Spending money on others promotes happiness. Benefit finding after cancer: The role of optimism, intrusive thinking and social environment. Journal of Health Psychology. Developmental changes in personal goal orientation from young to late adulthood: From striving for gains to maintenance and prevention of losses.
Social neuroscience and health: Neural pathways link social support to attenuated neuroendocrine stress responses. Attachment figures activate a safety signal-related neural region and reduce pain experience. Proc Natl Acad Sci. Attachment and exploration in adulthood. An approach to personality and subjective well-being. Personal strivings, daily life events, and psychological and physical well-being. Conflict among personal strivings: Immediate and long-term implications for psychological and physical well-being.
Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Physical thriving in response to stress. Responsive support of goal strivings and exploration in adult intimate relationships. The dependency paradox in close relationships: Accepting dependence promotes independence. The generalization of attachment representations to new social situations: Predicting behavior during initial interactions with strangers. Predictors of caregiving in adult intimate relationships: An attachment theoretical perspective.
Motivations for caregiving in adult intimate relationships: Influences on caregiving behavior and relationship functioning. Carnegie Mellon University; Links with attachment orientation and secure base support behavior. Effects of adult attachment and presence of romantic partners on physiological responses to stress.
The role of emotional capital. Relationship influences on exploration in adulthood: The characteristics and function of a secure base. The interplay of attachment and exploration in adulthood. Attachment, caregiving, and marital satisfaction. Social support in marriage: The role of social cognition. Interpersonal effects of personal goal progress. How goal instrumentality shapes relationship evaluations. Dynamics of a stressful encounter: Cognitive appraisal, coping, and encounter outcomes. Stress, positive emotion, and coping. Neural Systems of Positive Affect: Relevance to Understanding Child and Adolescent Depression?
The Impact of Social Support or Mortality: Journal of Applied Gerontology. Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-being. The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. Groundbreaking research reveals how to embrace the hidden strength of positive emotions, overcome negativity, and thrive. The undoing effect of positive emotions. Living well with medical comorbidities: The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.
Approach and avoidance social motives and goals. Will you be there for me when things go right? Supportive responses to positive event disclosures. Safely testing the alarm: Capitalizing on personal events in an interpersonal context. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. What do you do when things go right? The intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits of sharing positive events.
The effortful and energy-demanding nature of prosocial behavior. Social support in social interaction: A moderator of cardiovascular reactivity. The up- and down-regulation of amusement: Experiential, behavioral, and autonomic consequences. Daily supportive equity in close relationships. Receiving support as a mixed blessing: Evidence for dual effects of support on psychological outcomes.
Pursuing goals for us: Relationally autonomous reasons in long-term goal pursuit. Relational self-construal moderates the link between goal coherence and well-being. Agreeableness, empathy, and helping: A person x situation perspective. Loneliness and pathways to disease. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Positive social interactions and the human body at work: Linking organizations and physiology. The Academy of Management Review. Two important distinctions in social support: Kind of support and perceived versus received. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Helgeson VS, Cohen S. Social support and adjustment to cancer: Reconciling descriptive, correlational, and intervention research. Group support interventions for people with cancer: Who benefits from what? Social support and growth following adversity. Handbook of adult resilience. A meta-analytic review of benefit finding and growth. Henderson LW, Knight T. Integrating the hedonic and eudaimonic perspectives to more comprehensively understand wellbeing and pathways to wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing.
Stress and immunity in humans: Beyond pleasure and pain. Social relationships and mortality. Howland M, Simpson JA. Getting in under the radar: A dyadic view of invisible support. Can the item General Health Questionnaire be used to measure positive mental health? A short scale for measuring loneliness in large surveys: Results from two population-based studies. Giving up and giving in: The costs and benefits of daily sacrifice in intimate relationships. Neural correlates of giving support to a loved one.
The effects of imagined touch support on exploration and pain reactivity. Social support knowledge and behavior and relational intimacy: Social support and social networks as determinants of individual and marital outcomes. Mere presence is not enough: Responsive support in a virtual world.
Kaplan M, Maddux JE. Goals and marital satisfaction: Perceived support for personal goals and collective efficacy for collective goals. When curiosity breeds intimacy: Taking advantage of intimacy opportunities and transforming boring conversations. The benefits of thriving on novelty and challenge. Oxford handbook of positive psychology. Kawachi I, Berkman LF. Social ties and mental health. Journal of Urban Health. Sex differences in vulnerability to undesirable life events.
