Menschen sind Kampftiere — Pferde sind Fluchttiere!
Posted in History of Horse Tagged 1. We saw in the last Blog that at the end of the Ice Age there was only the Equus Ferus left, which had two sub-species: It is thought that of our present domesticated horses the Warmbloods stem from the Przewalski Horse — those were horses living in the steppes.
And from the horses adapted to life on plateaus or in deserts, of which we have fossil finds in England, stem the Celtic ponies. Wir sind fast in der Gegenwart angekommen! Diese sind die echten Vorfahren unserer Pferde heute. It comprises the end of last major glacial epoch as already since about 16, years ago there was a slow warming of the climate.
We mentioned in the last Blog that the primeval horses at the end of the Pliocene had already developed much to what they are today — so should we expect the Pleistocene to be boring to read about? Many of the animal species just carried over from the Miocene. The largest ones were the mastodons and giraffes. The first real pigs developed. Most of the rhinos died out in Europe, and the large sabre-tooth cats see Blog 05 equally vanished — probably to the delight of our primeval horses!
But lots of hyena-species remained, who were specialized in fast pursuit and hunted in packs. In Europe they vanished during the late Miocene completely anyway. Development of the horses in Europe: From the Merychippus lines now developed the species Hipparion — the most interesting immigrant into Europe from North America see reconstruction below. They again came via the Bering Strait in large herds. Strangely enough they remained three-toed and relatively small — the size of small ponies or sheep dogs. Equally from the Merychippus developed the Pliohippus — and those were the first true one-toed horses.
Die ersten wirklichen Schweine entwickelten sich. Entwicklung der Pferde in Europa: Aus den Familien der Merychippus entwickelte sich die Art Hipparion — der interessanteste Einwanderer aus Nordamerika siehe Rekonstruktion unten. Aber sie konnten sich wohl nicht gut genug anpassen: Ebenfalls aus der Merychippus-Linie entwickelte sich aber auch das Pliohippus — und diese waren die ersten wirklich klar einzehigen Pferde. Weather conditions were mainly sub-tropical, although there was a cooling trend toward the end.
In the Pliocene era, which began about 5. In the next clip you see how I give my whip signs. Then we show, how a learning horse is vacillating — always asking whether his bum is in the right position! Dann zeigen wir, wie ein noch lernendes Pferd schwankt — immer unsicher, ob sein Hinterteil in der richtigen Position ist! To direct the horse from his rear is a bit more challenging: As a prerequisite for this game it is necessary to develop trust in your leadership as well as in your whip aids, as you will show him where to step with gentle tap signals from behind.
You will see in the video clip that later on I direct my horse from the back throughout the whole exercise. But as always in our training, we structure a new game in the way, which will be easiest for the horse to understand — introducing new elements by first explaining what we want with exercises he already knows.
So first direct him from the front through the first opening, perhaps even with guidance on the halter. Once he is confident that he can manage the width of the door, stop him, lead him forward half way through and then go to his croup and give hand signs from behind to make him back up again. Once he has passed the first door, stop him in the little foyer and praise.
Now, with gentle whip taps from behind, direct his croup around the corner so his bum faces the outside door. My darling Beau , the last of my rescue horses, is dead — and leaves a huge hole in my life! Beau had a good life , and certainly never a dull moment! He was never tied — like all my horses he was trained to follow finger signs. I remember with amusement how all of Southlands in Vancouver, where we boarded at the end was in an uproar, because Beau walked free along the ditches.
Some of the kind horsey neighbours even threatened to call the police!! EVERYone predicted that he would fall in. Er wurde nie angebunden — wie alle meine Pferde war er auf Fingerzeig trainiert. Einige nette Pferde-Nachbarn drohten mir sogar mit der Polizei!! Beau was an incredibly motivated horse full of fun and brilliant ideas! But he listened to finger signs most reliably — whether we ran with him, sent him somewhere in cloverleaf patterns like on the picture or over jumps or called him back — even over obstacles! Beau was very self-confident and foot-sure.
He was willing to climb anything. He loved pedestal work, as standing high made him proud. He placed his feet calmly and trusting our directions, so he walked over a narrow plank with all four feet and even performed the curtsy on the narrow bridge. Er traute sich alles zu ersteigen. Beau was intelligent and trusting — intelligently trusting! He understood that I would not ask something of him that could be dangerous, so he had not need for flight mode. He walked stairs and up or down bridges and other steep inclines, and loved his teeter-totter! Until almost the very end that was his favourite game — and he was an artist at it.
Through mere shifting of his gravity point he could keep the see-saw in the air at both ends for ever. Beau war intelligent und vertrauensvoll — auf intelligente Weise! The world was our playground — there was nothing I could not interest my Beau in. When checking out new objects, he often had his most brilliant ideas. As a last gift to him these yellow fellows appeared on our streets in October — and Beau took to them with a vengeance! You want the hat? You want the flag? Die Welt war unser Spielplatz — es gab einfach nichts, an dem Beau nicht interessiert war.
Willst du den Hut? Willst du den Wimpel? Beau and I and his other friends we trusted each other. Whether yielding sideways over prone people or being prone himself, while we were standing on him — he was always totally reliable. So he was the darling of everyone, especially children, who had a first inkling with him, what a relationship with a horse could really BE like riding is not a relationship, it is a sport. Beau und ich und seine anderen Freunde haben einander vertraut.
Daher war er jedermanns Liebling, vor allem der der Kinder, die hier eine erste Gelegenheit hatten zu erfahren, wie eine gute Beziehung mit einem Pferd wirklich sein kann Reiten ist ja keine Beziehung, es ist ein Sport. Rearing was his thing: He loved games such as rearing onto the pedestal or into the tyres and aimed accurately. He tried rearing until the end — and although he could do no more than pathetic bunny-hops he lacked the strength , he loved the praise he got for his attempts… I think it made him feel young again. Beau liebte es sich zur Geltung zu bringen!
Steigen war sein Ding: Er liebte Spiele wie durch Steigen auf dem Podest oder auch in gestapelten Reifen zu landen und zielte da ganz genau. His willingness was so touching it moved me to tears. Although his feet must have hurt horribly, he still wanted to be glorious. We knew it would be the last. The Spanish Step was the last thing he could do and that is how he spent the last minutes of his life — showing off how wonderful he was. He was special, that little guy…. Beau hat bis zum Ende sein Bestes gegeben. Er war schon was Besonderes, der Kleine ….
