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Read Verso L Unione Bancaria: Once again, in the section on Civil Law, the Consilia are marked as a block of titles together with several Decisiones and Pratiche. The same method of marking can be found in other surviving copies from his library, in particular the Ziletti Index where in addition to the dot we ind another type of mark, an oblique stroke in the inner margin by the side of individual entries Fig. However, the marks do not appear to relate directly to the speciic acquisition of these editions.
Some occur in both cata- logues while, on the other hand, some of the titles indicated in the catalogues are listed in different editions in the inventory.
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One of these was certainly the local circulation, commercial and otherwise, of books within Sardinia, as we see from various copies which survive as part of the library and which show signs of provenance from other Sardinian collections, which were either sold or dispersed. The few studies which exist on the subject provide the names of several merchants working in Sardinia in the second half of the 16th century, who normally did not specialise in the sale of books Di Tucci ; Turtas , with the exception of Canelles, who, like his successors, combined running a bookshop with the activity of printing Balsamo ; Corda ; Ledda In fact, almost half of the approximately entries of the inventory are dated between and The library he assembled as a result was quite remarkable for its sheer size in Sardinia at the time; even more importantly, it was conceptually different from the other collections on the island because of the potential of the information it brought together.
It is this latter quality which means it transcends the private sphere to become a collective resource. These are the requirements he stipulated in giving his books to the Jesu- its, intended to ensure that his library both continued to be used and continued to grow with new acquisitions. As far as these were concerned, his instructions to the Jesuits on how to go about acquiring relect his own approach: His collection is in this sense the mirror of a new sensibility which was itself part of the far-reaching development which led to the establish- ment in modern times of the idea of a public library.
Civil law section, C2v- C3r: La stampa in Sardegna nei secc. Cripta di San Domenico, Cagliari, 28 mar- zo aprile Cadoni, Enzo, and Gian Carlo Contini.
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Cadoni, Enzo, and Raimondo Turtas. La imprenta en Madrid en el siglo XVI Studi offerti a Domenico Maffei per il suo ottantesimo compleanno, edited by Mario Ascheri and Gaetano Colli, — Consiglio regionale della Sardegna. Qui voluerit in iure promoveri I laureati in dirit- to nello Studio di Bologna Studi sul libro tipograico in Sardegna tra Cinque e Seicento. La Sardegna al tempo degli Asburgo. The Book Trade in the Italian Renaissance. Giovanni Battista Ciotti ? Publisher Extra- ordinary at Venice. Typographia Apo- stolica Vaticana.
Catalogo degli antichi fondi spagnoli della Biblio- teca universitaria di Cagliari. Gli incunaboli e le stampe cinquecentesche. Antonio Possevino, edited by Maria Grazia Ceccarelli. Lo Studio generale cagliaritano. Il teatro di tutte le scienze e le arti: La politica cul- turale dei sovrani spagnoli nella formazione degli Atenei di Sassari e Cagliari Building an up-to-date library. He has, in fact, established in Perugia a Library which is admirable, since it is full of a great variety of manuscripts, as well as of printed books which have been published up to the present times.
In his brief account of the library, Rocca made some remarkable statements. Among other things, he highlighted the fact that the library was an up-to-date collection, full of modern editions. Rocca was not relying on second-hand information: Vian ; Bartoli Langeli and Panzanelli Fratoni These were mainly scholarly publications by the major authors of all ages, in any ield and language. Moreover, very importantly, they were editions printed all over Europe Panzanelli Fratoni a, 86—93; Dondi and Panzanelli Fratoni , — In doing this, he was drawing on his personal passion for books, a passion he had developed since his childhood.
We can also infer, from various sources, that his family played an important role in his education. Prospero was born around to a family of professionals and landowners who came from a village near Perugia Poggio Aquilone, from which the family name derives: Towards the end of the 15th century they moved to Perugia where they soon became involved in the government of the city and in the University.
An important member of the family was Lucalberto , doctor artis et medicinae, but also secretary of the Priori the city governors , and dean of the Domus Sapientiae Veteris the earliest college in Perugia. Interestingly, when Prospero introduced himself to a cardinal Fulvio Della Cornia , whose patronage he wished to obtain, he did it by making a reference to Lucalberto.
