With Bacon is Thomas Hobbes, who wrote of human society as a war of all against all, necessarily dominated by a tyrannical leviathan state. Then came John Locke, for whom the human mind was a blank slate destined to be filled by sense perceptions. Locke's hedonism led him to the conclusion that human freedom was an absurd contradiction in terms. Locke was followed by the solipsist George Berkeley, who denied any basis in reality to our sense impressions: They are a kind of videotape played in each one of our heads by some unknown supernatural agency. Perception was the only existence there was.
Then came the Scots lawyer and diplomat David Hume. For Hume also, there is really no human self, but merely a bundle of changing perceptions. For Hume, there is no necessary connection between a cause and an effect that the human mind can know with certainty; we only have a vague association or habit of thought that one phenomenon has been usually followed by another. But in these same earlier works, Hume had at least accepted the importance of filling the tabula rasa of each new human mind with a stock of received ideas of conduct which can be lumped under the heading of morals or custom, including religion.
During Hume's later years, the power of the Shelburne faction became dominant in Britain, and Hume's skepticism became bolder and more radical. The two liberals Kant and Hume had a broad common ground in their determination to eradicate the influence of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. But when Hume repudiated all notion of custom and traditional morality, even Kant could not follow. Kant responded with the Critique of Pure Reason to defend the notion of cause and effect as one of Aristotle's categories, against Hume, who had reached a sub-Aristotelian level.
On this basis, Kant was able to defend customary ideas of religion and morality, das Sittengesetz. The Kant-Hume split illustrates why British liberal empiricism tends to be several degrees more rotten than its continental European counterparts. In October , a year-old English barrister named Jeremy Bentham wrote contemptuously of the American Declaration of Independence, which had been signed as an Act of the Continental Congress on July 4th of that year: In these tenets they have outdone the extravagance of all former fanatics. That manuscript would not only prescribe the founding principles of British philosophical radicalism; it would propel Bentham into the very center of a then-emerging new British Foreign Office and British Foreign Intelligence Service, consolidated under the guiding hand of William Petty, Lord Shelburne, a man who at the time was the de facto, if not de jure doge of Britain.
Bentham categorically rejected any distinction between man and the lower beasts, defining man instead as a creature driven purely by hedonistic impulses. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do Every effort we make to throw off our subjection, will serve but to demonstrate and confirm it. The principle of utility--the greatest happiness or greatest felicity principle--recognizes this subjection, and assumes it for the foundation Systems which attempt to question it deal Shelburne assigned to Bentham an English and Swiss editor in order to ensure the widest dissemination of Bentham's works in both the English- and French-speaking worlds.
Later, Bentham's works would be even more widely circulated throughout Latin America during his years of intimate collaboration with the American traitor Aaron Burr, and with revolutionists Gen. Burr, fleeing the United States, took up residence at the home of Bentham, and the two men conspired to establish an empire, first in Mexico, and later in Venezuela.
Shelburne's political intrigues At the very moment of his taking up with Bentham, Lord Shelburne was in the process of launching his most daring political intrigues. In June , weary of the failed prosecution of the war in North America, and convinced that the ministry of Lord George North would bring eternal ruin to his dreams of permanent empire, Lord Shelburne, through the East India Company and its allied Baring Bank, bankrolled a Jacobin mob to descend upon London, ostensibly in protest over the granting of Irish reforms.
The so-called Irish reforms amounted to little more than forced conscription of Irishmen into the British Army to fight in North America--a move Shelburne hoped would also defeat the pro-American republican movement inside Ireland that had nearly launched its own revolt against Britain in Led by Lord George Gordon, the Protestant rabble stormed Westminster, sending parliamentarians and lords alike down flights of stairs, out windows, and to the hospitals.
For eight days, London was ransacked, culminating in the storming of the Newgate Prison and the freeing of all the prisoners, who joined in the assault on the Parliament building. Lord Shelburne, as head of the interior committee of the House of Lords, personally ensured the maximum terror by delaying the reading of the Riot Act which would have called out the Home Guard until violence had spread to every corner of the city. When the flames subsided, the ministry of Lord North was in ashes as well.
North resigned as prime minister, and within months, Shelburne was himself in the new Rockingham cabinet as foreign secretary for the Northern District, subsuming the North American colonies. From that post, he would be the principal negotiator in Paris across the table from Benjamin Franklin. As the result of these events, the shadow government formally took charge of the official state apparatus. A postscript on Lord Gordon, Shelburne's agent provocateur: After a brief stay in the Tower of London, foreshortened by Shelburne's personal intervention with the crown, Lord Gordon made off to friendlier ground in the Netherlands, where, to the astonishment of his Scottish Presbyterian cronies, he became a convert to Jewish cabbalism, taking the name Israel Bar Abraham.
He shortly thereafter surfaced in Paris as an occult adviser to Marie Antoinette, and from that position participated in Shelburne's intrigues against the French Bourbons. The Jacobin insurrection in Paris during was a replay on grander scale of the earlier Shelburne-instigated Gordon Riots, down to the storming of the Bastille prison and the unleashing of the criminals. Smith Assigned To Propagandise Against America Lord Shelburne, as foreign minister, took the position that the former colonies in North America must be once again brought under the British yoke, but not through the deployment of military might or through claims of property title.
As early as , in a famous carriage ride from Edinburgh to London, Shelburne had commissioned two works from one of his East India Company scribblers, Adam Smith. First, he had commissioned Smith to prepare the research outlines for the study that would be later completed by another India House propagandist, Edward Gibbon, on the decline and fall of the Roman Empire--a study critical to Shelburne's commitment to establish a new third Roman Empire headquartered in London.
In addition, he ordered the preparation of an apologia for free trade, which Smith completed in under the title The Wealth of Nations. In , Shelburne's leading intelligence agent Jeremy Bentham went one better than Smith by publishing a series of letters from Russia that were assembled in a pamphlet titled In Defense of Usury.
The final letter, addressed to Smith, chastized the India House economist for not going far enough in his embrace of unbridled monetary dictatorship. Bentham demanded an end to all restrictions on usurious interest rates, employing the liberal argument that suppression of usury stifles invention. Monopolies, some way or other, are very justly punished. They forbid rivalry, and rivalry is of the very essence of well-being of trade I avow that monopoly is always unwise; but if there is any nation under heaven which ought to be the first to reject monopoly, it is the English.
Situated as we are between the old world and the new, and between southern and northern Europe, all we ought to covet on Earth is free trade With more industry, with more capital, with more enterprise than any trading nation on Earth, it ought to be our constant cry: Let every market be open. Shelburne's policy of unbridled free trade between Britain and the United States nearly destroyed the American republic in its cradle.
Some of the American Founding Fathers clearly understood the danger in Shelburne's free trade ruse. They launched a crucial debate over the need for a strong federal constitution. But for the Federalist debate and the resulting United States Constitution of , Shelburne's scheme for rapidly bankrupting and re-absorbing North America into the British imperial domain, would have probably succeeded. Alexander Hamilton was blunt in his Federalist Paper No.
If we continue united, we may counteract a policy so unfriendly to our prosperity in a variety of ways Suppose for instance, we had a government in America, capable of excluding Great Britain from all our ports; what would be the probable operation of this step upon her politics? Would it not enable us to negotiate, with the fairest prospect of success, for commercial privileges of the most valuable and extensive kind in the dominion of that kingdom?
The Seven Years' War of had stripped France of its once formidable maritime capacity. Shelburne now sought to destroy France as an economic and military rival on the continent. The bloody massacre of France's scientific elite was systematically carried out by French hands, manning French guillotines, but guided by British strings.
Although Necker had failed to block France from allying with the Americans during the American Revolution, he did succeed in presiding over the depletion of the French treasury and the collapse of its credit system, as in the USA today. Speeches were prepared by Bentham and translated and transported by diplomatic pouch and other means to Paris, where leaders of the Jacobin Terror, Jean-Paul Marat, Georges Jacques Danton, and Maximilien de Robespierre delivered the fiery oratories.
Garran offering to move to Paris to take charge of the penal system. Enclosing a draft of his Panopticon Concentration Camp proposal, Bentham wrote: You will see by the memoire, this jailer will have no salary--will cost nothing to the nation. The more I reflect, the more it appears to me that the execution of the project should be in the hands of the inventor. At the same time, Bentham was proposing to assume the post of chief jailer of the Jacobin Terror, which sent many of France's greatest scientists and pro-American republicans to the guillotine or to prison.
