
Checkout Your Cart Price. Description Details Customer Reviews Suicide is commended as an escape from the ills of life, and riches are to be despised. Aelian's Stoicism hardly goes below the surface. His primary object is to entertain and while so doing to convey instruction in the most agreeable form. He was among the first to break away from the age-long tradition of the periodic structure of sentences, at least for works of a serious nature, and to affect a simpler prose of short, coordinated, sometimes paratactic, clauses.

In this and in the rich variety of topics and in a certain fondness for piquant, not to say earthy, stories from the life of men and of animals one may trace the influence of the Milesian Tales. Unfettered by any canons of style or language, picaresque, and sometimes gross, they pandered to popular taste. To adopt their technique while refining the style and imparting a moral flavour to his narratives may well have seemed to Aelian a sure way of gaining a like popularity with educated readers.

Some might find fault with his random and piece-meal handling of his theme-of that he is well aware, and in the Epilogue he defends himself with the plea that a frequent change of topic helps to maintain the reader's interest and saves him from boredom, But as to the permanent value of his work he has no misgivings, and since, Philostratus informs us that his writings were much admired, we may assume that they appealed to cultivated circles in a way that the voluminous and possibly arid compilations of grammarians did not.

The knowledge which Aelian displays of Egypt and its topography, its local traditions, customs, and religious beliefs, especially those relating to birds and animals can come only from a writer well acquainted with the land and its people. We are given mystical and mythological reasons for the reverence or detestation in which certain creatures are held, there are tales of wonder ranging from the merely curious to the impossible; quotations from Homer are introduced into chapters on Egyptian religion.

The pattern fits Apion 1st cent. Born in the Great Oasis, he became head of the Alexandrian school, was a Homeric scholar and a pretender to omniscience. His Aegyptiaca was a compilation dealing with the history and the marvels of Egypt and was based upon earlier writers with additions from his own experience. World Population Highlights Overview of World Population. Implications and applications of folk zootherapy in the state of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil.

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Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor. The Open Complementary Medicine Journal. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Os 'bichos' que curam: Branch L, Silva MF. | Animal Peculiarity Volume 2 Part 5, T P Just | | Boeken

Zooterapia popular na Chapada Diamantina: A zooterapia popular no Estado da Bahia: Vertebrate Conservation and Biodiversity. Fishers' knowledge and seahorse conservation in Brazil. Magnitude and inferred impacts of the seahorse trade in Latin America. Instituto de Ecologia; Primates face to face: Fuentes A, Wolfe L, editor. Cambridge University Press; Primates in Matsigenka subsistence and world view; pp.

Prefeitura Municipal de Manaus; Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz; Presencia e importancia de los animales en la medicina tradicional de los grupos otopames. Estudios de Cultura Otopame. Primate Conservation in the Tropical Rain Forest. Marsch CW, Mittermeier R, editor. Effects of hunting on rain forest primates; pp. Insects as folk medicines in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. Pampas fox Pseudalopex gymnocercus. Primates Face to Face: Fuentes A, Wolfe D, editor. Ethnoecology of monkeys among the Bari of Venezuela: Lenko K, Papavero N. Primates hunting by Guaymi amerindians in Costa Rica.

A cultura pesqueira do litoral Norte da Bahia.

  1. Malaguena.
  2. Animal Peculiarity Volume 3 Part 8.
  3. Wetlands: Integrating Multidisciplinary Concepts?
  4. The faunal drugstore: Animal-based remedies used in traditional medicines in Latin America.
  5. .
  6. Durchführbarkeitsstudie zur Abfallwirtschaft in Central - Java, Indonesien (German Edition).

Cockroach is Good for Asthma: Zootherapeutic Practices in Northeastern Brazil. Zootherapy Based Medicinal Traditions in Brazil. Bolkovic ML, Ramadori D. Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Argentina. Programas de uso sustentable. Los animales usados en la medicina popular mexicana. Acta Sci Biol Sci. Animal-based medicines used in ethnoveterinary practices in the semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil.