In an agreement was drawn up between him and the city governors, and the city Library was established, with the name Biblioteca Augusta. In return for his generous donation, Podiani would be elected Librarian, with an annual salary of scudi. It has been proven, however, that the library was in fact in existence at least as earliest as the s, and there is evidence that a number of scholars made heavy use of the books Panzanelli Fratoni ; ; ; It was an imperfect arrangement, though, since Podiani continued to manage the collections as if they were still his own property.
Records of loans or expenditure for the library do not have the form of oficial documentation. Other registers were used to record notes of loans or expenses, but often in a disordered way and undated. Furthermore, along with his notes, he kept valuable printed material related to the booktrade. In this article I will analyse a number of sale catalogues, printed and manuscript, which contain abundant data concerning the book-trade on an international scale.
The inal section is dedicated to law books, of particular signiicance since the Faculty of Law was a very important one in the University of Perugia. How Podiani dealt with the bookmarket On 13 July a certain Filippo Guidalotti, probably a native of Perugia but by then living and working in Venice, sent a letter to Podiani. Prospero Pudiani Perugia Molto Mag. Dio vi feliciti e contenti.
Furthermore, once these descriptions are identiied with copies still in the library, they are often found to refer to Sammelband, where the catalogue described is merely the irst of a series: This has been bound with ive more Fair catalogues for the immediately following years: Catalogus novus nundinarum Francofurti ad Moenum I I Elenchi seu indicis Quinquennalis continuatio Leipzig prima [-sexta] I I Catalogus universalis pro nundinis Frankfurt Francofurtensibus autumnalibus, de anno I I 11 Catalogus universalis pro nundinis Frankfurt Francofurtenibus vernalibus, de anno Catalogus librorum qui prostant in bibliotheca Bernardi Iuntae, Io.
Of particular interest is the following entry: This might refer to a Sammelband. This copy is currently disbound but it is probable that this has not always been the case. We know that, between the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th, a librarian working in the Augusta, with the intention of giving more prominence to certain areas of the collections, such as incunables and Aldines, started shelving them together, detaching them if necessary from other copies in which they had been bound Dondi and Panzanelli Fratoni , — A mistake was made in writing the entry for the catalogue of the works of the Accademia Veneziana, initially recorded as the Florentine academy: Luckily this copy of the celebrated catalogue printed by Paolo Manuzio Edit16 CNCE 71 has not been treated as other Aldines possibly it was not identiied as such and it has been survived the form Podiani would have handled it: Somma delle opere Venice Ald 2 M.
Astronomicae Paris considerationis brevissima synopsis Ald 4 Rihel.
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Lista de libri di Gio. Dominico Torino [ ca. Libri di stampa de Gioliti [Venice] [] Ald 14 Giolito. Supplementum Epitome Lyon Bibliothecae Gesnerianae The importance of this collection has been highlighted by Christian Coppens Coppens , —, — It can also be observed that this Sammelband includes two bibliographical works: The data found in this extraordinary collection is signiicant in itself unica are obviously very important but also when it is put in relation to other documents as the following examples show. In doing this, Tarino also provides his customers and us with a clue on how to read the symbols used for the coins: The scudo never occurs in this broadsheet, although many items were priced at more than 10 ff and 6 g Fig.
Different problems arise with catalogues no. Certainly this is not a catalogue of a publishing house; maybe it was printed for a bookseller, but it is also possible that it was made for a private collector wishing to sell duplicates or discarded copies, just as Podiani himself would do. For most of them, however, Venice is given as the place of printing; others were printed in Milan, Florence, Turin and Ferrara.
My hypothetical conclusion is that this catalogue was not printed outside Italy, in the overall sense, but in one of the Italian states existing at the time; possibly the Kingdom of Naples, as the cities mentioned in it cover almost all the states in northern Italy. Manuscript annotations and manicules are found in the catalogues of Rihel, Hervagius, Perna, Episcopius, and Plantin Figg. Interestingly prices appear in all categories apart from the section of books printed in Dutch Flandrico sermone.
Among the many notebooks that Podiani illed with lists of various kinds, there is a small register MS H 20; mm x, leaves that seems to be entirely dedicated to the booktrade. The central section of the register is, again, a collection of sale catalogues, remarkably similar to the one that has been just analysed but much richer in the data it provides.
