John Waiblinger

Mall Galleries, London Warrington Open.

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Parking Space Gallery, Liverpool Drawlab Helens Drawlab Painters. Hanover Galleries, Liverpool Stockport Open.

  1. Non Tariff Measures with Market Imperfections: Trade and Welfare Implications: 12 (Frontiers of Economics and Gobalization).
  2. Il paradiso dei diavoli (Italian Edition).
  3. The Complete History of Why I Hate Her!
  4. Astrologeewhiz! (August 2012 Book 4);
  5. La puerta de las tinieblas (Misterio (roca)) (Spanish Edition).
  6. Art for Sale.

Stockport Art Gallery, Stockport Drawlab: Work in Progress, St. Helens Drawlab The Egg Gallery, Liverpool. The Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize. The Liverpool Art Prize.

Colin Goldberg: Techspressionism

Metal, Liverpool Second Prize. Graduates of Liverpool Art School Open. Helens College, St Helens. The In Significant Detail: The Paintings of Richard Baker. Nothing But Good, Netherlands Sum. Solo Exhibitions Tom Palin: Ida, a former teacher, uses her intuition and listens to the inner voice.

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  • She has always been attracted to the mystery and magic of life and finds astrology, psychology and symbols highly interesting and inspiring. The ideas of 'Eastern' philosophy guide her. So if you ask what inspires her she will answer it is from the supernatural, but at the same time Ida must admit that sometimes there is no clue at all. Guided by the idea of reincarnation, the intergenerational balance and the responsibility humans carry are important issues. Working with recycled materials has been an important topic for her creations. On her quests the materials will inspire her.


    Basic materials can be industrial waste, scrap textile, old knitted jumpers, and rejected strings of wool, pre-owned dolls and vintage buttons from factory stock clearances. Like a beachcomber she also looks for stuff in the surrounding woods, along the river-side and on the North Sea beach. All places in cycling distance. She collects, selects and one day it will be transformed into something new.

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    Due to unusual combinations such as plastic with wool, faggots with buttons, her work results in a dynamic type of art which links the past to the present. A recurring theme in her abstract work is the fairy atmosphere. Ida grew up in a small village surrounded with wasteland overcrowded with wild flora and birds.

    As a highly sensitive child she started cycling along the surrounding meadows, when her father made her a white cycle from scrap. The happy feeling unlocked her free spirit. In her early twenties a friend invited her to beautiful Scotland, where she participated as a summer student textile composer in an arts-collective. The remote nature of Scotland was food for her soul. Her Scottish friends took her to places nobody visited.

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    • The fairy atmosphere started to become a theme.