UBC Theses and Dissertations

And on the other hand, captivity is the greatest evil that can fall to the lot of man] Don Quixote Even current interpretations tend to ignore the practical implications behind rather pregnant descriptions by colonists. The novel is brimming with playful recognition of the problem of language difference, different writing systems, and translation, for example: This is a very partial list.

Unlike the language slaves who fled from colonists never to be seen again or others who happily integrated into European colonial society, Paquiquineo spent five months with his people and returned to the mission located near the future Jamestown settlement with a group of warriors who killed all of the colonists except for the altar boy and later grammarian Alonso de Olmos.

This episode represents the common practice of abducting and indoctrinating interpreters to facilitate colonization; language slaves thus perform an essential function within imperial expansion by providing information and facilitating communication. As I discuss in detail in the following chapter, this resistance to the English meant that John Smith and William Strachey likely extracted the words that comprised their lists from Powhatans under duress. It is perhaps unsurprising that the status of the interpreter as a language slave was often masked, sometimes behind the very polyvalence of the Spanish word lengua: It is doubtful that the three Christians and the Moor maintained strict sexual abstinence for nine years].

We have in the cases of Paquiquineo and Cabeza de Vaca examples from both sides of the colonial encounter where language and the capacity to translate serve to construct the role of the individual. However, the slavery experienced by Paquiquineo and Cabeza de Vaca are fundamentally different on at least two points: The language slave is in essence an unwilling auxiliary of the imperial state and in this sense, Cabeza de Vaca, Fontaneda, and Rowlandson all fall short of the mark.

By the early sixteenth century it was common for English gentlemen to seek education in the vernacular languages of Europe, especially Italian, by travelling abroad and studying for months or years with a private tutor Howard, English Travelers of the Renaissance Language learning in the early modern period fundamentally depended on close physical proximity to the language instructor, or, in the case of the bilingual word-list, the anonymous and anonymized language consultant.

This is borne out by the content of the word-lists and the behaviour of Europeans and even Amerindians who similarly experienced an absence of grammars to guide language study. It appears that Shakespeare thought deeply about language encounters, for the problem of language difference is a source of dramatic tension complicating the plot of The Tempest ca. Gender, Instruction, and Performance.

Ashgate Publishing, ; Fleming, Juliet. This scene is shorter in the first published Quarto and the sexual puns are less prominent de Groot The means by which language is apprehended is for Katherine the grammatical unit of the word — the word as substantive learned in denotation of body parts. Early modern philosophy of language was dominated by what J. Pars inquit Priscianus quantum ad totum intelligendum, idest totius sensus intellectum: The word is the minimal meaningful unit in the consideration of scholars in the early modern and beyond, language in the European imagination functioning to denote objects in the world and ideas in our minds.

Not only is the body used to specify the object of language through pointing, enabling the learning of the meanings of sounds, but it is also the source of language in that it is often the object first named through denotation, as will be seen in the word-lists later. Here gestural language precedes the verbal. I will now show how ostension functions inadequately to do even that which Augustine proposes is its main purpose and the origin of language learning: Where is your face? Likewise, clarification can only be arrived at through further linguistic interrogation or questioning through a shared system of signs.

Which is to say it is linguistic data of a kind but it is not yet language. What kind of linguistic data is the word? Not all languages of the Americas were polysynthetics such as the Mayan languages , but most of the languages encountered by the authors of the word-lists such as the Algonquian languages, Nahuatl, Quechua, Inuktitut, and Taino were. Regardless, the example that Gray provides is illustrative: While the word-lists make what appears to be a simple proposition — to convert one European word into its Amerindian equivalent — a finer understanding of the structure of languages reveals this to be a decidedly complicated task.

There is a conceptual dilemma here in that European explorers, historians, and colonists — because of their linguistic and cultural heritage — assume that the elicitation process is straightforward under a theory of the word. Yet there is a tenacious conceptual gap, something akin to the problem of translating things horses, rifles and ideas monotheism, the trinity that simply do not exist in the target language. For the most part, the compilers of the word-lists operated under a theory of linguistic transparency and cultural universality.

When Martyr introduces a new word from an Amerindian language that designates a new thing found in the Americas, he places it in a recognizable context: There is a logic of replacement here and this is precisely the reason why I write word-list in hyphenated form; the orthography is an attempt to create a visual impression of the theory of linguistic transparency where there is an absolute, one-to-one relation between languages at the level of the word. Listedness is what happens when a word is lexicalized or indexed, when it becomes a memorized vocabulary item.

All the morphemes are listed. Many of the compounds are listed. Some of the phrases are listed. Four or five of the sentences are listed There is extreme and likely intractable difficulty in treating the word as a natural object. They write, Perhaps the division of labor between words and phrases peculiar to English and the other Indo-European languages has misled linguists to regard listedness as a criterial property of word. In highly agglutinative languages it is inconceivable that every lexical item could be listed. Passamaquody, for example, has more than 10, forms for every verb To extend this observation, Sciullo and Williams may suggest here that the specific features of English and the Indo-European language family caused European explorers to experience the language encounter in a particular way that naturalized the word.

It is ultimately a question of what data is to be isolated for analysis, what data can be elicited from the linguistic consultant, how that data is represented by the writer, and in what writing system. The socio-historical trajectory of the word in Europe is one of the conditions necessary for the possibility of the Amerindian word-lists and, as such, the exalted presence of the word demonstrates the power of Europeans to dictate linguistic exchange. It appears, however, that the various morphosyntactic problems are effaced by the devilishly simple one-to-one structure of the word-lists, where a kind of conceptual violence doubles and obscures the violence of the language encounter.

Virtual Syntax The word-lists found in the New World travel accounts and histories of the early modern period do not display the taxonomic rigor of, say, the bilingual dictionaries and grammars published by friars in New Spain in the sixteenth century.

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They rarely appear, as one might expect, in alphabetic order. The rhetoric of lists is present in the virtual syntax that binds groups of words together into meaningful structures and it is from the combination of these structures that I re-articulate our narrative from the word-lists. There are a number of aesthetic and rhetorical qualities in the structure of lists. Put differently, word-lists represent a de-articulation of words from syntax and yet this de-articulation is never complete. What is more, a further dimension exists when two lists separated by blank spaces or mere comas are set in conversation, for there again resides a virtual syntax.

