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    As temporary workaround for the customer, setting this web context parameter in applications with faces servlet web-fragments will allow the applications to start up correctly: A similar exception will be seen: No Factories configured for this Application. This happens if the faces-initialization does not work at all - make sure that you properly include all configuration settings necessary for a basic faces application and that all the necessary libs are included.


    A man Maurice Ronet murders his boss so he can run away with the wife Jeanne Moreau , his lover. Their carefully executed plan quickly goes off the rails, leaving them separated and unaware as events move forward without them.

    A history of anxiety: from Hippocrates to DSM

    Belmondo is an air force pilot on vacation. When his girlfriend is kidnapped in front of him, he gives pursuit, finding himself pulled from Paris to Brazil, from Rio to the jungle.

    More By Manau

    Michel Simon stars as a reclusive bachelor largely shunned by his neighbours. A murder in the neighbourhood sets tongues wagging, and the oddball soon finds himself at the centre of suspicion. His casual voyeurism brings him into the orbit of a newly arrived moll just released from prison.

    A history of anxiety: from Hippocrates to DSM

    Soon all three are engaged in a dangerous game, while the villagers wind themselves up ever tighter as the murder investigation draws close to its quarry. Having just gotten a bootleg opera cassette of his favourite singer, the tape is mixed up with another one containing damning information about a drugs and prostitution ring. Four men are hired by an oil company to drive two truckloads of nitroglycerin over treacherous jungle roads to the site of a burning oil well.

    There the nitro will be exploded to cap the noxious flames of the well.

    Panique: French Crime Classics

    Yves Montand stars as Mario, and the journey he takes with his companions is some of the most nail-biting cinema ever filmed, as the trucks wind their torturous path along curving dirt roads, where one bump or vibration could blow them to kingdom come. The long set-up grounds us deeply in the poverty stricken desperation of men trapped in a foreign company-town, where escape is worth the tremendous risk.

    For more info and a look at all the films included, see here.