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Three of the five men faith. The names of these suf- ferers have been preserved, and enrolled in the martyrology of the French Reformation. He deserves, says Callot, to be re- garded as the father of the Rochellese reformation, because of the part he took in the organization of the church in that place. La Ro- chelle protestante, pp.
Richer died in La Rochelle, March 8, See also Delmas, Eglise reformee de la Rochelle, p. Lery, " Villegagnon was the first to shed the They soon fell into the hands of the Portu- guese, who were not more disposed than the treacherous Villegagnon to show mercy to Cal- vinists. One of the fugitives was induced by threats or by promises to renounce his faith. Three others were thrown into prison. Among Jean thesc was a man of note, lean Boles, a scholar Boies. The Jesuits spared no effort to persuade him to follow his companion's example. Boles, how- ever, remained firm throughout a captivity of eight years.
At the end of that time, the Jesuit Provincial ordered him to be brought to the newly-founded city of St. Sebastian — now Rio de Janeiro — and there put to a cruel death, in order that any of his Protestant countrymen, still lingering in that region, might take warning by his fate. The Jesuit writers represent this martyr as having recanted shortly before his ex- ecution. If so, his recantation must have been made, according to their own showing, under promise of reprieve, or of an easier mode of death. Meanwhile, Villegagnon's colony had been entirely broken up by the Portuguese.
Soon after the departure of Du Pont and the other Protestant leaders for Europe, the commander himself returned to France, where he at once avowed himself a zealous champion of the Church of Rome. On the other hand, the Roman Catholic writers make no mention of a departure from the Roman faith: If Claude Haton is to be credited, Villegagnon carried with him to Brazil all the requisites for the celebration of the Mass " ornemens d'eglise pour dire la messe. An estimate of his character would be incomplete, however, that should not take into account, together with his insincerity, his eccentricities of conduct while in Brazil, indicating apparently some degree of mental aberration.
He was a native of Provins, in Champagne. His fellow-townsman, Claude Haton, eulogizes him as a valiant servant of the king, and defender of the Church, "ennemy capital " of the heretical Huguenots, whom he opposed to his utmost with temporal and spiritual arms. Early in the year , a Portuguese fleet The little garri- son which Villegagnon had left in charge of Fort Coligny was overpowered after a brave resistance. Coligny's first experiment in colonization had failed, and the hopes that had been awakened throughout Protestant France, of a place of refuge from religious oppression in the New Coligny World, lay prostrate.
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But Coligny himself was couraged. There was much to account for the ill success of the expe- dition to Brazil, especially in the character and conduct of its chief ; but for whose faithlessness or imbecility, it must have seemed then as it has seemed since, a French colony might have flour- ished at Rio de Janeiro, and the dream of an " Antarctic France " mio;ht have been realized.
Such a settlement would have speedily re- ceived large accessions, and would have found itself strong enough to hold its ground against the enemy. Indeed, when the news of Ville- gagnon's treachery reached Europe, a company of emigrants, numbering seven or eight hund- et frangoys, pour confuter la faulse oppinion de son com- paignon d'escolle, Jehan Calvin, de Genefve, et autres predi- cans de la faulse oppinion lutherienne et huguenoticque.
But there were others in the Prot- estant ranks, tried and trusted leaders, who stood ready for a. The times also, if not brighter, were more op- portune. The Huguenots, as they now began to be called, had become a recognized power in the land ; with two princes of the blood — Antoine, kinof of Navarre, and his brother, Louis, prince of Conde — at their head. There was a lull in the storm of persecution. Edict of July, Edict after edict of the government had pronounced the penalties of imprisonment, confiscation of goods, and death, upon the fol- lowers of Luther and Calvin, and while enforc- ing persecution under the forms of law, had en- couraeed the countless deeds of violence which a lawless populace stood always ready to perpe- trate.
The latest of these edicts was the most severe and sweeping. It inflicted punishment by imprisonment and confiscation upon all who, whether armed or unarmed, should attend any heretical service of worship, public or pri- vate. The passage of this law intensified the feelings of hostility, which were soon to break out into open strife, between the two great re- ligious parties. While the Romanists exulted, the Protestants did not conceal their indignation.
