in the Lower Kura oil and gas area. Evolution of Meso-Cenozoic stress field and the formation of buried hill hydrocarbon pools in Bohai Bay basin. Explorations of non-structural deposits of oil and gas in the Kura intermontane basin. Composition, structure of ferromagnetics and properties of natural remanent magnetization of deep crustal rocks from the central Kurin Depression.
O preobrazovanii magnetita v protsesse nizkotemperaturnogo izmeneniya vulkanicheskikh porod. O nekotorykh zakonomernostyakh izmeneniya mikroelementov podzemnykh vod neftegazovykh mestorozhdeniy Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny. Characteristic relationship of microelements in ground water of oil and gas deposits in the lower Kura Lowland. K voprosu o glubinnom stroyenii i perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti yugo-vostochnogo Azerbaydzhana. Glavnyye cherty rel'yefa i zakonomernosti formirovaniya rechnykh dolin i vnutrigornykh kotlovin yugo-vostochnoy chasti Malogo Kavkaza.
The principal relief features and formation mechanisms for river valleys and intermontane basins in the southeastern part of the Lesser Caucasus. Kartografo-statisticheskiy analiz geograficheskogo sosedstva prirodnykh kompleksov na primere Bol'shogo Kavkaza i levoberezhnoy chasti Kura-Araksinskoy nizmennosti Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Cartographic-statistical analysis of the geographic vicinity of natural complexes; for example, the Greater Caucasus and the left-bank area of the Kura-Araks Lowland in Azerbaidzhan.
Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya i perspektivy poiskov i razvedki zalezhey nefti v mezozoyskikh otlozheniyakh mestorozhdeniya Muradkhanly Kurinskogo mezhgornogo progiba. Distribution mechanisms and prospects for exploration of oil deposits in the Mesozoic strata of the Muradkhanly Deposit in the Kura intermontane depression. Use of space imagery for the examination of the subsurface structure of Northwest Azerbaijan. Osnovnyye napravleniya dal'neyshikh poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz v mezhdurech'ye Kury i Iori. Perepektivy vyyavleniya neftegazovykh zalezhey v paleogen-miotsenovykh otlozheniyakh glubokopogruzhennykh zon YuV Kavkaza.
Prospects for the development of oil and gas deposits in the Paleogene-Miocene strata of the deeply buried zones of the southeastern Caucasus. New data on the structure of the Kura Basin and the southeasterly plunge of the Greater Caucasus. Regional'nyye issledovaniya sovremennoy geodinamiki morfostruktur Vostochnogo Zakavkaz'ya. Regional research on Recent geodynamics of morphostructures of the eastern Caucasus. Structural characteristics of the Earth's crust along a profile of the Araks-Agstev-Kura rivers. Study of hydrochemical regime and its long-term variations in the case of some rivers in USSR.
Geologicheskiye usloviya formirovaniya nestrukturnykh lovushek v paleogenmiotsenovykh otlozheniyakh mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori. Geological condition for the formation of non-structural traps in Paleogene-Miocene deposits of the Kura and Iori interfluve. Hydrogeological problems of optimization of fresh ground water use in Azerbaidzhan SSR--Gidrogeologicheskiye problemy optimizatsii ispol'zovaniya presnykh podzemnykh vod Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR.
Session - International Geological Congress. IX, Part 2, Pages Rol' metabolizma aminokislot v sul'fatredutsiruyushchem protsesse v donnykh morskikh osadkakh. Metabolic role of amino acids during reduction processes of sulfates in deep marine sediments. Porovyye davleniya na bol'shikh glubinakh 5, m i boleye i osobennosti ikh izmeneniya v napravlenii ot Kurinskoy vpadiny k Zapadno-Turkmenskoy depressii.
Pore pressure at great depths 5, meters and more and features of their directional variations from the Kura Basin to the western Turkmenia Depression. Geotektonicheskiye predposylki dal'neyshego napravleniya neftepoiskovykh rabot v mezhdurech'ye Kury i Iori Zapadnyy Azerbajdzhan. Geotectonic context in the ulterior orientation of oil prospection in areas between Korira and Iori, West Azerbaidzhan. A system of density gamma-gamma logging for coal boreholes on the basis of the KURA-3 apparatus.
Izdatel'stvo Nedra Leningradskoye Otdeleniye. Zony neftegazonakopleniya treshchinnykh i treshchinovato-porovykh kollektorov mezokaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Kurinskoy vpadiny. Litologicheskaya kharakteristika razrezov melovykh i paleogenovykh otlozheniy Srednekurinskoy vpadiny. Lithologic characteristics of Cretaceous and Paleogene formations of the depression of the central Kura. The reefal margin of the South Caspian Basin and its petroleum prospects southwestern Turkmenia. By analogy with the extremely rich Mexican petroliferous barrier-reef La Reforma trend, and on the basis of a paleogeomorphic analysis of geologic-geophysical data, the reefal edge of the South Caspian Basin of Neocomian age has been recognized in southwestern Turkmenia; this is promising with respect to oil and gas exploration in combined structural-reefal traps.
The extent of the reefal scarp is about km in the terrestrial part, with an amplitude of up to m, the width of the crest is about 5 km, and the depth of occurrence is m. In its sublatitudinal part, the reef coincides with the Near-Balkhan zone of structures, productive in the Pliocene sequence. In its submeridional part, it corresponds to the so-called Shordzha-Gekcha Fault and has been built over by a Cretaceous diapiric clay swell. The paleogeomorphic plan in the South Caspian petroliferous basin, apart from southwestern Turkmenia, suggests the distribution of the marginal barrier-reef scarp beyond the water area of the Caspian Sea and the Kura Basin.
Metodika i rezul'taty kompleksnogo analiza i obrabotki dannykh seysmorazvedki MOGT s ispol'zovaniyem apriornoy gravimagnitnoy informatsii pri izuchenii struktury mezozoyskikh otlozheniy Srednekurinskoy vpadiny. Methods and results of analyzing and processing data from a common-depth-point survey using a priori gravimagnetic information in a study of the structure of Mesozoic deposits of the Middle Kura River basin. Nekotoryye voprosy pozdneal'piyskoy geodinamiki Yugo-Vostochnogo Kavkaza, Talysha i Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny.
Evolution of the Earth's crust in the Kura Basin and its relationship to the problem of Paleotethys. Nekotoryye geologo-gidrokhimicheskiye kriterii otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti mezokaynozoyskikh otlozheniy mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori. Some geologic-hydrochemical criteria for determining the petroleum- and gas-bearing capacity of Meso-Cenozoic deposits of the Kura-Iora Interfluve. An examination of the geotechnical, hydrogeologic, and geothermal characteristics of Meso-Cenozoic terrains separating the Kura and Iora rivers in order to shed light on new geologic-geophysical data.
A study of the developmental rhythms of deformations produced by vertical movements caused by endogenous forces resulting in the genesis of deep-seated structures making plausible favorable conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation. Razreshayushchaya sposobnost' po moshchnosti plastov dvukhzondovoy apparatury plotnostnogo gamma-gamma-karotazha ugol'nykh skvazhin "Kura-3". The resolving capacity of a dual-sonde instrument according to horizon thickness in gamma-gamma logging in the "Kura-3" coal well.
Predicting the importance of geopressure on the results of geophysical reservoir-rock investigations. Nekotoryye osobennosti geologicheskogo stroyeniya i neftegazonakopleniya Dzheyrankechmessko-Kurinskogo Bakinskogo Arkhipelaga. Geologic structures and oil and gas accumulation in Dzheyrankechm-Kura Archipelago, Baku. Neftegazonosnyye svity paleogen-miotsenovykh otlozheniy oblasti mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori.