Animal-based remedies as complementary medicines in Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, Brazil. Animals to heal animals: Commercialization of animal-derived remedies as complementary medicine in the semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil. Commercialization of Uranoscodon superciliosus Linnaeus, Tropiduridae for magical-religious purposes in North and Northeastern of Brazil. An ethnozoological survey of medicinal animals commercialized in the markets of Campina Grande, NE Brazil. A Global overview of canids used in traditional medicines.

Hunting strategies used in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. The medicinal animal markets in the metropolitan region of Natal City, Northeastern Brazil. Research in Complementary Medicine. Primates in traditional folk medicine: Reptiles used for medicinal and magic religious purposes in Brazil. Reptiles used in traditional folk medicine: Use and commercialization of Podocnemis expansa Schweiger Testudines: Podocnemididae for medicinal purposes in two communities in North of Brazil. Zootherapy as an alternative therapeutic in South America.

Journal of Alternative Medicine Research. Atualidades em Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia. Begossi A, Braga F. Food taboos and folk medicine among fishermen from the Tocantins River. Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso; Cultura pesqueira, desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade no litoral norte do estado da Bahia: Honey bees from Brazil: Insect cure for ailments. Termite usage associated with antibiotic therapy: Vallejo P, Aguayo R.

Wildlife in the life of local people of the semi-arid Argentine Chaco. Importance of wild animals and their parts in the culture, religious festivals, and traditional medicine, of Nigeria. List of species traded for medicinal purposes. Eighteenth meeting of the animals committee. Handbook of African Medicinal Plants. The spears of twilight: Child Hygiene Among the Indians. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine.

Editorial Piedra Santa; Ortiz de Montellano BR. Aztec medicine, health and nutrition. Rutgers University Press; Parallels and potentials in animal and human ethnomedical technique. Agriculture and Human Values. The influence of religiosity on health. Implementing spiritual healing in modern medical practice: Culture, Disease, and Healing: Studies in Medical Anthropology.

Macmillan Publishing Co; The epidemiology of a folk illness: Susto in Hispanic America; pp. Cultural competence in pharmacy practice. Am J Pharm Educ. Integrating African and Western healing practices in South Africa. American journal of psychotherapy. A review of 'traditional'Aboriginal health beliefs. Australian Journal of Rural Health. Traditional pharmacopoeias and medicines among Albanians and Italians in southern Italy: Concepts of illness and curing in a central Nepal village. Contributions to Nepalese Studies. From Eshu to Obatala: Cambridge, UK and New York: I render services for science don't I?

Ethnoveterinary medicines for cattle Bos indicus in Bulamogi county, Uganda: Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine in Africa. Spectrum Books Ltda; Differential utilization and ethnobotany of trees in Kitulanghalo forest reserve and surrounding communal lands, eastern Tanzania. Is there any danger in using traditional remedies? Use of animal products in traditional Chinese medicine: Complementary Therapies in Medicine.

Livestock development and animal health in Latin America. Bol Centr Panam Fiebre Aftosa. An outline of the zoonoses. Iowa State University Press; Virus en primates no humanos: Zoonosis, Antroponosis y Biodiversidad. Park culls colony of diseased monkeys. Oxford University Press; Ethnopharmacy of the ethnic Albanians Arbereshe of northern Basilicata, Italy. Is the body fat of the lizard Tupinambis merianae effective against bacterial infections?

Medieval pharmacotherapy, continuity and change: Brill Academic Pub; The Promise Of Pharmaceutical Entomology. Insects and their chemical weaponry: New potential for drug discovery. Its importance to human health. Sustainable development and traditional knowledge: Local Markets and Medicinal Plant Commerce: A Review with Emphasis on Brazil. Wildlife Conservation Society Working Paper; The trade in bears and bear parts; pp.

Callister DJ, Bythewood T. Searching for a cure: Insects in traditional Chinese medicines. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science. The relevance of traditional bird drugs in relation to modern primary healthcare in Madhya Pradesh. Records of the Zoological Survey of India. Biodiversity prospecting and benefit-sharing: Exploring links between current environmental crisis and indigenous medical practices.

