Due to the geologic setting of certain plume sources and large reservoirs of volatiles required for the active eruptions, it is concluded that sulfur volcanism rather than silicate volcanism is the most likely driving mechanism for the eruption plumes. Photo series for quantifying forest fuels in Mexico: Single wide-angle and stereo photographs display a range of forest ecosystems conditions and fuel loadings in montane subtropical forests of the Sierra Madre del Sur and temperate forests and montane shrubland of the northern Sierra Madre Oriental of Mexico.
Each group of photographs includes inventory information summarizing overstory vegetation composition and Primer registro del frutero pechinegro Pipreola lubomirskii Aves, Cotingidae en la vertiente occidental de los Andes. Industria y competitividad regional: Anastylosis virtual de la puerta occidental del Castellum de Tamuda Tetuan, Marruecos. The energy situation in the Western region; Situacion energetica en el hemisferio occidental. The Inter-American affairs have never been simple, in fact, they become even more complicated when the energy is the topic.
Due to political and economic reasons as well as those provoked by the resources availability, the western countries seem to have the same differences among them. On the other hand, by means of an analysis of 11 nations, there can be found the challenges that American continent confronts with regard to the energy issue. Menos aun cuando se trata de energia.
Debido a razones tanto politicas y economicas como a las ocasionadas por la disponibilidad de recursos, los paises del hemisferio occidental parecen no poder reconciliar sus diferencias. Mediante el analisis de 11 naciones se aprecian los desafios que encara el continente americano en materia energetica. Se realizaron 22 entrevistas en profundidad a 8 madres , con promedio de 2 a 4 por informante. La familia constituye la principal red de apoyo para los adolescentes en esta etapa de vida, sobretodo cuando tienen que afrontar la maternidad.
Factores asociados con lactancia materna exclusiva hasta el sexto mes en madres adolescentes. Se encuentran en todos los tejidos autorrenovables como son los epitelios. Algunos de los marcadores que se utilizan para identificarlas son: Se estudiaron mujeres y sus hijas adolescentes embarazadas. Se seleccionaron variables maternas y de las hijas. Volcanic risk; Risque volcanique. Volcanic Eruptions and Climate. Volcanic eruptions represent some of the most climatically important and societally disruptive short-term events in human history. Large eruptions inject ash, dust, sulfurous gases e.
SO2, H2S , halogens e. Hcl and Hbr , and water vapor into the Earth's atmosphere. Sulfurous emissions principally interact with the climate by converting into sulfate aerosols that reduce incoming solar radiation, warming the stratosphere and altering ozone creation, reducing global mean surface temperature, and suppressing the hydrological cycle.
In this issue, we focus on the history, processes, and consequences of these large eruptions that inject enough material into the stratosphere to significantly affect the climate system. In terms of the changes wrought on the energy balance of the Earth System, these transient events can temporarily have a radiative forcing magnitude larger than the range of solar, greenhouse gas, and land use variability over the last millennium.
In simulations as well as modern and paleoclimate observations, volcanic eruptions cause large inter-annual to decadal-scale changes in climate. Active debates persist concerning their role in longer-term multi-decadal to centennial modification of the Earth System, however.
The course of these speeches is analyzed on a tri-fold approach. Secondly, the narrative strategies these women unfurl to gain social recognition in their respective family, work, friend and legal spheres are examined. Finally, these speeches permit to study the deficient perception of their family unit that many of these women end up assimilating as an unexpected side effect of their situation. Friction in volcanic environments. Volcanic landscapes are amongst the most dynamic on Earth and, as such, are particularly susceptible to failure and frictional processes.
In rocks, damage accumulation is frequently accompanied by the release of seismic energy, which has been shown to accelerate in the approach to failure on both a field and laboratory scale. The point at which failure occurs is highly dependent upon strain-rate, which also dictates the slip-zone properties that pertain beyond failure, in scenarios such as sector collapse and pyroclastic flows as well as the ascent of viscous magma.
High-velocity rotary shear HVR experiments have provided new opportunities to overcome the grand challenge of understanding faulting processes during volcanic phenomena. Work on granular ash material demonstrates that at ambient temperatures, ash gouge behaves according to Byerlee's rule at low slip velocities, but is slip-weakening, becoming increasingly lubricating as slip ensues.
In absence of ash along a slip plane, rock-rock friction induces cataclasis and heating which, if sufficient, may induce melting producing pseudotachylyte and importantly, vesiculation. The viscosity of the melt, so generated, controls the subsequent lubrication or resistance to slip along the fault plane thanks to non-Newtonian suspension rheology.
The shear-thinning behaviour and viscoelasticity of frictional melts yield a tendency for extremely unstable slip, and occurrence of frictional melt fragmentation. This velocity-dependence acts as an important feedback mechanism on the slip plane, in addition to the bulk composition, mineralogy and glass content of the magma, that all influence frictional behaviour. During sector collapse events and in pyroclastic density currents it is the frictional properties of the rocks and ash that, in-part, control the run-out distance and associated risk.
In addition, friction plays an important role in the eruption of viscous magmas: In the conduit, the rheology of magma is integral. Faltan normativas universitarias que legitimen socialmente a los cuerpos de las madres solteras universitarias. This article examines the historical and contemporary role of Latina madres in the educational lives of their children and communities. Latinas, in their work as mother-activists, have played critical roles in the schooling lives of their children, seeking educational equality for their communities in general, amidst the growing racial politics….
We conducted mammal surveys in the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca Sierra Norte in Oaxaca, Mexico, and recorded the occurrence of two conspicuous mammal species: Spider monkeys has not been previously recorded in the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, and coyotes have not been previously observed in Mexico at elevations as high as the present one 3 mas1 in the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca.
Esta propuesta se realiza con or Nell' Occidente medievale i mostri sono ovunque: I mostri sono diffusissimi nell'arte, in particolare nel periodo romanico e gotico nella scultura religiosa e nella miniatura. I mostri nel Medioevo comprendono le razze umane mostruose, come cinocefali e acefali, gli animali fantastici come grifone, basilisco, unicorno e gli ibridi, ma c'erano anche ibridi vegetali, come l'anatr Closer look at lunar volcanism.
Although the American Apollo and Soviet Luna missions concentrated on mare basalt samples, major questions remain about lunar volcanism. Lunar field work will be indispensable for resolving the scientific questions about ages, compositions, and eruption processes of lunar volcanism. From a utilitarian standpoint, a better knowledge of lunar volcanism will also yield profitable returns in lunar base construction e. In this paper I analyse three hagiographical texts from al-Andalus in order to understand how the authority of a holy man is constructed from two perspectives: Through these two passions, love and fear, one can infer the existence of a political and religious pattern for authoritarian relationships in Western Islam.
Full Text Available This study documents the fishery of the short-necked clam Paphia undulata in coastal waters of southern Negros Occidental. Catch and effort estimates were determined based on daily records of compressor divers gathered between February-July in Himamaylan City and July May in the town of Hinigaran.
Fishing and marketing practices in both areas were also documented and population biology information noted. Compared to earlier conditions, present fishing patterns show a worsened stage of overexploitation primarily characterized by collection of predominantly small and immature mostly Volcanology: Volcanic bipolar disorder explained. Eruptions come in a range of magnitudes. Numerical simulations and laboratory experiments show that rare, giant super-eruptions and smaller, more frequent events reflect a transition in the essential driving forces for volcanism.
Lidar sounding of volcanic plumes. Accurate knowledge of gas composition in volcanic plumes has high scientific and societal value. On the one hand, it gives information on the geophysical processes taking place inside volcanos; on the other hand, it provides alert on possible eruptions.
For this reasons, it has been suggested to monitor volcanic plumes by lidar. This is a very challenging task due to the harsh environment, the narrowness and weakness of the CO2 absorption lines and the difficulty to procure a suitable laser source. This paper, after a review on remote sensing of volcanic plumes, reports on the current progress of the lidar system.
Permo-triassic volcanism in the San Rafael Block Mendoza province and its uraniferous potential. This paper describes the Permo-triassic volcanism in the San Rafael Block, Mendoza, Argentina, which forms part of the Choiyoi province and it represents by large volumes of intermediate to silicic ignimbrites with minor sub volcanic bodies of rhyolites, andesites and basandesites. Three different suites can be distinguished: These suites are easily distinguished by means of trace element data and are believed to represent the transition between a subduction-related magmatic arc and an extensional tectonic regime.
