Mar 19, Joanna Loves Reading rated it liked it Shelves: I saw this available in audiobook through my library and wanted to check it out basically because the premise sounded OTT. I have never tried this author before, and I was going in blind with no friend reviews to reference. This is the type of book I would never buy after reading the premise, but I am willing and curious to check it out if I can get it free. This starts with the heroine as a governess who is being molested by her employer.

She is, as you might expect, 3. She is, as you might expect, a rare beauty. She defends herself with a fire poker, I believe, that causes the employer to be knocked unconscious and there is a lot of blood. She flees, fearing her fate. In flight, she convinces a passing carriage to take her with them. Inside this passing carriage is another woman fleeing with her day-old baby.

She is very weak. She offers to take Rebecca with her to the colonies if she will care for her son in the event that anything happens to her, which of course does happen. Rebecca had no idea that her charge was heir to an earldom. Thinking there are murder charges awaiting her, Rebecca is reluctant to return to England. She goes because of her love of the boy. The Earl is at first suspect of her and her motives, but then comes to believe she is true of heart. He wants her because of her goodness and beauty.

He is a man never denied and goes about seducing Rebecca. It definitely got into some gray area though. The Earl is working for the abolishment of slavery in England. His neighbor has slaves. He treats slaves and women abominably. He is truly awful character. This story has a villain and villainess. Both are truly evil. He gets his just desserts.

There was so much plot in this, and it got to be a little much to follow. There was much period details that I thought interesting. Generally, I like my romances to be more focused. This would be good read for people that enjoy the old bodice rippers, I expect. I started to notice when I got overwhelmed with the story. View all 12 comments.

Aug 11, Lit Reader rated it really liked it Shelves: Rebecca is a historical Mary Sue who is obviously esthetically and morally superior to every other living being in England and the Colonies. Stanmore is a troubled nobleman who has suffered from the wrong-doings of others and who struggles to singlehandedly end with slavery in England way before that would become a historical fact. Rebecca fleds England because of reasons and is entrusted with the care of a baby, who is the light of her life and only source of comfort and affection.

After 10 y Rebecca is a historical Mary Sue who is obviously esthetically and morally superior to every other living being in England and the Colonies. After 10 years she goes back to Englad to return little Jamey to his long lost father.

The Promise

Curiously, in the process of falling for Jamey's father and impressing everyone in the village with her obvious "quality", she kinda forgets about her bond with the boy and is ok with the prospect of leaving again to prevent her past to catch up with them that aspect was so weird. Meanwhile there's savage slavery one estate over, sexual abuse running rampant and all kinds of cruelty and blackmail galore.

A dream drive through North West Scotland

Miraculously everything solves itself and true love can prosper. A good point was that the Earl, the boy's father, did not stray and did not waver on his feelings for the heroine. One less source of angst at least! This background is romantic, alluring and attractive in literature, IRL that would be a total nightmare. Still, historical novels have to follow such codes, the male main character being either rich, titled or incredibly heroic, the heroine being beautiful, pure and charitable, their lives merge in a union of perfect love, where he raises her to the social status her qualities make her deserve, and she must give him heirs to secure the passing of land and status to the next generation -- if these points are not met, it is not a full, proper HEA.

My rant indicates that when these issues are not addressed, we are facing either a modern novel where individual happiness is pursued in spite of social constrains with huge personal loss or not a proper romance, because of the lack of a HEA. Still, the storytwlling was above par, the story was enjoyable, and maybe I will even remember it a year from now. I am in no rush to pick up the next book in the series though.

Jul 31, Greentea rated it really liked it Shelves: I love historical romance that has a well developed characterization, complex plot, and tying of circumstances at the end. She and the child lived in America up to ten years when suddenly a lawyer came looking for them. Why did it took 10 years to find his son? They eventually went back to England where Stanmore met his son and wished to pay Rebecca handsomely for taking care of Jamey. Rebecca was a woman of virtue. She would not put a price on her love for Jamey.

Stanmore was a member of the parliament and he was lobbying to abolish slavery. He was very serious but when he saw the determination and love of Rebecca to Jamey, he learned that love can truly be felt and be given freely. She was an ordinary woman that she questioned his intentions on why he chose her. Simply the answer was because she was not an easy woman like in society. Her fiery red hair, blue eyes, and her porcelain skin description are etched to my mind- she was a beautiful woman inside and out. To the complexity of the storyline, Rebecca was running away from a crime she committed and her past was a mystery.

Stanmore has an obnoxious mistress and a neighbor that he abhors to their practice of slavery. The writing was heartfelt and emotional, I didn't had a hard time connecting to the characters. The Promise perfectly delivered what I yearn for and more. Jan 05, Clara Babinski rated it it was amazing. I loved this book and. I was thrilled to see that it was so much more than a romance. I actually yelled "YES! Loved it, now on to The Rebel! May 01, Jeanne rated it really liked it. Loved it and I want more!

Dec 05, Jeanne Okerlund rated it it was amazing. Wow, this is a book that I just couldn't put down!

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I couldn't wait to see what happens, but I also didn't want to finish the book either. The anticipation is very heavy waiting to find out how her story ten years ago actually happened and to find out who are her parents. There is just an excitement about the entire story. What is going to happen when they find her id's just the beginning. I highly recommend this book! Nov 23, Amy rated it really liked it. A solid, deftly written historical romance with interesting characters, memorable settings, and a page turning plot.

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Would definitely read more from this author I read this in one day because I could not put it down. Intricately woven story with believable characters. Quite suspenseful near the very satisfying end. On to Borrowed Dreams I finished listening to this audiobook a week ago, and I'm still thinking about it. Very few books leave such a lasting impression. Although this book is longer than 14 hours, it didn't feel like it while I was listening to it. Every minute was important to the story development, and every chapter helped the listener better understand the main characters.

