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Whoever was able to convince an atheist like you to speak to a rabbi like me deserves a medal. Jeff had been in Norway, visiting his Norwegian fiance. And he decided it was now or never: So he headed for Jerusalem and the Western Wall. He figured he would stop by the Wall to see some old stones. Yet upon his arrival he was amazed. He felt something heavy. As far as I know, You don't exist.

But I do feel something. It's just that I don't know that You exist. But God, just in case You're really there and I'm making a mistake, get me an introduction. Jeff finished his prayer, and one of the Aish HaTorah students who happened to be at the Wall, saw Jeff and thought, "Perhaps he'd be interested in learning some Torah.

He tapped Jeff on the shoulder, startling him so much that he jumped three feet in the air. Jeff whirled around and shouted,. That question hit Jeff like a two-by-four right between the eyes. He had just finished asking God for an introduction, and immediately someone was offering to introduce him to God. Jeff learned at Aish HaTorah for the next six weeks. He was a very serious student, and went back to the States with a commitment to continue learning. A year later, Jeff came back to Israel and told me the end of his story.

During that previous summer he had been meandering through the cobblestone alleyways of the Old City when he saw a pretty, sweet, religious girl walk by. He said to himself, "Look at the charm of this Jewish woman. May the Almighty help me meet someone like this. One Shabbos morning during the next year, Jeff entered a synagogue in Boston for prayer services. Standing there was the same young woman he had seen in the Old City. He made his way over to her and said:. If you know any atheists, you can teach it to them.

Because when you are sincere with God, your prayers are answered. Anticipate that God wants to help you. Anything that you could ask Him for is infinitesimally small compared to what He has already given to you. If you don't expect the good, God is not going to invade your space. He wants you to connect to your Father in Heaven. Yet He wants you to work for that understanding.

By not answering you, God is telling you that you've got a problem, that you need to change. That's doing us a big favor. Because if He wouldn't do that, we'd just remain stuck in our illusions, unclear on the idea that God can do it all. You're years-old and driving through Manhattan in rush hour in the middle of July. What if your father was in charge of all traffic lights in New York City and was able to track your location at any given time?

He would arrange for green lights all the way! The Almighty can arrange it for you. He created the universe. Traffic in Manhattan is not overly taxing for Him. So here you go. Green light, green light, green light, green light. You say to yourself: This is too good to be true. I don't deserve this. If you don't anticipate God's help, then you have lost sight of God as your Father. So God breaks the flow in order to realign your focus. Focus on the fact that the Almighty wants everything good for you. When you do that, He'll move mountains to answer your prayer. Nothing God does is by accident.

If things don't go smoothly for you, your first reaction should be: Why is God doing this? Why is He trying to get my attention? An uncle wrote newsy letters to his nephew at college. After six months and numerous letters, the nephew hadn't written back once. In the next letter, the uncle wrote his standard letter. But this time, he added a P.

The nephew received the letter and of course couldn't find the check. As expected, the uncle immediately got a letter in return: I like my dorm room By the way, you forgot to enclose the check. Love, your favorite nephew. The Almighty knows how to get our attention. When we forget that He loves us, He sends a red light to refocus us. But there's one big difference between the uncle and God: God is not hurt when we ignore Him.

God has no needs and doesn't need a relationship with us. It is we who need a relationship with Him. Our greatest pleasure is being in touch with God. That's why He arranges small mishaps to get our attention. All for our own benefit. If you are serious about a relationship with God, then you understand that God is always teaching you. When life is suddenly full of inconveniences thrown your way, stop and ask: When the problems are larger than minor inconveniences — i.

There is something deep within yourself that you need to rectify. A young man came into Aish HaTorah to meet with me. I don't need a yeshiva. You see, God and I are very close. God does miracles for me. Once I was riding my motorcycle up a winding mountain road. A truck came around a curve and swerved into my lane. My only choice was to either smash into the side of the mountain, or to go off the cliff. Next thing I know, I'm flying through the air with nothing but rocks beneath me. I screamed out, 'God! My bike landed between two rocks, which acted like shock absorbers and cushioned the impact.