Even Coligny, pacific, and anxious to avert the impending calamity of civil war, declared plainly that the " Edict of July," as it was called, could never be carried into effect. But meanwhile, as the strength of the Protestant party grew more apparent, and its position more menacing, the necessity of conciliation became obvious to the court. Catharine de Medici, now regent of the kingdom during the minority of her son Charles IX.
France, already numbering two thousand one hundred and fifty, that asked for freedom and protection in the exercise of their religion. It was now that for the first Tse? The penalties previously pronounced on its adherents were provisionally repealed, until a general Coun- cil of the Church could be called for the settle- ment of all questions of religious faith.
Prot- estants throughout the kingdom were to be ex- empt from all molestation, while proceeding on their way to their religious assemblies and in returning from them ; and the presence of an officer of the government at every ecclesiastical meeting gave dignity and legality to the pro- ceedings of the Protestant consistories, collo- quies, and synods. Such was the favorable juncture which Coligny chose for a second effort to accomplish his cher- ished plan of American colonization.
At their head was Jean Ribaut, an experienced officer of the Reformed party, whom Coligny had chosen to lead them. Nearly all the soldiers and laborers, as well as a few noblemen who presented themselves, were Calvinists. The first of these, Rene de Laudonniere, was no ordinary man. An experi- enced navigator, and a man of tried integrity, he enjoyed the full confidence of Coligny, whom he greatly resembled in character. Nicolas Barre had accompanied Villegagnon in the ex- pedition to Brazil. Others of the party were veteran seamen, and were familiar with the re- gion about to be visited.
May — now the St. Here they landed ; and the first impulse of the Huguenots was to kneel down upon the shore, in thanksgiving to God, and in prayer that he would bless their enterprise, and that he would bring to the knowl- edge of the Saviour the heathen Inhabitants of this new world. Their actions were watched with wonder by a company of the friendly na- tives, who had gathered fearlessly around them and who sat motionless during the strange cere- monial.
After this, Ribaut took formal pos- session of the country in the name of the King of France, and set up a pillar of stone, engraven with the royal arms, upon a small elevation in a grove of cypress and palm trees near the harbor. Returning to their ships, the French continued the exploration of the coast, until they reached a broad estuary to which they gave a name which it has retained to the present day.
It was the Port channel of Port Royal. It was called Charlesfort, in honor of the Ribaut did not wait to see the work completed. His present voyage was one of ex- ploration chiefly. Report of the discoveries made and the enterprise begun must be carried to the king ; and larger supplies of men and of means for the establishment of the colony must be secured.
Leaving, therefore, a few of his followers to garrison the little fort, Ribaut, with Laudonniere and the others, set sail for Europe, and arrived in Dieppe on the twentieth day of July, only five months from the time of their embarkation. Outbreak Meanwhile, however, civil war had broken first civil out in France. For the first time, they took up arms in good earnest to defend their civil and religious rights. The Protestant nobility of the kingdom gathered around the Prince of Conde, their rec- ognized leader. CoHgny himself, whose cautious and patriotic spirit shrank from the prospect of a civil conflict, at length decided to join his brethren in the field.
The moment was unfav- orable, in which to plead for re-enforcements in behalf of a distant colonv. The handful of men left in possession of the fort near Port Royal, met a miserable fate. Coligfnv was still icrnorant of this wretched second ex ,. Representing to the king that no tidings had yet arrived from the men whom Ribaut had left in Florida, he ob- tained permission to fit out three ships, of sixty, one hundred, and one hundred and twenty tons respectively, to go in search of them, and to bring them relief.
Rene de Laudonniere was chosen as chief of the new expedition, and a number of noblemen, and of experienced officers and sailors, volunteered to join it. Michel Vasseur commanded one The expedition was accom- panied by a draughtsman, Jacques Lemoyne de Mourcrues. The adventurers sailed from Havre in April, April 23c A voyage of no more than the usual leno-th brought them to the mouth of the St. John's, where Ribaut had first set up the arms of France.
Following the course of the river for a short distance, Laudonniere chose a spot, six miles from the sea, as the site of a projected town, and at once began the building of a fort which he named La Caroline. The locality is now known as St. Prayers ended, each one began to take courage.