The changing global context of public health. Medicinal animals for the treatment of asthma in Brazil. Support Center Support Center. Please review our privacy policy. Physalia physalia Linnaeus, - Portuguese-man-of-war, jellyfish. Iphigenia brasiliana Lamarck, - giant coquina. Littorina angulifera Lamarck, - Periwinkle snail.


Mytella charruana Orbigny, - Mussel, Shellfish. Mytella guyanensis Lamarck - Mussel, Shellfish. Crassostrea rhizophorae Guilding, Mangrove oyster. Osteoporosis, pneumonia, stomach ache, cancer, flu, weakness, pain relief in injuries caused by the dorsal fin spine of a species of catfish, anaemia, tuberculosis.

Aliger pugilis Linnaeus, - West Indian fighting conch. Anomalocardia brasiliana Gmelin, - Clam, shellfish. Calappa ocellata Holthuis, - Ocellate box crab. Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille, - Blue land crab. Goniopsis cruentata Latreille, - Mangrove root crab. Plagusia depressa Fabricius, - Tidal spray crab. Emerita portoricensis Schmitt, - Puerto Rican sand crab. Ocypode quadrata JC Fabricius, - Ghost crab. Asthma, haemorrhage in women, flu, to alleviate the symptoms of intoxication with poison of niquim Pisces, Batrachoididae. Ucides cordatus Linnaeus, - Swamp Land crab.

Haemorrhage in women, incontinence urinary, osteoporosis, cough, asthma, tuberculosis, womb disorders, arthrosis, bronchitis. Macrobrachium carcinus Linnaeus, - Bigclaw river shrimp, Painted river prawn. Macrobrachium acanthurus Wiegmann, - Cinnamon river shrimp. Macrobrachium borellii Nobili, - Freshwater shrimp. Xiphopenaeus schmitti Burkenroad, - Southern white shrimp. Xiphopenaeus kroyeri Heller, - Atlantic seabob. Edwards, - Mantis shrimp. Milne Edwards, - Mangrove crab. Epilepsy, to alleviate the symptoms of intoxication with poison of Colomesus psittacus. Herbst, - coral clinging crab.

Milne-Edwards, - Bocourt swimming crab. Callinectes exasperatus Gerstaecker, - rugose swimming crab. Apis mellifera Linnaeus, - Africanised honey bee. Cough, flu, rheumatism, tuberculosis, bronchits, hoarseness, ulcer, diabetes, verminosis, headache, giddiness, backache, wounds, burns, mumps, varicose veins, arthrosis, cellulitis, amoebiasis, sore throat, asthma, anaemia, catarrh. Frieseomelitta silvestrii Friese, - Stingless bee.

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Melipona compressipes Fabricius, - Stingless bee. Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier, - Neotropical stingless bee. Melipona scutellaris Latreille, - Stingless bee. Headache, migraine, stroke, verminosis, stomach ache, tuberculosis, haemorrhage, cataracts, mycosis in the mouth, flu, cancer, asthma, bronchits, intestinal disorders, cough, sexual impotence, ophthalmological problems, weakness, thrombosis, amoebiasis, snake bite, rabies, sinusitis, fatigue. Sore throat, swelling, headache, thrombosis, stroke, leucoma, "slightly clean", cuts, wounds, cough, catarrh, toaday, sinusitis, effusion.

Cataracts, sinusitis, cough, flu, ophthalmological problems, sore throat, leucoma. Trigona spinipes Fabricius, - Stingless bee. Asthma, cough, flu, bronchits, acne, diabetes, stroke, thrombosis, migraine, itching, sore throat, giddiness, weakness, scabies, nasal congestion, to induce abortion, whooping cough, irritation when milk teeth are erupting, earache, epilepsy, shortness of breath, late menstruation, fatigue, effusion.

Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, - American cockroach. Heartburn, asthma, stomach ache, intestinal colic, earache, alcoholism, epilepsy, vomit, boil, haemorrhage, bronchits, diarrhoea, gonorrhea, panaris, cancer, stroke, burns, menstrual cramps, wounds, to suck a splinter out of skin or flesh, detoxification, avoiding pregnancy. Rhyparobia maderae Fabricius, - Madeira cockroach. Coraliomela brunnea Thumberg, - Fake cockroach. Earache, stroke, swelling, wounds, seborrheic dermatitis, inflammation, thrombosis. Rhynchophorus palmarum Linnaeus, - Pest of coconut palm. Rhinostomus barbirostris Fabricius, - Pest of coconut palm.

