Its leaders believe they can even afford to communicate these signals and messages in plain sight, sure in the knowledge that the trance-like masses are incapable of recognizing the awful, ongoing masquerade of deception that stares them right in the face. Martin Short, who authored a book, Inside the Brotherhood, exposing the Masonic Order inside Great Britain, observed that Masons, believing their secrets to be oblivious to detection, are known to mutter words of near-contempt as they sing a little ditty called "The Entered Apprentice's Song.
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The world is in pain, Our secrets to gain. Perhaps it is true that the uninformed "world" at large cannot divine the Word and Sign of the Mason, but the readers of Codex Magica shall do exactly that. Let us therefore move forward with eager anticipation as we uncover in this book many of the most precious and despicable secrets of the elite — things they never in a million years thought we would discover. Is it not because of the gullibility of the general public?
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It has been said that, "most men lead lives of quiet desperation. Tormented within, but doing their utmost to keep a smile on their faces, unable to face the truth, too frightened to even admit to themselves that anything is awry, most men do not even know who their tormentors really are. To escape reality, these men shrink from the facts, hoping against hope that all will turn out satisfactory in the end.
The reality that a monstrous conspiracy exists against them and against their loved ones becomes an enormous burden they simply cannot bear. Cowards, it seems, die a thousand deaths. Swedish researcher Juri Lina, whose book, Architects of Deception, is a revealing, fact-filled expose of the secret society of Freemasonry, warns that the ideology of "Illuminism," propagated by international Freemasonry and other secret elite groups, is an overwhelming, hidden danger to all of us.
It has already brought the most violent upheavals and revolutions and is responsible for the "moral and spiritual degeneration of the individual. Lina consequently puts forth this word of caution: Those who do not examine the different aspects of the conspiracy will remain incapable of understanding the world Our rulers want us to believe that a lack of historical knowledge and ignorance about the secrets of nature constitutes true knowledge.
Wisely, he contends that the ignorant, while not the inventors of evil things, nevertheless are accomplices and contributors to evil. Peter Ruckman, author of many fine books exposing the conspiracy and defending the Bible, in his newsletter recently penned an article about "The Little Man Who Wasn't There. They limit themselves to reporting only that which comports and agrees with the socially accepted view of history and "truth. Facts must become non-facts and lies must be converted into "reliable truths. He's a giant, dark, wicked, corrupt, conspiring, sly, cunning, devious, dangerous ogre who fully deserves all the contemptible attention we can focus on him.
He's more than a spook, he's a bloodsucking parasite, a monster who is sitting on the stair blocking us from entering, a criminal thug lying in wait to waylay you and me and rob us of our belongings, our health, our very lives. Without him sitting there detrimentally blocking our path, the world would be a far better place. Certainly a safer and happier place.
Men are not free, Whitaker suggests, to tell the truth: In George Orwell's book , it turns out that the whole hideous totalitarianism that crushed the hero is based on ending one simple, useless-sounding freedom; "Freedom," it says, "is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. Whitaker is right on target. Who would have ever thought that in the once great United States of America would reside almost million souls, virtually every one of whom today is shaking in his boots, quivering, numb with fear over what dreadful things might happen if he just once simply put his foot down, gritted his teeth, and spit out the words: I see the little man on the stair.
And two plus two makes four. And that's all there is to it. How sad that most men, by their cowardly silence, become secret collaborators, acquiescing in their own enslavement. What a marvelous and wonderful world this would be if just a small group of honest and thoughtful, courageous men and women would view the revealing and provocative photographs, illustrations, and proofs in Codex Magica and exclaim with all their might in a loud, loud voice to all within hearing range: I no longer will remain bound by the willful ignorance that binds the multitudes.
I will tell others. I will speak out until, someday, maybe soon, the whole, rotten occult Illuminati establishment comes crashing down! After many years of research and investigation into their behavior and conduct, and under- standing their goals and ambition, I am persuaded these men fit the definition of psychopathic personalities.