Positive psychology and the life well-lived. An agenda for the 21st century; pp. Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Promoting and protecting mental health as flourishing: A complementary strategy for improving national mental health. The irony of cultural psychology research. The voices of youth-serving practitioners, parents, and early and late adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence.
Metabolic activity and collagen turnover in human tendon in response to physical activity. Self-transcendence and opportunities for theory, research, and unification. Review of General Psychology. Anticipated support, received support, and economic stress among older adults. The public health disparities geocoding project. American Journal of Public Health. Shared and unique contributions of anger, anxiety, and depression to coronary heart disease: A prospective study in the normative aging study.
Annals of Behavioral Medicine. To think or to do: The impact of assessment and locomotion orientation on the Michelangelo phenomenon. Kumashiro M, Sedikides C. Taking on board liability-focused information: Close positive relationships as a self-bolstering resource. An attachment-theoretical approach to caregiving in romantic relationships.
Bartholomew K, Perlman D, editors. Lakey B, Cassady B. Cognitive processes in perceived social support. Lakey B, Cronin A. Low social support and major depression: Research, theory and methodological issues. Risk factors in depression. Elsevier Academic Press; Lakey B, Heller K. Social support from a friend, perceived support, and social problem solving.
American Journal of Community Psychology. A new approach to explain the link between perceived social support and mental health. Benefits of expressing gratitude: Close emotional relationships in later life: Further support for proactive aging in the social domain. Stress, appraisal, and coping. Posttraumatic growth in long-term breast cancer survivors: Relation to coping, social support and cognitive processing. Social support lowers cardiovascular reactivity to an acute stressor. Positive life change and the social context of illness: An expanded social-cognitive processing model.
Medical illness and positive life change: Can crisis lead to personal transformation? Thriving as the basis of personhood and civil society. The meaning and measurement of thriving: A view of the issues. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Post-traumatic growth among cardiac outpatients. Positive change following trauma and adversity: Journal of Traumatic Stress. Goals, action, and human flourishing.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Self-efficacy and social support predict benefit finding 12 months after cancer surgery: The mediating role of coping strategies. The architecture of sustainable change. The paradox of received social support: The importance of responsiveness. An old hormone for new avenues. Journal of Treatment Evaluation. Is laughter the best medicine? Humor, laughter, and physical health. Some basic propositions of growth and self-actualization psychology.
Critical concepts in Psychology. Towards a psychology of being. Partner photographs reduce experimentally induced pain. State of disparities in cardiovascular health in the United States. Appraisal of and coping with a real-life stressful situation: The contribution of attachment styles. Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin.
Activation of the attachment system in adulthood: Threat-related primes increase the accessibility of mental representations of attachment figures. Structure, dynamics, and change.
Mikulincer M, Shaver PR. An attachment and behavioral systems perspective on social support. Self-regulation as a conceptual basis for the prevention and treatment of addictive behaviors. Self-control and the addictive behaviors. Maxwell Macmillan Publishing Australia; Developing biologically plausible models linking the social world and physical health. Annual Review of Psychology. Maternal nurturance as a buffer against the effects of childhood poverty on metabolic syndrome at midlife.
Attachment insecurity and perceived partner suffering as predictors of personal distress. The construction of adulthood by late adolescents. What Do Children Need to Flourish? Conceptualizing and Measuring Indicators of Positive Development. Survivor identity and post- traumatic growth after participating in challenge-based peer-support programmes. British Journal of Health Psychology. Interpersonal trust and social skill in seeking social support among Chinese and Americans. Self-control as a limited resource: Regulating the risks of closeness: A relationship-specific sense of felt security.
The contingencies of interpersonal acceptance: When romantic relationships function as a self affirmational resource. Self-esteem and the quest for felt security: How perceived regard regulates attachment processes. Stress and reactivity to daily relationship experiences: How stress hinders adaptive processes in marriage.
Stable negative social exchanges and health. Beyond the myth of venting: Social sharing modes determine the benefits of emotional disclosure. European Journal of Social Psychology. Autonomy, attachment and psychosocial adjustment during adolescence: Adult attachment styles, perceived social support and coping strategies. Need satisfaction and involvement in personal projects: Toward an integrative model of subjective well-being. Is caring associated with an increased risk of mortality? Perceived life satisfaction and the organization of personal project systems. Stress-related growth and thriving through coping: The roles of personality and cognitive processes.
