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Explore the Home Gift Guide. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Jenna Rink is a typical preteen girl who wants more than anything to grow up. On her 13th birthday, Jenna's only wish is to get older and fast. When she wakes up the next morning, she's 30 years old, a sucessful magazine editor with a live-in boyfriend!
Jenna tracks down Matt her best friend when she was younger to try and figure out what has happened. Jenna Rink has two wishes - to become one of the school cool girls, and to be thirty - rather than be coming up to thirteen and hanging around with uncool Matt. After her disastrous birthday party an accidental sprinkling of magic dust makes both wishes come true and she finds herself at thirty as a highly successful New York fashion editor. Luckily she locates Matt for help on how her new world works, but as she finds out how she has behaved since that birthday party she increasingly discovers someone she thoroughly dislikes.
It's , and geeky Jenna wants to be popular. After her 13th birthday party goes awry, Jenna wishes she could just be 30 instead - only to wake up and discover that she's flash-forwarded 17 years. Now a sexy, successful magazine editor, Jena Jennifer Garner finds out that being an adult isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be. Flamhaff Mary Pat Gleason Mrs. She pulls a "Rip Van Winkle" and suddenly finds herself 15 years older, with boobs, and the editor of a glitz and glam NYC femme fashion magazine. The rest is a fun frolic about coming to grips with what is important in life Garner and Ruffalo work well as the leads in this good old family values bop flick which keeps the momentum up 'til the very warm and fuzzy end.
An unabashed chick flick, "13 Going On 30" should be an enjoyable watch for teen females and anyone in the mood for a romcom who can still remember what it's like to be 13 going on Scrooge is a miserly old businessman in 's London. One Christmas Eve he is visited by the ghost of Marley, his dead business partner. Marley foretells that Scrooge will be visited by three spirits, each of whom will attempt to show Scrooge the error of his ways. Will Scrooge reform his ways in time to celebrate Christmas? Ebenezer Scrooge Richard E. Albert Fezziwig Saskia Reeves Mrs. Dilber Elizabeth Spriggs Mrs.
Bennett John Franklyn-Robbins Mr. Fine performances, good scenery, and realistic locations made for an enjoyable program. However, I preferred the picture with George C. Scott in it; I felt he was a more believable Scrooge and the whole show was simply more well made. An anonymous, but deadly man rides into a town torn by war between two factions, the Baxters and the Rojo's. Instead of fleeing or dying, as most other would do, the man schemes to play the two sides off each other, getting rich in the bargain. Infofreak from Perth, Australia 'A Fistful Of Dollars' is a wonderful movie which, despite having an enormous following of fans around the world, sometimes gets unfairly dismissed in my opinion.
Despite being made on a much tighter budget and being less ambitious than the sequels to follow, it's still one of the greatest westerns ever made in my opinion. The second reason is the Yojimbo thing. Now movie buffs frequently slam 'A Fistful Of Dollars' as being a rip off of Kurosawa's 'Yojimbo', which I think is extremely misleading. Anyway, this is an absolutely brilliant movie and it launched Clint Eastwood, a popular TV actor, into being a major movie star, and likewise put Sergio Leone on the map.
I can't recommend 'A Fistful Of Dollars' highly enough, it's pure entertainment, and very, very cool! Do yourself a favor - give it a miss!! Coming out of tiny Macedonia, Alexander led his armies against the mighty Persian Empire, drove west to Egypt, and finally made his way east to India. This film will concentrate on those eight years of battles, as well as his relationship with his boyhood friend and battle mate, Hephaestion. Alexander died young, of illness, at Alexander's conquests paved the way for the spread of Greek culture facilitating the spread of Christianity centuries later , and removed many of the obstacles that might have prevented the expansion of the Roman Empire.
In other words, the world we know today might never have been if not for Alexander's bloody, yet unifying, conquest. After defeating the Persians he leads his Army across the then known world venturing further than any Westerner had ever gone all the way to India.
