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Additionally, when you have warts you should eat a diet rich in vitamin A - the orange foods such as pumpkin, carrots, papaya, mangos and apricots — and garlic to boost your immune system. This article was written by Ella Walsh for Kidspot, Australia's best family health resource. You may also like.

Avoid embarrassment: 10 home remedies for genital warts

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Edit profile Email subscriptions Mums Say reviews Log out. Some evidence suggests that dietary changes may improve symptoms of genital warts. According to a literature review , cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage, may have the potential to halt the development of genital warts.

These vegetables contain molecules that the body metabolizes into chemicals that may attack HPV. A handful of trials of juice and other edible forms of these vegetables suggest that they can be effective against genital warts. HPV is a serious virus linked to throat, cervical, and some other cancers. By knowing their HPV status, a person can help slow the spread of the virus, which can be potentially life-saving. People who develop warts or other sores on or around their genitals should see a doctor.

Proper diagnosis can ensure appropriate treatment.

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  3. Three home remedies.

It is possible that something that resembles genital warts is another condition, such as herpes or a bacterial infection. Only a doctor can tell for sure. People with HIV and other diseases that harm the immune system may have more severe outbreaks of genital warts. They may also experience more difficulty clearing up outbreaks. People with genital warts should consider testing for other STIs. Medical remedies for genital warts are usually effective. They can reduce the appearance of the warts and the length of each outbreak.

Medication will not, however, kill the underlying virus. The virus continues living in the body so future outbreaks are possible. One of two creams — podofilox or imiquimod — applied directly to the warts can be effective. A person will need to get a prescription from a doctor before using these medications, and should not use them if they are pregnant. A third cream, also available through a prescription, is sinecatechins. This is a green tea extract cream that is FDA-approved for genital warts.

Other green tea formulations may be available over the counter. A doctor may also be able to freeze off the warts through a process called cryotherapy. This permanently removes existing warts, though new ones may appear. Cryotherapy may require several treatments to work. Surgical removal is also possible and is usually done under local anesthesia.

Surgery removes warts in a single treatment session. A doctor can also apply one of two topical treatments to speed the removal of the warts. Due to the strength of these treatments, they can only be applied in a doctor's office.

How to get rid of warts

It may take several treatments for the warts to disappear. Some experimental treatments, including treatment with the drug interferon, may help people for whom other treatments do not work. Genital warts sometimes disappear without treatment. It is essential, however, to distinguish the warts from the infection that causes them.

Best home remedies for curing warts - Kidspot

HPV is a lifelong, incurable condition. Even when genital warts disappear, whether this is due to treatment or on their own, a person will still have HPV. This means that they can develop genital warts again and may pass the virus onto sexual partners. People who have genital warts should discuss ways to help prevent spreading the virus with their doctor.

It is essential that people tell any sexual partners about their HPV status. Article last reviewed by Mon 26 February All references are available in the References tab. A green tea extract for the treatment of external genital warts. HPV and oropharyngeal cancer. Combination of essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia and iodine in the treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children [Abstract]. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology , 11 3 , — Successful topical treatment of hand warts in a paediatric patient with tea tree oil Melaleuca alternifolia [Abstract].

Can you treat genital warts at home?

Tannins from Hamamelis virginiana bark extract: Characterization and improvement of the antiviral efficacy against influenza A virus and human papillomavirus. Herbs against human papillomavirus. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.

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