They are psychopaths and as such they are afflicted with the dangerous malady called megalomania. Here is how Webster's Dictionary defines these words: An emotionally and behaviorally disordered state characterized by clear perception of reality except in the individual's social and moral obligations and often by the pursuit of immediate personal gratification in criminal acts, drug addiction, or sexual perversion. A person having a psychopathic personality. A mania for great or grandiose performance. A delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur.
Instead, he pursues personal gratification in such things as criminal acts, drug addiction and sexual perversion. Combined with feelings of megalomania, the psychopath has visions of his own omnipotence — he thinks he is a god — and has delusions of grandeur. Since he is persuaded he is divine and not bound by the rules that apply to other, less godly beings, the psychopath is a dangerous person, indeed. Essi Viding, of the Institute of Psychiatry at the prestigious King's College in London, England, has done extensive study of the motivation and behavior of the psychopathic personality.
Viding cautions that the psychopath "shows a lack of remorse, conscience, and understanding of the feelings of others. Insane, Parasitic, Immoral, and Dangerous Frustrate the unbridled ambition of the psychopath and he strikes out in a controlled, yet insane, fit of anger and rage. If the psychopath holds a position of great responsibility — say, President of the United States or dictator of a technologically advanced nation, he can do some major damage.
William Krasner, in an article way back in entitled Neurotica, warned of the dangers that lie ahead for societies who fall into the grip of the criminal psychopath. The psychopath is a disruptive, parasitic, immoral influence. Any group, while it may for various reasons support and even honor the psychopath The Council on Foreign Relations, an Illuminist organization, whose 3, members run almost every facet of our federal government, especially at the highest official level, is no doubt populated by a majority of psychopaths.
The Masonic Order in the U. The ranks of the Masonic Order are loaded, I believe, with dangerous psychopaths. The United Nations organization, endorsed and funded by our Congress, is a seething cesspool of unrepentant psychopaths. Liars and Deceivers Psychopaths are inveterate liars and deceivers. In fact, they lie on an Orwellian scale. It has been said that if one really wants to hide a great secret, he should conceal it in plain sight.
Well, this maxim certainly applies to the disordered, but somehow illogical, behavior of the men of the Illuminati. It is not rational to do what these men do in public, in plain sight, yet they do it and expect to get away with it. And they do get away with it! Or at least, they did, before this book was published revealing their unseemly, scripted, ritual behavior.
Why all the occultic ritual rigmarole? Why do some of the world's richest and influential men take the risks they do in working their demonic magical acts in plain sight, so that they are pictured doing it in major newsmagazines and newspapers, on television, and in other avenues with huge potential audiences?
Could it be this is why the Illuminati so flagrantly flaunt their occultic wares? Is it that they possess a unique taste for deceit and chicanery? Or is the performance in plain sight accomplished because it is believed to infuse power and mastery into their sought for aims and goals? Mockers and Tricksters Do they simply enjoy mocking and tricking us? Teasing and playing with our minds, realizing that the vast majority of people in society are willing dupes?
Full text of "Hidden Codes Of The Illuminati Codex Magica Texe Marrs"
It was, after all, serial killer John Wayne Gacy — certainly a psychopathic personality — who once bragged, "A clown could get away with murder. He also took great pleasure, in the confines of his home, in torturing and killing young boys. All of these are reasons why psychopaths of the Illuminati pose and parade occultly in front of cameras, exchange ritual handshakes, and otherwise taunt the public.
Remember, according to Webster's, the psychopath is immoral, selfishly flaunts societal mores, is infantile in personality, is delusional, and has feelings of grandeur and omnipotence. Men who think they are omnipotent gods must take extreme delight in putting things over the masses whom they consider inferior and sub-human.
Twelve Keys to Understanding Moreover, after long and careful consideration I propose that in addition to these factors, there are at least twelve other reasons, or factors, why the Illuminati persist in their seemingly delusional and infantile behavior. Each of the twelve reasons is represented by one of the key words listed below: We have already covered the topic of the elite's obsession with Secrecy in Chapter One. In the following sections and pages of this present chapter, we will look at the remaining 12 keys.
We begin with the Illuminati's employment of Magic to accomplish their ends. That magic is an occult activity is also indicated in The New Encyclopedia Brittanica. So we are not talking here about magicians playing parlor tricks or entertainment extravaganzas — pulling rabbits out of hats, sawing beautiful girls in half, being chained in an aquarium full of water and escaping, etc.