Social support, conflict, and the development of marital dysfunction. The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam. American Journal of Epidemiology. A relational schema approach to social support. Sourcebook of social support and personality. General and specific support expectations and stress as predictors of perceived supportiveness: Close relationship processes and health: Implications of attachment theory for health and disease. Social support and ambulatory blood pressure: An examination of both receiving and giving.
TBI 13 years on: Optimism, social support, and coping strategies as factors contributing to posttraumatic growth: Journal of Loss and Trauma. Pressman SD, Cohen S. Does positive affect influence health? Association of enjoyable leisure activities with psychological and physical well-being. Skilled support within intimate relationships.
Journal of Family Theory and Review. Optimism and physical health: Perceived partner responsiveness as an organizing theme for the study of relationships and well-being. Campbell L, Loving TJ, editors. Interdisciplinary research on close relationships: The case for integration. Perceived partner responsiveness as an organizing construct in the study of intimacy and closeness. Mashek DJ, Aron A, editors. Handbook of closeness and intimacy.
Handbook of basic principles. Reis HT, Shaver P. Intimacy as an interpersonal process. Duck S, Hay DF, editors. Handbook of personal relationships: Theory, research, and interventions. Are you happy for me? How sharing positive events with others provides personal and interpersonal benefits. Trust in close relationships. Scenes from a marriage: Examining support, coping and gender within the context of chronic illness. Suls J, Wallston KA, editors.
Social psychological foundations of health and illness. Rini C, Dunkel Schetter C. The effectiveness of support attempts in intimate relationships. Sullivan KT, Davila J, editors. Support processes in intimate relationships. Antecedents and consequences of partner support during pregnancy. Goal continuity as a mediator of early retirement adjustment: Testing a multidimensional model. Journal of Counseling Psychology. On becoming a person. The negative side of social interaction: Impact on psychological well-being. Optimizing social relationships as a resource for health and well-being in later life.
Handbook of health psychology and aging. Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton University Press; Personal goals and interpersonal support and hindrance as factors in psychological distress and well-being. Self processes in interdependent relationships: Partner affirmation and the Michelangelo phenomenon.
The investment model scale: Measuring commitment level, satisfaction level, quality of alternatives, and investment size. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. In the eye of the beholder: Views of psychological well-being among middle-aged and older adults. The structure of psychological well-being revisited. The contours of positive human health.
A positive health agenda for the new millenium. Personality and Social Psychology Review. Best news yet on the six-factor model of well-being. Know thyself and become what you are: A eudaimonic approach to psychological well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies. Connecting well-being with biology. How healthy are we?: A national study of well-being at midlife.
The University of Chicago Press; Social inequalities in health and well- being: The role of relational and religious protective factors; pp. Perceived social support and working models of self and actual others. Close personal relationships and health outcomes: A key to the role of social support. Handbook of personal relationships. The sense of acceptance and the role of relationships; pp. Global and relationship-based levels of analysis. Social support as an individual difference variable: Its stability, origins, and relational aspects. A brief measure of social support: Practical and theoretical implications.
On the power of positive thinking: The benefits of being optimistic. Distinguishing optimism from neuroticism and trait anxiety, self-mastery, and self-esteem: A re-evaluation of the Life Orientation Test. The Life Engagement Test: Assessing purpose in life. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Social support and the perception of geographical slant.
A healthy dose of trust: The relationship between interpersonal trust and health. Are there cultural differences in partner effects of anger? Multiple reward systems in the brain. The combined contribution of social support and coping strategies in predicting post-traumatic growth: A longitudinal study on cancer patients. I love the progress of the program and the experience!! Everything that Robbins tells his Clients and Participants are things, which everyone else could tell themselves. The only difference is: I could do such Semiars on the Spot, whithout having sone this before.
Because I got the talent!!! There is nothing special about a Tony Robbins, James A. Ray, or all the others. They just know how to get their emotions, but simple content, to their Fans or Clients minds. Everyone who pays that amount of money to him, to attend his seminars, would be better off finding a Life or Businesscoach WHO doesnt speak in front of "thousands of people".