The bilingual word-list, therefore, contains an unwritten syntax both vertically between two terms of the same language and horizontally between two terms of different languages. The promiscuous mixing of terms in a list can be fertile and give rise to aesthetic pleasure, the multiplication of meanings, and for us most importantly, insight into obscured historical events.

Belknap does, however, provide a taxonomy of lists that helps distinguish the object of our analysis from other sequential structures: The nakedness of the list, its lack of context, its denial of syntactic relation, encourages the reader to fill in the blank spaces and provide the information that other structures make explicit. It likewise signals that the more complex and informative list structures are unattainable in a situation of abduction and coerced consultation or, more intriguingly, that the word-list may be informed by such sequences as the itinerary and thus represent a chronological sequence of events.

Lists persuade the reader of their authority and sufficiency through a number of strategies. For my purposes, the definition of only a few terms will serve. Because of the nearly universal one-to-one organization of the bilingual word-lists the authors generally suppose that one name for one thing is sufficient for description.

They can occur as paragraphs just as they can occur as columns and the contents of a list are, at least theoretically, potentially infinite. The bilingual word-lists of the colonization of the Americas, however, tend never to rise above several hundred items. Throwing his hands up in resignation, Spufford provides the following definition: For my purposes, this definition serves well enough to characterize the bilingual word-list and distinguishes it sufficiently from the Amerindian grammars that are the subject of a later chapter.

Close inspection reveals that there are organizing principles that fuse together quantities of items into islands of significance, just as the ears, nose, eyes, and mouth comprise a face. Arbitrariness in order is itself deeply expressive of the character of the author and his relation to the consultant, something that becomes apparent by questioning the choice of terms and reading into the virtual syntax that inhabits the empty spaces between items, both vertically and horizontally. In a sense, the empty spaces that define the bareness of the lists can be extended further to a narrative nakedness that results from their lack of context and, figuratively, to the absence of the language slave who for the most part remains unnamed and undescribed.

In the brute sequence of these listed body parts we can witness the coercive consultation event and restage it as one involving abduction, physical proximity, ostensive definition, and misunderstandings. Neither of these word-lists provides any indication that the author spoke with an Amerindian consultant or that the words might be from diverse languages Taino being the most probable source. They therefore do not function well to inform an interpretive model to re-articulate the coercive consultation event with the historical narrative. David Murray is skeptical that Martyr learned the words from an Amerindian because he never left Europe and assumes that, like much of his information, he gleaned it from reading letters and diarios One of the Patagonians quickly succumbs to illness and disappears from the narrative.

The other survives long enough to provide Pigafetta with a word-list of ninety items and to reach the Pacific Ocean where he too succumbs to illness. On his deathbed the Patagonian is converted to Catholicism and like so many language slaves after him, he is baptized with a Christian name.

This troubling story of a man abducted from his home, forced into chains, carried on the high seas, interviewed by incomprehensible foreigners, and shown strange religious symbols is summarily dropped from the narrative like a body into the ocean. There is no apparent connection between the word-list and the main narrative, as the vocabulary items disrupt the account after an extended description of flying fish.

In a chronological reversal, we are given a description of the coercive consultation event only after the word-list interrupts the prose narrative with two facing columns of vocabulary items. This is as close as we come to an explicit description of the coercive consultation event in my survey of the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English and Spanish travel accounts and histories.

Note that this contextualization of the word-list includes in-line translation of lexical items that do not appear in the vocabulary. Furthermore, their understanding is facilitated by ostension and translation denotes the presence of specific objects such as bread and water. Crucially, Pigafetta records the whole episode as it occurs.

In a historical and literary investigation into linguistic imperialism there is an ethical demand to accurately reconstruct the moment of language capture, especially when the actual scene of exchange, what I call the coercive consultation event, is excluded from the narrative that frames the word-list. From what we know of the gestural language in early colonial encounters and the common recourse to ostension, I re-articulate the coercive consultation event here and speculate with some accuracy about the form of the conversation.

A scene develops around the exchange if we read it as a dramatic dialogue with the empty space between terms indicating a change in speaker. Pigafetta arranges paper and pen and ink and begins pointing at parts of his body to elicit his first word. The Tehuelche responds with confusion or bemused consent, with frustration or boredom, with eagerness or reluctance, and Pigafetta is convinced that his prisoner quickly understands the rules of the game. Beginning with the mouth is telling because of the role of food in the language exchange and because of the language-producing faculty of the mouth.

Perhaps the Tehuelche is rewarded with food for complying? Significantly, there is no word for face. From certain lexical items we can assume that the Tehuelche was held momentarily above deck, as he translates the sun, stars, sea, and wind. As there were no women nor dogs — nor wolves especially in the southern hemisphere — mentioned in the main narrative, we must ask if some of these beings were onboard the Victoria and simply omitted from the account?

The presence of female genitalia in the word-list and the absence of women in the narrative may present us with an early example of colonial decency where indigenous women abducted as sex slaves are omitted from the main narrative. This final potentiality however would have to overcome the problem of connecting names to the ornately symbolic representations common in the early modern period.

The further the list continues, the more abstract the terms become. Before Setebos is invoked, the Patagonian produces first substantives, then verbs, and finally the names for the colors black, red, and yellow. To properly isolate the color of an object takes an incredible amount of understanding that is generally dependent on shared linguistic and cultural comprehension. This presents a similar conceptual gap like that of defining the face. While we are generally given words for parts of the face, we are rarely given the face itself.

Pigafetta does not specify the amount of time involved in the coercive consultation event yet I conjecture with some confidence that the moment in which he attempted to elicit color-names caused a breakdown of communication and a complication of the exchange. One imagines same-coloured objects being trotted out for reference.

