La methode de prospection a fait l'objet de modifications profondes depuis le debut des travaux. Au cours des annees, elle a evolue en fonction de la connaissance progressivement acquise du mode de gisement des indices et des gisements uraniferes. En outre, elle s'est diversifiee en adaptant au terrain la merveilleuse technique nouvelle que nous appelons la radiometrie ou etude des radioactivites superficielles.
Elle a egalement utilise un certain nombre de techniques geophysiques ou geochimiques, realisant ainsi sur le terrain une gamme de travaux qui permettent une reconnaissance poussee du sous-sol avant le debut des travaux miniers. Mais a aucun moment elle n'a songe a abandonner la conception classique et fondamentale du leve geologique de terrain au marteau et a la boussole. Dans ce domaine, elle a tente de tirer parti des enseignements fournis par un leve geomorphologique et tectonique precis.
La plupart de ces travaux ont ete effectues sur les terrains granitiques du Morvan et les gisements qui sont consideres dans cette etude sont tous typiquement hydrothermaux. Reproduction d'un article publie dans 'Annales des Mines', Mars The very rare agricultural sheep-farmers who still subsist in these areas have ground too old to see to the upkeep of their holdings: The new Inhabitants and the new functions of this space underline the problem of the new forms of agricultural management and of its external agents State, Region and tourism structure.
Les nouveaux habitants et les nouvelles fonctions de cet espace: SES 2D user's manual. This manual discusses the capabilities of the code. It describes the prompts and commands and illustrates their use with a sample run. The kinetics of the transformation of uranium alloys containing 0.
The influence of heat treatment before decomposition has been discussed. The study of the TTT diagrams of alloys containing decreasing percentages of chromium indicates that the unalloyed uranium transforms without maintaining the coherence above deg. C, where as at lower temperatures the transformation is mainly martensitic. The various alloying elements can be characterised by their influence on the three TTT curves corresponding to the three possible transformation mechanisms. The ability of the uranium alloys to alpha grain refining during isothermal decomposition or ambient temperature quenching is directly connected with the characteristics of the TTT diagrams and especially to the mode of bainitic transformation.
L'influence des traitements thermiques precedant la decomposition a ete discutee. L'etude des caracteristiques de la transformation: L'etude de l'evolution des diagrammes TTT quand la teneur en Cr decroit indique que dans l'uranium non allie la transformation se fait sans maintien de la coherence au-dessus de deg. C; a plus basse temperature la. Uranium series geochemistry in aquifers: With the increase of contaminant flux of radionuclides in surface environment soil, river, aquifer We have used U-series disequilibria as an analogue for the transport of uranium and its daughter products in aquifer to understand such mechanisms.
For the first time a comprehensive sampling of the solid phase has been performed, allowing quantifying mechanisms responsible for the long term evolution of the aquifer. Retardation coefficients have been calculated for uranium, thorium and radium. Diversity of Cortico- descending Projections. The axonal composition of cortical projections originating in premotor, supplementary motor SMA , primary motor a4 , somatosensory and parietal areas and descending towards the brain stem and spinal cord was characterized in the monkey with histological tract tracing, electron microscopy EM a Suicide awareness of japanese family descendants.
Full Text Available This study aimed to comprehend the meaning of suicide for Japanese descendants. This was a qualitative study, based on Grounded Theory, using a structured interview with sixteen questions, digitally recorded. Subjects were ten descendants who were interviewed in The opinions of the interviewed showed factors of psychological, social and cultural origin involved in suicide, such as: Family without case of suicide showed attitudes of prejudice and judgment, while those with case displayed feelings of pain in their reports.
It was concluded that the Japanese rigid culture, personality, interpersonal communication and the way family and work have effects on their behavior are predisposing factors to suicide, as well as the identification of these factors contributes to a better performance of the nurse. Inverted Lymphoglandular Polyp in Descending Colon.
Full Text Available A year-old male with a history of left colon cancer, status post left colon resection for 12 years, presented with rectal bleeding. Microscopic examination showed that the surface of this polyp was covered with a layer of normal colonic mucosa with focal surface erosion. In the submucosal layer, an intimate admixture of multiple cystically dilated glands and prominent lymphoid aggregates with germinal centers was seen. The glands were lined by columnar epithelium. Immunohistochemical staining showed the glands were positive for CK20 and CDX2 and negative for CK7, with a low proliferative index, mostly consistent with reactive colonic glands.
The patient remained asymptomatic after one-year follow-up. A review of the literature shows very rare descriptions of similar lesions, but none fits exactly this pattern. We would designate this inverted lymphoglandular polyp and present this case to raise the awareness of recognizing this unusual histological entity. Rituels, territoires et pouvoirs dans les marges sino-indiennes. These rituals are organised around the recurring schema of a force of place, both natural and wild, which was pacified by a founding ancestor who, along with his descendants , became the sacrificers representing the entire community—a schema the details and variations of which we have analysed.
By legitimising the occupation of a space by one group and promoting its fertility, these rituals are where many interlocking stakes are crystallised. These involve the sources of subsistence and the. A lunguistica pour ses quarante ans. Infant SES as a predictor of personality. Although research into the continuity and change of personality traits during a lifespan has been fairly extensive, little research has been conducted on childhood predictors of adult personality. We aimed to investigate the association between infant socioeconomic status SES An additional aim was to investigate whether intelligence and education may mediate this association.
A subsample of this cohort, comprising individuals Associations of SES with each of the four personality traits were analysed by bivariate and partial A combinatorial approach for analyzing the number of descendants This work is devoted to a study of the number of descendants of node j in random increasing trees, previously treated in [5, 8, 10, 15], and also to a study of the number of descendants of node j in pairs of random trees generated by a certain growth process generalizing the corresponding analysis of various classes of The limits inherent in this type of work restrict the interpretation of structures and all spatial approaches to this likely dwelling.
The joint study of the different furnishings, in particular ceramics and metal, but also the cob and fauna, attests to its material culture and its interest. The slag could be amongst the oldest iron metallurgy remains from the Centre region. Some activities of post-forging are proven and certain operations are guessed at. The discovery of this settlement in this sector of the major bed of the Loire, has produced new data concerning the occupation of the land and its evolutionary problems in the valley of Orleans over these periods of transition in the early.
Le soudage de l'aluminium et de ses alliages. Land tenure and sustained rural development: Paradigms in the rural financial markets in developing countries. Successful outcome of descending necrotizing mediastinitis due to neck trauma. Descending necrotizing mediastinitis DNM is an uncommon form of mediastinitis that can rapidly progress to septicemia.
The optimal surgical approach still remains controversial. In this paper we would like to present a case of descending necrotizing mediastinitis that was treated successfully by means of thoracic drainage through trans-thoracic approach. In our case DNM occurred as a complication of oropharyngeal abscesses and a complication of cervical spine trauma.
Thoron and associated risks in the handling of thorium compounds; Le thoron et les risques associes dans la manipulation des composes du thorium. Thorium compounds continually give off thoron and its daughters and their radioactivity can constitute a danger for operators who may inhale them. However the differences in behaviour between radon and its active deposit on the one hand, and thoron and its daughters on the other, appear great enough to justify more thorough investigation. To determine the relative concentrations it was necessary to develop a method for estimating thoron in equilibrium with thorium A, the measurement of thorium B and its daughters being carried out in the conventional way by counting the activity collected on a filter.
Another object of this study was to estimate the danger presented by thoron in equilibrium with thorium A in the immediate vicinity of thorium sources, in a plant extracting thorium from urano-thorianite. Le thoron et ses descendants se degagent constamment des composes du thorium et leur radioactivite peut presenter un danger pour les personnes qui sont amenees a les respirer. Mais, les differences de comportement du radon et de son depot actif d'une part, du thoron et de ses descendants d'autre part, ont paru suffisantes pour justifier une etude plus complete.
Le CERN ouvre ses entrailles au public. The plasticity of descending controls in pain: Descending controls, comprising pathways that originate in midbrain and brainstem regions and project onto the spinal cord, have long been recognised as key links in the multiple neural networks that interact to produce the overall pain experience. There is clear evidence from preclinical and clinical studies that both peripheral and central sensitisation play important roles in determining the level of pain perceived. Much emphasis has been put on spinal cord mechanisms in central excitability, but it is now becoming clear that spinal hyperexcitability can be regulated by descending pathways from the brain that originate from predominantly noradrenergic and serotonergic systems.