Atta cephalotes Linnaeus, - Leaf-cutter ant. Dinoponera quadriceps Santschi, - Bullet ant. Acheta domesticus Linnaeus, - House cricket. Scabies, asthma, eczema, lithiasis, earache, oliguresis, rheumatism, urine retention, children that urinate in bed and speak with lateness, incontinence urinary, ophthalmological problems.

Palembus dermestoides Fairmaire, - Peanut beeatle. Sexual impotence, ophthalmological problems, rheumatism, weakness. Boil, baldness, eyesore, external sebaceus lamps, stye, spots in the face, ophthalmological problems, dermatosis, cysties, erysipelas. Pediculus humanus Linnaeus, - Body louse, Head louse. Nasutitermes macrocephalus Silvestri, - Termite. Asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, 'catarrh in the chest' coughs, influenza, sore throat, sinusitis, tonsillitis and hoarseness.

Nasutitermes corninger Motschulsky, - termite. Thrombosis, ashtma, giddiness, nasal haemorrhage, haemorrhage, stroke, disorders after parturition, ophthalmological problems, mumps, late menstruation. Brachygastra lecheguana Latreille, - Dark paper wasp. Echinometra lucunter Linnaeus, - Rock boring urchin. Mellita sexiesperforata Leske, - Six holed keyhole urchin. Lytechinus variegatus Lamarck, - Green sea urchin.

Trachelyopterus galeatus Linnaeus, - Driftwood Cat. Leporinus friderici Bloch, - Frederici's leporinus. Schizodon knerii Steindachner, - White piau. Sciadeichthys luniscutis Valenciennes, - Catfish. Aspredinichthys tibicen Valenciennes, - Tenbarbed banjo. Balistes capriscus Gronow, - Grey triggerfish. Balistes vetula Linnaeus, - Queen triggerfish. Stroke, asthma, thrombosis, earache, Injuries caused by fish species, haemorrhage, ascites, schistosomiasis, appendicitis, menstrual cramps, gastritis.

Thalassophryne nattereri Steindachner, - Venomous toadfish. Callichthys callichthys Linnaeus, - Armoured catfish. Carcharhinus porosus Ranzani, - Smalltail shark. Asthma, rheumatism, wounds, inflammations, osteoporosis, anaemia. Rhizoprionodon porosus Poey, - Sharpnose shark. Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, - redband trout. Centropomus parallelus Poey, - Smallscale fat snook. Centropomus undecimalis Bloch, - Common snook. Astyanax bimaculatus Linnaeus, - Twospot astyanax. Paracheirodon axelrodi Schultz, - Cardinal tetra.

Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, - Black-finned colossoma. Hydrolycus scomberoides Cuvier, - Vampire characin. Salminus brasiliensis Cuvier, - Jaw characin. Opisthonema oglinum Lesueur, - Atlantic thread herring. Franciscodoras marmoratus Reinhardt, - Urutu. Lithodoras dorsalis Valenciennes, - Bacu Pedra. Pterodoras granulosus Valenciennes, - Catfish. Echeneis naucrates Linnaeus, - Live sharksucker. Electrophorus electricus Linnaeus, - Electric eel. Sprains, bruises, insect bites, snake bite, asthma, flu, pain in general, muscle strain, rheumatism, osteoporosis, deafness, pneumonia, itching, tuberculosis, earache, toothache.

Ophthalmological problems, rheumatism, cataracts, wounds, snake bite, conjunctivitis, stroke, thrombosis, asthma, toothache, fever, earache, diarrhoea, deafness, boils, bleedings, Alcoholism, tetanus, sore throat, itching, sprains, leucoma. Hoplias lacerdae Miranda Ribeiro, Giant trahira. Ginglymostoma cirratum Bonnaterre, - Nurse shark. Pimelodella brasiliensis Steindachner, - Mandim.

