Did Albert Einstein really say that?
Princeton University Press, A Sacred Message to Mankind. Producing reliable fact-checking and thorough investigative reporting requires significant resources. We pay writers, editors, web developers, and other staff who work tirelessly to provide you with an invaluable service: Help us keep Snopes. Make a direct contribution today.
Snopes and the Snopes. Claim Albert Einstein said "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. Rating False About this rating. Published 6 March Filed Under albert einstein , fake quote.
- Did Einstein Say ‘I Fear the Day that Technology Will Surpass Our Human Interaction …’?.
- Now here are five totally real and highly fact-checked Einstein quotes:.
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I know one such person who still keeps bees. Who is feeding the honey bee bullshit machine? Jeff Ollerton's Biodiversity Blog. Sugar teaspoons for bees and science communication — Ecology is not a dirty word. You are commenting using your WordPress.
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Einstein on misattribution: ‘I probably didn’t say that.’
Notify me of new posts via email. There are various versions of it, but they all amount to the same thing: March 11, at March 11, at 1: March 11, at 2: It depends on the editor and publisher!
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- Einstein said a lot of things, but he didn’t say this!
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March 11, at 3: March 11, at 8: March 12, at 8: March 12, at Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. The evolution of pollination systems in one of the largest plant families: When did plastic plants become acceptable? Publications Honey bee or honeybee; bumblebee or bumble bee?
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