One pain can inhibit another. In this respect diffuse noxious inhibitory controls DNIC are a unique form of endogenous descending inhibitory pathway since they can be easily evoked and quantified in animals and man. These descending pathways are altered in neuropathy and the effects of excess serotonin may now become inhibitory through activation of spinal 5-HT 7 receptors. Back and forward translational studies between DNIC and CPM, gauged between bench and bedside, are key for the development of analgesic therapies that exploit descending noradrenergic and serotonergic control pathways.
International Conference SES In work of Conference took part slovak and 33 foreign participant from 11 countries of the world. Negotiations were realised in five sessions. First two days were devoted to lectures and second two days were visits of selected slovak energetic equipment. On the Conference has resounded matter of fact, that secure energy supply is extremely important subject for economy, but also for population. Grange Nancy II, B. Descending colon endometriosis misdiagnosis as diverticulitis: Endometriosis is defined as the presence of ectopic endometrial tissue outside the uterus.
It is a common disease in menstruating females and intestinal involvement is not uncommon. Intestinal endometriosis most commonly involves the sigmoid colon, rectum, ileum, appendix, and cecum. However, the descending colon is a rare site of intestinal endometriosis. Although computed tomography CT findings of bowel endometriosis have been presented in several articles, there has been no report describing the CT findings of descending colon endometriosis above the pelvic cavity.
Here, we report a rare case of descending colon endometriosis located in the retroperitoneal space, in which the initial impression was acute colonic diverticulitis with a small abscess on preoperative multidetector CT. Entanglement entropy for descendent local operators in 2D CFTs. When a short or hypoplastic LAD is detected, a differential diagnosis should be sought. There may be a long dominant posterior descending branch of the RCA, Resection and anastomosis of the descending colon in 43 horses.
Medical records January June of 7 equine referral hospitals were reviewed for horses that had descending colon resection and anastomosis and were recovered from anesthesia. Retrieved data included history, results of clinical and clinicopathologic examinations, surgical findings, postsurgical treatment and complications, and short-term survival hospital discharge.
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- Jewish-Christian Interpretation of the Pentateuch in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies.
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- Die Bodenreform in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone 1945/46 (German Edition)?
No significant associations between perioperative factors and short-term survival were identified. Common postoperative complications included fever and diarrhea. During hospitalization 7 horses were euthanatized or died because of septic peritonitis 3 , endotoxemia 3 , and colic and ileus 1. The most common cause of small colon incarceration was strangulating lipoma. Complications include postoperative fever and diarrhea but the prognosis is good after small colon resection and anastomosis. Descending pathways were studied in 5 adult rabbits by means of HRP, injected in the cervical spinal cord in C2 and C3 at the right side.
Results indicate the existence of pathways from the contralateral motor cortex, bilateral projections from the red nuclei, from the vestibular nuclei and from. Cet ouvrage traite de l'apprentissage du langage LabVIEW a travers ses applications dans des domaines industriels et academiques, qui permettront a l'ingenieur, technicien ou etudiant d'apprehender rapidement et efficacement ce langage. L'ouvrage commence, dans la partie I, par traiter les differents types de donnees du langage LabVIEW tableaux, clusters, complexes, chaines de caracteres Cette etude est menee a travers des applications d'ingenierie.
La partie III contient differentes applications qui traitent de nombreux themes comme la regulation diff Dietary quality was assessed using two non-consecutive h dietary recalls and semi quantitative FFQ. Nutrition knowledge questionnaire was modified from Parmenter and Wardle. The average of diet quality score was 7. Nutrition knowledge score was Nutrition knowledge score was no correlation with BMI, dietary diversity, prevention NCD score, but positively associated with SES , quality diet, micronutrient adequacy score.
Dietary diversity score was associated with BMI. The conclusion is diet quality and nutrition knowledge was still poor and not correlated with BMI and SES , but only nutrition knowledge score. Kualitas makanan diukur dengan hour recall selama dua hari yang tidak berurutan dan semi quantitative FFQ, kuesioner pengetahuan gizi terstruktur dimodifikasi dari Parmenter dan Wardle.
Umumnya subjek dengan SSE. Le tennis dans le monde: Descending thoracic aorta dissection associated with esophageal carcinoma.
Catalogue nouveautés lecture publique adultes
Full Text Available The association of aortic dissection with a malignancy is a rare finding and previous reports are usually those of primary aortic sarcomas. A year-old male presented to us with chest pain and dysphagia for 1 month with a background history of obstructive airway disease and uncontrolled hypertension.
In this report we present a case of typical descending aorta dissection with associated esophageal carcinoma. This study uses a nationally representative student dataset to explore the limitations of commonly used measures of socioeconomic status SES. Among the identified limitations are patterns of missing data that conflate the traditional conceptualization of SES with differences in family structure that have emerged in recent years and a lack of…. On 24 October passed away, in the 55th year of his life, the great astronomer Tycho Brahe.
Now, four centuries since his death, his last descendant is living in Romania: An encyclopedic culture and training as hers can rarely be found today; she also is an excellent specialist in genealogy and heraldry. She has not only the merit of studying the cosmic symbols in heraldry, but especially that of establishing the genealogical tree of the famous Danish astronomer. She also holds a genealogical record: We shall dwell here neither upon the great personality of Tycho Brahe, nor on his role in the modern astronomy.
We shall not refer to the Tycho catalogue resulted from the space mission Hipparcos. We shall dwell upon the ancient aristocratic family Brahe. The oldest firm mention goes as far back as in , but there are data enough on the existence of some members of this family in the 13th century.
Le patrimoine et ses outils de gestion. Les outils de gestion actuels: Les outils de demain: Le Web est l'outil de consultation de l'information par les utilisateurs. Descending pain modulation and its interaction with peripheral sensitization following sustained isometric muscle contraction in fibromyalgia. We hypothesized that fatiguing contraction may shift descending pain modulation from inhibition towards A SES sustainable energy security index for developing countries.
Measuring the performance of the energy system of a country is a prerequisite for framing good energy polices. However, the existing indices which claim to measure energy security have limited applicability for developing countries. Energy sustainability is also increasingly gaining importance and countries are keen to measure it to tailor their energy policies. Therefore, the concept of SES sustainable energy security has been proposed as the goal for a developing country.
This paper presents an analytical framework for the assessment of SES of an energy system and the methodology for constructing an SES index. Each subsystem is further divided into its components which are evaluated for four dimensions of SES , Availability, Affordability, Efficiency and Environmental Acceptability using quantitative metrics. Energy indices are constructed using 'scores' objective values , and 'weights' subjective values representing tradeoffs which are then aggregated, bottom-up, to obtain an overall SES Index for a country.
The proposed SES Index is multidimensional, quantitative, modular, systemic and flexible. Such a SES Index can be used to design policy interventions for transitioning to a sustainable and a secure energy future. The Impact of the Organism on Its Descendants. Full Text Available Historically, evolutionary biologists have taken the view that an understanding of development is irrelevant to theories of evolution. However, the integration of several disciplines in recent years suggests that this position is wrong. The capacity of the organism to adapt to challenges from the environment can set up conditions that affect the subsequent evolution of its descendants.
Moreover, molecular events arising from epigenetic processes can be transmitted from one generation to the next and influence genetic mutation. This in turn can facilitate evolution in the conditions in which epigenetic change was first initiated. Responsibility of parents for misdemeanors committed by their descendants. Full Text Available The subject of the authors' attention are certain questions concerning the responsibility for the acts of other persons in the misdemeanor law of the Republic of Serbia.
Under certain conditions, if a child or a minor descendants commits a misdemeanor, instead of him or together with him, other persons can be held responsible as well, foremost his parents who had not exercised due supervision. There is a difference between the responsibility of a parent whose children have committed a misdemeanor and are under 14, and that of a parent whose children are between 14 and 18 years old. Therefore, there is a difference in terms of responsibility of the parent depending on if the person who committed the misdemeanor is, from the perspective of the Misdemeanor Law, a child or a minor.
