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At first vain and interested only in clothes, she became the village school-mistress, nurse, etiquette supervisor, and housekeeper. Seen only at the wedding of the Lover and the Sweetheart Mr. Not named at first, later determined to be the son of Tess and the Turk. Brother of Zero and Judy. Nipper is also the given name of the Clown q. Wearing a mortarboard and spectacles, never named but quite prominent in the earliest strips..

Married the Sailor in an advertisement in Referred to as "The Sailor's Wife" on a deck of trading cards in The Christmas symbol, as a Teenie Weenie, was actually the cut-out, which means he was a Teenie Weenie, even if he's not, really. Jack Frost, the Easter Bunny and Father Time also made appearances in dreams or tales told by the elders, but cannot really be counted. Snip is also the name of the baby in Donahey's other comic strip, The Pixeys.

Tess Bone, Guff, Turk: Married Buddy Guff in , one daughter, Dorothy. Not named in the incarnation, but there is an unnamed matron, the mother of Snip. Reappeared in , unnamed for quite a while, eventually identified as Tess and as "the babies' mother" Nipper and Zero , even later identified as the wife of the Turk.

Turk" exclusively after the advent of Aunt Tess. Yes, thanks RP, I remember who it was now: Powerlegs at SSR, I sent them some tiny doggie-socks a couple of year's ago. Would you like these as well? Wow at little Samson on your adoptable page Powerlegs.

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Or is the other eye sunken? Together with his missing half an ear, looks like he did have a very nasty head injury when he was bullied by his hoardmates. What a sad story hoarding is - I'm so very pleased this little one will get a better life now. Apologies Boronia, for going. Nothing medically going on, his heart is good and his sight is fine, just prone to tear stain.

The amount of pain he would have had losing his ear would have been incredible. Fortunately no collateral damage scarring on his cornea. He has no tail at all and a 'xylophone body' lol. He may be a bit wonky but he's such a sweetheart. If you meet him in real life, he's a lot more symmetrical. He squints his eyes in every photo but this one might give you a better view of what he looks like when he isn't.

I wish I could work out how to get his zoomies photo out of my phone.

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