Someone out there is remodeling their kitchen and needs to know which shade of granite will match best with mahogany flooring. Have a talent for crafting or creating other handmade goods? If you own a camera, starting a freelance portrait photography business could be a very natural way to make a side income.

Fancy yourself a poet? Not to be confused with hoarding, this one takes a lot of time, patience, and passion. Yet somehow, new ones keep popping up and selling for lots of money, all the time. Kia Silverbrock has been granted over 4, US Patents in his lifetime so far. Domain name trading has been around for the last couple decades, and while the slam-dunk names have long been sold off Insure.

Why not try making it yourself? With patience and skill you might end up brewing something that others are willing to pay to drink. As long as there is still the written word, there will always be editors. Freelance editing and proofreading not only pays a decent hourly wage, it also gives you the chance to read about potentially interesting topics too.

Other Cool Links & Stuff

Many people give up on their faulty laptops, mobile phones, or cameras without even looking into the cause of their malfunctions. If you have the skills to fix them, consider starting a side business refurbishing and reselling used electronics. Got a thing for numbers? You will be off to a good start if you do yours with a reputable training provider.

How to Jump-start your Career in WHS

Firstly, it is absolutely essential when you are looking for work in the WHS field to have a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a terrific way to connect with people, particularly with professionals already working in the industry. Fourthly, connect with other group members who are WHS professionals. Fifthly, send each of your connections a polite message introducing yourself saying that you are looking for assistance in getting work in the industry, to ask if they might know of any available positions and asking them to let you know if there are any that come up in your state or anyone that you might be able to contact in their industry who could help.

A good career advisor can even help on occasions with a leg-up into a WHS position with contacts that they already have in recruitment. Good career advisors who specialise in mining are literally worth their weight in gold or copper, coal or iron! I certainly owe my current success many times over to a great career advisor who helped me to refresh my resume. Since her efforts 5 years ago I have rarely been unsuccessful in gaining an interview.

Keep the card simple. Jump in and help them. Don't know, but have your phone on you? Offer to look it up. Practice giving 10x more than you ask for. There's a great video by entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk where he gets brutally honest with a guy he just met who asked Gary to give a shout-out for his company. Everything in life comes down to the quality of the relationship: The man in the video is a perfect example of how to approach relationships the wrong way.

He asked for something before he developed a valuable relationship.

To develop a relationship you have to give. And give a lot. Picture meeting someone on the first day of college. You get friendly, talk about your majors, and swap numbers to set up study times. Would you give it to him? But if your best friend of 5 years who's saved your butt a handful of times hits you up, you'll be sending him money before he could start telling you why he needs it.

Gary calls this jab, jab, jab, right hooking. Psychologists call it the Law of Reciprocity. When someone does something nice for you, you have a deep, psychological urge to return the favor.

How to Jump-start your Career in WHS - INX Software News & Blog

Studies have shown that the return favor often far exceeds the value of the original kind gesture. To put it another way: Career-wise, this is where people get it wrong. They think they deserve a raise for just showing up. When building a network, they ask for something too soon after connecting with a VIP, before ever giving. It's not about you at least, not yet. Solve other people's problems. Give away your good ideas. Connect high level people with one another. Become known as the person who solves problems, helps peoples, and makes them look good. Who doesn't want to work with someone like that?

Create systems for tasks you repeat often.

I love life hacks, but if you truly want to skyrocket your career and life, you need to develop systems for anything you repeat often. This includes emails, your work process, your fitness routine, how you reach out to people - everything you do more than once a week. This isn't just about saving time, but mental energy.

Compare a professional chef with a new cook. A new cook is frantic and stressed, digging in the drawer for the measuring spoons. She's burning food because she's taking too long to cut the carrots. A professional cook, on the other hand, breezes through these tasks because she has a system. It's called "m ise en place" everything in its place.

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He takes out all the tools he's going to need. She precuts, pre-measures all of the ingredients before ever turning on the stove. All that's left to do now is cook. A life hack is learning how to cut onions without crying. A system is mise en place. I have a system to process emails. I precook 3 days of meals at a time so I can hit my nutritional goals and not worry about what I'm going to eat. Yes, it's saved me time here and there, but what's most important is that is has reduced my stress levels raising the quality of the work and my life and has made me extremely efficient.

How you can start to practice this: I recommend a great site with a genius name: Study copywriting to skyrocket your text communication skills.