Only two commands are left to be discussed from the learning list for guide animals — and since the information on the training of minis was so minimal and I had to go by the book which is about guide DOGS , I am not even sure that the next command applies to horses at all. What I have not mentioned so far, because it goes without saying, is that a guide mini has to learn to trailer load easily — and into any kind of vehicle: Experienced horse people do that with the advance-and-retreat method.
This is not so astonishing to us, after all, they fly show horses all over the place constantly. Trust in the trainer is of course the key. Das erstaunt uns alles nicht, denn sie fliegen ja Turnierpferde dauernd durch die Weltgeschichte. Schwieriger ist es auf sich bewegenden Untergrund wie Rolltreppen zu wagen. We now know that horses can learn an incredible array of tasks and commands — way more than we ordinarily give them in our daily dealings with them.
To make our lives more interesting, I think we should all challenge them more! Sind gemeinsame Interessen nicht der beste Teil jeder Partnerschaft? We are very lucky in that the horse is so willing to our often strange ideas of what he should do for or with us. We can even over-ride many of his natural instincts by teaching new associations.
We looked at the various processes by which the horse learns, such as habituation, association, latent learning, and imprinting. This way you can teach a horse anything, which is physically possible. We have learned that punishment is NOT a learning tool , but rather a very good way to de-motivate your horse completely. Training sessions should be kept shor t and varied so that the horse has time to digest what he has learnt.
So as soon as the horse has responded correctly to a request, the session should end on that high note, so that he remembers his feeling of success and will be happy to try again in the next training session. Variety and interest is the spice of life. Playing with your horse does not mean that you have to give up riding!! I play those games with all horses I lay hands on — I know they all love it! And with all this in mind, I wish to all of you and all your horses from my heart a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
After learning a lot about obstacle avoidance in the last Blog, we now get to Point 10 on our learning list of voice commands for a guide animal. See also under my website button DVDs by Eva Wiemers the free video to show you the training in detail. The training lying down on command is however important, as this applies in situations like longer waits in restaurants for example.
With a miniature size pony one might choose a different teaching approach from ours for the lie-down, as shown here in a quote from Alexandra Kurland, a clicker trainer: I could draw her knee back so she was starting to kneel. Once that was consistent, I let the clicker take over. This was not the way horses naturally lie down, but as I let her sort out the possibilities, she quite abruptly folded her legs underneath her and dropped to the ground. Most people try to bribe and lure their horses down with food, which never leads to a consistent and dependable performance.
And you remember that guide horse trainers also do NOT use food for training! Als das konstant klappte, stellte ich auf den Klicker um. Zuerst war sie sich nicht sicher, was sie machen sollte.
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For any horse it is enormously important that it feels SAFE lying down rather than forced, thrown or tied. It needs peace of mind to do the exercise willingly — and this is why we teach it to our full-grown horses with the balancing help of the foot-lunge. Blind or not — this is a great exercise if trained correctly and keeps your lives interesting!
The next two commands are needed when a blind person manoeuvres around swinging doors. This is important for the blind person and interesting to know, but does not inspire me to try out particular training games with Beau, so I will leave it here. The next command is: I understand the Leave command is mostly used for guide animals, when they become interested in available food — a great and unfortunately forbidden temptation of course, especially when waiting in restaurants.
However, all the Helping Hooves Book page 67 gives me is the following: That is all the information we get, which is not very helpful! I can imagine that the guide animal would tend to slow down, because the surface changes. Mehr Information bekommen wir nicht — nicht sehr hilfreich! Finding a set of stairs or the elevator in a big shopping mall, or even the car in a huge parking lot is however a different challenge! A dog might perform part of this task with his sense of smell at least in the case of his own car , but a mini must do it by sight and memory.
I am very frustrated that none of the literature really tells me how to do it. So with finger pointing to a target and constant repetition of the applicable word command — and consistent reinforcement — the animal might eventually associate both. Experience is surely the key, and the book on training dogs is more explicit. And if it is true that a mini can learn all this PLUS the following commands still to come in the next Blog! Ich bin frustriert, weil ich nichts in der Literatur finde, das mir wirklich sagt, wie man es macht.
As promised in the last Blog, now that we are putting obstacles in our way, things become interesting! And from riding experiences you might already know that your horse has a very good idea about how wide and high he is himself — horses are known to use that to great advantage when trying to get rid of a rider at the fence post or under a branch!
How do we then teach our guide horse that from now on he has to consider us as a natural appendage to his own body , when avoiding an obstacle? Horses are very well able to negotiate everyday obstacles. When guiding a blind person, the obstacles that are most common area: This can be confusing to the blind person, if misinterpreted — and then might cause entering the road and consequent total disorientation.
The guide animal must alert the handler to stationary obstacles , telling him or her by stopping that he is not able to continue as directed. The dog or mini must now assess whether he will fit together with his human appendage through a narrow passage or under a low overhang, without hitting anything. How do you do teach that? The books about training mini horses again did not help much. They all report that they ask their horses and the horses do it — bingo! But my trials with Beau, who is in my opinion not stupider than any other horse, show that the dilemma is not that simple.
So again I went to the books on training guide dogs to find out, how their trainers go about it. And this is what they do: So here is the consequence of allowing them to make mistakes! So my fun with Beau has to turn painful for me?? They have to do for now. Wie lehrt man das? So also sieht das Ergebnis ihrer Fehler-Erfahrung aus: Margeret Gibbs schreibt in ihrem Buch Leader dogs for the Blind With my eyes honestly closed we approach the large obstacle along the track.
I have placed the wheelbarrow so that Beau would fit between it and the wall, but not together with me. Of course in all corrections the animal does not get punished! In fact the trainers never touch the animal at all — the noise one produces must be enough to get the message through that next time a different solution is called for.
Mit meinen Augen ganz ehrlich geschlossen gehen wir auf das dicke Hindernis auf dem Hufschlag zu. Wir machen einen Umweg. At the next approach Beau already found a better solution and detours — the shock sits deep and he detours wide. It appears that I am not a convincing actor, so Beau is only surprised, but not truly shocked.
The Us-being-a-unity-idea has still not taken hold. Der Gedanke des Wir-sind-eine-Einheit ist noch nicht eingesunken. Now he knows his stuff: In the past two weeks we have played the obstacle game repeatedly and most of the time Beau leads me correctly. Jetzt kennt er den Dreh: Recognition and guiding me around changing surface conditions is another matter again. This would be less of a problem for us.