From his childhood as the son of King Philip, to acending the thrown at age 20 in B. From his conquests of Egypt, to battles with the Persians and the capture of Babylon, operations near Maracanda and in Afghanistan, and pushing all the way to India where he reigned unchallenged before his sudden death at age But I think there are some really important points to made, and I haven't seen anyone make them.
So here I am writing. In my opinion, almost everyone misunderstood the relationship between Hephaistion and Alexander. In the modern world, especially in the West, two men are either very close to each other, sleep together, and have sex, or they keep a good comfortable distance from each other and, if they're friendly, might punch each other on the arm. In this film, we see a relationship that is hard for most people today to understand, namely a passionate love relationship between two men in which sex is not very important and possibly even absent.
Aristotle essentially explained the whole film near the beginning when he told the young couple something like the following, as best I can remember it, "When two men lie together in lust, it is over indulgence. But when two men lie together in purity, they can perform wonders. Given what I know of that culture, I am sure that "in purity" means no sex, or at least very little. That's why we never see them kiss. In the film, as in many older films, kissing is a metaphor for sex. Even when Alexander kisses his mother, it refers to the idea of sex.
That's why Alexander kisses Bagoas, but not Hephaistion. Now I'm not sure if the real historical Aristotle would have made that remark. That's not exactly what he says about homosexuality in the Nicomachean Ethics. But the remark is plausible enough since Alexander could easily have heard such an idea during his youth.
Plato before Aristotle expressed that idea, and Zeno of Citium after Aristotle did too. So even if Aristotle never said this to Alexander, it is plausible enough that the idea was in the air and that Alexander heard it from someone or other. Some have complained that the "homosexuality" assuming that A's relationship with Heph. But it's crucial to the plot. Stone is hypothesizing that Hephaistion was essential for what Alexander did. Further, it's a standard Hollywood convention to juxtapose a love story with some great political, military, or otherwise grand event.
There are tons of examples. Titanic, Enemy at the Gates, Gone with the Wind, It really is homophobic to complain about Stone continually going back to this theme, because he has a perfectly good artistic reason to do it. A few more details: Alexander's accent and soft appearance. Another nod to a great director passed on, this time Stanley Kubrick. I think it's deliberate. The softness of Alexander's personality. In a lot of scenes it made sense. He was gentle enough to know how to approach Bucephalus and tame him without scaring him.
He was open minded enough to adopt a lot of Persian culture and encourage intermarriage, while the other more "he-man" folks around him were less comfortable with the idea. Yes, if you haven't figured it out by now, I do like the film. People's hatred of the film is hard for me to understand. Originally thinking war would be a great adventure, Paul and his friends discover exactly the opposite as the war drags on and one by one the members of the class are killed in action until only Paul remains. Why this is I haven't been able to find out but was missing is important plot info that makes many scenes understandable.
Why was the video edited? To much anti war stuff, these scenes are the most edited. Thorin Capitol Equipment Leasing, Ltd. He is a Navy brat who has a bad attitude problem. Foley is there to train and evaluate him and will clearly find Zack wanting. Zack meets Paula, a girl who has little beyond family and must decide what it is he wants to do with his life. Marshall Drill Instructor 1 Gary C. Ford Aerodynamics Instructor Michael C. Pavey Officer of the Day Keith J. Gere gives a decent turn as Zack Mayo, a constant rebel, who enlists on a whim into the Naval academy to become a pilot trying in vein to escape his drunken father, his nowhere existence and more noticeably himself.
Winger is the townie flirt who wins his heart and ultimately respect that redeems him during his baptism of fire under the ruthless drill instructor Gossett who became the first black actor to win an Oscar as Best Supporting Actor who knows Mayo only too well with steely reserve. Keith's check out scene is a stand-out and quite a splash of ice water to Gere's character to snap out of his hazy existence. Directed in workmanlike finesse by Taylor Hackford.