Instead, as the encyclopedia so well puts it, magic is ritual performance. It is an occult ritual. In this occult ritual, the "magician," the Illuminist, believes he can "influence human or natural events. We realize that in performing these magical works, the Illuminist actually believes he is influencing human behavior or otherwise causing real events to occur in a particular, planned way or intended manner. Society is shaped by occult plan. However, to accomplish these aims, this shaping of society, the Illuminist, as an occult practitioner, fully understands that he is accessing, as the encyclopedia definition explains "an external mystical force beyond the ordinary human sphere.
But as we shall see, the highest authorities in the occult world admit that there is no essential difference between white magic and black magic the supposedly bad, evil, left-handed path. Who, or what, then, is the Illuminist accessing in his ritual performance of magic? From my many years of research and investigation into the works and plans of the Illuminati, witches, Satanists, shamans, masons, and other occultists, I declare without hesitation that what these men are doing — knowingly in some cases, unwittingly in others, is calling on, that is invoking devils from an invisible realm "beyond the ordinary human sphere".
The occult and the Masonic communities can call these evil presences by any coverup name they wish — the Great White Brotherhood, Shamballa, planetary entities, the Hierarchy, etc. This, indeed, is a very dangerous activity; yet the Illuminati has designed its many rituals, signs, codes, symbols, architecture, art, and other devices so that the world around us has become a veritable Grand Theater of the Occult. Because of the Illuminati, the whole world is enchanted, dark with supernaturalism, and the one the Holy Bible calls the Prince of the Power of the Air, also referred to as Satan and Lucifer, must be very proud of his human minions.
There are the celebrities and the rich and famous, the glitzy or jet-set people who are into Illuminism, occultism, and witchcraft because it is trendy and fashionable. These are often ignorant people who are used by the Illuminati to extract money, for sex, and as novelties. When the money runs out, they grow too old for use as sex partners, or the novelty wears out, they are often cast out or retired and no longer have access to the "Inner Circle" of the Elite. Then there are the do-gooders — people who support revolution and the socialistic, globalist, environmentalist, and similar aims of the Illuminati for what they fancy is the good of society.
Sometimes these people sign up for Cabala classes taught by rabbis; they eagerly join liberal social issue organizations and may also be involved in the secret societies and orders, though at a lower level. Again, we see these people are mere dupes. Finally, we see several strata of Illuminati elite — major politicians and bureaucrats, including Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chancellors, etc. These are major players, but again, they are dupes because there is a secret, invisible, arcane or hidden "Inner Circle" which works behind the scenes and tells these major players what to do. There is even a classic Masonic textbook by this very title.
They rankle at the fact that Nimrod, the King of Babylon, was confounded in building the Tower of Babel, and they are seized with rage over the destruction of their Temple in Jerusalem. Indeed, the Builders are angered that every time they have sought to bring the world together as One, they have been thwarted by God. But still, they strive to complete their assigned mission.
Now it is the New W orld Order or Bush's "democracy for all nations" they have in mind. The United Nations is to be "reformed," that is — strengthened. The few rogue nations that remain must be dealt with. The economies of all the nations must be equalized, enterprise extinguished, constitutions amended or ignored, private property seized or regulated severely, religions transformed, etc.
Those are the goals. In other words, to build their New World Order, the elite intend to destroy the existing World Order. The old must go to make way for the new. It is the Hegelian Dialectical Process that is being used to achieve this prime objective. What is above must become what is below states the Illuminist law of alchemical transmutations.
Robert Oppenheimer, the Soviet spy who oversaw the Manhattan Project, the building of the first atomic bomb, and was present when the humongous mushroom cloud rose with its imploding plumes of fire, is said to have exclaimed, "lam became the destroyer of worlds. Oppenheimer, a Jew, appointed to his august scientific position by 33rd degree Mason, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was deep into the occult and was a cabalist magician. As Michael Hoffman II and a few other keen-minded observers have pointed out, the A-bomb project, the transmutation of matter into intense forms of energy, was long an alchemical objective of the Illuminati magicians.