This tectonic setting is similar to the prevalent during the Cenozoic in the Sierra Occidental of Mexico and is favourable for the development of long-lived hydrothermal systems which lead to economic U concentrations i. Sierra de Pena Blanca. In the San Rafael Block, the Dr. Baulies-Los Reyunos U deposit, which is hosted in volcanic sediments, is associated to the first suite Lower Section. Although minor U concentrations are known, up to date, to be related to the second and third suites, these rocks are fertile and seen to be potential source for the formation of uranium deposits within a volcanic caldera environment.
Volcanic eruption plumes on Io. The detection of an umbrella-shaped plume extending about km above the bright limb of Io was one of the most important discoveries made during the Voyager 1 encounter with the jovian system. This discovery proves that Io is volcanically active at present, and the number and magnitude of these eruptions indicate that Io is the most volcanically active body so far discovered in the Solar System.
Preliminary analyses of these eruptive plumes are presented. Volcanic hazards and aviation safety. An aeronautical chart was developed to determine the relative proximity of volcanoes or ash clouds to the airports and flight corridors that may be affected by volcanic debris. The map aims to inform and increase awareness about the close spatial relationship between volcanoes and aviation operations. It shows the locations of the active volcanoes together with selected aeronautical navigation aids and great-circle routes.
The map mitigates the threat that volcanic hazards pose to aircraft and improves aviation safety. Full Text Available The article is the result of an investigation which is focussed on some deontological aspects of the scientificjournalism. In the first place it gives a theoretical vision about science, journalism, internet and including some reflectionsabout the deontological principles in handling the information about science and technology.
The work required the revision of theinformation which was published and a followed analysis of its context. It was used the digital version with the purpose ofvisualizing the news which was published. It was also compared with a printed version, with local cover but divulged theinformation to the public who was most affected by this particular news. The results give rise to some questions regardinghow the information is given to a topic which is of local interest as well as national and international interest due to therepercussions in the social, economical and tourist field the tourist field is the main industrial sector in Tenerife by receivingthis type of news.
Embryonic and adult stem cells. Stem cells are classified into embryonic cells and somatic or adult cells. For many years, it was believed that hematopoietic stem cell was the only one with regenerative capacity in the bone-marrow. However, recent studies have shown that the composition of the bone marrow is more complex an heterogeneous group of adult stem cells such as hematopoietic, mesenchymal stromal, lateral population and multipotent adult progenitor cells have been identified there.
Several studies suggested that the. Revisiting groundwater overdraft based on the experience of the Mancha Occidental Aquifer, Spain. Aquifers provide a reliable freshwater source in arid and semiarid regions, where droughts are common and irrigated crops present significant water requirements, so intensive pumping is generally needed. Over-extraction leads to dropping water tables, which in turn threatens the survival of groundwater-dependent ecosystems and water supplies. This calls for strategies to channel hydrological, environmental, agricultural, political and social change.
Based on the experience of the Mancha Occidental aquifer, Spain, this paper explores some of the complexities of managing groundwater, dealing with the long-term changes that intensive groundwater use has generated in the region. The Mancha experience shows how environmental conservation may drive social and economic change at the regional scale for periods spanning several decades.
What makes this case study unique, however, is the combination of social and environmental conflicts, most of which stem from the prevalence of illegal water use, and their detrimental effect on Ramsar wetlands. The situation exposed a paradox, namely that subsidies for farmers to cut down on water use were actually detrimental to the welfare of groundwater-dependent ecosystems. The unexpected and timely occurrence of extreme rainfall events in recent times, after 40 years of ineffective management measures and sustained environmental degradation, enabled the aquifer and its associated wetlands to recover spectacularly to a near-pristine condition.
As groundwater-dependent wetlands are highly sensitive ecosystems, it is concluded that it is up to society to decide how much environmental damage can be tolerated in exchange for the social and economic benefits of groundwater-based development. Isotopic evidence for identifying the mechanism of salinization of groundwater in Bacolod City,Negros Occidental. Saline water is easily identified by measurement of the conductivity of the ionic species in the water.
In groundwater, it is important to identify the mechanism of salinization for proper management of the resource. Salinization may come from: The salinity and isotopic concentrations of 18 O, 2 H, and 3 H of the water sources were used to assess the processes which lead to the salinization of groundwater in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Two isotopically distinct groups of deep groundwater were deleated; the higher elevation wells yielding isotopically depleted waters while the lowland wells yielding relatively enriched water with higher conductivity.
The relative enrichment in the isotopic composition of the deep groundwater in the lowland and the shallow groundwater along the coast is attributed to saltwater intrusion. The process of salinization in these waters is differentiated based on the relationship between their isotopic compositions and the chlorine concentrations. The high salinity of the isotopically enriched and old deep groundwater inland is attributed to mixing with connate water.
On the other hand , mixing with modern sea water is evident in the deep and shallow coastal wells. Full Text Available Taking for granted that the Catalan-Aragonese expansion through the Mediterranean sea has received due attention from historians, this work deals with some realms and locations less often visited by sailors and merchants from Catalonia, Valencia or Mallorca.
Its aim is to provide a view of the Catalan presence in western Andalusia throughout the late Middle Ages, analyzing its role in the Andalusian allotment and the conditions accounting for the development of such a presence in the region between the thirteenth and the fifteenth centuries. It deals particularly with the creation of family and economic bonds standing as the foundations of Catalan influence on Andalusia, which help to better understand its interest in the Middle Atlantic some time later. This study focuses on the Central Sierra Madre Fault CSMF in an effort to provide numeric dating on surfaces with ages previously estimated from soil development alone.
We have refined previous geomorphic mapping conducted in the western portion of the CSMF near Pasadena, CA, with the aid of new lidar data. This progress report focuses on our geochronology strategy employed in collecting samples and interpreting data to determine a robust suite of terrace surface ages. Sample sites for terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide and luminescence dating techniques were selected to be redundant and to be validated through relative geomorphic relationships between inset terrace levels. Additional sample sites were selected to evaluate the post-abandonment histories of terrace surfaces.
We will combine lidar-derived displacement data with surface ages to estimate slip rates for the CSMF. Significados y respuestas de las madres al abuso sexual de sus hijas os. La modalidad de agentes multiplicadores para orientar a madres y padres de familia. El universo estuvo constituido por 61 madres adolescentes.
No existen en general, las condiciones psicosociales para enfrentar las responsabilidades que se derivan de tener un hijo a estas edades. La influencia de las diferencias entre el padre y la madre sobre el ajuste adolescente. Madres para la Salud: Weight gain in young women suggests that childbearing may be an important contributor to the development of obesity in women.
Depressive symptoms can interfere with resumption of normal activity levels following childbirth or with the initiation of or adherence to physical activity programs essential for losing pregnancy weight. Depression symptoms may function directly to promote weight gain through a physiologic mechanism. Obesity and its related insulin resistance may contribute to depressed mood physiologically.
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Although physical activity has well-established beneficial effects on weight management and depression, women tend to under participate in physical activity during childbearing years. Further, the mechanisms underpinning the interplay of overweight, obesity, physical activity, depression, and inflammatory processes are not clearly explained. This report describes the theoretical rationale, design considerations, and cultural relevance for " Madres para la Salud" [Mothers for Health]. Madres para la Salud is a 12 month prospective, randomized controlled trial exploring the effectiveness of a culturally specific intervention using "bouts" of physical activity to effect changes in body fat, systemic and fat tissue inflammation, and postpartum depression symptoms in sedentary postpartum Latinas.
The significance and innovation of Madres para la Salud includes use of a theory-driven approach to intervention, specification and cultural relevance of a social support intervention, use of a Promotora model to incorporate cultural approaches, use of objective measures of physical activity in post partum Latinas women, and the examination of biomarkers indicative of cardiovascular risk related to physical activity behaviors in postpartum Latinas.
Necromass in forests of Madre de Dios, Peru: Full Text Available Stocks of dead wood or necromass represent an important portion of biomass and nutrients in tropical forests. The objectives of this study were: Stocks of necromass and above-ground biomass were estimated at three different locations using permanent plots and line intercept transects. The average volume of necromass for the three sites was Terra firme forests had significantly higher stocks of necromass than lowland forests.
The total stock of carbon stored in dead wood for the entire department of Madre de Dios was estimated to be approximately mega tonnes of carbon. This is ten times more than the annual fossil fuel emissions of Peru between and The substantial stocks of necromass emphasize the importance of these types of field studies, considering that this component of tropical forest carbon cannot be detected using other methods such as satellite remote sensing. Climatic impact of volcanic eruptions. Studies have attempted to 'isolate' the volcanic signal in noisy temperature data.