Not fourteen months from the day when Laudonniere landed upon the bank of St. John's river, full of hope and courage, the spot thus consecrated with prayer and praise was red- dened by the blood of his followers ; and another of Colio-ny's experiments of colonization ter- known as St. Here the river runs closely by the shore, making a bold, deep channel close up to the bank.
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The land rises abruptly on one side into a hill of moderate height, covered with a dense growth of pine, cedar, etc. This hill gently slopes to the bank of the river, and runs off to the southwest, where, at a distance of a quarter of a mile, a creek discharges itself into the river, at a place called "the shipyard " from time immemorial.
I am not aware that any remains of Fort Caroline, or any old remains of a fortress, have ever been discovered here ; but it must be recollected that this fort was constructed of sand and pine trees, and that three hundred years have passed away — a period suffi- cient to have destroyed a work of much more durable char- acter. Moreover, it is highly probable, judging from present appearances, that the constant abrasion of the banks, still going on, has long since worn away the narrow spot where stood Fort Caroline.
Au- gustine, Florida, by George R. The events of introd. Suffice it to say here, that the French re-enacted the mistakes and the misfortunes of previous undertakings. They neglected the cultivation of the soil, yielded to the seductions of gold, and fell out among themselves. Their policy toward the natives was injudicious. Finding the savage tribes of the interior at war, and anxious to secure the white man's help, Laudonniere at first endeavored to maintain a strict neutrality ; but he soon suffered himself to be drawn into alliances that proved disastrous.
Insubordmation and conspiracy were ness. The young nobles, who had accompanied the expedition in the hope that they might enrich themselves from the far- famed treasures of the new world, were soured and angered by their failure to discover gold in Florida. They could not stoop to work for their bread, and they took it ill when required to do their part in the labors of fortification.
The Protestants, who composed the majority of the expedition, complained of the indifference of their leader to religion. No Huguenot pastor had joined the colony ; and those who had been accustomed to religious ministrations in the camp, as well as at home, declared openly that they would take the very first opportunity to leave. But the direst calamity that befell the ill- planned enterprise, was famine. From this record of mistakes and calamitous errors, it is pleasant to turn for a moment to some redeeming facts in the story of the French in Florida.
Unlike the Spaniards, they treated the savage inhabitants of the country with much gentleness ; and their brief occupation left no Psalm- such memories of cruelty as the earlier visits of Florida, the Spanish adventurers had left. Long after the breaking up of Laudonniere's colony, the European, cruising along the coast, or landing upon the shore, would be saluted with some snatch of a French psalm uncouthly rendered by Indian voices, in strains caught from the Calvin- ist soldier on patrol, or from the boatman ply- ing his oar on the river.
Of the three small and frail vessels which had brought his followers over, only one remained that could be made sea-worthy. By the first days of August, the carpenters had completed their work ; and the French were making ready for departure, when a fleet appeared off the August mouth of the St. The four ships of which it was composed were commanded by the famous English navigator John Hawkins. His coming was friendly ; he willingly relieved from his naval stores the most pressing necessities of the French, and he offered to transport them all to France.
Laudonniere declined this offer, but availed himself of the Englishman's kindness by purchasing one of his ships at a nominal price. Its admiral was Jean Ribaut, the leader of the former expe- dition. Reports unfavorable to the character of Lau- donniere had reached France. Coligny decided to recall him, and at the same time to send a much larger force for the occupation of Florida. Seven ships, some of them of considerable size, were fitted out for this purpose. They carried not far from one thousand men. A number of Huguenot gentlemen joined the expedition as volunteers.
This time, the religious wants of the adventurers were not forgotten. At least one clergyman,' Robert by name, accompanied them. The minister had an efficient helper in Le Chal- leux, the ship-carpenter, a man of advanced years, and well versed in Holy Scripture. John's river on the twenty-seventh of August. The larger ships remained at anchor, while Ribaut with three smaller vessels sailed up the river to La Caro- line.