Sigismundus Feyerabend civis et Bibliopola Francofurtensis 25rv 7. Haeredes Egenolphi Francfurtensis 27rr 8. Nicolaus Basseus Francfurtensis 28rv 9. Eusebius Episcopius 30rv Hervagius et haeredes Basilee 31rv Haeredes Oporini, Basilee 32r Haeredes Brylingeri, Basilee 32v Sebastianus Henricpetri, Basilee 33rv Thomas Guarinus, Basilee 35rv Del Gionta 36r Petrus Perna Basiliensis 37rr Andreas Gesnerus et Christ. Guerinus Callennius, Coloniae 42rvr Haeredes Jodochi Bricmanni [sic] Coloniae 45rv Gymnicus Coloniensis 61vv Petri Hort Coloniae 63rr Christophorus Plantinus Antuerpiae 65vv Haeredes Joannis Stelsij 70vr Bellerus Antuerpiae 72rv The lists are made up of short titles and format, as in printed catalogues.
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Taken as a whole, this register appears to be a rather comprehensive survey of the international booktrade. Possibly all these methods were used in the lists. A few examples of the three possibilities on sale, in press, not available can be found in the lists on editions published by Christophe Plantin: Sacratissimi principis Voet , series B Carondae f. Louis Le Caron, Charondae iurisconsulti Florentinis … commentariis [Kreuzer?
Fol Voet I p. How did Podiani amass such an extraordinary collection of publishing data? How did he manage to be in touch with what all the major publishing houses across Europe were producing? Reaching the European market through Rome and Venice Podiani did not spent all his time in Perugia; he was frequently in Rome, where he had a house. Podiani does not seem to have travelled outside Italy: He went to Venice 6 scudi , in Cremona he purchased knives for 2 scudi and socks in Mantua for the same price; he visited Ferrara, Bologna, Pesaro, and Padua, paying for horses, local taxes and fares: In all these places Podiani could purchase books.
Venice, however, was the gateway for the European market, and it was through Venitian booksellers that Podiani purchased the bulk of the editions printed in Northern countries. A vivid illustration of this is found in another letter to him, sent in by a certain Ludovico Carbone, who wrote: As soon as I received your letter I went to look for the books you wish to have. As for the catalogues I went to visit all the bookshops I know but I could not ind the ones you are looking for; and because I wished to do everything I could in order to satisfy you, I went to see sig.
Pietro Longo, and told him I was doing this on your behalf. He replied that he knows you and that he would be very happy and grateful if you wished to ask him for his services, because — so he said — no one else deals with books printed abroad to the extent that he does. Pietro Longo was a leading bookdealer, in touch with the major book collectors of the time, such as Gian Vincenzo Pinelli. Longo was in touch with reformed publishers, such as Perna and Wechel, and specialised in the publication of legal texts.
Pier Longo et gli ho detto che voleva questo servitio per V. Prohibited books and censorship are not the subject of this article; however, it should be pointed out that an important part of the scholarly production of the period was written, edited and published by Protestants or in countries which adhered to the Reformation and that this production was prohibited in various ways.
A subset of about editions listed in the Roman indexes has been identiied within his collection Ali and Panzanelli Fratoni and some research has been carried out in order to understand how Podiani was able to maintain such a collection almost intact until his death Fragnito , 35—36; Panzanelli Fratoni c. An important part of this section of the library was formed of legal texts, that attracted the attention of the censors for various reasons Savelli a, b, , Such texts, however, could also be essential if the Law School, which was still the main Faculty in the University of Perugia, was to keep abreast of new developments in the discipline.
On the subject of the effect of censorship on literacy and scholarly publications see the work in general of Paul F. A new trend in the study of Law appeared on the scene, based on a philological approach and the search for original witnesses of the Justinian texts. This was a humanistic approach to law, also known as mos gallicus, as the new school of thought irst emerged in France, in opposition to a mos italicus, the traditional approach rooted in Italy. Recent scholarship on legal history has begun to trace a more nuanced development of Legal Humanism7 however, and in this debate, book and library historians might play a role, by providing evidence of the popularity of authors and works during the period.