Householter Shauna Robertson David O. Ron Burgundy Ferrell is the top-rated anchorman in San Diego in the '70s. When feminism marches into the newsroom in the form of ambitious newswoman Veronica Corningstone Applegate , Ron is willing to play along at first-as long as Veronica stays in her place, covering cat fashion shows, cooking, and other "female" interests.
But when Veronica refuses to settle for being eye candy and steps behind the news desk, it's more than a battle between two perfectly coiffed anchor-persons It's the 's as San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy is the top dog in network TV, which gives way to his freewheeling sexism with his fraternal-like crew. But all that's about to change or be jeopardized when ambitious reporter Veronica Corningstone has just arrived as a new employee at his TV station.
Famous anchorman Ron Burgundy is on top of the world. He's got fame, friends, ladies, and his beloved dog. But all that changes as he develops a rivalry with his new female co-anchor Veronica Corningstone. Without question this is Will Ferrell's best work. His over-the-top acting and his over-the-top hair fits perfectly in the title role. And surprisingly, he's not the best part. Steve Carell, as the "retarded" weatherman steals just about every scene he's in.
Hilarious movie, but not exactly for the ones who don't exactly like "stupid" movies. Allied forces land at Anzio unopposed but instead of moving straight inland their commanding officer decides to dig in. A battle-hardened war correspondent borrows a jeep and drives to Rome and back without meeting any German forces, but his report on this absence of the enemy is discounted. By the time it is finally decided to make a move the Germans have arrived in strength and a prolonged and bloody fight ensues. Jack Rabinoff Robert Ryan Lt.
Carson Earl Holliman Platoon Sgt. Jack Lesley Reni Santoni Pvt. Andy Giancarlo Giannini Pvt. Cellini Anthony Steel Gen. Marsh Patrick Magee Gen. Starkey Arthur Franz Maj. Luke Howard Tonio Selwart Gen. Hendricks Venantino Venantini Capt. Gannon uncredited A missed opportunity by the film makers.
Robert Mitchum does his usual good job as a long-time war correspondent, and Peter Falk as a Ranger corporal at the Anzio invasion is creditable. There just doesn't seem to be a lot there. This goes down as a missed opportunity by the film makers. Tied down and beaten by his fellow cadets, Whittaker was court-martialed on the grounds that he staged his own assault to avoid taking a philosophy exam. Jackson who squabble over how best to present his defense. Charles Alexander Brad Greenquist Dr.
Sherman Josef Sommer Col. Morrow Joel Abel Gen. Miles Alan Sader Col. Sam Waterston executed a bravura performance as the abolitionist and civil war hero Daniel Chamberlain who liked emancipation but was unwilling to accept equality. The spencerian social darwinianism which infected upper caste society was accurately presented, even though as we reach the twilight of the American era it sounds so childishly stupid.
To people of the time what they said stemmed from scientific fact, the novel doctrine of evolution which had devolved into a belief that, if the existing order were not to have been ordained by a Supreme Being, it was dictated by natural forces over which man had no control. The cast and writers paid careful attention to the diction of the civil war era which to us today sounds so stiff and formal yet capable of concealing much wry, introspective humor. The film also brought to the fore an interesting character Asa Bird Gardiner little known out of the limited circles of military law scholars.
To prevent this occurrence, Hitler orders an all out offensive to re-take French territory and capture the major port city of Antwerp. The German plan consists in a fast attack of a secret panzer division, unknown by the allies, at command of col. Hessler, a brilliant German officer. But as the Germans are short in fuel, a crucial movement in the plan is to capture a huge allied fuel deposit. It seems not to be difficult, but Daniel Kiley Robert Shaw Col.
Martin Hessler Robert Ryan Gen. Grey Dana Andrews Col. Pritchard George Montgomery Sgt. Duquesne Ty Hardin Lt. Wolenski Hans Christian Blech Cpl. Conrad Werner Peters Gen. Kohler James MacArthur Lt. Weaver Karl-Otto Alberty Maj. Guffy Steve Rowland Eddy Sgt. The name "Battle of the Bulge" was appropriated from Winston Churchill's optimistic description, in May , of the resistance that he mistakenly supposed was being offered to the German's breakthrough in that area just before the Anglo-French collapse; the Germans were in fact overwhelmingly successful.
