
To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about English Lord, Ordinary Lady , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about English Lord, Ordinary Lady. Lists with This Book. Dec 30, Trin rated it did not like it Shelves: I read this book because I was looking for a nice culture clash romantic comedy. The title, however, is deceptive: I'm so glad two rich white people could manage to get married, despite horrible struggles like one of them liking to—gasp!

Sep 16, David Freudenburg rated it liked it. Although this is a rather typical, rather fluffy, and rather chaste romance, I don't mean any of those terms to be disparaging. A romance should be typical, because if it is not, it is probably not satisfying. Many romances are fluffy because many people prefer them that way. And, since the romance genre in general contains a wide range of sexuality, it is important to note that THIS one falls on the very chaste end of the possible explicit descriptions of sexual events.

I like the way the autho Although this is a rather typical, rather fluffy, and rather chaste romance, I don't mean any of those terms to be disparaging. I like the way the author paces the romantic interest of the couple. Their interest in each other is kept hidden in their feelings, rather than in their actions, for quite some time.

Of course they both believe that acting on their feelings would be inappropriate for some reason. In the context of the setting this seems fairly realistic. Typical of many romances, the couple attends the wedding of a relative! I also like how the author occasionally inserts a scene that is humorous in a physical, slap-stick kind of way. It makes the story fluffy, but also makes the personality of the female character more vivid and believable.

And, these scenes remind me of the Hallmark romance movies shown on TV. All of the little issues are nicely wrapped up at the end. Dec 20, Jacqueline rated it really liked it Shelves: A bit more like 3. Awwww, Will view spoiler [dyed his hair Hot Pants Pink hide spoiler ]!! Dec 30, Robert rated it it was ok.

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. It was not as terrible as I thought it would be. Sure, it's all "tell, not show", and everything about it is predictable and obvious, and the jokes are hardly original nor particularly funny, but as mindless quick reads go, it wasn't terrible. It was fluid and vaguely entertaining enough to read. Boy meets wild girl. Wild girl becomes mellow and respectable to please boy. Not entirely sure what was supposed to be romantic about it, though. Surprisingly funny No ordinary Lady but a rebellious one. He is a newly minted Lord wanting respect, she a Lady not wanting the title.

Enter a special fairy princess or a daughter from the h rebellious phase and instant hilarity. The daughter acts make re of a Lady than the mother but is very special. Great, fun read that had me laughing out loud. Jun 02, Jakques rated it did not like it. The male character has potential but the plot made him quite flat. The whole story was uneventful and I think the only conflict in this is the female character dyeing her hair red.

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How the hell is that a big deal? This is a delightful story and such a fun read from author, Fiona Harper.

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English Lord, Ordinary Lady contains everything that I love about series romance — great characters, laugh-out-loud humour, with a twist of emotional angst. Mar 27, Shelley rated it really liked it Shelves: Awful title, good writing. Picture Gilmore Girls in England, if Lorelai had hooked up with a less curmudgeonly Luke when Rory was still a little kid. I liked the characters a lot and thought it was a fun little story.

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