I was gently tossed off my bike into a hedge of bushes. I didn't get a scratch! So you see, God does miracles for me. I looked at him and said, "Tell me, my friend. Who do you think pushed you off the cliff?! God is not Superman. He doesn't wait until you stumble off a cliff so He can fly in at the last moment to save you.

  • For Bible study.
  • The Study Abroad Handbook (Palgrave Study Skills).
  • Joint Security Operations in Theater: Joint Publication 3-10.

He controls everything in your life: Don't wait for God to push you off a cliff and catch you. Pay attention now and ask: What is the message? And if You want to get my attention, please do so without too steep a cliff! To get our prayers answered, we have to be clear that what we are requesting is really the right thing — and not just some momentary whim.

Read More Your Daily Prayer

My whole class decided they were going to play hooky one day and go to the World's Fair. But there was one condition: Everyone had to bring a dollar. If you didn't have a dollar, you couldn't come. I didn't have a dollar, and the only way I could get a dollar from my father was to learn a chapter of Mishna by heart. But there was no way I could pull off a whole chapter on such short notice. So I figured I might as well go to school that day. I'd be the only one there — a hero!

I started walking to school, when it suddenly occurred to me: Keep your eyes on the pavement, Noah, maybe you'll find a dollar! I started to pray, "Almighty, a dollar bill You have them around the street all the time. Just this one time, let me find a dollar bill. Two more blocks, no dollar. I thought maybe God wants something from me. So I said, "Almighty, I'll take out the garbage.

Bill Johnson 2018 - Fasting, Angels, and Breakthrough - (Bethel Church Sermon)

And I won't fight with my sister. Finally, I round the corner and the school is in sight. The moment of truth. And then I caught myself. If you find the dollar, you're gonna play hooky! Many times the Almighty sends us what we truly need, but we don't recognize it because we haven't done the work of clarifying our needs! God's answer — whether yes or no — always tells you something important about yourself. Prayer is not an escape from personal effort or responsibility. It is a vehicle for us to refine our choices, and to realize that God is the source of all that we accomplish.

Prayer focuses us on reality, and keeps us in touch with where our life is heading. It's not just a pipe dream. You have to work for what you want. If you're half-hearted, you're not serious about it. The purpose of life is growth. Prayer is not a magic button to escape that process. By compelling us to make an effort, God gives us the means to truly grow.

Brown , December 10, Prayers for me lord to change my ways and thoughts and prayers for me and my girlfriend and prayers for me to change everything lord it's not holding m. Prayers for me to change my ways and thoughts against my girlfriend lord and prayers for me to change my ways and thoughts Lord. We need to get out of debt and have our rightful inheritance restored. Since my parents and brother died things have not been as good as we believe H'Shem intended.

I pray that money comes to me unexpectedly to pay all bills. We are this close. There have been several unanswered prayers which is turning me to an athiest I feel. If God is a good, kind father, why would he put a disease in me nor help when I need Him the most? Mike , December 9, 5: Our faith is what we live by.

I am new to aish. I started my day just surfing the site. I came across Rabbi Weinberg's article on how to get prayers answered. What a way to start my day. I love this web site. So much to look at. Milgrim-Heath , July 24, 1: The first time I was saved from an expressway full car collision- Torrential rains, no casualties or banged up cars anywhere where an angel saved me being his mission.

A premonition of this accident made me most concerned- Saving an elderly woman profusely bleeding behind me that I learned. Adrenaline heaviness saved me from pain after this strong collision hit- Feeling no pain but hours later severe pain came in bit by bit. And a day later and after that I felt severe pain really much worse- Being spiritual with all my heavy accident trauma God I couldn't curse.

Due to my dental assistant surgical background seriously did prepare- Helping this frightened profusely bleeding elderly lady God did spare. The ER didn't come quick enough so I cleaned her up and did pray- Thank You God for saving four living souls still on earth today. Not everyone understands the reasons why bad things happen to be- A certain traveler's keychain from Israel God led me online to a site actually. Anonymous , December 9, 5: I was really asking my self about this question. I've been suffering with pain in my right hip area since ;but before that I was told I had a very rare bone disease in my collar bones since been operated on both disease is back.