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The plot of this language exchange is perturbed by the turn toward abstract words that resist ostensive definition. Or perhaps a final curse against his interviewer, an act of resistance before the curtain falls? The word-lists produce a fine-textured reality in the systematic difference of lexical terms. The Amerindian speaker at the same time articulates words while he is de-articulated from his very own speech. The act of re-articulation, which reveals the complexity of the language exchange and integrates the lexical items into the coercive consultation event, is for this reason an ethical response to the historical account, for it creates a fuller image of the colonial language encounter than the one that the writers give us.

The terms of the word-list rise incrementally in abstraction, from concrete, ready-at-hand object-names that can be denoted easily enough, to verbs relevant to the consultation, to substantives that stubbornly resist ostension. By treating the word-list as a drama that occurs in real-time — as Pigafetta admits — the narrative of a colonial encounter that is otherwise de-narrativized in the travel account emerges from the empty spaces. The Question of the Other introduced to literary scholars and historians alike an exciting and illuminating approach to the study of empire by focusing on the semiotic exchange between Europeans and Amerindians, or more specifically, Spaniards and the Tainos, Mexica, and Maya they contacted and colonized.

Apparent from this list is the deepening and broadening investigation into the language encounter between Europeans and Amerindians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Despite a rich tradition of scholarly interventions into the field of linguistic imperialism and the early modern language encounter, there are no thorough attempts to re-articulate the precise moment of the coercive consultation event back into the historical narrative. Because of the strange quality of the word-lists, certain colonial narratives have not yet been brought to light and certain narrative contradictions, or aporias, have not been questioned adequately.

The previous chapter developed some of the tools necessary for analyzing the word-lists, these strange narratives that arrive to us in de-narrativized form. Here I will deploy narrative re-articulation to a survey of English and Spanish word-lists in order to bring up to the level of narrative the coercive consultation events that precipitate the writing of the Amerindian word-lists, as well as consider an Amerindian perspective on the translations made by Europeans.

Through a contextual reading and an awareness of merismus, I discover the body of the most likely Amerindian to contribute to the word-list. The fourth text will function differently from the previous ones because it will provide us with a view of the language exchange from a mestizo author whose identity as an Amerindian is founded on his mastery of an Amerindian language.

Finally, the fifth text presents us with the most felicitous outcome of our interrogation of the word-lists by establishing the collaboration of an Amerindian language consultant, the Powhatan Kempes. The effect is a kind of atomistic view of the world in parts, the existence of a person or thing denoted by the de-articulated presence of its individual components.

As a feature of de-articulation, this atomization likewise results in the Amerindian languages being represented in individual parts, predominantly isolated noun-words. The ideological underpinning is one in which full presence, perhaps given by the name of the person or thing, is merely suggested by the parts themselves, thus leaving the representation of the whole to mere rhetorical effect.

That is, the atomization of a language consultant, for example, is consistent with an ideology of domination that interpolates him or her as a functional part of imperial expansion, one who translates to the benefit of colonists. In this first analysis, merismus plays an important role in the representation of the language slave and also in his reaction to the coercive consultation event. Callagay, a paire of breeches. Teckkere, the foremost finger.

Ketteckle, the middle finger. Mekellacane, the fourth finger. Yacketrone, the little finger. This final point creates a problem for the narrative, an aporia. The word-list appears as a kind of disjecta membra after the travel account. It is unusual that Lok would fail to mention that one of the reasons for the breakdown in communication was the fact that the Inuit no longer had a tongue.

The actual unfolding of the consultation event is elided from all of the narratives and this fact creates an almost irresolvable aporia of a potentially tongue-less language consultant. Weaver connects this line to the more temporally proximate arrival of the Amerindians abducted by George Waymouth in Red Atlantic It seems that given this problem of identification my reconstruction of the coercive consultation event is even more necessary because it restores to the historical narrative an event that is impossible within the account provided by the chroniclers and explorers.

We also must not ignore the distinct possibility that the sequence of events is reversed in the travel account and that the Inuit man bit off his tongue because of the consultation event. With this in mind, I examine the word-list as the only entry point to the details of this particularly violent language exchange. The overwhelming presence of the body in this list serves as a narrative substitute for the body of the abducted Inuit who is negated by the historical record.

While it is certain that there is a level of intimacy that occurs in the naming of body parts, one also has the sense that the interaction is spatially limited because the range of substantives is so narrow. Knives were indispensible tools and therefore popular trade items. John Janes, for example, notes in a later travel account that the Inuit are especially interested in trading for iron With the presence of the word, it is clear that the English imposed their morphosyntactics on Inuktitut, dividing the polysynthetic language into parts that were not natural to the structure of the language.

There may be a number of crewmembers watching in the wings. Thus begins merismus as the Inuit is represented through parts. The vocabulary is short, suggesting that the consultation event was unproductive and devolved into confused misunderstanding, or the abducted Inuit was uncooperative, or that he forced the interview to end by silencing himself permanently, biting out his own tongue.

There is no explicit indication of the amount of time spent coaxing linguistic data from the slave, but seventeen total lexemes is a rather poor inventory for even a short interview.

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The field of reference for this list is so limited, so microscopic, that one has the sense of close-quarters, restraint, and resistance. The fact that the hand is so central to this narrative is peculiar and implies that the consultation involved a level of physical intimacy; the touching of the hand and the fingers would, however, constitute an event of dangerous proximity with a furious and frightened hostage.

Is it solely the manufacture of authority in the writer? The body is therefore asserted in the de-articulated narrative as the source of language learning through denotation. What are we to make of this? A few possibilities present themselves: Both prospects are troubling. Hakluyt provides no explanation for this editorial decision. These commodity lists provide an implicit narrative of the material exchange between the English and the Inuit, a process documented thoroughly by David Murray in Indian Giving.

Although Douglas, who was canon of St.

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In a list of over lexical items, Cook provides translations for body parts, painting little scenes of familiarity: There is in the virtual syntax here the implication of scenes involving physical touch and vocal response despite the list following a proscribed alphabetic order. Bear in mind that the choice of lexemes is not absolutely determined by alphabetical order, for any particular item might be replaced by a number of synonyms.