At present I am on the look-out for a low hanging branch in my area to see, whether I can also make him understand the concept of an overhead-obstacle. As I will not attempt to train my Methuselah of a horse as a real guide for the blind, I will stop my experiments for the moment. When doing the same on the left hand , he already learned to not squeeze me into the wall see Part 11 , but I now want him to consistently stay on the second track without angling into the middle of the arena. I can clearly feel under my left hand my harness-ersatz when Beau starts to drift into the middle of the ring.
As added body language help, I swing the whip forward and backward next to his body. Another track Beau knows well is changing the rein through the diagonal. I chose familiar patterns to make understanding easier for him AND for me, because I can aim directly from marker to marker. But when closing my eyes we do not arrive at the exact spot! As a blind person I could not rely on Beau to keep a perfectly straight line and I would be very interested in knowing, whether the guide ponies are able to do it without something to go by such as a wall of a building or a curb.
Eine andere Hufschlagfigur, die Beau gut kennt, ist der Handwechsel durch die Diagonale. The correction is given on the rein, not by pulling on the harness! Here I am safe with Beau, as with my hand on his spine I cannot pull. By pausing in the forward motion, the guide animal signals the approach to a curb, a step or stairs, surface drop-offs such as train platform edges or a change to dangerous footing, such as ice. However Beau has learned to walk stairs, and I am sure he would slow down, when approaching them.
With frozen puddles we will experiment as soon as winter conditions allow it! Again no corrections via harness, but rather by the handler snapping his fingers or by slapping his left thigh. This command is used mainly when crossing intersections , as once in the street one must keep moving. The blind handler will of course also listen to the traffic and only walk into the street when it is quiet.
But when traffic is approaching: In this situation the guide must stop. The dog or pony must be confident enough to make the decision himself, when the crossing is safe!! As the training progresses the amount of support is reduced until the guide animal reacts on voice command only. Wieder keine Korrektur am Geschirr, sondern eher durch Schnippsen der Finger oder durch lautes Klatschen mit der Hand an den eigenen linken Oberschenkel.
This is then associated with the voice command in the usual way and reinforced with praise. Over time the body language and hand signs are diminished to a very small pointing gesture and later totally eliminated. In the North American grid system of streets those turns would be mostly 90 degree turns when aiming for an intersection. When training with Beau we use either the wall or familiar patterns such as the diagonal.
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- Universität Heidelberg.
But with set routines and in familiar surroundings, the guide would no doubt over time learn a daily route with any kind of angle. It is all very well that your horse now guides you straight as well as left and right, slower or faster as you wish — but what happens when something is in the way? When I play with Beau, this seems to be VERY difficult for him — as cheeky as he can be in other situations, he is very tentative when asked to lead ME.
A guide animal goes with the pedestrian flow: More about this under command 5. If a correction is needed, it is always given on the leash, or reins or rope, never on the harness! This shows us how the horse perceives the cue, to which he responds by a trial and error guess— and we as trainers them tell him instantly, whether he guessed correctly or not by giving the reinforcement or ignoring his response.
And for all commands this is applicable: If the handler makes a mistake, he keeps his animal straight with his leg, drops the harness and praises his guide. Stop, think, then try again. Especially when training a young animal, this can represent problems. Stopp, nachdenken, nochmal versuchen. Besonders wenn man ein junges Tier ausbildet, kann das ein Problem sein. Of course we train all this with positive reinforcement as usual, ignoring unwanted behavior as much as possible. You can use your clicker, if you wish see also Alexandra Kurland: Horses LIKE to perform things that pay!! The parking game is your first test of where you truly stand with regards to your authority over your horse.
Without his honest respect for you, forget relying on him like a blind person to lead you through life! Man kann den Klicker benutzen siehe auch Alexandra Kurland: Pferde leisten gerne Dinge, die sich auszahlen! The wait-command with guide animals is mostly used for brief halts at a door or for teaching right-shoulder-work, i. More about this later. Now he must walk without forging ahead or lagging behind , regardless of eventual distractions! I think that in terms of distractions one would see significant differences between training a guide dog or a guide horse: Wo der Jagdinstinkt eines Hundes z.
NEVER pull on the leash to get him going! You remember in any case and any situation we do NOT pull on our horses…. For a guide animal it is very important to be able to stay on a predictable line of travel. This is usually the left side of a road without a sidewalk, otherwise in the right centre of the walk and along the building walls.
Blog series, Blog 11, we also talked about voice commands and how they get associated. I repeat a part of that: Use clear, concise and consistent voice commands — and never rely too much on them either! Just use short voice commands that are meaningful to your horse — those cues must be conditioned just like a click in target training. Ich wiederhole hier noch mal einen Teil davon: Benutzen Sie klare, knappe und konstant dieselben Stimmkommandos — und verlassen Sie sich nicht zu sehr darauf! Guide minis learn a different set of voice commands from what we use, but of course the same principles apply.
In advanced training most guide dogs learn 23 commands and some of them more than that — I assume that for guide minis this would be similar. Your trainee whether child, horse or husband will always feel whether you are willing to follow through! Adjust the vocal level tone and volume to his nature, and try to match his physical exuberance and level of enthusiasm. Some horses thrive on exuberant praise, others might get intimidated. When playing with Beau now, I will not change my commands, because they have been established over many years.
In any case, it does not matter what you chose as command, as long as it is always the same , clearly distinguishable from all others and consistently applied and followed through. Like all voice cues, this should be delivered in an un-emotional, but determined, business-like manner. The sequence would always be: At first this is given in a fast sequence, later the trainer gives the trainee more time, so the guide animal learns to correct himself.
Give him time to think! Such a difficult thing for many humans — we always assume the horse needs us. Pay sharp attention yourself — foresee possible distractions and be ready to correct instantly! The end goal of all the training of a guide animal is of course that HE will undertake the job of leading — which is a VERY interesting rearrangement for both partners, even if you just try it out as a game. Therefore the corrections are successively reduced and we leave the decisions to him. Es ist ja auch gar nicht wichtig, was Sie sagen, solange Sie immer das selbe Wort benutzen und durchsetzen, welches sich gut von den anderen Kommandos abhebt.
Es wird nie benutzt als Strafe oder Ausdruck von Ungeduld oder fehlender Selbstbeherrschung! Man kann sein Tier nicht unter Kontrolle haben, wenn man das nicht einmal bei sich selbst schafft! Der Ablauf ist immer: Geben Sie ihm Zeit nachzudenken! In the last Blog we talked about housebreaking a guide animal: Harness and what it means: To allow such fine-tuning of feel the harness must be personally fitted to the animal.