Fike the Hindu god who represents them, it is the fondest desire of these wicked, nihilistic men that they become the destroyer of worlds. This is the ultimate, all-consuming, repugnant goal of The Builders, to undo what God has done, to defile and utterly destroy planet earth and to rebuild it in their image. The prophetic Scriptures tell us that this grandiose Plan — the Great Work of the Illuminati — will never fully come to fruition.
The Kingdom shall not become the province of the rebellious Illuminati and their dark, occult master, Satan. Here is Almighty God's glorious declaration of how it all shall end: His Christ and His people shall reign triumphant forever, and the evil shall be judged. And what of the Illuminati, the destroyers of the earth, the ones whom Satan's servant, Oppenheimer, trumpeted were the "destroyer of worlds?
Because they serve Satan, they instinctually know they are also serving the will of his human hierarchy. They expect to be rewarded for this service to the evil side. George Bernard Shaw, who maintained an overwhelming hatred for God and for Christianity, wrote of a "will" incarnated in higher consciousness man the elite that shall "finally mould chaos itself into a race of gods. Aleister Crowley, head of the occultic order, Ordo Templi Orientis, prided himself on being the "wickedest man on earth.
That translates into awesome power. Changing reality by the force of one's will is, in fact, the very essence of magic and witchcraft. Through development and exercise of will, or magic, says Barnwell, a man may live forever as a god. Illumined by occult knowledge, the person is able to utilize pent-up psychic energy forces to effect material reality. Barnwell refers to this psychic energy force by the Hindu term "Kundalini," or "serpent power. As such, he is immune to and beyond any human spectrum of morality.
Whatever he wills is good, based solely on the results and not on any relative moral scale. In essence, the ends justify the means.
In such a relativistic theology, black magic is no lesser in moral standing than is white magic. Black is white, bad is good, and all things are reversed. Former Secretary of State and Illuminati insider extraordinaire Henry Kissinger once smiled and confided, "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. These men lust for power, and conveying secret messages unintelligible to the ignorant masses must give them great emotional delight.
It inspires in them the desire to accomplish even greater occult aims. As Shakespeare once wrote, "The world is mine oyster which I, with sword, shall take and plunder.
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It was British colonialist plotter Cecil Rhodes who once declared, "I would annex the planets if I could. Congress that he once told an audience: And I'm doing it! To smugly conceive of oneself as superior in enlightenment, in class status, in social connections, and in other artificial aspects is common to the elite.
The promotion upward of the initiate degree-by-degree is purposely designed to create the impression that he is gaining knowledge forbidden to the unenlightened multitudes outside the order. A system of awards, jewels to be worn, covert handshakes and cryptic signs shared also reinforces the ideology that the individual is special and superior. But to identify with members of an exclusive and powerful secret organization by purposely giving a secret hand sign in that picture and realize that only other elite are "in" on the joke, so to speak — that can, indeed, engender a rush of perverse satisfaction and haughty pride.
The attitude is, "Ha! Aren't we pulling one over on them! What control we have over the masses. What swill they can be made to swallow! This is especially true given the Illuminati's control and manipulation of nations like the U. Beneath the cloak of the prime conspirators are larger groups of rich peasantry and landlords dominating a huge mass of poor serfs and less-than-serfs whose labor and lives are sucked to provide the lifeblood to nourish the upper portions of the pyramid.
This ancient structure is perfectly visible to anyone with the eyes to be appalled. It is also obvious that the ruling class cabals and spy organizations which we do know about are pointed in roughly the same direction: Aside from all the lofty banter about the "perfecting of mankind," what is desired is the perfecting of the systems of control.
Control is the shared goal of these numerous conspiring individuals, groups, and governments, and in that sense they work together, collaborating here, working individually there, creating an evolving noose of murderous technological expertise that swiftly tightens around humanity's throat. With this goal in place, with money and the tools of advanced technology in hand, the overall program of Q accomplishment crystallizes. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely Exaggerated, self-absorbed pride becomes especially evil and dangerous when prideful men acquire power.
It was Lord Acton who, in , uttered the well-known maxim that, "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Power to reward or to punish chosen disciples, friends, or enemies, even power to take life. The best of historians now admit, for example, that President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his corrupt. Masonic associates knew in advance of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that catapulted the United States into war.