This assumes that it is possible to isolate a distinct volcanic signal in a record that may have a combination of forcings ENSO, solar variability, random fluctuations, volcanism that all interact. The key to discovering the greatest effects of volcanoes on short-term climate may be to concentrate on temperatures in regions where the effects of aerosol clouds may be amplified by perturbed atmospheric circulation patterns. This is especially true in subpolar and midlatitude areas affected by changes in the position of the polar front.
Such climatic perturbation can be detected in proxy evidence such as decrease in tree-ring widths and frost rings, changes in the treeline, weather anomalies, severity of sea-ice in polar and subpolar regions, and poor grain yields and crop failures. In low latitudes, sudden temperature drops were correlated with the passage overhead of the volcanic dust cloud Stothers, For some eruptions, such as Tambora, , these kinds of proxy and anectdotal information were summarized in great detail in a number of papers and books e.
These studies lead to the general conclusion that regional effects on climate, sometimes quite severe, may be the major impact of large historical volcanic aerosol clouds. Rate of volcanism on Venus. The maintenance of the global H 2 SO 4 clouds on Venus requires volcanism to replenish the atmospheric SO 2 which is continually being removed from the atmosphere by reaction with calcium minerals on the surface of Venus. If the rate of this reaction is representative of the SO 2 reaction rate at the Venus surface, then we estimate that all SO 2 in the Venus atmosphere and thus the H 2 SO 4 clouds will be removed in 1.
The required rate of volcanism ranges from about 0. If this material has the same composition as the Venus surface at the Venera 13, 14 and Vega 2 landing sites, then the required rate of volcanism is about 1 cu km per year. The geochemically estimated rate also suggests that Venus is less volcanically active than the Earth. Volcanic Eruptions in Kamchatka. It is not uncommon for several volcanoes to be erupting at the same time. Over Klyuchevskoy, the thermal infrared data overlaid in red indicates that two open-channel lava flows are descending the northwest flank of the volcano.
Also visible is an ash-and-water plume extending to the east. Sheveluch volcano is partially cloud-covered. The hot flows highlighted in red come from a lava dome at the summit. They are avalanches of material from the dome, and pyroclastic flows. With its 14 spectral bands from the visible to the thermal infrared wavelength region, and its high spatial resolution of 15 to 90 meters about 50 to feet , ASTER images Earth to map and monitor the changing surface of our planet. The broad spectral coverage and high spectral resolution of ASTER provides scientists in numerous disciplines with critical information for surface mapping, and monitoring of dynamic conditions and temporal change.
Volcanic eruptions and solar activity. The historical record of large volcanic eruptions from to is subjected to detailed time series analysis. In two weak but probably statistically significant periodicities of about 11 and 80 yr, the frequency of volcanic eruptions increases decreases slightly around the times of solar minimum maximum. Time series analysis of the volcanogenic acidities in a deep ice core from Greenland reveals several very long periods ranging from about 80 to about yr which are similar to the very slow solar cycles previously detected in auroral and C records. Solar flares may cause changes in atmospheric circulation patterns that abruptly alter the earth's spin.
The resulting jolt probably triggers small earthquakes which affect volcanism. The Lathrop Wells volcanic center. The Lathrop Wells volcanic center is located 20 km south of the potential Yucca Mountain site, at the south end of the Yucca Mountain range. This paper discusses a detailed Study Plan which was prepared describing planned geochronology and field studies to assess the chronology of the Lathrop Wells volcanic center and other Quaternary volcanic centers in the region.
A paper was published discussing the geomorphic and soil evidence for a late Pleistocene or Holoceno age for the main cone of the center. The purpose of this paper was to expose the ideas concerning the age of the Lathrop Wells center to scientific scrutiny.
Additionally, field evidence was described suggesting the Lathrop Wells center may have formed from multiple eruptive events with significant intervals of no activity between events. This interpretation breaks with established convention in the volcanological literature that small volume basalt centers are monogenetic. Se han utilizado capas alimentadoras de soporte como: Recurrence models of volcanic events: Applications to volcanic risk assessment. An assessment of the risk of future volcanism has been conducted for isolation of high-level radioactive waste at the potential Yucca Mountain site in southern Nevada.
Risk used in this context refers to a combined assessment of the probability and consequences of future volcanic activity. Past studies established bounds on the probability of magmatic disruption of a repository. These bounds were revised as additional data were gathered from site characterization studies. The probability of direct intersection of a potential repository located in an eight km 2 area of Yucca Mountain by ascending basalt magma was bounded by the range of 10 -8 to 10 yr -1 2.
The consequences of magmatic disruption of a repository were estimated in previous studies to be limited. The exact releases from such an event are dependent on the strike of an intruding basalt dike relative to the repository geometry, the timing of the basaltic event relative to the age of the radioactive waste and the mechanisms of release and dispersal of the waste radionuclides in the accessible environment. The combined low probability of repository disruption and the limited releases associated with this event established the basis for the judgement that the risk of future volcanism was relatively low.
It was reasoned that that risk of future volcanism was not likely to result in disqualification of the potential Yucca Mountain site. Criterios de nuliparidad y de paridad en Lutzomyia townsendi Ortiz, del occidente de Venezuela. Estos caracteres son suficientes para precisar un criterio de paridad.
Lutzomyia townsendi Ortiz, is the main anthropophilic sandfly in endemic places for Leishmania braziliensis and L. The study of laboratory bred females, nulliparous or parous and, wild females fed on man as well as wild females maintained with sucrose, allowed to establish a criterion of nulliparity with In the same wild females, parity can be assessed with After blood digestion of full-engorged females a gonotrophic cycle is completed.
Abortive oogenesis and accumulation of phospholipids in midgut epitelial cells and into accessory glands are observed. The ovoposition produces a thick and irregular ovaric calix with rests of abortive oocytes and accumulation of a melanin-like black pigment. All these changes are enough for identification of a parous fly.
The Volcanism Ontology VO: The continuant concepts in BFO describe features with instances that persist as wholes through time and have qualities attributes that may change e. In VO, the continuants include lava, volcanic rock, and volcano. The occurrent concepts in BFO include processes, their temporal boundaries, and the spatio-temporal regions within which they occur.
In VO, these include eruption process , the onset of pyroclastic flow temporal boundary , and the space and time span of the crystallization of lava in a lava tube spatio-temporal region. These processes can be of physical e. The properties predicates relate continuants to other continuants, occurrents to continuants, and occurrents to occurrents. The ontology also models other concepts such as laboratory and field procedures by volcanologists, sampling by sensors, and the type of instruments applied in monitoring volcanic activity.
When deployed on the web, VO will be used to explicitly and formally annotate data and information collected by volcanologists based on domain knowledge. This will enable the integration of global volcanic data and improve the interoperability of software that deal with such data. Candidate constructional volcanic edifices on Mercury. Despite this planet-wide effusive volcanism , no constructional volcanic edifices, characterized by a topographic rise, have hitherto been robustly identified on Mercury, whereas constructional volcanoes are common on other planetary bodies in the solar system with volcanic histories.
Three basic topics are addressed for the disruptive event analysis: The following essay tries to focus about the thesis of two great thinkers who written amid the XX century. The point is to know the relation between the History and Time as analytic and discursive issues along with Social Sciences; Clifford Geertz and Eric Wolf still go in dazzling with their reflections, and consequently they place upon the table a slippery matter. A Volcanic Hydrogen Habitable Zone. The classical habitable zone HZ is the circular region around a star in which liquid water could exist on the surface of a rocky planet.
Se obtuvo un cladograma que sugiere la existencia de 3 grupos de subcuencas: We analyzed the avifauna of 26 sub-basins of the Sierra Madre del Sur biotic province and their biogeographical relationships applying a parsimony analysis of endemicity PAE. The single cladogram obtained suggests the existence of three groups of sub-basins: El embarazo a temprana edad. Perspectiva de progenitores y madres adolescentes.
Full Text Available El embarazo adolescente refiere al que se produce entre la adolescencia inicial o pubertad. Ellas tienen la propiedad de reconocer determinados anticuerpos. Desarrollo humano y aprendizaje: Factores de riesgo de salud maternoinfantil en madres adolescentes de Colombia. Full Text Available Se ha documentado que las madres adolescentes presentan peores indicadores de salud maternoinfantil que las de mayor edad. Ella existe desde antes de la llegada de los hermanitos menores.
Sus hijos se fueron diseminando como la mata de ahuyama: Con el paso del tiempo fundaron muchos pueblos. Cada grupo fue libre para cr Hay diversos aspectos que han convertido Holocene volcanic geology, volcanic hazard, and risk on Taveuni, Fiji. The Holocene volcanic geology of Taveuni has been mapped in order to produce a volcanic hazard and risk assessment for the island. Taveuni is the third-largest island of the Fiji group and home to 14, people. At least cubic km 2.