Bentham made no bones about his loyalties: In accepting the honorary title of Citizen of France, Bentham wrote to the Jacobin interior minister in October Asked by Prince Potemkin, the prime minister of Catherine the Great, to help procure a steam engine to build up Russian industry, Bentham argued that human labor--not steam power--ought to be sufficient.
His design, complete with elaborate architectural drawings, called for criminals, the indigent, and the retarded--along with their children--to be placed in jail cells equipped with primitive machinery run by a central power source, which in turn would be fueled by swings, merry-go-rounds, and see-saws in the children's cellblock. The energy expended by the children playing with the toys would drive the factory. A central guardroom equipped with two-way mirrors would permit one guard to oversee the slave labor of hundreds. Above the main door of the Panopticon was to be a sign, reading: Christian morality, like every other expression of natural law, had no place in Bentham's world of pleasure and pain.
Carlyle, under the watchful eye of J. Mill, penned the official British history of the French Revolution, needless to say burying the role of the Shelburne-Bentham cabal in that blood-soaked tragedy. Bowring, Bentham's long-suffering personal secretary, would later supervise the publication of Bentham's collected works in an volume series; would serve as Lord Palmerston's agent-handler of the notorious Giuseppe Mazzini; and would instigate the Second Opium War against China from his post as emissary in Canton. Urquhart, one of the youngest of the Benthamites, would later become the agent-handler for Karl Marx.
Upon his death in , Bentham's body was dissected and stuffed; his head was cast in bronze and placed at his feet, with a mask affixed in its place. For years, the mummified Bentham, seated in his favorite chair inside a glass case, was an ever-present participant in meetings of his radical circle. In the s, the mummy would still enjoy a place of prominence at London University. Alfred Marshall criticized Smith's definition of economy on several points. He argued that man should be equally important as money, services are as important as goods, and that there must be an emphasis on human welfare, instead of just wealth.
Ideology of the SS
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz says, on the topic of one of Smith's better known ideas: These were the founders of Satanic Psychopathic British philosophical radicalism, the most primitive form of Satanic Psychopathic Babylonian Agent Aristotle the poisoner, yet devised; and its Siamese twin, free trade. Shelburne was defeated by the superior ability of Hamilton, Franklin, and Washington, but he did succeed in destabilizing and nearly destroying France.
After letting the Jacobin horrors of Bentham's agents brew up for three years in France, using this, "Divide and Conquer" Lord Pitt was able to unite the continental powers against Napoleons France in the first, second, and third coalitions. Using the armies raised by Lazare Carnot, Napoleon shattered each of these coalitions. Napoleon's final defeat was the work of Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, and the Prussian reformers plus Lord Marlborough at Waterloo, but the beneficiaries were the British. At the Congress of Vienna in , the British were clearly the dominant force, but they were still obliged to make deals with Metternich, Russia, and Prussia.
But under the regimes of Castlereagh and Canning, the oligarchical stupidity, greed, and incompetence of Metternich and Co. By , Lord Palmerston was ready to take control of the Foreign Office and begin his direct march to undisputed world domination. Metternich was still sitting on the lid of the boiling European cauldron, but Lord Palmerston and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents were stoking the flames underneath. There was a time when center of Satanic Psychopathic oligarchy, usury, and geopolitics was Venice, the group of islands in a lagoon at the top of the Adriatic.
In the sixteenth century, in the wake of the war of the League of Cambrai, Venice was a cancer planning its own metastasis. These were the years during which the patrician party known as the Giovani, the Youngsters, began meeting in salon known as Ridotto Morosini. It is here that the future of England and Britain was planned. The survival of the species demands a revival of the "secret knowledge" of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific knowledge.
Plato left Timeo, and Aristotle right Ethica, here illustrated in a fresco by Raphael. Aristotle gestures to the earth, representing his Satanic Psychopathic belief in knowledge through empirical observation - that God does not exist. Plato points to the heavens, towards The Soul in the Chakras above the Head. Yet throughout history Satanic Psychopathic Religions and Myths The Ten Myths which control the World have been been specifically created to maintain oligarchic control of society.
I am reading bits of the links you sent me. I can see you've updated them a lot and feel you're putting in some stuff to help me and others. Since I like to understand about it all, the light and the dark - I'd like your opinion on something I found which I agree with, that there are actually three different types of group. The first original non-duality which is the god-consciousness, true light and the light which connects us with chakra's above the head, the earth and opens the heart This is the Enlightenment of Energy Enhancement - Satchidanand Then we seem to have what I call the dark-dark, which you would say is satanism and demonic at it's most ugly.
This is Satanism - Satchidanand There is another group I'd call the 'fake light', which are primarily dark pretending to be light - a sub group of the dark parasitic groups which passes itself off as light. This is Luciferianism - Satchidanand Now a while back, a few years back, I followed a strange group I later believed to be this fake light. The group was falun gong, or falun dafa. So roughly to summarize this, although I'd like it if you could take a look and see exactly what falun gong's energy was doing to me and any who followed it , it seemed to hook up, connect to a demonic source, people who followed it's frequency text, online, in book to some type of cosmic being this is the personal vision I got when I tried to quit , a giant cosmic astral entity which wanted pure, clean human souls as 'batteries'.
In other words, a parasitic being who got humans to submit of their free will to feed it energy. What it claimed to give was producing an enlightened light body and removing karma from the follower. I can agree that it seemed to be doing something like this, but the whole thing was dodgy.
I went through these dark karmic purges where I would feel dark fire burning off my body - which was painful - or mental purges where I would get dark ugly feelings and thoughts, the urge to hurt, attack or swear at people So I don't know what was going on there. I think the main reason I'm asking about this type of thing, is if you have encountered this type of group what I believe, is dark - light, or dark pretending to be light but it's yet another control system - out of one prison and into the next!
Anyway for now, I am doing my own methods which are linked to taoist alchemy, yoga and your energy initiations which are similar but more powerful , it all deals with the orbit practice, the circulation of energies and accumulation of qi energies and energy from above the crown chakra - and heart opening - so it's all good stuff.
I like the updates you add to your pages because it is delving very deep into the darker truths and I feel some people are definitely ready to hear and accept it!
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Other information on the net I am not so sure to trust. I've got some more bits and comments above the links from your pages including the Dee Watchtower page The higher the chakra the higher the power or energy. Lucifer, the "Light Bringer" creates Illumination only from the Star Sirius, cut off from God above, from the, "Black Lodge of Sirius", alas a light cut off from God by implant blockages implanted in the Antahkarana above Sirius thus cutting himself off from conscience.
This is symbolised by Gods or statues of Gods at the top of a column without any higher connection. Sauron, like Lucifer, thinks he knows better than God. This bit interests me, because it explains what I've heard of - that some of the higher left-hand-path dark beings can enter into another physical body so as to materialize to physical appearance. So they're able to do that because they're at a higher chakra level but blocked from god above that level?
So there is a massive hierarchy of levels, no matter which one the dark being reaches, above that is blocked from god energies? So, we have a World filled with human, "Monsters" or "Unmade Men". That they need perhaps one hundred lifetimes of experience of entering into every type of evil, and its judicial return, Karma, before they can freely choose to fuse with their Souls and God and become Enlightened.
Don't worry, I won't forget about this. I am ready to attempt this final path. Enlightened are those who connect with God, an infinity of chakras above the head with no blockages. They remove all their energy blockages including the heart to bring back empathy and above the head to bring back conscience. They integrate and increase in size their talent energy bodies.
They need a lot of energy as they receive no energy from God, so they have learned how to create Implant addiction energy blockages for drugs, sex, and rock and roll so as to parasitise, vampirise their slave populations and create their Satanic Psychopathic managers.
Everyone is implanted with every Addiction Blockage Implant from birth like having diseases, but depending how much we enter into the path of the disease there are many stages of that disease whose end is Psychopathy. With the Sexual Addiction Implant Blockage the Energy from every orgasm is channeled back to the Luciferians through energy connections from their Sex Addiction Implants.
The Luciferians or their minions send out energy every morning to raise the salute of the penis, around the horn, a proud tumescence in every red blooded man to promote masturbation or initiate sex and they vampirise the energy of every orgasm. The prostitution, white slave and pedophile industry is traditionally under their control.
Drugs and sex burn the candle at both ends and the energy of that charging candle is sent back from the Implant Addiction Blockage through energy connections to the Luciferians. They pay politicians to keep drugs illegal so as to make more profit. Although they promise to tell their higher managers like the Rockefellers how to become immortal like them, they never do. So they promise Transhumanism..