The authors critically analyze the articles of the Misdemeanor Law that concern the responsibility of the parent for the misdemeanors committed by their descendants. In the end, they conclude that the Misdemeanor Law undermines one of the essential legal principle that the 'scope of rights has to correspond to the scope of obligations and responsibility'. Bilateral anterior thalamic low densities in descending transtentorial herniation. Round, well-demarcated, symmetrical low densities in a bilateral thalamus in a case of descending transtentorial herniation due secondarily to acute traumatic left subdural hematoma are reported.
An 8-year-old boy, on whom emergency surgery was refused by his parents, showed a marked shift due to the hematoma on admission; this was followed by a low density in the left PCA territory and round, equivocal hypodensities in the anterior thalamus 44 hours post-trauma. The equivocal hypodensities became definite, well-demarcated, round low densities situated symmetrically in the anterior thalamus on the 39th day post-trauma.
Akinetic mutism was noted at this time. The symmetrical low densities and the PCA-territory low density persisted as late as the 39th day post-trauma, suggesting infarcts. The downward stretch of the bilateral thalamoperforators, which was effected by a narrowing of the interpeduncular fossa with an approximation of the bilateral perforators, plus a downward shift of the PCA due to descending transtentorial herniation, was assumed to be the mechanism involved.
Surgical treatment of penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer of the descending aorta. Full Text Available Introduction. PAU is a high-risk lesion due to its deleterious effects on the integrity of aortic wall, with potentially fatal outcome. A patient with intensive, sharp chest pain irradiating to the back but with no signs of myocardial ischemia on an electrocardiogram was referred to our hospital.
Transthoracic echocardiography showed no pathological changes of the ascending aorta. However, multislice computed tomography CT showed an aortic ulcer with varying degree of the subadventitial hemorrhage in the region of the thoracic aorta at the level of Th Due to imminent rupture of the penetrating aortic ulcer, the patient was promptly prepared for surgery. A 15 cm long subadventitial hematoma was found intraoperatively in the right posterolateral aspect of the descending aorta, 5 cm above the diaphragm and 7 cm below the origin of the left subclavial artery.
The affected segment of the aorta was resected, followed by an inlay aortic reconstruction with a Dacron tube graft of 24 mm. Control CT revealed satisfactory reconstruction of the descending aorta. PAU is a rare, but potentially fatal disease. Open surgery in patients with PAU is an effective treatment strategy, although endovascular treatment options are emerging. Full Text Available When we see in the world the fact that there are many beings, and we indicate that the particular beings exist in a compositional way, we face the task of learning about a new problem: Although the theory of participation has roots that go back to Plato, and so to a philosophy in which the pluralism of being was rejected and which accepted an identity-based conception of being, participation finds its ontological rational justification only and ultimately in the pluralistic and compositional conception of being.
An extinct vertebrate preserved by its living hybridogenetic descendant. Hybridogenesis is a special mode of hybrid reproduction where one parental genome is eliminated and the other is transmitted clonally. We propose that this mechanism can perpetuate the genome of extinct species, based on new genetic data from Pelophylax water frogs.
We characterized the genetic makeup of Italian hybridogenetic hybrids P. This taxon is nowadays extinct in the wild but its germline subsists through its hybridogenetic descendant , which can thus be considered as a "semi living fossil". Such rare situation calls for realistic efforts of de-extinction through selective breeding without genetic engineering, and fuels the topical controversy of reviving long extinct species.
Miopatia ocular descendente Descending ocular myopathy: Testicular Descend , How and Why: Full Text Available Background: The testis develops in the dorsal abdominal wall, and then descends to scrotum. The development begins as early as 6th week of intrauterine life and is completed by fifth month of intrauterine life.
The testis may get arrested during its descent from dorsal abdominal wall to scrotum. The anomalies of descent includes cryptorchism and its variant like anarchism, monarchism or partially descended testis, ectopic testis, persistent processus vaginalis and encysted hydrocoel of spermatic cord etc. Cryptorchism is usually diagnosed during the new born examination. We performed a descriptive review of the literature about the role of the gubernaculum in testicular migration during the human fetal life.
This article provides an overview of role of gubernaculum and other factors responsible for gonadal migration. In the first phase of testicular migration the gubernaculum enlarges to hold the testis near groin and in the second phase the gubernaculum migrates across the pubic region to reach the scrotum. The proximal end of gubernaculum is attached to the testis and epididymis. The lower end reaches to bottom of scrotum. A failure in the proper functioning of gubernaculum causes cryptorchism.
Rarely male gonads may deviate from main pathway due to presence of many tails of distal gubernaculum, and it may give rise to ectopic testis. The processus vaginalis usually closes by birth. If it remains patent, it leads to congenital hernia, hydrocoel, encysted hydrocoel etc. Entrer dans les squats ouverts. Qui sont ces sq Elaboration du Ge mesoporeux et etude de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue d'applications photovoltaiques.
Le sujet de cette these porte sur l'elaboration du nouveau nanomateriau par la gravure electrochimique bipolaire BEE le Ge mesoporeux et sur l'analyse de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue de son utilisation dans des applications photovoltaiques. La formation du Ge mesoporeux par gravure electrochimique a ete precedemment rapportee dans la litterature. Cependant, le verrou technologique important des procedes de fabrication existants consistait a obtenir des couches epaisses superieure a nm du Ge mesoporeux a la morphologie parfaitement controlee.
En effet, la caracterisation physico-chimique des couches minces est beaucoup plus compliquee et le nombre de leurs applications possibles est fortement limite. En plus, la formation des nanostructures poreuses aux morphologies variables et bien controlees est desormais devenue possible. Enfin, la maitrise de tous ces parametres a ouvert la voie extremement prometteuse vers la realisation des structures poreuses a multi-couches a base de Ge pour des nombreuses applications innovantes et multidisciplinaires grace a la flexibilite technologique actuelle atteinte.
En particulier, dans le cadre de cette these, les couches du Ge mesoporeux ont ete optimisees dans le but de realiser le procede de transfert de couches minces d'une cellule solaire a triple jonctions via une couche sacrificielle en Ge poreux. Germanium meso-poreux, Gravure electrochimique bipolaire, Electrochimie des semi-conducteurs, Report des couches minces, Cellule photovoltaique.
Nuclear energy and its synergies with renewable energies; Le nucleaire dans ses synergies avec les renouvelables. France has the ambition to become a world leader in both nuclear industry and in renewable energies. First, nuclear power can be used as a low-carbon energy to produce the equipment required to renewable energy production for instance photovoltaic cells.
Tracas d'ados, soucis de parents
Secondly, to benefit from the complementary features of both energies: The future development of smart grids will help to do that. Thirdly, to use nuclear energy to produce massively hydrogen from water and synthetic fuels from biomass. Light in all its states; La lumiere dans tous ses etats.
United Kingdom ; Mourou, G. United States ; Samain, E. This series of short articles is dedicated to different modern aspects of the physics of light. It is a work of popularization that is centered of 4 issues: Socioeconomic status SES is a complex construct of multiple indicators, known to impact cancer outcomes, but has not been adequately examined among pediatric AML patients. This study aimed to identify the patterns of co-occurrence of multiple community-level SES indicators and to explore associations between various patterns of these indicators and pediatric AML mortality risk.
Factor analysis, cluster analysis, stratified univariable and multivariable Cox proportional hazards models were used. Seven SES -defined cluster groups were identified. Compared to Cluster 1, Cluster 3: Factors of correlated SES -indicators and their pattern-based groups demonstrated differential risks in the pediatric AML mortality indicating the need of special public-health attention in areas with economic-educational disadvantages, housing-instability and immigration-related features.
Quantitative analysis of nickel in zirconium and zircaloy; Dosage du nickel dans le zirconium et dans le zircaloy. A rapid spectrophotometric has been developed for determination of 10 to ppm of Ni in zirconium and zircaloy using dimethylglyoxime. Iron, copper, tin and chromium, do not interfere at the concentration usually present in zirconium and its alloys.
Le dosage est rapide. Le fer, le cuivre, l'etain, le chrome ne genent pas aux concentrations habituellement rencontrees dans le zirconium et ses alliages. Le Traditionnel contre les accoucheuses dans la dispensation de Hypotrochoids in conformal restriction systems and Virasoro descendants. A conformal restriction system is a commutative, associative, unital algebra equipped with a representation of the groupoid of univalent conformal maps on connected open sets of the Riemann sphere, along with a family of linear functionals on subalgebras, satisfying a set of properties including conformal invariance and a type of restriction.