Vents are concentrated along a northeast-striking rift zone that is parallel to other regional structural trends. There is an overall trend of younging southward along the rift. Holocene lavas and tephras are grouped within six newly defined eruptive periods, established on a basis of radiocarbon dating. Within these periods, 14 tephra layers, useful as local marker horizons, are recognised. Individual eruption event volumes ranged between 0. A volcanic hazard map is presented, based on the Holocene geology map and statistical analyses of eruption recurrence.
The highest levels of ground-based and near-vent hazards are concentrated along the southern portion of the island's rift axis, with the paths of initial lava flows predicted from present topography. Tephra fall hazards are based on eruption parameters interpreted from mapped Holocene tephra layers. Hawaiian explosive-style eruptions appear to be a dominant eruptive process, with prevailing low-level volcanic risk assessment for the island. A number of infrastructural and subdivision developments are either under way or planned for the island, driven by its highly fertile soils and availability of.
Virus del Nilo Occidental: Lo que debe saber - Agosto de West Nile Virus: Can rain cause volcanic eruptions? Volcanic eruptions are renowned for their violence and destructive power. This power comes ultimately from the heat and pressure of molten rock and its contained gases. Therefore we rarely consider the possibility that meteoric phenomena, like rainfall, could promote or inhibit their occurrence.
Yet from time to time observers have suggested that weather may affect volcanic activity. In the late 's, for example, one of the first geologists to visit the island of Hawaii, J. Dana, speculated that rainfall influenced the occurrence of eruptions there. In the early 's, volcanologists suggested that some eruptions from Mount Lassen, Calif. Most such associations have not been provable because of lack of information; others have been dismissed after careful evaluation of the evidence.
Source mechanisms of volcanic tsunamis. Volcanic tsunamis are generated by a variety of mechanisms, including volcano-tectonic earthquakes, slope instabilities, pyroclastic flows, underwater explosions, shock waves and caldera collapse. In this review, we focus on the lessons that can be learnt from past events and address the influence of parameters such as volume flux of mass flows, explosion energy or duration of caldera collapse on tsunami generation.
However, the propagation rate of Ficus religiosa is low in natural habitat so the plant tissue culture techniques are an applicable method for multiplication of this valuable medicinal plants. For shoot induction purpose, the yellow-brownish, friable, organogenic calli were inoculated on shoot induction medium. On MS medium supplemented with 1. The highest root formation frequency The rooted shoots were successfully transferred to field condition and the substrate with the mixture of cocopeat and perlite 1: This is the first report of an effective in vitro organogenesis protocol for F.
Callus formation, Multiplication, Acclimatization, Growth regulators ratio. Anticonvulsant mechanism of saponins fraction from adventitious roots of Ficus religiosa: The present study was designed to reveal putative anticonvulsant mechanism of quantified saponins-rich fraction using target specific animal models. However, SRF treatment failed to abolish N-methyl-D-aspartic acid and strychnine-induced convulsions, indicated by insignificant change in the appearance of turning behavior and onset of tonic extension, respectively, as compared to vehicle control.
Further it can be correlated that quantified saponins. Ficus thonningii is commonly used in traditional medicine across the African continent. We investigated the effects of crude Ficus thonningii extracts on growth, morphology and morphometry of the abdominal viscera and clinical biochemistry of neonatal rats.
Forty, 6-day old Sprague Stem Bark Extracts of Ficus exasperata protects the Liver against Ficus exasperata is an important medicinal plant with a wide geographical distribution in Africa particularly in Nigeria. In this study, aqueous stem bark extracts of Ficus exasperata were administered to investigate its hepatoprotective effects on Paracetamol induced liver toxicity in Wistar rats. A total of Twenty Five Wistar rats The stem bark of Ficus sycomorus is used traditionally for cure of fungal infection, jaundice and dysentery in some parts of northern Nigeria.
The leaves of Ficus sycomorus were collected, dried and extracted to screen for some phytochemicals and study its effect on liver and kidney functions in experimental rats. The methanolic extract of leaves of Ficus arnottiana was used to evaluate the analgesic activity. The dose used for the test of activity , The extract at all doses tested significantly P.
Fruits are fig-like, globose, small and purplish when ripe. The bark is astringent, sweet, aphrodisiac and the aqueous extract of it is antibacterial. Leaves and tender shoots are recommended for wounds and skin diseases. Pulverised dried fruit taken in water cures asthma. The latex is good for neuralgia, inflammations and In vitro antiplasmodial activity of crude extracts of Tetrapleura tetraptera and Copaifera religiosa.
Full Text Available Abstract Background Malaria remains a major public health problem, especially in tropical and subtropical regions because of the emergence and widespread of antimalarial drug resistance. Traditional medicine represents one potential source of new treatments. Findings The antiplasmodial activity of dichloromethane and methanolic extracts was tested on P. The dichloromethane extracts of the two plants had interesting activity IC50 between 8.
The mean IC50 values for field isolates were less than 1. The methanolic extract of Copaifera religiosa was also inactive on field isolates. Conclusions Dichloromethane extracts of Tetrapleura tetraptera and Copaifera religiosa , two plants used to treat malaria in Gabon, had interesting antiplasmodial activity in vitro. These data provide a scientific rationale for the traditional use of these plants against malaria symptoms. Bioactivity-guided phytochemical analyses are underway to identify the active compounds.
Microwave optimization of mucilage extraction from Opuntia ficus indica Cladodes. In this study, microwave-assisted extraction MAE of polysaccharides from Opuntia ficus indica Cladodes were investigated using response surface methodology RSM.
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The effects of three extraction factors on the yield of mucilage were examined. The results indicated that the optimum extraction conditions were determined as follows: Under these optimal extraction conditions, mucilage yield was found to be Y, Ficus septica plant extracts for treating Dengue virus in vitro.
DENV infection threatens human health worldwide. However, other than supportive treatments, no specific therapy is available for the infection. In order to discover novel medicine against DENV, we tested 59 crude extracts , without cytotoxicity, from 23 plants in vitro; immunofluorescence assay revealed that the methanol extracts of fruit, heartwood, leaves and stem from Ficus septica Burm.
However, infection with the non-envelope picornavirus, Aichi virus, was not inhibited by treatment with F. Opuntia ficus indica L. In routine experiments synthetic indicators are the choice of acid base titrations. But there are some limitations like environmental pollution, availability and higher cost which leads to search for natural compounds as an acid base indicator was started.
The present work highlights theexploit of the methanolic and aqueous extract of the fruit of Opuntia ficus indica plants as a natural acid base indicator in acid base titrations. Opuntia ficus indica plant was identified and fruits were was Anti-hyperprolactinemic effect of Ficus pumila Linn extract in rats. To investigate the anti-hyperprolactinemic effect of Ficus pumila Linn. Immunoprotective activity and antioxidant properties of cactus Opuntia ficus indica extract against chlorpyrifos toxicity in rats. Opuntia ficus indica family Cactaceae is a typical Mediterranean plant, mainly used in food and traditional folk medicine.
The present study was designed to evaluate the protective effect of Opuntia ficus indica extract against chlorpyrifos CPF -induced immunotoxicity in rats. The experimental animals consisted of four groups of Wistar rats weeks old of eight each: These components were daily administered by gavage for 30days. After treatment, immunotoxicity was estimated by a count of thymocytes, splenocytes, stem cells in the bone marrow, relative weights of thymus and spleen, DNA aspects, and oxidative stress status in these organs.
Results showed that CPF could induce thymus atrophy, splenomegaly, and a decrease in the cell number in the bone marrow. It also increased the oxidative stress markers resulting in elevated levels of the lipid peroxidation with a concomitant decrease in the levels of enzymatic antioxidants SOD, CAT, GPx in both spleen and thymus, and also degradation of thymocyte and splenocyte DNA. Consistent histological changes were found in the spleen and thymus under CPF treatment. However, administration of Opuntia ficus indica extract was found to alleviate this CPF-induced damage.
Gastro-protective effect of methanol extract of Ficus asperifolia bark Gastric juice pH, gastric acid concentration, gastric ulcer score, percentage gastric ulcer inhibition, activity levels of superoxide dismutase SOD , catalase and malondiadehyde MDA were determined. Ficus asperifolia extract significantly increased gastric pH p [Antimutagenic activity of Armoracia rusticana, Zea mays and Ficus carica plant extracts and their mixture]. Antimutagenic action of plant extracts of Armoracia rusticana, Ficus carica, Zea mays and their mixture on environmental xenobiotics has been investigated.