Furthermore, unlike the earlier coercive consultation events, Janes does not indicate that there was an abduction precipitating the linguistic exchange and so the identity of the Inuit consultant is an absolute mystery. Contrary to the kidnappings, with the presence of the Inuit on board the ship for the purpose of trade, we can restage a scene that is far more celebratory than punitive. Interspersed among these substantives are several body parts and verbs of a suggestive nature and it is these terms that form for us a congeries of physical proximity and sexual intimacy.

Is the tongue, as suggested in the previous section, a synecdoche not just for the whole consultant but also for a consultant who functions as an interpreter? The virtual syntax between these items draws them together into a scene of feasting and music beginning above deck where the English and Inuit mingle. A discourse of colonial decency in travel accounts make such degrees of intimacy between Europeans and Amerindians, much as other forms of violence, un-narratable, and so we must search for them in recondite textual features.

The celebratory and intimate tone of the word-list suggests that the language exchange was not prefaced by abduction, confinement, and restraint. Perhaps it is for this reason that Janes includes a translation for a delicate and hidden body part and why the narrative of the word-list is more of merriment, negotiation, and persuasion. A deep reading of these word-lists, however, is always on the point of breaking rather than bending the text — pushing it beyond historical verifiability. Despite his failings as a linguist, Smith produced a bilingual word-list to inform and delight readers back home.

The problem of language difference was something that Smith was acutely aware of and even if his linguistic efforts were clumsy, it seems he genuinely desired to instruct the English in Powhatan culture and language. To improve communication between the societies he delivered two young boys to Wahunsenacawh to serve as language slaves, Thomas Savage and Henry Spelman.

Not only were interpreters created through violence, they were also subject to constant suspicion that could lead to their death through violence. Printed after his return to England, the Map of Virginia represents one of the many promotional tracts published by the Virginia Company in the hope of attracting investors and colonists to the struggling settlement.

This lack of any context again presents the word-list as disjecta membra. Oddly, the phrase is not punctuated with a question mark, giving it a rather petulant tone from the beginning. In this phrase we also have an example of language learning that is incomprehensible without ostension. The meaning of the phrase can only be completed through gesturing to an object present at the language encounter and using the demonstrative.

The representation of the Powhatan language in individual words exemplifies the theory of the word and signifies an important orthographical decision by Smith, who divides the initial phrase into four distinct words and in so doing establishes writing conventions for English audiences. Dixon and Aikhenvald, citing Van Wyk, describe two different conventions for writing word divisions: From my discussion of the word in the previous chapter it should be apparent that neither of these approaches to representing language in phonemic writing is founded on a unit naturally occurring in polysynthetic languages such as Powhatan.

There is also a miscellaneousness to the non-alphabetical list and certain words shock the reader with their abrupt change in register and context. Because the list is short, I will narrate it briefly in a modern English translation: But the word-list surprises in its obtuseness.

There are no translations for the common foods that proved essential to the survival of Jamestown, such as corn, deer, eels, and shellfish, or the kinship relations that were essential in building cultural dialogue, such as father and brother. But where does this word-list come from? There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping.

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Following that, a full blown investigation would be done. Instead the Response Team started doing the investigation itself. Thus things got complicated with the result that such investigations tended to be almost ever-lasting. For the sake of doing justice to the people involved one should note that the procrastination was due to the working methods of the Chairman of one of the Response Teams and not due to its members.

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This was unjust to both the alleged victims and the alleged perpetrators. It was also unjust to these members of the Response Team that did their work diligently and who complained to the bishops about the situation. These persons should be thanked for their service. Had it been up to them things would have progressed well. Unfortunately the chairman of this particular Response Team thwarted their efforts to move on efficiently and effectively.

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  6. In many cases, Church leaders took no action to deny their Roman-collared child molesters access to children. When the Globe began documenting the extensive abuse and the cover-up in January , the story exploded, first in Boston, then nationally and in countries around the world. In the Boston Archdiocese alone, an estimated priests abused children. Nationally, it is at least 7, priests. The escalating disclosures continue, and have shaken the very foundation of the Church. With camerawork expected to wrap in the Bay State on Sunday, the film is scheduled for release late next year.

    And the film is also something else for those three journalists: The Curia announced yesterday new procedures for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and said investigations will be concluded in a shorter timeframe. It also announced the appointment of a Safeguarding Commission, which will be staffed by professionals. The Curia said the members of the commission will be announced by the end of January but this paper is reliably informed that Mgr Charles Scicluna has asked Mr Azzopardi to lead it and the former is expected to accept the offer.

    When contacted by The Malta Independent on Sunday , Mr Azzopardi said he could not confirm or deny that he will take up the post or if he has been offered it. Mr Azzopardi specialises in safeguarding child development and sport. He manages the FA's team responsible for dealing with the concerns of safeguarding in football.

    Mr Azzopardi has 15 years' experience of working with children as a professional or volunteer. He previously worked with the NSPCC, where he completed risk assessments and offered therapy in child abuse cases, and in frontline child protection teams in various local authorities in London, and has worked with asylum-seeking minors in Malta. The attorney for a Somerset County priest accused of sexually abusing an orphaned boy in Honduras in wants jurors to be barred from hearing evidence that a grand jury either never heard or rejected. Altoona attorney Steven Passarello filed the pretrial motion in U.

    District Court in Johnstown on behalf of the Rev. In a separate motion, Passarello is seeking to sever the two criminal charges against Maurizio, which could force separate trials. Maurizio is charged with engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places and possession of material depicting the sexual exploitation of a minor.

    A federal indictment accuses Maurizio of traveling to Honduras between Feb. Maurizio, who has pleaded not guilty, has been held in the Cambria County Jail since Sept. Posted on November 29, 3: New Essay by Jerry Slevin: For your weekend reading on what's a long weekend for many American workers, I'd like to recommend to you Jerry Slevin's new essay at his Christian Catholicism site entitled "Thanksgiving, Catholic Hope and Pope Francis.