Arcadia Montessori » Vivamus Sagittis Est Diam Fringilla
Laudonniere, summoned on board the flag-ship, was soon able to clear himself from the charges which Ribaut brought to his notice, and the old associates were friends once more. Five days after Ribaut's arrival, tid- ings were signaled from the coast that another September fleet had come in sight. It was late in the after- noon ; a heavy fog was just lifting, and in the dusk the sentinels at the mouth of the river could not distinguish the nationality of the ships.
The night of the third of Septem- ber wore away anxiously at La Caroline. But with the dawn of the following day all uncertainty vanished. They had descried the approaching fleet, and recognized a dreaded foe. The Spaniards had come. Spain and France The were for the time at peace. Florida belonged to Spain by virtue of discovery ; and though the Spaniards had been unsuccessful heretofore in their attempts to conquer the country, they did not propose to surrender their claim to a rival power.
Least of all would they permit the hated Huguenot to establish himself upon those shores. Pedro Menendez de Abila had now come with a strong force to execute this commission. His fleet consisted of some fifteen vessels, several of them ships of large tonnage.
Menendez hoped to take the French una- wares. Failing in this, he landed his men at a spot thirty miles south of the St. John's, near the present city of St. Meanwhile the French at La Caroline were consulting as to the course to be pursued in view of this sudden danpfer. Ribaut alone insisted upon a naval engagement. His plan was to fall upon the enemy's ships, and after disarming them, attack and destroy the forces already landed.
Remonstrances and ar- guments availed nothing. Laudonniere was no longer in command. Had his advice been taken, " Florida," says the enthusiastic historian of La Floridc Frangaisc, " would have remained a French country. Ribaut ordered all his soldiers on board, to- gether with as many of Laudonniere's men as were fit for service.
Only those who had been wounded in a late affray with one of the Indian tribes of the interior, were left at La Caroline, with their late commander, himself disabled at the time by illness. Heavy-hearted, Laudonniere saw his comrades sail away. A furious storm soon broke upon the coast: Leaving the bulk of his little army at September the fort which he had built and named St.
French fort was reached. Only the women and children were spared. Laudonniere and a few others fled. Among them was the Hu- guenot minister Robert. After many hair- breadth escapes, the fugitives reached the coast, and were taken on board one of the smaller ships which Ribaut had left in the river. It was soon joined by another of these vessels, and the two, though poorly fitted for the long voyage, succeeded in making their way across the ocean.
Eibaut A far more wretched fate was reserved for STirrsH" ders. Ribaut and his shipwrecked followers. With great difficulty, they made their way northward through forests and swamps almost impassable, till they came in view of La Caroline, only to see the Spanish flag flying from its wall.

Re- tracing their steps, they found themselves in the neighborhood of the Spanish force at fort St. Ribaut sent one of his officers to ask for terms of surrender. Menendez informed the Frenchman of the slaughter of his compan- ions at La Caroline. Even such, he coldly as- sured him, should be the fate of every man who professed the Protestant religion.
Menen- dez was reminded that his nation was still at peace with France. Delaborde, Coligny, L, , note. Yield yourselves to my mercy, give up your arms and your colors, and I will do as God may prompt me. Ribaut announced the Spaniard's decision to his little army, and gave it as his own opinion that there was no alternative for them but surrender. Two hundred rejected the proposal, and fled into the woods. The others — one hundred and fifty in number — hoping against hope, threw them- selves upon the compassion of one to whom the Butchery word had no meaning.
In an interview with Ribaut's messenger, the Spanish comman- der caused one of his officers to personate him. The officer made the most solemn promise that the lives of the French should be spared. How- ever this may be, all the authorities agree as to the fact of the surrender, and the wholesale ex- ecution. Menendez himself announced it to his government. It appeared to me that by thus chastising them, God our Lord and your Majesty were served.
Whereby in future this evil sect will leave us more free to plant the Gospel in these parts. The party of two hundred that had refused to Making their way back to the place of their shipwreck, near Cape Canaveral, they attempted to construct a vessel out of the fragments of the broken ships. Menendez pursued them, but finding that they were prepared to sell their lives dear, he entered into negotiations with them, and engaged to treat them as prisoners of war.