Oil and gas exploration in western Azerbaidzhan; transactions of the Geological Institute. Analiz geofizicheskikh rabot, provedennykh v mezhdurech'ye Kury i Iori v svyazi s neftegazonosnost'yu etoy oblasti. Geophysical studies in the Kura-Iori Interfluve; application to oil and gas exploration. Analiz materialov bureniya v mezhdurech'ye Kury i Iori v svyazi s neftegazonosnost'yu regiona. Analysis of drilling data from the Kura-Iori Interfluve; application to oil and gas exploration.
Geokhimicheskiye kriterii otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti paleogen-miotsenovykh otlozheniy Zapadnogo Azerbaydzhana. Geochemical criteria for estimating oil and gas content of Paleogene-Miocene rocks in western Azerbaidzhan. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti paleogen-miotsenovykh otlozheniy Zapadnogo Azerbaydzhana i napravleniye dal'neyshikh poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot. Oil and gas content of Paleogene-Miocene rocks in western Azerbaidzhan; further exploration. Nekotoryye osobennosti metodiki seysmorazvedki v mezhdurech'ye Kury i Iori Zapadnyy Azerbaydzhan.
Some particularities of the seismic prospection method in the confluence of Kura-Iora, western Azerbaidzhan. Primeneniye metoda lineynogo trenda dlya otsenki i prognoza izmeneniya godovogo stoka pod vliyaniyem orosheniya trenda dlya otsenki i prognoza izmeneniya godovogo stoka pod vliyaniem orosheniya. Utilization of linear trend analysis for the evaluation and prediction of variations of annual discharge due to irrigation. Zakonomernosti izmeneniya elektricheskikh parametrov porod po geologicheskim razrezam Srednekurinskoy vpadiny.
Characteristics of the electrical parameter variations in rocks from geologic sections of the Middle Kura Depression. The geochemical characteristics of mud volcano gases of the Kura-Alazani Interfluve. Stroyenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti paleogen-melovykh otlozheniy zapada Dzheyranchel'skogo rayona. The structure and petroleum- and gas-potential of Paleogene-Cretaceous formations of the western part of the Dzheyranchel'sk Zone. Geologicheskaya effektivnost' gravirazvedki v komplekse s magnito-seysmorazvedkoy pri izucheni tektoniki mezozoyskikh otlozheniy Srednekurinskoy vpadiny.
The geologic results of gravity surveys in conjunction with magnetic and seismic surveys in a study of the tectonics of Mesozoic formations of the central Kura Depression. Osobennosti tektoniki eotsen-verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy severo-zapadnoy chasti mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori po noveyshim seysmicheskim dannym. Characteristics of the tectonics of Eocene-Upper Cretaceous formations of the northwestern Kura-Iori Interfluve from recent seismic data. O tektonike paleogen-mezozoyskikh otlozheniy Molladagskogo rayona v mezhdurech'ye Kury i Iori.
The author examines seismic data and elaborates a new concept on the tectonics of the Eocene-Mesozoic formations of the Molladagh region. In his opinion, these formations constitute a structural stage independent of the other formations. Recommendations for proceeding to drill in this structure. O neftegazonosnosti paleogen-miotsenovykh otlozhennyy v nizhnekurinskoy depressii i ratsional'nyye puti poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot.
Paleogene-Miocene petroleum- and gas-bearing deposits in the Lower Kura Depression and a rational means of exploration. Vliyaniye termodinamicheskogo sostoyaniya razlichnykh sloyev zemnoy kory na lokal'nyye i regional'nyye anomalii sily tyazhesti v Kurinoskoy depressii. Effect of the thermodynamic condition of different layers in the Earth's crust on local and regional anomalies in the force of gravity in the Kura Depression.
Teoriya i metodika interpretatsii gravimagnitnykh poley; doklady Vsesoyuznogo seminara. Theory and methods for interpretation of gravimagnetic fields; papers for the All-Union seminar. The geomorphologic characteristics and evolution of the watershed of Upper Kur, northeastern Turkey. Distribution of alkaline-earth carbonates in soils of an arid constructional plain, Transcaucasus.
Litologicheskiye osobennosti verkhnemelovykh i paleogen-miotsenovykh otlozheniy Kura-Iorskogo mezhdurech'ya v svyazi s perspektivami neftegazonosnosti. Lithological features of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene-Miocene deposits of the Kura-Iorskiy Interfluve as related to petroleum and gas prospects. Stages and zones of manifestation of Alpine tectonic movements in Azerbaidzhan. Role of neotectonic movements in formation of oil and gas pools on the Pri-Iori High of Gare-Kakhetia. The construction of a velocity model of the crust using the Kurinian Depression as an example.
Osnovnyye osobennosti izmeneniya sostava podzemnykh vod srednepliotsenovogo kompleksa Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny. Variations in the alkalic composition of ground water from middle Pliocene complexes of the lower Kura Lowland. Novyye nakhodki pozvonochnoy fauny v prikurinskoy zone Zapadnogo Azerbaydzhana i ikh paleogeograficheskoye znacheniye. New finds of vertebrate fauna in the zone along the Kura River in western Azerbaidzhan and their paleogeographical significance.
Prospects of the multipurpose use of resources of fresh subsurface waters of the plains of the Kura Basin within the Azerbaidzhan SSR. Paleotektonika Kurinskoy vpadiny i zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya zon neftegazonakopleniya. Paleotectonics of the Kura Lowland and distribution mechanisms for zones of oil and gas accumulation. The principal distinctive features of the hydrodynamic regime of intensive earth crust downwarping areas. Hydrogeology of great sedimentary basins; conference of Budapest--Hydrogeologie des grands bassins sedimentaires; conference de Budapest.
Association Internationale des Hydrogeologues; Committee of U. Members of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Strukturnyye sootnosheniya mezozoyskogo i kaynozoyskogo kompleksov tsentral'noy chasti Kurinskoy vpadiny i Shemakha-Kobystanskoy oblasti. Loss of sodium and potassium with fluvial run-off in marine basins of the USSR. Stratigraphy and correlation of Quaternary marine deposits in the Kura Lowland. Rezultaty issledovaniya kondensatsii vodyanykh parov v usloviyakh Kura-Araksinskoy nizmennosti.
Results of the investigation of the condensation of water vapors under the conditions prevailing in the Kura-Araks Lowland. Geotectonical criteria for oil and gas presence in Cretaceous deposits of Kura Basin. Razmeshcheniye porod-kollektorov v verkhnemelovom vulkanogenno-osadochnom komplekse Srednekurinskoy depressii. Distribution of reservoir rocks in Cretaceous volcanic-sedimentary deposits in Middle-Kura Depression. Priroda anomal'no vysokikh plastovykh davleniy v razrezakh mestorozhdeniy Kyurovdar i Karabagly Prikurinskoy nizmennosti.
Nature of abnormally high formation pressures at Kurovdag and Karabagly fields in the Pre-Kura Lowland. Teplofizicheskiye svoystva spekshikhsya tufov rayona Vardziya, Yuzhnaya Gruziya verkhovyye reki Kury i ushchel'ye reki Paravani. Thermal and other physical properties of sintered tuffs in the Vardziya area, the upper reaches of the Kura River and the gorge of the Parani River, southern Georgia. Thermophysical properties of sintered tuff in the area near Vardziya, southern Georgia, along the upper reaches of the Kura River and in the gorge of the Paravani River.
Glubina i usloviya zaleganiya mezozoyskikh otlozheniy v vostochnoy chasti Kurinskoy vpadiny. The depth and environment of Mesozoic beds in the eastern part of the Kura Basin. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti smezhnykh uchastkov mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori, Adzhinoura i Vostochnoy Gruzii. Prospects for oil and gas occurrence in the areas adjacent to the Kura-Iori Interfluve, Adzhinour and eastern Georgia.