The "bulge" refers to the wedge that they drove into the Allies lines To provide the giant Cinerama screen with great spectacle, vulgar alteration of conditions and tactics during the German breakthrough were displayed in Ken Annakin's motion picture, forgetting those who fought and died in the real 'Bulge'.. It was offensive to see heavy artillery being carried to the front aboard a train that races in a fantastic way, twisting all around the curves for 'Cinerama' attraction and script, acting and character development taking a back seat And what a cruel deception to describe the climax of the Battle of the Bulge in placing in line Nazi tanks against Allied troops across an open country in the way of a Western movie, Cavalry against Indians!
The Ardennes offensive never occurred like it was related in the film After their invasion of Normandy in June , the Allies moved rapidly across northern France into Belgium during the summer, but lost force in the autumn In mid-December, Allied commander Gen. Eisenhower's 48 divisions, distributed along a mile front between the North Sea and Switzerland, were caught unprepared by a German force in the hilly and wooded Ardennes region of southern Belgium While Allied aircraft were paralyzed by bad weather Gen. Gerd Von Rundstedt's 5th and 6th Panzer Armies launched two parallel attacks with the final purpose of retaking one of the world's greatest ports: The 5th Army under Gen.
Hasso Von Manteuffel, making a detour around Bastogne which was held throughout the offense by the U. Airborne Division advanced by December 24 to within four miles of the Meuse River This was the most distant point of the German drive, which was stopped by Christmas by a combination of inadequate supplies and Allied resistance The huge error of the film was to avoid to mention that Gen.
First Army began a large-scale counterattack The Germans made an orderly withdrawal between January 8 and 16, having used more of their resources than they could afford on this last desperate attempt to regain the initiative in the West The film - a wartime fiction with excellent cast and solid acting - but with tanks getting the starring role, is an evident distortion of the material and of history, distortions committed in the name of spectacle Turns out it's a prince and the pauper scenario, with the real Beethoven now living with a pompous rich family.
Rutledge June Lu Mrs. David Melo meloda from Roseburg, OR. USA To anybody who hasn't seen any Beethoven Movies, I would strongly recommend watching the first two great movies, and then stopping! The third and fourth didn't have any of these actors, had dumb plots, different characters which were acted poorly, and were very dull! Hasn't anybody ever heard of quitting while you're ahead! Warner Independent Pictures [us] What if you had a second chance with the one that got away?
Jesse, a writer from the US, and Celine, a Frenchwoman working for an environment protection organisation, acquainted nine years ago on the train from Budapest to Vienna, meet again when Jesse arrives in Paris for a reading of his new book. As they have only a few hours until his plane leaves, they stroll through Paris, talking about their experiences, views and whether they still love each other, although Jesse is already married with a kid. Amazingly simple and deep! They were in love 9 years ago. Now when they've met again, there's a lot to remember and tell each other.
Jess Ethan Hawke is already married and more - he's a father and Celine's dating a guy she really loves who's fortunately out of town right now. At least this is what they tell each other. You see, some parts are really left to our imagination. Perhaps Celine's just trying to prove she's a strong girl to live without Jess saying she has had many lovers after him and each of them after getting married said "thank you" to her for "teaching love" as she says.
Perhaps Jess lies either about kids but his marriage and Julie's new love are probably true. The question is could they refuse all that for each other. And here imagination's again switched on - how can they be sure they really should do it. I mean 9 years is a long term, taking into account they didn't really get known each other in the past. Depends on what you'd like everything to turn out. From the very beginning we don't even hope they'll do anything but cup of coffee together because Jess usually watches the time not to miss the plane.
At first they behave just like friends, realize very soon what they really need from each other and later regret they couldn't get in touch all that time. In the end we're almost sure they'll make love at least, but for a movie without a single kiss-scene it'll be over before the culmination starts.