The guide animal learns that the harness means work! If you ever meet one in the street, never pet them without permission of the handler and never while the handler is still holding the harness! The animal has learned that he is not allowed to be distracted by anything as long as he is working! For the blind handler this is necessary for survival! So when the guide horse finally leads his blind handler this never happens via reins! The halter and rope are there for training or correction purposes.
For the topic of this Blog this is less important — we will not train guide animals — but what interests us is the special skill the horse learns here is that HE must be the leader! So the leader animal is never guided or corrected on the harness. The communication of the harness only flows one way: Leading — the other way around! This is natural horsemanship: So we already know that your horse, when you allow him to barge ahead of you while walking together, automatically assumes that he is the leader — in fact he challenges your authority, if you want to be the boss!
Das Geschirr und dessen Bedeutung: This gives us the chance for a nice new game: If you want to tell the animal to lead you , you must stay behind — his leading position as guide horse only while wearing the harness! Try this with your horse: Beau and I play games of changing leader roles when we are out for walks he is going on 35 yrs now and walking is basically all we can still do!
Instead of leading from either side, as we normally do, I now stick to his right. I unclip the rein on he left side and rest it along his back from the right. This will be my means to help and correct him. Versuchen Sie das mal mit Ihrem Pferd: An Stelle eines Geschirrs lege ich meine linke Hand auf einen bestimmten Punkt vor seiner Kruppe Nierenlage — hier sind keine anderen Touchierstellen anberaumt und kraule ihn mit den Fingern.
Damit kann ich ihm helfen und korrigieren. We start the easiest way: Part of the basic rein training for a guide animal is the ability to maintain the leader position at a speed which is appropriate for his follower and also to the surface conditions they learn to slow down when levels change or the ground is slippery — and of course obedient response to voice commands, while working on a loose rein.
I help with whip signs and gentle tugs on the loose rein. Wir machen es einfach: Ich helfe mit Gertenzeichen und Zupfen am. If you do long-reining, you are already familiar with this problem. Of course we stop and praise every time something worked. Then we change hands after the centre line and now I am walking in between Beau and the wall. Dann wechseln wir die Hand nach der Mittellinie und nun laufe ich zwischen Beau und der Bande.
Nun versuchen wir Handwechsel durch die Diagonale , die er ja auch kennt — Sie werden sich wundern, wie leicht es ist, seinem alten Pferd das Leben noch interessant zu machen, und wie stolz es dabei ist! In the Blog series Lungeing, Blog 03, we talked about the important 3 C s: In the next Blog with voice commands for a guide horse! Training a guide Mini — Housebreaking. I remember with amusement the difficulties I had to take the picture for Game in my book!
As soon as the tail went up, my camera went up — ergo the tail went down in shock and nothing happened… You will have fun training for this! Stressful situations can literally scare the poop out of them! Holding the urination seems to be easier — and ponies can hold it for more than 6 hours! Therefore he has to first understand the concept of inside versus outside. Once he has understood that step, the trainer starts to wait a little longer before taking him out.
The pony will go to the door, when the need comes — but his blind partner might not notice this. The longer delay of the handler to take him outside will induce the horse to ask for it more vigorously and that will eventually lead to him stamping his hooves — which is just the audible signal his blind handler will need! We will continue with point 2 in the next Blog. We have talked about the different ways of learning and the role that memory plays in the process — and have come to the conclusion that offering a great variety of activities is the very best thing we can do to encourage the full cognitive potential of our horses.
We mentioned many times how we send messages to our horse via body language — often without realising it ourselves. Then to walk away from the apparatus, halfway down the length of the stable breezeway, where they turn around, and walk back into the station to await the next trial. Horses learn this chain within two or three training sessions and retain it indefinitely. The person in charge of the test must determine criterions of assessments, which can be observed and identified equally by others. A fixed description for the criteria of learning standards is needed to evaluate whether a horse has acquired a specific skill.
As not all horses in the test will behave the same way, the outcome may not be readily evident. Which behaviour was shown by most of the horses tested? Also it has to be established whether the differences between the results happened by chance or whether there is a causal connection. Structure of the experiment: To structure an experiment in a beneficial way there needs to be communication with the horse. Equine Research Centre, ; The structure of the experiment depends on what the study is trying to find out. There are different types: In such studies the scientists purely observe for example the life in a herd and record, when a certain behaviour occurs, how often, what seems to cause it, and so on.
These studies are less specific and can lead to errors, as all animals in the herd also influence each other constantly and it can be very hard to pin down cause and effect precisely. Here a very precise experiment is planned and an individual test horse is challenged with a specific task or set of tasks and then the collected data is evaluated. Determine the kind of observation: When observing horses during behavioural experiments, the scientist can basically choose between three kinds of observation: In focus sampling however, the scientist focusses on one individual horse of the group, and records everything, which that individual is doing over a certain time span.
Each one of these kinds of observation is then recorded in a pre-determined way, which the conductor of the experiment lays out either continually over a specific time span, or at determined intervals and so on to make a meaningful statistical interpretation possible. The technique of the observation depends on what the study is trying to find out. Data and source of error: After the statistics are evaluated, the scientist begins to interpret the data itself. Why does a horse behave in a certain way rather than in another? Was the structure of the experiment really conducive to observing a general response to a certain challenge?
Were the horses equally motivated or were some of them stressed?
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In modern research the scientists are trying to find out what the horse can deliver intellectually on their own and out of their free will. Therefore the experiments are now built up in a playful way and are sweetened with rewards.

Welche Reaktion des Pferdes dann als ausgezeichnet betrachtet wird Geschwindigkeit oder Klarheit der Reaktion usw. Da sich ja nicht alle Pferde im Experiment gleich verhalten werden, ist das Resultat vielleicht nicht klar ersichtlich. Welches Verhalten wurde von den meisten Pferden gezeigt? Wir haben das schon in vielen Blogs besprochen und ich will es hier nicht wiederholen. Es gibt verschiedene Typen: Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet 0. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.
Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Would you like us to take another look at this review? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! You've successfully reported this review. This is a large, shins. Your hand spacing should be between Barbell row—Start position. In your lower chest. From this fully contracted essence, this means that these muscles bend position, slowly lower the resistance back to the arm, such as when you bring food to your the starting position your arms should be mouth or hold a telephone receiver to your fully extended , and repeat for the required ear.