Promyshlennyye i nepromyshlennyye skopleniya uglevodorodov v razreze pliotsenovykh otlozheniy Prikurinskoy nizmennosti po dannym gazovogo karotazha. Deposits and occurrences of hydrocarbons in Pliocene sediments of the Kura Lowland, based on gas-logging data.
Nekotoryye rezul'taty statsionarnykh issledovaniy ovrazhnoy erozii i smyva pochv v Kurskoy oblasti. Some results of stationary observations of gullying and washing out of soils in the Kura Province. Otsenka perspektiv gazonosnosti paleogen-miotsenovykh otlozheniy mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori. Evaluation of prospects for gas in Paleogene-Miocene deposits of the Kura and Ior interfluve.
Pochvoobrazovatel'nyy protsess v oazisnykh pochvakh podgornoy ravniny Kura-Araksinskoy nizmennosti. Soil-forming process in the oasis soils of the submontane plain in the Kura-Arax Lowland. Genezis, klassifikatsiya i geografiya pochv--Genesis, classification and geography of soils. Congress of the International Society of Soil Science. Istoriya geologicheskogo razvitiya nizhnekurinskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti v srednem i pozdnem antropogene. The history of geological development of lower Kura oil-and gas-bearing area in middle and upper Anthropogene.
O razvitii kolebatel'nykh dvizheniy v pliotsen-postpliotsenovuyu epokhu v predelakh Nizhnekurinskoy depressii Azerbaydzhanskaya SSR. Effects of vertical tectonics on Pliocene and post-Pliocene rocks in the lower Kura Depression in Azerbaidzhan. Osobennosti litologii i rasprostraneniya analogov gorizontov V i VII karadaga i svit nizhnego otdela produktivnoy tolshchi zapadnogo Apsherona v Kurinskoy Depressii.
Characteristic lithology and distribution of analogs of horizons V and VII of the Karadag Formation, and the members of lower productive strata of the western Apsheron Peninsula in the Kura Depression. Lithologic structure of sandstone members, possible petroleum reserves, interpretation and exploration, Azerbaidzhan, USSR. Seysmicheskiye issledovaniya zemnoy kory yugo-vostochnogo pogruzheniya Bol'shogo Kavkaza i prilegayushchikh depressiy.
Seismic studies of the Earth's crust in the southeastern buried extension of the Greater Caucasus and adjacent depressions. Some data concerning bionomics of the Akchagylian sea on the southern margin of the Kura Depression. Vliyaniye glubiny zaleganiya na uglevodorodnyy sostav gaza na primere Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny. Influence of the depth of a gas deposit on its hydrocarbon composition, with the Lower Kura Depression as an example.
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Struktura verkhnepliotsen-antropogenovykh otlozheniy skladki Kyurovdag-Nizhnekurinsk oy vpadiny. Structure-contour maps of lower Apsheronian, middle Apsheronian and Bakunian formations, Azerbaidzhan. Izmeneniye uglevodorodnogo sostava poputnykh gazov produktivnoy tolshchi po ploshchadyam Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny. Change of the hydrocarbon composition of gases associated with the oil-bearing formation of the Lower Kura Basin. English translation of Russian article, for original paper see Pochvovedeniye Soil Sci. Ancient oceanic crust and upper mantle at the present-day continental surface.
The main trends of hydrogeological studies in artificial recharge of ground water resources based on the practice of the USSR. International symposium on Development of ground water resources; Vol. Stratigraficheskoye raschleneniye strednemiotsenovykh otlozheniy Sredne-Kurinskoy vpadiny po palinologicheskim dannym.
Stratigraphic subdivision of middle Miocene deposits of the middle Kura Depression based on the palynological data. Geologicheskoye razvitiye basseyna r. Kury Zapadnogo Azerbaydzhana za mezokaynozoyskoye vremya. O nachal'nom rubezhe i kharaktere neotektonicheskogo etapa v predelakh Kura-Araksinskoy depressii i prilegayushchikh gornykh sooruzheniy Bol'shogo i Malogo Kavkaza. Initial extent and nature of the neotectonic stage in the Kura-Araksu Depression and adjacent mountains of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus. Relation of morphostructures to the deep-seated structure of the Kura intermontane basin.
Vliyaniye melioratsii zemel' na izmeneniye prirodnoy obstanovki v rayonakh irrigatsionno-meliorativnogo stroitel'stva. Gidrogeologiya SSSR; Vliyaniye proizvodstvennoy deyatel'nosti cheloveka na gidrogeologicheskiye i inzhenero-geologicheskiye usloviya. Morphostructural evolution of the Kura-Araks Depression during the neotectonic stage. O vliyanii razlomov na blokovoye razmeshcheniye vod s razlichnymi khimiko-gidrogeologicheskimi parametrami na primere Nizhnekurinskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti. The effect of faults on the block distribution of water with diverse chemical-hydrogeological parameters; for example in the Lower Kura oil- and gas-bearing region.
O prisutstvii produktov eksplozivnogo vulkanizma v verkhneeotsenovykh i margantsenosnykh oligotsenovykh otlozheniyakh Gruzinskoy glyby. Volcanic explosion products in upper Eocene and Oligocene manganese-bearing rocks of the Georgian Block. Geologic setting Quaternary stratigraphy and lithology, pre-Quaternary formations , aquifers, ground-water regime, source and composition of waters, USSR. Ritmostratigraficheskiye issledovaniya morskikh chetvertichnykh otlozheny kurinskoy vpadiny i metodika ikh izucheniya.
Rhythmic stratigraphical investigations of marine Quaternary deposits of the Kura Depression, and a method of study. Three-part depositional rhythm regression, transgression, regression , ostracods and mollusks, USSR. Produktivnaya tolshcha Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny i Bakinskogo arkhipelaga raschleneniye i fatsial'no-litologicheskaya kharakteristika. Productive beds of the lower Kura basin and the Baku archipelago; stratigraphic subdivision and lithofacies. The variation of the physical properties of sedimentary rocks with depth, in the Kura region.
O nekotorykh faktorakh, vliyayushchikh na sostav gaza prikurinskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti. Some factors influencing the composition of gas in the Kura gas-bearing region. Ob anomal'nykh davleniyakh Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny na primere mestorozhdeniya Kyurovdag. The anomalies of pressure in the Kura Lowland, with the Kyurovdag deposit as an example. Osobennosti strukturnogo sootnosheniya mezozoyskikh i kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy smezhnoy oblasti Kurinskoy vpadiny i Malogo Kavkaza v predelakh zapadnogo Azerbaydzhana.
Characteristics of the structural relation of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits in the area adjacent to the Kura Basin and the Lesser Caucasus within western Azerbaidzhan. Novyye dannyye o nizhesarmatskikh otlozheniyakh mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori Zapadnogo Azerbaydzhana rayon g. New data on the lower Sarmatian deposits of the Kura-Iora interfluve in western Azerbaidzhan, Mamedtapa region.
K izmeneniyu litofatsii i moshchnosti verkhnego otdela produktivnoy tolshchi Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny. Changes in lithofacies and strength of the upper section of the producing beds of the Lower Kura Basin. The orientation of the stresses at the earthquake foci of the lower Kura lowland. Kirovabad-Gazakh massivinin jeralty sulary va onlaryn istifada yedilmasi perspektivlari. Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary aquifers, geologic setting, water-bearing characteristics, ground-water flow, chemistry with analyses , Kura river region USSR. Nickel deposits, small, weathering profiles, clay mineralogy, geochemistry, Czechoslovakia.
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Perspektivy poiskov zalezhey nefti i gaza v otlozheniyakh sarmatskogo yarusa del'tovoy zony i na dalekom yugo-zapadnom bortu Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny. Prospects for oil and gas in deposits of the Sarmatian delta zone and the far southwest side of the lower Kura basin.