Find one, that has the same strength but something more, which NON of all those Tony Robbins' clones out there have:. What they do it moneymaking "big time" on people which are just not as self confident like those "Life and Business coaches" - that's the only difference! There's nothing more to it!! I'm different in this. THAT's the honest, strong, real and helpful way - in small groups or rather 1: I can make you aims visible and I can open peoples mind to see their reachable goals - not the ones, that someone never can reach.
Yes he got empowerment but it was from himself and not from paying 2. It is a fascinating concept, psychologically speaking, and it is astounding to see how profoundly it affects some people. It is indeed more attractive to people who are "searching" for something in their life that usually goes much deeper than what is implied by the chest thumping gurus who conduct these seminars. Does it help some people? And for those who are willing to pay for this "help", I suppose it's cheaper than formal therapy and probably more effective.
But for those who have some focus in their lives and understand what is really important, then TR and others conducting LGAT seminars looks like just one more carnival barker. Hi Noah, some thoughts for you All the memes that you made of TR's mantras you went against. I am presuming you don't believe that there is 'No growth in comfort'? Personally that is how I believe we do most of growth when we push ourselves out of our comfort zone. You were out of your comfort zone at UPW You were 'uncertain' as to whether UPW seminar was a waste of your time, and your meme states that 'Success is based upon the amount of uncertainty you can handle' You don't seem to be able to handle that much.
The next meme of 'Your worst day can be your best day' you didn't stick around to find out.. I am not sure you can judge something that you didn't actually experience fully I am taking my time to comment on your info which I don't often do in the hopes you can use this. I am hoping for a great experience in December.
I am nervous about hr days and 'massaging people' etc but after reading your review I know I need to fully commit and see it to the end in order to ensure I get as much from it as possible. Thank you for solidifying this for me BTW your physical transformation is amazing! It looks like you have learned well in those 7 hours how to advertise yourself so I find it very unfair that you claimed your money back. Everybody goes to school to learn. What you do with what you learn is totally and entirely up to you.
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No teacher appears by your bed side and makes sure you complete your bucket list. I hear that millions appeared at his seminars past 32 years and used his books and training programs to their cheers to success. So if you did not, it is okay. And I doubt that Tony Robbin's team is using any of your business Were you turned down, you raised your hand and you were not picked for intervention during the seminar?
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Being this successful, you were not recognized? Is that why you left? But you are loved. And your before after photo Lets discuss that in another article. Thank you for sharing. Love and hugs xo You rock! I feel the same way. The Netflix special was fake man. Those ppl were actors. Every time something throws me off , every time I find out something else ,I try to remember that not everyone is perfect. But I do believe that Tony Robbins set up originally a little shady and then learn some value in his life and made up for it for a time there with instilling values and other peoples lives.
He preaches it so much now using the same phrases and techniques to get through to people. I am sorry if this dissapoints i am simply trying to do my best as i to once walked out of a seminar, for different reasons sure i was hungover and the leader was very strange it just wasnt for me.
See you on the flip side dude, keep up the good work. I do not do well in a hyper-vented environment. Someone called me today and wanted me to invest. My response was, invest what. We are not poor. We are blessed to have a nice home, food, car, necessities, friends, etc. I am not sure that having more money will really enrich our lives; however, we could assist others with need and maybe enrich theirs.
But, again, what money to invest. I do what I can for others and know if God wanted me to do more, there would be more. Thank you for your input. I really did receive value information from this information. Just attended the UPW in Sydney. There was so much content there it will take time to digest and needs to include a "roadmap" which doesn't involve paying for a coach. Since attending and during attendance the hard sell has not stopped.
It is over the top and making it hard to stay focussed on the content of UPW. I'm annoyed at myself for signing up to Business Mastery at a time when I need that money to put back into my business. The cost to attend in Florida is going to be steep. And then they keep barraging me continuously to buy Mastery University. From reading some of the comments on the Facebook group I have a feeling some people have gotten themselves into financial trouble by falling for the "cross out pricing" and "limited time offer" selling techniques. I have told the "mentors" my feelings on the subject.
My biggest complaint is that they are not interested in getting feedback from attendees to improve what they are doing. And I really agree with your comment on "More time to talk with the people around us" but I think it needs to be in group settings like in Date with Destiny. I am an 83 yr old retired lawyer and not easily influences but I was swept up in the tide and purchased a course with Phil Town.