To perform the barbell curl, stand erect with a shoulder-width grip on the barbell and Remember that the barbell is to touch the your palms facing front. This will fully extended so that the barbell is directly in ensure that maximum stimulation is imparted front of your thighs. Now slowly lift, or curl, to the lats throughout the movement.
Also the barbell up to shoulder height, solely using remember to maintain the bent-over position the muscles of the upper arm by bending the throughout the set. From this fully contracted position, slowly lower the resistance back to the fully 6. This exercise extended or starting position.
Repeat for the involves the biceps and brachialis muscles required number of repetitions, and then rest of the upper arm. Remember to let only the upper arms do the work during this movement. Fight the Standing barbell curl—Midpoint position. Standing barbell curl—Finish position. Now slowly lower the resis- to the movement.
To perform the movement properly, stand erect with your feet just under the barbell. This exercise strongly acti- Then, by bending your knees, grasp the vates your abdominal muscles, which, when barbell, with your hands a little wider apart fully developed, really set off a well-muscled than shoulder width and your knuckles physique. How your abs appear, or even facing front. Now slowly begin to stand if they appear at all, is largely due to your erect, straightening your legs as you do dietary habits an area we will concern Stiff-legged dead lifts—Start position.
This means that no stomach exercise—repeat: Train hard to Crunch—Finish position. Try to keep your lower yourself slowly back to the starting chin on your chest throughout the move- position. Repeat for the required number of ment. Lift your feet up on top of a bench, repetitions.
Not real pain, mind you, but a constant probing sort of sensation that let you know that some sort of activity—namely muscle stimulation—had occurred there only the day before. Forced reps occur at the very end of your set, when you can no longer complete a full repetition. When you come to the point in an exercise or, more technically, the point Specialization Although you are still a few months away from needing this concept, it will help you to learn it ahead of time for the purpose of developing a keener eye toward the assessment of your physique.
Die Trainingsbibel für Triathleten
This truism will serve you completing several additional repetitions by well your entire training life. The fact that forced reps will make your exercises so much more intense and, consequently, so much more demanding is why the technique is so effective in stimulating phenomenal muscle growth. First of all, if building muscle were as easy as taking a supplement, then training would be obsolete. Blunt, yes, but true! Diet in the beginning stages of bodybuilding is anything but complicated: It serves your body- ance of your physique and create a base building program little good if you consume of health and vitality that will be all but food from a diet that is lopsided in regard impenetrable throughout your life.
Eat the bulk of your foods in a more or less balanced fashion. In fact, tip the scale, if at all, in favor of carbohydrates, since they provide the fuel for all your weight-training sessions as well as being the primary energy source of your brain. Given that carbohydrates also are encased in foodstuffs that happen to taste the best pasta, bread, sugar, fruits, etc.
The reason we will be switching exercises occasionally is to avoid both mental and physical staleness, the inevitable result of engaging in unaltered activities for prolonged periods. Some of the exercises, such as squats, will remain in our program due to their intrinsic value as proven muscle builders. This, of course, is counterproductive to what you wish to accomplish. The most effective route to fat loss, then, is to train intensely to stimulate 2. Presses behind the neck: Stand erect with a barbell across your shoulders and take a deep breath.
Now, with your lungs full, bend your knees and lower yourself slowly, in four seconds, and then ascend in two seconds back to the starting position for the required number of repetitions. This is an excellent exercise for both your trapezius and deltoid shoulder muscles. Place your hands about six inches apart on a barbell with an overhand grip your palms should be facing your thighs. Keeping your body straight and stationary, slowly pull the weight up to your clavicles collar bone. Keep the barbell in close, and then slowly, in four seconds, lower it back to the starting position.
Remember that your development will be accelerated if you work your muscles in both the upward and downward portions of the exercise. Repeat the movement for three sets of twelve repetitions. Make an effort to keep your arms locked throughout the movement, and when you inhale, attempt to draw in as much oxygen as you can while lifting the weight as high as possible. The weight is not a major factor in this exercise, whereas the degree of stretch most certainly is. A weight range of between ten and twenty pounds is recommended, dependent on your starting level of strength. Remember to slowly lower the weight as far behind you as possible and also pull it over your chest in a slow and deliberate fashion.
Upright barbell row—Finish position. Begin with a light poundage in order to warm up your entire shoulder girdle. Take a deep breath before pressing the weight up smoothly to the fully extended position of your arms, and then lower the resistance twice as slowly four seconds Bench press—Finish position.
Make sure your partner assists you just enough to make the last few reps possible—not to make it easier for you. Add weight to the bar approximately 20 percent more than your warm-up weight and perform two 4. Your partner should assist you just enough to allow you to complete your repetitions—not to make the exercise easier for you! Be sure to concentrate fully during both the raising positive and the lowering negative portions of the movement. Use the same form as outlined in Chapter 1 for the Press behind the neck—Start position.
You may notice that you will not be as strong in this movement as you were last month. Battle through the fatigue to get your prescribed number of repetitions, all the while maintaining perfect form. Press behind the neck—Finish position. These next two exercises are to be performed in a superset. First, to perform the standing dumbbell curls, grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them at your sides with the palms touching your upper thighs.
Slowly curl both arms up until the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Lie on an 20 percent give or take a couple of pounds, exercise bench, holding a barbell or E-Z depending on your existing strength levels curl bar in both hands directly over your and superset your next two sets for 10 repe- chest. From this position, slowly lower the titions each.
From this fully extended position, slowly press the resistance back up to the starting position. A version of this exercise was described in the previous chapter, and both are among the best totalbody exercises. They not only work your lower back but also place considerable stress on your forearms, biceps, lats, shoulders, and trapezius muscles. Using an over-under grip whereby one palm is facing your thighs while the other Standing dumbbell curl—Finish position.
The workouts will stimulate resting across the front of your thighs and muscle growth, while your days off allow your back is straight. From this position, that growth to take place. B y this time in your training, you should have noticed some spectacular changes in both your health and physique. Believe me, they will work when applied properly!
Olympia contest wants to look—immediately—like the competitors seen on stage. Without this principle, most of the other rules have no application. The drugs alter human physiology into something foreign to our species. Once these drugs enter the transformational process.