In Perugia, the birthplace of Bartolism, we might expect to ind the most traditional approach to the study of Law being maintained. An analysis of the section on law in the Biblioteca Augusta, given that Podiani conceived it as a working research library for scholars, may provide a way of testing such hypotheses. Augusta, MS E 1, f. It comes right after another sentence which sounds like a complex invitation to the reader. Instead, the source of his inspiration for his dictum on the Republic and its cultural needs is well known: The section on law books, as reconstructed through the inventory made in MS , comprises about editions.
Dates and places of printing of law books: He certainly had a knowledge of the laws, rules and customs, acquired through his family and his personal involvement in the city government. Most importantly, it was made up of new editions, by the leading modern legal authors and printed by the major publishing houses. Here a list of the authors of legal texts found in the inventory in cronological order; authors with three or more entries of legal works and a selection of authors with two entries: Most of the collection was made up of works by modern jurists, including those who were on the Index of prohibited books.
Some of the most important critical editions of the various sections of the Corpus iuris civilis, on which much scholarship was produced during the 16th century, is present: Torrentino, ; CNCE Podiani wrote this list on the remaining blank pages of a manuscript which has been used by another hand to transcribe poems by another author: Altogether about books are listed Figg. The bibliographical descriptions are quite precise and detailed, consisting of author, title, and in the vast majority of cases imprint, format and, most signiicantly, prices.
These are always expressed with the symbols used for scudi and baiocchi, the currency used in the Papal State. Blank leaves inserted between each lettered section suggest the catalogue was to be supplemented. Also, a number of shorter descriptions, consisting only of author and title, show that the list or part of it was drawn up on two separate occasions: Books are printed in different towns and by various publishers; the date of printing also varies, ranging from the end of the 15th to the end of the 16th century. The following table gives a synoptic view of the information contained in the list: We can see, however, that most of the authors are from the 16th century.
The following list includes those authors with three or more works: In Universas fere Iuris. Sex vniuersas fere Venet. Apud Iunctas in f. Ven apud Iuntas 9m Volum. De Ancarano supra lib. Incolus Myt ca. Petri Peraltae in Tit ff. Salam [scudi] 4,5 The most expensive edition is, not surprisingly, the celebrated Tractatus Vniversis Iuris printed by Ziletti: The list is clearly different from the sale catalogues examined in the irst part of this essay. It describes a stock of books comprising both recent publications as well as earlier editions and consists almost entirely of law books.
Very few of the books in the list correspond to books described in the inventory of the Library, which could mean that the list might correspond to a section of his collection that Podiani eventually decided to sell.
In any case, it is noteworthy that these books were all sold at prices which are calculated in the currency in use in the Papal State, though they were printed in various other countries and were most probably purchased for sums in other currencies. A comparative analysis of this list and the sales catalogues might well provide us with valuable information also on the matter of currency change and the variation of the value of books.
The actual number of books which were in the collection is open to discussion Bartoli Langeli , but that part of it which is best known — the portion which eventually became the Perugia City Library, conirms that it was indeed an extraordinary collection about items are in the inventory , formed of up-to-date editions of the most important works in every discipline as well as a number of manuscript works and incunabula editions.
How Podiani managed to build up such an impressive collection can be explored by studying the many documents that still survive, such as the sale catalogues presented in this article. However, much more data can be derived from the documentation when a more in-depth analysis is carried out, identifying editions and recording all the listed prices. Information on the various aspects of the contemporary booktrade can be extracted: Augusta, Ald 1.
Augusta, Ald 2. Augusta, Ald 3. Augusta, Ald 6. Augusta, Ald 7. Augusta, Ald 8. Augusta, Ald 9. Augusta, Ald Augusta, Ald 12, recto. Augusta, Ald 13, recto. Augusta, MS H 20, ff. Augusta, MS I 22, f. Ammannati, Francesco, and Angela Nuovo. Catalogue of the Exhibition. Per una storia del libro. Bartolo da Sassoferrato nel VII centenario della nascita: Proceedings of the 50th International Conference Todi-Perugia, ottobre Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage 6: La Biblioteca Augusta del Comune di Perugia.