    In offering you some excerpts and framing remarks about the essay, I don't want to give you the impression that I'm summarizing it. I can't do so, in a few words. My hope is that the excerpts and framing remarks will tempt you to read the essay in its entirety. Jerry frames his argument by noting that, a year ago at the time of the American Thanksgiving holiday, Catholics around the world appeared to have more hope than many Catholics now have that the new pope could effect significant reform of the Catholic church. The obstacle of which many of us are increasingly aware: And so Jerry sees the church plunging into deeper and deeper crisis, a crisis of which the laity are fully aware, but which eludes the self-interested managerial elite governing the church, and who are seeking to thwart any reforms Pope Francis wishes to initiate.

    As in several of his previous essays about the new pope and his potential to reform the church, Jerry argues that the crisis now facing the church is the most serious since the Reformation:. The Catholic Church is in the throes of its worst crisis since the Reformation. Vatican leaders in the 16th Century, aided by powerful outside military protectors, had mainly evaded making overdue structural changes, and their successors also managed with outside protection to avoid such changes mostly during the four centuries since. Posted on November 29, 2: It resulted that a thorough investigation was being held, instead of a preliminary inquiry as contemplated in the policy document.

    In fact, such detailed investigations were protracting the process. As a result, a decision was taken to review the structure and procedures of the way cases of alleged sexual abuse are managed by the Curia. The need for a revision of the policy adopted since has also been felt in the light of the Protection of Minors Registration Act and the two documents issued by the Holy See, referring to:. In fact, the amendments proposed in this policy have taken into consideration the new norms promulgated by all three documents.

    The Maltese Episcopal Conference and the representatives of the Major Superiors Conference asked me to establish a small reviewing commission which they approved. This commission was made up of the following members besides myself as chairperson:. After discussions were held about proposals, the final version of the document was approved.

    Posted on November 29, He said the MP came in with his dossier in the 80s. I jokingly asked if it was full of money but he said it was his research into paedophiles. Posted on November 29, 8: In many cases the perpetrators exploited their religious power position. Many people in the immediate vicinity knew of the abuse or guessed it.

    Wie manchmal bei wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen: Nun wissen wir, was schon bekannt war. Aber nun wissen wir es. Der sexuelle Missbrauch durch Priester fand oft in Heimen oder Internaten statt. Viele Personen im direkten Umfeld der Betroffenen haben von dem Missbrauch gewusst oder ihn zumindest erahnt. Posted on November 29, 7: You can read it here. In his commentary prompted, no doubt, by the recent rescript clarifying the resignation process for bishops , Father Reese expresses concern that 'When people do not like their bishop, they often call for the pope to fire him and appoint another'.

    Reminding us that bishops are not CEOs but rather the vicars of Christ not to mention the successors to the Apostles , Father Reese argues that such removals should not result from caprice but rather follow an established process with recognized procedural protections in place. While I agree with many of the points that Father Reese makes, including his general call for due process protections, I disagree with his assessment that the absence of the protections that he lists indicate a 'paternalistic church that believes it always knows what is best for its children'.

    I would respectfully argue that Father Reese's position on 'people who do not like their bishops' is equally paternalistic, especially considering the very serious issues that have led to some of the removals that have occurred in recent times. Let me be the first to admit that at this time last year, I would have and did articulate the same skepticism towards removing bishops that Father Reese expresses in his article.

    It is very difficult to reconcile Catholic theology with the idea of removing a bishop when he has earned, rightly or wrongly, the disfavor of his people. One only has to think of the situation of Archbishop Joseph Rummel and his desegregation of the Archdiocese of New Orleans to understand why bishops ought not to be subject to removal based on popular opinion. Yet, there are certainly times when a bishop cannot be permitted to continue in office. The meeting was at the request of the Archbishop and according to the release the Archbishop was received warmly.

    Archbishop Apuron is quoted in the release saying in part "I wanted to speak with the Holy Father about the situation of the Church in Guam, and the critical role we play in the evangelization of the Pacific; We spoke of the challenges and the joys of our local Church. The release also addressed "allegations appearing here in the media". The Archbishop is quoted as saying "it is a horrible calumny and I am obliged to defend not my person but the Church. On the advice of legal counsel I will not answer any questions.

    However, defending the Church compels me to file a suit for defamation; any damages that I receive I will not keep for myself, but will be given to the charitable causes of our Church. The release ends with the Archbishop saying "I trust that the members of our Guam Catholic family who have observed my actions and leadership for the last thirty years will know in their hearts and spirit that these allegations are false.

    The probe in the Zaidin parish was launched after one victim, abused from the age of 13, wrote to Pope Francis, who encouraged him to go to the police in Spain. In a statement the official said he plans to reaffirm the charges against the Polish prelates in his country. Dominguez is slated to meet separately with Polish Attorney General Andrzy Seremet, as well as the prosecutor fpr the case against Gil, Malgorzata Adamjtys. He will also meet with prosecutors Radolsaw Domalerowski and Marta Chmielewska, who represent two Dominican minors allegedly victims abused by Gil.

    The priest, who also faces charges in Poland , is accuse of sexually abusing at least seven boys in the highland village of Juncalito near Janico, Santiago province north. Some of the victims, abused by the married man who was also involved in Scout and church groups, spoke out in court about being betrayed by a man who was supposed to help them with their serious medical problems. Bishop Charles Scicluna has begged for forgiveness and promised that cases of sexual abuse by clergy members will be they will be investigated and judged within the shortest time possible.

    Their heartache is also the heartache of the Church. He also announced that the Church has approved a new policy on how it should deal with cases of sexual abuse involving its members. The Curia has said in a statement today that it is publishing its new procedures for the protection of children and vulnerable adults, including the procedure to be followed when sexual abuse is reported. Details on the Safeguarding Commission are available in Maltese to download here. The Church has announced a new procedure for the immediate investigation of sexual abuse allegations and to determine the probability of such abuse having taken place.

    In a statement, the Curia said it was publishing its new procedures for the protection of children and vulnerable adults, including the procedure to be followed when sexual abuse is reported. The emphasis of the procedure is on education and prevention of abuse as well as ensuring that when abuse takes place, it is investigated in the fastest possible time. The revision was made at the request of the Bishops and heads of religious orders. It provides for the setting up of a Safeguarding Commission formed of professionals whose duties would include risk assessment in each case,.