Because I was in so much pain I hired a trainer to try and keep myself in shape and remember feeling a terrible pain on the right side hip area. Long story short no one knows why I have this pain, since I am a female with mild hemophilia, there are a lot of medications I can't take so I'm on oxycontin - I'm under the care of pain management doctor; but I'm always so tired. I make sure to light Shabboes candles and keep a Kosher Home. I try to keep Shabboes but things have been so bad of late that if my husband and sometimes myself turn on the T.

I'll watch it - it takes me mind away from the pain. My husband is not religious at all - the only time he comes to Shul is when Yom Kippur is over he heard the Shaffer to pick me up. Since it just the two of us now Shabboes is not how I would want it to be. I just read one of your articles about a man named Jeff who became religious, his prayers answered and I cried - first time in a very long time - so much pain and fatigue - don't know if I'm coming or going. I pray that I will get well not only for my sake but for G-d's sake - how can I be a good Jewish Woman, a productive woman living this way.

Feel like I'm losing. Want so much to be a good Jewish Woman, how can that be when you cannot function? They said G-d cured all the Jews at Mount Sinai so they could understand and follow the laws - I felt as though I was there - if so I wish he would help me now. But sometimes I'm so tired I can't pray and feel as though my prayers are not strong enough.

Hard to be a good Jew when you are sick! It has happened all of my life,starting from about 16 years old up to now and I am 58 years old. Everytime something good happens for me, or it seems as though my life is about to take a turn for the better, I is taken, I hit a dead end, it stops. I pray against generational curses and other curses because it seems as though there is one on my life.

I just don't understand. Why does this keep happening to me and I have never been able to live out my dreams, goals or anything. HELP, I need answers please. You said, "If a billionaire father handed over unlimited cash on a silver platter, his child would grow up spoiled and irresponsible. He's not trying to not spoil us, he's just not active in our lives at all.

I had and unusually rough weekend due to family issues. I am a person who loves to spend time in prayer. The family issue was one of those 40 year ones But after reading the article, it doesn't matter so much that there was no answer, what matters is that I kept praying and perhaps what I think is the best answer, is not.

The article made me smile again. I'm christian and all that you have shared about prayer thanks for it because it really helps. I am really thankful to have stumbled across this article as it has helped me understand many things about prayer. I'm going through a lot and just needed God to be here. Your words help me be optimistic and leave my trust with God because I know he only wants the best for me. I'm having problems in life and sometimes i feel kinda left out, but the article really helped me see a more lighter side of life besides setbacks.

Thanks a million and may GOD bless you all. Am goin through break up and i feel like god doesnt care about it cause i have prayed and prayed about it and stil he hasnt answered but i feel much better now that ive read your stories and everything. I was online wondering how GOD can answer my prayers on my trouble life. Read your post and it all makes so much sense. He is our true father who only wants the best for us.

Thank you for your article! This is the most precise article that I have read concerning the importance of prayer and why it's important to pray. I never commented on articles that I read. This has helped me a great deal! I feel encouraged to take up the matters of God seriously. God bless you abundantly. I am really inspired by your advise about prayers. May the good Lord help me to understand on how I should live and pray.

When I pray,I pray desperately from my heart,I am a woman who has been through a lot in life,I struggle financially and emotionally but I make my problems be known to God,so many went unanswered,but I never blamed God for it all,I just believed that what is mine will come to me. I don't worry muclh about my fanancials cause I never go to bed hungry and a roof over my head. God knows my family is all I have and I believe he has the power to rebuild my home again.

7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

I was quite surprise and enjoy a Jewish sermon. I don't mean any offense when I say jewish. I came from Baptist background unexpectedly I learn many things and it really touches my heart. I am looking for an answer to my prayer for the past give years and your message help me alot. Thanks for your help.

Nice article, but it doesn't help me. I have tried everything he suggests. And I still feel like I am talking to a wall or myself. I get more response from my dog! I have disabilities for which I have been praying for over a decade to be healed. Instead, they are worse. I am trying to get a decent relationship with my adult son whom I was forced to give up custody in order to receive my get.

