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We tend to forget who we really are and start believing what others have to says about us. This promotes understanding and better productivity.

Face-Reading: An Advantage in Business

A big plus point about teambuilding is that you can determine the best way to approach others. If you approach someone in the correct way, you are speaking his language and the response you get from the individual will be much more positive. She got her training under the guidance of Dr Kobus Neethling. She has also completed the NBI coaching course and is doing practical sessions. And for the sceptics out there? Marthie laughs and says she loves sceptical people.

Sceptical people always explore the unknown. I have a personal saying: If you focus on the bright side, it is so much easier for the dark side to disappear. Click here to see other Get It magazines in the network. It is a brilliant book about what someone's face is trying to tell you. She explains that every face has patterns that correlate to certain meanings and personality traits. It is important to know that there are no bad features. All features show strengths as well as weaknesses, the lessons learned and the emotions that are being carried.

Below are eight features on our face and a snippet the book goes into a lot more detail of what these can tell us about ourselves and others:.

See a Problem?

A person with a flat forehead blazes their own trail, perhaps even something very radical from the rest of the family. A forehead that slants back is someone that is a creative problem-solver and that can think outside the box, who usually tends to be a successful entrepreneur. This would be a perfect candidate in an interview. Our eyebrows are where we keep our power.

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For women, when they severely pluck their eyebrows they take away their power and confidence. As women age our brows naturally thin and are not as "strong" as they used to be where as men's brows get bushier. The ears show one's past with every bump and mark on their rim.

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For women, the right ear is their childhood experience from conception to age six starting at the top of the rim. The left ear reveals seven to thirteen, also starting from the top and ending at the lobe. For men it is the left ear from conception to age six and the right ear for age seven to thirteen. The nose is another place where we carry our power. Think of past presidents and other leaders and the size of their noses. Former President Bill Clinton is a good example of this.

Face-Reading: An Advantage in Business | HuffPost

A large nose does not only represent power and leadership but also ambition and self-centeredness. A fleshy nose, on the other hand, shows that a person loves life and what it has to offer. There is a certain joie de vie about them. The outer is the helix while the inner is auricular.

Festive Spoil

The complete, well-defined, big and thick ears which cling to the afterbrain, are higher than the eyebrows at the highest point and have the bigger earlobes are the best. Three proportions refer to the three parts of your face being divided horizontally.

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To learn detailed meanings of each section, please click Three Face Proportions. When it comes to face reading, every facial part suggests your luck at certain age point. Then, how to decide the luck at a certain age through face reading? First of all, you need to know the age point of each part. Here is a face with 99 numbers written on it.

The number on face means the age. Read The Face and Its Age Points to find out in which ages you will be doing well and in which ages doing badly. Twelve Houses, also 12 sections or 12 palaces, refer to the 12 basic parts in face reading. In ancient Chinese physiognomy books, the face is often divided into 12 sections.