The plant extracts and their mixture decreased the level of mutations induced by N-metil-N'-nitro-N-nitrozoguanidin MNNG in Vicia faba cells, chlorophyll mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana and NaF induced mutability in rat marrow cells. The studied plant extracts and their mixture demonstrate the ability to decrease the genotoxicity of environmental mutagens. Central nervous system activity of an aqueous acetonic extract of Ficus carica L.
Full Text Available Background: The present study was carried out to evaluate the CNS depressant activity of aqueous acetonic extract of Ficus carica Linn on different models in mice. The aerial parts of the plant Ficus carica L. A crude extract was given orally and its effects were tested on ketamine-induced sleeping time, muscle-coordination, anxiety elevated-plus maze and Staircase test, convulsions [maximal electroshock MES and pentylenetetrazole PTZ-induced seizures], and nociception. In addition, we determined the levels of neurotransmitters, norepinephrine NE and 5-hydroxytryptamine 5-HT.
Results from the experimental models tested showed: This suggests that Ficus carica L. Role of ethanol leaf extracts of Ficus Glumosa on fasting blood Fasting blood sugar levels were measured at one day intervals for 7 days. Rats were sacrifice for the Serum liver enzymes and liver the tissue for analysis on the 7 day Role of ethanol leaf extracts of Ficus glumosa on fasting blood Rats were sacrifice for the Serum liver enzymes and liver tissue for th analysis on the 7 day.
Extraction and characterization of three polysaccharides extracted from Opuntia ficus indica cladodes. The chemical extraction and the characterization of polysaccharides from mucilage MC , pectin PC and total pectic mucilage fraction TFC of Opuntia ficus indica cladodes as well as the evaluation of their antioxidant activities was investigated.
The FTIR spectroscopic analysis revealed the presence of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups corresponding to polysaccharides. In addition, the findings showed that all the samples had little protein content and low average molecular weight compared to the results mentioned in literature. However, PC had the strongest emulsifying and foaming properties. These outcomes can encourage the use of PC as a surfactant and MC and TFC as natural antioxidants in food and pharmaceutical industries. Comparative effects of ethanolic extracts of Ficus carica and Mucuna It is probable that the extract may have caused destruction or impaired production of Hypoglycemic action of an oral fig-leaf decoction in type-1 diabetic patients Full Text Available Corrosion is one of the main problems of degradation in components, tooling, equipment and even in structural applications, examples of this are the carbon steels.
Metallographic examination was also carried out to register the surface damage by corrosion. Analgesic effects were evaluated in two models including acetic acid-induced writhing response and formalin-induced paw licking. The results showed FPMeOH decreased writhing response in the acetic acid assay and licking time in the formalin test. HPLC fingerprint was established and the contents of three active ingredients, rutin, luteolin, and apigenin, were quantitatively determined. This study provided evidence for the classical treatment of Ficus pumila in inflammatory diseases.
Flavonoid content in leaf extracts of the fig Ficus carica L. As a base for comparison, flavonoid type and level were also determined in extracts from soybeans and grape seeds. In Ceratonia leaves, nine different flavonoids were detected. The present study is the first to report the presence of the isoflavone genistein in the Pistacia leaf, which was discovered to consist of about a third of the genistein level detected in soybean. Full Text Available Tabat barito Ficus deltoidea, Jack leaf is believed could be used to treat diabetes. But more scientific data are needed.
Tabat barito extract was obtained by maceration and made into dry extract with addition of starch. The result showed that chemical compound of the ethanol extract were fenolic and saponin. The extract showed effects in lowering blood sugar levels with glucose tolerance methods at 30 to 60 minutes. Blood glucose levels of mice treated with the extract extract ranged between The percentage decrease in blood sugar levels compared to controls is To assess if a dehydrated extract of nopal stems retains the effect on glycemia of the entire nopal stems two experiments were performed.
Six patients with type II diabetes mellitus in fasting condition received 30 capsules containing Six healthy volunteers received 30 capsules with the extract followed by 74 g of dextrose orally. Serum glucose measurements were made in a similar fashion. In each experiment a control test with empty capsules was performed. Nopal extract did not reduce fasting glycemia in diabetic subjects.
Nevertheless, the extract diminished the increase of serum glucose which followed a dextrose load. Peak serum glucose was Dehydrated extract of nopal Opuntia ficus -indica Mill did not show acute hypoglycemic effect, although could attenuate postprandial hyperglycemia. Full Text Available In this study, the effect of extraction parameters ethanol concentration, sonication time, and solvent-to-sample ratio on Ficus deltoidea leaves was investigated using ultrasound-assisted extraction by response surface methodology RSM.
Total phenolic content TPC of F. Besides, the extraction yield was measured and stated in percentage. The optimized TPC attained was The determination coefficient, R2, for TPC indicates that Raman bands in Ag nanoparticles obtained in extract of Opuntia ficus -indica plant. Silver nanoparticles have been obtained in an extract of Opuntia ficus -indica plant. The size and distribution of nanoparticles were quantified by atomic force microscopy AFM. The diameter was estimated to be about 15 nm. In addition, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy EDX peaks of silver were observed in these samples.
Three Raman bands have been experimentally detected at 83, and cm The bands at 83 and cm-1 are assigned to the silver-silver Raman modes skeletal modes and the Raman mode located at cm-1 has been assigned to breathing modes. Vibrational assignments of Raman modes have been carried out based on the Density Functional Theory DFT quantum mechanical calculation. Calculated Raman modes for small metal clusters have an approximation trend of Raman bands. These Raman bands were obtained experimentally for silver nanoparticles AgNP. Antimutagene activity and high efficiency of antimutagene action of plant extracts from horseradish roots Armoracia rusticana , fig brunches Ficus carica and mays seedlings Zea mays and their ability to decrease the frequency of spontaneous and induced by gamma-rays chromosome aberrations in meristematic cells of Vicia faba and marrow cells of mice have been shown.
Comparative assessment of genoprotective properties of peroxidase and the studied extracts has revealed higher efficiency of antimutagene action of peroxidase. Full Text Available A Ficus umbellata is used to treat cancer. The present work was therefore designed to assess antitumor potentials of F.
The 7,dimethylbenz aanthracene DMBA-induced carcinogenesis in rats were also used to investigate antitumor potential of F. This study falls within the framework of the industrial exploitation of by-products of the prickly pear Opuntia ficus -indica. The study aims to evaluate the use of hydro-ethanolic extract of prickly pear peels as a substitute of vitamin E used as antioxidant in margarine preservation. The extract was rich in total phenolics The extract displayed a reducing power and an antiradical activity that were respectively similar to and lower than the two antioxidant standards quercetin and butylated hydroxyanisole.
Tests conducted at laboratory and pilot scales showed that the margarines elaborated with peel extract were more resistant to oxidation than the margarine reference with vitamin E. In addition, neither the physicochemical nor the microbiological properties were modified. Prickly pear peels contain bioactive substances that could be used in different food sectors. Optimization of enzymatic extraction of pectin from Opuntia ficus indica cladodes after mucilage removal.
In this study, pectin was isolated from Opuntia ficus indica OFI cladodes after removing mucilage using the xylanase and cellulase. The process variables were optimized by the Box Behnken design with three factors at three levels. The optimal extraction condition obtained was: The simulated extraction yield of Both the OFI cladodes and enzymatic process present promising alternatives to traditional sources and extraction processes of pectin, respectively. EAEPC thus represents a promising additive in food industries. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Pectin from Opuntia ficus indica: Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction and preliminary characterization. The effect of extraction time X 1 , microwave power X 2 , pH X 3 and solid-to-liquid ratio X 4 on the extraction yield was examined. The optimum conditions of MAE were as follows: The maximum obtained yield of pectin extraction was Total carbohydrate content of WSP is about Pectin-related proteins represent only the 0.
Overall, application of MAE can give rise to high quality pectin. Micropropagation of Ficus religiosa L. A high-frequency, season-independent, in vitro regeneration of Ficusreligiosa was developed, followed by comparative acetylcholinesterase inhibitory AChEI activity assay of the in vitro raised and conventionally grown plants. Fully expanded, mature leaves were cut into different segments to initiate the cultures.
The middle section of the leaf in vertical orientation with cut portion inserted inside the medium was found most suitable for direct shoot regeneration. Leaf explants responded with nearly consistent frequency To obtain high frequency response with enhanced shoot multiplication rate, 32 plant growth regulator regimes were screened amongst which benzylaminopurine at 5. The quality of the shoots and multiplication rate could be significantly enhanced The clonal nature of the micropropagated plants was confirmed by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis.