The Illuminati wanted world war, and the American airmen, soldiers, and sailors who died on December 7, were considered necessary to precipitate the USA's entrance into World War II. The massive loss of life was no obstacle as far as the elite were concerned. Their cold-blooded agenda is calculated to engender chaos and destruction in a never-ending, alchemical process of bringing Ordo ab Chao order out of chaos.
To the elite, murder is business as usual. They are the elite, and, unfortunately, they are afflicted with elitism. They do receive unfair advantage and exalted status in society. Sadly, the dumbed down masses adore the men and women of the elite. Elitism is a sickness, a disease.
The men and women who are pictured in Codex Magica giving secret signs and sharing covert hand grips no doubt enjoy a smugly satisfying sense of perversity in knowing they are deceiving those whom, they are persuaded, are the ignorant and unknowing multitudes. There is a hidden inner circle, followed by a several hundred-member core. Next, we have perhaps three to five thousand in a larger circle of influence, and then finally, another ten thousand puppets. The latter group, the puppets, have no real influence on matters of importance.
This group includes celebrities, media representatives, educators, and others who are only vaguely aware that an elitist global conspiracy exists. They simply know that they must hew to the "party line. They are required to rigorously adhere to the "script" provided and continue to loyally wear the individual "mask" they have been supplied. John Swinton, newsman and former editor at The New York Times once shocked his audience at a luncheon meeting of the press by boldly confessing: There is no such thing in America as an independent press.
You know it and I know it The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; To he outright; To pervert; To vilify; To fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his county and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. Swinton appears to have known very well that the careers and activities of his peers in the media are strictly controlled and regulated by their elite masters. And this rankled him.
But then, after Swinton's comments that day, little was ever heard again from the man. This is because these men are themselves deceived by Lucifer, and so they go about deceiving others. Thus there is a Group Mind resident in all these people, whether an Illuminatus is a member of the inner circle or is a lowly puppet.
Keith wrote that in the South American nation of Columbia, there is a German community which, even today, over 60 years after World War II, uses the swastika as its icon.
This group calls its compound "Hormiga," in honor of the obedient worker ant, yet another form of Illuminati insectoid. It is fascinating to realize that these people are servile, weak, and crawling little personalities. They echo in unison the words "Yes, Master" to their superiors, the potentates of the various secret societies and orders. The underlings of the Illuminati, in effect, are abject and craven cowards, groveling in fright and terror before their Illuminist chieftains; yet, they act in public as though they are superior beings — oh, so special and "hoity toity," as the saying goes.
Believing in their own inflated self-worth, they consider themselves members of a higher-level caste while categorizing the masses outside their group as like so many cattle or sheep — even as "useless eaters. Israel Shahak, Professor at Hebrew University in Israel, a man I respected greatly, was a constant critic of such a deviant, superiority attitude. Shahak noted that many Zionist Jews are unashamed advocates of human slavery: The Israelis have resuscitated a book in Spanish by Jews dating from the 14th century which has been adopted for use as a manual of religious instruction in Israel's secondary schools.
It explains why non- Jews ought to be the slave of Jews because Jews are the elite of the human race. Because of this they deserve to have slaves, and these slaves must be non-Jews. According to the Talmud, Gentiles are not even to be considered humans: It should be further noted that the Encyclopedia Britannica says, "The Talmud is still the authoritative and practical guide of the great mass of the Jews. Slaves and Beasts Slaves and beasts! That is what the Zionists of Israel consider those who aren't Jewish.
Now we discover what the elitist, favored sons of the Zionist Illuminati think of you, me, and the masses.
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No wonder they kill without conscience through their instigation of world wars, through initiation of regional conflicts, and through assassinations and other criminal deeds. The elite plot and carry out heinous terrorist acts and institute financial crises and cultural upheavals to force the Hegelian dialectical process along its desired path toward a New Age New World Order. Deaths are "acceptable losses," the Illuminati reason, and pain and suffering are necessary for requisite changes to occur in society. In any event, since those outside The Order are relegated to the lowly categories of "slave and beast," why wring one's hands or otherwise unduly concern oneself with whether such miscreants as you and me live or die?