Ray Kurzweil and Robert Heinlein are their propagandists here. Free love, Immortal medical care, perfect genetics, cyborg enhancements, upload into the machine so as to live forever. They Ritually degenerate themselves and further and further degenerate themselves in order to maintain their energy which at every stage is vampiristically harvested by the Luciferian Watchtower elite who live outside the body. Anything which goes against the will of your conscience.
Anything which goes against the will of your Soul. Anything horrible to you. Is the stuff of which perverted, degenerating Ritual is made. This is also seen in the stories of Marquis de Sade. The secret is that energy is released when you do something bad, against your conscience, against your nature, but this energy whilst released and used will reduce your positive spiritual energy stored. You will lose the energy used.
You will have less pure positive spiritual energy and more energy from Hell. With less energy you will degenerate, Satanic Psychopathic, Psychopathic. This is the reason why Ritual gets worse and worse, in the same way that more and more high doses of the drug are needed to get the same effect, because more horrible things are needed to release more energy.
And this is the ritual effect but it is also the media effect which is just a slow burn Ritual effect. When you watch horror, you will need more and more deeper horror to get the same effect Anything which should not be. So it not good to read, to watch anything which will remove your positive spiritual energy. So these psychopathic torturing series you watch - like the Sopranos, Dexter, True Blood, the Wire, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones - are just that, destroying your good energy on the path of perversion and degeneration.
Ninety percent of all movies are designed to pervert you. Pornographic movies contain Implant Sex Blockages to implant you as you go deeper into perversion eventually pornographic torture snuff because you will need more and more deeper horror to get the same effect. Existentialism is propaganda for psychopaths, the zipless fuck, no consequences, no care. Yet great literature, art, music and movies are not like that. Great Movies, Great art takes us higher towards Enlightenment.. Marquis de Sade was a Psychopathic Satanist of the ruling class. Perhaps the end result of many lifetimes of perversion he was a pathetic addict of sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Highly intelligent and of an excellent family he showed that without mastery of addiction, intelligence does not bring wisdom and purpose - only an explanation of the psychopathic ruling elite and its Illuminati Rituals. However, their modus operandi is similar to those who do not get caught and deserves investigation because Ritual Illuminists all end up the same way - as psychopaths.
An Outline of the Problem, 1.
Wegen Rechtsbankrott des positiven Rechts, ist nur das absolute Naturrecht gültig!
Sanity-a protean concept - Click here!! Perhaps the most controversial figure in sexual history is the Marquis de Sade, the French aristocrat after whom the practice of sadism is named. Sade could equally well be called the greatest philosopher of psychopathic sex. A highly intelligent man, he spent much of his adult life in prisons and mental asylums because of his socially unacceptable conduct.
Some have labelled him the most subversive man, to those who want to tread the path of perversion, who ever lived. He provided an astonishingly frank self-analysis: I never thought about who I was hurting, instead I thought only about myself. I ran straight through the boundaries a married couple should live by. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled, and thanks to money and fame, I didn't have to go far to find them. And so say all the members of the privileged elite.
The powerful do not inhabit the same world as ordinary folk. Nor do the weak victims. They are so far down the pecking order that Sade thought anything could be done to them with impunity. Though not if you insult God, as Sade discovered to his cost. His first spell in prison came after a Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young woman complained to the police that Sade planned to whip her and have anal sex a capital crime because of restrictions of the church on Satanic Psychopathic paganism talked of in the Bible which leads to Temple prostitutes, Male homosexual dog priests, murder sacrifice rituals and cannibal CainAbel Ritual.
The king commanded that Sade should be jailed for two weeks, and thus Sade first became acquainted with the prison system in which he would spend much of the rest of his life. In a time of excess and licence for the rich, Sade managed to be so outrageous that it proved impossible to turn a blind eye to what he was doing. Sade was always on the lookout for impressionable girls to exploit. For centuries in France there was a habit of upper class men hanging around backstage to pick up actresses and dancers. In the 19th century, the French artist Degas often painted Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young ballet dancers being ogled by sinister gentlemen in black frockcoats and top hats.
They were allowed, for the right price, to go wherever they liked in the ballet school. With his valet, Sade took part in an orgy of whippings, masturbation and sodomy with four girls, to whom they gave aniseed sweets soaked in Spanish Fly aphrodisiac. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Sade and his valet, but they fled the country. In their absence, Sade was sentenced to beheading for poisoning and sodomy, and his valet to hanging.
Their bodies were then to be burned and their ashes scattered to the winds. The sentences were duly carried out on effigies of the two men. When Sade heard the news, he recorded that he masturbated and discharged joyously! When he later returned to France, the death sentence passed on him was conveniently forgotten, as was so often the case with the aristocratic class.
Nature, not God, was the Prime Mover, he believed. Psychopathic Hitler, Stalin and Mao killed millions. In the twentieth century Governments of psychopaths killed millions!! In a booklet called Dialogue between a Priest and a Dying Man written while he was in jail , Sade had the dying man convert the priest to atheism and join him, in his last hours, in an orgy with six beautiful women.
That book captures perfectly the amorality and pleasure-seeking obsessions of the French aristocracy in pre-Revolutionary France. Most of the people of the contemporary world might be considered as prisoners in the Liberty wing of the global jail. They imagine they are free but they are only free to do whatever the authorities desire of them.
It was in the Bastille that Sade wrote the infamous Days of Sodom on a great roll of paper like a toilet roll to disguise the fact that it was a book. Given that his cell was regularly searched, anything as obscene as his most famous book would certainly have been confiscated if it had been in a traditional book form. He was transferred from the Bastille a day or two before it was stormed by the people in and despatched to a lunatic asylum used by aristocratic families to conveniently lock away embarrassing black sheep.
To his horror, he was allowed to take nothing with him. It had in fact survived. Someone had stolen it and sold it. In the present day, we might liken them to rapacious, nouveau riche individuals such as Wall Street hedge fund managers; people without any qualities at all to commend them. One was a banker described as effeminate , one a duke who poisoned his mother, and his sister when she found out , one a judge who deliberately sentenced the innocent to death and one a bishop who religiously practised anal intercourse. They summed up the world of money, entitlement, the law and religion.
To this extent, Sade could be said to be providing a sharp social satire mocking the claims of the upper echelons of society to be morally superior.
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On the other hand, Sade makes it clear that he himself is greatly attracted to horrific sexual offences against others, and, if he could have got away with it, he would certainly have murdered some of his victims. Therefore his novel is, disturbingly, both satire and psychopathic aspiration. Perhaps his real message is that whereas he is honest about valuing the lives of the lower orders of society at zero, his fellow members of the privileged elite pretend otherwise while feeling and thinking exactly as he does. And who can doubt that the Old World Order of today are just as contemptuous as Sade of the slaves who serve them?
Hairy as a satyr, flat-backed, with slack drooping buttocks that rather resembled a pair of dirty rags flapping upon his upper thighs; the skin of his arse was, thanks to whip strokes, so deadened and toughened that you could seize up a handful and knead it without his feeling a thing. Their castle resembled a forerunner of Nazi death camps, with the emphasis on sexual crimes against the victims. They were to be assisted by four middle-aged prostitutes, women who would tell depraved stories of the erotic highlights of their careers, which the protagonists would then seek to emulate.
The victims were 46 in number, as meticulously detailed by Sade. They included the four daughters of the protagonists, eight Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young girls and eight Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young boys kidnapped from their families all aged 12 to 15 and all virgins, to be deflowered during the days of debauch , female servants, and four ugly old women to serve as a contrast to the Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young beauties. The victims were given all sorts of sexual tasks and timetables, and any contraventions of the rules were met with the death penalty.
The book contains hundreds of pages depicting the most extreme sexual degradation and violence, often culminating in murder. Although it might sound an interesting if unpleasant read, it will in fact pervert and degrade you should you read it as deeper and deeper horrors will create the necessity for worse in order to feel anything and so these types of people say Any initial thrill at coming across the terrain of ultimate transgression soon gives way to tedium. Most readers quickly become desensitised to the myriad cruelties, crimes and horrors. It is impossible to care about anything or anyone in the book, including the victims.
One gets a disturbing idea that the guards of the Nazi death camps must have felt this way. For this reason, Days of Sodom is an astonishingly profound book, revealing the deepest horrors of the human condition, and the most disturbing of these may be that the suffering of others can become irritating and then boring, meaning that on the path of psychopathy we can grow inured to the pain of others. The Jews had arrived in a godless fortress where their lives were meaningless, valueless and soon to be taken from them. That is the speech that psychopathic power makes to weakness, and there is nothing weakness can do about it.