Holocentrus adscensionis Osbeck, - Squirrelfish. Stroke, headache, asthma, shortness of breath, thrombosis, chest pain, injuries caused by bang. Stephanolepis hispidus Linnaeus, - Common filefish. Gymnothorax moringa Cuvier, - Spotted moray. Gymnothorax vicinus Castelnau, - Purplemouth moray. Pellona flavipinnis Valenciennes, - Yellowfin river pellona.

Aetobatus narinari Euphrasen, - Spotted eagle ray. Asthma, injuries caused by fish species, burns, haemorrhage. Narcine brasiliensis Olfers, - Brazilian electric Ray. Ogcocephalus vespertilio Linnaeus, - Batfish. Asthma, wounds, hernia, burns in the skin, rheumatism, flu, cough, pneumonia. Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum Lunnaeus, - Tiger catfish. Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum Valenciennes, - Catfish. Zungaro zungaro Humboldt, - Black manguruyu.

Asthma, toothache, earache, wounds, athlete's foot, burns in the skin, rheumatism, flu. Injuries caused by fish species, wounds, cracks in the sole of the feet. Pristis pectinata Latham, - Smalltooth sawfish. Atlantoraja cyclophora Regan, - Eyespot skate. Cynoscion leiarchus Cuvier, - Smooth weakfish. Micropogonias furnieri Desmarest, - Whitemouth croaker. Pachyurus francisci Cuvier, - San Francisco croaker. Plagioscion squamosissimus Heckel, - South american silver croaker.

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  • Calamus penna Valenciennes, - Sheepshead porgy. Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, - Marbled swamp eel. Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, - Longsnout seahorse. Asthma, edema, bronchits, haemorrhage, haemorrhage in women, disorders after parturition, gastritis, tuberculosis, to prevent abortion. Sphoeroides testudineus Linnaeus, - Checkered puffer. Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, - Largehead hairtail. Urotrygon microphthalmum Delsman, - Smalleyed round stingray.

    Urinary incontinence, dental caries, cancer, wounds, boils, erysipelas acne, to induce abortion. Bufo macrocristatus Firschein and Smith, - toad. Leptodactylus labyrinthicus Spix, - South american pepper frog. Hemidactylus mabouia Moreau de Jonnes, - Afro-American house gecko. Earache, erysipelas, asthma, rheumatism, edema, abscesses, joint pain, wounds, acne, athlete's foot, sore throat, swelling, burn, tumour, to suck a splinter out of skin or flesh, boil, injuries caused by the spines of the 'arraia' and others fishes, inflammation, hernia, body aches, corisa, womb disorders, menstrual cramps.

    Earache, deafness, rheumatism, erysipelas, skin thorns and wounds, respiratory diseases, sore throat, snake bite, asthma, tumour, swelling, infection, bronchits, perforation, oftalmological problems. Sexual impotence, rheumatism, erysipelas, dermatitis, snake bites, asthma, tetanus, earache, thrombosis, wounds, panaris, swelling, herpes zoster, irritation when milk teeth are erupting, jaundice, inflammation, tumour, sore throat, infection, bronchits, injuries caused by the spines of the 'arraia', pain relief in injuries caused by snake bites, toothache, suck a splinter out of skin or fresh, headache, cough, stroke, coarse throat.

    Alcoholism, dermatomycosis, warts, abscesses, boils, sore throat, erysipelas, healing of umbilical cord of newborn baby. Rheumatism, lung disease, thrombosis, boils, tuberculosis, stomach ache, edema, snake bite, cancer, pains, swelling, to prevent abort, pain in the body, inflammation, athlete's foot, calluses, tumours, cracks in the sole of the feets, goiter, sore throat, arthrosis, insect sting, dog bite, erysipelas, asthma, neck strain, strain muscle, backache, contusions and muscular pain. Corallus caninus Linnaeus, - American emerald tree boa.

    To assist in removing spines or other sharp structures from the skin, rheumatism. Wounds, skin problems, bruises, sprains, arthrosis, rheumatism, boils, sexual impotence, headache, sore throat, thrombosis, swelling, tumour, asthma, muscle strain, numbness, syphilis, to reduce pain, luxation. Epicrates cenchria Linnaeus, - Brazilian rainbow boa.