He answers me as often as Hashem does. I do not undertand why G-d just cannot hea me. Haven't I suffered enough? What more does He want after nearly 20 years of chronic pain. Whar answer did I get? He added problems with my eyes giving me facial and eye spasms. What did that do except make me tied down to doctor visits, relying on my husband to drive me, taking away my ability to go when I want and not when my husand wants.

He doesn't want me to call since it is always a bad time. Yes, it feels like I am being punished. What did I do to deserve this stress and anxiety? And thanks to my not being able to work, I do not have the money to go and visit my son in Israel. It is expensive to stay in hotels. And dad is giving my sister all she wants. He is supporting my narcissistic nephew.

But, he doesn't have a penny to help me? So, I pray for help. My husband who used to be able to save money before we married, now is having to give me money since social security disability won't pay for gasoline. So, what has praying to G-d everyday done for me? Yes, I am angry. I feel like I am wasting my time. Why pray when my answers are always NO! I do not deserve to be pain free? What does G-d want from me?

I now pray not to wake up in morning. Alice Odumosu , April 20, 9: Lara , April 30, 6: How could you possibly expect your prayers to be answered when you have such a negative outlook on life. I have never know anyone write an essay this long about everything that is wrong in their lives. You have completely missed the point of prayer. Don't get me wrong; I am not saying your problems are not real, but as long as you continue to focus on the problems rather than God's love, your situation will not change. I feel sorry for you, not because of your problems but because of your attitude.

The choice is yours - either keep pronouncing your problems and let them you or let go and let God, and be amazed. Do you let anyone correct you? You need to be corrected. Let me tell you about someone who does it correctly. My family helps take care of a man who has muscular dystrophy. He has hundreds of friends and everyone loves him. People go out of their way to visit him and after being with him they forget that he can only move one finger, let alone hug his wife, throw a ball to his adopted son or help a stranger change their flat tire.

He can not even wipe the crumbs off his face, but does he complain? I have never heard him complain ONCE. It is not a part of his makeup. He constantly loves others and helps them. You must choose to get your eyes off of yourself. You sound like a black hole that sucks the life out of everyone around you. I am not trying to be mean when I say that but the truth may hurt in this situation. What you want from others is for them to give. Well, at the root o giving is love. Start learning to love and you will not need to complain all the time.

This article helped me a lot and understand more. I always wondered why I was rejected from this school a few years ago. I was reluctant but this year I tired again bug for a more prestigious school and this time I did differently. Instead of only relying on myself to get in I prayed, I prayed when ever I could. This article helped me realize what I need to do and made me feel better about being rejected because I know now i hav to figure out why by asking God.

Thank you so much! So right so positve. Because of that i love Judaisam. It s good for everyone not only for Jews. Shalom Hashem bless You. Hi, I'm a Christian from Australia and I am going through a very hard time at the moment, a separation and some incredible financial stress. I have been praying to God like you would not believe but have not felt any answer to prayer. When I have read answers on many Christian websites to try to understand why I feel as though I am being met by God's silence they all say much the same thing that I have not been showing enough faith or God answers prayers in His own way or in His own time, you just have to wait.

None of these answers have seemed satisfactory to me but then I read the explanation offered by Rabbi Weinberg and it seems to make much more sense to me. I will say this is the best article I have ever read well explained I really like it as it has motivated me. Thank you very much. I thought my prayer was answered I was working 2 ft jobs, and now it seems i've failed at one. Money is a concern and keeping my family together. I have had a lot of blows in my life.

How can I really be sure the He is helping me at times it feels like i'm being punished. I wanna say thank you so much im only 13 but i understand y i thought god was ignoring me. He is our father and we need to trust in him. I believe in my father and i am a sinnner. I want to thank you for these words of wisdom above i hope to pass it on to someone in need.

Thank you all so much. This was one of the best things I have read yet, such a well explained writing that makes a lot of sense. I loved this, thanks for posting! I ran acroos your artocle by chance. Even though i'm not jewish,my heart is jewish. But God is God. Thank you very much for your words and your winsdom. This has been most insightful. Would like You to pray with Me as I believe God for a new job between now and tomorrow. May God bless You richly. I have been praying but it seems God is ignoring me. Have read this article and am willing to retrace my step. I pray this works out for me.