We find that it has an expansion in positive powers of u and u-bar , and that the coefficients of pure u u-bar powers are holomorphic in w w-bar. The derivation uses in an essential way the Virasoro vertex operator algebra structure of conformal derivatives established recently by the author.
The results suggest in particular the exact evaluation of CLE expectations of products of hypotrochoid fields as well as nontrivial relations amongst them through the vertex operator algebra, and further shed light onto the relationship between CLE and CFT. Partnership dynamics among migrants and their descendants in Estonia. Extensive scholarly literature documents the decline in marriage and increase in non-marital cohabitation and divorce across regions and countries of Europe, but we know less about the extent to which these new family behaviours that have emerged in host societies are adopted by migrants.
The aim of this study is to examine partnership transitions among the migrants and their descendants in Estonia, who mainly originate from the European part of Russia. By investigating an East European context, the study contributes to a more comprehensive account of migrant populations in different socio-economic and cultural settings. The results show that new family formation patterns, associated with the Second Demographic Transition, are less prevalent among migrants. The difference between migrants and native Estonians is most pronounced in the mode of partnership formation and outcomes of cohabiting unions, whereas the results pertaining to union dissolution reveal a less systematic difference between population groups.
Reflecting the relatively slow integration, the second-generation migrants exhibit partnership behaviour that differs from that of the native population. The observed differences between migrants and the native population appear largely similar for both men and women.
The results lend support to socialisation, cultural maintenance, and adaptation hypotheses, and underscore the importance of contextual factors. The analysis reveals disruption effects of migration on partnership processes. Design of SES nuclear reactor for district heating. The SES units are unpressurized, pool-type nuclear reactors of 10MW rating, designed for supplying energy to hot water district heating systems, economically and without pollution.
Xanthatin, 8-epi-xanthatin, and xanthumin dominated in Type II cells with comparable levels of each being present. For Type III cells, significantly higher concentrations of 8-epi-xanthatin or xanthinosin relative to xanthatin were detected with xanthinosin only being observed in this type.
Further research will focus on understanding the ecological and molecular mechanism causing these chemotype differences in X. Full Text Available Xanthanolides, as the sesquiterpene lactones, are reportedly the major components for the pharmacological properties of X. Inhibition of aldose reductase activity by Cannabis sativa chemotypes extracts with high content of cannabidiol or cannabigerol. Aldose reductase ALR2 is a key enzyme involved in diabetic complications and the search for new aldose reductase inhibitors ARIs is currently very important.
The synthetic ARIs are often associated with deleterious side effects and medicinal and edible plants, containing compounds with aldose reductase inhibitory activity, could be useful for prevention and therapy of diabetic complications. Non-psychotropic phytocannabinoids exert multiple pharmacological effects with therapeutic potential in many diseases such as inflammation, cancer, diabetes. Here, we have investigated the inhibitory effects of extracts and their fractions from two Cannabis sativa L. A molecular docking study was performed to evaluate the interaction of these cannabinoids with the active site of ALR2 compared to known ARIs.
The inhibitory activity of the fractions was greater for acidic cannabinoid-rich fractions. Comparative molecular docking results have shown a higher stability of the ALR2-cannabinoid acids complex than the other inhibitors. These results may have some relevance for the possible use of C. In vitro antimicrobial and cytotoxic effects of Anacardium occidentale and Mangifera indica in oral care.
Oral health is an integral and important component of general health. Infectious diseases such as caries, periodontal, and gingivitis indicate the onset of imbalance in homeostasis between oral micro biota and host. The present day medicaments used in oral health care have numerous side effects. The uses of herbal plants as an alternative have gained popularity due to side effects of antibiotics and emergence of multidrug resistant strains.
Anacardium occidentale cashew and Mangifera indica mango have been used as traditional oral health care measures in India since time immemorial. The ethanol extracts of cashew and mango leaves were obtained by maceration method. The cytotoxic effects of plants extract was determined by microculture tetrazolium assay on human gingival fibroblast and Chinese hamster lung fibroblast V79 cell lines.
Cashew and mango leaf extract significantly P In vitro antimicrobial and cytotoxic effects of Anacardium occidentale and Mangifera indica in oral care. Cashew and mango leaf extract significantly P Radioprotective effect of the extract of Ziziphus joazeiro and Anacardium occidentale on embryos of Biomphalaria glabrata submitted to ionizing radiation. Electromagnetic radiations are energies that can be classified as non-ionizing and ionizing. This type of energy is propagated by a material medium and the vacuum.
The important characteristic of ionizing radiation is the localized release of large amounts of energy. The biological effects of radiation result principally from damage to DNA, which is the critical target. Given these harmful effects caused by radiation highlights the importance of acquiring knowledge about the radioprotective substance, because they act to protect the living tissue, decreasing the damage he caused by the effects of radiation. In this study we investigated the radioprotective effect of extract hydroalcoholic of Ziziphus joazeiro and Anacardium occidentale on embryos of Biomphalaria glabrata.
The embryos of Biomphalaria glabrata pigmented were divided into 18 groups of specimens. The experimental groups were exposed to the extracts at a concentration of ppm and then irradiated. For irradiation, we used a source of 60 Co Gammacell of Radionics Labs. Our results showed that the extracts of hydroalcoholic Ziziphus joazeiro showed radioprotective effect and that the aqueous extract of the bark of Anacardium occidentale exhibited a reduction in its embryotoxic effect.
Radioprotective effect of the extract of Ziziphus joazeiro and Anacardium occidentale on embryos of Biomphalaria glabrata submitted to ionizing radiation. The notion of traveler is approached in wide cultural meaning as a discoverer of unknown worlds, explorer, navigator or adventurer of every type of knowing, that represents the fundamental feature of the occidental man. The history of the western novel is followed over centuries and literary epochs in order to observe which way the perception of travel.
Eremanthus seidelii MacLeish and Schumacher has a restricted occurrence to the Brazilian 'cerrado' surrounding the Furnas MG reservoir, in environments that have been seriously damaged by human activity. No qualitative differences were found in the SL patterns of all individuals sampled.
However, there is a different SL quantitative pattern among the plants analyzed, pointing to the existence of three quantitative chemotypes of this species, with differences possibly originating from the activity of the enzymes that cyclize the goyazensolide type SL 1 to a eremantholide type SL 2. Thermal evaluation and fatty acid profile of cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale L.
Aktivitas Zymomonas mobilis pada produk etanol dari buah semu jambu mete Anacardium occidentale dengan variasi sumber nitrogen. Aktivitas Zymomonas mobilis pada produk etanol daribuah semu jambu mete Anacardium occidentale dengan variasi sumber nitrogen.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kemampuan Zymomonas mobilis dalam memproduksi etanol melalui proses fermentasi batch selama 24, 48 dan 72 jam, menggunakan sumber karbon sari buah jambu mete varietas merah, hijau dan kuning dan sumber nitrogen berupa urea, ammonium sulfat, ekstrak kecambah kacang hijau dan ekstrak kacang koro Mucuna pruriens. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa varietas buah jambu mete hijau dengan sumber nitrogen ammonium sulfat dan lama fermentasi 24 jam memberikan hasil etanol yang paling optimal.
Analysis of toxicity of Anacardium occidentale L. The use of gamma radiation as a sterilization method for herbs, herbal medicines and foods, shows positive results regarding the retention of such products, economy and safety of the method. However, it is known that this method of processing plant material can cause chemical changes in these products related to the type of material, its components and the dose received. Evaluated, in the present study, the action of gamma radiation as a modifier of toxicity extract of Anacardium occidentale Linn.
To evaluate the toxicity of the extract irradiated at doses of 5.
For the test to A. For the bioassay with B. The bioassay with A. In tests with embryos was observed an increase in the toxicity of the extract at a dose of 7. The radiation promoted changes in the toxicity of leaves extracts of Anacardium occidentale Linn. Grupo de Estudos em Radioprotecao e Radioecologia. Three chemotypes were found: The essential oils were also evaluated for their antibacterial activity against 10 selected microorganisms. The data obtained contribute to the future view to use the essential oils as natural preservatives for food products, due to their positive effect on their safety and shelf life.
Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras. Faculdade de Ciencias Farmaceuticas. Cuvette based emission rates of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes from four chemotypes of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris and one chemotype of Norway spruce Picea abies as well as the ambient mixing ratios of monoterpenes were determined during HUMPPA-COPEC summer campaign. Differences in chemical composition as well as in emission strength were observed between the different chemotypes. Myrcene emission rates ranged from 0. Total spruce monoterpene emissions ranged from 0.
The diel cycles of isoprenoid mixing ratios. Full Text Available Observations of environmental change by local resource users may be an important source of information about past and current environmental conditions to complement scientific studies and monitoring. In this exploratory, qualitative study, we documented observations of environmental change made by 27 stockmen in the two westernmost valleys of the Central Western Pyrenees of Spain. Pastoralists reported changes in weather, corresponding declines in the flow of mountain springs, and an increase in shrub and tree cover in the mountains.
Explanations for the increase in woody plant cover differed in the two valleys; however, the majority of stockmen from both villages believed that the lack of human presence in the mountains contributes to shrub encroachment. Las observaciones de los ganaderos sobre los cambios medioambientales. Phenols and tannins contents of Anacardium occidentale Linn and Anadenanthera colubrina Vell. Brenan exposed to gamma radiation. Anacardium occidentale Linn cajueiro and Anadenanthera colubrina Vell. Brenan angico are very know as a source of phenolic compounds, mainly tannins.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the difference of phenols and tannins contents of crude extracts were measured after irradiation of barks and leaves of each plant source, using a source of 60 Co. The crude extracts were divided into control group and three groups which were separately after exposition to gamma radiation, in doses of 5; 7.
From each group, the total phenols were quantified by the Folin-Ciocalteau method, while the contents of tannins were assessed using precipitation of the casein technique. For all doses, the total phenol and tannin percentages from 'cajueiro' barks presented no significant statistical alteration. However, for the leaves of 'cajueiro', their chemical composite levels significantly changed with the radiation absorbed dose.
On the other hand, the gamma irradiation did not cause alterations in total phenols and tannins content of extracts from 'angico'. Lo studio ha avuto l'obiettivo di indagare la presenza di Salmonella in animali selvatici e i ceppi antibiotico-resistenti. Nel periodo , 2. Perlas y piel de azabache. Full Text Available Not very long after the Discovery, the pearls from the West Indies competed with those from the Orient for the full regalia of the ladies of the gentry, or that of the most revered virgins, while raising the curiosity of the best known chroniclers and creating an excruciating tax system.
Pharmacological Targeting Of Neuronal Kv7. Given their functional heterogeneity, Kv7 channels represent important pharmacological targets for development of new drugs for neuronal, cardiac and metabolic diseases. In the present manuscript, we focus on describing the pharmacological relevance and the potential therapeutic applications of drugs acting on neuronally-expressed Kv7.
The present work is based on an in-depth search of the currently available scientific literature, and on our own experience and knowledge in the field of neuronal Kv7 channel pharmacology. Space limitations impeded to describe the full pharmacological potential of Kv7 channels; thus, we have chosen to focus on neuronal channels composed of Kv7. An astonishing heterogeneity in the molecular scaffolds exploitable to develop Kv7.
In the present work we have attempted to show the current status and growing potential of the Kv7 pharmacology field. We anticipate a bright future for the field, and we express our hopes that the efforts herein reviewed will result in an improved treatment of hyperexcitability or any other diseases. Differences in chemical composition and in emission strength were observed between the different trees, which confirmed that they represented different chemotypes. Myrcene fluxes ranged from 0. This Letter details the discovery and subsequent optimization of a novel M 4 PAM scaffold based on an 6-fluoro piperidinyl quinolinecarbonitrile core, which represents a distinct departure from the classical M 4 PAM chemotypes.
Sodium metabisulfite—induced polymerization of sickle cell hemoglobin incubated in the extracts of three medicinal plants Anacardium occidentale , Psidium guajava, and Terminalia catappa. The exploitation and utilization of vast varieties of herbal extracts may serve as alternative measures to deter aggregation of deoxygenated sickle cell hemoglobin deoxyHbS molecules. The present in vitro study ascertained the capacity of three medicinal plants, namely, Anacardium occidentale , Psidium guajava, and Terminalia catappa, to alter polymerization of HbS.
Spectrophotometric method was used to monitor the level of polymerization of hemolysate HbS molecules treated with sodium metabisulfite Na2 S2 O5 at a regular interval of 30 s for a period of s in the presence of separate aqueous extracts of A. At time intervals of 30 s, the level of polymerization was expressed as percentage of absorbance relative to the control sample at the th s.
delphinium occidentale chemotypes: Topics by
Although extracts of the three medicinal plants caused significant P guajava exhibited the highest capacity to reduced polymerization of deoxyHbS molecules. The capacity of the three medicinal plants to interfere with polymerization of deoxyHbS molecules depended on the duration of incubation and concentration of the extracts. The paper concludes with a study of notables Catalan in particular as rural entrepreneurs who invested in the technical innovation of their time.
Clinical effect of a mouthwash containing Anacardium occidentale Linn. A randomized controlled trial. Plaque-associated gingivitis is a prevalent disease and research in its treatment using herbal agents must be encouraged to verify which would be a useful addition to the current range or chemotherapeutic treatment options. Thirty normosystemic adult volunteers of both genders, who had a minimum of twenty natural teeth, aging between 18 and 32 years, were enrolled in this crossover, controlled, examiner-blind clinical study.
They were randomly allocated into three groups: Survey of foliar monoterpenes across the range of jack pine reveal three widespread chemotypes: Full Text Available The secondary compounds of pines Pinus can strongly affect the physiology, ecology and behaviors of the bark beetles Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae that feed on sub-cortical tissues of hosts. Jack pine Pinus banksiana has a wide natural distribution range in North America Canada and USA and thus variations in its secondary compounds, particularly monoterpenes, could affect the host expansion of invasive mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae, which has recently expanded its range into the novel jack pine boreal forest.
We investigated monoterpene composition of jack pine trees from natural and provenance forest stands representing 63 populations from Alberta to the Atlantic coast. However, other monoterpenes were generally not correlated to climatic variables or geographic distribution. These significant variations in jack pine monoterpene composition may have cascading effects on the continued eastward spread and success of D. Le caratteristiche morfologiche esternee i genitali maschili delle tre specie sono raffigurati.
Anacardium occidentale is amongst the most researched plants, due to the antibiotics and antinflammatory properties of its secondary metabolites, mainly tannins and flavonoids. This article explores how gender and imperialism are articulated in the writings of a number of French women travelers to Eastern and Arab countries in the second half of the 19th century.
The article begins with an examination of the rhetoric used to produce a representation of the oppressed Arab-Muslim woman, in opposition to that of the Western woman. It then examines the travel writers themselves in an effort to discern the origins of the representations they develop. Influence of gamma radiation on the levels of polyphenols and lethality of ethanol extracts of Anacardium occidentale Linn. Plant materials rich in phenolic compounds, such as Anacardium occidentale Linn.
Studies show that ionizing radiation can influence the content of phenolic compounds and thus their biological actions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of gamma radiation of 60 Co in polyphenol composition of hydroalcoholic extracts of bark and leaves of A. To achieve this goal this, the extracts were irradiated at 10 kGy, the controls being maintained from 0 kGy and positive CaCO 3 and negative H 2 O. We quantified the total phenols by the Folin-Ciocalteau and tannins by precipitation of casein. The results showed that the radiation caused the changes to the leaves, the percentage of polyphenols and tannins, and the percentage of lethality in embryos and adults Biomphalaria glabrata, these percentages being: Gamma radiation caused significant changes in the levels of polyphenols in the extracts of leaves of Anacardium ocidentale Linn.
This indicates that gamma radiation can be used as an agent potentiating the toxicity of plant extracts on the alternate use of these materials as molluscicides. Coleus forskohlii is a well-known industrially important medicinal plant, for its high forskolin content. A simple, selective, and sensitive high-performance thin layer chromatography HPTLC method was developed and validated for simultaneous quantification of forskolin and iso-forskolin in C.