Perhaps satiated for the time with human blood, he kept the promise, until word came from the Spanish king, remanding his prisoners to the galleys. Thus ends the story of the Huguenot expedi- tion to Florida — in carnage, and in slavery worse than death. Upon the spot where many of his unresisting victims were ignominiously killed, after the cap- ture of La Caroline, Menendez placed a tablet bearing this inscription: Two years later, a gallant French officer de- The crime termined to avenge the slaughter of his country- avenged.
The French court had loudly complained of this outrage committed upon its subjects in a time of peace between the two nations. Its remon- strances, however, made no impression upon Philip the Second, nor was any redress obtained for the widows and orphans of the butchered Huguenots. After a perilous voyage, De Gourgues reached the coast of Florida, enlisted the friendly Indians of the neighboring region in his service, and falling upon La Caroline, i The greater number of these he put to the sword.
The remainder he hung April Under the Edict, acadia and canada. The Edict of Nantes was signed on the thir- chap. The publi- cation of this royal decree was followed by the speedy return of prosperity to France. In one day, says Benoist, the disasters of forty years were repaired. The civil wars had left the country in a deplorable condition.
Everywhere the traces of the long struggle were to be seen, in ruined villages and dismantled castles, in farms laid waste, and cities impoverished. Under the Edict, which secured to the Protestants of France the enjoyment of their civil and religious rights, public confidence soon revived, and trade and manufactures began to flourish. For these advantages, the kingdom was large- suiiy's ly indebted to the statesmanship of the great mansMp. It was the good fortune of Henry the Fourth to have for his trusty counselor a man of staunch fidelity and of far-sighted wisdom.
Bringing a rigid economy into all the departments of government, he rapidly reduced the enormous debt which had accumu- lated during the civil wars ; whilst at the same time he sought to encourage agriculture as the most assured means of national enrichment. The king favored foreign com- merce and colonization. It was his ambition to possess a powerful navy ; to promote adventure and discovery and trade with distant parts ; and especially, to carry out the scheme which had originated with Coligny, his early teacher and companion in arms, for the establishment of a French colony in America.
The time for this CTreat undertakino- had come at last ; and it is to Henry the Fourth that the honor belongs, of having founded the first agricultural colony in the New World, and of having founded it upon principles of religious equality and freedom. Already for a hundred years the banks of Newfoundland had been frequented by French fishermen. From the harbors of Normandy and Bretagne, from La Rochelle, and the low sandy islands along the coast between the Loire and the Gironde, hardy seamen ventured forth an- nually across the Atlantic, rivaling the English and the Spaniards in discovery and commercial enterprise.
Not a few of them were Protest. Many of the ships that visited the fish- Chap. Lawrence, were owned by Hugue- not merchants, and manned by Huguenot sail- ors, whose loud voices were often heard, in port and at sea, to the indignation of all good Catho- lics, as they joined lustily in singing Clement Marot's psalms. The Reformation early gained a foothold in the seaboard provinces of western France. It was about the year , that two of Calvin's first and most ardent disciples' entered the province of Saintonge, and began to preach the new doctrines.
Their success was marked, es- spread of pecially among the humbler classes of the pop- doctrines, ulation. In a short time, nearly every village and hamlet had been reached. These mission- ary labors were aided by recruits from an unex- pected quarter. A number of monks, in the central part of France, having heard of Luther, left their monasteries, and crossed the frontier into Germany, to hear the great reformer for themselves. Upon their return to France, they began to preach boldly against the abuses of Rome ; but soon, incurring the displeasure of ' Philippe Veron, called " le Ramasseur," and Albert Babinot, were of the number of those who came under Calvin's influence during his stay in Poitiers for some months, before he went to Geneva.
Several of these monks came into Sain- tono-e, and took refuge among the rude fisher- men and seamen who inhabited the islands of Ole- ron, Marennes, and Arvert. Here, cautiously at first, and then more openly, they preached their Lutheran doctrines, protected by a dignitary of the Church who was in sympathy with the Ref- ormation, and finding much acceptance with the The persecution that soon arrested the August, labors of these zealous men, several of whom were burned at the stake, did not prevent the spread of the new faith in Saintonge.
