German policy in the field of renewable energy. The financial transaction tax and enhanced cooperation. Surveillance programmes by American agencies vs. Upper rate of VAT for goods or services not in the environmental, public health and food safety domain. Follow up to written question on alleged forced sterilisations in India. Redevelopment of former sugar factory in Finale Emilia. Hence, is it not time for the Commission to make structural changes to ongoing adjustment programmes? All economic adjustment programmes are designed to address the severe problems and imbalances at the root of the crisis in the respective countries and are agreed between the Government and its creditors.
The Commission's role in these programmes is to act on behalf of the euro area Member States, including when negotiating a memorandum of understanding. Programme reviews that take place every three months allow checking both the implementation of reforms and their effect of the economy. As warranted, changes are decided by the euro area Member States, including the country concerned.
In — , it financed the creation of networks to promote preventative measures in amateur sport, sport for all and physical exercise. An assessment of these measures would seem premature at this stage. However, these projects have already contributed to the development of joint EU initiatives in the field of sport. The Commission has supported this work logistically and financially and the draft recommendations of the Experts will be ready for adoption by the Council before the end of Funds will be spent according to rules and procedures still to be adopted for the programme in general.
For historical and cultural reasons and because of ethnic and political affinities, shared values and common civilisation references, Canada is an important and reliable partner of the European Union. There are obstacles in this relationship, specifically in fishing, security and immigration. However, compared to other countries, EU-Canada relations are stable and fruitful for both partners. When concluded, these two agreements will take our relations with Canada to another level and promote a deepening of ties across the board.
The CETA will be a ground-breaking agreement, which seeks an ambitious liberalisation of trade and investment relations. The aim of the SPA is to advance EU-Canada foreign policy and sectoral cooperation beyond the Framework Agreement and the Partnership Agenda, and to provide a platform for joint action in the international arena. The EU and Canada have shared interests and cooperate, inter alia , in foreign and security policy, in the field of justice and home affairs, in reinvigorating global economic growth, and in tackling global challenges including climate change and poverty in developing countries.
The next EU-Canada summit, to be hosted by Canada, has not yet been scheduled. The conflict between Russia and Georgia, a country which has stated its desire to join the European Union and to adhere to its values, has underlined the urgency for a European strategy for the South Caucasus. Under the Eastern Partnership, the European Union offers political association and economic integration to the countries of the South Caucasus.
This sets out the roadmap for achieving the Protocol's aims, including the establishment of regional and national strategies. It is too early to make any sort of assessment about the implementation of the Protocol. The action plan will be subject to a mid-term review and evaluation in Has its application brought about a collective response that is stronger and more capable of facing the challenges that terrorism and cross-border crime place on our legal systems and police forces?
In what way has it done this? The Commission is not aware of activities in the two countries regarding the preparation of the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement. The participation of the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein in the work of the Frontex Agency is based on specific Arrangements concluded to that effect between each of the Schengen Associated Countries Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein and the European Union.
The Commission values the level of participation of the four Schengen Associated Countries in the work of the Frontex Agency, and expects the Associated Countries to continue to support the coordination work undertaken by the Agency at the external borders of the European Union. The European Union cooperates in many fields with Switzerland and Liechtenstein respectively.
Any cooperation going beyond the existing policy fields would need to be assessed on a needs basis taking into account the general relations between the European Union and these two countries. Que perspetivas futuras oferece? What future prospects does it offer?
Has the bilateral protection clause been applied? EU exports to Korea are up by The prospects are therefore bright and EU exporters are also making increasing use of the preferential tariffs. The creation of a European public sphere was met with indifference by the people of Europe and disinterest by national public opinion. This does not seem to justify the massive investment made in information and promotion by the institutions, which previously distanced themselves from the European project in a worrying manner.
The European Commission's communication activities are driven by the desire to involve citizens and listen to their concerns — and thereby strengthen a European Public Space as highlighted in last year's State of the European Union speech by President Barroso. One of the central aims is to discuss European affairs from European point of view. This is work in progress, nor something which is already created as the question implies. The European Year of Citizens which will be evaluated at the end of the project has been designed, together with the European Parliament, as the vehicle for stronger engagement.
Members of the Commission, Members of the European Parliament as well as national and regional politicians take part. The dialogues with citizens will continue in the run-up to the European elections in The Commission's Recommendation for the next election of the European Parliament also supports a European Public Space by suggesting European candidates for the post of President of the Commission, by highlighting the role of European party families and advocating to vote on a single day in all Member States.
Of course the Commission will also support the European Parliament's communication campaign. In a report conducted by the European Transport Safety Council, it is emphasised that fatigue can be exacerbated by three key elements:. Sleep-related component the amount and quality of sleep, time since the last period of sleep and sleep inertia ;. Task-related component time-on-task, i. Each of these needs has to be considered as part of a fatigue management process.
How will the Commission ensure that its proposal will take all these three elements into account when proposing new FTLs? The same report underlines that sleep taken when on standby is always for shorter periods and of poorer quality. Moreover, there have been no studies into the effects of standby with regard to fatigue. How will the Commission take the issue of standby into account when evaluating the new FTLs, and will standby if it interferes with normal sleep patterns be counted towards flight duty periods? The Commission's intention is to put in place even stricter safety rules with a view to implement those principles.
It has therefore launched a corresponding amendment. This concerns for example stricter more protective rules concernig nigh duties or the rules on in-flight rest or standby duties. The Honourable Member is right in pointing out that there are no studies concerning the effects of standby with regard to aircrew fatigue. For this reason, the Commission has based itself on best national practices, on operational experience and on aircrew fatigue principles. According to the Commission, standby periods interfering with normal sleep patterns should be counted as duty periods under certain circumstances.
Pur stabilendo norme comuni sulle condizioni e procedure di concessione dello status di rifugiato, il diritto dell'UE in materia di asilo attualmente non prevede il mutuo riconoscimento, da parte degli Stati membri, dello status di rifugiato concesso da altri Stati membri. The normal practice in such cases is for people to be kept in the detention centre for some months prior to expulsion and for scheduled flights or special flights arranged by the Frontex agency to be used for that purpose.
In its latest report, Amnesty International states that the Kazakh police and security forces regularly use torture against political opponents and dissidents. The issues set out by the Honourable Member raise questions as regards the compatibility of the actions taken by the Italian authorities with the EU's return and asylum acquis. The Commission, in close contact with the European External Action Service, will examine carefully the reply from the Italian authorities and closely monitor any further developments.
Although EU asylum law establishes common rules concerning the conditions and procedure for granting refugee status, it does not currently provide for mutual recognition by Member States of refugee status granted by other Member States. The recently approved general guidelines on transport in Europe stress the Atlantic corridor as an investment priority with a view to constructing infrastructure with European added value.
This would mean a project to resolve one of the long-standing bottlenecks hindering rail transport Spain and France. The report states that the high-speed link between Bordeaux and Toulouse is a priority and that the construction of the new line between Bordeaux and Hendaye — part of the Atlantic corridor and a source of bottlenecks — is to be postponed until after These criteria encourage the development of infrastructure projects providing cross-border connections, promoting intermodality, providing links to at least one main sea port and increasing the capacity of saturated routes.
Does the Commission think that the new plans are consistent with the commitments made by France during the negotiation and approval of the trans-European transport routes? As the Honourable Member pointed out, some of the conclusions of this report may appear not to be fully in line with the objectives of the proposed Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T such as the completion of a new high speed line between Bordeaux and Hendaye after , whereas the Bordeaux — Toulouse high speed line is proposed to be completed by Both sections are part of the Core Network and could receive funding from the Connecting Europe Facility, with higher co-funding rates for the cross-border sections than for the national ones.
Ist die Kommission der Auffassung, dass Gebiete, die der Kommission als EU-Vogelschutzgebiete gemeldet, aber noch nicht nach nationalem Recht ausgewiesen wurden, als faktische Vogelschutzgebiete anzusehen sind? Wie ist die Rechtsauffassung der Kommission? The German army is planning to construct a new mock town covering an area of around 6.
The project will have a considerable negative impact on the conservation objectives of the FFH area and the registered bird protection area. What stage has the complaint reached, and how long is the procedure expected to take? Does the Commission think that areas which have been registered with it as EU bird protection areas but which have not yet been designated as such under national law do in fact constitute bird protection areas? The Commission will endeavour to take a decision on the substance either to open infringement proceedings or to close the case within twelve months of registration of the complaint.
The Commission decides from case to case which steps are to be taken. Wann wird die EU-Kommission konkrete Leitlinien bzw. Many local authorities in Germany — particularly in Bavaria — also have such models, under which local residents can purchase building land in their place of residence at a discount.
The Commission has opened infringement proceedings against Germany on this matter, and these are currently pending. The aim is for rural areas especially to remain attractive as places to live. When will the Commission publish specific guidelines or a detailed list of criteria for the permissibility of local models so that local authorities can be sure of legal certainty in this matter?
Is it true that local models are permitted if they take the following criteria into account, at least to a reasonable degree: When does the Commission expect to complete the infringement proceedings against Germany? As mentioned by the Honourable Member, the Court of Justice has confirmed that the purpose of responding to the housing needs of low-income or other disadvantaged sections of the local population can constitute an overriding reason in the public interest justifying restrictions on fundamental freedoms, provided that the measures are appropriate and proportionate to the objective pursued.
The Commission does not intend to publish guidelines or detailed criteria for this assessment. Several hundred workers could be affected in this sector. The workers believe that they should be entitled to receive some financial compensation. Is the Commission considering taking appropriate measures e. Could supportive measures be implemented through the funding from the European Social Fund or by using any other available EU instrument that might contribute to the solution of this problem?
The Commission is fully aware of and takes into account the challenges that Croatia's labour market is going to face following the accession to the European Union and in view of global economic trends. Funding from the European Social Fund ESF is available to help undertake the necessary adaptation not only in the labour market but also in the education system, as well as to improve social inclusion and strengthen institutional capacities. The Commission and Croatia are now commencing discussions for programming investments to be supported by the ESF in the period for The issue of the forwarding agents will also be tackled.
There will be a possibility for persons employed as forwarding agents to use training and retraining measures offered through active employment measures by the Croatian Employment Service CES which will be co-financed by the ESF.
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Through individual counselling the redundant workers have been offered several possibilities of support whose details can be obtained from the Ministry of Labour and Pension System which is the Managing Authority responsible for the ESF operational programme in Croatia. Regional CES offices will continue with visits to the employers and with mobile team activities in order to establish possible redundancies of forwarding agents and in order to provide services to workers based on established plans.
Welchen Standpunkt vertritt die Kommission in Bezug auf Systeme, die Dienstleistungserbringer verpflichten, sich vor der zeitweiligen Erbringung von Dienstleistungen in anderen Mitgliedstaaten zu melden? Belgien hat am Libera prestazione di servizi e obbligo di registrazione prima della prestazione di servizi. Alla luce della sentenza:. Come valuta la Commissione la misura proposta dal governo belga per rispettare la decisione? Inoltre, ha stabilito che la legislazione belga in questione richiede informazioni di natura dettagliata dai prestatori dei servizi prima della prestazione, senza una giustificazione sufficiente per quanto riguarda sotto qual profilo la comunicazione di tali informazioni risulti necessaria per conseguire gli obiettivi di interesse generale da esso invocati e sotto qual profilo l'obbligo di previa comunicazione di tali informazioni non vada oltre i limiti di quanto necessario ai fini del conseguimento degli obiettivi medesimi.
Vrijheid van dienstverlening, verplichte registratie voor het begin van de dienstverlening. In het licht van dit arrest wilde ik de Commissie het volgende vragen:. Wat is de mening van de Commissie over de maatregel die de Belgische regering heeft voorgesteld? Wat denkt de Commissie over regelingen die dienstverleners verplichten zich te laten registreren voor het begin van het tijdelijk verrichten van diensten in een andere lidstaat?
Het Hof oordeelde ook dat de in het geding zijnde Belgische wetgeving vereiste dat de dienstverleners voorafgaand aan de dienstverlening zeer gedetailleerde informatie verstrekken, zonder voldoende rechtvaardiging van het feit op welke wijze de verstrekking van die informatie noodzakelijk is om de doelstellingen van algemeen belang waarop de wetgeving berust te bereiken en op welke wijze de verplichting om die informatie vooraf te verstrekken niet verder gaat dan hetgeen noodzakelijk is om die doelstellingen te bereiken.
Die conclusies kunnen gelden voor andere soortgelijke systemen op grond waarvan zelfstandige dienstverleners in het algemeen verplicht zijn vooraf mededeling te doen van de aanvang van hun activiteiten. Jakie jest stanowisko Komisji nt. In view of this judgment:. Is the Commission aware of the existence of the similar systems in other Member States? It also found that the Belgian legislation at stake required very detailed information from service providers in advance of the service provision, without sufficient justification as to how the provision of that information is necessary in order to achieve the objectives of public interest on which it relies and how the obligation to give that information in advance does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.
These conclusions could apply to other similar systems obliging self-employed service providers in general to notify the commencement of their activities in advance. The financial and economic crisis is, at the moment, spilling over to become a social crisis, too. Youth work, in particular detached youth work, is a very effective tool to enhance the skills, development and social inclusion of young people in times of high youth unemployment. In addition, in the context of the crisis, the Commission has proposed the Youth Opportunities Initiative in an effort to enhance the employability of young people.
However, youth work is very developed in certain Member States, but under-developed in others. In times of financial crisis, it is very important that youth work does not lose ground, and it should focus particularly on marginalised and disadvantaged young people with fewer opportunities. In line with this, is the Commission planning on launching any initiatives to address this imbalance between different Member States?
The Commission shares the opinion expressed by the Member as to the effectiveness of youth work in the development of skills and competences of young people; the non-formal learning approach implemented by youth work is a useful way to enhance the employability of young people as well as their active participation in society, thus contributing to their social inclusion. The Commission promotes youth work in various ways, all of which should help, over time, to encourage more balanced progress across the European Union:.
Le bon fonctionnement de la libre circulation des capitaux. Restitution of property is considered a capital movement. Any restriction also have to observe the principle of proportionality, requiring that the measures are appropriate to attain the objectives which they pursue and do not go beyond what is necessary in order to attain them, and have to be non-discriminatory. Based on the limited amount of information available to the Commission, it is not possible to give a more detailed answer regarding the situation referred to by the Honourable Member.
They have been responsible for crushing dissent inside Iran, and are accused of funding numerous terrorist activities outside the country. In particular, they have allegedly funded and armed the Taliban, Hamas and Hezbollah, assassinated Iranian dissidents abroad, and assisted the planning of multiple plots to commit atrocities, particularly in Israel, a country which the IRG have stated they wish to destroy. The United States and Canada have already proscribed Quds as a terrorist organisation.
In addition, a number of members of IRGC and other entities owned or controlled by IRGC are also listed under the nuclear sanctions regime because of their involvement in the Iranian nuclear programme. Il meccanismo di assistenza tecnica JASPERS stabilito per i nuovi paesi che hanno aderito all'UE nel e nel fornisce agli Stati membri interessati un sostegno e una competenza specializzata mirata relativamente ai principali progetti finanziati dall'UE. Non ritiene la Commissione che, date le persistenti avverse condizioni economiche, l'accesso a detto meccanismo debba essere consentito a ogni Stato membro che lo richieda?
Prevede la Commissione di estendere a nuovi paesi la partecipazione a detto meccanismo? In caso contrario, per quali motivi? Does the Commission not take the view that, owing to the persistent adverse economic conditions, access to this facility should be granted to any requesting Member State? Is the Commission considering including more countries in the list of eligible participants?
Is the Commission planning to extend participation in this tool to new countries? If so, which ones? If not, why not? What are the conditions that need to be met in order for a country to be included? This was justified by the need to ensure support to those Member States in the preparation of large infrastructure projects for financing under the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund, particularly in areas where those Member States lacked the necessary knowledge and experience.
More recently, the Commission agreed to extend some support under JASPERS to Greece, to boost the capacity of the Greek authorities to prepare sound projects for urgent implementation in the context of the current economic crisis. Die Tabakerzeugung wird dabei neutral behandelt. It will probably again be possible during the forthcoming aid period to apply for European aid funds for growing and processing raw tobacco as an agricultural product. What interactions does the Commission anticipate from the interplay of these two approaches?
Does the Commission consider that subsidising tobacco farming, while at the same time applying trade restrictions in a bid to limit tobacco consumption, adds up to a coherent policy? What grounds can the Commission cite for the need for uniform pan-European regulation of tobacco products? Why is this a task for the European Union? Special financial support for the raw tobacco production was phased out in according to the reform of the common agricultural policy CAP of The production of raw tobacco is fully integrated into the general agricultural policy instruments.
Tobacco production is treated in a neutral way. However, the tobacco sector is not included in the list of products eligible to the voluntary coupled support scheme applicable from onwards. The aim of this new scheme is to grant a support in regions or sectors undergoing certain difficulties. The aid to the Canary Islands for several products is guided by the same objective. Furthermore, the Rural Development RD programmes of the CAP, offer numerous possibilities to help farmers who decide structural changes in production.
Aumenti tariffari ingiustificati dei prodotti omeopatici. Al comma 2 dello stesso articolo 13 si fa riferimento alle tariffe di registrazione e si afferma: La Commissione non ha potere per intervenire nella definizione di tali tariffe a livello nazionale. These measures clearly stand at odds with the procedures in various other EU Member States e.
France and Germany and irreversibly damage the competitiveness of Italian businesses, which are forced to withdraw products from the market because of high registration fees, as well as that of foreign companies operating in Italy, the third biggest market in Europe after France and Germany. Does the Commission believe that such an increase dramatically alters the balance of the market? Does it have the authority to encourage Italy, the third biggest market in Europe in terms of turnover, to bring itself in line with the legislation in force in Germany and France for homoeopathic medicines?
Rules, such as those of the Italian Decree-Law mentioned by the Honourable Members in their question, setting fees for the national registration of homeopathic medicines are the exclusive responsibility of Member State authorities. The Commission is not empowered to intervene in the setting of these fees at national level. L'organizzazione di elezioni rientra nelle competenze degli Stati membri. Compared with countries with a perfect or almost perfect gender balance in their representations in Parliament — such as Finland, Slovenia, Estonia, the Netherlands and Denmark — women are greatly under-represented in the delegations of most Member States in Parliament.
Organisation of elections falls within the remit of Member States. However, encouraging the participation of EU citizens in the democratic life is a high priority on the Commission's agenda. The Commission took measures to address the gender imbalance in the European Parliament with the adoption in of the specific programme Fundamental Rights and Citizenship.
More specifically, one of the annual thematic priorities for was dedicated to improving the gender balance in the European Parliament. Thus, the Commission has been funding several projects of NGOs and other organisations awarded under this priority.
Le garanzie fondamentali in materia di protezione dei diritti umani previste dalla Costituzione del Pakistan non sono in vigore nelle aree tribali, dove vige il regolamento sui crimini di frontiera risalente all'era coloniale. Nel , inoltre, i regolamenti di azione a sostegno del potere civile hanno dato all'esercito ulteriori poteri arbitrari d'arresto e imprigionamento. I modesti tentativi del governo pakistano di modificare il regolamento sui crimini di frontiera non sono stati all'altezza delle norme e degli standard internazionali sui diritti umani e sono stati ulteriormente compromessi dall'entrata in vigore dei regolamenti del Quali azioni intende dunque promuovere l'Alto Rappresentante per sollecitare il governo pakistano a una riforma del proprio sistema legale, profondamente difettoso e causa del perpetuarsi del ciclo di violenze nelle aree tribali?
According to statements by United Nations representatives on the ground, many men detained by the armed forces have alleged torture, and others have never been seen again after being transferred to secret detention centres. The Taliban and other armed groups also continue to pose a deadly threat to Pakistani society, often carrying out brutal, unlawful killings of captured soldiers or suspected spies, sometimes following quasi-judicial proceedings that fail to meet even the most basic international fair trial standards.
Although the armed forces have regained control of most of the tribal areas over the past three years, they have arbitrarily arrested thousands of people, imprisoning them for long periods with virtually no due-process safeguards. Moreover, in the armed forces were granted further sweeping powers of arrest and detention under the Actions in Aid of Civil Power Regulations. Although the courts have nevertheless heard cases challenging the lawfulness of some detentions, there have been no prosecutions of armed forces personnel for alleged torture, enforced disappearance or deaths in custody.
Limited attempts by the Pakistani Government to reform the FCR have fallen far short of international human rights law and standards, and have been further undermined by the entry into force of the regulations. What action will the High Representative therefore take to urge the Pakistani Government to reform its legal system, which is deeply flawed and the cause of the constant violence in the tribal areas? This issue will be raised with the new government of Pakistan in the next EU-Pakistan human rights dialogue which is expected to take place in the autumn of Anomala moria di delfini nel Mar Tirreno.
Dall'inizio dell'anno un allarme ambientale si sta diffondendo nei mari italiani: Il Ministero dell'Ambiente ha deciso di monitorare la situazione e di allertare il reparto ambientale marino. Secondo i primi accertamenti sarebbe possibile escludere, quale causa dell'insolita moria, eventi eccezionali causati dall'uomo, come versamenti in mare di petrolio o di sostanze inquinanti. Sembra essere invece probabile una causa di natura infettiva a causa delle tracce del batterio Photobacterium Damselae rinvenute su 6 carcasse esaminate. Per avvalorare tale ipotesi gli esperti sono alla ricerca dell'eventuale presenza di virus o fioritura di alghe anomale.
Since the start of the year an environmental crisis has been affecting the seas off Italy: This represents an abnormally high mortality rate compared with the historical average of about four corpses found per year. The Ministry of the Environment has decided to monitor the situation and to alert the marine environment department. According to initial findings, any exceptional man-made events, such as oil spills or pollution, can be ruled out as the cause of these unusual deaths. The probable cause actually seems to be an infection, as shown by the traces of the Photobacterium Damselae bacterium found in six of the carcasses examined.
In order to confirm this hypothesis, experts are looking for the presence of viruses or abnormal algae blooms. Pending concrete data comparing theoretical knowledge of sea currents with marine weather data from the last few months, the Italian Ministry of the Environment has requested information about any animals washed up on the beaches of France and Spain in order to obtain a more accurate picture of the situation. Is the Commission aware of the unusual dolphin deaths in the Tyrrhenian Sea over the last few months?
If so, has it launched an investigation to establish the cause? Molte delle aziende in cui sono occupati producono abbigliamento per marchi internazionali o applicano illegalmente etichette di marchi internazionali. Altre piccole fabbriche della zona lavorano in subappalto. Molte sfruttano il lavoro in nero dei birmani e producono prodotti con marchi falsi. I lavoratori birmani clandestini vivono spesso nelle fabbriche dove lavorano, dormono e mangiano e vengono nascosti ogni qualvolta vengano compiute ispezioni da parte della polizia tailandese.
Solo gli immigrati regolari sono assunti con contratto. Gli orari di lavoro sono estremamente lunghi e non di rado i lavoratori effettuano gli straordinari sino alle 11 di sera. Secondo quanto riportato da fonti locali, in alcune aziende sarebbero impiegati anche i bambini delle lavoratrici migranti adibiti alla pulizia nelle fabbriche tessili. Many of the companies in which they work produce clothes for international brands or illegally use international brand labels.
Some of the work is subcontracted to other small factories in the region. Only legal immigrants are given an employment contract. The dormitories are too small and overcrowded, there is a total lack of hygiene and, to make an already complicated situation even worse, there are no procedures in place to resolve any disputes that arise with their employers. According to local sources, even the children of some migrant workers are employed to clean the textile factories. The EU pursues this matter in several ways, both in bilateral dialogues with the Thai authorities, and within the relevant international bodies.
The EU supports the ratification and effective implementation of the Conventions of the International Labour Organisation ILO , in particular with regard to the core labour standards, and cooperates with the ILO in this respect. Such instruments also address health, safety and labour conditions along companies' supply chain. When finally concluded, the EU-Thailand Partnership and Cooperation Agreement will provide for an additional framework for discussion and engagement with Thailand on these topics. A circa tre anni e mezzo di distanza la situazione abitativa nel paese resta sconcertante, con circa Qualche mese prima, nell'agosto , grazie al sostegno dei donatori internazionali, il governo haitiano aveva lanciato un programma per trasferire i residenti di 50 tendopoli in 16 nuove strutture residenziali, attraverso un incentivo per famiglia di dollari per 12 mesi e 25 dollari per i trasporti.
Il progetto ha aiutato alcune famiglie, ma gli incentivi troppo bassi hanno impedito a molte altre di trasferirsi e accedere a una soluzione abitativa a lungo termine. La catastrofe del ha peggiorato seriamente la situazione a Port-au-Prince costringendo 1,5 milioni di persone a rifugiarsi nei campi per gli sfollati interni. Living conditions in the tent cities are worsening by the day and there is little access to water, sanitation and waste disposal.
This has contributed to the spread of cholera and other infectious diseases. Furthermore, women and girls, as already highlighted in a previous written question, are at constant risk of rape or sexual assault. Although the project has helped some families, the incentives are too low, preventing many others from moving and gaining access to long-term housing. The withdrawal of the main humanitarian operators from Haiti and the resulting funding cuts are making the situation even worse. In view of the above, what measures will the High Representative take to try to resolve the difficult issue of housing in Haiti?
Is she aware that resolving this problem would secure more rights for the Haitian population? Housing is a chronic problem in Haiti that predates the earthquake. The disaster severely aggravated the housing shortage in Port-au-Prince and forced 1. The EU responded immediately to this humanitarian challenge.
To complement the humanitarian response, the national authorities and international donors have launched several initiatives aimed at the provision of sustainable housing. The EU has also made urban reconstruction one of its priority areas of intervention.
A sustainable, long-term solution to the issue of housing in Haiti requires addressing deep-rooted structural causes, including widespread poverty and the absence of a national housing policy. Welche Leistungen werden erbracht? Wenn ja, welche und warum? Wie stellt die Kommission sicher, dass derartige Interessenkonflikte bekannt werden? What benefits are obtained? Were contracts awarded without a public invitation to tender? If so, which ones and why? Can the Commission state whether any former IMG employees are now working in its services as local members of staff?
Can it state whether any family members of IMG employees are working in its services as local members of staff? Galli, Fanfani , Milano ; V. Roggi, Amintore Fanfani, imprenditore della politica , Firenze Fanfani e la casa. Gli anni Cinquanta e il modello italiano di Welfare State. La Francesca, La linea riformista. La testimonianza dei diari di Amintore Fanfani , Firenze ; E.
Fanfani e la politica estera italiana , Milano ; Amintore Fanfani e la crisi del comunismo. Arezzo , Congresso delle Nei , a cura di B. Bagnato, Firenze ; P. Dal corporativismo al neovolontarismo statunitense , Soveria Mannelli ; Amintore Fanfani e la politica estera italiana , a cura di A. Tosi, Venezia ; Amintore Fanfani. Economic Historian and Statesman , a cura di A. Roggi, Firenze ; Amintore Fanfani. Una testimonianza della seconda moglie: Ottomaniello , Una vita, due vite.
I miei anni con Amintore , Milano De Santi, Amintore Fanfani. Dipinti e opere su carta Catalogo , Milano Il contesto familiare La sua famiglia d'origine era piccolo borghese, con forti radici contadine e artigiane. Un lungo ruolo notabiliare e istituzionale Rieletto presidente del Senato nel luglio , lo rimase fino al dicembre Opere Oltre ai testi citati, si segnalano: On the contrary, it resumed vigorously, ardua purezza lirica, non abbiano accanto alle poesie, manifestato propelled by a new-found energy: The period immediately after liberation in saw a mushrooming Per trovare poeti che si dichiarano indifferenti alla vita politica, of small publishing houses, some of which survived for only a … bisogna giungere ai minori poeti del romanticismo e del few months, and an increase in book production, despite residual decadentismo.
Ma, appunto, si tratta di poeti minori: At the same time some existing publishers sought che, di fatto, non erano ancora divenuti uomini. XIV—XV to take advantage both of the market opportunities and of the chance for cultural renewal opened up by the liberation. Gundle In the past several years, historians and literary critics tackled and Forgacs the question of Italian intellectuals and their relationship with fascism, but a lot of work still needs to be done on the so-called minor or marginal However, in spite of his efforts, Maraffa did not manage to figures and their participation in the fascist propaganda machine.
This is a sign that, while not openly ENDNOTES promoting it, the ministry did benefit from these apparently irrelevant characters and from their unauthorized propaganda. Italiana per i suoi meriti di giornalista. Later, in Rome, In the early s, Sebastiano Munzone published an he published his own works under the Italia Fascista Editrice label.
See Cristina anthology of Sicilian poets. Soltanto per la insistenza di alcuni editori ha raccolto Viator dolente la sua opera poetica riunita in tre volumi: Ombre, silenzi, armonie con illustrazioni nuovo Israele errante sempre inquieto di Servolini poesie ; Riflessi, Chiarezze poesie. Corselli dal titolo I nostri Capi. Mangano sent the Duce her article together with a request for a meeting. However, before this little setback, Mangano, like Maraffa, passatista.
Ma non vorrai tu office, she was hired at the Ente Stampa: She followed up the in altri giornali e in altri centri: Ti ha good news with a thank you note: Ti prego di agire fulmineamente Cesare. Ti abbraccio con grande affetto, Tuo aff. The letter is written on Italia fascista reviews in this particular issue. But there are some short reviews of operas and films stationery. Vogliate Esperia, contiene la Poesia dei tecnicismi. Proveniente dal Gruppo Nazionalista Giovanile di Genova. Aderente alla storica continued its irregular publication until By then, Maraffa had almost completely adunata 23 Marzo — Milano P.
Archivio Centrale dello Stato. Bruno Maraffa in Duke University Press, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, La stampa del Ventennio: Flirt rivista di splendore Bernabei, Gilberto. Note to Salvatore Maraffa Abate. Publishers, Writers and Readers. Popolare, Busta , n. Caesar, Gabriella Romani, and Jennifer Burns. Il foglio 12 November Estudios Italianos, Nov.
Mariapia Lamberti, Franca Bizzoni. Archivio Centrale dello Italy. Oxford University Press, Letter to Benedetta Cappa. Filippo Di Dino, Chiara. Letter to Nicola De Cesare, 26 September Fascism in Popular Memory. The Cultural Experience Centrale dello Stato. Cambridge University Corrispondenza Ordinaria]. Maraffa Abate, Salvatore Leodalba. Biblioteca del Vascello, Italia Fascista Editrice, Segreteria Particolare del Duce, quaderni del meridione 87—88 Riviste ottocentesche e storia della critica. La vita quotidiana a Palermo ai tempi del Gattopardo. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti Milan: Gli intellettuali che vissero due volte.
Letter to Fernando Mezzasoma.
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- FANFANI, Amintore.
Ministero della Cultura Popolare. Busta , Serrati, Giacinto Menotti. Archivio Centrale dello Sturzo, Luigi. I mali della politica italiana: La pelle del serpente. Il Primato di Giuseppe Bottai: Italia fascista The fall of Mussolini. Italy, the Italians and the Second World War. Introduction Scholarly studies have often discussed the huge impact of the film Casablanca WB, , directed by Michael Curtiz and produced by Hal Wallis on American media and popular culture.
Many critics have attempted to explain why the film continues to be regarded as one of the most iconic and celebrated Hollywood films of all times. Italian viewers, on the other hand, will most probably be familiar with these lines in their corresponding Italian translation, given that Casablanca has, since its first distribution in Italy in , received theatrical and television release in its dubbed version. We shall also see that, although not so intuitively, when the film and joined her husband Laszlo, whom she had believed to be dead, was finally ready to be released in early , its edition would be without having the chance to explain to Rick the reasons behind her considerably affected by the legacy of Fascism; this in spite of Italy painful decision.
After a series of political gambles with the French being, at that point, a democracy allied with the US. To illustrate this and German police, Rick i. It was in , in fact, even before Casablanca was produced, escape from the menace of the Nazis in Europe find temporary refuge that Warner Bros abandoned the Italian market as a result of the in unoccupied French Morocco. Let us take a step back to observe what happened to the to wait there until the war ends.
Yet there are people in Casablanca distribution of American films in Italy during these critical years. Will the seemingly cynical and selfish on foreign film distribution. A significant European Resistance, a clandestine movement fighting against the Axis number of foreign films by small US companies such as Monogram, powers.
As the story unfolds, a few flashbacks reveal that some years Republic, and Grand National would still circulate in Italian cinemas earlier, in German-occupied Paris, Ilsa and Rick had had a romantic after the withdrawal of the Big Four. Moreover, from the early onwards various laws were enacted. The political and social unrest in the Italian peninsula caused 4, 5, 9 and both the ban on dubbing foreign films abroad and the by the long years of war, sacrifice, deprivation, foreign occupation, dubbing tax to be paid by film distributors art. Because of their pro-interventionist message against the Axis, least until mid Besides, as far as the Italian case was concerned, at the its establishment in the new Roman headquarters.
Whether under the beginning of the monopoly laws promulgated during Fascism suggestion of the PWB film section or not, Warner Bros seems to have still formally stood in protection of the Italian internal market against been waiting for the Italian political and social waters to settle before American products. Distributors established a Psychological Warfare Branch PWB at the Allied might have also decided to wait for Italian film translators and Headquarters in Rome in the building formerly hosting the Ministry experienced voice-actors to prepare a domesticated dubbed version of Popular Culture MCP.
Consiglio dei Ministri for permission to release Casablanca in the Archival research has documented that, on March , the Italian commercial film circuit. Stone, head of dubbed version was then authorized, obtaining the obligatory nulla the allied military command in Italy, organised a series of important osta on January 10, Importantly for the present discussion, the Admiral insisted regulations on film censorship art. This decree banned film scenes, facts and subjects: Otherwise, if the producers or distributors did not agree with the first decision, they could file an appeal and the same film Offensivi del pudore, della morale, del buon costume e della would be reviewed by a second commission.
If the second commission pubblica decenza; From the authorization, the the end of the war. A passage from the document reads: Il film raggiunge una efficacia [sic] tensione spettacolare, films, e. If authorized, the war setting in other words, far from the more crucial battlegrounds film would be distributed in cinemas. In the case of restrictions or of Western Europe. The war was over, Although no document has been found attesting the exact and the fascist regime had been replaced by a democratic political date when the film was translated and re-voiced into Italian, it is very system.
However, the personnel of the previous administration were probable that the Italian edition of Casablanca had been prepared largely maintained at the film office. Although there is no official evidence formed mainly by the popular dubbing directors and actors of the s. Indeed, if the script had been the Italian film industry, and more specifically in the dubbing or post- presented for approval, and a final script re-submitted after being synchronisation sector.
The name of the person in charge of preparing the by the distributors to limit expense of money and effort i. However, recent archival research has requirements, which, as discussed above, were the same as those of revealed that Carlo Silva was credited as the dialogue writer in the Instead of that petty charge Italians in the war, and 3 the representation of Italian characters in you have on him, you can get the film.
The the dialogues in the original version while b. One example in particular is indicative of a moralistic il deserto non occupato. The government, were substituted with a different geographical indication fact that both the re-edited dubbed version and the subtitles do not that wanted to recall the contemporary Chinese Civil War.
In particular, were only two isolated cases in the film, but they served a very specific the references to the Fascist presence in Ethiopia and in the fighting purpose: In , you in the film, whether used to criticize Nazi-Fascist ideology or to fought in Spain on the Loyalist side. The Fascist captain Tonelli is a background character with 3. Italian characters only few lines of dialogue. The first time the Italian officer appears in the film, he censorship directed at controlling the negative representation of introduces himself with vain pomposity see fig.
It is well known that during the s unwelcome representations of Italians in film were denied permits for distribution in Fascist Italy: These two characters have short lines of dialogue and must have not been recognised as Italians by either the dubbing personnel or the film commissioners as they do not have an evident Italian connotation or accent in the film. Their lines were therefore translated according to those in the original script. In the film there are two other characters whose Italianness Fig. While in the original version captain Tonelli switches from speaking 8 Renault scoffs at Tonelli as the latter and the French officer English to Italian, and gives a pompous Fascist salute to the German pass by arguing indistinctly and gesticulating: The original passage has been re-inserted in the victory.
After this scene, Tonelli is mainly seen fooling around with The second Italian character is the owner of the club The Blue Parrot, Casselle gesticulating and arguing indistinctly anytime they appear on signor Ferrari. Ferrari is renowned in Casablanca for being in charge the scene. The second appearance made by Tonelli see fig. Man in the street: He has a monopoly here on the black market.

Egli ha quasi tutto il monopolio del Mercato Nero qui. Thank you for the coffee segnore. I shall miss it when we leave Casablanca. The seen adulating any women who passes by a Latin Lover stereotype identity shift also respects quantitative synchronism, that is, each were not already undeniable clues of his Italian characterisation, the dubbed utterance has to contain roughly the same number of syllables final mention of the coffee made by Ilsa 11 leaves no doubt about as the original utterance.
The rewriting and visual censorship discussed in this section with Ferak was probably suggested by the fact that the character wears are quite significant because they are not a reflection of the historical for most of the film a Moroccan Fez hat see fig.
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Because of this, they were prone to perceive the lo staiter [sic] in divisa fascista. Casablanca with a different state of mind because for them Casablanca a vietare la circolazione della pellicola in questione: Borrowing with fictional World War II narratives. Having be modified during the post-production phase. However, this that the American Allies had in the eyes of many Italians. Instead, case is only one of many examples of film censorship directed at the ideological rewriting and censorship of the recent past in the inhibiting the memory of Fascism and of World War II in Italy in the dubbed film is a clear testimony of how Fascist forces were still at post-war period and beyond.
Many by Giuseppe Spataro. Spettacolo e Turismo and placed it under the direction of Franco Libonati. According to the historian, in the US, see Merlock Jackson It was published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale on November earlier in , was now put in charge of the distribution of foreign films in the 3, , No. At the beginning of , this control passed to Einape [Ente 15 nazionale acquisti importazioni pellicole estere] presided over by Giacomo Dusmet. A complete official list of these releases has not been traced back in SIAE records 6 and other sources because the activity lay in the hands of the PWB.
Film archives in the US would probably yield some results and paid by foreign film distributors, from the initial 25, Italian lire per dubbed film of shed light on the issue. Moreover, an additional charge of 20, was to be paid on 16 each dubbing for any additional , lire earned by these dubbed films in Italian 20th Century Fox was also dubbing its films in Madrid because a group of cinemas this was fixed between the profit range of 2. Italian dubbers was blocked in Spain, according to Quargnolo United Artists films could still circulate until 31 December He indicated 58 17 films released in , 83 in , 34 in , 8 in and 2 in Indeed, See for example a short article published in Films in Anteprima in January other archival sources document that, for instance, Universal films could also which documents that on June American dubbings were still circulating in Italian circulate without impediment.
Compare later in the text.
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The volume of Marco Polo , US, dir. This work focused on the complex interplay between Wise Guys, and Sopranos. Historical 32 archival research revealed striking continuities of concern and practice at the state-run The case of the Fascist officer could have also been grouped in the previous set of film office during the period A new examination of Casablanca was carried out by the Italian film office and 33 registered on September 28, ref. The distribution company Nettunia until February 5, For an account of how the CDC was born, the particular to Focardi.
Many thanks should go here to Luca Portas, film archivist and conservator Casablanca - Italian film censorship file ref. Edge of Darkness La bandiera sventola ancora - Italian film 27 censorship file ref. The case is discussed in Mereu The Dub No. First of the Few Il primo dei pochi - Italian film censorship file ref. Il cattivo tedesco e il bravo italiano: La rimozione film censorship file ref. Mrs Miniver La signora Miniver - Italian film censorship file ref.
Indiana University I trecento della settima - Italian film censorship file ref. Round Up the Usual Suspects: Dagos, Palookas, Romeos, Narration in the Fiction Film. Benjamins Translation Library, forthcoming. Caldiron, Orio, and Matilde Hochkofler. Casablanca and Di Cola, Gerardo. Le voci del tempo perduto: Storie in movimento, 23 Storia economico-politica del cinema italiano Eco, Umberto.
Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage. University of Wisconsin Press. La Cineteca del Friuli, An Aesthetic of the films of the Forties that does not belong among the masterpieces Approach. University of Toronto Press, Piscitello becomes a card-carrying Fascist with the approval of his wife, Rosina Ave Ninchi , and his daughter Delia Scala , and despite the indifference of his anti-Fascist friends. His son, Giovanni Massimo Girotti , is a royal army soldier who takes part in all the wars declared by Mussolini in Ethiopia, Spain, Africa, and Russia.
During one of his furloughs, he becomes engaged to Maria Milly Vitale , the granddaughter of the town pharmacist Aldo Silvani , and marries her. When the Allies land in Sicily and the armistice is proclaimed, Piscitello loses first his son Giovanni, who is murdered by two retreating Germans, and then his job. In this story, the end of the Regime and of the war do not coincide with a renewal of the political class: Even such a brief summary reveals why Anni difficili has aroused strong opposition on all sides of the political spectrum.
The portrayal of Italians that the film conveys does not spare anyone and was quite new in the history of Italian national cinema. Briguglio Film, promoted its restoration. However, it was openly defended by Giulio Andreotti, the undersecretary to the president of 2. The comical and grotesque approach mitigates a specific historical context, freely adapting the plot from a literary the bitterness and skepticism of its message.
Probably for this reason source to talk openly about Italy and its middle class during and Andreotti not only gave a nihil obstat to the film but defended it after Fascism. However, three other reasons should be considered. Zampa uses a quick and easy cinematic as in Bicycle Thieves , than with the political opportunism language that connects immediately with the spectator. It would be depicted in Anni difficili. Zampa inserted archival footage in his film, and dialogue but also from the composition of the frame and the play but not to create the mimesis of reality.
As we see in the sequence between actors In contrast to the war Attention is as a bookish exaltation conveyed by literary myths.
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The third time Piscitello looks at himself is in a real mirror As suggested by Luca Baranelli 11 the debate was especially strong while he is wearing the Blackshirt uniform, and he throws his hat at within the Communist Party because at that time it was easier to his own reflection. His anger stems from the fact that the pharmacist discuss the public controversy surrounding a still-contentious topic has been arrested by the same forces Piscitello represents with his such as Fascism and anti-Fascism through a comedy like Anni difficili uniform.
Then the postcard arrives that draws his son back to the war. The Spectator in the Mirror the character to confront his guilt and cowardice and acknowledge the casualness with which he and many others joined Fascism. According to Vigliacchi, siamo stati tutti. Quelli che battevano le mani in piazza Goffredo Fofi , both Brancati in his short story and Zampa in e quelli che fischiavano nascosti in casa.
Io ho fatto morire mio figlio. On the contrary, they have Piscitello from his slumber and passive acceptance of Fascism. The first time we see Piscitello in front of a is a more powerful mirror of society than the short story. While In , Zampa and Brancati had a broader understanding of he looks at his image reflected in the mirror he tries to wake up his Italy than the writer had in , when his short story was published.
Piscitello wonders aloud how she will be able characters that intensify the satirical dimension of the plot, where to become a serious teacher if she wastes her time reading empty the relationship between Italians and political power, their ability to literature.
Their lack of political consciousness is revealed when they church and Fascism more fully. Paradoxically, the censor asked production to remove political and intellectual ineptitude. The in Modica dying along with him. On the other hand, the the Regime is furtive: He pretends to go to war or urinates on his party affiliation card or his black shirt. Ma il problems within Italian society… but some lack the artistic concentration typical problema interessante del nuovo cinema italiano era vedere se il of [Neorealist] works and may include a mixture of styles or film genres.
Others drift away from a cinema of realism, actual or apparent, toward a more traditional linguaggio dei Visconti, De Sica, Rossellini, Castellani riusciva a commercial cinema, the very kind of cinema neorealist theoreticians such as Zavattini proliferare, se da stile poetico riusciva a diventare lingua corrente, sought to avoid at all costs. He was undersecretary for the president of the Council of Ministers under the in una certa misura, di massa, esprimevano aspetti spiccioli di cabinets led by Giulio Andreotti. Franco Evangelisti, Enrico Fulchignoni.
Films that make people laugh and reflect, provoking a certain— Carlo Montuori. Giuliana Bagni even partial—self-consciousness in the spectator, have been few and unmentioned in credits. Franco Casavola, directed by Ugo Giacomazzi. This is the reason why it is so important to rediscover a Editing: Eraldo da Roma Eraldo Judiconi.
Francesco De Feo and Mauro Bolognini. In , it offered Italians a mirror Production: Although Mostra del cinema di Venezia. As a member of the Central Committee of the PCI , he was quelle che le hanno immediatamente precedute. He directed the journal Critica Marxista from to The debate within the PCI was 17 very lively and revealed unexpected points of view. On the one hand, Calvino intervened in the debate and recognized and directed several films. The restoration was carried out in digital 2K resolution.
Anni difficili and its director. Moreover, in spite 28 This dialogue shows how the characters are generally ineffectual when faced with of the protests of Christian Democrat senators Emilio Battista, Mario Cingolani, and political and intellectual matters: Secondo loro che cosa dovrei fare?
Io non ho fatto nessuna insinuazione. Oh avvocato, potrei citare a memoria certi suoi fatalismo solo se si aggancia a questi grandi fatti, solo se si aggancia alla Storia. In Corriere della sera 28 October Brancati in his short story: Ci piace star male!
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Che fascisti e antifascisti di scarso coraggio abbian ritratto inorriditi 31 Cops and Robbers Dir. Mario Monicelli and Steno Reprinted in Cosulich, Callisto taken directly from the short story: Che cosa ha detto il papa? Storia del cinema italiano. Reprinted in De Giusti, Luciano ed. Marsilio-Edizioni di however timid, to joining the Fascist Party: Ma lo sa che ci sono degli ex deputati, degli ex ministri che darebbero un occhio della testa per essere iscritti al partito e Anni difficili. Arrivederci Piscitello, arrivederci e a domani. Riflessi da un paradiso.
Edizioni cinque lune, Il cinema di Luigi Zampa. From Neorealism to the Present. Edizioni della Cineteca di Bologna, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. Reprinted in Racconti, Teatro, Scritti giornalistici. Nuove 44 7 November Reprinted in Cosulich, Callisto Rossellini, Visconti e la guerra fredda al cinema. Reprinted in Cosulich, Callisto ed.
Review of Anni difficili by Luigi Zampa Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam. Hugh Tomlinson and Robert Galeta. Da Via Etnea a Via Veneto. Breve storia del cinema comico in Italia. Ritornato a Capri, nella sua Casa come me a Punta Massullo, sul finire del fu nuovamente arrestato in almeno due occasioni per i suoi trascorsi fascisti. La vicenda giudiziaria che lo aveva portato a difendersi internazionale condizionato dalla competizione tra Usa e Urss.
Firenze, 13 marzo Parigi, 11 marzo Troppo clima di sospetto che circondava la sua persona. Capri, 16 Maggio Capri, 13 giugno Gli Italiani sono che aveva necessariamente dovuto attraversare il fascismo; il tentativo incorreggibili. Io mi ci trovo bene in Italia: Tutti hanno paura, in Italia. E quando dico polizia plaisir.
Ma un Italiano non due cappelli di paglia, copricapo, spiega lo scrittore, molto utile agli si sbaglia.
Se non sei qualcuno, il passaporto non lo italiani che hanno sempre la testa calda, sono elevati a simbolo del riesci ad avere. Un operaio, un uomo, o donna, del popolo, non passaggio storico che il Paese ha attraversato e sta attraversando: Se sei qualcuno, subito. Possibile che non si riesca mai ad esser liberi? Non pas les morts, stesse cose a Milano, in Aprile Ce sont deux chapeaux de paille viste neppure in Russia. Hanno armato tutta la canaglia: Le antiche divisioni interne al fascismo e mai risolte, aggiungeva lo scrittore, si sarebbero riprodotte ora nei partiti On ne peut pas comprendre la situation actuelle, morale et antifascisti: I partiti, con la loro propaganda, fecero a Capri il giorno di Pasqua del In fin dei conti erano irredimibile: La parola, di Fig.
Inni satire origine toscana, si riferisce, come spiega ancora una volta Pasquino, epigrammi, Ora si chiamavano Alcide De Gasperi, Palmiro 13 settembre Togliatti, Pietro Nenni, Carlo Sforza. Aveva pensato anche di arricchirlo Malaparte aveva inizialmente proposto la pubblicazione di con i disegni del pittore Renato Guttuso: In Francia aveva raccolto il successo internazionale riscosso In questo periodo, si rivolse a Valentino Bompiani di sommario, con il titolo Batticulo. Il 10 ottobre concludeva, doveva essere il seguente: A novembre che, insomma, avrai paura: Ma verso la fine altre due parolacce, due sole, che troverai in un epigramma….
Temerai del mese, Bompiani ebbe un ripensamento. Questi informa il nuovo arrivato di quanto accaduto in Italia: Venne Mussolini, e definitiva del rapporto professionale tra i due. Poi sei venuto tu, e li amareggiato. Son venuti i Russi, e gli Italiani si sono editore, forse per un opportunistico interesse: Storia ai quali vai incontro tu, come editore. Ma il bersaglio principale dello scrittore resta per tutto il romanzo il comunismo sovietico, che, 4. Questa rappresentazione non poteva piacere al segretario del Partito comunista.
Lo seguiva un folto stuolo di forsennati, che agitavano di domani, ricordando come, in passato, lo stesso avesse chiesto bandierine bianche rosse e verdi gridavano: Viva pagina verso la fine del mese: Tutto continuava come sempre, domanda un memoriale di 30 pagine, nel quale voleva dimostrare come il personaggio Malaparte sussurra a Pietro Nenni di fronte allo i suoi sentimenti filocomunisti. In ogni parola, in ogni Malaparte scrittore di guerra. Come se non fossimo tutti colpevoli, tutti. Non in una delle sue Corrispondenze repubblicane.
Non i morti, ma i vivi: Avrei preferito che, molto semplicemente, fosse stato utile a qualcosa. Le loro idee erano vaghe, confuse, antiquate. Erano sordi, eloquenti e miopi. Lettere a Curzio Malaparte. Malaparte e il giornalismo. Introduzione a Curzio Malaparte. Viaggio in abitudini, delle paure e delle speranze del cattolicesimo. Il popolo italiano ama i Etiopia e altri scritti africani. A cura di Enzo R. Malaparte scrittore di guerra. La piccola borghesia, in quanto classe sociale e Sforza per il suo Battibecco Lettera: Jouy-en-Josas, 24 ottobre Curzio Malaparte, La pelle.
Storia e racconto Lettere a Giuseppe Prezzolini. Archivio Prezzolini, Biblioteca 20 cantonale di Lugano. Se ne conserva un esemplare tra le Carte Bompiani. Lettere a Valentino Bompiani. Il romanzo fu pubblicato in dieci numeri successivi, dal n. The Ventennio in Andrea Pinotti. I di Curzio Malaparte. Opera omnia, a cura di Edoardo e Duilio of his works.
As a matter of fact, the pages in which the author remembers his youth under Fascism and during the Allied landing in Sicily are some of the most moving in his biography Lodato He recalls his dueling senses of liberation and occupation—the joy of being freed from tyranny on the one hand and the realization of an impending foreign occupation on the other—which made him cry actual tears at the arrival of the Allied troops.
Many decades later, Leonardo Sciascia, the famous Sicilian writer, would confess to his friend Camilleri the exact same emotions on this historic day [Lodato ]. Such selectivity becomes especially evident when looking between it and recent events. This article will take into Literature transmits knowledge through its mnemonic capacity account recent theoretical discourse in the field of cultural memory and can thus serve a didactic function within a shared memory space studies Assmann, Erll, Isnenghi, Lachmann, Neumann, Rigney as Lachmann The Sicilian author fiercely criticizes Bonina, Demontis, Nigro , to give a comprehensive look at those any type of extremism, orthodoxy, or fanaticism—both historical works in which the author comes to terms with his personal memories and contemporary.
Through a historical looking glass, his writing of the Ventennio.
In them, social circles at the time of writing.