Chromatographic separation of the targeted marker s was obtained on precoated silica plates using toluene: Densitometric quantification of forskolin and iso-forskolin was carried out at nm. Forskolin and iso-forskolin were identified by comparing the ultraviolet spectra of standard and sample track at Rf of 0.
The content of forskolin and iso-forskolin varies from 0. The study aids in the identification of elite chemotype for commercial prospection of industrially viable medicinal crop. SUMMARY 12 Samples are collected from different locations of the eastern ghat regionsQuantification of two major marker forskolin and iso forskolinThe maximum content of both.
- Tulliana - Cicéron et la pensée romaine - Site officiel de la SIAC.
- Blood War: Blood Destiny, Book 8.
- When a Woman Finds Her Voice: Overcoming Lifes Hurts & Using Your Story to Make a Difference.
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Forskolin and iso-forskolin were identified by comparing the ultraviolet spectra of standard and sample track at R f of 0. Collected from Sikkim Himalayas India. Colchicaceae is used as adjuvant therapy in gout for its potential antimitotic activity due to high colchicine s alkaloids. This study aimed to develop an easy, cheap, precise, and accurate high-performance thin-layer chromatographic HPTLC validated method for simultaneous quantification of bioactive alkaloids colchicine and gloriosine in G. Five germplasms were collected from targeted region, and on morpho-anatomical inspection, no significant variation was observed among them.
Quantification data reveal that content of colchicine R f: Limit of detection and limit of quantification were analyzed, respectively, as 6. The developed method is validated in terms of accuracy, recovery, and precision studies as per the ICH guidelines and can be adopted for the simultaneous quantification of colchicine and gloriosine in phytopharmaceuticals.
In addition, this study is relevant to explore the chemotypic variability in metabolite content for commercial and medicinal purposes. An easy, cheap, precise, and accurate high performance thin layer chromatographic HPTLC validated method for simultaneous quantification of bioactive alkaloids colchicine and gloriosine in G. Five germplasms were collected from targeted region, and on morpho anatomical. Pinewood nematode PWN , Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is the causal agent of pine wilt disease, a serious threat to global forest populations of conifers, especially Pinus spp.
A time-course study of the essential oils EOs of 2-year-old Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinaster, Pinus pinea and Pinus sylvestris following inoculation with the PWN was performed. The constitutive and nematode inoculation induced EOs components were analyzed at both the wounding or inoculation areas and at the whole plant level. The enantiomeric ratio of optically active main EOs components was also evaluated. External symptoms of infection were observed only in P.
The EO composition analysis of uninoculated and unwounded plants revealed the occurrence of chemotypes for P. When whole plants were evaluated for EO and monoterpene hydrocarbon enantiomeric chemical composition, no relevant qualitative and quantitative differences were found.
Instead, EO analysis of inoculated and uninoculated wounded areas revealed an increase of sesquiterpenes and diterpenic compounds, especially in P. Contribution of the cashew gum Anacardium occidentale L. The search for bioactive molecules to be employed as recognition elements in biosensors has stimulated researchers to pore over the rich Brazilian biodiversity. In this sense, we introduce the use of natural cashew gum Anacardium occidentale L.
We investigated the effects of chemical composition of cashew gum from two different regions of Brazil Piaui and Ceara states on the physico-chemical characteristics of these nanostructures. The morphology of the nanostructures containing cashew gum was studied by atomic force microscopy which indicates that smooth films punctuated by globular features were formed that showed low roughness values. The results indicate that, independent of the origin, cashew gum stands out as an excellent film forming material with potential application in nanobiomedical devices as electrochemical sensors.
Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cashew gum contributed to obtain stable films with well-defined redox processes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cashew gum films detected dopamine in low concentrations. Identification of a Bis-guanylhydrazone [4,4'-Diacetyldiphenylurea-bis guanylhydrazone ; NSC ] as a novel chemotype for inhibition of Chk2 kinase. Chk2 is a protein kinase involved in the ATM-dependent checkpoint pathway http: This pathway is activated by genomic instability and DNA damage and results in either cell cycle arrest, to allow DNA repair to occur, or cell death apoptosis.
Inhibition of Chk2 has been proposed to sensitize pdeficient cells as well as protect normal tissue after exposure to DNA-damaging agents. We have developed a drug-screening program for specific Chk2 inhibitors using a fluorescence polarization assay, immobilized metal ion affinity-based fluorescence polarization IMAP. This assay detects the degree of phosphorylation of a fluorescently linked substrate by Chk2. From a screen of over , compounds from the NCI Developmental Therapeutics Program, we identified a bis-guanylhydrazone [4,4'-diacetyldiphenylureabis guanylhydrazone ; NSC ] as a lead compound.
In vitro data show the specific inhibition of Chk2 kinase activity by NSC using in vitro kinase assays and kinase-profiling experiments. The potency of NSC was comparable with that of other known Chk2 inhibitors, such as debromohymenialdisine and 2-arylbenzimidazole.
These data define a novel chemotype for the development of potent and selective inhibitors of Chk2. This class of drugs may ultimately be useful in combination with current DNA-damaging agents used in the clinic. Identification of derivatives with improved drug exposure. The Wnt signaling pathway plays a key role in regulation of organ development and tissue homeostasis. Dysregulated Wnt activity is one of the major underlying mechanisms responsible for many diseases including cancer.
Here, we studied the SAR of Wnt signaling inhibition in the anilide and salicylamide region of Niclosamide. We found that the 4'-nitro substituent can be effectively replaced by trifluoromethyl or chlorine and that the potency of inhibition was dependent on the substitution pattern in the anilide ring. Non-anilide, N-methyl amides and reverse amide derivatives lost significant potency, while acylated salicylamide derivatives inhibited signaling with potency similar to non-acyl derivatives.
Niclosamide's low systemic exposure when dosed orally may hinder its use to treat systemic disease. To overcome this limitation we identified an acyl derivative of Niclosamide, DK compound 32 , that significantly increased both the plasma concentration and the duration of exposure of Niclosamide when dosed orally. The studies herein provide a medicinal chemical foundation to improve the pharmacokinetic exposure of Niclosamide and Wnt-signaling inhibitors based on the Niclosamide chemotype.
The identification of novel derivatives of Niclosamide that metabolize to Niclosamide and increase its drug exposure may provide important research tools for in vivo studies and provide drug candidates for treating cancers with dysregulated Wnt signaling including drug-resistant cancers. Moreover, since Niclosamide is a multi-functional drug, new research tools such as DK could directly result in novel treatments against bacterial and viral infection, lupus, and metabolic. Moreover, since Niclosamide is a multifunctional drug, new research tools such as DK could directly result in novel treatments against bacterial and viral infection, lupus, and metabolic.
The initial subaerial activity at El Golfo was characterised by basaltic lavas that evolved to trachybasalts and trachytes, and finally towards more differentiated eruptive episodes indicative of the terminal state of the volcanic activity of the El Golfo volcano.
The excessive growth of this volcano triggered the failure of its north flank, generating the spectacular scarp and present El Golfo depression. Subsequent volcanism, from emission vents arranged in a three-armed rift system rift volcanism, with ages ranging from ka to 2, years, with probably prehistoric eruptions, implies the much more moderate continuation of the earlier predominantly basanitic-tephritic volcanic activity.
This period may correspond to that of maximum development of the Cumbre Vieja rift, in the island of La Palma. The exemple of U. The pollution of water has been one of the greatest problems faced by the modern society, due to industrialization and urban growth. Rivers, lakes and seas have been continually suffering from the rising concentration of various pollutants, especially toxic elements. The adsorbents were characterized by its chemical constitution, structure, infrared spectroscopy, morphology, by means of scanning electron microscopy, determination of the point of zero charge, thermogravimetrical analysis and porosimetry assessments.
Tests were conducted to determine the optimal conditions pH vs. The adsorption kinetics was evaluated by models of pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, Elovich and intraparticle diffusion, while adsorption isotherms were linearized by Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich. The effect of initial concentration, temperature and desorption was also performed. The adsorbents exhibited irregular, spongy and heterogeneous structure. FTIR analysis confirms the presence of hydroxyl, aliphatic, phenolic and carboxylic acid groups, which are favorable adsorption characteristics.