The Malthus Principle suggests to the Illuminati that periodically thinning the global population is a good thing. Evolution, they believe, calls for the survival of the fittest, and they view themselves as superior and most fit to rule. Elitism is certainly a disease, a mental disease, and those afflicted with it experience no guilt whatsoever in performing magical rituals of all kinds to enhance and accentuate their elite status and signal their superior "knowledge" to their occultic peers. They seem to be obsessed with flaunting their special ties with each other as well as their membership in the Brotherhood of the Elite at large.
Could it be that these men — sharers of occult secrets and sharers of crimes — also share a joint consciousness and recognition of their mission as individual members of a commonly shared destiny? I believe that is the case. In Conscious Evolution, Dr. Barry McWaters acknowledges this commonality, this attempt to unify on the part of the insiders, each of which, he acknowledges, make a "unique contribution: By the combination in the ethereal world of millions of ritual acts by individuals, it is believed that a collective transformation of mankind and of earth will take place.
When a critical mass is achieved, a quantum leap in consciousness will spontaneously occur. The catalytic process of magic on a mass, continuing scale will help push this process along to completion. Then and only then will the Universal Mind, long a cherished goal of the elite, be realized. Meanwhile, the co-conspirators believe they are mass-conditioning humanity and helping to build archetypes of energy forces in the collective consciousness that tend to create a binary, dialectical process of chaos that will result in the Hegelian achievement of equilibrium.
This, they are convinced, will catapult the world into a global- wide Zionist state, ruled by an enlightened dictatorship made up of Masonic overlords who wisely rule and are beyond good and evil. In effect, the co-conspirators are persuaded they are each a cell, or molecule, playing a certain role within a greater organism. Their deceit is to imagine themselves an energy unit, or snapshot within a holographic universe in which all things are related and are one: That, indisputably, is Lucifer. Interesting is the fact that each of the co-conspirators fully recognize what the others are doing.
Each understands the mask he must wear and the signals to be given. Truman smiled and said to Welles, "You're the second greatest actor alive today. Most of these men are wealthy. Is that a factor? Does wealth confer on a man the unbecoming non- quality of stupidity? Is the secret coding and sending of messages, by word and by visual means, a process or activity of stupid, wicked rich men?
Not all wicked and powerful men are wealthy, but many are. Having studied the lives and work of the elite, I can testify that their idle lifestyle and wealth often becomes an impediment to their moral development and to their potential exercise of good judgement and common sense. This is especially true of members of Dynasty family lines — the Bushes, Kennedys, Clintons, Roosevelts, Bronfmans, Rothschilds, the royal families in Europe, etc. But though we may laugh at what seem to be the comedic and unfruitful attempts of the elite to use coded messages and symbolism in magazines, newspapers, on TV, and in other media, for them this is no laughing matter.
It is serious business. It is ritual witchcraft, and without it, their lives would revert to the mundane. Witchcraft and magic having become an essential part of their lives, they are addicted and must continue. As one famous witch once remarked, "I had no self- control. My appetite for performing spells and working magic eventually became insatiable. Satan kept wanting more and more, and I had to provide it. Not just of some evil, but of all evil. The concentration of wealth into fewer and fewer hands translates into the concentration of evil into fewer and fewer hands. The idle wealthy soon lose perspective and are out of touch with the serfs and vassals.
The slave state, at its zenith, is run by dullards, silly men who have convinced themselves that a secret handshake made in front of a camera — or a hand sign flashed by them on a TV news program — turbo-props their personal progress in the ranks of the elite. They are also convinced that their use of covert signs, grips, handshakes and symbols helps in their acquisition of greater satanic powers, leading to greater control by them over the unknowing peasantry.
Foolish, But Also Dangerous Tragically, these men, though often foolish and dull, are dangerous to us all. The silly man who is given control and management over the keepers to the keys to the nuclear-tipped ICBMs that sit deep inside the earth is, indeed, a dangerous man. So, too, are men whose banking, financial, and corporate decisions can plunge entire nations into desperate straits of bankruptcy and ruin.