Well, other than become strong and fight back. Fighting never works in the end. This world is a factory for producing enlightened beings. The different stratas of societies and countries are the grinding wheels which sort and sift. I feel that through meditation, the removal of blockages and karma, it is possible to enter into strata which are only to help. If you want to understand the mind of a Nazi executioner, the Days of Sodom is probably the best possible starting point. Psychopathic Sade must be congratulated for unflinchingly committing to paper the thoughts of a person who literally thought that for the strong to kill the weak was nothing but nature in action as in the Eugenic Satanist Darwin law of the jungle , hence could not be condemned in any way.
He declared that nothing that destroys can be criminal, such being the law of Nature. It is therefore not a vice but a virtue. We are perched on the crater of a volcano of violence that can erupt without warning. Even now, the powerful have complete dominion. They soft kill through poison the death of a thousand cuts to weaken, to dumb down and euthenise before our natural time. They can get anything they want from the weak. And if they choose the right victims those who will not be missed and hundreds of thousands go missing to the white prostitution slave trade every year , they can even get away with murder.
Sade makes us look straight at the face of absolute psychopathic horror where there is no mercy at all, and no possibility of salvation. But his dark fantasies were not exhausted by Days of Sodom.
Ideology of the SS - WikiVisually
He later chose to write about the adventures of two sisters, one virtuous and one depraved, and he thus gave the world another grotesque masterpiece of propaganda to turn you into a psychopath. Cauldrons are heated, racks set up, skulls broken, men flayed alive; there is shouting, swearing, blasphemy; hearts are ripped from bodies; all this on every page and every line.
What an indefatigable scoundrel he is! A true propagandist for psychopathy, at the beginning of the book, Sade provides the chilling logic of the tale: Die Tatsache, dass sich das Rechtssystem im Rechtsstaat per definitionem an Recht und. Gesetz und nicht an Sittlichkeit, Gewissen und am Guten ausrichtet, steht in Widerspruch zum.
Diese Tatsache ist eine gravierende Verletzung der Selbstbestimmung, der Freiheit und der. Es ist unter Blickpunkt geltenden Rechts offensichtlich und nicht von der Hand zu weisen, dass. Bei Vorliegen eines bestimmten Sachverhaltes zieht das Gesetz daraus einen bestimmten.
Schluss, es sei denn, das Gegenteil kann bewiesen werden. Im Privatrecht steht das K. Im Arbeitsrecht darf ein K. Im Strafrecht ist das K. Sie ist Nebenleistungspflicht oder Verhaltenspflicht. Name ist die Bezeichnung einer einzelnen Person oder eines einzelnen Gegenstands zum Zweck der Heraushebung aus einer Gattung bzw. Im Privatrecht ist der N. Gegebenenfalls kommt auch ein Schadensersatzanspruch in Betracht. Heiratet die geschiedene sorgeberechtigte Mutter wieder, so haben die mit ihr in der neuen Familie lebenden Kinder ein Recht darauf, dass ihr Familienname auch gegen den Willen ihres Vaters durch den neuen Familiennamen der Mutter ersetzt wird.
Hannover ; Wagner-Kern, M. Eine Aktie muss auf den Namen lauten, wenn sie vor der vollen Leistung des Nennbetrags oder Ausgabebetrags ausgegeben wird. Sparbuch — ohne dass der Inhaber seinerseits Leistungen verlangen kann —. Natur ist die ohne menschliches Zutun entstandene Welt und die hinter ihr stehende Kraft sowie deren Wesen. Korrektiv des gesetzten Rechts. Vertreter der Idee eines Naturrechts sind griechische Philosophen, christliche Kirchen und neuzeitliche Philosophen Vernunftrecht.
Nemo plus iuris transferre potest quam ipse habet [lat. Im Privatrecht betrifft die N. In der Regel beschreibt das Gesetz die N. AktG, 61, 75 GmbHG. Im Strafrecht liegt rechtfertigender N. GG, Gesetz vom A will B dann unter dem Vorwand der Notwehr niederschlagen. Die Beurteilung der N.
Translation of «Satanismus» into 25 languages
Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege [lat. Im Schuldrecht kann die Verletzung einer O. Obliegenheit ist das Rechtsgebot im eigenen Interesse z. Offenbarungspflicht ist die Pflicht zur Offenbarung eines Umstands wie sie z. Die Verletzung einer bestehenden O. HGB ist die Pflicht zur Offenlegung z. Die Notwendigkeit dazu wird aus Art. In Deutschland werden diese Aufgaben vom Petitionsausschuss, der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit und besonderen Beauftragten z. Ombudsman in Europa, hg. Durch das Opferanspruchssicherungsgesetz vom 8. Durch das Opferschutzgesetz vom Im Verwaltungsrecht herrscht das O. Ordnung ist der einleuchtend geregelte Zustand.
Berufungszusagen bricht, handelt rechtswidrig. Je gewichtiger und nachhaltiger der Vertragsbruch ist, desto bedeutender ist der damit verbundene Ansehensverlust Ehrlosigkeit. Zugleich wollte Horkheimer seiner Theorie eine ganz besondere Aura, ein unverwechselbares Merkmal der qualitativen Unterscheidung von anderen Theorien, etwa der Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus, verleihen. Er bewirkte eine Studentenbewegung, die den kulturellen Oberbau revolutionieren, d.
Sie will sowohl Religions- als auch Gesellschaftsphilosophie, ebenso Theorie der Menschwerdung Ontogenese wie Moralphilosophie, Geschichts-, Kultur-, Musik- und Kommunikationstheorie sein. Gott ist vielmehr, wie Ludwig Feuerbach vor ihm schon behauptete, eine Projektion des leidenden Menschen an den Himmel, also Phantasieprodukt des Menschen.
Nach Habermas [8] ist das Zeitalter der Hochreligionen und die Epoche des metaphysischen Denkens vorbei. Das moderne, nachmetaphysische Denken bestreite keine bestimmten Behauptungen der Theologen oder Metaphysiker, es behaupte vielmehr deren Sinnlosigkeit. Mit dieser Zustandsbeschreibung von hat Habermas sogar recht behalten.
Damit wird Gott entthront, der Mensch bzw. Ihre Theologie ist negatorisch, verneinend-bestreitend. Die Mode- oder auch Genitiv-Theologien wie z. Wenn Gott eine falsche Hypothese ist, wenn Gott tot ist, wie es nun sogar Theologen, z. Wenn er nicht existiert, dann ist die Geschichte eines jeden Menschen eine Geschichte des Scheiterns, dann ist menschliches Leben absurd, dann bliebe nur die Verzweiflung, die nackte Angst, der Strick.
Der verzweifelte Zustand der Gesellschaft wird am Subjekt deutlich. Folge dieses beispiellosen Erfolges. Homo communicativus erkennt nur noch eine einzige Verhaltensregel als verbindlich an, diese lautet:. Das gewissensgesteuerte — theonome — Verhalten wird gegen ein gesellschafts- bzw. Diese Kritik versteigt sich zu der These Horkheimers, die Familie sei die massenpsychologische Grundlage des Faschismus.
Deshalb fordern sie die Erziehungsdiktatur. Der heutige theologische und politische Feminismus wird von Habermas als vorerst letzter Versuch angesehen, der Familie das Leben in der Gesellschaft zu erschweren und die Kulturrevolution zu vollenden, anstatt auslaufen zu lassen. Die gesellschafts- und die geschichtsphilosophische These: Diese Perspektive bedarf der kritischen Anmerkung: In der herrschaftsfreien Gesellschaft herrscht das Prinzip homo homini lupus, bzw.
In seinem geschichtsphilosophischen Hauptwerk Negative Dialektik zeichnet er den ganzen Weg der Menschheitsgeschichte nach. Herrschaft ist nach Adorno total geworden:. Marcuse [36] unterscheidet zwei Formen der Gewalt: Der institutionalisierten Gewalt stehe die 2. Diese Gegengewalt gegen den Staat sei nach geltendem Recht Gesetz notwendigerweise illegal also ungesetzlich, gesetzwidrig , aber sie sei legitime gerechtfertigte Gewalt, weil sie auf Befreiung Emanzipation vom Bestehenden abziele. Die Botschaft der Frankfurter lautet also: In bestimmten Situationen hat Gewalt mehr Recht als das Recht, das sie bricht.