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana. Crescenzi, Victor, and Giovanni Rossi, eds. Bartolo da Sassoferrato nella cultura europea tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Reassessing Legal Humanism and its Claims. Fiorani, Luigi, and Marie Madeleine Lebreton. Inventari di biblioteche religiose italiane alla ine del Cinquecento. The Learned Book in the Age of Confessions, — Berlin and New York: Panzanelli Fratoni, Maria Alessandra. Proceedings of the Conference Perugia, giugno , edited by Gianfranco Tortorelli, — Ragionando dei libri che egli ebbe in prestito da Prospero Podiani e delle origini della Biblioteca Augusta di Perugia.
A proposito delle Aedes Barberinae di Girolamo Tezi. Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana a Sixto V translatam, — Tradizione e nuove scienze nella libraria del medico genovese Demetrio Canevari, edited by Laura Malfatto and Emanuela Ferro, 41— Studi e documenti per il VI centenario. Proceedings of the Conference Perugia, April Angelo Rocca fondatore della prima biblioteca pubblica europea, nel quarto centenario della Biblioteca Angelica.
Voet, Leon, and Jenny Voet-Grisolle. The Plantin Press Van Hoeve, 6 vols. Enin, suivent encore deux derniers petits groupes: Ragionamento di sei fanciulle genovesi Pour vous en donner un simple exemple: La preuve de cette afirmation est fournie par les enregistrements de deux exemplaires des Deche de Tito Livio en vulgaire.
Il y a seulement deux exceptions: I Plinius Secundus, Gaius Historia naturale [] 12 3 0. Alberto Magno volgare [] 9 1. Secreti del Porta [] 3 2. Euclide latino [] 1 0. Guevara, Antonio Vita, gesti, costumi… di Marco Aurelio [] 1 5. Polibio historico [] 1 1. Tragicommedia [54] 1 0. I Dante in foglio con comenti [85] 2 2. L Epistole Ouidij cum comento [] 5 2. Tullio [] 1 Li compassioneuoli auuenimenti [] 7 4 0. Epistole Ouidii [] 9 1. I Bembo, Pietro Delle lettere [] 4 6 1. I Lettere del Prencipe [] 2 3 1. L Nizzoli, Mario Obseruationes in M. Ciceronem [] 1 0.
I Calestani, Girolamo Delle osseruationi [] 2 8 4? Plazoni Milano [] 2 3 1. Rettorica Tullij ad Herennium [] 3 1. I Caporali, Cesare Rime [] 1 0. L Terentij cum comento [] 1 1. Tucidide greco [] 1 1. I Tullio de oficij volgare [] 2 1. L Tullij de oficijs [] 1 3. L Viues de lingua latina [] 3 2. I Caporali, Rime [] 25 3. Piazzoni [] 12 2. Giovanni Gerson [] 12 18 1. I Sannazzaro, Arcadia [] 11 8. Alberto Magno volgare [] 10 2 0,4 n. Giganti Moranti [] 10 3 0. Siluestri de Prierio Pedemontani sacri Ordinis praedicatorum de obseruantia. Continens lores, et rosas expositionum sanctorum doctorum antiquorum.
Quattro emissioni diverse nel CNCE [06] 3 Auertimenti civili lattini l. Appresso Bolognino Zaltieri, CNCE [08] 1 Artis notariatus l.
Tomus I [-II], Venetiis: Nuouamente ristampato, et dalla prima impressione da molti errori espurgato, In Venetia: CNCE [10] 3 Arcadelt a 4 primo madrigali l. CNCE [12] 4 Aftonio soista l. Battista Guerra, fratelli, Conte di Monte vicentino, In Venetia: Giouanni di Barros, consigliero del christianissimo re di Portogallo: Nunc denuo ab ininitis, quibus scatebant mendis, summa ac diligenti cura repurgatae atque pristinae integritati restitutae, Venetiis: CNCE [16] 3 Aviso de fauoriti l.
CNCE [19] 6 Alceo fauola pastorale l. Torquato Tasso, In Vinegia: Addito insuper opusculo de coniciendis epistolis, clarissimi oratoris Laurentij Vallensis. Omnia accuratiori cura quam vnquam ante hac excussa, Venetiis: Battista Verini iorentino alla sua diua Gleba.