    The procedure provides for an investigator to collect information on alleged abuse in the shortest possible time. He will determine the facts and determine whether the probability that abuse had taken place by a member of the church or somebody else involved in the Church. Curia announces new process to deal with cases of sexual abuse Curia announces new process to deal with cases of sexual abuse, says investigations will be quicker. The Archbishop's Curia this morning announced new procedures for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

    These include the procedure for cases of sexual abuse by members of the clergy. The Curia said the emphasis is on education and preventing abuse and investigating it in a short time if it occurs, according to the national and church laws. The revision of the procedures was carried out at the request of the Maltese Bishops and religious superiors. The church said it is launching a Safeguarding Commission made up of competent professionals.

    Among other things, the commission will have a duty to make risk evaluations in every case. The new structure will allow investigators to gather all information related to an abuse case in the shortest possible time. They will establish the facts and determine whether abuse was carried out by members of the clergy as well as laymen and members of organisations related to the church. MUT survey shows teachers living in fear MUT survey shows teachers living in fear of false abuse allegations, fear affecting their work.

    More than two thirds of teachers who took part in an MUT survey said they feel that their work is being affected b reports of alleged cases of abuse by educators and the debate that follows. The results of the survey, which was carried out over the past two months, were presented by MUT Senior Vice President Mario Bonnici at a national conference this morning.

    Mr Bonnici said there were respondents and the survey findings will be presented to the Education Ministry. Mr Bonnici said four main cases occurred before the survey was carried out: The MUT official said nearly all respondents said they were avoiding being alone with one pupil after these cases emerged. More than half said they had avoided online communication.

    Two in five suggested CCTV cameras in school to reduce the risk of allegations. In July, Balyo pleaded guilty to federal charges of child pornography possession and sexual exploitation of a child after raping and taking explicit photographs of a year-old boy in Kalamazoo County in April. He is expected to be sentenced next month. In a memorandum filed with the U. District Court on Wednesday, federal prosecutors laid out their reasoning for their sentencing recommendations.

    In a newly filed sentencing memorandum, prosecutors call John Balyo a "wolf in sheep's clothing. Right now, Balyo is awaiting sentencing on federal charges related to child porn and sexual exploitation of a child. In the memorandum, photos show a bondage kit recovered from a storage unit Balyo kept--the same bondage kit prosecutors say that Balyo brought to hotels in Kalamazoo and Battle Creek to sexually assault a little boy.

    They say Balyo's storage unit also had children's obituaries, news clippings detailing sexual abuse involving kids, and child pornography. He kept the mannequin, tied up and in a dog crate and a federal prosecutor said he would point a pistol at it before masturbating. He's already serving 25 to 50 years in prison on child sexual abuse convictions from state courts. Attorney Tessa Hessmiller filed a sentencing memorandum this week that outlined the allegations against Balyo as well as disturbing items seized by investigators.

    He brought the kit with him when he sexually assaulted a year-old boy at hotels in Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. John Balyo's child fetish: By John Agar jagar mlive. He kept the anatomically correct mannequin, with a blond wig, tied up in a dog crate, authorities said. Attorney Tessa Hessmiller wrote in court documents.

    District Court in Grand Rapids. Balyo, 35, of Caledonia, is serving 25 to 50 years in state prison for molesting a boy in May at a Battle Creek hotel. He pleaded guilty in Calhoun County Circuit Court to first-degree criminal-sexual conduct. The recent reports that children may have been murdered by paedophiles — including MPs known to have visited the notorious Elm Guest House — has followed a relentless pattern of allegations that the Establishment has been sitting on one of the biggest scandals in modern times.

    Wrexham is the area where local MP and paedophile Peter Morrison, a former top aide to Margaret Thatcher, preyed on vulnerable children. It seems that the testimony of historic victims of child sexual abuse, the various campaigns to obtain evidence and other efforts to force the government to act, have begun to take effect. Week after week it seems that more news emerges to confirm the suspicion that the Establishment is working hard to disguise the actions of MI5, Special Branch, Scotland Yard and Parliament in covering up some of the most heinous crimes against vulnerable children.

    Posted on November 28, 8: In a report handed down in Geneva on Friday, the United Nations Committee Against Torture welcomed the work of the national royal commission into child sexual abuse. Cardinal George Pell has told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse such a request is unreasonable because some documents are private and internal to a sovereign state — the Vatican. Earlier in November, a delegation from Canberra told the UN the royal commission was independent and it was up to it to pursue the Vatican.

    Vatican on UN Torture Treaty: Is Pope Francis Fearful? The documents relate to, among other matters, the cases of several priests who allegedly abused over Australian children. Posted on November 28, 6: Maguire had been charged with multiple incidents of committing an act of indecency. A jury spent several days hearing evidence. The jury then found Maguire guilty on six of the incidents and not guilty on two other alleged incidents. Pre-sentence proceedings are scheduled to be held on 27 February At this hearing, the prosecutor and the defence lawyer can tell the judge what kind of sentence should be imposed.

    Later, the judge would announce the sentence. Posted on November 28, 4: Posted on November 28, 2: Vaticano, arcivescovo Jozef Wesolowski gira libero. Vatican sources are unwilling to specify whether Wesolowski has returned to freedom or is at least supervised. The former archbishop, who has been defrocked, will continue to live at the College of Penitentiaries, the structure on the top floor of the where where the Vatican court is located.

    He is on trial in the provincial court. He was removed temporarily from teaching in March El acusado, que responde a las iniciales J. Jose Domingo Rey Godoy was sentenced in May to 11 years is prison for sexually abusing eight children ages 8 and 9. He was paroled in During October to June he used the confessional to molest several girls who were preparing to receive First Communion in the Church of El Salvardor Penarroya-Turblonuevo Cordoba. El hombre obtuvo la libertad condicional en When Sanatan Saraswati first arrived at the Satyananda Yoga Ashram more than three decades ago he thought he had found paradise.

