What Teachers REALLY Want

Teaching Moment Boosters

Guide students on how to make a thoughtful letter. Have students brainstorm the good things that their teachers do for them.

  1. Shepherds Wolf;
  2. Poetry A Mosaic of Life!
  3. Teachable moment!

Bling the lounge with funny posters, or play a game during a faculty meeting that makes everyone laugh. Admit your own faults and laugh at your mistakes with teachers. Leave silly signs in the restrooms and other surprise locations.

KINDLE Version

Provide times for staff gatherings outside of school or arrange a pot luck during the school day. Play games that start conversations and create laughter and release from stress. Allow dress down days as often as possible. Teachers are busy and need to be comfortable to function at their best. Trust them to do their jobs.

7 Everyday Activities That Can Become Teachable Moments For Toddlers

Micromanaging can lead to hurt feelings. These are professionals who worked hard to get their degrees. Continue to remind staff in fun ways that they need to be taking care of themselves. Teacher burnout is a real problem.

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You could organize a self- care week at school and find local businesses willing to give coupons for spas and other health services. One of the faves at our school are the free massages in the lounge by a local chiropractor. See my post on hosting a self-care week. Get creative in covering their classrooms for an occasional extended lunch or restroom break.

I mean, how much is it to ask to be able to go to the restroom when nature calls? I have a degree in Child and Family Development and spent nearly a decade working alongside children and families in various capacities before following a different path.

Teaching Moment Boosters | Zion BookWorks

Here are a few ways I sneak teachable moments into the everyday with my little one. Maybe a few of them will help to inspire you! Despite the fact that meal time can some times be a bit on the chaotic side, it can be a perfect place to begin setting the stage for social interactions. It is at the dinner table that we can model for our children what good conversation and etiquette looks like: Diapering is the perfect time to teach little ones about their bodies.

As they get a bit older you can begin to discuss potty training concepts as you start preparing them to try to use the potty. Playtime is filled with endless possibilities for teachable moments. It is during playtime that we can begin to teach our little ones the foundations for math, reading and a variety of other activities.

While you play with puzzles, count the pieces.

  1. Post navigation.
  2. Two Birthday Cakes and Baby Jack (Two Birthday Cakes Series Book 2)?
  3. What Teachers REALLY Want.

Talk about the names of the letters you see in books. Name the animals in stories and talk about the sounds they make.