By the middle of the sixteenth century, a large part of the population of this province, as of the ad- joining provinces, had embraced the Protestant religion. In many other Huguenot towns, the pub- lic exercises of the Roman Catholic worship had been interrupted almost as long: Protestant and Catholic alike, the merchants and seamen of western France were now look- ino- with keen interest toward America as a field of commercial adventure.
There were reasons, however, why Protestants especially should wel- come the plan of colonization in the New World. They were by no means free from anxiety as to their condition and prospects in France. The Edict of Nantes, whilst it recog- nized and " irrevocably " confirmed their civil and religious rights, greatly exasperated their enemies. The clergy, and the more extreme among the Roman Catholic party, were bitterly Need of a opposed to its execution. Henry himself was viewed with distrust by his former fellow-religionists. Whilst protecting them in the exercise of their religion, he was endeavor- ing to weaken them as a political party.
It was known that the Jesuits, who had been banished from the kingdom, were regaining their influence at court. The day might come, which Coligny had foreseen, when the Protestants of France would need a place of refuge from renewed per- secution, and a country where they and their children could enjoy freedom of conscience.
It was by considerations like these, that the Prot- estant subjects of Henry were moved to fall in heartily with his plans of American coloniza- tion. The coasts of this region had been visited and explored by Jacques Cartier, nearly seventy years before ; and during the reign of Francis the First an ineffectual at- tempt had been made to plant a colony on the bank of the St. Later experiments had not been more fortunate.
One of these ad- ventures was conducted by a Huguenot officer. Chauvin was a captain in the royal navy, "very expert and well versed in matters of navigation," says Champlain, " who had served his Majesty in the late wars, althozigh he was of the Pretended Reformed religion. Voila les defauts que j'avois a dire sur ceste entreprise.
Lawrence, at the mouth of its confluent the Saguenay, a trading- post was established ; and leaving sixteen of his men to gather furs, the leader returned to France. The little colony dragged out a miser- able existence through the winter. Several of the men died, and the others were barely kept alive by the compassionate savages, who shared with them their slender provisions. Chauvin made another unsuccessful attempt to effect a settlement in the same place, and was about to In the following year, the commission which had been granted him was transferred to a Roman Catho- lic patentee, Aymar de Chastes, governor of Dieppe.
But before the ships sent out for the exploration of the country returned, De Chastes too was dead. Thus in the early days of the seventeenth century, scarcely a trace remained of the expeditions of French adventurers to North America. The whole of the vast region claimed by France in virtue of the discoveries of Verrazzano, who as early as the year had planted her standard upon its soil, was still waiting to be occupied.
De Montshad accompanied Chauvin, " for his own pleasure," on his first visit to the St. For this reason he was attracted to the large peninsula lying south of the gulf of St. Lawrence, now known as Nova Scotia. The discoverer Cartier had given a glowing account of this territory, and had par- ticularly noticed its climate, resembling that of Spain, and in singular contrast with the bleak weather he had encountered on the neiehborine coast of Newfoundland.
This commission was a characteristic docu- ment. The king, " having long since informed himself of the situation and condition of the country and territory of Acadia," professed to be " moved above all things by a singular zeal, and by a devout and firm resolu- tion " which he had taken, " with the help and assistance of God, who is the author, distributor, and protector of all kingdoms and states, to seek the conversion, guidance and instruction of the races that inhabit that country, from their barbar- ous and godless condition, without faith or relig- ion, to Christianity and the belief and profession of our faith and religion, and to rescue them from the ignorance and unbelief in which they now lie.
Thus the foundations of New France were to be laid in relieious freedom and toleration. Ro- manist and Calvinist were equally secured in the enjoyment of the rights of conscience. If the plan was im- practicable, it did honor nevertheless to the heart and mind that prompted and devised the Edict of Nantes. De Monts associated with himself the mem- , bers of a company which had been organized for one of the previous unsuccessful expeditions ; adding to their number some of the merchants of the principal seaports of the kingdom, chiefly of La Rochelle. He himself was well fitted to be the leader of such an enterprise.