On the other hand. Cholesterol control is fundamental for prevention of cardiovascular disorders. In this work, the hypocholesterolemic activity of an aqueous Opuntia ficus -indica extract AOE was tested in triton-induced mice. The inhibitory activity on pancreatic lipase enzyme was evaluated in vitro by the same extract. Furthermore, polyphenol content of the extract was evaluated. Hypercholesterolemia was induced in three groups of mice by intraperitoneal administration of Triton WR The levels of blood cholesterol after administration of AOE significantly decreased compared to negative control.
The AOE had a high content of polyphenolic compounds. These results show that AOE is able to prevent hypercholesterolemia by pancreatic lipase inhibition, in part due to its polyphenolic compounds. Full Text Available Cholesterol control is fundamental for prevention of cardiovascular disorders. Ficus racemosa Stem Bark Extract: Moraceae were subjected to free radical scavenging both by steady state and time resolved methods such as nanosecond pulse radiolysis and stopped-flow spectrophotometric analyses. In vitro radioprotective potential of FRE was studied using micronucleus assay in irradiated Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells V Mill Extract as Moisturizing Agent.
Mill hydroglycolic extract , as well as evaluate its preliminary and accelerated thermal stability and moisturizing efficacy. The formulations containing 0. Both formulations were stable during preliminary and accelerated stability tests. FXE was able to increase the water content of the stratum corneum for 5 h after application on the forearm. Mill extract presented suitable stability for at least for 60 days. Besides, this formulation was able to increase the water content of stratum corneum, showing its moisturizing efficacy. Production and characterization of cosmetic nanoemulsions containing Opuntia ficus -indica L.
In vitro antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extracts obtained from Ficus spp. Full Text Available The main goal of this study was to determine in vitro antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extracts obtained from the leaves of various Ficus species against Aeromonas hydrophila isolated locally from infected rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum with the aim of providing scientific rationale for the use of the plant in the treatment of bacterial infections induced by Aeromonas spp.
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was done on Muller-Hinton agar with the disc diffusion method. In the present study, most ethanolic extracts proved effective against the A. Among various species of Ficus with moderate activity against A. Thus, Ficus can be used as a natural antiseptic and antimicrobial agent in veterinary practice. Further investigations need to be conducted to isolate and identify the bioactive compounds that can then be subjected to detailed pharmacological studies and the development of clinical applications. The alarming rate of increasing resistance in bacterial pathogens in aquaculture environments means that medicinal plants with antibacterial properties are very important as natural resources of new active compounds.
Extraction , characterization and gelling behavior enhancement of pectins from the cladodes of Opuntia ficus indica. The antioxidant ability of TPF increased with the concentration increasing. FTIR study was carried out. Strong characteristic absorption peaks at 1, cm -1 assigned to the vibration of COO - group of galacturonic acid. In the fingerprint region, we noticed three well-defined peaks at , , and 1, cm -1 characteristic of pectic polysaccharides. TPF are non-gelling pectins. The co-crosslinking of TPF with carrageenan was carried out and the gelling behavior was successfully improved.
This study was undertaken to investigate the leaf part of the plant for analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The analgesic effect was studied using acetic acid-induced abdominal constriction and hot plate test in mice, while the anti-inflammatory effect was investigated using carrageenan induced paw oedema in rats. A Biochemical and Histopathological Study. Full Text Available Opuntia ficus indica family Cactaceae is used in the treatment of a variety of conditions including metal-induced toxicity.
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The study reports the protective effects of Opuntia ficus indica CCE against lithium carbonate-induced toxicity in rats. Obtained results revealed that administration of lithium carbonate caused a significant increase in serum creatinine, uric acid, and urea levels. Additionally, a significant decrease in the level of renal and cardiac SOD, CAT, and GPx activities was associated with a significant increase of MDA levels in lithium carbonate group more than those of the control.
However, the treatment of experimental rats with CCE prevented these alterations and maintained the antioxidant status. The histopathological observations supported the biochemical evidences of nephrocardioprotection. CCE supplementation could protect against lithium carbonate-induced renal and cardiac injuries in rats, plausibly by the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes and inhibition of MDA to confer the protective effect.
Opuntia ficus indica family Cactaceae is used in the treatment of a variety of conditions including metal-induced toxicity. AND Ficus parietalis Bl. Moraceae are closely related plants which also known in Indonesia as Figs L. Considering the wide therapeutic value of Figs, this research was aimed to evaluate the DPPH-radical scavenging activity of both plants as well as their total phenolic and flavonoids. Extracts were produced by using boiled water and diluted to gain the desired concentration.
Analyses were performed by using UV-vis spectrophotometer. Radical scavenging activity testing was done by using radical of DPPH 2,2-diphenylpycrylhydrazyl to determine the IC50s. Afterwards, the radical scavenging activity was correlated to the total phenolic and flavonoids contents. The results showed that the water soluble extract of F. The highest content of total phenolic was shown by the leaves of F.
The highest flavonoid content was detected in the leaves of F. Correlation analyses of the IC50 values vs. As a conclusion, the total flavonoid content influenced the DPPH radical scavenging activity by Evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of ethanol extract of Ficus iteophylla leaves in rodents. The ethanol extract of Ficus iteophylla leaves , , and mg kg -1 , i. The ethanol extract at mg kg -1 , mg kg -1 , and mg kg -1 significantly Pacetic acid induced writhes by 1. It also exhibited significantly Pscreening of the plant extract revealed the presence of flavonoids, steroids, tannins and saponins while the effect of flavonoids, steroids and tannins on analgesic and inflammatory has been reported.
The intraperitoneal median lethal dose LD 50 value of the extract was found to be The result obtained from this study shows that the extract of Ficus iteophylla contained phytochemical constituents with analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities, therefore the leaf part of the plant could be used in the management of pain and inflammatory conditions. Ovicidal and larvicidal activity of extracts of Opuntia ficus -indica against gastrointestinal nematodes of naturally infected sheep. This study describes the in vitro anthelmintic activity of extracts from Opuntia ficus indica against gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep.
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The anthelmintic activity was evaluated by inhibition of egg hatching, larval development and larval migration assays. The residual aqueous fractions from cladodes and fruits showed higher ovicidal activity with EC50 values of 7. The crude cladode and fruit ethanolic extracts inhibited larval migration and showed EC50 values of 0. Phytochemical screening detected high concentrations of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, and saponins in the fruits and cladodes. The results demonstrated that O. Total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity in leaves and stems extract of cultivated and wild tabat barito Ficus deltoidea Jack.
Tabat barito Ficus deltoidea Jack is a name given by Dayak Tribe who lived in Borneo-Kalimantan and it is belongs to the moraceae. Almost all of the parts of F. The total flavonoid content TFC and antioxidant activity from cultivated and wild F. Total flavonoid content was estimated by using Aluminium chloride colorimetric method and expressed as catechin equivalents mg CE g-1 extract and the antioxidant activity by the DPPH 2,2-diphenylpicryl hydrazyl method. The content of total flavonoid of leaves and stems The IC50 of leaves extract of cultivated and wild F. These results showed that the cultivated F.
Results indicated the inhibition efficiency increases with increasing extract concentration and decreases with the temperature, and the inhibitor acted as a cathodic-type inhibitor which is physically absorbed onto the steel surface. In fact, the adsorption of the inhibitor on the steel surface follows the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, indicating monolayer adsorption. The presence of heteroatoms such as C, N, and O and OH groups were responsible for the corrosion inhibition.
Ameliorative properties of aqueous extract of Ficus thonningii on erythrocyte osmotic fragility induced by acetaminophen in Rattus norvegicus. Full Text Available In vitro antioxidant and erythrocyte protecting activities by aqueous extract of Ficus thonningii leaves on blood cells were studied in acetaminophen treated rats.
The extract was safe at limit dose of mg kg-1body weight. The extract demonstrated dose dependent antihemolytic effect at dose levels between 50 and mg kg-1 body weight. The lowest antihemolytic effect was observed at dose level of mg kg-1 body given the lowest percentage hemolysis of Hematology revealed erythrocytosis at dose levels of and mg kg-1 body weight. Hyper-globinemia and lymphocytopenia were observed at dose levels of mg kg-1 and mg kg-1, respectively. The extract effectively showed scavenging activity on a stable oxidative radical diphenylpicrylhydrazyl DPPH and a significant ferric reducing antioxidant power FRAP activity.
The plausible erythrocyte membrane protective effect may be due to its free radical scavenging activity and hence the extract can be used to improve hematological parameters and ameliorate oxidative stress. Andrographis paniculata , Gynura procumbens , Ficus deltoidea and Curcuma xanthorrhiza are commonly consumed as herbal medicines. However their effects on human liver glucuronidation activity are not yet evaluated.