    Then in his early 30s and disillusioned with mainstream society, he was looking for something more and thought he had finally discovered it among the small community of yoga devotees led by a charismatic director, Swami Akhandananda Saraswati. It's just that on the inside, at the core, something really rotten happened. The hearing will examine the Satyananda Yoga Ashram, which changed its name to Mangrove Yoga Ashram in , and its founding director Swami Akhandananda Saraswati, who established the centre in and was later charged with more than 35 sex offences against four teenage girls.

    Found guilty on lesser charges of indecency, he was jailed in but his conviction was overturned six years before his death in Press Vatican on Aust child abuse: The UN wants the Abbott government to take on the Vatican over documents relating to child abuse by Catholic clergy. However, the Australian government should take "all appropriate measures" to get "all evidence" from the Vatican to ensure meaningful investigations can be carried out.

    Cardinal George Pell has told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse such a request is unreasonable because some documents are private and internal to a sovereign state - the Vatican. While its panel has at last begun to meet and hear evidence, its terms of reference and geographical scope are still under review, and the hunt for a suitable chair has been a major embarrassment.

    Yet still, the inquiry is a vital attempt to challenge the vast scale of child abuse across the UK. The need for it has only been driven home since the inquiry was mooted; just recently, 13 men were jailed for a running a grooming operation in Bristol that sexually exploited teenage girls for financial gain. As other huge cases in Rotherham and Northern Ireland have shown, one of the most challenging aspects of confronting the sexual abuse of children is that it is concertedly hidden.

    Those who purposefully use children for sexual gratification deploy power, fear and silence to protect their behaviour. It is precisely our reluctance to think about the reality of child abuse and how it is able to persist that allows it to continue. If we want to eradicate it from our society, we all need to contribute to changing that. Posted on November 28, When I was a reporter at The Philadelphia Inquirer and had a story to pitch, I used to go editor shopping. Back in the s when the newspaper had journalists, there were so many departments to shop in -- news, features, sports, the projects desk where they did long, investigative stories, and the Sunday magazine.

    And so many different editors to pitch a story to. If one editor said no it was on to the next one until I made a sale. Sadly, one rule applied to too many editors I dealt with. If you told them something they already knew, something that squared with the prevailing wisdom, you were in good shape. But if you told those same editors something new, especially something that might challenge the prevailing wisdom, that's when the trouble started.

    On this blog for the past two years, we've been dealing with the ultimate contrarian story. A junkie criminal scheming to get out of prison poses as a victim of clerical sex abuse. A politically ambitious district attorney drafts that junkie criminal as his star witness to put men in collars behind bars while the media and public cheer him on. Even though people in the D. McGovern's characterization of star witness Billy Doe as a "lying sack of shit. It's the story nobody wants to hear because it runs counter to the cult of victimology and current, pervasive prejudices against Catholic clerics.

    But in Philadelphia, with three courts prying into the local district attorney's self-described "historic" prosecution of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the truth is lurking out there. Especially in the civil case beginning next month when certain current and former members of the district attorney's office are placed under oath and have to answer some tough questions about a bogus investigation rigged from day one. New research into the sexual lives of Irish Catholic priests shows many are sexually active or have been in the past, and that there is a gay scene within the church.

    Celibacy, Obedience and Identity' publishes new analysis of priests' views from a series of interviews conducted by Dr John Weafer, a former seminarian who is now married with children. Dr Weafer says one priest he spoke to told about his struggle to come to terms with his homosexuality:.

    Speaking to the Irish Independent, Dr Weafer says "if a priest was to say in the morning 'I am gay', he would be fired. Priests have learned to keep their heads down". Posted on November 28, 9: When people do not like their bishop, they often call for the pope to fire him and appoint another. Such requests have come from the right and the left in the church.

    The right has asked for the removal of bishops it considers unorthodox while the left has wanted to remove bishops who lack pastoral qualities. In recent years, many have demanded the removal of bishops who have not responded adequately to the sexual abuse crisis. In Catholic theology, a bishop is considered the vicar of Christ in his diocese. He is not the vicar of the pope or simply a branch manager in the multinational corporation called the Catholic church. As a result, theologians and canon lawyers get nervous when Catholics talk about the pope firing bishops. In ancient times, bishops were sometimes judged by provincial or regional councils of bishops who could depose them.

    As time went on, these judgments were appealed to Rome, which acted as an appeals court rather than a corporate central office. Civil authorities emperors, kings and nobles might also intervene against a bishop, although the church usually fought such interference. On the other hand, people sometimes complain when bishops are removed. Most recently, conservative Catholics have objected to the removal of Cardinal Raymond Burke as head of the Apostolic Signatura and the removal of Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano from his diocese in Paraguay.

    Earlier, liberals complained about the removal of Bishop William Morris from his Australian diocese. It is important, however, to distinguish between the firing of a bishop from an office in the Roman Curia and removing a bishop from his diocese. John Stingemore is accused of abusing six boys. Father Tony McSweeney allegedly indecently assaulted two of the youngsters and a third alleged victim, and made child abuse images judged to be in the worst category. Ground-breaking new research into the sexual lives of Irish Catholic priests has revealed many of them are or have been sexually active, that the bishops are aware of the situation, and that there is a gay scene within the church.

    The book, which has just been published by Columba Books, reveals that one parish priest interviewed confidentially by Weafer is in a long term gay relationship. Speaking to the Irish Independent, the author said 'Fr C' was "very happy with his life as a priest and a person". Another priest interviewed, 'Fr L' was ordained in the s. It was only when he was ordained that he finally ended up 'sleeping' with another priest.

    Guam - The archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana is, by nature of the position, the highest-ranking Catholic locally - and as such, the person who takes the cloth in that role is usually the biggest target for scrutiny. But while it's taught to turn the other cheek and solve disputes through reason and prayer, it seems the leader of the Guam's Catholic faithful is intending to file a defamation lawsuit amid recent controversies involving the church. This year, for example, the removal of Father John Wadeson stemming from allegation of child molestation prior to coming to Guam.