It is, moreover, no consolation to realize that the stupid and self-indulgent who populate the highest reaches of the Illuminati ranks are often cunning, sly, devious, and ethically-challenged. The imbecile son of a wise king is always less wise than his father, but upon his father's passing, he nevertheless assumes the throne. How often does history show that heredity renders a nation a cruel blow when the next generation takes command? In that instance, the cry of the people invariably rings out: Their reign is based on, first, heredity, and, next, on cronyism and toadyism.
Survival and promotion is not according to survival of the fittest, but survival of the most wealthy and the most favored. Sometimes, modern man looks at old newsreel footage of monsters like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, and Mussolini, and they ask, How could entire nations have ever believed in such cartoonish, even outlandish, characters? But, remember, we see these men only in retrospect, and we fancy ourselves as being too smart to have ever been taken in by such odd personalities. Someday, an evil one will come who will be so wicked and diabolical he shall cause the masses everywhere to revere and honor him as a "saint above saints.
They, along with the duped masses, will fall prey to the Strong Delusion, they will believe the Lie, and they will be Damned II Thessalonians 2. That which we must say to the crowd is — we worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition To you, Sovereign Grand Inspector Generals, we say this; that you may repeat it to brothers of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees — The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.
Robinson, whose book, Born in Blood, was celebrated by top Masonic Lodge officials as an accurate history of the Knights Templar and of Freemasonry, insisted in his later book, A Pilgrims Progress, that Lucifer is not Satan or the devil. Instead, Robinson insisted that Lucifer is an angel whose guidance and help can be employed either for good or for evil. Of course, Robinson's writings make clear that pleasing Lucifer is high-up on the Lodge's list of priorities.
Lucifer the Divine Eliphas Levi, the cabalist magician whose artist depiction of Baphomet, the androgynous goat god, is illustrated elsewhere in this book, was more to the point. He recognized that Satan and Lucifer are, indeed, one and the same. But Levi also taught that Satan, believe by true Christians to be the enemy of God, is, in fact, man's helper and benefactor.
Indeed Levi praised Satan, or Lucifer, as the "angel presiding over the light of truth. It is our mind. He is integrated into and is one with the mind of the men who make up the Illuminati elite. Lucifer and these men are of one mind. This brings to pass the prophecies of Revelation 17 where we are told that the conspiracy of the elite in the endtime shall be composed of world leaders who will be of "one mind for they will give all of their power and strength to the Beast.
Many laugh — at least publicly — at the notion of a real entity known as the Devil. The Masonic Lodge not only publicly disavows worship of Satan, but also vainly attempts to cast Lucifer, pseudonym for the Devil, in the mold of a good angel, ostensibly sent here on earth only to assist man and introduce man to the "better angels.
She remarks that it is "Deity" without a name that is admired and worshipped. English Choose a language for shopping. Not Enabled Word Wise: Enabled Amazon Best Sellers Rank: Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources.
Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go. Amazon Restaurants Food delivery from local restaurants. To those ends the Piro Station moth photos were submitted and accepted for posting as an album in the moth section of the University of Georgia Discover Life web site discoverlife. The Piro Station moth album is found at: Two moths encountered in the Piro Station moth survey illustrate some additional things about biodiversity projects such as this. First, to date this particular moth in the Erebidae family has not been encountered yet at any of the moth web sites nor was it recognized so far by anyone viewing it in the Facebook- Mothing and Moth Watching group.
At present three-quarters of the Piro moths still have this nameless or genus name only status. Posting their photos in the Discover Life album and subsequent referrals to moth family specialists may result in some more of them getting named.
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However, the fact that their photos are in a moths of Costa Rica database at least provides a benchmark for what is present around Piro Station in mid-February that is available to anyone doing any follow-up moth sampling in this area. Second, the above moth is the white witch moth, Thysania agrippina Crawer [ Web information about this moth claims that using the wingtip-to-wingtip parameter, a 30 cm specimen of this species from Brazil is considered to be the largest moth in the world and that T.