He had fought Pierre bravely under Henry in the late wars, and the sieur' king, who trusted him thoroughly, had made him Monts. All the early writers agree in characterizing him as a man of the highest integrity, and the purest patriotism. In courage, energy, perseverance, in tact and firmness, and in unselfish devotion to his country's glory, the Protestant founder of New France was admirably qualified for his mis- sion. The band of adventurers Chap. There were Huguenots and Romanists ; and for the spiritual care of the settlers, and the proposed conversion of the savages of America, a Protestant minister and a Roman Catholic priest went with them.
A like permission had been given to preceding adven- turers, and more than one of them had availed himself of it. Their differences doubtless began in earnest when they engaged in efforts to convert the Indians, each to his t wn religious belief. The coast of Acadia Huguenot leader found it necessary to form his company out of such materials.
There were good men and true, of his own creed and severe morality, who could easily be drawn into an enterprise so hopeful. Among the gentlemen who accompanied De Monts were two of his for- mer comrades in the service of Henry of Navarre. The one was the famous Samuel de Champlain, like himself a native of Saintonge, and not im- probably a Protestant by birth,' but who if origi- nally a Protestant had followed the king's example in conforming to the Church of Rome. A short and uneventful voyage brought the colonists in sight of Acadia.
Some time was exp ore. On one occasion, the explorers met with an adven- ture, that came near disturbing the harmony of the expedition. Coasting along the south-eastern shore of the peninsula, De Monts had passed Cape Sable, and then steering northward had entered a bay, to which he gave the name St. Here, pleased with the Chap. Among the men were two, a Protestant, and a young Roman Cathohc priest, named Aubry, who had often dur- ing the voyage engaged in hot discussion over their differing rehgious tenets.
Straying from his companions, Aubry lost his way in the forest, and when the time came for their return to the ship, he could not be found. Anxious for his safety, De Monts caused a search to be made, not only by his own men, but by the friendly savages also. Trumpets were sounded, and cannon were fired, but in vain. At length all hope of success was abandoned. With heavy hearts the colonists set sail, and leaving St. Mary's bay proceeded on their course. But now their conjectures as to the fate of their unfortunate comrade took the hue of grave sus- picion.
For it was remembered that Aubry had last been seen in company with the Protestant who had so frequently been his antagonist in sharp debate. Angry words, that might be con- strued as threats of personal violence, were re- called by the priest's co-religionists. Do you have any tips and hints for aspiring writers? Would you advise starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? No me toques a la princesa del pueblo que le amo.
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Oui, en effet, je fais mes devoirs… la plupart du temps. Signori chiamate i vostri rappresentanti politici, bombardateli di mail, urlateli che devono mandare a casa ora e subito questo manipolo di incompetenti subito ora! GFlAPc Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic article post. Really looking forward to read more. RVBJune 5, at 2: It just seem unlike him to betray us. What a great post. Un abbraccio buona giornata stella! The fact that people can be painted as a sex crimes offender and subject to all of the extreme punishments visited on them just for having consensual sex when they are barely of age and their partner is just under that age should tell everyone how bad it has gotten.
You made some clear points there. I looked on the internet for the issue and found most guys will approve with your website. I guess you watched that show too: Yes you need to. I'm trying to be unique: It would look lovely on your nails: Thanks,oh forgot to mention but yes 2 coats: I think both are good and I will be coming back to you and them in the future.
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I also have to say I think you are definitely a naturally artistic person haha. October 23, — 4: October 24th, at 8: It is definitely a lot of fun to do, I would totally recommend trying it out! Gad ti sembra razionale avere fiducia nella giustizia borghese? Le stragi fasciste sono restate impunite ed oggi nessun partito parla di una giustizia feroce solo con i brigatisti. Gad anche i democristiani sono razzisti e sfruttatori prendi le distanze dalla banda prodi che ha mantenuto la bossi fini i istituito decine di Cpt lager per immigrati e rom.
Lots of love to you and Ralph and Kathy at such a horrible time xx. No, read The Great Game, by Peter Hopkirk, about the Russians and the British struggling for supremacy over Afghanistan, particularly over the invasion routes khyber pass, etc. I'll loan you my copy if you'd like. Ich dachte mir beim Trailer schon, dass der Film so ist wie in 0: There is clearly a bundle to know about this. I consider you made certain good points in features also.
