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We will play three sets a day starting at In its 41st consecutive year, the Bank of the West Classic is the longest-running women's tennis tournament in the world. Simply click HERE and select the session that you would like to attend and enter the promotional code: Omara "Bombino" Moctar, a young Tuareg guitarist and songwriter, was raised during an era of armed struggles for independence and violent suppression by government forces. Already a superstar in the Tuareg community, with the release of "Agadez" on Cumbancha Discovery April 18th in Europe and April 19th in North America , Bombino's stature as one of Africa's hottest young guitarists will be revealed to the world.

Admission Seating Limited Doors 7: KNIME the Konstanz Information Miner , a comprehensive open source data analytics and integration platform, is coming to the Bay Area and invites you to attend a complimentary technical workshop at swissnex San Francisco. Opening July 29, Blindsided with anguish after her husband's sudden death, Dawn Gainsbourg -along with her four young children-struggles to make sense of life without him. Eight-year-old Simone newcomer Morgana Davies becomes convinced that her father is whispering to her through the leaves of the gargantuan fig tree that towers over their house.

The family is initially comforted by its presence, but then the tree's enormous roots slowly begin to encroach on the structure and threaten their fragile existence Not since classic s works like Picnic at Hanging Rock and Walkabout has the harshly gorgeous outback landscape been such a lyrical yet foreboding metaphor for grief and coming of age. Through August 12, French Summer Camp over the summer, 5 days a week. Half or full day 9: All the activities and tasks are performed in French with themes adapted to the age groups.

They involve skits, songs, mime, films, games, crafts and much more! They are all taught by instructors qualified in the teaching of French as a second language to children and teens. We provide a high quality program in a safe and friendly environment. Children bring their own lunch every day. All French levels welcome. Possible options for one day per week. For an on-going list of events offered by SiliconFrench, see http: Baya Benmahmoud, a young, extroverted liberal, lives by the old hippie slogan: She seduces many and so far has received exceptional results — until she meets Arthur Martin, a middle aged, middle-of-the road scientist.

While Arthur appears to be a likely candidate for her unique political strategy, his unwillingness to fall for her game only encourages Baya to pursue him, with surprisingly sexy consequences. Watch local listings for details! Young Lucien parades around Nazi occupied Paris in with a yellow star, which he has craftily turned into a sheriff star, pinned to his jacket.

After graduating from art school years later, the disillusioned artist tries to earn a living by playing the piano in local bars… and thus came about the cabaret star of the Swinging Sixties: His looks may be unconventional, but he still manages to lure the mythic Brigitte Bardot Laetitia Casta to bed, seduce Jane Birkin Lucy Gordon with a pair of French flag underpants, and waltz with Juliette Greco Anna Mouglalis at all hours of the night. Yet something always stands in the way of his happiness, and it takes the form of a character, La Gueule Doug Jones , who will stimulate him, torment him, and most of all, render him the icon that continues to thrill us today.

Jimi Hendrix - L'expérience des limites (Charles R. Cross) [2005]

Fast-moving Congolese crime thrilled, loaded with graphic sex and violence. Join other cinephiles at the monthly movie presentations of the Cine Club at the Alliance Francaise in Midtown Sacramento 25th Street. Films are shown at 7pm on the second Friday of each month except in July. July 7-October 16, Face of Our Time examines the work of five photographers--including the Swiss artist Daniel Schwartz--who operate within what Walker Evans referred to as the "documentary style.

Schwartz reveals the overlapping narratives between the Silk Route's ancient history and the military and economic power struggles that it faces today. The exhibition runs through October 16, and there will be a public event on the day of the opening. Face of Our Time: Through July 30, John Berggruen Gallery, Grant Ave. Through July 31, This new exhibition focuses on urban textures, including those that present themselves on walls and drainage pipes, which might normally be overlooked.

Join the artist for an opening reception on June 7. Opening reception June 7, 6 p. Mandatory RSVP to carmen. August January 1, Through August 27, Etchings, lithographs, and linoleum cuts. Meyerovich Gallery, Post St.

  • July 1-8, 2011?
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  • Bone.
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  • Social Web (German Edition) by Anja Ebersbach,Markus Glaser,Richard Heigl - Claire Fearon E-books?
  • “Teaching Philosophies for Designing Environments”: Preschool Environments (“Designing Environments for Young Children” Book 2);
  • Guêpe (French Edition);

Through September 6, American expatriates in bohemian Paris when the 20th century was young, the Steins — writer Gertrude, her brothers Leo and Michael, and Michael's wife, Sarah — were among the first to recognize the talents of avant-garde painters like Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso. Through their friendship and patronage, they helped spark an artistic revolution. Through October 9, Through October 16, Found or random objects, textures, and imagery were central to Surrealism, as was the acceptance of dreams as worthy subject matter.