An ein und demselben Tag im Februar wird ein junger Algerier in Guben von deutschen Skinheads in den Tod getrieben. Die Sozialisten und die Kommunisten und, wie wir gesehen haben, die Neomarxisten, Verf. Kritische Theorie ist, wie P. Publikationen des Instituts und seiner wichtigsten Mitarbeiter bzw.
Adorno, Negative Dialektik , Frankfurt M. Marcuse, Triebstruktur und Gesellschaft , Frankfurt M. An anderer Stelle fordert er: Die Frankfurter haben die gesamte Werte-Ordnung durcheinander gewirbelt. Die Frankfurter sind Meister der Tarnung, der semantischen Strategie und der opportunistischen Anpassung. Marcuse, Kritik der reinen Toleranz , Frankfurt M.
Auf diese Weise bekamen die marxistischen Prognosen, die insbesondere den Untergang des Kapitalismus und das Arbeiterparadies auf Erden versprachen, den Anstrich wissenschaftlicher Aussagen. Der politische Kampf gegen den Staatsfeind Nr. Proske, Vom Marsch durch die Institutionen , v. Juni , Wien Hg. Rechtswidrige Machenschaften der Justiz: Als letzte Verteidigung blieb mir nur das Wort! Wissenschaftlich ist erwiesen, dass Herrschende gern ihre Macht missbrauchen, vgl.
Einige Beispiele zur Verfassungswirklichkeit: Profitinteressen spielen neben Machtgier bzw. Computertomografie wird aufgeschwatzt, obwohl davon jeder Das Parteiensystem mit Bundestagswahl etc. Sie haben nichts zu entscheiden, vgl. Das russische Teilprojekt, direkt ansteuerbar unter www. Und Sie finden uns — neben aktuellen Hinweisen oder Informationen — auch auf facebook: Das haben wir hunderttausendfach nicht getan. Der Kontrollverlust ist bis heute nicht beseitigt. Und der Rechtsbruch auch nicht. Rainer Wendt auf The European folgen: Rainer Wendt ist ein deutscher Polizist und seit Bundesvorsitzender der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft.
Du kommentierst mit Deinem WordPress. Du kommentierst mit Deinem Twitter-Konto. Du kommentierst mit Deinem Facebook-Konto. Benachrichtigung bei weiteren Kommentaren per E-Mail senden. Zum Inhalt springen Eine kleine Auswahl der Mittel die u. Oktober an einer Wahlversammlung: Oktober in einer Rede fest: Aber dieser Krieg wurde, nach ihm, von George W. Barbaren [ wp ] gegen Barbaren! Eine markante gegen Israel eingesetzte Technik ist falsche moralische Gleichsetzung.
Rechtspositivismus Exzeptionalismus eine rechtstheoretische Auffassung von Recht, die dieses mit den positiven, d. Politik Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. Glaubhafte Abstreitbarkeit Glaubhafte Abstreitbarkeit auch: Marcel Rosenbach , Holger Stark: Rang ergab am Kommunismus Kritik Kampfwort Politisches Schlagwort. Siehe auch die Liste Typen von Argumenten. Bundesgerichtshof, Urteil vom 7. Struktur der Dialektischen Eristik, Quelle: Zitate sind der heutigen Ausdrucks- und Schreibweise angepasst. Cannabis- und Heroinkonsum Venn-Diagramm.
Alle Hunde Mittelbegriff sind Tiere Oberbegriff. Also sind alle Katzen Unterbegriff Tiere Oberbegriff. Homo communicativus bindet sich nicht mehr an bestimmte Glaubensinhalte oder Werte, auch nicht an bestimmte Moral- oder Gesetzesnormen wie etwa die Zehn Gebote oder die Normen des Strafgesetzbuches, er folgt nur noch den Verhaltenserwartungen des Kommunikationspartners.
Von allen Bindungen und Verbindlichkeiten hat er sich erfolgreich distanziert und emanzipiert befreit. Homo communicativus erkennt nur noch eine einzige Verhaltensregel als verbindlich an, diese lautet: Fast jede dritte Ehe wird geschieden. Die Zahl der Alleinerziehenden steigt. Die Zahl der Kinder je Ehe sinkt gegen 1.
Die Zahl der Scheidungswaisen, die auf Sozialhilfe angewiesen sind, steigt. Das Mehrwertsteuerrecht benachteiligt Familien mit Kindern. Familien werden im Steuerrecht 20 Jahre lang benachteiligt. Herrschaft ist nach Adorno total geworden: Der Suhrkampverlag verlegte, z. Der Verlag hat sich um die Frankfurter Schule verdient gemacht.
Umgekehrt ist die Kritische Theorie durch diese Bewegung erstaunlich rasch und tiefgreifend geschichtswirksam geworden, [45] jedenfalls rascher als in Frankreich oder in den USA. Alle innovatorischen Impulse und Entscheidungen sollen von gruppendynamischen Prozessen ausgehen Brainstorming. Gruppe sind die Sozialisten, der 2. Gruppe die Kommunisten zuzuordnen. Zweimaliger Aufruf zur Radikalisierung des Islams in Deutschland https: Betrifft nicht nur die SPD https: Nein, wenn man es umbenennt nicht! Der Domain-Name ist gleichzeitig unser Programm: Unsere Partner Wir kooperieren mit mehreren Partnern: Kommentar verfassen Antwort abbrechen Gib hier deinen Kommentar ein Next Post Fakten statt Geschichte Fiktion.
Unsere Umerziehung bis zum Volkstod. Diese Website verwendet Cookies. Wenn du die Website weiterhin nutzt, stimmst du der Verwendung von Cookies zu. Weitere Informationen, beispielsweise zur Kontrolle von Cookies, findest du hier: Der hat ihnen weh getan. Was nicht politisch korrekt ist, ist eben unkorrekt. Sie ist zudem durch und durch moralisch: Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini' s court of miracles was a public scandal.
Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, now the future king of Belgium, has been complaining to his niece Queen Victoria that in London there is maintained "a sort of menagerie of terrorists - Kossuths, Satanic Psychopathic Mazzinis, Legranges, Ledru-Rollins, etc. Again the reality is the Satanic Psychopathic aim of "the Principle of Poverty" created by Destabilisation, Terrorism, War, famine and the destruction of infrastructure, in order to maintain Satanic Psychopathic rule.
There will also be a Peabody from the counting house. We can think of Satanic Psychopathic British Agent Mazzini as the Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zookeeper of a universal human Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zoo of paid terrorists. Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini' s human Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zoo is divided into theme parks or pavilions, one for each ethnic group.
In a normal Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zoo there is an elephant house, a monkey house, an alligator pond, and the like. In Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini's human Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zoo there is an Italian house, a Russian house, a Hungarian house, a Polish house, an American house all British paid and maintained. Let us walk through the various theme parks in the Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zoo and identify some of the specimens.
Shortly thereafter there followed Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young Poland, whose leaders included the revolutionaries Lelewel and Worcell. Then came Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young Germany, featuring Arnold Ruge, who had published some material by an obscure German "red republican" - British paid and maintained Karl Marx. The guiding light here was Ledru-Rollin, who later became the interior minister in Lamartine's short-lived Second French Republic of Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini is especially interested in creating a south Slavic federation dominated by Belgrade, and for that reason, he has a Serbian organization.
That will have to wait for Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini's student Woodrow Wilson and the Versailles peace conference of Right now, a masonic group in the United States is gearing up to support the pro-slavery doughface Franklin Pierce for President in ; they are the radical wing of the Democratic Party, and they are Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young America. Nationality means a Race - La Raiza - a fixed array of behavior like a breed of dog or a species of animal.
He is not thinking of a national community united by a literate language and a classical culture to which any person can become assimilated through a political choice. It is a matter of blood and soil. These hatreds are to be inflamed for the Satanic Psychopathic aim of "the Principle of Poverty" created by Destabilisation, Terrorism, War, famine and the destruction of infrastructure, in order to maintain Satanic Psychopathic rule, civilisation and humanity crushed between the grinding wheels of Nationalist, Religionalist, Politicalist, Terrorists.
Each is obsessed with borders and territory, and each finds a way to oppose and sabotage Rich dirigist expansionist Economic Development and works to destroy the Infrastructure which ONLY can produce richness. Each one is eager to submerge and repress other national groupings in pursuit of its own mystical destiny. This is Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini' s racist gospel of universal ethnic cleansing.
We have seen some Italian cages; next comes the Hungarian terrorist theme park in the Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zoo. Kossuth was for free trade. He wanted equal status for Hungarians in the Austrian Empire -- equal with the Austrians. Would they receive political and linguistic autonomy? Kossuth's answer was to ban all official use of the Slavic and Romanian languages in favor of Hungarian.