Nor can we and recovery. Armed with this knowledge in advance, you will be better able to recognize and avoid fast-talkers who would have you believe and support baseless and potentially harmful training, nutritional, and, most important, cognitive practices. This premise, in they reach 29, feet above sea level. As I conceded earlier, went on to develop very impressive and very this training routine is not an easy one to muscular physiques. We just intense, and since intensity and duration exist refer to them as dreams. It will then take you another three to four days to over- compensate, or grow bigger.
In other words, as you grow stronger, you will require a full seven days off between workouts to allow the muscle you stimulated in your workout to grow. If these precepts are 6. The Routine Explained 1. As soon as 2. Breathe in, and down you go for your second repetition, and so on until the required number of repetitions have been completed.
To begin, grasp the chin-up bar with a palmsup grip.
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You may require straps to reinforce your grip for the required number of repetitions. Slowly begin to contract the muscles in your arms, and try to touch the bar to your lower chest when you have reached the apex of your ascent. Hold this contracted position for a two-count, and then lower yourself slowly four seconds back to the starting position, all the while making sure that the latissimus dorsi muscles are constantly contracted.
Repeat this procedure until at least eight repetitions have been completed.
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Stand on a chair facing the chin-up bar, grab the bar, and step off. Under full muscle control, lower yourself to a stretched position as slowly as you can. When you can complete ten negatives, you should be able to perform at least three or four regular chin-ups. This exercise is performed in the same manner as the Chin-up—Start position. Slowly pull the bar up toward your torso until it touches your lower chest.
From this fully contracted position, slowly lower the resistance back to the starting position your arms should be fully extended , and repeat for the required number of repetitions. See Chapter 1 for a full Seated barbell press—Finish position. Grab two fairly heavy Chapter 1. Some gyms have a special bench tive and lie faceup on a bench.
Slowly lower with supports to take the weight from. If you the dumbbells from an overhead position do not have access to such a bench, simply in an outward arc until they are a bit below clean the barbell to your shoulders and sit chest level. To perform the same outward arc. The movement should barbell row, bend at the waist so that your resemble your hugging a barrel. Grab hold of the bar so that your 6. Place your hands palms are facing your shins. Your hand about six inches apart on a barbell with an Bent-over barbell row—Start position.
Bent-over barbell row—Finish position. Take hold of two dumbbells and sit down on an incline bench preferably an incline of 45 degrees. With your arms extended and your palms facing each other, slowly curl your arms up until your biceps are fully contracted, making sure to turn both palms up at the top of the curl. Repeat for 12 repetitions. While dips are E-Z curl bar. Press the weight overhead as if arguably the best triceps exercise, your chest you were about to perform the press behind and delts may be too fatigued at this stage the neck.
Now, instead of lowering your to allow you to train your triceps adequately. The seated French press is a ears and lower only your forearms, until great triceps-isolation exercise. Incline dumbbell curl—Finish position. Seated French press—Start position. Seated French press—Finish position. The time structure is the same with this exercise: Using an over-under grip whereby one palm is facing your thighs while the other palm is facing away, grab hold of a moderately weighted barbell and, with your arms straight, stand upright so Crunch—Start position.
See Chapters 1 and 2 for variations on this exercise. Try to keep your chin on your chest throughout the movement. From this starting position, slowly curl your trunk upward Take hold of a barbell in both toward a sitting position. Once you have ascended the barbell is over the ends of your knees. From this position, slowly curl self slowly back to the starting position. While standing, grab a position of full contraction, while the other pair of dumbbells and hold them at your arm is held down at your side.
Your palms should be facing in toward your hips. Slowly, making sure to maintain the same palm position, curl one dumbbell up toward your shoulder, while the other stays at your side. As soon as that dumbbell is back in the starting position, slowly curl the dumbbell in the opposite arm up to a Hammer curl—Start position right arm. Hammer curl—Finish position right arm. Certainly, twenty sets per bodypart, regardless of the bodypart, is not only unnecessary but also counterproductive.
Reducing that number to half—ten sets—would seem to be a step in Hammer curl—Start position left arm. Hammer curl—Start position left arm. However, an examina- that the stronger you become, the greater the tion of the available literature in the world likelihood of overtraining becomes, unless of science reveals that maximum strength you taper off the volume of your training and muscle-mass increases can be obtained sessions accordingly.
Remember lating greater size and strength gains by the nature of intensity: The repetition guidelines are the upper greatest effort. That by 5 percent and try to reach these repeti- progress is exactly the reason why you must tions all over again. Also remember to take now reduce your training volume if you hope each set to muscular failure, and lift the to progress further.
Utilize this program on a two-day-per- by at least percent. This means and recovery—and watch yourself grow! A chapter issuing a note of caution is in order before we move on to Part 2. While the primary focus of this book is training, at this point I want you to clearly understand what role, if any, anabolic steroids play in building muscle and why they pose a health risk, so we can put the topic behind us. Drug use has become rampant in bodybuilding.
During an interview for an article, I casually asked a bodybuilder what drugs he took in preparation for a contest. In response, he picked up a pen and proceeded to write out a laundry list of substances, including Dianabol, Clembuteral, Halotestin, Fastin, and others— noting whether each was taken daily, every other day, during the off-season, or right before an event.
The roster he provided stunned me. Evidently, though, there are two classes of bodybuilders: Far too many professional bodybuilders compose the other class. Small wonder that most of the bodybuilders who are heavy drug users end up looking like hell. This is not to suggest that none of these four knew what testosterone was although both Reeves and Grimek denied ever using steroids to me personally , but even if they did elect that route at times, the doses were so minuscule as to be negligible in comparison with what is going on today.
Then, after a series of drug tests at the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic in Columbus, Ohio, in , bodybuilders from the United States, Lebanon, and West Germany were also indicted for steroid use. No, but Several international medical societies and it does mean that athletes will now have sports organizations have also taken strong to seriously calculate the consequences of positions against steroid use, citing what using the drugs should they be caught—and they deem to be unsportsmanlike conduct with effective drug tests they probably will and health hazards.
This message, however, get caught. First off, athletes know ways to beat the tests. A competitors in a sport are expected to direct more urgent question is, will the athletes all of their energy toward being successful who use anabolic agents cause irreparable in their objective, and the use of steroids is damage to their bodies or, perhaps, die from viewed by many members of the athletic their ingestion? This is where the picture community as simply another means toward becomes very murky indeed.