The ending is specific like the whole movie and everything in it. It's a movie about the human being you're married with is not necessarily to be the one you are really in love with. Nice to watch if you miss somebody. If you want to believe they've really been dreaming of each other all these years, believe love's the strongest thing, you have the opportunity here. End it using your own discretion. The film is not much of humor but it gives good mood. The best thing is we'll see here a photo of Julie's childhood. You must see this.
Even if you're not in love yet, you'll want to be. Fighter navigator Chris Burnett wants out: He finds himself flying the lone Christmas day mission over war-torn Bosnia. But when he talks pilot Stackhouse into flying slightly off-course to check out an interesting target, the two get shot down.
Burnett is soon alone, trying to outrun a pursuing army, while commanding officer Reigert finds his rescue operation hamstrung by politics, forcing Burnett to run far out of his way. That said, I would have been better able to review this film objectively had not been for my mesmerisation at the hands of the truly astonishing nose of the man himself, Owen Wilson.
Many lines of quality dialogue flew right past me as I marvelled at the wonderous nostrils adorning the beautious face of this great man. This herculean facial feature was indeed the highlight of the movie for me. Regathering my scattered senses, I was once again plunged into the gripping storyline as a group of evil Serbians vindictively shoot down the spyplane of two great and noble american airmen.
After bailing out, good ol' Owen is shot at by a platoon of monobrowed soldiers, who seem to be carrying guns because it makes them look sexy rather than for putting them to any practical use. Honestly, I could have done better with half a brick. I will continue no further as I do not wish to spoil the amazing and absolutely-not-predictable twist at the end. Will Owen escape the guerilla scum? Will you be able to hold onto your lunch or meal of preference after the director utilises his 30th high speed pan and his 10 billionth ultra-fast zoom to closeup? Will Brad get back with Janice now that she is carrying his baby?
Do Village Cinemas do refunds? All this and more in one of the greatest movies of all time. Army Rangers, commanded by Capt. Mike Steele, were dropped by helicopter deep into the capital city of Mogadishu to capture two top lieutenants of a Somali warlord which lead to a large and drawn-out firefight between the Rangers and hundreds of Somali gunmen which led to the destruction of two U. Black Hawk helicopters in Mogadishu, and the heroic efforts by various Rangers to get to them, centering on Sgt.
Eversmann commanding one Ranger unit, named Chalk Four, pinned down by the street fighting, to Warrant Officer Durant who was only survivor of the second black hawk crash site and whom was captured, to Lt. McKnight who leads a rescue convoy for the Rangers only to get lost within the hostile city, to Lt. Perino leading Rangers to the first black hawk crash site, to Staff Sgt. Yurek who leads his decimated Ranger group Chalk Two through gunfire to safety, to many others involved who where either killed or survived.
John Grimes Jason Isaacs Capt. Mike Steele Tom Sizemore Lt. Jeff Sanderson Eric Bana Sfc. Garrison Ewen Bremner Spec. Shawn Nelson Tom Hardy Spec. Jeff Struecker Steven Ford Lt. Joe Cribbs Gregory Sporleder Sgt. Scott Galentine Zeljko Ivanek Lt. Gary Harrell Matthew Marsden Spec.
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Gary Gordon Orlando Bloom Pfc. Todd Blackburn Johnny Strong Sfc. Tom Matthews Enrique Murciano Sgt. Mike Kurth Danny Hoch Sgt. Dominick Pilla Tac Fitzgerald Spec. Daniel Busch Michael Roof Pvt. John Maddox Kent Linville Pfc. Clay Othic Ian Virgo Pvt. John Waddell Carmine Giovinazzo Sgt.
Mike Goodale Chris Beetem Sgt. Most war films usually either have a single hero through whom we see everything i.