These two erebid moths reinforce key things about biodiversity sampling for me. Second, you can never predict what will be found in the next sample you take because new moths are always present. Third, do not stop sampling too soon — four seasons and 39 sheet samples later produced the white witch moth and pushed the bar for my moth bucket list to unforeseen horizons! All laudable claims to fame! Menus in Cost Rica, along with much of Central and South America, are often described as consisting of two choices: Beans and Rice or Rice and Beans.
Of course this criticism is unfair, not only are these two staples delicious but the national cuisine extends far beyond these mainstays. At Osa Conservation our food is provided by a wonderful ensemble of Ticas; Amelia, Anhia and Elizabeth, who do a wonderful job of keeping this army of fieldworkers marching on their stomachs.
The day typically starts, unless fieldwork gets in the way of course, with breakfast at 7. This has quickly become my favourite meal of the day. Desayuno tipico is a frequent feature, consisting of the classic Gallo Pinto you guessed it, rice and beans! Now the brilliance of this meal cannot be underestimated, the energy it gives is remarkable, it is the perfect way to start the day and I cannot wait to get home and start knocking this up every day myself.
Testament to the meals excellence is its favourability ranking in the station; it is universally felt it beats any other contenders, whether its pancakes, arrepas delicious homemade scones or scrambled eggs, to the stations top spot. Dinner arrives at 6. It should be noted here that Ticos and Ticas Costa Ricans often share an incredibly sweet tooth and this means special occasions such as Birthdays are highly popular events at the station.
Here impressively decorated cakes really take centre stage and tradition often dictates a face be planted before the first slice. Learn more about our Volunteer Programs. During my time here, I have collected baseline data throughout the Osa Peninsula and had the wonderful opportunity to work directly with community members through workshops and community events.

Our workshops are aimed at educating the community and getting their involvement for future monitoring efforts. The community was very receptive and happy to join in on our workshop because they have had concerns that some individuals have been poisoning their streams in order to collect river shrimp, this in turn will affect their own drinking water and health.
During our first stay, we engaged the community in techniques and methods for water sampling and in the end left them a backpack of supplies so they could continue the monitoring independently. Our day started around noon on the Morete River going over all the different methods of testing for the river. The community members led the way as we went through the steps for visual, chemical, bacterial, and macrobiological surveys. For the first half of the workshop we broke-up into groups of two and collected data for chemical and bacterial testing.
After chemical and bacterial sampling, we moved on to macroinvertebrates. I mean what could be more fun than to play in the water while sampling for aquatic insects? Macroinvertebrates are not only fun to sample but are important indicators for water quality, this is because only some can survive in certain water temperatures and chemistries and are very sensitive to changes in these.
This index assigns scores for the different macroinvertebrates families and allows the user to tally said scores and categorize the stream based on the total presence of the different families. The workshop was facilitated by the Osa Healthy Rivers team: The workshop participants had the opportunity to put this knowledge in practice by analyzing the quality of the water in Piro River, which crosses the station.
During the afternoon, Juan Carlos Cruz, Feline Program Coordinator, shared his experiences monitoring mammals at the station, through the use of camera traps. The second day of the workshop was dedicated to biological monitoring of the water quality of the rivers. After an informational session in the laboratory, participants were directed again to Piro River to use kick nets, D nets, sieves, and other implements used by limnologists, the scientists who study of bodies of fresh water, to capture the organisms that live in the rivers.
After working collaboratively, over 25 different types of aquatic invertebrates were observed, including various types of crayfish, prawns, dragonflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, and mayflies. The most important lessons of the activity, however, arose from the reflections generated by the interaction between the workshop participants.
Together we learned how the management of water resources depends on many people and entities working together: In addition, this will allow communication and exchange of experiences between the teams that manage water in the different communities throughout the Peninsula.
Rebecca Trinh In Osa, beach field work is dictated by the behavior of the waves. Many thanks to everyone!!! Beautiful Streams — A Declaration of Love to Our Rivers Imagine it is hot, very humid and hot, and you are trying to catch every breeze that is coming to you on the way through the camp or the jungle. Over time the beach becomes a long tunnel of sounds and smells, punctuated by tiny scraps of light Every day, volunteers patrol the beaches near Piro Biological Station in the early hours, looking for signs of turtles coming ashore to nest.