The attendees ran like lemmings to take advantage of the offer. I went out for a coffee and was swept up in the frenzy and signed up for the course. Apparently the cost of the course was in US dollars. I felt I had been duped and taken advantage of. I requested a refund, was told to Contact "Power of Success", which I did but have not heard from them.
Aside from my allegation of fraud, I am dismayed that Tony Robbins would permit such crass marketing to be done on a very vulnerable and captive audience. He is allowing himself to be used as a marketing tool for others who obviously do not espouse the values he professes.
Don't let that smile fool you. He purposely gets people pumped up before putting something out there for sale; he did the same thing 25 years ago. And I have little doubt that he makes a GOOD commission for everything anyone else buys that he allows in his seminar. He is a salesman who knows how to manipulate people. TR is getting old and burnt out. Even Batman got old and weak in the knees. He was great in the 90s but now he is like going to see grampa for advice.
Still a good guy though. Buy his book Awaken The Giant Within. Take what you need and leave the rest, read other books and do the same. You don't need a 4 day gazillion dollar seminar to make a change and expecting that is chasing the magic pill I want it fast approach. I've considered going to his seminar but the cost and circus atmosphere were always deterrents. I like TR and have had great success using his tools but it was from ME focusing on improving and doing the work.
But, if that is what helps a person and they get value from it then it's a different approach than mine and good on them. For those who think you're nuts for walking out Good for you for recognizing that. I was a little less encouraging in an earlier post, because I think Tony is great. Good success; go for it. It sounds like you went with very specific needs and they weren't met because of it being aimed at 10, different people. It doinds like there is nothing missing in your life compared to Maslows theory? You may have everything but you don't know it or your missing one thing maybe love and connection?
Your intro to yourself riding on this man's back? Doesn't get my respect. How about having started your angle by selling yourself How do you get behind guys like tony when they charge so much for their service. I sure for a lot less then i could pay someone to tell me how worth while i am and how much i should be on the planet. I recently watched a few minutes of a documentry they have of him on Netflix where at the start of it he was talking to a guy who felt sucidal and other than telling the guy he is worth it and some other kind of just what i call bandaid answers of positivity he did not really dig into any of the issues in the guys life that might be causing him to feel this way.
It was like he was offering him bandaids for the bullet holes in this guys life. Not real solutions and i am sure if i gave you you would do the same for me that os why i am skeptical of people like tony when they are paid so much for there stuff. If he was simply a marketer selling dreams, he'd have disappeared 2 decades ago.
He made the guy laugh. He purposely threw off the guys mental state aka interrupted a pattern that led the guy down the path of suicidal tendencies. Tony makes a lot of money. But you know what else he does? He works insanely hard. He donates a TON of money. It's called an exchange of value. Just because someone is rich, doesn't mean they are "scamming" someone else in the process. Hey, I'm Iris from Australia. I felt the same way. I love TR don't get me wrong but there were too much fluff and dancing. To me, it was wasting my time. I'm not a fan of his. He has a problem with women.
Embarresses people at times. I research multiple self-help persons with the focus on what I can take away and apply to my individual needs and areas of improvement. I do not ever expect anyone else to "fix" me; that is my job. In all self-improvement classes or seminars there is a certain amount of showmanship and Tony Robbins is no exception.
All I have heard or read coming from TR has been his way of attempting to connect with people seeking his advise and counsel. Sure he makes mistakes, he even admits this, but in my opinion he runs a good business which encourages people to rise above their circumstances and be more than they are. It seems to me you have had enough self helpers help now your doing what you've wanted helping yours helping your self. I am going to TR in November. I have attended other personal growth conferences that were great, and I do feel like they helped me. I am nervous, like you were. This is my first time.
But hoping that I don't need to ask for a refund. But I am like you. Don't enjoy the hoopla and wish to get to the meat. So we'll see what happens. Any advice for me? That says more about you then Tony Robbins. Well that depends on the individual. Many successful business people and presidents and world leaders swear by him they have used him continuously. For example Billionaire Marks Beinoff founder of sales force and top hedge fund manager Ray Dalio net worth 18 billion a leading authority are just two example of people who have used him their whole lives. It is about what you take from people like Tony and what you do with it not everyone will succeed by virtue of who they are and what they do.
And you do get to dig deep on yourself. The dancing and hugging etc is a necessary part of the 'changing your state' and having some fun, but I think there is a bit too much of it. Although, I think pushing you to your limits with the energy you need to expend and how long the days are, is part of TRs strategy of change.
They get defensive and dismiss it all as rubbish and use the ra ra as an excuse to walk out -I feel that if you are really hungry for change, and want to learn even something, you will put up with all the stuff you do not like to gain the solid content and dig deep on yourself. In fact, I think making it so intense is part of the methodology and that it works for many people. One speaker took ages to tell his story which at first was interesting and engaging, but in the end felt tacky as an upsell.
But, that was not the end of the world and did not negate the strategies I learnt. There are things I will take action on as a result and my life and mindset will improve as it does year by year as I learn other things also. If you can afford it go for the learning and experience. Stay open minded about the process and hoop la, have some fun, make some new friends.
This is what I suspected. Rather spend my time with my friends or at work. Boy its easy to make money on "fantasy". I rather live my life, in good and bad, and I cannot take all my "stuff" with me when I die anyway. What I can do is love those around me and even make someones day better. That's more value to me! Love, peace and understanding! Many yrs ago I worked for a company that brought Tony Robbins to Australia. I have worked UPW behind the scenes several times. I have met Tony personally and believe me I am a midget standing next to him.
I agree with your comments and must say your reasons for walking out are valid- they are the same reasons I find as the weak spots in Tony's marketing and presentations. Don't get me wrong I think Tony is great however 20 years later I know he is but the beginning to a success journey or should I say spiritual journey- I also had the pleasure of working with Brian Tracy, Deepak Chopra, Louise Hayes and others.
My personal experience- listen and learn from as many of these wonderful people as you can - take what you need and leave the rest there messages will benefit anyone on their journey to their destiny- Denzel Washington, Coach John Carter , Bob Proctor, Abraham Hicks, Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, the list goes on and on and I pursue them all devouring their teachings- what do I get out of it- a joy of living, all the motivation and inspiration I need to have a great day every day- am I filthy rich - God no perhaps that is the best that's yet to come - now I will explore your "Tony Robbins Marketing Techniques" would love to connect with you!
All these people are shysters, very good at it too.

Power comes from facing your fears and knowing yourself. I am always concerned by wealth creation gurus. Money does not make people happy. Dude i think Tony did for you in that seminar exactly what he promised to do. In fact he did it so good that after one day you were cured. That was exactly what I was thinking. He got a refund and empowerment after one day with TR. Seriously, this might as well be an ad for UPW seminar. About fifteen years ago I was quite sold on Tony Robbins.
Deborah Francis
Then I lived some more and realized that it's a lot of hype. I've gained a lot more from more realistic self-help books. I've been listening to TR seminars on YouTube on and off for four years. Why does he ask the audience to say "I? Thank you so much for this well composed article. I'm 62 and "i built that mthrfckr!
Peace be with you, Brother. I too have watched Tony Robbins, a lot! The first thing that struck me was the lack of authenticity, swearing to make a point, does not empower people it intimidates! Telling someone to get on the phone right now and end a relationship in the way he did was intimidating! His body language, his tone was hostile!
The only saving grace for Tony Robbins seminars right now, is the hyperactivity it causes and the trust in the pattern of behaviour showed by the audience I am embarking on my coaching career and it is because I have coached since I was in my teens. I want to make a difference with people. No one, I know, can afford these kind of sums of money to attend coaching seminars and, who in their right mind would sell all their hard earned belongings to do so! My aim is to have walk in counselling and coaching centres funded by the country through our governments! We have an NHS that is failing because we don't seek the solution with open hearts.
I am giving my time to coach people and learn along the way. My groups will be small when I begin in October but that doesn't matter I feel Tony like many who come from a struggling background get addicted to money. Sure they give a lot to charity but they are expecting dollars basic for a hours session with someone! This is their expectation! My philosophy is that this information is not owned by anyone it is fluid and most of all it is felt by everyone! The most profound statement for me from Tony Robbins is 'He is not my Guru!
Tony is one of the top salesman in the world. If you truly need a mentor for real advice, open your network, meet new people, get closer to your friends, reach outside of your boundaries. Don't go to a concert. Nice work if you can get it. Certainly helps to run the corporate jet, the private island in Fiji and all of the other accoutrements that go with it. I don't need this guy or anyone else to be my ' guru' because I already have one. Agree with your thoughts. His presentations have become too theatrical and at times profane and really obscene.
I like Tony too I am glad you wrote this article. I recently had a similar experience at a financial seminar. It was packed with people who truly believed in it, and people who went on stage to give testimonials about their success. For me - it was over-complicated and set incorrect expectations about what it would take to succeed in that program. So as far as UPW, I'm glad you described your experience - because I am also on the fence about attending it this fall.
I love reading books, doing the personal work i. Miracle Morning routine , and connecting with empowering people. But spending several days at a seminar sounds overkill to me. I always wonder about a person who has made it rich by telling other people how to run their lives - even before they have experienced much life or done anything else to be successful or wealthy in. Unless you are a Viktor Frankl I don't think you have the life experience to tell people how to live exceedingly better lives from when you are in your early 20s.
So I find over and over again that his concepts are pretty much based on other people's research and experience and then presented in a way to make as much money out of people as he can. How can you possibly really get to grips about human development with hundreds of people in a small stadium setting? Don't think you are going to get value for money unless you are happy with paying that kind of money for the rah-rah of a revival meeting.
My suggestion would be to buy his main books for a few dollars each, and then go to YouTube and listen to Dave Ramsey. The 'motivantional' movement basically makes money selling seminars, courses, books etc. There are examples of people who have been inspired by these guys but most successful people have never spent a penny attending any seminars or courses It seems like, perhaps all of those self-help seminars you attended in the past; as well as all the books you read, finally culminated into your own self-actualization.
In that moment when you decided to walk out on Tony, you become living proof that it all works and that he was successful. You may be right about Mr. Robbins being, from what I take, a fraud. I suppose you could say the same about the Catholic Church, but when it comes down to it, behind the money and the hoopla, they truly do want to help people As Tony says "even your worst day can be your best day.
He wouldn't pull you out of a mud hole. Read the Greek philosophers. These modern day gurus take advantage of the fact that no one does, thus, they, like Robbins can present themselves as original and unique. I have found that so-called inspirational, motivational speakers sound no different than Joel Osteen, and often like tarot card readers. I am not impressed with this man. Problem is people impress so easily. No matter how sophisticated or educated they may think themselves to be. That seminar I got a lot out of regarding my personal life. Most of the people I met were desperate and failing small business owners looking for answers.
In one instance, he was discussing guarantees - What are you willing to do if your business does not deliver on the service promise to the client? He pulled a woman from the crowd- she said her business was coaching single mothers on how to be more effective with their time. He coached her to finding a guarantee: I walked out and asked for a refund. There was an attempt on the part of the organizers to persuade me to stay - that maybe all I needed was more coaching. That may be true but certainly not from them.
I did get a refund and spent the next 5 days exploring the phenomenal art scene in Las Vegas. Are you aware of this inconsistency in your article? There's a difference in actually following through with the exercises actually doing the back massages and being annoyed with it. You can go to a gym and be committed at building your body, but still get annoyed when the trainer keeps asking you if you want supplements.
I feel most of the self-development gurus haven't achieved anything great in their life except for their talking. They just teach the same kinds of stuff again and again and they charge a lot of money for saying the same. I remember buying a course of his year's ago Tony made his money by telling people how to make money I cringe when I think about the money I spent on him I made it years ago however I'm on to his game and he won't get my cash again!!!
A history lesson is in order. Tony Robbins is a great salesman. However is it all real.? Does he have plants at the event? Are any there any success stories shared from those that attend other than Sol. You have severe problems of Anxiety. Education is not a package delivered by TR to you but what you generate inside yourself.
It sounds like you thought way too much about this, haha. You paid 2k and flew to Ca Or if you think you already had shit figured out and were familiar with his strategies etc. I personally don't like how his events have grown to 10k people filling arenas. I first went to one of his events when I was 12, 25 years ago. I was much more open minded as a kid, obviously Tony held my hand during a real emotional moment for me.
I definitely "drank the kool aid" with the supervision of my Dad but it helped me. He helped me a lot actually. I went again later in life and had a whole new perspective on it, still positive. I just took the things that resonated and worked for me and left the rest. I watched one of his videos because a family member found him fantastic. My response to my family member was that I can definitely see how people find him uplifting and encouraging.