United States: San Antonio (Tx)
Platoon , or present us with a squad of soldiers, all of whom are identifiable "types" i. Black Hawk Down takes a different approach, instead giving us a very wide array of characters, none clearly singled out as a hero or type to command the audience's attention. The general effect is to create that feeling of a team army that George C. Scott so ardently expounded to us at the start of Patton. Furthering this feel of military professionalism, the film never cheapens itself by putting too much emotional weight into one moment. The plot moves ahead at a constant pace, cutting from location to location, without slowing down to focus too much on individual soldiers.
The effect is of watching documentary footage of a real military operation gone wrong. While the effect of this scripting approach may produce some detachment among viewers on the first viewing, it makes the film all the better on subsequent viewings. And you'd better believe there will be subsequent viewings, because Ridley Scott has created one of cinema's all-time great pieces of eye candy here. The editing, cinematography, grading, scoring and visual effects all combine to leave a viewer just as drained upon leaving the theatre as these soldiers were on leaving Mogadishu.
The intensity of this film's combat is easily equal to Saving Private Ryan, and leaves such pretenders as We Were Soldiers behind in the dust. Black Hawk Down lacks the former's emotional resonance, but unlike the latter, it thrives on the fact, creating a final product as mind-challenging in its construction as it is mind-blowing its visualization. It should get more attention! I'm a 17 year old boy and I enjoyed it very much!!!! It might become some what of a classic in the future and will be looked upon more.
The story is so pretty and powerful with lots of heart. I love this movie cuz it made me "feel" for the characters, and I have to admit it made me watery throughout! I love movies that could do that to you. That scene with the little girl crying on the old man's shoulder was just so well done and sad, which I thought was just as sweet as sweet can be. I liked all the characters in this movie: Oh and talk about the ending! Not to spoil anything, but the endings great with a grand surprise that will put a smile on your face!
I'm proud to be a Canadian after seeing this movie. We can really make very good movies every now and then! I know I will become a director and make great Canadian films. Not too far from where I live. I'll have to look for the actors around here to thank them for a good movie! I wasn't expecting Blizzard to be as good as it was from the trailer but it's excellent. Graham Rated R for some violence. En route to the hospital, the Pruitts collide with a semi, and Jessica identifies the driver as her assailant.
Enraged, Pruitt pummels the man. Once at the ER, however, she changes her mind and names a male nurse as her attacker. But before Pruitt can make amends, he learns that his victim, the son of Sheriff Morgan McKenna, is dead. George Parker from Orange County, CAUSA "Blood Crime" tells of a detective Schaech and his wife Lackey whose vacation becomes a nightmare when she is raped and he becomes embroiled in the murder of the suspect and the subsequent investigation spearheaded by a tough rural Sheriff Caan.
With New Zeland standing in for Oregon and drama standing in for common sense, this mediocre flick would have us believe a coroner can not only tell us a gun was used to beat a man to death but he can identify the caliber of the weapon. Or, that a Sheriff can commit a double homicide in the name of justice with impunity A journeyman no-brainer B-flick with B-flick talent for the sofa spud. This movie depicts the gang wars in Californian jails during the s.
The half-brothers Paco and Cruz grow up together with their cousin Miklo in one of the lesser districts of L. When Miklo more or less accidentally kills another guy in a gang fight, he has to go to jail in St. Quentin, where he soon starts a career in a drug connection.
Meanwhile Paco joins the police and returns to the district as a determined officer in the vice squad. When Miklo is released on probation after 9 years, but keeps working for his gang, he soon clashes with Paco.
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Based on the true life experiences of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca, the film focuses on half-brothers Paco and Cruz, and their bi-racial cousin Miklo. It opens in , as the three are members of an East L. Miklo is incarcerated and sent to San Quentin, where he makes a "home" for himself. Cruz becomes an exceptional artist, but a heroin addiction overcomes him with tragic results.
Paco becomes a cop and an enemy to his "carnal", Miklo. America's Cup of coffee!!! Loved the Day of the Dead invocation and the artwork is real psychedelic. You get a tale of friendship, coming of age, gang initiation, prison drama, drug dealing, and even Sun Tzu's art of war going on throughout. I was mesmerized as a young man watching this and just like little Juanito couldn't resist the temptation to be like the older boys I couldn't resist either. Nothing like a little ambition and a bunch of drugs, crime and violence to get the juices flowing. I wonder if the people who hate on the movie ever tasted a little bit of the life portrayed in the movie.