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CNCE [24] 2 Battaglie del mutio l. CNCE [25] 1 Bonauentura in sententiarum l. Accesserunt nunc eiusdem s. Additae sunt etiam marginales annotationes, quae sententias illustrarent. Francisci Zamorae, eiusdem ordinis generalis ministri a mendis innumeris, quibus hucusque scatebant, summa diligentia, atque vigilantia repurgata, et in lucem edita CNCE [26] 2 Ballarino l.
Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta, diuiso in due trattati… In Venetia: Angelico Buonriccio canonico regolare della congregation del Saluatore, In Venetia: CNCE [30] 1 Boetio in logica folio l. Seuerino Boetho interprete… Venetiis: Francesco Sansouini… In Vinegia: Carlo Tetti… In Venetia: CNCE [36] 2 Croniche di s. Composte prima dal r. Marco da Lisbona in lingua portughese: Et hora nella nostra italiana da Horatio Diola bolognese.
Antonio de Ferrari, Cum Indice librorum prohibitorum, Venetiis: Catechismus ex decreto Concilii Tridentini ad parochos. CNCE [41] 2 Cresci per scrivere l. Francesco Cresci, In Venetia: Antonio de gli Antonij, Gironimo Giglio, e compagni, CNCE [46] 1 Consolato da marinari l. CNCE [47] 1 Catalogus gloria mundi folio l.
CNCE [49] 1 Commentarij della lingua vol. Girolamo Ruscelli viterbese libri sette… In Venetia: Valerio Meda] In Milano: CNCE [54] 1 Calandra commedia 12 l. Bernardo Diuitio da Bibiena. Di nuouo ricorretta e ristampata, In Venetia: CNCE [55] 2 Conforto degli aflitti l. CNCE [56] 2 Cattaneo da misurare l. CNCE [57] 3 Comardeno da misurare le supericie l.
In Vinegia, In Vinegia: Quorum alij renouati, alij prorsus noui eduntur, vt auersa pagella declarat. In eosdem rerum, et verborum index copiosus, Bononiae: CNCE Dialogo delle sante di trezeli? CNCE [64] 3 Dittionario lat. Filippo Venuti da Cortona con un dittionario delle voce [! Domenico Micheli, Venetiis: Nuouamente posto in luce, In Venetia: Con le sue tauole copiosissime, In Venetia: Nouamente ristampato, In Milano: Diuisi in quattro libri con le sue tauole copiosissime, In Venetia: Del Materiale Intronato, In Venetia: Marquardum de Susannis de Vtino summo studio, ac vigiliis elucubratus.
CNCE [74] 4 Desideroso l. CNCE [75] 25 Discorso sopra gli abusi l. Nel primo si detestano come al Breue di papa Pio V. Nel secondo si danna il corrotto vso del ballare.

Tutti e tre disposti in forma di prediche. Et appresso, altri ragionamenti di varij soggetti, vtili alla christiana perfettione. Hilariane genouese monaco benedettino, della Congregatione cassinese, In Brescia: Compartiti in tre libri, con vno dialogo, della antichita del felice ceppo di Bauiera Dionysii Carthusiani In sancta quatuor d. Iesu Christi Euangelia praeclarae admodum enarrationes, in hac postrema editione ab innumeris, quibus scatebant, mendis vindicatae industria r.
Altero euangeliorum, quae per anni circulum secundum usum Romanum in ecclesia leguntur. Altero vero singularium rerum ac materiarum toto opere memorabilium locupletissimo, Venetiis: Francisci Bononiae regente locupletata. Triplex quoque copiosissimus index additus est. In quorum primo continentur materiae. In secondo res insignores. In terrio quibus praedicta accomodari poterunt, Bononiae: CNCE [83] 3 Dionisio de 4 costumi 12 l. CNCE [85] 2 Dante in 12 l. I discorsi di m. Nelli sei libri di Pedacio Dioscoride Anazarbeo della materia medicinale.
Dal suo istesso autore ricorretti, et in piu di mille luoghi aumentati. Con due tauole copiosissime Francesco Turchi, treuigiano, In Venetia: Tradotte in lingua toscana da m. Iacopo Nardi, cittadino iorentino. CNCE [89] 4 Deprecationi sopra salmi l. Con altre orationi diuote, In Vinetia: CNCE [91] 12 Exercitatio lingua lat. Ludouici Viuis Valentini Dialogistica linguae Latinae exercitatio. Annotationes praeterea in singula colloquia doctissimi uiri Petri Mottae Complutensis, in Hispanae iuuentutis gratiam adiecimus.