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But to charge bucks a person to get into a seminar is ridiculous. I can go to Church for free and be uplifted and encouraged and learn more than I learned in that video she had me watch. Plus, his language was awful! I don't need someone screaming profanity in my face to get me to have a wake up call. Again, some people are ok with that and find him great. I guess my thought is if he truly wanted to reach people who need help, etc. Oh well, to each their own. At some point, I ask about fulfillment of purpose, which I believe Tony is living his.
And when is enough enough. By this I mean, he has made enough resources to last himself and his family more than a life time. Or to run one of every ten seminars exclusively in service of populations who are targets of systemic oppression. This would provide Tony the opportunity to expand and grow his cultural awareness and gain insight into his own implicit bias conditioned by dominate culture. This can touch his soul in unimaginable ways. When Bill Gates made his money and good or bad changed the world he stepped back, reevaluated how he could do good in a different way and created a foundation that will spend billions of dollars on helping healthcare in the world.
Not perfect but a reflection that he was willing to go the next step. He makes a lot of money for his efforts. From my business professor perspective, TR has created a very solid business model to his passion. From my Hypnotherapist perspective, TR has learned how to touch the subconscious of his seminar attendees effectively.
I have read his books, watched seminars, listened to audio and interviews. The Netflix documentary went behind the scenes of a " master your destiny " 6 day, 12 hour a day seminar. He is driven by his own pain of childhood abuse from his mother, obsessed with his mission to help others avoid that same pain, is finding a way to fill in the lack of love he had as a child with the high intensity love of his messages and seminar tactics.
His "abrupt language", as very evident in the documentry, he claims is a successful NLP disrupt thought technique which it is , but the taboo language mainly Fuck I could see his own pain in the over use of this word. He has a lot of unleashed power that others can also carry on. He has unfortunately created a name for himself, not a program that will survive without him.
The cost of his events, is for the event only. Transportation, lodging, and food are on your own. None of that is included. Really Good Stuff, The main thing is people have their different needs to be spoken to or interacted with learn to speak their language and you are golden, you and I are a meat and potatoes, get to the point. I call them the mainstream, buy whats cool even if it sucks, shop at Walmart even if you don't get a cheap price and get crap quality I am about to go to his event in Vegas August 15th. I am not a superficial person either. This event is for business owners and I am going not to build my confidence to cheer with a group of business leader but rather to get to know them as connections in the business world.
Dear Noah, being quite a fan of Tony Robbin's approach and having loved to watch his video "I am not your guru" I was looking for an opposite voice on the web, someone being sceptical. I was very glad to have found your post and can really relate to it. Thanks for sharing your critical opinion, I find it highly precious!
A quote by Mark Twain I like a lot valueing your single critical voice in an ocean of That-is-great-staters for Robbins: In some way, everything is a cult. From the Politics we support to the sports we enjoy - anything we believe in and invest our time and energy into can technically be called a cult, its just easier to point at groups when we are on the outside of the group.
TR is a smart businessman preying on those who aren't strong enough to stand on their own 2 feet but its also a decision a person makes to give him their money. At the end of the day, until we deal with what is on the inside of us that makes us feel unworthy to be who we truly are, people like TR will continue to prey on our vulnerabilities. Then he's taking advantage of people who don't make good decisions. He could charge half and still be more than comfortable. That's the part that ought to make us question his priorities.
One thing I see recurring in the comments is an aversion to "fluff", how the content of an entire 3 day seminar could be condensed down into a short book that you could buy on Amazon and read in half a day. Maybe true, but would you read it and then actually apply it? Some would, most would not, at least not to the absolute best of their ability. Which is why Tony provides what he calls immersion, where you're in the environment for an extended period of time, you'll get tired, your focus will wander, but if you suck it up and do what's necessary to work the processes anyway, along with a whole room full of people who are doing the same thing, you will benefit more and might just create lasting change.
By removing yourself from your day to day life for a period of time to focus on yourself and your own development, you're investing in yourself and your future, and it takes that level of commitment to create that lasting change. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Built to Prosper for Women: They clearly explain the ways people fall victim to have-not and do-nothing thinking. It is time to learn and apply the principles of success, so you can position yourself to live well and prosper.
True prosperity is the ability to meet any need you may have: When you learn the principles and how to apply them to your life, you will quickly understand how to: Paperback , pages. Published September 4th by Loyal Leaders Publishing. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Built to Prosper for Women , please sign up.