Yes, people live with poverty and joblessness as well as get incarcerated, involved in gangs, drug dealing and addiction. Some of the hardest thugs do end up becoming soldiers and cops. Street slang sounds just like the dialog in the movie. Loud, in your face and to the point with much attitude and machismo behind it. As such the cliches don't bother me and they are very effective in getting the message accross. The tribal brotherhood in the movie was very intoxicating since I was steeped in it as a young man and still carry that inside.
Maybe some viewers are not used to the Mexican perspective and would be more comfortable if the whites and the blacks were not so marginalized but it's usually the other way around in so many films so why not try a different perspective. As far as the acting goes I think everyone was having fun playing angry, powertripping badasses so I was having fun right along with all three main characters and the rest of the supporting cast.
Just a real macho movie. That's how I like em. Jimmy Dove works for the bomb squad in Boston and he is always the one who is on the tough jobs. One day he decides to quit the force and to become a teacher for the rookies of the squad. A few days later his successor is killed by a bomb and Jimmy becomes suspicious that maybe this bomb could have been built by a former friend of himself. He begins to investigate and finds out that his worst nightmare has returned from his past.
Purwin Helicopter Pilot David B. Aaron from Alabama There are just those movies you have a hard time remembering five minutes after you leave the theater. This is one such movie. Not that it was entirely bad, in fact it was an ok movie Jones plays a mad bomber and Bridges is a bomb squad member.
Jones and Bridges though know each other from their Irish days. Some good scenes here and there, though for a movie called Blown Away there aren't as many explosions as one would think. At times this one gets quite boring in places too. Jones and Bridges are pretty good though and so is the elder Bridges as well. Some areas of this film are weak though like the scene where Bridge's wife walks through her house flipping switches and the screen flashes to these scenes where it shows what happens when you turn something on making you think there is a bomb somewhere.
It is an ok movie, but nothing that will make you think long afterward. When a CIA operation to purchase classified Russian documents is blown by a rival agent--who then shows up in the sleepy seaside village where Bourne Damon and Marie Potente have been living under assumed names--the pair collapse their lives and head out.
Bourne, who promised retaliation should anyone from his former life attempt contact, is forced to once again take up his life as a trained assassin to survive. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The story picks up 2 years later and Jason and Marie are hiding out in India. Jason has been framed like the book only it's a different murder and also targeted for kill by the guy who framed him I'm not sure why they decided to frame him and then kill him..
Anyway the movie takes off when he goes into Bourne mode and kicks but doing his super spy stuff which is the best parts of the movie.
The must have been problems shooting the chase scenes because the dam camera jumping all over the place was driving me nuts. Hey may say it's for dramatic effect, I say it's because if you don't shoot the scene well you can't be edit it into a dramatic one. I suppose they will complete make a new plot for the next movie and call it the "Bourne Ultimatum" and not follow any of the third book.
The story picks up four weeks after the first film, and already Bridget Jones is becoming uncomfortable in her relationship with Mark Darcy. Jessica Hundley , John Srebalus. Dino Gentili , Filippo Gentili. Philosophy of a knife. The ana tom y of melancholy. Monster ark - La profezia. Mila e Shiro - Il sogno continua 52 episodi. Sinfonia di un delitto. Lone Rider - La vendetta degli Hattaway.
La mummia - La tom ba dell'imperatore Dragone. Il commissario Wallander 4 stagioni. I racconti perduti di Camp Blood 3 corti. Halloween - The beginning. Hakushaku to Yousei 12 episodi. Sam Dunn , Scot McFadyen. Feast 2 - Sloppy seconds. John Suits , Gabriel Cowan. Batman - Il cavaliere di Gotham 6 episodi. Appuntamento con la morte. Gainey , Miranda Bailey , Whitney Able.
