In this paper, we present an automated, feature-based approach for geometric co-registration using networks of roads or other similar features. This approach is based on a graph matching scheme that models networks as graphs with embedded invariant attributes. Automated aerotriangulation using multiple image multipoint matching more. Abstract This paper deals with automating the aerotriangulation procedure using digital image processing methods and images available exclusively in digital format.
A conceptual system has been developed and implemented which allows for A conceptual system has been developed and implemented which allows for the automatic determination of exterior orientation parameters and positions of selected points in object space using a minimal number of assumptions. ABSTRACT Modern geospatial databases are becoming increasingly complex, with multiple types of information eg imagery, maps, vector data, video, and text , huge volumes of data eg numerous satellite images continuously captured in the ABSTRACT Modern geospatial databases are becoming increasingly complex, with multiple types of information eg imagery, maps, vector data, video, and text , huge volumes of data eg numerous satellite images continuously captured in the span of a mission , and distributed storage eg various servers storing different types of information.
Furthermore, spatiotemporal analysis is also becoming more complicated, with analysts making use of diverse datasets to make complex decisions. Automated road extraction from high resolution multispectral imagery more. Abstract This work presents a novel methodology for fully automated road centerline extraction that exploits spectral content from high resolution multispectral images. Preliminary detection of candidate road centerline components is Preliminary detection of candidate road centerline components is performed with Anti-parallel-edge Centerline Extraction ACE.
This is followed by constructing a road vector topology with a fuzzy grouping model that links nodes from a self-organized mapping of the ACE components. Using lifelines for spatiotemporal summaries more. Abstract In this paper we present a general framework for the analysis of spatiotemporal datasets. Our approach makes use of an analysis of spatiotemporal trajectories describing the path in space and time of objects in our dataset.
We have developed a variation of self organizing maps to generalize these object lifelines by permitting variable resolutions to represent complex segments compared to smoother ones. On the use of hierarchies and feedback for intelligent video query systems more. Current query systems for video databases rely heavily on structured schemas and often require user annotation of data. These systems need to be made more flexible and accessible to the diverse organizations that utilize them These systems need to be made more flexible and accessible to the diverse organizations that utilize them. By building on current work with lifelines, and incorporating new structures for organizing metadata, we can make great strides towards accomplishing this goal.
Differential snakes for change detection in road segments more. Differentiating and modeling multiple moving objects in motion imagery datasets more. Motion imagery datasets capture evolving phenomena like the movement of a car or the progress of a natural disaster at video or quasi-video rates.
Next Generation Geospatial Information
The identification of individual spatiotemporal trajectories from such datasets The identification of individual spatiotemporal trajectories from such datasets is farm from trivial when these trajectories intersect in space, time, or attributes. In this paper we present our approach to this problem and relevant algorithms. Efficient summarization of spatiotemporal events more. Abstract Raster datasets at discrete temporal instances capture a variety of spatiotemporal phenomena.
Peggy Agouris | George Mason University -
These phenomena and the respective datasets that capture them may span various spatial and temporal scales, like a car's trajectory as These phenomena and the respective datasets that capture them may span various spatial and temporal scales, like a car's trajectory as it is captured by various cameras at video rates, or the long-term erosion of a river's edge captured by an annual series of aerial imagery. A differential spatio-temporal model: Abstract In this paper, we present a differential change-oriented model for the storage and communication of spatio-temporal information.
The focus is on the development of model primitives and operators to support the aggregation of The focus is on the development of model primitives and operators to support the aggregation of change over time and the propagation of change across resolution. Our investigation is motivated by recent advances in image-based geospatial databases, with constantly increasing update frequencies, and diverse user communities performing queries of various levels of detail.
Supporting quality-based image retrieval through user preference learning more.
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Abstract It is common for modern geospatial libraries to contain multiple datasets that cover the same area but differ only in some specific quality attributes eg, resolution and precision. The transition from static to motion imagery enabled by UAVs, and distributed sensor networks introduces significant challenges monitoring multiple video streams, indexing large amounts of video, and retrieving video segments The transition from static to motion imagery enabled by UAVs, and distributed sensor networks introduces significant challenges monitoring multiple video streams, indexing large amounts of video, and retrieving video segments with significant spatiotemporal events.