No, they are all dead leaves, that still cling on to the trees, making them look light, and almost like snow falling! Will go everywhere with this lovely purse and hope to strike up conversations with other women — to either remind them to get their yearly mammogram, or those who are currently going through cancer treatments to have HOPE — there is life after cancer.
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There was very much a path of: Indeed the Prince got its licence extended, then Benjys followed, and then City Kebabs got an extension on their licence. The full extent of covert machinations is likely high. Third World countries would be well advised to avoid Windows and develop their own. Israel has a long history of intellectual thievery and cyber crime and is not to be trusted. Of course, the server will reply to each of these with an ACK flag, but the sender will never get this message because of the spoofed address. Organized chaos in the best way.
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Thanks for your pickup. January 17th, at 1: They are talking next Phase of Boomer Retirements. I don at know why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anyone else having similar RSS issues? Anyone that knows the answer can you kindly respond? So is "keeping the end in mind," like learning marketing so someone reads the work when it gets published. Are you doing something similar at Midwest Writers Workshop in July, or is this different?
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Thanks for your words and those of John Steinbeck, as well. DH12 would re-sign with the Lakers. How does one reconcile this position with the fact that Howard identified the Lakers, Mavs, and Nets as preferred destinations? Did Howard change his mind about the Lakers, or is this report more B.
I am not sure where you are getting your information, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic info I was looking for this information for my mission. Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art.
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The days are long, but the years are short. Me alegro que todo este mejorando, sobre todo tu animo, en grupo lo vas a pasar mejor despues de tantos dias solo, ahora aprobecha carga las baterias para despues meteros a camino y nosotros contigo. Un abrazo amigo y gracias de TitaTu voto: I did just add some link love for the figure skating blog on the sidebar of my own blog though.
It took a couple years but lower priced properties are moving well now. My development had 30ish and was told by property manager pretty reliable source one remains as the prospective buyer walked away at inspection due to mold issues from a water heater gone bad. I learn something more difficult on completely different blogs everyday. It would always be stimulating to learn content from other writers and practice just a little one thing from their store. When I learned that he was living in the U. This very blog is without a doubt awesome and also amusing.
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I hope to be in Shenzhen in March and if so will try to set up a meeting with you if you are in town and available, to break bread or drink some tea. Best regards from Cal Poly,Chris Carr. What a beautiful, wonderful Christmas! I LOVE the picture of all four of you. Looks like the girls got everything on their lists. She is so cute! What a darling little girl! Can't wait to hear that story. To both Stephanie and Julia, Thank you so much for answering. If I could back, I would have definitely taken the precautions a lot more seriously. You know, you two are pretty amazing.
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We know the scariness of not knowing what the problem is, and also unfortunately know the difficulty associated with getting the worst case news. It is not my first time to pay a visit this web site, i am visiting this website dailly and take nice facts from here everyday. Another "news" source, NPR gave this one liner when reporting on the conflict on Sunday — "Both sides have accused the other side of deliberating targeting civilians…"I wonder upon what this particular news gem is biased… I mean based….
I actually tuned into Morgan to hear his interview with Scalia. Enough of Morgan already. He had his chance—deserved or not—CNN needs to move on. I simply want to mention I am newbie to weblog and really liked this website. You absolutely have awesome well written articles. Thanks for sharing with us your website page. You surely come with really good writings. Many thanks for sharing with us your web site. The "pink" jacket was purchased in a small shop in Nida, Lithuania, in July, The shop is 50 yards from the summer home that the Nobel Prize author, Thomas Mann, built in and had to abandon in The jacket, made of felt, was made in a Lithuanian workshop.
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Sempre foi a minha Cerveja … e agora sabe me melhor do que nunca. Gangster rap mirrored the rise in black violence. I don't think it caused it. Black violence then declined because urban law enforcement got a lot better in the 's. Bruno Sundov February 14, TLA, pic came courtesy of someone behind the scenes, a producer no less. Although I do correspond with Barra on occasion, sat next to Howard over lunch and once lived next door to Bob in Freo.
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