Cum indice Latino Italico uocum dificiliorum, Mediolani: CNCE [92] 8 Ediicio di ricette l. Nel primo si tratta di molte et diuese vitu [! Nel secondo se insegna a componere varie sorti di soaui, et vtili odori. Nel terzo et vltimo si tratta di alcuni remedij secreti medicinali necesarij in risanar li corpi humani, come nella tauola qui sequente si puo vedere, ma: Con tre nuoue tauole.
La seconda, delle locutioni volgari. La terza, delle locutioni latine. Di nuouo ristampate, et con molta diligenza riuedute, e ricorrette, In Venetia: Dialogus de ratione interpretandi. Auctore Hieronymo Capharo Salernitano, Venetiis: Indices copiosissimi omnium rerum, Venetiis: Commentate in lingua volgare toscana da Giouanni Fabrini, da Fighine. Et aggiuntoui alcune annotationi ne i margini, che illustrano grandemente il testo.
Soncisi ultimamente aggiunte da m. Et di piu insegna far sapori, torte, pastelli, al modo di tutte le prouincie del mondo. Con la gionta di molte altre cose bellissime, Venetia: Numquam antea editum, Venetiis: CNCE [] 2 Eusebio della preparatio evangelica l. Michele Tramezzino] In Venetia: CNCE [] 5 Elucidario poetico l. Raccolto per Hermano Torrentino, et di latino tradotto in volgare da m.
Oratio Toscanella, In Vinegia: CNCE [] 6 Erasto 12 l. Di nuouo con somma diligenza correta [! Con vna tauola delle cose degne di memoria, In Venetia: CNCE [] 6 Essercitio della uita christiana 12 l. Di nuouo ristampato, In Brescia: In quo quicquid ad clericorum institutionem pertinere videtur, summa breuitate digestum est.
Olthusio, ac Georgio Vuicelio. Iam pridem per f. Quae huic examini accesserunt, uersa pagina indicabit. Cum duplici indice, Venetijs: CNCE [] 2 Epistole vangeli foglio l. Luigi di Granata, diuisi in sei parti…, In Venetia, Di nuouo ristampato et con diligenza ricorretti, In Fiorenza: CNCE [] 9 Falconetto l. Nuouamente stampato, In Milano: Bernardino De Franceschi] In Venetia: CNCE [] 25 Formulario di lettere l. Di nuouo ornata con le igure delle quattro parti del mondo in rame.
CNCE [] 4 Fioretti s. Thomaso Vacchello, libraro in Cremona, In Cremona: CNCE [] 2 Ficino contra la peste l. Petri Dominici de Mussis Opus aureum et perutile, complectens verborum quorumcumque artis notariae descriptiones Hac postera editione a m. Leonardo a Lege iurisc. CNCE [] 2 Flortiz? Comedia del clarissimo m. Di nouo ristampata, et ricorretta, In Venetia: Et nouamente dati in luce da m.
Cui adiectus est Tractatus de deuolutione causarum, ac ordinis iudiciarij. Item practica signaturae iustitiae, circa commissionem causarum quae in Romana Curia committuntur. Battista et Melchior Sessa, Francesco Sansouino, libri Giulio Pallauicino gentilhuomo genouese, In Fiorenza: Giouanni di Vico genouese… In Venetia: CNCE [] 1 Girava, cosmograia, spagnola l. Opera non meno vtile, che diletteuole: Composta per il r. Ioannis Scopae Parthenopaei Epitome. Torquato Tasso, nouamente corretto, et ristampato. Camillo Camilli, In Venetia: Dedica di aprile Tradotti nouamente per m.
Nuouamente tradotta dalla lingua spagnuola, nella nostra italiana. Aggiuntaui anco la tauola delle materie, che in essa opera si contengono, In Venetia: CNCE [] 1 Gramatica tidicini? Vincenzo Cartari, con la loro espositione, et con bellissime et accomodate igure nuouamente stampate. Et con molta diligenza riuiste e ricorrette, In Venetia: Delle istorie del suo tempo di mons.