The pHPZC of adsorbent is 4. The optimum adsorption conditions were as follows: Most of biosorbents exhibited good fit by Langmuir and Freundlich, suggesting the occurrence of adsorption on mono- and multilayers. The adsorbents of cashew nut shell exhibited high removal efficiency of Cd, Pb. Full Text Available The accentuated increase in the use of medicinal plants by the population to treat diseases makes it necessary to carry out pharmacological studies in order to contribute to the scientific knowledge and clarify the mechanisms involved in the main compounds present in these plants.
Due to the difficulty of combating antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms, plants become a low-cost and effective alternative. The stem, fruit, and leaves of plants are used to measure antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity and to combat the oxidative degradation of free radicals produced in the presence of xenobiotics. A systematic review is a powerful tool that incorporates the variability among the studies, providing an overall estimate of the use of plant extracts as antioxidants and antimicrobial activities. In view of the controversies in the literature regarding the use of compounds from plants or the isolation and purification of the main substances for the prevention of bacterial various therapeutic actions, the aim of this was to present a systematic review on the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of cashew Anacardium occidentale , cajui Anacardium microcarpum, and pequi Caryocar brasiliense.
The following databases were analyzed: Out of articles, 33 articles have been used in this study, which were also represented in the Prisma Statement. In vitro antioxidant tests were conducted in 28 studies using different methodologies. Most of the tests involving the studied species demonstrated positive antioxidant potential and antimicrobial properties.
The results provide important data and perspectives into the use of natural products that can contribute to the treatment of various diseases. Study of rheological behavior of cashew apple Anacardium occidentale , l. Full Text Available The knowledge of the fruit tropical pulps rheological behavior have a great importance for the consumers and food process industries. In this work it was studied the rheological behavior of the cashew apple Anacardium occidentale , L. The experimental measurements were carried out in concentric cylinder rheometer and the experimental data were fitted to models of Ostwald-de-Waelle and Bingham.
There were evaluated chemical, physical-chemical and microbiological parameters. In this work, in order to adjust the rheological parameters, the model that presented the best description was the Ostwald-de-Waelle for the mango and acerola pulps, and Bingham for cashew apple pulp. The samples presented non-Newtonian and pseudoplastic character. The chemical and physicochemical analysis showed the nutritional value of the studied fruits. The microbiological results presented satisfactory hygienic and sanitary conditions in pulps processing.
Anacardic acid, a phenolic compound present in cashew apple and in some medicinal plants, is being associated to some specific biological effects. The purpose of this work was to determine anacardic acid content in peduncles of A. Cashew apples from BRS clone of early cashew tree presented the highest values of anacardic acid. Cashew apples from A. Cashew apples from CCP clone presented the minor values of anacardic acid.
Physical-chemical and sensory analyses showed evidence that CCP 09 and CCP clone are not appropriate to fresh consuption. Full Text Available The study aimed to evaluate the inclusion of cashew by-product Anacardium occidentale L. PH was remained inside of the normal standards cited by same literature in the raised cashew by-product inclusions. The molar ratio of the AGV in the ruminal liquid in the diets with cashew by-product was typical of rich diets in voluminous.
Ammoniac nitrogen, Ovis aries, pH, parameters ruminate, ruminants, volatile fatty acids. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the quality of the raw and toasted cashew nuts, identifying the changes that took place during the toasting process. The raw and toasted cashew nut showed pH near neutrality. The chemical composition of the raw cashew nut showed the following values: The toasted nut results were: The comparison of these values were significantly different for the levels of lipids, total sugars and starch, possibly due to the loss of water, during the toasting process, since when they were compared on dry matter basis, the results did not present differences.
The cashew apple Anacardium occidentale L. Then, the aim of this study was to investigate its antioxidant capacity. The antioxidant capacity of the hydroalcoholic extract of the cashew apple pulp EHAlc. For this essay a day oral gavage, EHAlc. Bioactive compounds and total antioxidant capacity of cashew apples Anacardium occidentale L. Full Text Available Lately, tropical fruit consumption has increased due to a higher knowledge of its nutritional and therapeutic value. The aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant potential of cashew apples from different early dwarf clones during their ripening.
The clones analyzed included: They were analyzed for vitamin C, total carotenoid, total anthocyanin, yellow flavonoids and polyphenol content and total antioxidant capacity. Clone BRS ripe cashew apple presented the highest vitamin C content The ripe BRS cashew apple is colored bright red, and its total anthocyanin content was the highest The highest levels of extrable polyphenols and antioxidant capacity were observed in CCP 09 in the first five ripening stages.
The antioxidant activity of cashew apples Anacardium occidentale L. Os clones analisados foram: O clone BRS maduro obteve o maior teor de vitamina C ,37 mg x g Braconidae sobre Macrosiphum euphorbiae Hemiptera: Aphididae en condiciones de laboratorio. Full Text Available Praon pos. La France coloniale et le mouvement arabiste en Syrie ottomane , Tunis, Dar al-Wasla, Grupo de Radioprotecao e Radioecologia; Melo, A.
Brown Toxicidad del aceite esencial de Lippia alba Mill. Brown Verbenaceae has been traditionally used to treat several diseases. In this study, the acute toxic effects of the citral chemotype of L. Animals were treated via intraperitoneal receiving the L. Mice exposed to L. Liver histological changes included mild infammation, in particular, an increase in nuclear size. Compared to vehicle control group, changes in expression for selected genes were signifcant for FABP5, a fatty acid transport related gene.
In summary, the intraperitoneal administration of L. Therefore, the systemic use of this EO raises concerns about its safety. El aceite esencial AE de Lippia alba Mill. NE Brown Verbenaceae ha sido utilizado tradicionalmente para tratar varias enfermedades. A raiz apresenta epiderme unisseriada, floema com canais secretores e xilema tetrarco. Differential radiosensitivity on a tissue level in Delphinium ajacis.
Root, leaf, pollen mother cell and endosperm of D. In all the tissues the percentage of aberrant cells increased linearly with increase in X-ray dose. Though endosperm had the largest ICV value it was the most radioresistant tissue tested. The relative radiosensitivity of the other 3 tissues was positively correlated with ICV value. The radioresistance of endosperm is probably due to factors unique to this tissue which remained obscure.
The chromatographic separation was achieved using a reversed phase C18 column with a mobile phase of water and acetonitrile, both containing 0. The ten compounds were completely separated within 15min at a flow rate of 0. The method was applied for the analysis of various commercial products including capsules, tea bags, body and hair care products. LC-mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization ESI interface method is described for the evaluation of ten compounds in plant samples and commercial products.

Cinq ans auparavant, la soudaine disparition de celle qui incarnait l avenir politique du Danemark avait fait couler beaucoup d encre. Pour eux, pas de cold case. Le massacre de Pangbourne. Et qui ne revient pas. Aux confins de toutes nos angoisses. C est alors que le Mal absolu surgit: Mais s agit-il vraiment d hallucinations?
Est-ce une nouvelle forme de virus? Aucune revendication, aucune logique, les attaques frappent au hasard. Chacun se cache et survit comme il le peut. Regan Reilly s en faisait une joie. Jack Ryan Jr et ses cousins, plus quelques recrues de choc. Comptable sans histoire dans un cabinet d avocats de la ville, il a tout fait pour oublier et faire oublier ses sombres origines. Pourra-t-il faire autrement que de marcher sur ses traces? Pourquoi un chercheur japonais se retrouve-t-il sur la table d une morgue de New York? De quoi susciter bien des jalousies. Et de quoi, en certaines circonstances, serions-nous capables?
Aujourd hui, c est l anniversaire d Alex. Le seul homme de sa vie. Aujourd hui, c est l anniversaire d Alex et toute la vie de Lucie bascule: Pourtant, comment, seule, luttera-t-elle contre une folie venue de si loin? Un autre indice enfin: Le jeune commissaire Kirov vient chercher un homme pour le sortir du goulag. Et la commissaire finit par se retrouver en ligne de mire. Toute mort violente est une sorte d apocalypse. Une jeune et jolie blonde disparait de sa maison de Boston sans laisser de traces.
Warren sent que quelque chose cloche. Aux yeux de tous, Sandra et Jason Jones avaient tout du jeune couple amoureux. Un formidable suspense qui nous offre une fin totalement surprenante. Quand il la retrouve, il est un autre. Pour savoir qui il est vraiment, il n a qu une solution: Menait-elle une double vie, en se faisant entretenir par de riches amants?
