
Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheters. Why You Really Hurt: Its All In The Foot. Anatomy and Human Movement E-Book. Paediatric Advanced Life Support. Instrumentation for the Operating Room. Your Final Freedom from Plantar Fasciitis.

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Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Prosthetics and Patient Management. Foot and Ankle Radiology. Non-Surgical Control of Periodontal Diseases. Clinical Skills in Child Health Practice. Orthodontic Management of the Developing Dentition. Clinical Skills in Treating the Foot. The Guidebook to Molar Endodontics. External Fixators of the Foot and Ankle.

Neale's Disorders of the Foot. Manual Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes. Endodontic Treatment, Retreatment, and Surgery.

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Clinical and Laboratory Manual of Implant Overdentures. Journal of Prosthodontics on Complex Restorations. Basics in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty - E-book. How to write a great review.

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Home eBooks Nonfiction Pocket Podiatry: In your text, when you need to give a reference for a claim or assertion, you would use a citation , linked to your full bibliography at the end of your work. There are two main systems for doing this:.

The Oxford Referencing System relies on footnotes. The first time you reference a publication, you would give a footnote reference, for example:. Footnote 3, in this example, would contain the complete bibliographic reference see above to the relevant publication. When you subsequently reference the same source, you should include a further footnote, but this time you need only include the author, date of publication, and page number if appropriate, for example:.

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Ian Mathieson (Editor of Pocket Podiatry)

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