Kossuth was therefore on course for a bloody collision with the Illyrian movement for Greater Croatia, and with the military forces of the Croatian leader Jellacich. There was also conflict with the Serbs. Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini had promised the same territories to Hungary, to the Illyrian Croatians, and to his Serbian south Slav entity. The ethnic theme houses of the Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zoo thus sally forth to fight, not only Hapsburgs and Romanovs, but most of all, each other.
We will find the same thing in viewing the Polish and Russian pavilions. All these hatreds are to be inflamed for the Satanic Psychopathic aim of "the Principle of Poverty" created by Destabilisation, Terrorism, War, famine and the destruction of infrastructure, in order to maintain Satanic Psychopathic rule. The Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young Poland of Lelewel and Worcell demands the re-creation of the Polish state and rollback of the partitions of Poland. But they go much further, laying claim to Poland in its old Jagiellonian borders, stretching from the shores of the Baltic to the shores of the Black Sea.
This includes an explicit denial that any Ukrainian nation exists. Mickiewicz argues that Poland is special because it has suffered more than any other nation; Poland is "the Christ among nations. Right after the Crimean War, Herzen will start publishing The Polar Star and The Bell, both leak sheets for British secret intelligence that will build up their readership by divulging Russian state secrets.
Herzen prints the ravings of Bakunin, who preaches pan-Slavism, meaning that Russia will take over all the other Slavic nations. Herzen is interested in sabotaging Alexander II and his policy of real, anti-British reform in Russia. To block real industrial capitalist development, he preaches reliance on the aboriginal Slavic village, the mir or communist communalism. With "communal ownership of the land" plus the ancient Slavic workshop, the artel.
The mir will never build the Trans-Siberian railway or a rich high flux density economy. Herzen sees Russia as the "center of crystallization" for the entire Slavic world. Herzen, although he is usually called a "westernizer," is totally hostile to western civilization. He writes of the need for a "new Attila," perhaps Russian, perhaps American, perhaps both, who will be able to tear down the old Europe.
In the moment when the British will seem so close to winning everything, Herzen will support Palmerston's Polish insurrection of , and will lose most of his readers. But already today we can see the conflicts ahead between Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young Poland and Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young Russia. In the conflicts among Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini's national chauvinist operations, we can see the roots of the slaughter of World War I.
Now, let us view the cages in the American theme park in Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini's human Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zoo. Edwin DeLeon will later be one of the leaders of the Confederate espionage organization in Europe. Sanders, the future editor of the Democratic Review. Scott's Whig Party will be destroyed. Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Young America operatives will receive important posts in London, Madrid, Turin, and other European capitals.
Here they will support Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini and his gang. Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini's American contacts are either proto Confederates or strict abolitionists, such as William Lloyd Garrison. During the American Civil War, Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini will favor both the abolition of slavery and the destruction of the Union through secessionism - the London line. This subversion will be showcased during the famous tour of Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Kossuth in the United States, next year and the year after.
On the eve of the Crimean War, with Palmerston doing everything to isolate Russia, Kossuth's line will be that the "tree of evil and despotism" in Europe "is Russia. Despite Kossuth's efforts, the United States will emerge as the only power friendly to Russia during the Crimean conflict. Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Kossuth will refuse to call for the abolition of slavery. Satanic Psychopathic British paid and maintained Kossuth will get on well with the slaveholders, since he will also be attempting to mediate a U.
David Urquhart Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini is the Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zookeeper for all of these theme parks. But there are other Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zookeepers, and still more theme parks in the human, multicultural Satanic Psychopathic Terrorist zoo.
There is also a theme park for the English lower orders. Urquhart was chosen for his work directly by Head of British Intelligence, Jeremy Bentham, who lavishly praised "our David" in his letters. Urquhart took part in Lord Byron's Greek revolution, but then was sent to destabilise the Ottomon Empire and found he liked Turks better after all. He secured a post at the British Embassy in Constantinople an "went native," becoming an Ottoman Pasha in his lifestyle. Urquhart's positive contribution to civilization was his popularization of the Turkish bath. He also kept a harem for some time.
Urquhart also thought that late Ottoman feudalism was a model of what civilization ought to be. In Turkey, Urquhart became convinced that all the evil in the world had a single root: Russia, the machinations of the court of St. A very convenient view for Palmerston's Britain, which was always on the verge of war with Russia. He once met Mazzini, and concluded after ten minutes that Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini was a Russian agent! Urquhart's Secret Agent cover was as a Russophobe, therefore he said but never meant - the problem of Great Britain is that Palmerston is a Russian agent, having been recruited by one of his many mistresses, the Russian Countess Lieven.
During the years of Chartist agitation, Urquhart bought up Working Union Labour leaders and drilled them in the litany that all of the of the problems of the English working man came from Russia via Lord Palmerston. To these workers Urquhart teaches something he calls dialectics and communism created by his Agent, "Divide and Conquer" Marx. Urquhart will be a member of Parliament and he controls a weekly paper, The Free Press. Palmerston understands that his subversive methods will always generate opposition from the Tory gentry and the straight-laced crowd.
So he has taken the precaution of institutionalizing that opposition under his own control, with a raving megalomaniac communist leader - Urquhart, under cover - to discredit it. Urquhart's demonization of Russia foreshadows something that will be called Communism in Russia in fifty years and McCarthyism in the USA a century from now.
Urquhart's Secret Agent cover remedy is to go back to the simplicity of character of Merrie England, in the sense of retrogression to bucolic medieval myth. Communalism has always created poverty and it will never build a rich high flux density economy. Does this talk of pre-capitalist economic formations strike a familiar chord?
Urquhart, through British Agent Karl Marx is the father of communism and communalism as a strategy for the Satanic Psychopathic aim of "the Principle of Poverty" created by Destabilisation, Terrorism, War, famine and the destruction of infrastructure, - and in this case propaganda created by British Agent Karl Marx - in order to maintain Satanic Psychopathic rule. How interesting that Urquhart should be the controller of British agent Karl Marx, who earns his keep as a writer for Urquhart's paper. David Urquhart is the founder of modern communism!
It is Urquhart who will prescribe the plan for Das Kapital. Marx will even compose a Life of Lord Palmerston, based on under cover agent Urquhart's wild obsession that 'Pam is a Russian agent of influence. This says enough about Marx's acumen as a political analyst. Marx and Urquhart agree that there is no real absolute profit in capitalism, and that technological progress causes a falling rate of profit. As we have seen, he started off as a Carbonaro and terrorist in contact with Satanic Psychopathic Mazzini.
In , Napoleon tried to parlay his famous name into a successful putsch; he failed and was exiled to America. Then Napoleon was given a private study at the new British Museum reading room and frequented Lord Palmerston. He began work on his book, Les Idees Napoleoniques. His main idea was that the original Napoleon was not wrong to be an imperialist, but only erred in trying to expand his empire at the expense of Great Britain.
There is plenty of room for a French Empire as a junior partner to the British. The preferred form of government would be democratic Caesarism, with frequent plebiscites. In Napoleon was working for the British as a special constable - a riot cop - to put down an expected Chartist revolution; he was then shipped to Paris. Palmerston quickly endorsed the coup, causing hysteria on the part of the Victoria and Albert palace clique. Palmerston was forced out, but he was soon back, stronger than ever. After hundreds of years of warfare, France at last had been broken, placed under a more or less dependable British puppet regime.
The "western powers," the "Anglo-French," were born. Napoleon III gave Palmerston one indispensable ingredient for his imperial strategy: Soon an open Anglo-French entente was in full swing. When Napoleon joined Palmerston in attacking Russia in the Crimea, it was the first war in years to see France and England on the same side. The French pavilion of the Satanic Psychopathic terrorist zoo is being redecorated with a new version of British empiricism: This is positivism, the miserable propaganda, the satanic outlook of Auguste Comte and Ernest Renan.
This will lead to the French structuralists, ethnologists, and even deconstructionists of the late twentieth century. Napoleon III is Palmerston's strategic catamite, usually with as much will of his own as an inflatable sex doll. Think of him as a blow-up British agent. After the Crimea, Palmerston will need a land war against Austria in northern Italy.
Napoleon, egged on by Camillo Benso di Cavour who knows how to play the interstices, will oblige with the war of and the great Battle of Solferino. When the time will come for Maximilian's Mexican adventure, Napoleon will be eager to send a fleet and an army. In , Bismarck will defeat Napoleon and send him into exile in England. Here Napoleon will plan a comeback after the Paris Commune, but he will need to be seen on horseback, and he has a bladder ailment.