I need your help. I have been unemployed for over five years, I receive no assistance, people avoide me like a disease. I spend my days applying for jobs. I have had several interviews, but no offers. I pray twice a day and talk to God all the time, but I receive no answer to my prayer. When I had a job I donated to charity to help children's and pray for them.

What am I required to fast from?

Can you pray for me to get sob? God wants us to work towards solving our problems. I have prayed and prayed for a job, I graduated from college a year ago, and I am constantly applying for jobs. I have a very professional resume. I apply for everything even not in my field. I am either over or under qualified. I also have a resume that works with jobs not in my field. I dont it back and hope something will hppen, I work hard at it all. My car insurance is overdue, and I can't pay my bills. I tihe when I can and I help and pray for people.

I am worried because I also have a car payment and I have to have a car. I love God dearly but am about ready to give up. I am totally scared. I know others are in my boat, but where is God. Is He going to help with my bills? This has been going on for too long. Hello Rabbi, I am a genuine person i believe and only want to find my passion in life and make a positive difference in life.

I believe in the Almighty God but am unclear what is wanted from me. Please help me to pray for answers of complete, undeniable clarity. I love my life with him with all my heart and would love too be with him until death do us part. Please prayer for our marriage too survive. Thank u and God Bless u all. Hi Rabbi Noah, I was born a Christian, my father was a Reverend until he died, my mother also a Christian is the biggest problem in my life, I love her, she is my mother and only family i have left. Living on a Prayer Boxes of 10 packs.

With five days of Bible readings, thoughts and prayers, see how different Bible characters prayed. The Manual - Prayer. How do you pray? What should you be saying? Topz Tips for Prayer. This is a prayer that is prayed under the influence of fasting. Our spiritual progress will be like supersonic speed.

Thank God there is something which makes for Spiritual progress that is more scientific than anything man has accomplished to date, and which accomplishes wonders for our Spiritual welfare in a very short time. Without prayer and fasting every Christian will more or less mark time and fail in their purpose.

If, as many believe, the unleashing of atomic energy is the prelude to the end of the earth, and if the seal judgments, the trumpet judgments, and the vial judgments of Revelation will soon be upon us, then the few who know and experience the saving power of God will do well to protect themselves against the day of His wrath, by a last great awakening through fasting and prayer. It will be the beginning of a new age for good, if the power of the Spirit is developed to a high degree by many through the use of the most powerful agent known to man, fasting and prayer.

Without fasting, prayer becomes ineffectual. Fasting restores and amplifies prayer power. A twenty-one, or forty-day prayer and fast will most assuredly hasten the Christian to such a deep and wonderful experience with God that twenty-one days will equal twenty-one years. Forty days will equal forty years. Experience shows that the forty-day period brings far greater results than a shorter time. It will bring one closer to God more quickly than any other way known. Like the doctrine of divine healing, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, etc. The truth of fasting is being revealed to us now that we may secure the greater things of God, that we may receive the gifts of the Spirit and that a mighty world-wide revival of spiritual power will sweep over the world, with major signs and miracles in these last days.

Fasting is the most potent power of the universe, and is placed at the disposal of every believer. A transformation in the body of Christ will begin, as Christians fast and pray. The practice of fasting is as old as humanity. More than two thousand years ago, fasting was a custom advocated by the school of the natural philosopher, Asclepiades, for curative purposes. It was used for religious purposes, as well as a method of restoring health.

In the olden days they recognized the value of a fast, but today people look on fasting as a certain way to the grave. When a person speaks of fasting ten days, twenty-one days or more, many think it something horrible. It is through a lack of definite knowledge on the part of many, that this subject is so much misunderstood. Moreover, it is an important, basic truth of the Bible; yet we so often overlook its value.

So important is fasting in the Mohammedan religion, that they claim it to be one of the four pillars of the Mohammedan faith. This explains one of the reasons why there is more fervor and zeal in their religion, than in the Catholic or Protestant religions. Many Mohammedans take a thirty-day fast every year. Fervor and zeal are definitely a result of the fast. This is sadly lacking in our church of today. Fasting is mentioned in the Scriptures approximately one-third as much as prayer, yet our present day church member places it insignificantly in the background.

If Christians realized what great power and blessings they are missing, they would be only too eager and happy to fast. One of the reasons Satan cheats them out of this glorious experience, is through the misunderstanding and confusion that is so generally prevalent in regard to fasting. Here is a testimony of a certain man who fasted fourteen days in one of my meetings. This was in , when the world-wide fasting crusade was first launched.

Franklin Hall on some enlightening teaching on fasting, I started a consecration fast. I partook of no food during the entire fast of fourteen days. Water was taken for the purpose of cleaning out the system. I was a heavy smoker, and it seemed impossible to give it up, but on the third day of the fast I had no further desire for smoking. On the fourth day of the fast, hunger left me entirely. A little later all weakness left; and to my surprise I began feeling better and stronger day by day. I could pray more earnestly, and with greater results. Several days later, I received the glorious baptism of the Holy Ghost.

I kept busy with my work which was not heavy. The fasting did not bother me much. What Brother Hall tells you about fasting is true, in our new spiritual consciousness our eyes are opened to discern the true nature of our former natural environment. And it worked out just that way in my life. It was a glorious experience. This was twenty-nine pounds underweight. At the conclusion of the fast, fourteen days later, I had lost sixteen pounds, for I weighed a hundred and twenty-four pounds.

Sixty days later I had not only regained the lost weight, but also gained twenty-nine pounds more, which was exactly what a man of my age should weigh, to the pound, that is, one hundred and sixty-nine pounds.

Intercessory Prayer: How Does God Want Us to Pray for Others? - Life, Hope & Truth

Everyone told me that I looked better than they had ever seen me look, and I do feel better than I have felt for twenty years. All of my nervousness is gone, and I have better complexion, and best of all, I have received the Holy Ghost, and have a much deeper experience with the Lord. People do not know what they are missing. Charles Wilson - San Diego, California.

The Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs probably detonated at about feet altitude. Equals pressure of a 3, mile-per-hour hurricane. No one can possibly calculate the true extent of this effect, but some physicists have stated that a wave of great height will be created. Combustible materials of all kinds will burn at 1. The ground temperature below the burst at 1, feet altitude was certainly more than 1, degrees Centigrade. But greater still, and more potent, is the spiritual atomic power with God that lies available to every Christian. The scientist can now use and harness the power of the material atom, but the Christian can use and harness the dynamic power of the great Creator of the atom.

As the Creator is greater than that which He has created, so is the power wielded by the Christian, through fasting and prayer, greater than that wielded by the atomic scientist. It is the purpose of this volume to show the Christian a sure method, whereby he may obtain this mighty power, and may be able to move the omnipotent hand of God. This will be our spiritual, atomic jet-propulsion power. Let us see what the word fast means. I believe misunderstanding here causes much of our trouble about the subject of fasting.

It is here that Satan deceives the average Christian. Especially as a religious observance. One should not associate abstinence from water, with the subject of fasting; thus, we see the contradistinction between food and water. The confusion that exists in the mind of the Christian, who believes that he is not to drink water in a fast, MUST be overcome. This has prevented many people from fasting over a period of several days. Therefore they have been deprived of some of the very greatest blessings. A fast like that of Paul, or Daniel: Such a fast may continue from twenty-one to forty days, depending on the individual, and also on the amount of time it takes you to get your prayers through to Heaven.

Fasting and Starvation are also two entirely different things. It is absurd for people to think about fasting and prayer without drinking water. Those who do this, do it in ignorance, and should be corrected by some constructive teaching. However, one may attempt a fast of a few days without drinking water, and find these facts to be immaterial. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and to attempt a major fast without water would defile and pollute the body. Instructions are given by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount Matt. If it is good to wash your face to keep the toxic stains from face and body washing being a type of cleanliness before God , then how much more logical it is to put water in your mouth, to clean out the corruption in the stomach.

The stomach becomes deflated, collapsed, and depressed, when water is withheld long enough, and a person gets into bad shape. Without water, when fasting, the system will choke up, and the body becomes filthy, internally.