    Mastigodryas bifossatus Raddi, - Rio tropical racer. Pain in the bones, pain in kidneys and to treat inflamations, tootache and scare, fractures. Caudisona durissa Linnaeus, - Neotropical rattlesnake. Asthma, snake bite, thrombosis, wounds, luxation, rheumatism, pain in the legs, erysipelas, deafness, epilepsy, skin diseases, tuberculosis, hanseniasis, backache, tumour, boil, headache, earache, osteoporosis, sore throat, toothache, insects bite, irritation when milk teeth are erupting, cancer, to accelerate parturition, pain in the body, avoid pregnancy, mail aire, swellings, bone aches, gastritis, eczema.

    Pneumonia, muscular pain, sight, sore throat, gangrene, varicose veins, ulcer. Rheumatism, swelling, tumour, boil, insects bite, snake bite. Phrynops geoffroanus Schweigger, - Geoffroy's side-necked turtle. Asthma, sore throat, swelling, earache, rheumatism, arthrosis, healing of umbilical cord of newborn baby, mumps, ingrown nail, eczema, articulation problems, wounds. Mesoclemmys tuberculata Luederwaldt, - Tuberculate toadhead turtle.

    Rheumatism, discharge, thrombosis, bronchits, diarrhoea, haemorrhag, asthma, sore throat, hoarseness. Caretta caretta Linnaeus, - Loggerhead turtle. Injuries caused by bang, toothache, diabetes, headache, backache, wounds, cough, bronchits, asthma, thrombosis, rheumatism, stroke, hoarseness, flu, backache, earache, sore throat, swelling. Chelonia mydas Linnaeus, - Green sea turtle. Injuries caused by bang, toothache, diabetes, headache, backache, wounds, cough, bronchits, asthma, flu, thrombosis, rheumatism, stroke, hoarseness, earache, sore throat, swelling, whooping cough, arthritis, erysipelas, boil, arthrosis, inflammation.

    Eretmochelys imbricata Linnaeus, - Atlantic hawksbill. Injuries caused by bang, toothache, diabetes, headache, backache, wounds, cough, bronchits, asthma, thrombosis, stroke, hoarseness, flu, rheumatism, earache, sore throat, swelling. Injuries caused by bang, toothache, diabetes, headache, backache, wounds, cough, flu, bronchitis, asthma, thrombosis, rheumatism, stroke, hoarseness. Dermochelys coriacea Vandelli, - Leatherback turtle. Rhinoclemmys punctularia Daudin, - Spot-legged turtle. Podocnemis expansa Schweiger, - Amazon river turtle. Inflammation, acne, tumour, boil, rheumatism, pterygium, skin spots, backache, earache, arthrosis, arthritis, swelling, wrinkle.

    Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, - Yellow-spotted river turtle. Podocnemis sextuberculata Cornalia, - Six-tubercled Amazon River turtle. Chelonoidis carbonaria Spix, - Red-footed tortoise. Catarrh, erysipelas, bronchitis, to stop the sensation to getting thirsty, asthma. Chelonoidis denticulata Linnaeus, - Yellowfooted tortoise. Sore throat, rheumatism, hernia, wounds, leishmaniosis, varicocele, earache, part of woman's body, asthma, pains. Caiman crocodilus Linnaeus, - Common cayman. Asthma, stroke, bronchitis, backache, earache, rheumatism, thrombosis, sexual impotence, snake bites, evil eye, irritation when milk teeth are erupting, discharge, swelling, scratch, athlete's foot, ophthalmological problems, sore throat, amulet used as a protection against snake bite, hernia, prostate problems, infection, inflammation, epilepsy.

    Asthma, sore throat, amulet used as a protection against snake bite, rheumatism, irritation when milk teeth are erupting, hernia, prostate problems. Thrombosis, infection, swelling, asthma, amulet used as a protection against snake bite, injuries caused by spines of the 'arraia', pain relief in injuries caused by snake bites. Snake bite, asthma, stroke, rheumatism, thrombosis, backache, sexual impotence, edema, mycosis, evil eye, irritation when milk teeth are erupting, discharge, sore throat, amulet used as a protection against snake bite, hernia, prostate problems. Geranoaetus melanoleucus Vieillot, - Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle.