Meanwhile, the The issue of whether steroids are as health-hazard threat has not been backed dangerous as some reports allege rests up conclusively, owing to a paucity of largely upon the individual response and long-term experimentation in a controlled dosage. This leads us to the exploration of environment. Athletes taking drugs is certainly nothing new. There are two components to any male sex hormone: The root word can be traced to a Dutch word dop, which was a beverage given to Zulu warriors prior to battle.
The word was subsequently adopted into the Boer language, and an e was eventually tacked on, resulting in dope—the slang term for drugs that is still in use today. The their own bodies, they would achieve a limited muscular development of eunuchs, corresponding increase in their muscle size for example, has been known since antiquity. Ben Johnson androgens injected intramuscularly was the is proof that, on the surface, their assump- Borgrows report of , which revealed tions were correct.
Bodybuilders in particular that protein was spared when synthetic exploited this new drug. There are accounts hormones were injected. Forty-six years prior of bodybuilders using steroids for the to this, German physicists had discovered purpose of increasing their muscle mass as that pure crystalline hormone could be both far back as the late s. The research of these and other scientists allowed relatively safe steroids to be marketed to the general public, meaning people who had a legitimate need for these substances.
These initial steroids were never intended for healthy people! Does a moment of fame and a medal really compensate for possible liver impairment, heart disorders, and sterility? The attitude of athletes is already well known: What is less known is what price this attitude carries with it in terms of the physical and often mental aberrations that can be engendered by anabolic ingestion. Research also reveals that these side effects are dose related and are reversible on cessation of the drug.
The physiological effects are much steroids to make experimenting on yourself more dramatic. In the literature published and becoming an anabolic guinea pig worth by ParkeDavis Pharmaceuticals about its the risk. Again, the literature is low. I know of a Masters Mr. That detail alone should give one pause. The central problem is that an accurate assessment of how steroids will affect you can be made only in retrospect, and by then it might be too late.
Too little is known of both the effects and the side effects of which he obtained by training properly. All this is not to take anything away from our current crop of champions. I just think that they would look much better than they currently do if they dropped the synthetic chemicals that have altered their appearance into something other than human and tried instead to look the best they can with their own natural human physiologies via proper training.
This page intentionally left blank 5 Fast Mass! Proper training, for our purposes, consists of training hard, getting adequate rest, and eating a wellbalanced diet. The goal is to utilize exclusively It is imperative that you train hard the anaerobic pathways and not, as in some enough to trigger this adaptive response high-set routines, the aerobic pathways, from the body if you want to stimulate which can work wonders for improving your compensatory growth. This is where tradi- endurance but will do precious little in the tional bodybuilding methods have failed the way of improving your muscle mass.
The unavoidable fact is that to handle them. No demand, muscles, and this system is the hardest one no supply. Doing so causes the body to of contraction is impossible despite your dip into its muscular reserve ability. We all understand the nature of adaptation, which is simply a variant of the law of cause and effect. We also understand the supreme importance of intensity of effort.
The greater the intensity supplied, the greater the muscular-mass stimulated, and, correspondingly, the briefer the workout must be. When using the Max Contraction System, you must throw out all preconceived notions of training methodology. You will no longer be using repetitions to gauge your progress. From now on, you will be counting seconds. You will no longer be looking for a variety of exercises to tax various muscle groups.
THE THEORY Most of the material on which the Max Contraction System is based is derived from empirically validated data going back more than a hundred years in some instances, and also on common sense, as opposed to commercial interests. What has worked in experiments and physiology labs can be repeated in the gym with equal, if not greater, success. I guarantee that if you do, in the space of a month you will make muscular progress that would otherwise have taken you years to achieve. It is essential when embarking on a system such as M. So, out of a immutable.
The other that muscle group that can be activated will nine-tenths of the time devoted to the exer- be activated. Remember that with M. What it involved is minimal, such as the bottom boils down to is that, in a given ten-rep set, quarter of the press, or arm curls against a which lasts about sixty seconds, maximum doorknob. When you can no longer sustain the contraction, the set is over. The Max Contraction System utilizes complete and absolute muscular contrac- in the form of overcompensation as a result tion with added resistance.
For advanced of the workout. For be stimulated by the performance of just example, in an exercise such as lat pull- one Max Contraction set. More important for your reserves this deep could well require up our purposes, his lean body-mass increase to seventy-two hours of rest perhaps much i. Certain exer- Contraction System is! The lowest contraction position. Certainly, you can match this achievement, give or take a few pounds, once you training program.
As matches major bodyparts with the exercises has been established, the closer the resis- that have been found to be the best for the tance is to the fully contracted position i. Standing calf raises 4. Lat machine pull-overs, or lat pull- downs with special Max straps 5. Shrugs barbell or dumbbell 6. Pec decks or cable crossovers 8. Dumbbell kickbacks or Max straps kickbacks 9. Barbell wrist curls Weighted crunches The Exercises Explained 1.
Sit at a leg extension machine and place your feet behind the roller pads so that your knees are snug against the seat. Keeping your head and shoulders straight, slowly straighten both legs until you reach the fully contracted position. Sustain this Max Contraction for 45—60 seconds. Lie facedown on the leg curl machine and place your feet under the roller pads, with your knees just over the edge of the bench. Once in this fully contracted position, sustain this Max Contraction for Standing calf raise—Max Contraction position.
Slowly contract your lats by pulling neath the shoulder pads of a standing calf the bar down to your chest. Sustain this Max raise machine so that your heels are on the Contraction for 45—60 seconds. From this position of full stretch, 5. Shrugs barbell or dumbbell. Grab slowly contract your calves until you are a heavy barbell or a set of dumbbells and completely up on your toes. Sustain this Max straighten your back so that the weight is Contraction for 45—60 seconds. Slowly contract your traps so that your shoulders begin to ascend 4.
Lat machine pull-overs, or lat pull- toward your ears. When the weight has been downs with special Max straps. Grab the lat raised as high as it can go, sustain the Max pull-down bar with a palms-under grip, so Contraction for 45—60 seconds. Shrug you can use barbells, dumbbells, or machines —Max Contraction position. Lateral raises forward, side, or bent-over. Grasp the dumbbells and hold them just in front of your thighs, with your arms perfectly straight.
Raise the resistance to the fully contracted position. Hold the dumbbells at your thighs, with your body perfectly erect and your back straight. Side lateral raise—Max Contraction position. Bent-over lateral raise—Max Contraction position. Sustain this Max Contraction for 45—60 sconds. Grasp two dumb- bells, one in each hand, and bend over from the waist. Keeping your arms straight, and remaining in the bent-over position, lift the dumbbells toward the ceiling.