  • Daily Prayer & Bible Verse to Inspire Your Day;
  • How To Get Your Prayers Answered;
  • The Longhorn War (The Gunsmith Book 7).

The tongue, which is the upper part of the stomach, becomes heavily coated when fasting, showing visibly a part of the pollution that is in the stomach. Some doctors maintain that some food particles remain in the intestinal tract for more than a month, until putrefaction is worse than any garbage pail. For the first few days of the fast, the stomach, tongue, and body, become heavily laden with the corruption that is trying to loosen itself. These particles that have remained in the stomach unassimilated, with other fecal matter, require a great deal of water to break them down and help soften this material so that it can be eliminated.

Cramps, displeasure, misery, and other discomforts, are frequently experienced during this initial period. Water aids in the loosening and softening of this fecal matter without which the corruption will harden; the worms and bugs, which are nearly always present to some extent, will dry up on the intestines, the tongue will eventually thicken, and if the thirsting fast is prolonged, the individual will die, unless the Lord intervenes.

Please note that a comma is inserted between each phrase. Paul was also educated. A person should not only recognize the value of the fast, but whether your fast continues ten days, two weeks, forty days, or longer, your bowels should move every few days. If a person does not drink water while the fast is in progress, how can these channels of elimination function properly?

The drinking of water will continue the process of cleaning while the fast continues. If the bowels do not move, please do not worry; there is no cause for alarm. The drinking of water does not prevent one from drawing closer to God. Water is pure, and is a type of Salvation, and of the Holy Spirit. Water, unlike corruptible food, evaporates into the atmosphere, while food goes back to the earth. Water is not stimulating, while food is. Food feeds the appetites of carnality; water does not. When an individual fasts, his pores become laden with toxins, especially his hands and face, therefore, he should bathe externally as often as possible.

In about two weeks, more or less, the average individual will have most of the wastes, poisons, toxins, fecal materials, etc. That is, unless this individual has a deep-seated functional ailment. Even if this be the case, this should be relieved and healed if the fast is continued. It is quite evident that Jesus took water while fasting forty days. There are four things that bear evidence in this regard.

It is called a fast, and not a thirst. When a person does without both food and drink, water means far more to him than food. A man can go days without food, but this same individual can go but a very short time without water. Especially is this true in a hot and torrid climate. It seems very evident that Jesus did drink water. For at the time of the feeding the 4, Mark 8: Water was available in the springs and brooks nearby.

The answer that the Son of God gave to Satan is very evident. You may ask if the fast that Jesus took was a supernatural one. No, this fast was not in any way a supernatural fast, for fasting is not supernatural, whether it is done by our Lord, or by the ones for whose salvation He paid the great price. The fast of Jesus can be said to be natural, on the ground that after His fast, He hungered. The natural hunger that had left his body for a time, returned again. This is true in any fast, if the fast is prolonged to its normal completion, when true hunger returns. Critics, who say that only Jesus could fast forty days, and that no one else can do so, are condemning something they know nothing about.

They are in need of trying a fast themselves, then they would realize with a great awakening, the value of fasting. The argument is brought to us that Moses fasted forty days. Please tell me what Scripture states this? I am certain that if we were allowed to stand in His presence and be with God, we would neither have to eat, drink, or breathe, whether we were with Him forty days, or forty years.

This was true with Moses, because Vs. For he had received supernatural radiation that was far more real than food and drink. He had to veil his face to talk to them. When Moses died, he had the strength and constitution of a young man: Almost alligators are in captivity. Upon a recent visit, I learned that the creatures enter into a suspended animation for six months out of every year.

They do not eat, drink or even breathe for six months out of the year. They have learned the art of eating, drinking and breathing that is incomparable to anything we humans can do. This has been proven many times. This fact is true in the fast of a few days, but we are now dealing with the long fast, which will give one power to do mighty things, seemingly the impossible, the fast that will break down denominational barriers and restore the body of Christ to its place of power and into the unity of the faith.

Tanner, who fasted over forty days on three occasions, declared that in the second half of each of the three fasts, the unspeakable glories of the world beyond were revealed to him. Tanner lived to be ninety-two years of age, and gave credit to fasting for his longevity of life.