The bladder operation designed to make him a man on horseback once again will instead kill him. Napoleon III calls himself a socialist and will style the latter phase of his regime "the liberal empire. In Napoleon will sign a free trade treaty with the British. Along the way, he will pick up a junior partner colonial empire in Senegal and in Indo-China in Under Napoleon, France will build the Suez Canal, only to have it fall under the control of the British.
Napoleon III will furnish the prototype for the fascist dictators of the twentieth century. After his defeat in the Franco-Prussian war, he will bequeath to France a party of proto fascist colonialists and revanchists beating the drum for Alsace-Lorraine, which Napoleon will lose to Bismarck. And so it will come to pass that Lord Palmerston will attempt to rule the world through the agency of a triumvirate of Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, each one the warden of some pavilions of a human Satanic Psychopathic Terrorist Zoo. The reason why must now be confronted. It is the empire of British psychopathic philosophical radicalism, of utilitarianism, of Satanic Psychopathic psychopath Bentham's hedonistic calculus, psychopathic existentialism, and pragmatism.
Why are the British liberal imperialists called the Venetian Party? Well, for one thing, they call themselves the Venetian Party. The future prime minister Benjamin Disraeli will write in his novel Conningsby that the Whig aristocrats of wanted "to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of Venice, making the kings into doges, and with a 'Venetian constitution.
To combat Cusa's Renaissance Platonism, the Venetians of the Rialto and Padua turned to a new-look Aristotelianism, featuring Aristotle's characteristic outlook shorn of its medieval-scholastic and Averroist outgrowths. This was expressed in the work at the University of Padua where all Elite Venetians sent their sons, extolling Satanic Psychopathic Aristotle of Pietro Pomponazzi, and in that of Pomponazzi's highly born Venetian pupil, Gasparo Contarini, later Cardinal.
During the War of the League of Cambrai of , an alliance of virtually every power in Europe threatened to wipe out the Venetian oligarchy. The Venetians knew that France or Spain could crush them like so many flies. The result was a century and a half of wars of religion, and a "little dark age," culminating in the Great Crisis of the seventeenth century.
After the War of the League of Cambrai of , Satanic Psychopathic, slave trading, drug smuggling, Banker Venice was a cancer consciously planning its own metastasis. To Holland and the British Isles the hegemomic Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Giovani party would relocate their family fortunes, their fondi, and their characteristic epistemology. France was also colonized, but the main bets were placed further north.
This was the time of the Irish genocide and the foundation of the overseas slave empire in Jamaica. After the depravity of the Restoration, the "Glorious Revolution" of gave birth to the most perfect imitation of the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian oligarchical system ever created. After the defeat of Leibniz's attempt to save England, Great Britain set off on the path of empire with its new Hanoverian Guelph dynasty. The War of the Spanish Succession in was the first war fought on a world scale and the last gasp for rivals Spain and Holland.
The Peace of Utrecht left the British supreme on the oceans. By winning the coveted asiento, the monopoly on slave commerce with Spanish America, the British became the biggest slave merchants in the world. The wealth of Bristol and Liverpool would be built on slaves. The British took Ft.
Louisburg and then seized Quebec City, driving the French out of Canada. The British became the paramount power in India. The British oligarchs of the day, like their successors after , were convinced that they could turn wild, violating the laws of nature without penalty, for nothing now stood against them. But, in loading the American colonies with their prohibitions of settlement and manufacture, their Quebec Act, Stamp Acts, Townsend Acts, and Intolerable Acts, they set the stage for the American Revolution.
These were Satanic Agent Jeremy Bentham. British empiricism started from Francis Bacon's inductive method based on satanic sense certainty - there is no God, all of which was taken directly from such Venetians as Paul Paruta and Pietro Sarpi. With Bacon is Thomas Hobbes, who wrote of human society as a war of all against all, necessarily dominated by a tyrannical leviathan state. Then came John Locke, for whom the human mind was a blank slate destined to be filled by sense perceptions.
Locke's hedonism led him to the conclusion that human freedom was an absurd contradiction in terms. Locke was followed by the solipsist George Berkeley, who denied any basis in reality to our sense impressions: They are a kind of videotape played in each one of our heads by some unknown supernatural agency.
Perception was the only existence there was. Then came the Scots lawyer and diplomat David Hume. For Hume also, there is really no human self, but merely a bundle of changing perceptions. For Hume, there is no necessary connection between a cause and an effect that the human mind can know with certainty; we only have a vague association or habit of thought that one phenomenon has been usually followed by another.
But in these same earlier works, Hume had at least accepted the importance of filling the tabula rasa of each new human mind with a stock of received ideas of conduct which can be lumped under the heading of morals or custom, including religion.
During Hume's later years, the power of the Shelburne faction became dominant in Britain, and Hume's skepticism became bolder and more radical. The two liberals Kant and Hume had a broad common ground in their determination to eradicate the influence of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. But when Hume repudiated all notion of custom and traditional morality, even Kant could not follow. Kant responded with the Critique of Pure Reason to defend the notion of cause and effect as one of Aristotle's categories, against Hume, who had reached a sub-Aristotelian level. On this basis, Kant was able to defend customary ideas of religion and morality, das Sittengesetz.
The Kant-Hume split illustrates why British liberal empiricism tends to be several degrees more rotten than its continental European counterparts. In October , a year-old English barrister named Jeremy Bentham wrote contemptuously of the American Declaration of Independence, which had been signed as an Act of the Continental Congress on July 4th of that year: In these tenets they have outdone the extravagance of all former fanatics. That manuscript would not only prescribe the founding principles of British philosophical radicalism; it would propel Bentham into the very center of a then-emerging new British Foreign Office and British Foreign Intelligence Service, consolidated under the guiding hand of William Petty, Lord Shelburne, a man who at the time was the de facto, if not de jure doge of Britain.
Bentham categorically rejected any distinction between man and the lower beasts, defining man instead as a creature driven purely by hedonistic impulses. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do Every effort we make to throw off our subjection, will serve but to demonstrate and confirm it. The principle of utility--the greatest happiness or greatest felicity principle--recognizes this subjection, and assumes it for the foundation Systems which attempt to question it deal Shelburne assigned to Bentham an English and Swiss editor in order to ensure the widest dissemination of Bentham's works in both the English- and French-speaking worlds.

Later, Bentham's works would be even more widely circulated throughout Latin America during his years of intimate collaboration with the American traitor Aaron Burr, and with revolutionists Gen. Burr, fleeing the United States, took up residence at the home of Bentham, and the two men conspired to establish an empire, first in Mexico, and later in Venezuela. Shelburne's political intrigues At the very moment of his taking up with Bentham, Lord Shelburne was in the process of launching his most daring political intrigues.
In June , weary of the failed prosecution of the war in North America, and convinced that the ministry of Lord George North would bring eternal ruin to his dreams of permanent empire, Lord Shelburne, through the East India Company and its allied Baring Bank, bankrolled a Jacobin mob to descend upon London, ostensibly in protest over the granting of Irish reforms. The so-called Irish reforms amounted to little more than forced conscription of Irishmen into the British Army to fight in North America--a move Shelburne hoped would also defeat the pro-American republican movement inside Ireland that had nearly launched its own revolt against Britain in Led by Lord George Gordon, the Protestant rabble stormed Westminster, sending parliamentarians and lords alike down flights of stairs, out windows, and to the hospitals.
For eight days, London was ransacked, culminating in the storming of the Newgate Prison and the freeing of all the prisoners, who joined in the assault on the Parliament building. Lord Shelburne, as head of the interior committee of the House of Lords, personally ensured the maximum terror by delaying the reading of the Riot Act which would have called out the Home Guard until violence had spread to every corner of the city.
When the flames subsided, the ministry of Lord North was in ashes as well. North resigned as prime minister, and within months, Shelburne was himself in the new Rockingham cabinet as foreign secretary for the Northern District, subsuming the North American colonies. From that post, he would be the principal negotiator in Paris across the table from Benjamin Franklin.
As the result of these events, the shadow government formally took charge of the official state apparatus. A postscript on Lord Gordon, Shelburne's agent provocateur: After a brief stay in the Tower of London, foreshortened by Shelburne's personal intervention with the crown, Lord Gordon made off to friendlier ground in the Netherlands, where, to the astonishment of his Scottish Presbyterian cronies, he became a convert to Jewish cabbalism, taking the name Israel Bar Abraham.