When the dumbbells have reached the apex of their ascent, sustain this Max Contraction position for 45—60 seconds. Cable crossovers, Pec decks. Adjust the seat until the shoulders when elbows are together are directly under the axis of the overhead cams. Some machines have handles Cable crossover—Max Contraction position. Dumbbell kickbacks or Max straps Try to touch your elbows or the handles kickbacks. Despite its title, this movement together in front of your chest. Sustain this has nothing to do with paying off people Max Contraction position for 45—60 seconds. Barbell wrist curl—Max Contraction position.
To begin, grab hold Take hold of a of a light dumbbell with your right hand and barbell in both hands, with your palms facing bend forward from the waist, supporting forward, and sit on the end of a bench. Lift yourself with your free hand. Slowly contract the barbell so that your forearms are resting the triceps muscle in your right arm, which across the tops of your thighs and the barbell will result in the forearm extending beyond is over the ends of your knees.
From this the midline of your body. Hold this fully position, slowly curl your wrists upward as far contracted position for 45—60 seconds. Sustain this Max Contraction position for 45—60 seconds. Steep-angle barbell curl, chin-ups. Grasp the chin-up bar with a palms-up grip. Try to arms, and try to touch the bar to your lower keep your chin on your chest throughout chest when you have reached the apex of the movement. Lift your feet up on top your ascent.
Hold this contracted position for of a bench, with your legs slightly apart. Add weights for an added tance by 5 percent until you can contract the workout. You may require a spotter or two to lift These exercises place a constant stress, or the weight into the fully contracted position tension, on the target muscle groups from for you. Every movement must be done Remember that there are no repetitions slowly, particularly the settling into the fully involved in this program. Think only in contracted position. You may notice your terms of seconds on the clock. To reap maximum growth gains from When commencing any exercise M.
You can do two M. This chapter also introduces new principles that will broaden your bodybuilding terminology and knowledge, not to mention keep you motivated psychologically, which is perhaps the most important factor in determining your ultimate success in bodybuilding. However, training principle of split-routine training? Neverthe- this book has been designed to educate you, less, if you adhere to the major principles of the aspiring bodybuilder, about the myriad proper exercise—intense, brief, and infre- methods of training, both good and bad, quent workouts—then success will follow, that exist within our fanatical subculture.
As a serious body- approach. Even legendary high-intensity builder, you owe it to yourself to understand, advocate Mike Mentzer advocated training or at least be aware of, all of these methods, on a split routine, and he used it himself in learn their weaknesses and strengths, preparing for his runs at the Mr. Olympia and incorporate the positive elements into title.
Sometimes a properly bodybuilder who displayed the massive, conducted split routine can provide the dense muscularity of Mentzer when at his necessary change of pace to bring growth peak. Doing so would only rob the principles of their value. Sounds more like a caveat from a sex therapist than a bodybuilding edict, but anyway.
This would be overtraining from the start and would lead to nothing except reduced progress. Instead, a properly conducted split routine consists of eight hours to recover and grow from a no more than three workouts per week, as workout. In fact, research Nautilus in the whole-body routines, spread out with North Study ; Advanced Max Contrac- a minimum of forty-eight hours elapsing tion Training, McGraw-Hill, indicates between workouts to allow for both recovery that one week is required for the body to and growth. Remember that muscle growth fully recover and grow.
In some cases, when is a three-phase process. However, these frequency issues apply more to intermediate and advanced trainees than beginners. Back, that, consequently, a period of hours shoulders, and triceps will pass before they are trained again. Your total sets per trained muscle must be trained again within bodypart will also be low a maximum of ninety-six hours or else it will reduce size four in order to provide a higher intensity and strength.
This belief has been shown to level in your workouts. Every set should be of intensity in their workouts that requires taken to muscular failure, in which an addi- upward of a week off between workouts, tional repetition is impossible despite your and so the ninety-six-hour mark is a good greatest effort. Following the ninety-six-hour-mark rule them for a reason. You know that on Wednesday, any form of shoulder press, chinning motion, or triceps extension will involve your chest to some degree and provide maintenance stimulation that will offset the potential for decompensation, or atrophy.
This should hold for all bodyparts that you train, and the effect is somewhat akin to performing a wholebody routine every workout alas, my prejudices have crept back in —the true secret of successful split-routine training! Stand erect with a Routine One Explained: Legs, Chest, shoulder-width grip on the barbell and your and Biceps palms facing front. Your arms should be 1. Stand erect with a barbell fully extended so that the barbell is directly across your shoulders and take a deep breath.
Slowly curl the With your lungs full, bend your knees and barbell up to shoulder height, solely using lower your body until you are in a full squat the muscles of the upper arm by bending position; you should be slightly below a the elbows. From this fully contracted posi- ninety-degree angle to your shins. As soon as tion, slowly lower the resistance back to you reach the bottom position, rise immedi- the fully extended or starting position. Take hold of in, and go down for a second repetition until two dumbbells and stand up straight with you have completed your set.
It is important dumbbells at your sides and your palms to keep your head up at all times, and your facing your hips. Slowly curl your right arm chest should be held high. Lie on a bench with a movement. Grab two fairly heavy your hands behind your head. Keep your dumbbells and lie faceup on a bench. Slowly chin on your chest throughout the movement. Pause for one or two right. Once you have ascended to a your shins.
Your hand spacing should fully contracted position, hold the position for be between two and two and a half feet. Repeat for the until it touches your lower chest. From required number of repetitions. Back, Shoulders, tion your arms should be fully extended , and Biceps and repeat for the required number of 1. Stand erect with sets and repetitions. Remember that the your feet just under the barbell. This will ensure your hands a little wider apart than shoulder that maximum stimulation is imparted to width and your knuckles facing front.
Slowly the lats throughout the movement. Also begin to stand erect, straightening your legs remember to maintain the bent-over posi- as you do so. Keep lifting the resistance until tion throughout the set. Now slowly lower the resis- 4. Hold this position of full muscular contraction for a two-count 2. Grab a heavy barbell and before allowing the weight to return in four straighten your back so that the weight is seconds back to the starting position. Slowly contract your traps so that your shoulders begin to ascend 5. Lie on an exercise toward your ears.
When the weight has been bench, holding a barbell or E-Z curl bar in raised as high as it can go, hold the contrac- both hands directly over your chest.