Geotektonicheskoye razvitiye Mishovdag-Byandovanskoy antiklinal'noy zony Nizhnekurinskaya vpadina v pliotsen-postpliotsenovuyu epokhu. Geotectonic evolution of the Mishovdag-Byandovan anticlinal zone lower Kura river basin in the Pleistocene and post-Pleistocene epochs. Paleotectonic analysis of the lower Quaternary in the petroleum-gas region of the lower Kura river. K voprosu formirovaniya inzhenerno-geologicheskikh svoystv glinistykh porod yugo-vostochnoy Shirvani.
Konsedimentsionnyye razryvy Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny i ikh vliyaniye na razmeshcheniye zalezhey nefti i gaza. Consedimentary faults of the Nizhnekurinskiy Basin, and their influence on distribution of petroleum and gas reservoirs. Otlichitel'nyye priznaki plastovykh vod neftyanykh i gazokondensatnykh zalezhey produktivnoy tolshchi Yu. Kobystana Dzheyrankechmesskaya depressiya , Bakinskogo arkhipelaga i S.
Distinguishing characteristics of ground water of gas and gas condensate reservoirs of productive beds of southwestern Apsheron, southeastern Kobystan Ozheyrankechmesskaya Depression , Bakinskiy Archipelago, and the northeastern Kura Lowland. Noveyshiye tektonicheskiye dvizheniya i struktury al'piyskogo geosinklinal'nogo poyasa yugo-zapadnoy Yevrazii.
Geological setting, eruptive mechanism, morphologic characteristics, geochemistry of gases and waters, genetic relationships with oil and gas occurrences, bibliography, USSR. Sootnosheniya strukturnykh planov i moshchnostey osnovnykh sloyev zemnoy kory Kurinskoy vpadiny. Relation of the surface structure to the thickness of basal layers in the Earth's crust, Kura river basin. Novyye bryukhonogiye mollyuski iz srednesarmatskikh otlozheniy mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori zapadnyy Azerbaydzhan. New gastropods from the middle Sarmatian deposits of the Kura-Iora interfluve, western Azerbaidzhan.
Khimicheskiy sostav vod pliotsenovykh otlozheniy neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Nizhne-Kurinskoy i Zapadno-Turkmenskoy vpadiny. Chemical composition of oil-bearing Pliocene sediments deposits of the lower Kura river and western Turkmen basin. Stroyeniye i usloviya formirovaniya mezozoyskikh struktur Kurinskoy vpadiny po noveyshim geologo-geofizicheskim dannym. Composition and formation conditions of Mesozoic structures in the Kura basin, according to new geological and geophysical data. Tektonika miotsen-mezozoyskikh otlozheniy Srednekurinskoy Vpadiny neftegazonosnyye oblasti Adzhinourskaya i mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori.
Tectonics of Mesozoic-Miocene deposits of the central Kura Basin, the petroleum and gas regions of the Adzhinourskiy and interfluve area of the Kura and Iori rivers. K voprosu ritmichnosti v raspredelenii solevogo sostava vod pliotsenovykh otlozheniy nekotorykh neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Nizhne-Kurinskoy vpadiny Neftechala, Khilly i Babazanan. Rhythmicity in distribution of the salt content of water of the Pliocene deposits of some petroleum-bearing deposits of the Nizhne-Kura Basin; Neftechala, Khilly, and Babazanan.
Fiziko-geograficheskoye rayonirovaniye Vostochnoy Gruzii dlya tseley sel'skogo khozyaystva. Physical-geographical regionalization of eastern Georgia for agricultural purposes. Kura Depression, the Greater Caucasus, the Lesser Caucasus, and Colchis as main provinces; subdivision into sub-provinces, regions and sub-regions; relief, elevation, soils, climate as criteria of subdivision; USSR.
Geological and chemical characteristics of products of mud volcanoes activity in the light of recent data. Stroyeniye zemnoy kory v zapadnoy chasti basseyna r. Obshchaya kharakteristika mikrofauny akchagyl'skogo yarusa severnogo borta Kurinskoy depressii. The microfauna in the Akchagyl suite along the northern edge of the Kura depression.
O tektonicheskikh i gidrokhimicheskikh osobennostyakh nekotorykh neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Nizhne-Kurinskoy vpadiny Neftechala, Khilly i Babazanan. Tectonic and hydrochemical features of some oil fields of the lower Kura basin; Neftechala, Khilly, and Baba-Zanan. Alluvial transport and formation of the coastal regions of the Kura river delta. Kury rezul'taty gravimetricheskikh issledovaniy. Structure of the earth's crust in the western part of the Kura river basin; results of gravimetric investigations.
Basement structure, relation of gravity anomalies to structural elements, Precambrian crystalline complex, Jurassic-Quaternary sedimentary cover, USSR. Results of microscopic investigations on the weathering products of granitoids from the Strzelin region. Tectonic structure of Azerbaijan and the Caspian Depression; tektonicheskoye stroyeniye Azerbaydzhana i Kaspiyskoy vpadiny. Rezul'taty mashinnoy interpretatsii dannykh karotazha otlozheniy produktivnoy tolshchi mestorozhdeniy kyurovdag, mishovdag, kalmas results of computer interpretation of logging data on the formations of the producing series of the kyurovdag, mishov.
Development of the lower Kura oil- and gas-bearing region in the Anthropogene. Obrazovaniye rel'yefa v svyazi s proyavleniyem noveyshikh tektonicheskikh dvizheniy v Nizhnekurinskoy oblasti. The development of relief in connection with evidence of young tectonic activity in the lower Kura region. O perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti otlozheniy sarmatskogo yarusa vostochnoy chasti Srednekurinskoy vpadiny.
Oil and gas prospects of the Sarmatian deposits in the eastern part of the Central Kura basin. Rezul'taty aeromagnitnykh issledovaniy po profilyam GSZ; prikaspiyskaya sinekliza-Zapadno-Turkmenskaya vpadina i Prikaspiyskaya sinekliza-Kurinskaya vpadina. Results of aerial magnetic surveys along seismic profiles; Caspian syneclise-West Turkmenian basin and Caspian syneclise-Kura basin. Aerial magnetic surveys along deep seismic sounding profiles extending north-south on the west and east coasts of the Caspian sea suggest that some local magnetic anomalies may be associated with magnetic bodies whose roots extend into the upper part of the mantle.
No direct relationship has been established between the intensity of the magnetic field and the topography of the main boundary planes of the crust the sedimentary, granite, and basalt layers. Geologicheskoye stroyeniye i razvitiye mestorozhdeniya Kyursangya Nizhnekurinskaya vpadina. Faulted northwest-trending anticline, middle Pliocene sandstone reservoirs, oil and gas, mud volcano on crest of anticline, USSR, Azerbaidzhan.
Geologiya i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti pliotsenovykh otlozheniy Nizhnekurinskoy vpadiny. Geology and oil and gas occurrences of the Pliocene deposits of the southern Kura basin. Gidrogeologicheskaya i gidrokhimicheskaya kharakteristika vod verkhnego otdela produktivnoy tolshchi Kalmas-Byandovanskogo antiklinal'nogo poyasa.
Hydrogeologic and hydrochemical characteristics of water from the upper portion of the productive sequence in the Kalmas-Byandovan anticlinal trend. O sootnoshenii strukturnykh planov verkhnepliotsenovykh i miotsen-paleogenovykh otlozheniy v Bozdag-Karadzhinskom rayone. Relationship between structural planes of upper Pliocene and Miocene-Paleogene deposits of the Bozdag-Karadzhinskiy region.
O nekotorykh kharakternykh osobennostyakh gryazevykh vulkanov Prikurinskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti. Characteristic features of mud volcanoes of the Kura petroleum-bearing region. Three aquifers, all in the Quaternary deposits of the ancient Caspian sea, thickness of sequence to m in central Kura depression, USSR, Azerbaidzhan. Conditions of sedimentary accumulation in the Akchagyl suite of the Kura-Aras depression. The formation of the present general structure and relief of the Kura depression. Young tectonic movements, total Quaternary uplift m, thickest sediments in most active tectonic zone, geomorphic data, USSR, Caucasus.