He shortly thereafter surfaced in Paris as an occult adviser to Marie Antoinette, and from that position participated in Shelburne's intrigues against the French Bourbons. The Jacobin insurrection in Paris during was a replay on grander scale of the earlier Shelburne-instigated Gordon Riots, down to the storming of the Bastille prison and the unleashing of the criminals.
Smith Assigned To Propagandise Against America Lord Shelburne, as foreign minister, took the position that the former colonies in North America must be once again brought under the British yoke, but not through the deployment of military might or through claims of property title. As early as , in a famous carriage ride from Edinburgh to London, Shelburne had commissioned two works from one of his East India Company scribblers, Adam Smith.
First, he had commissioned Smith to prepare the research outlines for the study that would be later completed by another India House propagandist, Edward Gibbon, on the decline and fall of the Roman Empire--a study critical to Shelburne's commitment to establish a new third Roman Empire headquartered in London.
In addition, he ordered the preparation of an apologia for free trade, which Smith completed in under the title The Wealth of Nations. In , Shelburne's leading intelligence agent Jeremy Bentham went one better than Smith by publishing a series of letters from Russia that were assembled in a pamphlet titled In Defense of Usury. The final letter, addressed to Smith, chastized the India House economist for not going far enough in his embrace of unbridled monetary dictatorship. Bentham demanded an end to all restrictions on usurious interest rates, employing the liberal argument that suppression of usury stifles invention.
Monopolies, some way or other, are very justly punished. They forbid rivalry, and rivalry is of the very essence of well-being of trade I avow that monopoly is always unwise; but if there is any nation under heaven which ought to be the first to reject monopoly, it is the English. Situated as we are between the old world and the new, and between southern and northern Europe, all we ought to covet on Earth is free trade With more industry, with more capital, with more enterprise than any trading nation on Earth, it ought to be our constant cry: Let every market be open.
Shelburne's policy of unbridled free trade between Britain and the United States nearly destroyed the American republic in its cradle. Some of the American Founding Fathers clearly understood the danger in Shelburne's free trade ruse. They launched a crucial debate over the need for a strong federal constitution.
But for the Federalist debate and the resulting United States Constitution of , Shelburne's scheme for rapidly bankrupting and re-absorbing North America into the British imperial domain, would have probably succeeded. Alexander Hamilton was blunt in his Federalist Paper No. If we continue united, we may counteract a policy so unfriendly to our prosperity in a variety of ways Suppose for instance, we had a government in America, capable of excluding Great Britain from all our ports; what would be the probable operation of this step upon her politics?
Would it not enable us to negotiate, with the fairest prospect of success, for commercial privileges of the most valuable and extensive kind in the dominion of that kingdom? The Seven Years' War of had stripped France of its once formidable maritime capacity. Shelburne now sought to destroy France as an economic and military rival on the continent. The bloody massacre of France's scientific elite was systematically carried out by French hands, manning French guillotines, but guided by British strings. Although Necker had failed to block France from allying with the Americans during the American Revolution, he did succeed in presiding over the depletion of the French treasury and the collapse of its credit system, as in the USA today.
Speeches were prepared by Bentham and translated and transported by diplomatic pouch and other means to Paris, where leaders of the Jacobin Terror, Jean-Paul Marat, Georges Jacques Danton, and Maximilien de Robespierre delivered the fiery oratories. Garran offering to move to Paris to take charge of the penal system.
Enclosing a draft of his Panopticon Concentration Camp proposal, Bentham wrote: You will see by the memoire, this jailer will have no salary--will cost nothing to the nation. The more I reflect, the more it appears to me that the execution of the project should be in the hands of the inventor. At the same time, Bentham was proposing to assume the post of chief jailer of the Jacobin Terror, which sent many of France's greatest scientists and pro-American republicans to the guillotine or to prison.
Bentham made no bones about his loyalties: In accepting the honorary title of Citizen of France, Bentham wrote to the Jacobin interior minister in October Asked by Prince Potemkin, the prime minister of Catherine the Great, to help procure a steam engine to build up Russian industry, Bentham argued that human labor--not steam power--ought to be sufficient.
His design, complete with elaborate architectural drawings, called for criminals, the indigent, and the retarded--along with their children--to be placed in jail cells equipped with primitive machinery run by a central power source, which in turn would be fueled by swings, merry-go-rounds, and see-saws in the children's cellblock.
The energy expended by the children playing with the toys would drive the factory. A central guardroom equipped with two-way mirrors would permit one guard to oversee the slave labor of hundreds. Above the main door of the Panopticon was to be a sign, reading: Christian morality, like every other expression of natural law, had no place in Bentham's world of pleasure and pain.
Carlyle, under the watchful eye of J. Mill, penned the official British history of the French Revolution, needless to say burying the role of the Shelburne-Bentham cabal in that blood-soaked tragedy. Bowring, Bentham's long-suffering personal secretary, would later supervise the publication of Bentham's collected works in an volume series; would serve as Lord Palmerston's agent-handler of the notorious Giuseppe Mazzini; and would instigate the Second Opium War against China from his post as emissary in Canton. Urquhart, one of the youngest of the Benthamites, would later become the agent-handler for Karl Marx.
Upon his death in , Bentham's body was dissected and stuffed; his head was cast in bronze and placed at his feet, with a mask affixed in its place. For years, the mummified Bentham, seated in his favorite chair inside a glass case, was an ever-present participant in meetings of his radical circle. In the s, the mummy would still enjoy a place of prominence at London University.
Alfred Marshall criticized Smith's definition of economy on several points. He argued that man should be equally important as money, services are as important as goods, and that there must be an emphasis on human welfare, instead of just wealth. Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz says, on the topic of one of Smith's better known ideas: These were the founders of Satanic Psychopathic British philosophical radicalism, the most primitive form of Satanic Psychopathic Babylonian Agent Aristotle the poisoner, yet devised; and its Siamese twin, free trade.
Shelburne was defeated by the superior ability of Hamilton, Franklin, and Washington, but he did succeed in destabilizing and nearly destroying France. After letting the Jacobin horrors of Bentham's agents brew up for three years in France, using this, "Divide and Conquer" Lord Pitt was able to unite the continental powers against Napoleons France in the first, second, and third coalitions. Using the armies raised by Lazare Carnot, Napoleon shattered each of these coalitions.
Napoleon's final defeat was the work of Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, and the Prussian reformers plus Lord Marlborough at Waterloo, but the beneficiaries were the British. At the Congress of Vienna in , the British were clearly the dominant force, but they were still obliged to make deals with Metternich, Russia, and Prussia. But under the regimes of Castlereagh and Canning, the oligarchical stupidity, greed, and incompetence of Metternich and Co.
By , Lord Palmerston was ready to take control of the Foreign Office and begin his direct march to undisputed world domination. Metternich was still sitting on the lid of the boiling European cauldron, but Lord Palmerston and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents were stoking the flames underneath.
There was a time when center of Satanic Psychopathic oligarchy, usury, and geopolitics was Venice, the group of islands in a lagoon at the top of the Adriatic. In the sixteenth century, in the wake of the war of the League of Cambrai, Venice was a cancer planning its own metastasis.
These were the years during which the patrician party known as the Giovani, the Youngsters, began meeting in salon known as Ridotto Morosini. It is here that the future of England and Britain was planned. The survival of the species demands a revival of the "secret knowledge" of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific knowledge.
Plato left Timeo, and Aristotle right Ethica, here illustrated in a fresco by Raphael. Aristotle gestures to the earth, representing his Satanic Psychopathic belief in knowledge through empirical observation - that God does not exist. Plato points to the heavens, towards The Soul in the Chakras above the Head. Yet throughout history Satanic Psychopathic Religions and Myths The Ten Myths which control the World have been been specifically created to maintain oligarchic control of society.
I am reading bits of the links you sent me. I can see you've updated them a lot and feel you're putting in some stuff to help me and others. Since I like to understand about it all, the light and the dark - I'd like your opinion on something I found which I agree with, that there are actually three different types of group. The first original non-duality which is the god-consciousness, true light and the light which connects us with chakra's above the head, the earth and opens the heart This is the Enlightenment of Energy Enhancement - Satchidanand Then we seem to have what I call the dark-dark, which you would say is satanism and demonic at it's most ugly.
This is Satanism - Satchidanand There is another group I'd call the 'fake light', which are primarily dark pretending to be light - a sub group of the dark parasitic groups which passes itself off as light.