    Then there was the sudden removal of Monsignor James Benavente as rector of the Archdiocese of Agana, which was received with outrage and disappointment. Then just recently media reports about a man accusing the archbishop of sexual molestation, and then talks about why Archbishop Anthony Apuron really met with Pope Francis in the Vatican last week. The head of the island's Catholic Church, is back on island and issued a statement exclusively to KUAM - Apuron requested to meeting with the pope and he was granted an audience on November Pope Francis showed interest to know about Guam and the Pacific," stated his Excellency.

    Apuron says that he also invited the pope to visit our island on his way to the Philippines. As for recent allegations of sexual molestation Apuron says nothing could be further from the truth.

    However defending the church compels me to a suit - a defamation suit - any damages that I receive I will not keep for myself but will be given to the charitable causes of our church. Results were positive, they said. Vanaf 1 januari verhuist het centrum naar Rome.

    Het werd uitgeprobeerd met deelnemers uit tien landen en elf projectpartners. De respons was zeer positief. Daarom wordt dit project voortgezet. Vanaf 1 januari verhuizen wij naar de Gregoriaanse Universiteit in Rome, waar het project wordt verdiept. Colin Adwent Crime Correspondent Friday, November 28, Two more children have made allegations against paedophile Suffolk cancer specialist Dr Myles Bradbury, bringing the total number of complainants to In addition it has emerged that in November Bradbury flew out to an African orphanage in Swaziland on a church mission to help children with Aids.

    This was months after the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre in Britain was warned he was a possible suspect in a worldwide child pornography inquiry. Posted on November 28, 7: An attorney representing alleged victims of sexual abuse by priests in the Diocese of Gallup bankruptcy case is seeking insurance and financial records from the Franciscan Friars, which for years posted members at parishes in New Mexico and Arizona.

    Twelve sexual abuse claims filed as part of the bankruptcy identify seven Franciscan priests as the alleged abusers, according to court records. In addition, many of the sexual abuse claims allegedly took place during the tenure of Bishop Bernard Espelage, a Franciscan priest who served as the first bishop of the Gallup diocese from until , records said. The Diocese of Gallup filed for Chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy in November , making it the ninth U.

    James Stang, a Los Angeles attorney representing 56 alleged abuse victims who filed claims in the case, filed motions asking U. Bankruptcy Judge David Thuma to order two Franciscan provinces to provide records in the case. This is an opportunity for a welcoming Church again that satisfies the needs of both conservative and progressive Catholics. Before his 80th birthday in barely two years, Pope Francis can successfully seize the opportunity, follow his conscience and apply his unique status, forceful temperament and popular appeal.

    By then, he will have received new input from his two advisory Synods of Bishops. He has already been enlightened by his valuable almost two years of experience as pope. He now also is unhampered by his prior pastoral positions and unfettered by his earlier ideological constraints as an obedient cardinal, bishop and Jesuit. If Pope Francis fails to act effectively soon, the consequences will likely be quite negative for the leadership of the Catholic Church.

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    Some senior Church officials are increasingly facing risks of governmental, even criminal, investigations that the Vatican currently lacks the political power to prevent. Posted on November 27, 6: Three clergymen and a religion teacher suspected of sexually abusing at least one minor in Granada were spared preventive prison following their court arraignment on Wednesday. The other three suspects were released after the charges were read out to them, and forbidden to go near the two former altar boys who have filed complaints against them.

    The first alleged victim sent a letter to Pope Francis before the summer, detailing his ordeal. To his surprise, the pontiff personally phoned him to apologize in the name of the Catholic Church and assure him that he had ordered an internal investigation into the case. A second individual, who was named in that letter as another possible victim, has since stepped forward to confirm the abuse and file a police complaint against Los Romanones, as the ring was widely referred to locally.

    The Brother, who is in his 70s, was interviewed by police seven times over a year period but never charged or prosecuted. He told the inquiry that dealing with charges he denies has controlled his life for the past 20 years. The chairman, retired High Court judge Sir Anthony Hart, has warned a number of times about reporting that might allow the identification of witnesses who opt to remain anonymous. Police deemed rape allegations against a number of religious brothers at Rubane boys' home County Down were "fabricated", an inquiry has heard.

    But counsel to the inquiry said that police regarded the claim as "not believable enough" to question him about. He said a superintendent had concluded that the complaints made against the former brother were fabricated. Posted on November 27, 4: The decision about establishing contact points was made in August Posted on November 27, 2: A new prevention project aims to raise awareness in the worldwide church to the problem of child sexual abuse.

    Priester sollen Kinder und Jugendliche sexuell missbraucht haben. Es war aber auch eine Wende. JOHN Toves, who recently accused Archbishop Anthony Apuron of molesting his cousin in the s, has called on the archbishop to step down. In a letter to Apuron, Toves wrote: If you continue, would you really want this to be your legacy? In another letter dated Nov.

    Claros was appointed the sexual abuse response coordinator for the archdiocese effective Oct. Posted on November 27, A former teacher described as "full of demonic evil" at a children's care home has denied sexually assaulting a pupil in the shower. If they behaved well they got points. That was the essence of it," he said. The inquiry was set up in to investigate child abuse at 13 residential institutions over a year period up until When asked had he ever heard the boys discussing any sexual abuse allegations, he said he only heard them "slagging each other off about having different orientations".

    A Christian Brother has been jailed for at least two years for indecently assaulting boys in New South Wales schools. Desmond Richards, also known as brother Neil, was arrested after returning to Australia from the Vatican in District Court judge Peter Zahra sentenced him to at least two years' jail for indecently assaulting four boys aged between 11 and 13 in the s and s. The court heard the offences were committed at schools in Albury, Wagga Wagga and Sydney and at a school camp near Sydney.

    Judge Zahra said Richards took advantage of the power he could assert as a teacher, but is now a frail year-old who is unlikely to reoffend. The judge said the parents of one victim did not believe him when he reported the abuse and another victim banged on a dormitory wall during a school camp in Sydney to warn other students Richards was approaching.

    A former Christian Brothers headmaster who abused his position to indecently assault students in the s and '80s, but says he now has no memory of doing so, has been sentenced to at least two years' jail.