Dispatched from the UK in 2 business days When will my order arrive? Home Contact Us Help Free delivery worldwide. Teach Yourself Visually Raspberry Pi. Description Full-color, step-by-step guidance for learning to use Raspberry Pi! Raspberry Pi is an inexpensive, single-board computer that serves as an introductory board for students and developing computer professionals.

This image-driven, visual guide shows you how the Raspberry Pi can be easily used as a stand-alone computer, a media center, a web server, and much more. Vivid, full-color images bring Raspberry Pi projects to life, while well-illustrated circuit diagrams and step-by-step practical advice cover everything from working with the included software to branching out into typical but more complex endeavors. The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Full-color, step-by-step guidance for learning to use Raspberry Pi!

Raspberry Pi is an inexpensive, single-board computer that serves as an introductory board for students and developing computer professionals. This image-driven, visual guide shows you how the Raspberry Pi can be easily used as a stand-alone computer, a media center, a web server, and much more. Vivid, full Full-color, step-by-step guidance for learning to use Raspberry Pi! Vivid, full-color images bring Raspberry Pi projects to life, while well-illustrated circuit diagrams and step-by-step practical advice cover everything from working with the included software to branching out into typical but more complex endeavors.

Teach Yourself Visually Raspberry Pi

Covers interesting topics for students and aspiring computer professionals Demonstrates how to create custom projects, work with the Raspberry OS, install other operating systems, get the most out of the Raspberry Pi, and much more Encourages users to study and tinker with the Raspberry Pi Teach Yourself VISUALLY Raspberry Pi is an ideal resource for anyone who learns better with visual instruction and puts them well on their way to making the most of this low-cost computer.

Paperback , pages. Published February 10th by Visual first published January 27th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.

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Jul 14, Michal Angelo rated it it was amazing Shelves: If you are new to microcontrollers i. It's a book you can flip thru in your armchair and walk away with at least a level of understanding to carry on an intelligent conversation. More likely, though, you'll be thinking, " Let's go build something!

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Mel rated it it was amazing Dec 06, John rated it really liked it Aug 14, Al rated it liked it Mar 20, John Walker rated it liked it Apr 29, Craig rated it liked it Sep 30, Arturo Herrero rated it liked it Sep 19, Kevin rated it liked it Jun 17, Steve Baum rated it liked it Dec 19, Pretty basic stuff, but a nice introduction. Unfortunately, already a bit dated in terms of some of the OS info.

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I had an impossible decision. I had an impossible decision I ended up building a real Linux computer instead. It was just a matter of investing the same money into something much better than screwing with a Rasberry toy.

But the book itself is great. And yes, I learned from it. You need this book if you are interested. This is an awesome introduction to Raspberry Pi hardware and software especially recommended for newbies and anyone who is wondering what's all the fuss about Raspberry Pi. The book consists primarily of a series of very current screen shots, detailing everything you need to know about buying, setting up, powering up, logging onto, and programming a Raspberry Pi.

I own a Raspberry Pi which I bought as an adjunct tool for my work, which involves programming on a similar, embedded target device. As a software engineer, the thing I like about the Raspberry Pi is that it is becoming the standard target platform for all kinds of operating system and public domain projects.

I know that if someone asks me about some real-time OS I have not used before I can get an image for it that will run on my Raspberry Pi and I can play with it in a matter of minutes. The book is very up-to-date and current, which is great if you are buying it in May of I worry it will become obsolete in a year, but that's the nature of hi-tech. Just got this to help me set up the Raspberry Pi I just bought. Definitely did that and much more. It should help anyone that can read set one up since it has plenty of pictures describing every step of the process. I also like the extra tips I didn't think of and only someone having used a Pi before would know like using a powered usb, not trying to hook up to many usb devices without one, and that the sd card is not designed to be robust enough to handle continuous removal and insertion.

Being familiar with Linux and the terminal in OS X creating a bootable SD card to run Noobs ,which seems what the more expensive kits that already include a SD card use, was a pretty easy process. My pi didn't include the sd card so I just used a sandisk one I had laying around and it worked fine. If you already know stuff like the above I mentioned then this book may be too simple for you. The rest of the first half of the book covers basic stuff like how to surf web using Pi browser which was quite slow, speed was about as fast as my old iPod touch when you install noobs it give you an option to over clock your pi which I didn't use.

Teach Yourself Visually Raspberry Pi : Richard Wentk :

How to use the file manager and connect to other network devices, play media files, etc Then again the latter half of the book ramps up the difficulty by covering not only basic Linux terminal command like cd, nano, ls, etc It also covers programming which starts off simple with Scratch, which is one of the reasons, the pi was created in the first place if I remember i. After that several chapters are devoted to Python and Pygame, my favorite programming language and game library so that was nice. The last chapter was spent covering custom hardware and the reason why the pi has those pins sticking out the GPIO as it's called.

I didn't get this to create my own custom add-on boards or mess with electronics or soldering so those that did will probably be disappointed that it's only the last chapter in this book but I was fine with that since it already crammed so much information even with all the pictures that it made me head hurt. If you are still interested after working through this book there are plenty of other books that are exclusively dedicated to showing how to built all sorts of different electronic projects using the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins.

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