Ob ispol'zovanii otrazhennykh voln dlya izucheniye glubinnogo stroyeniya zemnoy kory v kurinskoy vpadine. On the use of reflected waves to study the deep structure of the earth's crust in the kura basin. O reprezentativnosti dannykh, ispol'zuyemykh dlya izucheniya kollektorskikh svoystv porod metodami promyslovoy geofiziki. On the representativity of the data used for studying the reservoir properties of rocks by geophysical logging methods.
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Nekotorykh rezul'tatakh obrabotki seysmokarotazhnykh nablyudeniy v nizhnekurinskoy nizmennosti. Some results of processing seismic logging observations in the lower kura plain. The Apsheron periclinal trough the eastern part of the Caucasus-Bulkhan interpericlinal trough is located on the south-eastern termination of the meganticlinorium of the Greater Caucasus.
The Kusary-Divichi superimposed syncline is bounded on the south-west by the Siazan frontal thrust and on the north-west by the Samur fracture. The Mohorovicic discontinuity has a relatively smooth relief here and lies at a depth of km in the south-western flank of the Kura depression and in Talysh Mugan; it lies at a depth of km in the axial parts of the meganticlinorium of the Lesser Caucasus and Kura depression a peripheral part of the Talysh-Vandam gravity maximum. Thus, the previously suggested existence of an area with the sharply reduced thickness of the earth's crust in Azerbaijan Talysh Mugan was not confirmed.
K litofatsial'noy kharakteristike nizhnesarmatskikh otlozheniy smezhnykh uchastkov mezhdurech'ya Kury, Iori i Adzhinoura. Lithofacies characteristics of the lower Sarmatian deposits in adjoining portions of the Kura-Iora interfluve and the Adzhinour region. O litologo-stratigraficheskikh i geokhimicheskikh osobennostyakh akchagyl'skikh otlozheniy vostochnoy chasti Kurinskoy vpadiny. The lithostratigraphic and geochemical characteristics of the Akchagyl deposits in the eastern part of the Kura basin.
Stratigrafiya melovykh otlozheniy Prikurinskogo rayona zapadnogo Azerbaydzhana v svyazi s perspektivami ikh neftegazonosnosti. Cretaceous stratigraphy in the Kura region of western Azerbaidzhan in connection with oil and gas prospects. Ob izmeneniyakh dinamiki poberezh'ya yuzhnogo Kaspiya ot m. Byandovan do yuzhnoy okonechnosti Kurinskoy kosy. Changes in the shoreline dynamics of the southern Caspian from Byandovan cape to the southern tip of the Kura spit. K izucheniyu predstaviteley rodov Barbotella Cossmann, i Calliostoma Swainson, iz sarmata mezhdurech'ya Kury i Iori zapadnyy Azerbaydzhan.
Representatives of the genera Barbotella Cossmann, and Calliostoma Swainson, from the Sarmatian of the Kura-Iora interfluve, western Azerbaidzhan. Geologo-geokhimicheskaya kharakteristika verkhnepliotsenovykh otlozhenii vostochnoi chasti Kurinskoi vpadiny. A summary of the geologic setting and characteristics of upper Pliocene deposits of the eastern Kura river basin, USSR; includes data on lithofacies, heavy mineral fractions, bitumen content, and depositional conditions.
The deposits consist of sands and clays of the Akchagylian and Apsheronian stages, in each of which three substages are recognized. Novyye geofizicheskiye dannyye o stroyenii kristallicheskogo fundamenta v rayone sliyaniya rek araksa i kury. New geophysical data on the structure of the crystalline basement in the vicinity of the confluence of the araks and kura rivers. The average contents and concentration ranges of bitumen, humic acids, and organic carbon, determined in about 3, samples of middle and upper Pliocene rocks of the eastern part of the Kura depression, USSR, are tabulated, and their geochemical significance, with particular reference to the occurrence of petroleum, is discussed.
The rich oil fields of Azerbaidzhan and Turkmenia lie in the northern half of the south Caspian depression. The structure in Azerbaidzhan involves the most deeply depressed part of the depression and the Kura and Transcaspian marginal regions. The tectonic steps, in the Kura-Transcaspian regions, are related to shallows around the submerged parts of the Caucasus and Kopet Dag mountain structures and are the result of downwarping along deep faults at the edge of the depression.
Cyclic behavior of mud volcano eruption is attributed to periodic uplifting of the Main range in the Caucasus. The strike of Apsheron peninsula coincides with direction of deep regional folding and associated deep faults. Blocks of Tertiary and Mesozoic strata, in part fossil-bearing, are among those brought up with the lava in the eruption of mud volcanoes. Deep faults in the Mesozoic, which may extend into pre-Oligocene strata, mark the position of buried ridges. Later faults are responsible for more complex systems of narrow blocks and elongated folds.
Prolonged structural development affected Mesozoic and Cenozoic facies and accounts for facies changes in the thick productive middle Miocene series. Voprosy fiziko-geologicheskikh yavlenii na beregakh Mingechaurskogo vodokhranilishcha. A report on the physical and engineering geologic characteristics of the Mingechaur reservoir area, Kura river region, Asiatic USSR, with special reference to landslides, creep, and other processes along the shoreline and slopes of the reservoir.
The area is underlain by Tertiary Akchagylian and Apsheronian and Quaternary deposits. A monographic study of the regional and petroleum geology of the Kura-Araks river region, Azerbaidzhan, USSR; includes chapters on Tertiary stratigraphy, tectonics, mud volcanoes, and middle Pliocene sedimentational conditions. Discusses the characteristics of subsurface Paleozoic and Mesozoic structures of the south Caspian basin, the eastern continuation of the Kura depression, USSR, with particular reference to evidence of the presence of deep-seated major fractures and of transverse structures.
Reliktovaya dolina na vozvyshennosti Yagludzha vostochnoe Zakavkaze , ee genezis, vozrast i paleogeografiya. An abandoned stream valley in the Yagludzha upland in the eastern Caucasus region, USSR, represents a former course of the Kura river which flowed more to the west at that time than at present.
Following uplift during late Quaternary crustal movements, the river traversed the elevated eastern end of the upland; subsequently it altered its course and initiated the present drainage. A compilation of papers on modern sediments of the Caspian sea, USSR; includes papers on presentday processes of submarine sedimentation along the Azerbaidzhan coast of the Caspian sea and on the material carried in suspension by the Kura river by Klenova , differentiation of modern sediments of the Apsheron peninsula region and the carbonate sediments of the Caspian sea by V.
Solovev , the mineral composition of bottom deposits of the Bakin archipelago by N. Arutyunova , the stratification of Caspian sea sediments by P. Popov , the sediments of the northern part of the Caspian sea by Klenova and L. Yastrebova , and the geology of the southern and central parts of the Caspian sea by V. Mineralogicheskaya kharakteristika sovremennogo allyuviya r. Kury i ee pritokov ot Dzirulskogo massiva do g. Describes characteristic mineral assemblages of modern alluvial deposits of the Kura river and its tributaries from the headwater region in the Dzirula massif to Tiflis, USSR.
The mineral components of the alluvium are derived chiefly from rocks in the upper course of the river; some are derived from the middle course, from areas where the river bed is composed of easily eroded rocks, rich in heavy fraction minerals. An extensive bibliography is appended. O vliyanii chetvertichnykh tektonicheskikh dvizhenii na sovremennuyu rechnuyu set vostochnoi chasti Kurinskogo progiba. Discusses the effects of Quaternary tectonic activity on the development of the drainage system in the eastern part of the Kura river basin, Caucasus region, USSR.