Pourtant, il y a urgence. Schroeder accepte de conduire Boyette au Texas et ce voyage va totalement bouleverser sa vie. Ils partiront deux semaines en montagne, dans le chalet familial. C est l affolement en ville. Pour Malin Fors, il s agirait d une affaire plus personnelle. Mais Barry ignore encore que Werner n est pas un homme comme les autres. Il la retrouve morte. Mais il tient une piste et s y accroche: Pour ceux qui restent, c est une trahison impardonnable. Mick Prentice, mineur, avait disparu sans laisser de traces.
Les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Elle commettra le meurtre parfait. C est maintenant l heure des confessions. Qui voudrait voir morte une vieille dame aussi gentille? Et le thriller qu il publie sous son nom, Le marchand de sable va passer, devient un bestseller. Rush devient le lien entre toutes ces victimes. Pour la police, aucun doute: Tous deux ont connu des jours meilleurs: La paye est bonne, la mission facile, la cliente assez jolie.
Et des relations dans le milieu. Nous sommes au mois de septembre. Mais l escapade romantique tourne au cauchemar. La jeune femme n a pas le choix: Ce recueil d histoires courtes rassemble une dizaine d authentiques affaires criminelles. De retour aux Etats-Unis, elle entame une course folle: Ce thriller vous ouvre les portes d une nouvelle dimension: Les mobiles ne manqueraient pas: Dans cet opus d une rare noirceur, Martin Beck va accepter de risquer sa vie pour essayer de mettre fin au massacre.
Martin Beck et Lennart Kollberg sont sur les deux affaires. Il a une balle dans le ventre. Un pistolet qui, justement, semble avoir servi au braquage. Un homme d apparence ordinaire fume, seul, sur son balcon, observant la rue. Parmi les neuf victimes, un flic que Beck connaissait. Pour ses victimes, il reste Le Magicien. Varg Veum a pris un coup de vieux. Jack la catalogue parmi les folles et s en va. Et trois autres aussi. C est une association? Vous ne connaissez pas? Un air de surprise intense passa sur le visage du lieutenant Veyrenc.
Votre fille l a vraiment vue? Sur le chemin de Bonneval. Eh bien, questionne Danglard, insista-t-il. Parce que, pour ce que j en sais, c est l annonce d une secousse. Ce sont des taiseux selon Rafael Estevez, adjoint de l inspecteur Caldas. Mais est-il vraiment qui l on croit? Entre quiproquo et intrigue diabolique: L enfer est aussi dans le coeur des hommes. Le lecteur, lui, apprend ce qu ignore Claris: Cela fait des mois qu il n a pas plu sur Mount Royal, pas plus que sur le reste du monde.
Une guerre contre un ennemi inconnaissable: Et si vous deviez partir demain pour Mars? Il semblerait qu un bug mortel hante Real Dream. Le personnage principal de cette histoire travaille dans cette entreprise. Sans aucun doute la pierre angulaire de ce recueil de nouvelles. Ils composent des symphonies. Les humains voudraient en rapatrier sur Terre. Encore une nouvelle qui traite des rapports entre humains et extraterrestre. Mais Ash est vieux et malade. Le temps est venu pour lui de prendre en apprenti. Les dieux sont parmi nous: Miss Alexia Tarabotti doit composer avec quelques contraintes sociales.
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Rien de bien, apparemment, car Alexia tue accidentellement le vampire. Une muraille opaque de brouillard et ses cohortes de monstres avancent inexorablement vers Eden. Seul un espoir subsiste: Une gigantesque bataille s annonce. L amour est-il encore nus fort que le destin? Le terrible Wotan continue d envahir l Europe. Seul Uther Pendragon peut sauver la Bretagne. Elle s appelait Abby et venait lui demander de sauver les habitants de son village.
II s appelait Zeddicus Zu l Zorander et sa lutte contre la dangereuse magie de Panis Rahl allait prendre un nouveau tournant. Quand les loups sortent du bois, qui croire? Carrie White, dix-sept ans, solitaire, timide et pas vraiment jolie, vit un calvaire: Alors, devant la fin d un monde, que reste-t-il d autre que l amour? Ainsi commence l aventure de Sorcha. Ils tomberont ensemble, le peuple de Septenaigue et son ombre de l Autre monde. Telle est ta mission".
Les Chevaliers d Emeraude ont vaincu l Empereur Noir et ses guerriers insectes. Roland, un adolescent du village, les aide dans leurs recherches. Voici le dieu dans la machine. Mais si le monstre ne bouge plus, il n en est pas mort pour autant. Son seul recours serait-il Tomafiak, le dieu de la Guerre, qui entend faire de lui son champion?
Quand on roule, on n a jamais de contravention. Jamais je ne pourrai faire pleurer personne. P ANT 2 , Secteur: Non pas une compilation des plus baroudeurs, mais un recueil de ceux qui tracent leur destin en marge des balises, passent souvent les bornes, et bouleversent notre vision du monde. Le lais [legs] ; Le testament ; Poesies diverses ; Jargon et Jobelin. C est donc le moment de le lire. Un banal cambriolage dans une bijouterie fait ressurgir une rumeur: Au village, c est l effervescence!
Comme il n a plus de mains, il anime ses marionnettes avec les pieds. Le romantisme en mode post-apocalyptique. Mais un espoir subsiste: Le Triangle Secret - Cycle 4: Mais, le destin s acharne: Pour Emilio et Maria, jeunes nobles espagnols, le choc est plus brutal.
Ils parlent aussi de leur histoire d amour avec ce pays qui les fascine toujours autant. Ici, Dibou rencontre les amis de Golo. Le monde tel que nous le connaissions a disparu. Et cette survie ne se fera qu au prix de lourds sacrifices. Du moins, le pensent-ils. Rick, Michonne et Glenn s arment et partent secourir les survivants. Les tensions s apaisent, la vigilance baisse. Les zombies pourraient donc mourir? Sur la route, l impensable se produit. Pas d apparition de zombie.
Tcheliabinsk, 14 mai En douceur, sinon il risque de se verrouiller. Je suis en feu, je suis gris, lourd, crasseux, mais je suis en feu. Et nul ne subsistera. Une aventure aux surprises et aux rebondissements innombrables qui verra sa conclusion avec cet ultime volume. Kenya - Cycle 2: La Chine est en deuil! Le grand timonier, Mao Zedong, est mort! Le moment est venu pour Xiao Li d entrer dans le parti. On est en Plus que quelques jours avant le verdict. En attendant que l Etat leur attribue un logement, le couple va vivre dans la famille de Xiao.
Leur rencontre a lieu en , alors que Fric accomplit sur place une mission scientifique. De la part de Valrd, je ne suis pas surpris. Vous, des pupilles de la nation! Pour vous donner une chance dans la vie! Ah; ils sont gracieux, les pupilles de la nation: De la graine de voyous, oui! Martin Bonsoir est chauffeur de camion. Le voyage de Martin prend alors une autre tournure. L histoire s ouvre sur deux actions apparemment sans aucun lien entre elles. Chaque article commence par une carte postale dans laquelle un lecteur virtuel pose une question existentielle: Mais pour les rejoindre, encore faudrait-il qu elle reste en vie.
Un endroit qui lui est cher. Mais voici que Suzanne meurt brutalement dans des circonstances tragiques. Fouad pourrait faire celui qui n a rien vu. Mais, ce n est pas son genre. C est le paradis. Pourquoi Darius fait-il cela? Mais il y est interrompu par une mission impromptue: Ex-agent de la NSC. Une remarque de Tomine mettra-telle Shizuku sur la voie?
L effet de l antidote serait-il en train de s estomper? Immense choc pour les deux protagonistes!. Que cherche Cat s Eye? La peine de mort le guette. C est alors que Fujimoto leur livre l Ikigami. Die Kinder der Rothschildallee: Victoria and the Staveneys? The Reason for it? Est-elle morte ou non? Est-elle "La dame dans le lac"? Vampires, vous avez dit vampires? Un jeune orphelin, qui deviendra plus tard le narrateur de ce livre, vit sous la protection du concierge, don Gaetano.
Word, Excel, PowerPoint et Outlook. Qui se souvient aujourd hui que le premier tirage du Rouge et le Noir fut de exemplaires?