Surrealism was as much a literary movement as an artistic one, and it involved an extraordinary number of the leading writers and poets of the day at one time or another. Reconfigured 19th century European and American collections. Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University. Meyerovich Gallery, Post, SF. Outdoor exhibits on-going on Florence St. SF Museum of Modern Art. New art website of note fun to browse: Her art is figurative yet remains contemporary and spur of the moment. Her paintings depict ordinary day-to-day life of people in snapshots, either in nature or life in a bustling city.

The grand prizes offered to the US fashion students are internships in high profile fashion design houses as Castelbajac or Anne Valerie Hash or the school of the Chambre syndicale in Paris Tel http: Florence de Bretagne is a French painter and photographer. Her work is full of joy and very colorful. It has always something to do with new life: It seems that nature is new and beautiful like new-born babies.

She took abstract pictures of fruits and vegetables a very poetic book, "Semence", is still available , she made paintings on trees and imaginary plants, and many others. Toutes informations dans le nouveau site http: It comes complete with handouts and a free minute follow-up consultation with Laurence Raybois.


To register please call or info afberkeley. L'Alliance Francaise in Santa Rosa has a very exciting and flexible summer program. Please choose a minimum of 5 classes anywhere on our summer schedule. The registration form is on page 3, and you will find a membership form on our webpage: Please mail your registration forms and checks to us. The address is on the form. Click on the link below to see our summer schedule: Check out our webpage: July August 10, Times and days vary. No book to purchase: Beginning August 22, A great way to practice your French before going to France.

All levels are offered separately. Classes are 3 hours per day, either in the morning 9 to 12 or afternoon 1 to 4 or evening 6 to 9. To sign up now, please call us at A unique approach to French pronunciation. It will change your understanding of French sounds forever and will definitely improve your pronunciation. Please sign up early. Level 1 to 3 students may sign up for half of the intensive if space allows. Please call us for more details. So spread the word!

A third class to Carcassonne, France at the end of August is pending.

  • Your Choice – Unravel Life’s Secrets?
  • Jimi Hendrix.
  • Risiken, Verwundbarkeit und Bewältigungsstrategien von Naturkatastrophen: Sozialgeographische Aspekte von Naturkatastrophen (German Edition).
  • Tuesdays at Three: (from letters for the underemployed).
  • Little Vampire Bites.

This is a six-session Saturday PM class that will focus on watercolor and fluid acrylic painting techniques combined with a mixed media format of image transfer and collage. Easy registration is available at www. Please join me in celebration of the joy that art making brings! September January 11, September October 19, The exhibit includes over works of art, including 50 paintings from his early years in the Caribbean to his death in Paris in Pissarro, whose politics were left of center, was involved in the social, political, and economic issues of his time.

This class explores his works as well as paintings of his colleagues: September November 7, September November 15, October 3-November 17, Learn, speak and practice French face to face with your teacher just like in a classroom. It's easy and very effective for students of any level, even complete beginners! Free for The French Class members levels 7 and 8. Meeting once a month. A minimum of 3 people is necessary to hold the Book Club. Please call in advance: It was interesting and cheerful.

Indeed, the crowd that gathered on Thursday, May 18, was the largest unofficial public gathering the young people would have seen or even heard about in Soviet Lithuania. In some cases, they noticed a crowd gathered outside the Kalanta home. One young man said that he saw a lot of people gathered at the Kalanta house after leaving work about 3: Another, on his way home from work about 6: When he walked past the Musical Theater, he saw a lot of people gathered and went to take a look.

Curiosity also served to downplay political or nationalist motivations that might be unacceptable to authorities. This characterization of young people as unthinkingly manipulated by outside forces rejected an interpretation of the events as a manifestation of real discontent. While this narrative appears clear cut on the surface, it is fraught with ambiguity. Each interpretation in the documents — hooligans, hippies, and politically immature youth — had particular consequences for the political and social environment in Kaunas and for the Communist Party as the ideological vanguard.

The composition of the people who were arrested certainly differed from the characteristics put forth in the May 20 report. According to the report,. This also marked a change from blaming active agents of unrest to blaming young people who were manipulated rather than expressing their own discontent. As the vanguard in the transformation of Soviet society and the only party in the Soviet Union, the Communist Party alone had the responsibility for identifying and eliminating its own flaws.