On the conjugation of granulometric, mineralogical and chemical composition of rocks of the near-Kura lowland productive formation. Examination of the sediments exposed in the western part of the Kura lowland, Azerbaijan SSR, has shown a continuous coarse to fine series of mechanical differentiation products in a northwest-southeast direction along the southern slope of the main Caucasus range. The relation of mineral content, particularly heavy minerals, to texture is discussed, and the possibility of a related chemical differentiation is suggested.
On the distribution of "heavy" minerals among rock types of the near-Kura lowland's productive formation. A study of heavy mineral content in relation to particle size, conducted on a series of clastic rocks in Azerbaijan SSR, which were derived from a common source, leads to the conclusion that correlation and paleogeographic inferences should not be based on heavy mineral data alone, but should also depend on lithologic study. The facies and thickness of Aalenian Jurassic shales and sandstones indicates that they were deposited in the main Caucasian geosyncline and were derived chiefly from the Ciscaucasian geanticline to the north.
The Kalkhida- Kura geanticline bordered on the south. Geotectonic conditions of this period closely resembled those of the preceding Hercynian cycle, except in Transcaucasia. An isopach sketch of Aalenian deposits is given. Discusses the chemical composition, accumulation, and zonal occurrence of ground waters in arid regions, with special reference to those of the Kura-Araks river basin in the eastern Caucasus region, USSR.
The structure and stratigraphy mainly Mesozoic and Tertiary of the region and the formation of the oil fields are discussed. Oil occurs principally in the southeastern extension of the main Caucasus range and in the adjacent Kura depression. Stratigraphically its occurrence is most abundant in Pliocene formations.
Some oil occurs in lower Cretaceous Flysch deposits and Liassic shales. Tektonika tsentral'noy chasti Kurinskoy depressii i sosednikh oblastey Bol'skogo i Malogo Kavkaza.
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The tectonics of the central part of the Kura depression, Russia, and of neighboring sections. La tectonique de la partie centrale de la depression de la Koura et des regions voisines du Petit et du Grand Caucase. Consists of a paper on the geology of the oil fields by N. Maslov and one on the Kura river valley by M. Account of Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy and the formation of the Kura river valley between Tiflis and Suram, Transcaucasia, Russia.
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Tectonics of the area between the Iora and Kura rivers, southern Kakhetiya region, Russia, with special reference to petroleum-bearing structures. Stratigraphy Tertiary-Quaternary , structure, geologic history, and geomorphology of the Kura river valley in the Gori-Mtskheta area, Caucasus region, Russia. Tectonics and petroleum resources of the Tiflis-Suram district in the Kura river valley, Transcaucasia, Russia. The region bordering the Suram crystalline massif consists of a series of anticlines and synclines composed of Cretaceous and Tertiary formations.
Geological sketch of the region of the projected powerful hydroelectrostations of Georgia in the Ingur, Tskhenis-Tskali, Rion and Kura basins. Geological sketch of the Borzhom and Bakuryani region between the Karelian valley of the Kura River and the Akhalkalak lava plateau. As a special volcanic rock, the porphyroclastic lava is a major rock type outcropping in the Mesozoic volcanic basin in the Baiqi area, Inner Monglia.
Studies results show that the rock belongs to rhyolites of the Pacific calc-alkalic rock series, with chemical characteristics of volcanics in orogenic belts. The trace elements in the lava can be divided into two groups. Li, Rb, Cs, U, Th and F of the first group are relatively high and enriched during the late period of magmatism while Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co and Ni of the second group are relatively low and tend to decrease with increasing differentiation degree of magma.
In the diagram of Sr isotope evolution for the crust and upper mantle the data points of porphyroclastic lava from the Baiqi area are found falling between the continental line and the basalt line, implying that the original magma was derived from syntexis and differentiation of the upper mantle and deeper crust. It is postulated that the Yenshanian orogenic movement and underthrusting of the Pacific plate toward the continent of China and of the Kura plate toward the Eurasian plate may have provided a heat source for the melting of deep-seated material.
This anomalous character suggests that there is a fundamental compositional difference between the crust of the south Caspian basin and that of the surrounding region. Five new estimates of crustal velocity structure beneath the southern Caspian region are determined by the teleseismic receiver function method. The velocity-depth profiles derived from the receiver functions are compared to laboratory velocity estimates made at pressures and temperatures appropriate for the lower crust in Turkmenia, but the seismic P-wave data alone do not permit differentiation between the various possible rock types.
The crustal model developed for the south Caspian basin is consistent with the hypothesis that the crystalline crust of the basin is a section of oceanic crust that is being overthrust by the continental crust around much of its. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that the crystalline crust beneath the basin is a section of lower continental crust whose upper crustal section has been removed by erosion or faulting. Oils collected from eight different oil fields for analyses seem to have originated from a common source rock which probably is clasic, deposited in relatively subanoxic to suboxic transitional marine environment receiving low to moderate input of terrestrial organic matter.
A computer-aided basin modeling study has been carried out to outline the spatial variation of the oil window and thus help in further identification of possible source rocks for the reservoired oil in the Lower Kura Depression. Results suggest that the potential hydrocarbon source horizons of the Miocene and Pliocene Red Bed Series of the so called Productive Succession are, even at depocenter areas, immature with respect to oil generation, and thus, are very unlikely to have been source rocks for the reservoired oils. However, the Oliogene-Lower Miocene Maykop rocks are marginally mature to mature depending on locality and the Eocene and older rocks are mature with respect to oil generation at all representative field locations.
Oil generation commenced at the end of Pliocene and continues at present at depths between and 12 m. The main phase of oil generation is taking place at depths greater than what most of the wells in the study area have reached. ABSTRACT The authors describe the results of an extensive geomorphologic mapping program for the Kura-Araks Lowland of Azerbaijan, designed to increase the level of background information available for the rational planning and operation of irrigation systems. A particular focus is placed upon the identification and deposition of landforms of the Lowland exerting an influence on hydrogeologic conditions, the ground water regime, and on crop cultivation patterns.
A multilayered structure of overlying thrusts has been identified in the mountain systems of the Great and Lesser Caucasus, Talysh, Kura intermountain rift; the structure is reflected in geomorphology as a system of longitudinal morphostructural steps and transversal blocks, general asymmetry and curvature types of mountains, varous types of underthrusts, river network outlines, etc. The maximum pressure of the Arabian cusp and the orogens formation falls on the Pliocene-Quaternary time. ABSTRACT The annual value relations are considered of anthropogenic and natural runoff losses in the Kura River basin for the period from to characterized by intense economic watershed development.
Analyzed are the reasons and estimated are the values of the Kura annual runoff. Output, although slowly dwindling since as major onshore deposits have been depleted, now accounts for roughly 2. Reserves, estimated by various sources as ranging from to million tons, have been the focus of considerable interest by Western Oil companies, as the government of Azerbaijan has sought foreign expertise and equipment in the development of promising offshore fields in deeper waters of the Caspian Sea.
This paper describes the geologic structure of Azerbaijan's major oil- and gas-bearing regions Caspian-Kuban, Kura, and Apsheron-Balkhan and outlines the development history of major fields. ABSTRACT Temperature measurements at shallow depths up to 3 m contain useful information about features of the geological structures; however, the noise caused by seasonal temperature variations and terrain relief may significantly distort the observed temperature field. Therefore, procedures are developed for the calculation and removal of these noise sources.
Essential similarities between thermal and magnetic prospecting make it possible to apply to thermal prospecting modifications of the rapid methods of characteristic points and tangents developed for magnetic prospecting.
The methods can be used to locate disturbing bodies by their associated temperature anomalies. The interpretation results obtained both on models and polymetallic Greater Caucasus and oil and gas Middle Kura Depression deposits testify to the accuracy and reliability of these methods. This is a facet of the material scope of application that could be characterized as its direct external dimension. To the contrary, what happens to be quite controversially perceived, as well as dis- cussed, is the existence and possible extent of what might consequently be labeled an indirect external dimension of the material scope of application.