    The feathers are used as inensing and to makemasks, wrinkles. Netta erythrophthalma Wied-Neuwied, - 'paturi'. Anhima cornuta Linnaeus, - Horned screamer, anuhma. Swelling, inflammation, injuries caused by the spines of the 'arraia' and others fishes, asthma, boil, tumour, rheumatism, earache. Coragyps atratus Bechstein, - Black vulture.

    Deafness, bronchitis, anaemia, alcoholism, asthma, flu, earache, rheumatism, pain in the parturition, mal aire, swelling, epilepsy. Penelope jacucaca Spix, - White-browed guan. To cure rheumatism and to remove the "negative energy" from people. Pauxi tuberosa Spix, - Razor-billed Curassow. Pneumonia, bleeding, children's lack of appetite, indigestion, stroke, insect" and snake bites. Injuries caused by the spines of the 'arraia' and others fishes, thrombosis.

    Cyanocorax cyanopogon Wied, - White-naped jay. Procnias nudicollis Vieillot, - araponga, Bare-throated Bellbird. Vanellus chilensis Molina, - Southern lapwing. Herpetotheres cachinnans Linnaeus, - Laughing falcon. Caracara plancus Miller, - Southern caracara. Catarrh, fever, warts, haemorrhage, bronchitis, nasal congestion, flu, skin thorns and wounds, asthma, sore throat, tumour, poor digestion, healing of umbilical cord of newborn baby, swelling, cough, tuberculosis, earache, tonsillitis, rheumatism, diarrhoea, inflammation, pneumonia, Renal calculus, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, swelling.

    Dryocopus lineatus Linnaeus, - Lineated woodpecker. Dandruff, muscular pain, ophthalmological problems, Insomnia,. Aramides cajanea Statius Muller, - Grey-necked wood-rail. Ramphastos tucanus Linnaeus, - Red-billed Toucan. Ramphastos vitellinus Lichtenstein, - Channel-billed toucan.

    RWBY Volume 2, Chapter 1: Best Day Ever - Rooster Teeth

    Pteroglossus aracari Linnaeus, - Black-necked aracari. Pteroglossus inscriptus - Swainson, , Lettered aracari. Crypturellus noctivagus Wied, - Yellow-legged tinamou. Crypturellus variegatus Gmelin, - Inambu-galinha. Nothura boraquira Spix, - White-bellied nothura. Nothura maculosa cearensis Naumburg, - Spotted Nothura.

    Rhynchotus rufescens Temminck, - Red-winged tinamou. Tinamus solitarius Viellot - Macuco, macuca. Eupetomena macroura Gmelin, - Swallow-tailed hummingbird. Fluvicola nengeta Linnaeus, - Masked water-tyrant. Molossus molossus Pallas, , Pallas' free-tailed bat Bat. Noctilio leporinus Linnaeus, - greater bulldog bat. Wound in the breast caused by suckling, ophthalmological problems, stomach disorders, pterygium, to suck a splinter out of skin or flesh, injuries caused by the spines of 'arraia', control cholesterol level, thrombosis, general body pain, leishmaniasis, snake bite, rheumatism, heart pain, pain in bones, liver pain, fever, child birth, ant bite.

    Thrombosis, evil eye, amulet used as a protection against snake bite, baldness, sexual impotence, measles, varicella, anaemia, whooping cough, Alcoholism, rheumatism, inflammation, asthma, cough, sore throat, wounds, cracks in the sole of the feet, bronchitis, dizziness, bladder problems, varicella, removal of thorns, paralisia facial, nervousness, earache, migraine,. Bubalus bubalis Linnaeus, - Water buffalo feral. Edema, fractures, erysipelas, herpes zoster, backache, swelling, to assist children who take longer than usual to start walking, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, muscle strain, inflammation, luxation, cracks in the sole of the feet, joint pain, removal of thorns.

    Stomach ache, fever, susto and espanto , swelling, madness.