Un nonno per Natale. The girls rebel force of competitive swimmers. The Bourne Ultimatum - Il ritorno dello sciacallo. John Travolta , William H. Tom pkins , Bob Odenkirk , Graham Elwood. Keisha Jackson , Serena Toxicat. Showdown with the Black Organization. Sea change - Delitto perfetto. Pirati dei Caraibi - Ai confini del mondo. Kevin Deters , Stevie Wermers. Killer wave - L'onda assassina.
Il mistero del lago. Enea Fonti , attrici non professioniste. Emma Marino , Angela Ernandez. Harry Potter e l'Ordine della Fenice. Grindhouse - Planet Terror. Frank Miller - La carriera di un visionario. Boogeyman 2 - Il ritorno dell'uomo nero. Black Donnellys 13 episodi. Gabriele Sabatino , Francesco Sarubbo. Colin Strause , Greg Strause. David Grindley , Nicolas Winding Refn. Il gusto della paura. La saga cinematografica di Superman. The oil crash - Un futuro inquietante. The Darwin Awards - Suicidi accidentali per menti poco evolute.
Marco Filiberti , Antimo Vannone. Simon Schama's power of art 8 episodi. Woody Harrelson , John C. Brian De Palma's 'Phan tom of the paradise'. Marco Costa , Tonino Zangardi. Look, Up in the sky: The amazing story of Superman. Le colline hanno gli occhi. David Hunt Bruno Mattei. Incubi e deliri vol. Il cammino della redenzione.
The rise and fall of the slasher film. Jeff McQueen , Stewart Hopewell. Elio e le Storie Tese e Bisio: Kudo Shinichi's written challenge. Dark memories - Ricordi terrificanti. Chiamata da uno sconosciuto. Simon Boyes , Adam Mason. Il terrore viene per posta.

La terribile storia di Haeckel. Strada per la morte. Bobby Moresco Robert Moresco. Ferdinando Baldi , Enzo G. Tony Jaa , Bongkoch Kongmalai.
Articles | On-Line Technology
The making of The war of the worlds. The making of Heat. The fog - Nebbia assassina. Stone cold - Caccia al serial killer. Return of the living dead IV: Phan tom below - Sot tom arino fantasma. Andrew Jimenez , Mark Andrews. Mosquito man - Una nuova razza di predatori. La guerra dei mondi. La banda del porno - Dilettanti allo sbaraglio.
Jane Doe 9 episodi. Il ritorno della scatenata dozzina. Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni. Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco. Grey's ana tom y 12 stagioni. Michael Keaton , Robert Downey Jr. Il mistero del treno azzurro. Davis , Patrick Day , Tess Harper. Paolo Cellammare , Francesco Ritondale. Can't buy me lunch. The power of nightmares - The rise of the politics of fear. Aubert , Godfrey , Brian Hooks , D. Hughley , Arielle Kebbel. Sniper 3 - Ritorno in Vietnam.
Sky Captain and the world of tom orrow. Cecilia Muti , Lorenzo Del Re. Reversible errors - Falsa accusa. Natale a casa Deejay - A christmas carol. Monsters in miniature by Todd McFarlane. Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story. Making of The terminal. Hall , Marlon Wayans , J. Il west di Sam Peckinpah. Giorgio Molteni , Massimo Piesco.
Harry Potter e il prigioniero di Azkaban. Tory Kittles , K. Cruel Intentions 3 - Il fascino della terza volta. Continuavano a chiamarli Franco e Ciccio. Franco Franchi , Ciccio Ingrassia. Charlie's angels Story - Fatti e misfatti. Anderson , Richard Bridgland , John Davis. Didier Poiraud , Thierry Poiraud. Anchorman - La leggenda di Ron Burgundy. AAA - Babbo Natale cercasi. Poirot e la salma. Tom e Jerry Classic collection: Little Britain 22 episodi.
Una settimana da Dio. Tractor Tom 26 episodi.