In this study, we evaluate the inhibitory Effects of Andrographis paniculata, Gynura procumbens, Ficus deltoidea and Curcuma xanthorrhiza extracts and their constituents on human liver glucuronidation activity. Herbal extracts aqueous, methanolic and ethanolic extracts and their constituents were incubated with human liver microsomes with the addition of UDPGA to initiate the reaction. IC50 was determined by monitoring the decrement of glucuronidation activity with the increment of herbal extracts or phytochemical constituent's concentrations.
All herbal extracts inhibited human liver glucuronidation activity in range of In the present study, we have proved the capabilities of Andrographis paniculata , Gynura procumbens , Ficus deltoidea and Curcuma xanthorrhiza to interfere with in vitro glucuronidation process in human liver microsomes. This study documented the capabilities of Andrographis paniculata , Gynura procumbens , Ficus deltoidea and Curcuma xanthorrhiza to inhibit human liver glucuronidation activity which may affect the metabolism of therapeutic drugs or hazardous toxicants that follow the same glucuronidation pathway.
Half Maximal Inhibitory Concentration; Km: Anti-inflammatory potential of different extracts isolated from the roots of Ficus lacor buch. Hum and Murraya koenigii L. The results of the Murraya koenigii roots chloroform extract caused Biological activities of plant extracts from Ficus elastica and Selaginella vogelli: An antimalarial, antitrypanosomal and cytotoxity evaluation. Full Text Available The cytotoxic, antiplasmodial, and antitrypanosomal activities of two medicinal plants traditionally used in Cameroon were evaluated.
Wood of Ficus elastica Roxb. In vitro cell-growth inhibition activities were assessed on methanol extract of plant materials against Plasmodium falciparum strain 3D7 and Trypanosoma brucei brucei, as well as against HeLa human cervical carcinoma cells. In contrast, at the same concentration, the extract of F. Both extracts presented low cytotoxic effects on HeLa cancer cell line. These results indicate that the selected medicinal plants could be further investigated for identifying compounds that may be responsible for the observed activities and that may represent new leads in parasitical drug discovery.
The effect of isorhamnetin glycosides extracted from Opuntia ficus -indica in a mouse model of diet induced obesity. A diet rich in polyphenols can ameliorate some metabolic alterations associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Opuntia ficus -indica OFI is a plant rich in isorhamnetin glycosides and is highly consumed in Mexico. The purpose of this research was to determine the metabolic effect of an OFI extract on a mouse model of diet-induced obesity and in isolated pancreatic islets.
OFI extract was added to a high fat HF diet at a low 0. Furthermore, the OFI extract improved glucose tolerance, and additionally increased energy expenditure. These metabolic improvements were associated with reduced adipocyte size, increased hepatic IRS1 tyr and S6 K thr phosphorylation. OFI isorhamnetin glycosides also diminished the hepatic lipid content associated with reduced mRNA expression of the endoplasmic reticulum stress markers and lipogenic enzymes and increased mRNA expression of genes related to fatty acid oxidation. Overall, the OFI extract prevented the development of metabolic abnormalities associated with diet-induced obesity.
Full Text Available Formaldehyde FA is the leading cause of cellular injury and oxidative damage in testis that is one of the main infertility causes. There has been an increasing evidence of herbal remedies use in male infertility treatment. This assay examines the role of Ficus carica Fc leaf extracts in sperm parameters and testis of mice intoxicated with FA. Cauda epididymal spermatozoa were analyzed for viability, count, and motility.
Testes were weighed and gonadosomatic index GSI was calculated. Also, histoarchitecture of seminiferous tubules was assessed in the Haematoxylin and Eosin stained paraffin sections. The findings showed that FA significantly decreased GSI and increased percentage of immotile sperm compared with control group. Disorganized and vacuolated seminiferous epithelium, spermatogenic arrest, and lumen filled with immature germ cells were also observed in the testes.
El tema de la interculturalidad no se cierra, no encalla en ninguna respuesta clara. Ada Zapata y Marcelo Reyes. En la ciudad, el hombre conoce a un dulcero, que lo convence de adoptar este oficio. Algunos fragmentos de este texto son reproducidos por David Wood, en su estudio "Indigenismo y vanguardia: Isico no puede representar al campesinado como clase. Cuando le niegan la visa, planea un atraco para comprar una en el mercado negro. Cinemas Cine, agosto de Cinemas Cine, enero de Los Tiempos, 1 de agosto de Historia del cine en Bolivia.
Editorial Amigos del Libro, Cinencuentro, 7 de mayo de La aventura del cine boliviano Ediciones de la Cinemateca Boliviana, Cinemas Cine, julio Cinemas Cine, diciembre de Presencia, suplemento "Puerta abierta", 6 de abril de Director de Zona sur". Tierra en trance, octubre de Ediciones del Hombrecito Sentado, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 25 1 , , Tierra en trance, noviembre de The paper offers an analytical approach to the life and musical thought of the Bolivian composer Alberto Villalpando.
Makes references to his beginnings in Potosi, his formative years in Buenos Aires and on his return and establishment in La Paz. Analytically describes his experimental approach that described the Bolivian soundscape and compositional criteria and different stages of their creative work for various instrumental formats. Villalpando located as part of a critical generation for our artistic history and offers possible answers to their work. Un sonido no se pierde, como sucede en otros ambientes, en el ruido mismo, sino que se pierde en el silencio.
Evoluciones presenta la nota do, repetida lentamente, en estado de resonancia. Justo antes de la primera entrada del piccolo —segundo instrumento en aparecer—, la flauta hace un frullato, un ensanchamiento. Utiliza los clusters de distintas formas: Debido a la falta de ubicuidad de los ruidos del viento Hay cosas que persisten: Estos pasajes con multitudes agrupadas aparecen varias veces en la obra. Me interesa mucho el valor de la textura.
Entiendo que la textura es el resultado de la mayor o menor complejidad del pensamiento musical. Suele trabajar con material limitado, realizando procesos sencillos y claros. El influjo del paisaje en las obras musicales que escribo tiene dos respuestas en mi interioridad. Entonces las cuerdas forman una textura de arpegios en La menor, con un pedal grave que la sostiene. Nunca pude ver, por los desniveles del terreno, al ejecutante. A partir de estas obras comienza una etapa creativa que se extiende hasta la actualidad, manteniendo muchos criterios compositivos, y generando algunos cambios en su lenguaje.
La piedra, por ejemplo, cobra la forma de un bloque, que superpone varias notas en pizzicato, agrupadas por pares separados por segundas mayores. Plantea ideas sencillas que experimentan procesos claros. Hay muchas cosas que me gustan de Tamayo, por ejemplo, pero no me sugieren nada musical. Actualmente existen relativamente pocas. El que, conscientes o no de ello, es nuestro lenguaje. No es ser paisajista.
Invenciones sobre la sonoridad andina: Entrevista personal con el autor, abril de Brief History of the last fifty years of the Catholic Church The encompassed period of time can be described as the "End and enforcement of the Second Vatican Council".
The article looks to deepen in what I believe the most visible and evaluable processes, that result from the guidelines favored by the Second Vatican Council: At the same time, it can be recognized that in these years the Church has given great steps in aspects such as the collegiality of bishops, the woman dignity, the concern about justice, ecumenism, the liturgic reform, etc.
Following this line, the article does not pass over the shadows from the period, which form the contrast over the whole scope in which human intervention is given. Nos pide todo, pero al mismo tiempo nos ofrece todo. Duc in altum Lc 5, 4. Jesucristo es el mismo, ayer, hoy y siempre Hb 13, 8. Esa llamada se va asumiendo por parte de todo tipo de fieles, y sus consecuencias son palpables en la sociedad actual. Los canonizados que van surgiendo en todos los niveles son un motivo estimulante para estas reflexiones, y la historia tiene en ellos materia abundante y orientadora.
Robert Schuman y Alcide de Gasperi Romero, Arzobispo de El Salvador. Las cosas del mundo han dejado de ser peligrosas para la santidad. Para poder comprender bien la historia de algo que es a la vez divino y humano, hace falta fe Y esto por varios motivos. Segundo porque, con palabras del Card. Pienso que puede servir recordar que "la santidad de la Iglesia consiste en que, por pecador que sea el hombre, Dios tiene poder para hacerla santa" Ratzinger, Ratzinger lo dice bellamente: Y si alguien quiere saber lo que es la Iglesia, que entre en ella.