Paolo Giouio da Como, vescouo di Nocera, tradotte da m. Et vn supplimento del signor Girolamo Ruscelli Alfonso Vlloa, nuouamente mandate in luce. Francesco Guicciardini libri XX. Distinta in libri VII. Parte prima [-secunda], In Venetia: Tradotta in lingua italiana da m. Con le postille a suoi luoghi dinotanti le cose di maggiore importanza.
Con la giunta del quinto volume, nuouamente posto in luce. Parte prima [-terza], In Venetia: Alemanio Fino, In Venetia: Con la giunta di altre imprese tutto riordinato et corretto, In Venetia: Nuouamente reuiste, et con somma diligenza corrette aggiunte, e ristampate, In Vinetia: CNCE [] 3. Indice degli huomini illustri, Ruscelli l. CNCE [] 1. Con tauole vtilissime, et necessarie In quibus vtriusque sacri instrumenti, insigniores quique loci, erudita facundia scite, ac luculenter illustrantur omnibus qui christiana philosophia delectantur, sed concionatoribus praesertim opus summopere [!
Nuper in lucem editum, Venetiis: Iacobi de Valentia in psalmos l. Iacobi Parem de Valentia Christopolitani episcopi. Item tractatus sane quam argutus quaestionum quinque cum earum subtilissimis resolutionibus contra Iudaeos Christianae idei aduersarios. Vna cum excellentissima explanatione in Cantica canticorum. Adiecta nuperrime in Symbolum diui Atanasij episcopi aurea expositione. CNCE [] 7. CNCE [] 8. Nuouamente posta in luce, In Venetia: CNCE [] 4. Institutione delle donne christiane 12 l. Institutione morale del Piccolomini l.
Alessandro Piccolomini libri XII. CNCE [] 2. CNCE [] 6. Raccolta, et in diuersi luoghi di nuouo ampliata, da m. Francesco Sansouino; et riformata in molte sue parti per ordine della Santa Inquisitione. Nella quale si contengono le leggi, gli ofici, i costumi, et la militia di quella natione; con tutte le cose fatte da loro per terra, et per mare. Institution prencipe christiano l. Mambrino Roseo da Fabriano. Giouanni Marinello mandati in luce, In Vinegia: Pietro Besozzo chierico regolare di san Paolo decollato, In Milano: CNCE [] 2 Lettere di diversi, scelta l.
Bernardino Pino, In Venetia: CNCE [] 3 Lettere di 13 illustri l. Claudio Tolomei libri sette con nuoue aggiunte ristampate et con somma diligenza ricorrette, In Venetia: Pietro Bembo a sommi ponteici a cardinali et ad altri signori et persone ecclesiastiche scritte.
Primo [-quarto] volume, In Vinegia: Di nuouo ristampate, riuedute et corrette con molta diligenza, In Venetia: CNCE [] 4 Legendario delle vergini 12 l. Opere ac doctrina, iuxta librorum logicae Aristotelis ordinem mirabili breuitate confectum Novamente ristampata, Stampato in Venetia: In vniuersam Aristotelis logicam. Addito insuper indice locupletissimo quaestionum, Venetiis: CNCE [] 1 Mileloquium iuris l. Mantuae Benauidii Patauini, iu. CNCE [] 2 Medicina delle donne l.
Luigi di Granata, prouinciale di s. Tradotto dalla spagnuola nella lingua italiana, In Vinegia: CNCE [] 2 Marini frecchia de seculis? In diuinum oficium, trecentum quaestiones. In decem tractatus partitae; vt in sequenti pagina videtur, Venetiis: Nouamente recata dalla spagnola nella nostra lingua italiana. Aggiuntiui doi indici, In Venetia: CNCE [] 4 Manipulus curatorum 16 vol.
CNCE [] 6 Meditazioni s. Nella volgar lingua tradotto, In Venetia: Ad communem idelium et studiosorum vtilitatem in lucem editus. Aggiuntoui di nuouo alquante stanze, Stampata in Firenze: CNCE [] 2 Modus examinandi 12 l. Mariam fratres de Marchettis Brixiae: CNCE [] 2 Novelli iori spirituali l. Libro primo, diuiso in cinque parte principali.
Volumen parvum, Nouellae constitutiones diui Caesaris Iustiniani, quae authentica vulgo appellant. Tres codicis libri posteriores. Constitutiones Friderici II imp.