It concerns the ques- tion whether and, in the affirmative, to what degree and under which conditions the respective corporations are also expected to comply with the OECD Guidelines in their external production, trade and services relationships with other actors that are not based on the undertaking of an investment. On the one side, the significance of this issue for the effectiveness of the OECD Guidelines hardly needs to be empha- sized.
Thus, excluding these business relationships from the material scope of application would indeed con- siderably constrain the influence potentially exercised by this steering instrument on corporate conduct as a whole. Large multinational corpora- tions are influential players in global supply chains, they can have a significant impact on social and environmental conditions throughout these production and supply chains.
It thus seems en- tirely artificial to expect to be able to promote responsible business behaviour in selected parts of a corporation while excluding other parts of the same supply chain from having to meet interna- tionally defined standards. The implications of this indirect external dimension thus potentially also involve the quite far-reaching expectation that the respective enterprises take to a certain extent recourse to what might be qualified as protective actions aimed at promoting and en- suring the realization of community interests in relations exclusively involving other actors; a position that is — admittedly very broadly — comparable to the legal obliga- tions incumbent upon states in light of the protective dimension of human rights.
See also for the respective criticism voiced, inter alia, by BIAC in this connection: In considering Recommendation II. On the due diligence approach in the broader context of corporate social responsibility see also for example more recently Human Rights Council, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: The following paragraphs eleven and twelve distinguish between what is qualified here as the direct external and indirect external dimension of the material scope of application.
Recognis- ing that thinking in this area is very much in a state of flux, the Working Party has agreed to do further analytical work […]. This applies not only to the substantive and procedural recommendations enshrined therein, but in particular also to the preceding issue of their implications for the material scope of application itself. Two aspects appear to be par- ticularly noteworthy in this regard.
First, the extensive modifications of the text of the OECD Guidelines introduced as a result of the update visibly demonstrate the considerably amplified relevance attached by the adhering governments to the increas- ingly important question of responsible corporate conduct in business relations as a whole, including supply and production chains. The fact that these requirements are not even mentioned in the OECD Guidelines and their Commentaries can thus indeed serve as a strong indication for their demise as being one of the significant results of the update. Furthermore, the changes to the Guidelines — most certainly — do not have retroactive effect.
That said, it might on the other side very well be possible and successful to initiate a respective procedure targeting the ac- tivities of an addressee that started already prior to that date but were continued un- remedied in December and afterwards. Despite the obvious normative differ- ences between the OECD Guidelines and the European Convention for the Protec- tion of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the — admittedly not always con- sistent — case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on its jurisdiction ratione temporis might nevertheless serve as a useful guidance in the search for an adequate answer to this in some individual cases potentially rather complex question.
See also already supra under B. Preface From a functional perspective, the preface to the OECD Guidelines should not merely be regarded as a more or less informative introductory section. Rather, by out- lining the main overarching considerations on which the adoption and continued ap- plication of this instrument are based as well as the political and economic environ- ment it is envisioned to function in, it might very well be argued that the preface — in the same way as the preambles of international conventions and declarations — plays a notable role and consequently can be taken recourse to in the interpretation of the subsequent recommendations enshrined in the OECD Guidelines.
Following the deletion of its former paragraph nine addressing the contributions by the OECD to the development of the international policy framework in which business activities are conducted, the preface of the OECD Guidelines now com- prises a total number of nine paragraphs. Thereby, already paragraph one has been subjected to a number of notable modifications.
Despite the fact that surely caution is warranted in order not to overstate the importance of this amendment, it might nevertheless serve at least as an indication that the voluntary character of the OECD Guidelines, also most certainly in the eyes of some stakeholders a very important feature, will receive less emphasis in the future. At first sight it may give rise to the question why a rule of behavior should be included in this instrument belong- See, e.
United Kingdom, Application No. See generally on this issue also for exam- ple Winckel, Melbourne University Law Review 23 , et seq. Indeed, the improvements in technology and the educa- tional level of populations help the expansion of electronic transactions and business through the Internet. These changes have a macroeconomic effect in the economy that should not be forgotten. In this manner, when a large part of the business trans- actions are made via Internet, there is a higher consumption and profit as well as a higher labour supply. Far beyond a mere recognition of this substantial change in the composition of actors in the international economic system, this amendment also clearly implies and hints at a more or less novel challenge to the effective implementation of the OECD Guide- lines by requiring the OECD and the adhering countries — more than ever — to inten- sify their efforts to promote compliance with this instrument on a universal scale.
Substantive Provisions Following the update, the main part of the OECD Guidelines, providing for the substantive and procedural recommendations addressed to corporations, com- prises of eleven chapters. Concepts and Principles The provisions in the overarching section on Concepts and Principles of the OECD Guidelines have been subjected to two prominent modifications as a result of the update.
Such challenges are in particular likely to arise for business enterprises operating in countries currently still governed by authoritarian regimes. Thereby, it is important to note that the OECD Guidelines do — in connec- tion with the circumstances just mentioned — not only provide for recommendations See supra under C.
See also with regard to the modifications introduced in paragraph eleven of the Concepts and Principles already supra under C.
This categorization, which is and has already previously been for example also displayed in the subsequent specific section on disclosure, results in the introduction of two different kinds of recommendations, the implications of which in particular for the implementation regime being in the current transitional period difficult to predict.
The issue of engagement with stakeholders is addressed in the new paragraph fourteen of part A. This is an interesting change. Although communication among enterprises and stakeholders depends on the good faith of both parties, the involve- ment of social agents in the decision-making is very helpful for the satisfactory and responsible economic development of the areas where the enterprises are located.
It could be even decisive for the welfare of local communities due to the direct influence upon their own interests. It is a powerful instrument to improve freedom, human rights and social justice. The New Chapter on Human Rights Although a broadly phrased recommendation that business enterprises should re- spect the human rights of those affected by their activities was already previously pro- vided in paragraph two of the General Policies of the OECD Guidelines, the introduction of a whole new chapter on human rights is undoubtedly among the most significant outcomes of the update.
In light of this finding, the updated OECD Guidelines happen to be the first major steering regime in the realm of corporate social responsibility that more or less com- prehensively incorporates and implements the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In line with the United Nations Framework, the individual provisions of this chapter are phrased in rather general terms. In particular, they wisely abstain from stipulating specific human rights to be respected by corporations, thereby taking into account the large circle of potentially relevant entitlements as well as — at least equal- ly important — the dynamic, progressive developments in this area of international law.
On the core body of human rights to be taken into account see already the reference supra in note For instance, enterprises should re- spect the human rights of individuals belonging to specific groups or populations that require par- ticular attention, where they may have adverse human rights impacts on them.
In this connection, United Nations instruments have elaborated further on the rights of indigenous peoples; persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities; women; children; persons with disabilities; and migrant workers and their families. This is an expectation that is completely independent of the respective — appropriate or poor — performance displayed by the host or home states in question.
Other Notable Amendments to Issue-Specific Chapters In addition to the introduction of a completely new chapter on the issue of hu- man rights, also most of the other issue-specific sections of the OECD Guidelines have been subject to in part substantial textual modifications.
This finding applies for example to Chapter III dealing with the standards for disclosure of information by corporations. Its provisions have been — at least at the surface — considerably revised, taking into account some more recent developments in this field within and outside of See ibid. The second set of recommendations that corporations are at least encouraged to follow concerns the increasingly important and currently controversial issue of non- financial reporting standards.