Junto a eso hizo notar que para conseguir que la luz de Cristo llegue a todos, es imprescindible explicarla y reflejarla mejor. Durante ella se puede destacar el estudio del esquema sobre la Iglesia y el referente a los Obispos. En los numerosos documentos se puede ver una verdadera reforma de la Iglesia. Como puede observarse, en el Concilio de los medios se consideraba a las conductas enunciadas como excluyentes, debiendo optarse por una o por la "contraria". Comenzaron las revisiones de los rituales de los distintos sacramentos.
Este rechazo era particularmente agudo en determinados temas: Existe una entrevista, titulada Informe sobre la fe, en la que el Card. La crisis postconciliar se hizo notar en el clero —tanto regular como secular— y en las y los religiosos. El dolor y la soledad del Papa Pablo eran tremendos. En una entrevista a su secretario personal, Mons.

Solicita que se le dispense. Debo ir a la capilla. Ya no puedo seguir. Era casi la medianoche. En el clero regular, entre y , fueron Ideas semejantes podemos encontrar en consejos del Papa Benedicto Todas estas cuestiones parecen ser intraeclesiales, sin mayor relevancia para la historia de la Iglesia. O'Malley, actual Arzobispo de Boston. Juan Pablo II , en su libro Cruzando el umbral de la esperanza, recuerda que.
Por eso son tan importantes los contactos personales. Jn XVII, 21 El 13 de abril de un Papa visita por primera vez la sinagoga de Roma. El Papa Benedicto dio continuidad a esta tarea y, si bien hubo un primer momento de malentendidos con los musulmanes con motivo de su discurso en Ratisbona el 12 de septiembre de , prontamente supo reencauzarlo —entre otras cosas— con su visita a la Mezquita Azul IX La paz, la justicia y el orden internacional.
Para Pablo VI, la paz en el mundo era una necesidad impostergable. Es la paz, la paz, la que debe guiar el destino de los pueblos y de toda la humanidad". El documento tiene pasajes memorables e inspiradores, como el que sigue: Es cierto que hay situaciones cuya injusticia clama al cielo. No se puede combatir un mal real al precio de un mal mayor.
A todos les recordaba que la violencia nunca es el camino. La vida humana es siempre un don de Dios. Comenzando por el supuesto "derecho al aborto", pasando por la eutanasia y llegando al "derecho al suicidio asistido". El servicio de la Iglesia a los necesitados ha sido una constante a lo largo de los siglos. Antiguamente, innumerables orfanatos, leprosarios, hospitales, etc. Permanece sin embargo el miedo por el futuro y del futuro. La esperanza no es un vano optimismo, dictado por la confianza ingenua de que el futuro es necesariamente mejor que el pasado.
En su discurso en el Westminster Hall dijo: Una sociedad liberal es una sociedad relativista, solo por este presupuesto es capaz de permanecer libre y abierta a un camino posterior. Hay injusticia que no puede nunca convertirse en justicia por ejemplo matar inocentes, negar a individuos o grupos el derecho a la propia dignidad humana y a condiciones correspondientes ; hay justicia que no puede nunca convertirse en injusticia La Iglesia del silencio y la Ostpolitik vaticana. Quedan a este respecto no pocos temas pendientes.
Es de reconocer que el cambio fue grande. La mujer y la familia en la Iglesia. Solamente puede hacer esto, puede hacer aquello, ahora hace de monaguilla, ahora lee la lectura, es la presidenta de Caritas Esto es lo que yo pienso. Al quedar Vietnam del norte bajo un gobierno comunista, Son varios millones de fieles los que viven en esas tierras, atendidos por clero nativo. En lo que a hospitales se refiere, son , que sumados a otras actividades asistenciales suman 1. Otro tanto ocurre con los seminaristas Cabe preguntarse, sin embargo, si a todo esto hemos de llamarle progreso.
La Paz, junio de Director del Departamento de Cultura y Arte. Resulta muy ilustrativo recordar que hubo Jubileo para infinidad de grupos: Fue otro de los tantos acontecimientos sin precedentes de este Papa: Unas pocas palabras sobre Juan Pablo I. Mezclaba versos del Dante con pensamientos de Nietzsche. Resucitaba sus recuerdos infantiles Lo cual ya no es calderilla, sino plata de ley Javierre, Desde el mismo comienzo de su pontificado, Benedicto XVI no tuvo la mejor de las acogidas en buena parte de la prensa.
A pesar de ser un hombre que sabe escuchar, extremadamente amable, incapaz de levantar la voz y muy espiritual, fue tildado como "un Papa conservador", entre otros conceptos negativos. Este paso al costado "no significa abandonar a la Iglesia. Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum: Ante esta alternativa, les quiero decir francamente que prefiero mil veces una Iglesia accidentada que una Iglesia enferma A la vez han constituido al Papa Francisco en un referente moral de primera magnitud.
La tarea sigue viva. El Vaticano II ha abierto infinidad de puertas para ese aggiornamento. Puede sorprender un poco que cite el Catecismo en un trabajo de historia. Por consiguiente, debe distinguirse entre historia de la Iglesia e historia del cristianismo. Cremona y Dorn Afortunadamente, parece haber desistido de esa idea.
Fidei depositum X , particularmente los puntos nn. En esa entrevista, el cardenal Ratzinger explicaba: Sobre estas cuestiones, en general, puede verse Scala Lo mismo ha hecho el Papa Francisco. En fue a Ginebra. Unitatis redintegratio, passim, particularmente el n. La respuesta del Cardenal fue un simple "no".
Pienso yo que es una gran verdad. Hay una expectativa colectiva, porque llega en un momento delicado para el proceso de paz" http: Documento de Puebla, n. En nuestros tiempos, la historia, en cierto sentido, se repite. Carta a las familias 2-II , n. Nadie puede permanecer sinceramente indiferente a la verdad de su saber. Si descubre que es falso, lo rechaza; en cambio, si puede confirmar su verdad, se siente satisfecho.
Weigel y Ut unum sint n.
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Mensaje a las mujeres 8-XII Por ejemplo, puede recordarse la familia de S. Bernardo de Claraval Raymond , o el caso de S. Isidro Labrador y S. XV o Corea s. Revista "Jubileo" Bolivia 24 Octubre-Diciembre Tampoco es la historia de abuso a menores. No debemos olvidar que la renuncia no fue una huida.
El Papa no huye de la responsabilidad, pero es valiente, porque se dijo: Nacer y morir con dignidad. Galileo y la Iglesia, Madrid: Comunicar la propia fe en la cultura del siglo XXI. Cardinali, Gianni Entrevista al cardenal Ratzinger, El catecismo en un mundo postcristiano. Revista 30 Giorni 4, Buenos Aires pro manuscripto , Fieles y laicos en la Iglesia. El magisterio de la Iglesia. La Chiesa nella storia. Duemila anni di cristianesimo, 2. Claves de su pensamiento. Historia de la Iglesia.
Juan Pablo II y Europa. Hahn, Scott y Kimberly Hahn. Nuestro camino al catolicismo. Para comprender el Concilio Vaticano II. Manual de Historia de la Iglesia, IX: La Iglesia mundial del siglo XX. Continuum International Publishing Group, Lee Bun Sang, Stephen. Life is a Blessing: A Biography of Jerome Lejeune. The Catechism Yesterday and Today. The evolution of a genre. Reflexiones para la cuaresma. Sociedad de San Pablo, Leyendas negras de la Iglesia. La mano de Dios.
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This article goes over three key moments in the design and construction of social digital interaction spaces. The first moment which I refer to as the moment of "virtual reality", typified by immersive and multi-sensorial simulation technologies , the dominant visions aimed to imitate pre-existing offline forms of interaction. In the second moment referred to as the moment of "selective reality", typified by platforms aimed at supporting massive interaction networks such as Myspace , the design of digital interaction technologies was aimed at offering users the tools necessary to optimise their self-presentation, emphasising certain personal features while selectively withholding others.
In the third moment which I refer to as the moment of "hybrid reality", typified by minimalist interaction technologies such as Snapchat , there is a partial return towards offline forms of interaction through the incorporation of often involuntary non-verbal social cues. These transformations support the idea that digital interaction technologies are aimed at complementing, instead of replacing, offline social interactions. CMC, virtual reality, digital interaction. El sol de la tarde impulsa a un grupo de personas a salir a patear una pelota en el parque. La lluvia que se avecina los incita a buscar refugio y tomarse una taza de chocolate caliente.
El mundo online es un mundo enteramente construido. Los tres momentos que se proponen, entonces, reflejan tres maneras distintas de pensar las interacciones mediadas. En , Thomas A.