Secretary of the Party organization at the P.

In his June 2 speech, Guiga concluded that deficiencies in political work and indoctrination were the primary reason that young people were susceptible to the influence of bourgeois propaganda and violated public order. Thus, it is possible to encounter a fairly large number of teenagers on the streets and in parks at He reminded party activists that.

The resolutions that were passed call for concrete measures to be taken to further improve the education and indoctrination of the generation currently reaching adulthood. However, those decrees are not yet everywhere being into practice in the way that they should be. Neither did this interpretation acknowledge real shortcomings on the part of the Soviet Union. In the view of Party officials, these young people did not fully appreciate or take responsibility for the benefits of Communist society. As was typical in Soviet political culture, increased Party organization and more Party efforts in providing the proper Communist political education were said to be the remedies.

This article makes visible the process by which LiCP officials struggled to articulate an ideologically acceptable narrative about the causes of the demonstrations. Rather than simply repeating Party tropes for public consumption, Lithuanian Communist leaders in were actively applying and, more importantly, discarding potential interpretations of the street demonstrations as they attempted to articulate an ideologically satisfactory explanation for the events.

In claiming to have acted out of curiosity, the young people denied intentionality in their participation in the street demonstrations. Indeed, by explaining their acts in such a way, young people consciously or unconsciously articulated the same ideological narrative of the street demonstrations as the Communist Party officials. Kauno Tiesa [Kaunas Truth], May 20, , 6. Institute of Lithuania Studies Press, and V. Mintis Publishers, , The document did not indicate when these visits took place i.

These interviews, conducted nearly forty years after the events were used primarily in this article to describe youth cultural practices at the time. Kaunas Spring ] Vilnius: Sharpe, , Lietuvos Istorijos Instituto Leidykla, The statements rarely indicate what questions were asked, although it is possible to infer certain questions based on common elements contained in the statements.

The statements were primarily handwritten, presumably by a KGB official or stenographer because the handwriting for many of the statements is the same. Each statement is signed at the end by the person from whom it was taken. Several of the individuals were interviewed two or three times with a statement from each interview.

The interrogation statements represent a younger demographic than the statistics provided by the KGB for the total people who were arrested. Stalinism as a Civilization Berkeley — Lost Angeles: Harvard University Press, As a teenager he had joined the army to escape a prison sentence for riding in a stolen car — only to get out again by pretending to be gay, in order to become a full-time musician. Linda Keith was everything he was not: Her boyfriend was Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. Linda denies that the relationship with Jimi that night was sexual. Within days she bought Jimi a guitar, and with it he began to explore the coffee house scene in Greenwich Village.

On the day he auditioned, Janice Hargrove was in the audience. Jimi played, and everyone in the club was totally blown away, all 15 people. Keith was the kind of guy who might actually kill someone involved with his girlfriend. She was amazed at how he managed to juggle his many girlfriends and how he conned each into thinking she was his sole focus. Despite his philandering, she worked tirelessly to bring him to the attention of the world. He planned to leave the group and he was looking for producing opportunities.

After Linda dragged him to the Wha to hear Jimi play, Chandler became so excited that he spilt a milkshake on his suit. When Chandler invited Jimi to England the idea scared him at first. He knew so little about Britain that he asked whether his new electric guitar would work with British electricity.

Jeffery was a mysterious figure behind the dark glasses he wore at all times. Like many rock managers he used fear and intimidation to his advantage in business dealings.

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Immigration laws in Britain were strict, and getting Jimi into the country required correspondence to be forged that made it look as if he was being asked to come to the UK by a promoter. Jimi still had doubts. All he had for luggage was his guitar and a small bag that contained a change of clothes, his pink plastic hair curlers and a jar of Valderma face cream for his acne. He arrived at Heathrow at nine the next morning.

On the way from the airport they stopped by the Fulham house of Zoot Money, a bandleader, and his wife Ronnie. When that failed he grabbed an acoustic guitar. Upstairs year-old Kathy Etchingham was sleeping late after a night out. Etchingham was an attractive hairdresser and part-time DJ.

Bay Area Francophile List This Week!

Etchingham was woken by the commotion downstairs. As he started to play guitar blues, the club went silent and the crowd watched in a shared rapture. Eric Burdon of the Animals was at the club. They would stay together for the next two years, on and off, and Etchingham would be one of his longest-term girlfriends. Her friends, who included members of the Who, the Rolling Stones and many other bands, soon became his friends.

Jimi had been in England less than 24 hours and his life had been transformed.