Similarly, the update fails to include social and environmental disclo- sure requirements in line with international best practice. This addition rightly reflects on the one side the overall increasing empha- sis of the OECD Guidelines on the effective realization of internationally recognized principles and standards, independent of the respective home and host states legal regimes and implementation performances. On the other side it also takes into ac- count the progressive and evolutionary character of the international regime on labour and social standards, thus introducing another dynamic reference element into this instrument in order to provide for a more flexible and timely adaption to changing normative circumstances and expectations.
Second, a new paragraph four lit. Respective examples are the additions to the recommendations enshrined in paragraph six lit. Generally on the work of the GRI see also, e. Overall, the modifications introduced have, if appropriately and comprehen- sively implemented by corporations, surely a notable potentially to positively contrib- ute to the on-going global task of eliminating all forms of bribery and corruption. First, many of the provisions in this chapter reflect now more clearly and specifi- cally than before the ever-growing importance of enabling consumers to have access to information on the product and services offered by enterprises, including the econom- ic, environmental and social circumstances of the respective chains of production.
On the importance of these instruments for the understanding of the respective recommendations enshrined in the OECD Guidelines see also the respective Commentary, reprinted in: These internal controls, ethics and compliance programmes or measures should include a system of financial and accounting procedures, includ- ing a system of internal controls, reasonably designed to ensure the maintenance of fair and accu- rate books, records, and accounts, to ensure that they cannot be used for the purpose of bribing or hiding bribery.
The revised paragraph one of this chapter XI more explicitly and specifically stresses as well as elaborates on the expectation that enterprises comply not only with the letter but also the spirit of tax laws and regula- tions. Rather, taking into account that the outcome of the recent review process is likely to be definitive and thus determinative for at least the present decade, the following analysis will largely confine itself to concentrate on the modifications that have actual- ly been agreed upon by the adhering countries, with a view to evaluate their implica- tions for the respective institutional framework and its functioning in the years to come.
National Contact Points The decentralized and in practice most important institutional level in the im- plementation framework is constituted by the National Contact Points NCPs , es- tablished in all adhering countries in accordance with paragraph eleven of the Con- cepts and Principles and paragraph I. It also might consequently, among the relevant stake- holders, being legitimately taken recourse to as an overarching interpretative guideline when concretizing the — subsequently outlined — requirements and expectations con- cerning the range of appropriate organizational structures of NCPs as well as with regard to the fulfillment of their responsibilities.
Since the states had, in accordance with the previous Council Deci- sion and the Procedural Guidance attached thereto, always enjoyed a wide margin of appreciation in organizing their individual NCPs, the institutional structure of these entities had displayed a considerable variety of different forms.
As of June , nine- teen NCPs were established in single government departments, eight of them in mul- tiple government departments, one comprised of government and business representa- tives, ten displayed a tripartite structure involving public officials and representatives from business as well as trade unions, one was composed of representatives from the government sector, business, trade unions and NGOs, and two displayed a mixed structure of independent experts and government representatives.
In individual cases, this suspicion may have been right or wrong, but overall surely not completely devoid of any reasons. However, already based on the terms of reference ap- proved by the adhering countries on 30 April , their respective expectations should have realistically been reduced. However, a notable addition is the entirely new paragraph I. In addition, it might very well be that the activities of NCPs, including their handling of specific instances, that are established in a single ministry or other gov- ernment department are in the future subjected to a heightened degree of scrutiny as a result of the amendments introduced in the course of the update, not the least with regard to the admissibility and the success of submissions to the OECD Invest- ment Committee under paragraph II.
However, it needs to be emphasized that the respective amendments have to be read in conjunc- tion with and are thus to be interpreted also in light of paragraph I. The only valid conclusion that one can draw from the content of this provision is that the adhering countries are currently still of the opinion that — at least under ideal circumstances and thus arguably rather theoretically — it is possible, and thus admissible, to retain an NCP in a single government department and nevertheless adequately fulfill the re- sponsibilities assigned to this entity under the respective OECD Council Decision and its accompanying documents.
Their respon- See thereto infra under C. The considerable range of individual functions assigned to them can be broadly categorized and systemized as comprising five different classes of activities, among them three main competences as well as two of what might be qualified as subsidiary tasks.
These two subsidiary functions, aimed at effectuating the exercise of the three principles responsibilities, are on the one side the obligation to cooperate with other NCPs as, inter alia, provided for in paragraph I. The three core functions of NCPs themselves are listed in paragraph I. They concern, first, the undertaking of informational and promotional activities; second, the handling of and response to enquires about the OECD Guidelines from — as stipulated in paragraph I.
How- ever, three modifications appear to be noteworthy in this connection. First, as also already indicated by the new paragraph II. This is simultaneously one of the most complex and controversially perceived functions that NCPs are entrusted with. This kind of complaint procedure or non-judicial grievance mechanism has gained in- creasing recognition in recent years.
As of March , complaints had been filed against one or more individual companies by NGOs alone. Against this background, any other decision than an incorporation of this topic in the list of items to be discussed in the course of the review process would have been Ibid. It should include advice on the information that is necessary to raise a specific instance, the requirements for parties participating in specific instances, including confi- dentiality, and the processes and indicative timeframes that will be followed by the NCP.
This applies first and in particular to the introduction of a new overarching standard on how NCPs are required to approach and exercise their functions in this regard. The introductory section of paragraph I. However, it is already at this stage worth highlighting that these new guid- ing principles are most certainly among the class of standards, the observance of which by individual NCPs may be subject of a submission to the OECD Investment Com- mittee under paragraph II.
See thereto also the respective commentaries, reprinted in: The same applies to the considerably more de- tailed guidance — the adherence to which by individual NCPs being again potentially subject to a submission under paragraph II. OECD Investment Committee Considering the at the first structural level — aside from the respective mutual ob- ligations to cooperate — largely decentralized character of the implementation pro- cesses on the basis of the numerous NCPs involved, the necessity or at least the desir- ability arises for an overarching centralized institutional component in order to pro- mote and facilitate the coordinated, uniform and thus predictable as well as effective See especially ibid.
See also the only slightly modified paragraph I. Corresponding to the growing global importance of corporations from developing countries and other non-adhering states in the international economic system as also highlighted in the amended Preface to the OECD Guidelines, the respective external competences of the Investment Committee are now receiving con- siderably increased attention as a result of the update.
Whereas the previous paragraph II. It shall also strive to co-operate with non- adhering countries that have a special interest in the Guidelines and in promoting their principles and standards. In an attempt to systemize the at least equally important inward-oriented compe- tences of the Investment Committee, the respective activities can again be subdivided into three categories. These could be adequately labeled as coordinator responsibilities, substantive supervisory functions or clarification competences as well as, finally, insti- tutional supervisory functions.
While these provisions have — with the exception of the inclusion of OECD Watch founded in March — not been subjected to any major amendments in the course of the update, two nota- ble additions are provided in this connection. First, the new paragraph II. In this regard, it considers on the one side in accordance with paragraph II.
While these substantive su- pervisory functions of the Investment Committee already existed prior to the See also in this connection already supra under C. See in this connection also on the appar- ent inadmissibility of submissions dealing with the findings and statements made by an NPCs that do not relate to the interpretation of the OECD Guidelines, ibid. This probably ap- plies for example to factual findings made by individual NCPs in connection with specific instanc- es. Taking into account that this network and its member organizations have been — together with trade unions — particularly active in filing cases to NCPs, it is to be presumed that this procedure will be more frequently tak- en recourse to and thus increasingly occupy the Investment Committee in the years to come.
Although it most certainly remains to be seen whether and how this procedure is go- ing to be applied in practice, as noted above, it is the addition of OECD Watch to On the previous version see paragraph II. For more recent information see, e. OECD Secretariat Whereas the NCPs and the Investment Committee played already prior to the update an important role in the implementation framework of the OECD Guidelines, a new institutional and operational element introduced as a result of the recent review process is the role and functions explicitly assigned to the OECD Secre- tariat in this regard.
In accordance with paragraph II.