The story centers around Rebecca who meets the sickly wife of an earl as she flees with her infant son. As the wife dies on a ship to America, I finished listening to this audiobook a week ago, and I'm still thinking about it. As the wife dies on a ship to America, Rebecca promises her that she will raise the boy as her own, which she does for 10 years in Philadelphia with much love, compassion, and affection. Then one day out of the blue, a lawyer from England arrives to take the boy back to England because the boy is the future Earl of Stanmore.

Because Rebecca understands that her son would have a much better life in England with all that privilege and rank affords him, she accompanies him back to England "until he is settled in. There is also a very moving secondary story arch dealing with the inhumanity of slavery and the degradation of women. These issues are not ignored or glossed over. Rather, they are dealt with adroitly and with compassion.

I especially loved how the Earl took full responsibility when his neighbor is dealt with in a manner befitting his poor behavior. Simply put, this is a wonderfully written novel that every lover of historical romance will appreciate and enjoy. Oct 26, Irene rated it really liked it. The Promise is quite a sweat book: An orphaned girl Rebecca is forced to find a work as a governess, but her employer starts making unwanted advances.

She kicks him on the head and flees his hose thinking that she killed him. On her way out she meets a countess who's also fleeing her husband's father with a child James who's only a day old.

  1. Scottish Dream Trilogy: Borrowed Dreams / Captured Dreams / Dreams of Destiny.
  2. Un soltero muy atractivo (Deseo) (Spanish Edition).
  3. Scottish Dream Trilogy: Borrowed Dreams / Captured Dreams / Dreams of Destiny by May McGoldrick?
  4. Galatians: Gospel-Rooted Living (Preaching the Word).
  5. Dont Break My Heart Again!
  6. The Promise (Rebel Promise, #1) by May McGoldrick?
  7. .

They board the ship to America together. But young mother dies and a girl is left alone to fend for herself and the kid. And she's good at it!

Borrowed Dreams by May McGoldrick - FictionDB

Unfortun The Promise is quite a sweat book: Unfortunately, the kid's presumable father Stanmore finds them in America and forces to come to Britain. Since Rebecca can't leave her son alone she returns to England and tries not to be caught by police for murdering a noblemen. But when she arrives Stanmore decides that she wants her in his bed and their journey together starts: She wants to hide her past, but he wants to uncover it. And there are interesting things in Rebecca's past worth uncovering. Captivated in England I love that with every book that I read by this author, that there is a new captivating storyline.

All new twists and turns with romance to keep the heart pumping. Sometimes it can seem as though storylines have resemblances, just new characters and names. Obviously this book is a work o Borrowed Dreams - Wow! The hero and heroine are very engaging characters and I rooted for them from the very beginning of the book. I loved the hero! He was a very warm and likeable character. It was a very exciting read and was hard to put down.

I highly recommend this book. The first book was incredible and really hard to top but this one comes very close. I enjoyed this story for a lot of reasons, one of them being the heroine who had a very strong personality. Portia is lively and very charming character who had me laughing quite a bit. I was not disappointed. It was nice hearing more about Millicent and Lyon. Regardless it is a very entertaining story!

I would recommend reading them in order, for the full effect. Dreams of Destiny is the final book in the trilogy and oh my goodness was it amazing! This one was hands down my favourite one out of all them!! Gwyneth was an amazing character too, they all were. It was enjoyable seeing it all come together and unfold. I love that everyone who deserved a happy ending got one. My attention was fully captured. It was unpredictable, at times shocking, romantic, and completely riveting. Definitely a story I could read more than once! Sep 12, Kathleen Ruggio rated it it was amazing.

Box sets are the Best! One of the best things about trilogies are the characters who grow on you and simmer in your mind as they grow and become more complexed as they move from one book to another. This box set was awesome, steamy, interesting and the flow of the book was quick! Loved the way the authors intertwine the three books almost into a saga.

A great read for adults. Oct 28, Jeanne rated it it was amazing. Grammatical errors aside, one of the best trilogies I've read in years! I would be hard pressed to come up with another trilogy I so thoroughly enjoyed from the first page to the last about three brothers whose lives and loves are so ultimately torn apart and deeply affected by one woman's selfish treachery and how their love for strong, independent women helps them each to find their paths back home to family! This author is beyond talented in weaving complex tales of Love, intrigue, family turm Grammatical errors aside, one of the best trilogies I've read in years!

This author is beyond talented in weaving complex tales of Love, intrigue, family turmoil, Mystery and much more all within an enchanting historical setting. Dec 17, Mary rated it it was amazing. Great Read If you love historical romance and intrigue, I think you may want to read this series. I thoroughly enjoyed it. One of the best I have read in a while. Apr 15, Janice Smith-gentry rated it it was amazing. Couldn't put it down. I read this entire trilogy in a day. It is very well written and very easily swept me away to the place and time. This is a love, suspense and comedy wrapped together.

I often found myself laughing out loud at times and then found my eyes misting over with tears at others. I cannot wait to read more from this author. Aug 09, Sarah Bonner rated it really liked it. Aug 16, Junior Apprentices rated it really liked it. Super heroines Now that is how you write heroines! We need to write more about strong, beautiful, brave heroines who can rise above their obstacles and sufferings.

Ron and Diane rated it it was amazing Jun 14, Mary Bourgeois rated it really liked it Oct 18, Victoria Dumka rated it it was amazing May 11, Pauahi Cockett rated it it was amazing Oct 06, Amye Gifford rated it it was amazing Aug 09, Debra Ratliff rated it it was amazing Sep 25, Karen rated it really liked it Sep 23, Patricia Graham rated it really liked it Dec 04,