Spatiospectral cluster analysis of elongated regions in aerial imagery more. Abstract The extraction of road networks from digital imagery is a fundamental operation in geospatial applications. In images captured by new satellite sensors with a ground sample distance of less than 2 meters per pixel, roads can be In images captured by new satellite sensors with a ground sample distance of less than 2 meters per pixel, roads can be broadly described as elongated regions. We introduce a novel technique of spatiospectral cluster analysis in which the spatial properties of elongated regions are identified from unsupervised analysis of their corresponding spectral properties.
Automation and digital photogrammetric workstations more. Prior to the s, early pioneering attempts to introduce digital softcopy photogrammetric map production involved multiple special purpose and high-cost hybrid workstations equipped with custom hardware and running associated Prior to the s, early pioneering attempts to introduce digital softcopy photogrammetric map production involved multiple special purpose and high-cost hybrid workstations equipped with custom hardware and running associated proprietary software.
Manual of Photogrammetry Publication Date: Sketch-based image queries in topographic databases more. In this paper we present the development of a system prototype for sketch-based queries for the content-based retrieval of digital images from topographic databases. We discuss our overall strategy and associated algorithmic and We discuss our overall strategy and associated algorithmic and implementation aspects, and we present associated database design issues.
The query tools devised in this research are employing user-provided sketches of the shape and spatial configuration of the object s which should appear in the images to be retrieved.
Next Generation Geospatial Information: From Digital Image Analysis to Spatiotemporal Databases
Integration of photogrammetric and geographic databases more. ABSTRACT This paper addresses the role of digital photogrammetry within the current trend towards integrated databases, comprising photos and maps in digital format, relevant additional information in raster or vector format eg extracted ABSTRACT This paper addresses the role of digital photogrammetry within the current trend towards integrated databases, comprising photos and maps in digital format, relevant additional information in raster or vector format eg extracted features and DEMs , as well as a set of interrelating operations eg feature extraction algorithms, georeferencing.
The relationship between photogrammetry and integrated geographic systems is bi-directional. A scene similarity metric for matching configurations of image objects more. Spatio temporal helixes for event modeling more. Abstract This paper defines a framework for the spatio-temporal analysis of motion imagery MI datasets depicting two-dimensional phenomena evolving in time.
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More specifically, we introduce the concept of a spatiotemporal helix as a More specifically, we introduce the concept of a spatiotemporal helix as a concise representation of spatiotemporal events, modeling their path in space and the variations of their outline. Adaptable user profiles for intelligent geospatial queries more. Abstract The geospatial information user community is becoming increasingly diverse, with numerous users accessing distributed datasets for various types of applications. Currently in GIS, unlike traditional databases, there is a lack of Currently in GIS, unlike traditional databases, there is a lack of machine learning algorithms to customize information retrieval results.
Thus the particular interests of individual users are not taken into account in traditional geospatial queries. Inspired by these challenges, this book on Next Generation Geospatial Information offers a collection of original contributions from leading experts in spatial information modeling, image processing and analysis, database management, ontologies and data mining. It provides a unique insight into the current state-of-the-art and future challenges in geospatial information through four thematic chapters, each of which represents a primary research theme, namely distributed spatial infrastructure, image-based geospatial information management, indexing and querying geospatial databases, and ontology and semantics for geospatial data.
From Digital Image Analysis to Spatiotemporal Databases, 1st Edition
Each volume in the series is prepared independently and focuses on a topical theme. Volumes are published on an occasional basis, according to the emergence of noteworthy scientific developments. The material included within each volume is peer-reviewed rigorously, ensuring strong scientific standards. Learn More about VitalSource Bookshelf. It could be through conference attendance, group discussion or directed reading to name just a few examples. We provide a free online form to document your learning and a certificate for your records.
Already read this title? Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Exclusive web offer for individuals. Next Generation Geospatial Information: Add to Wish List. Toggle navigation Additional Book Information. Description Table of Contents. Summary With the turn of the century our ability to collect and store geospatial information has increased considerably. Table of Contents Keynote paper Invasive Species: