Directing studies on project law by referring to my professional experiences of various development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Directing field research on strategies of dispute settlement at state courts. Shorter visits in , , , and Burundi Directing field research on the education system. Plural governance and legal pluralism in war-torn societies.
Empirical Studies from Africa and Beyond, eds. Markus Weilenmann and Werner Zips, Berlin: A Case Study from Senegal, in: Transforming Rural Property Relations: Transnational Agency and Outcomes. A Special Issue, eds. Mobile People — Mobile Law. Expanding Legal Relations in a Contracting World, eds. Assisting Good Governance and Democracy: Zusammen mit Kerstin Lisy Hg.
Ein Raster zur Analyse und zum Vergleich politischer Rahmenbedingungen. Gesamttagung der Regierungsberater und Regierungsberaterinnen in Weinheim vom 9. Burundi - Psychogramme of a Failed State. An ethno-psychoanalytical study on state building in a war-torn society No short cuts to peace - to the failure of "Good Governance" - Programmes in Burundi.
The Governance of Legal Pluralism. Werner Zips and Markus Weilenmann, Berlin: A case study from Burundi, in: The Power of Law in the Transnational World. Eine Fallstudie aus Burundi, in: Some thoughts on political psychology based on the develop- ments in Burundi, Rwanda and South-Kivu. The results indicate that this procedure is a timely and accurate method for obtaining aerothermodynamic predictions on slender hypersonic vehicles. She has been a DSP for seven of those years, and in that role, supported four women at one of the Orange Grove Center….
Federal Register , , , , ID] Wright, Laura H. Wright filed an application to hold interlocking positions, pursuant to section b of the Federal Power Act, 16 U. Research Biologist Laura Jackson, Ph. This user's manual provides detailed instructions for the installation and the application of version 4.
Also provides simulation of flow field in thermochemical nonequilibrium around vehicles traveling at hypersonic velocities through the atmosphere. Earlier versions of LAURA were predominantly research codes, and they had minimal or no documentation. This manual describes UNIX-based utilities for customizing the code for special applications that also minimize system resource requirements.
The algorithm is reviewed, and the various program options are related to specific equations and variables in the theoretical development. Laura Bush today announced details of two new key components of continue to build upon. Preliminary steps toward modeling a coupled ablation problem using a finite-volume Navier-Stokes code LAURA are presented in this paper. Implementation of a surface boundary condition with mass transfer blowing is described followed by verification and validation through comparisons with analytic results and experimental data.
Application of the code to a carbon-nosetip ablation problem is demonstrated and the results are compared with previously published data. It is concluded that the code and coupled procedure are suitable to support further ablation analyses and studies. Infant welfare, philanthropy and entrepreneurship in Glasgow: Sister Laura 's Infant Food Company.
Laura Smith was sister-in-charge of the Children's Dispensary in Glasgow from to In she established Sister Laura 's Infant Food Company to market a special milk formula of her own invention. The directors of the Dispensary were not amused. As the 'outdoor' department of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children Yorkhill , the Dispensary was at the forefront of efforts to combat child ill health and malnutrition. This paper considers Laura Smith's initiative within the context of the health and care of infants of the time - high infant mortality, public and professional concerns for infant welfare, technological advances in food science, changing recommendations and practices of infant feeding and ambiguous relations between medicine and commerce.
The erudite humility of the historian: Laura Briley is a person who makes things happen! Not only is she instrumental in creating a new World Forum Working Group for the Rights of Children in Children's Homes, but in April she organized the first ever Pikler Intensive Training in the United States by bringing two internationally famous infant development experts to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Using archival materials from the early years of Temple University's history at the Special Collections Research Center, Templana Collection, at Samuel Paley Library of Temple University as well as historical periodicals, this project established a biographical sketch of Associate President Laura Carnell and examined her influence on the….
Creating Value from Innovation: Some corporate executives regard their libraries as black holes that just consume company resources, but thanks to Laura Gordon-Murnane, executives at the Bureau of National Affairs BNA know their library actively adds value to the company. As web master for BNA's intranet, Gordon-Murnane creates information tools, databases, and products for…. This essay describes a method of teaching a very challenging anthology piece: The method, although designed for a critical thinking course, should also provide resources for those who teach Kipnis's work in writing courses.
Preparing Children To Read and Learn: An Education Initiative of Laura Bush. Noting that teaching reading is one of the Bush Administration's top domestic priorities, this pamphlet introduces the Ready to Read, Ready to Learn education initiative of First Lady Laura Bush. The goals of the initiative are to ensure that all young children are ready to read and learn when they enter their first classroom, and to ensure that…. This paper examines the trajectories of two characters in Laura Antillano's short story, "Tuna de mar" , as they navigate interrelated systems of power and attempt to position themselves closer to, or further away from, the margins.
Set in the late eighteenth century, the tale features a female protagonist who escapes prostitution…. The water system that supplies the heavily populated Dalap-Uliga-Darrit DUD area of Majuro atoll, Marshall Island, relies almost entirely upon airstrip catchment of rain water. Droughts cause severe water supply problems and water rationing is required, even during periods of normal rainfall.
The Laura area contains a substantial lens of fresh groundwater that could be developed for export to the DUD area 30 mi to the east. Study of the groundwater resource at Laura involved a survey of existing wells, installation of monitoring wells and test holes, compilation of continuous records of rainfall and water level fluctuations, and collection of water quality data. Test hole data permitted the definition of three geohydrologic units which correlate well with similar units in Bikini and Enewetak atolls. The units consist of two layers of unconsolidated reef and lagoon sediments resting on a dense, highly permeable limestone.
The potable water zone, or freshwater nucleus, of the lens is contained mostly within the unconsolidated layers, which are much less permeable than the basal limestone. Recharge to the Laura freshwater lens is estimated to be 1. Shallow skimming wells or infiltration galleries similar to those used on Kwajalein atoll would be appropriate to develop the freshwater lens. The impact of development on the lens can be determined by monitoring the salinity in developed water and in a network of monitor wells.
A standard domain decomposition strategy is used in which the computational domain is divided into subdomains with each subdomain assigned to a processor.
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Performance is examined on dedicated parallel machines and a network of desktop workstations. The effect of domain decomposition and frequency of boundary updates on performance and convergence is also examined for several realistic configurations and conditions typical of large-scale computational fluid dynamic analysis. The interface protocol is presented and the method is applied to two slender, blunted shapes. Both axisymmetric and three dimensional solutions are included with surface pressure and heat transfer comparisons between the present method and previously published results. The case of Mach 25 flow over an axisymmetric six degree sphere-cone with a noncatalytic wall is considered to nose radii.
A stability bound on the marching step size was observed with this case and is attributed to chemistry effects resulting from the noncatalytic wall boundary condition. A second case with Mach 28 flow over a sphere-cone-cylinder-flare configuration is computed at both two and five degree angles of attack with a fully-catalytic wall.
Surface pressures are seen to be within five percent with the present method compared to the baseline LAURA solution and heat transfers are within 10 percent. The effect of grid resolution is investigated and the nonequilibrium results are compared with a perfect gas solution, showing that while the surface pressure is relatively unchanged by the inclusion of reacting chemistry the nonequilibrium heating is 25 percent higher.
The procedure demonstrates significant, order of magnitude reductions in solution time and required memory for the three dimensional case over an all thin-layer Navier-Stokes solution. Interview by Laura Pacey. The only catch is she has accepted the challenge issued by interviewer and fellow Twitter enthusiast Laura Pacey of answering every question, in characters or less. The Furo of Laura is an economically important river in the Amazon estuary. The sediments were sampled at four points every 2months for a year with an Ekman-Birge sampler. After microwave acid digestion, the metal levels were determined by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma.
The particle size and organic matter content influenced the concentration of the metals. The sediments were not enriched by the analyzed metals; the estuary therefore retained the characteristics of an uncontaminated environment, thus serving as a reference environment for comparison. The depositional processes that formed Laura Island, Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands, were reconstructed based on a facies analysis of island sediments and spine ratios, and radiocarbon ages of foraminifera.
Sedimentary facies were analyzed from trenches and drill cores excavated on the island and its adjacent reef flat. Depositional ages were obtained using benthic foraminifera Calcarina whose spines had not been abraded. The facies were classified into two types: The initial sediments of these sites consisted of gravelly facies in the lower horizon and sandy facies in the upper horizon. Their ages were approximately cal BP and coincident with the onset of a 1. Half of the sand fraction of the sediment was composed of larger benthic foraminifera.
The spine ratio showed that their supply source on the reef flat was located oceanside of the island. The supply source appears to have been caused by the relative sea-level fall. This indicates that the studied island was formed by a relative reduction in wave energy and enhanced foraminiferal supply, both of which were triggered by the late Holocene relative sea-level fall.
Looking for Laura Secord on the Web: Laura Ingersoll Secord was, admittedly, a well-known historical figure--at least in Canada over a century before the development of the World Wide Web. In , she first achieved widespread notoriety in her adopted homeland of Canada she was born in Massachusetts when a deed she performed for the British army during the War of was publicly…. In , a record breaking 26 named tropical storms including 13 hurricanes ravaged the Gulf Coast of the United States. In response to the devastation of hundreds of schools, the Laura Bush Foundation swiftly created The Gulf Coast School Library Recovery Initiative to help school libraries become fully functional and to offer the needed print….
Yamada, Jeni " Laura: Jeni Yamada's " Laura " and Michael Tomasello's "First Verbs" continue a tradition of providing useful information on the language ability of individuals in a depth rarely found in multisubject studies; however, these efforts are unusual for case studies in that both take strong theoretical positions on the essence of language and language learning. The hard winter of Climatological context and communication via a Laura Ingalls Wilder narrative. The Hard Winter of was featured in the Laura Ingalls Wilder historical fiction account, The Long Winter, as well as in several town histories across the region.
Both meteorological records and historical accounts indicate that the winter was particularly long, snowy, and cold. The question of how "hard" a winter is for a given location depends on the climatological context, which relies on an objective characterization of winter severity. The Accumulated Winter Season Severity Index AWSSI allows comparison of the winter of among sites across the region, as well as in the context of the period of record, to quantify its severity. With an understanding of the climatological factors influencing the Hard Winter, along with the context for its severity, a more thorough analysis then was conducted to quantify and describe its severity.
The connection of the winter of to a popular book written by an author who is a cultural icon provides a natural vehicle with which to communicate weather and climate concepts to multiple non-technical audiences. The communication of complex weather and climate concepts is a well-documented challenge. One method to bridge between science concepts and public understanding is to relate those concepts to familiar subjects and stories, including Laura Ingalls Wilder's books.
A narrative constructed around the books, particularly The Long Winter, provides a means of audience engagement and interest in weather- and climate-related topics, which was at least partially quantified by surveying audiences of the narrative. Overall, the scientific background, combined with a familiar narrative voice, provides a means to transmit weather and. Overall performance exceeded All of this was achieved without any major modification to the original vector based code.
The Langley Aerothermodynamics Upwind Relaxation Algorithm LAURA code is a key simulation tool in the development of the next generation shuttle, interplanetary reentry vehicles, and nearly all "X" plane development. At this rate, expected workloads would require over C90 CPU years of computing over the next few calendar years.
It is not feasible to expect that this would be affordable or available to the user community. Dramatic performance gains on cheaper systems are needed. This code is expected to be perhaps the largest consumer of NASA Ames compute cycles per run in the coming year. It is one of the largest consumers of NASA supercomputing cycles and large simulations of highly resolved full.
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Lower than average rainfall during late and early in Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, caused a drought and severe drinking-water shortage. Majuro depends on a public rainfall catchment system, which uses an airport runway and storage reservoirs.
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The storage reservoirs can supply water for about 30 to 50 days without replenishment. In February , after a few months with less than one inch of rainfall per month, a drought-related disaster was declared. Reverse-osmosis water-purification systems were brought to Majuro to help alleviate the water shortage. Concurrent with the water-purification program, ground water from a freshwater lens in the Laura area of the atoll was pumped at increased rates.
Of the total consumed water during this period, ground water from Laura supplied between 90 percent March and 64 percent May of the drinking water. Due to public concern, a study was initiated to determine the effects of the drought on the freshwater lens. The areal extent of the freshwater lens is about acres. A monitoring-well network, consisting of multiple wells driven to varying depths at 11 sites, was installed to determine the thickness of the freshwater lens. Similar locations relative to an earlier study were chosen so that the data from this study could be compared to data.
At the end of the drought in June , the freshwater near the middle of the lens was about 45 feet thick; and at the north and south ends, the freshwater was about 25 to 38 feet thick, respectively. Monitoring of the freshwater lens was continued through the wet season following the drought. The lens increased in thickness by 1 to 8 feet after 7 months of rainfall. Greater increases in lens thickness were measured on the lagoon side than on the ocean side of the freshwater lens.
Lens thickness during August , and seasonal variation of lens thickness in , were compared to data collected in Comparison of lens thickness from. Warner, and Dana Stright. Research Biologist with the EPA. Her current work involves linking natural and built infrastructure to human health and well-being at multiple spatial scales, in order to develop interpretive maps and analytical tools for an interactive, web-based Atlas. Experimenting with wires, batteries, bulbs and the induction coil: Narratives of teaching and learning physics in the electrical investigations of Laura , David, Jamie, myself and the nineteenth century experimenters.
Our developments and instruments. Physics is conventionally taught as a fixed curriculum which students must master. This thesis changes that: In each case, learning arose through activity with materials. Evidences of this are analyzed within narratives and reflections. I used teaching-research, a method developed by Duckworth from Piaget's clinical interviewing, to research and simultaneously extend students' evolving understandings.
What I learned through questioning students informed my next interactions; what they learned extended their experimenting.

Similarly, I researched historical accounts interactively: Studying my own learning deepened my interpretations of students' learning. My students Laura , David and Jamie experimented by: They inferred electricity's effects manifest magnitudes of material properties. They found their experiences while learning were inseparable from what they learned. I researched investigations connected with Cavendish's leather fish, Galvani's frogs, Schweigger's wire spiraled around a compass needle, Henry's electromagnets, Faraday's induction ring, induction devices of Page, Callan, Hearder.
Experimentally, I made galvanometers, electromagnets, induction rings, induction coil. I observed effects of electromagnetism, internal resistance, induced sparking. Across these investigations, learning developed with instrumental innovations; confusions were productive.
A resolution honoring the life and legacy of Laura Pollan. This bill has the status IntroducedHere are the steps for Status of Legislation:. The Bush Administration's fiscal promotion of heritage tourism and other economic revitalization projects. Nau, III, chairman of the. Bush announced two new education efforts to enhance the teaching of history in America's classrooms: Preserve America has worked with the History Channel's Save Our History initiative to support the creation of a history education manual. This manual provides teachers with lesson plans and.
Every one tells a story about the past and provides will be one of many opportunities for learning and recreation. In Idaho, modern-day explorers can Salmon and Lemhi Valleys is one of the few original portions still in existence. However, regulatory and statutory changes since then have significantly altered case management practices. Involvement in these cases can also lead the ACHP to pursue broad changes to Federal agency programs or.
Department of Commerce seal U. Department of Agriculture logo U. Department of Housing and Urban. Methane and Ozone Over California. The aircraft is stationed at Moffett Field and is outfitted with scientific instruments to measure trace gas concentrations and 3-D wind speeds. This talk will focus on recent observations over dairy operations, fossil fuel infrastructure, and wildfires.
Institute of Museum and Library Services, National The Institute of Museum and Library Services announces the following information collection has From Laura Ingalls to Wing Biddlebaum: The purpose of this study is to systemically analyze the types of teachers that appear in works of literature, and to explore the various teacher identities that are depicted. The data consists of 44 works of literature representing a wide variety of genres, settings, cultures, and historical periods. They include 20 adult novels, 6 young adult….
Current research initiatives include analysis of grants made to educational and IMLS proposes to collect qualitative and quantitative information from grant recipients and A resolution electing Laura C. Dove, of Virginia, as Secretary for the Minority of the Senate. You may submit comments by the Impact of Alleged Russian Cyber Attacks. The Future of Russian Cyber Warfare Autumn, , p ; Jaak Aaviksoo , Address by the. We thank Andrea Tertulliani and his colleagues for their interest in our article on the Gorkha earthquake Martin, Hough, et al.
Feynman Center for Innovation. A high school drama coach informs assistant principal Laura Madison that the money students earned through fund-raising activities seems to have vanished and that the male assistant principal may be involved in the disappearance of the funds. Laura has to determine how to address this situation. She considers her past experiences with problematic…. All equine vets should wear helmets. Laura Shaw argues that, due to the equine profession having the highest injury rate of all civilian professions, senior veterinary surgeons should take the lead in wearing helmets as routine.
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Termination; Western Bonding Company. Argonne Physics Division Colloquium. Using Drosophila fruit fly to complete the experiments. Here we have sample preparation for post flight analysis of Drosophila fruit fly larva with Oana Marcu and Laura Higgins. ALP - blood test. Approach to the patient with Concepts and Clinical Practice Adapting the Home After a Stroke. Louis School of Medicine. Installation Designated for Disposal: Solomon, Senior Counsel, at , or Daniele Solomon, Senior Counsel, at , or Jennifer L For technical questions concerning this final rule, contact Yvonne Tran, Commercial Space National Archives and Records Administration.
This regulation is effective March 2, The briefing was conducted by Laura Louviere center. Women and Mathematics in the Time of Euler. We explore mathematics written both by and for women in eighteenth-century Europe, and some of the interesting personalities involved: Sekikawa, Akira, Ronald E. Laporte , Toshihiko Satoh and Genero Ochi. Statistic Quarterly, 48 Huey, Edward Downing, and Laura M. Accessed 10 October Penguin Press, , An Integrated Theory of Concurrent Multitasking. Psychological Review, 1 , —, http: Bernard Fox, Kristin F.
Conley, Bernard Fox, and Jerry M. Sollinger, Air Force Materiel Command. As part of this database development, the results for the Mars continuum were validated with experimental data and comparisons made where applicable. The analyses of the noncontinuum regime showed the existence of multiple trim angles of attack that can be unstable or stable trim points. This information is needed to design guidance controller throughout the trajectory.
Examples from an existing suite of regression tests are used to demonstrate the functional equivalence, encompassing various thermochemical models and vehicle configurations. Algorithm modifications required for the node-based unstructured grid code FUN3D to reproduce functionality of the cell-centered structured code LAURA are also documented. Challenges associated with computation on tetrahedral grids versus computation on structured-grid derived hexahedral systems are discussed.
A study of the leeside flow characteristics of the Shuttle Orbiter is presented for a reentry flight condition. LAURA is a second-order accurate, laminar Navier-Stokes solver, incorporating finite-rate chemistry with a radiative equilibrium wall temperature distribution and finite-rate wall catalysis.
The resulting computational solution is analyzed in terms of salient flow features and the surface quantities are compared with flight data. Laura Auletta, Director, Office of Governmentwide Time to pregnancy in relation to total trihalomethane levels in tap water Shanna H. Swan, Cuirong Ren, Gayle C. Windham, Laura Fenster, Kirsten Waller. We have previously reported increased risks o California Department of Health Services.
In previous studies of tap water consumption we Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, Form I We may also be contacted at: Do dogs bite without warning, or should we see it coming? When dog bites occur, many owners will report the incident as being 'out of character' for the dog and as happening 'out of the blue'. But do dogs provide warning signs before biting and should owners and vets be able to see it coming? This question was explored in a session during the London Vet Show. Inquiry-driven learners anticipate, embrace, and adapt to disruptive change.
Clifton Conrad and Laura Dunek advance a transformative purpose of a college education. They invite stakeholders from across higher education to engage in vigorous dialogue about the aims of a college education--and how to realize those aims. Feminist Film Theory and Criticism. Discusses Laura Mulvey's essay, "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema," and the ideas about feminist film theory and psychoanalysis as a critical tool which it raises.
Suggests contradiction is the central issue in feminist film theory. Explores definitions of women's cinema. This theme issue includes five articles that focus on implementing instructional technology in ways that benefit all students, including limited-English-proficient, minority, economically disadvantaged, and at-risk students.
A New Take on the Field Trip. Because Laura Lukes used to be a geologist, when she started teaching science, she wanted to incorporate field experiences in her classroom. But, like many teachers, she faced obstacles: As a result, a real field…. Asia and the Pacific. This collection of essays focuses on textbook treatments of World War II in Japan, Germany, and the United States and gives readers a new perspective on the creation of national identities and international misunderstandings.
Essays in the collection are: Laura Bush hosted a White House Conference on School Libraries on June 4, , to discuss the latest research on libraries, student achievement and successful local programs. Bush's cohost was Dr. Robert Martin, Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services and education, library, government and philanthropic leaders from across….
Discusses sequential art, also known as comic books or graphic novels, as reading motivators, as content, as literature, and as the subject itself. Includes comic resources for school library media specialists and describes the White House Conference that Laura Bush has promoted that has given library media centers national visibility.
Literary Study, Measurement, and the Sublime: This collection of essays, "Literary Study, Measurement, and the Sublime: Rosenthal, represents an important new venture in the Foundation's communication program. The book is the product of many authors, including the editors, both of whom have written essays for it. Edouard Lock's dance film "Amelia" is the focus of this essay. Second-wave feminist and poststructuralist perspectives inform the analysis of this piece of contemporary dance. Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory and Julia Kristeva's theory of the semiotic and symbolic realms of representation are explored and critiqued, whilst Jacques Derrida's….
Four workshops focus on nutrition for infants and children in child care settings. Assessing 21st Century Skills: The Common Core State Standards clearly define the skills students need for success in college and the 21st century workplace. The question is, how can you measure student mastery of skills like creativity, problem solving, and use of technology?
Laura Greenstein demonstrates how teachers can teach and assess 21st century skills using authentic…. Laura Carrico, Director, Financial Change and Change in State of Incorporation: Odyssey America Reinsurance Corporation. Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service Termination; First Sealord Surety, Inc. Amendment-Evergreen National Indemnity Company. Darwin National Assurance Company. Atlantic Bonding Company, Inc. Termination; Minnesota Surety and Trust Company.
The authors elucidate what they saw as three important challenges to overcome along the path to becoming elementary school mathematics teacher leaders: To illustrate how these challenges were mitigated, they focus on the stories of two elementary school teachers-- Laura and…. Wells, Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources. The URL for this survey site will also be advertised separately through media and social media Statewide and District Professional Development in Standards: National Writing Project at Work. These monographs describe NWP work, which is often shared informally or in workshops.
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Richard Koch and Laura Roop present a model of standards-based professional development…. This newsletter includes three articles, two of which focus on standards for student evaluation and for admission to higher education. In this article, the author discusses digital humanities DH and what future it holds for graduate students who are riding the digital-humanities bandwagon.
He spoke with several graduate students about their interest in the field: Laura Mandell, director of the Initiative for Digital…. The seal of the President of the Development logo Mrs. At left is Laura Filipek, a University of Central Florida graduate chemistry student involved in the science.
McLean VA, August Advice for Fund Raisers: The psychology behind getting the big gift and making "the ask" for it was a major topic at Fund Raising Day in New York , which drew representatives from across the nonprofit world, including charities, hospitals, colleges, and museums. Laura Fredricks, who was vice president for philanthropy at Pace University from until earlier this…. Storytime in a Digital World: Making a Case for Thinking Outside the Book.
Storytime is an important fixture in many school libraries that helps foster students' reading abilities. With a history of success, why would librarians want to alter storytime by incorporating technology? This article discusses how Laura Fleming, a long-time school librarian, addressed decreased student engagement in traditional reading…. Through the Eyes of Trainee Treachers. It was unclear to them, however, what knowledge the children actually had acquired from the lessons. In this article these student teachers describe their use of concept mapping as they….
This theme issue contains six articles on improving math and science education for minority group students, particularly language-minority students. Selevan,6 Steve Schrader 7 Abstract The origin of successfu Jean Marzollo creates two beautiful texts using a child's first words, "Mama, Mama" and "Papa, Papa" as a recurring theme.
Wildlife artist, Laura Regan, illustrates Marzollo's poetry with loving images of parents and children in the animal kingdom. Poetry and illustrations highlight the tenderness and care of Mama and Papa as they bond with their…. This text is designed to help postsecondary education personnel initiate or refine college programs for the increasing numbers of students with learning disabilities. Following an introductory chapter, chapters have the following titles: Losing Libraries, Saving Libraries. This summer, as public libraries continued to get budget hit after budget hit across the country, several readers asked for a comprehensive picture of the ravages of the recession on library service.
This practical resource brings together current information on the topic in a concise format that's easy to digest. Laura Solomon is a librarian with more than a decade of experience in Web….
Rescuing the Soiled Dove: American popular culture romanticises relationships between sex workers and their customers; novels, films and television depict prostitutes as innocents in need of rescue by a wealthy or powerful man. Increasing Access to College: Extending Possibilities for All Students. This collection of papers examines pre-college enrichment programs that offer a specific remedy to the problem of low income and underrepresented students' access to higher education.
The 10 papers are: Perna ; 2 "The Relationship between…. Where Daggers Are Only of the Mind. Laura Bates, an associate professor of English at Indiana State University, teaches college courses at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, but her Shakespeare workshop is a rarer undertaking, with a startling history. About six years ago, an inmate in one of her college-degree courses was sent from the general population to the "SHU"--the…. This report of a conference on developmental advising contains the following 18 papers: Phase I" Laura Lemonine ;…. Seeing the "Big" Picture: Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research http: Giving Muslim Girls "A Voice": This paper presents the philosophies and practices of " Laura ", a young English community liaison worker and former religious studies teacher who has recently converted to Islam.
Drawing on data generated from a qualitative and predominantly interview-based research project that investigated issues of pedagogy and social justice in…. This volume on the Tri-University project contains three reports on the teaching of oracy. The chairman of the committee on oracy, Laura Chase, offers suggestions for the preservice and inservice training of teachers to prepare them to deal with discussion, the individual talk, oral reading, and dramatic role playing.
She outlines a teacher…. This article presents an annotated bibliography of 19 titles that focus on cancer and health-care reform. A Breast Cancer Guide for Men. Changing Faces of Reform. This proceedings contains abstracts of 21 presentations. Inter- and transnational cooperation.
Transnational public goods provision: The Fragmentation of aid. Data revolution for sustainable development: Refereed Publications Klingebiel, Stephan Transnational public goods provision: Palgrave Macmillan Klingebiel, Stephan Global problem-solving approaches: Entwicklungspolitik in der Systemkrise und vor den Herausforderungen einer komplexeren Systemumwelt in: European Commission Klingebiel, Stephan "Development, political economy of" in: George Thomas Kurian ed.
Geburtstag von Franz Nuscheler, Duisburg: Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden sef: Financing the UN Development System: Ann-Kristin Mull et al.: Was Welt und Klima wirklich hilft, Marburg: Anmerkungen im Wahljahr in: South Africa; emerging power or fading star?