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He was also quick to think the worst, which was highly aggravating. While I really enjoyed the story, there were a few things I would have changed.

For one, I would have liked more time spent with Elizabeth and Darius. I would have liked their conversations to be a bit more meaningful. Another thing, Elizabeth was always saying she wanted to break down his walls, but we never really get to see her do it. Even though they are married early in the story, they spend very little time together. I felt like that took away from their story. I still really enjoyed the overall story and will definitely be looking for more books by Charlotte Dolan. Also, the "D" word is used a lot.

Jul 29, Georgie rated it did not like it Shelves: I liked the initial premise very much - that the hero proposes from a sense of guilt, and that this is explicit from the start. That should set up an intriguing "Does he love me or is it just guilt talking? Unfortunately, that potential is not really explored. There were some very nice touches, though, in the hero's sharing with his men the Letters from Home, the attitude of the servants in the Big House, and some gorgeously bitchy sisters.

The hero is Strong and Silent, and since he I liked the initial premise very much - that the hero proposes from a sense of guilt, and that this is explicit from the start.

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The hero is Strong and Silent, and since he doesn't say much, and what he does say is often curt, it's very hard to understand him. His actions at the start of the book cause the heroine to be badly injured, but we don't see him ever apologise to her. The heroine writes to him constantly while they are apart, but it doesn't ever seem to cross his mind to write back. When his neglect is pointed out to him, he still doesn't provide any explanation for it. He jumps to conclusions on the flimsiest evidence even when the evidence isn't really evident and consequently treats the heroine badly.

His eventual redemption is So that all makes it difficult to emphathise much with the heroine who has fallen in love with a really not very nice man. I found myself rooting for her to put down the bitchy sisters, call the hero out on his appalling behaviour, do Something to assert herself, other than view spoiler [steal a baby and conceal it from her husband. So, sadly, although the heroine fell in love, I didn't - and I do need to love the hero just a bit to love the book. Apr 17, Kagama-the Literaturevixen rated it did not like it.

I didnt care for this at all. I never made it through the whole book,there was just something so bland and off about the whole book. Something else that annoyed me was the author cutting to scenes. The hero is carrying the heroine to her home to get her help,then in the next paragraph some time has passed. The heroine is waiting for her fiancee to come visit her Then cut!

Isnt there an useful rule for writing? How does it go again? He is essentially made fun off and sent away. When I read the blurb I thought it sounded interesting but the characters were so one-dimensional I couldnt finish it. I wouldnt recommend this at all. May 06, Megzy rated it really liked it Shelves: It is one of those plots that you either are going to like or hate.

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I liked it because I understand the realities of the regency time period. If you want the heroine to act and think like someone in our modern time, you might want to stick with unrealistic modern regency books If you don't want to hear about the promiscuity in marriages during that era, then you are deluding yourself.. May 14, Englishrose rated it it was amazing.

I simply love this book. The plot moves along at a good pace and the dialogue is fantastic. I really feel for Elizabeth who is such a sweet character even if she is a bit quiet. Darius is a great character who shows growth even while being a consistent figure. There are times I want to hit him over the head, but so does the heroine, so I count that as a good thing. Their romance is sweet and a good roller coaster. Side characters are colorful and fun and really flush out the storyline as they ad I simply love this book.

Side characters are colorful and fun and really flush out the storyline as they add in their own plot twists. It keeps you guessing what will happen next and how it will all work out. All in all a fun romance with some good laughs and perhaps a few tears as you root for true love to prevail.

Nov 27, Susannah Carleton rated it really liked it. The characters and the tale are as delightful on the tenth or fifteenth reading as on the first one. She writes wonderful traditional regencies, and has written one of my all time favorites, Fallen Angel. This book has an interesting plot, several story lines that all work and converge quite well, lots of well drawn secondary characters, and a great heroine. It's a marriage of convenience story, and the basis for the marriage is a unique plot device I haven't seen elsewhere view spoiler [ the hero injures and disfigures the heroine, and her 3.

It's a marriage of convenience story, and the basis for the marriage is a unique plot device I haven't seen elsewhere view spoiler [ the hero injures and disfigures the heroine, and her brother insists the hero marry her, because now no one else will. But, the hero was a total jackass. His mother and sisters were all wildly promiscuous, as well as very vicious.

So, understandably, he has a poor view of women. But, his view so colors his perception, that he can't see reality, and that he has married a kind, compassionate woman. He willfully misconstrues everything the heroine does and says, assumes the worst of her, and is cold and cruel to her as a result. Constantly and consistently throughout almost all of the book. Even when people he respects tell him he's wrong about the heroine, he chooses to disbelieve them. Wow, that got old really quickly. I was extremely annoyed with him, and ended up disliking him intensely. He really had no redeeming qualities to offset his obnoxious behavior.

And, he was never sufficiently redeemed for me at the end to change my opinion. Tiene incluso escenas tontas.

The Substitute Bridegroom by Charlotte Louise Dolan - FictionDB

Nov 15, Angela rated it really liked it. So well written you don't want to stop reading until you finally read that Darius love his wife. Fun read This book was an enjoyable read, it was fun and entertaining, you are able to just escape for a bit. Parts were definitely predictable, but all in all good. May 15, Kate Maxwell rated it really liked it Shelves: Cute, clean regency story of, "an eye for an eye, a bridegroom for a bridegroom. May 09, Elen rated it it was ok Shelves: Feb 27, Cherise rated it it was ok Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. Quite disappointing actually, I expected a lot more of the H based on the other book by the same author.

2015 09 20 The Bridegroom Is Coming

The whole problem is the protagonists hardly have any scenes together to make the romance believable. Most of the books are about the social scene they are living in and the shallow people they have to live with. Granted, these are actually pretty well done and gave a classics jane austeny feel to it, with the short length though, there is just not enough page to have the luxury to introduce Quite disappointing actually, I expected a lot more of the H based on the other book by the same author.

Granted, these are actually pretty well done and gave a classics jane austeny feel to it, with the short length though, there is just not enough page to have the luxury to introduce tons of ridiculous characters and satisfy us as romance reader. I have no idea why either fell in love as there really is no interaction beyond the most bland marriage of convenience.

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The H is so cynical and selfish it is annoying. Yes I know he never wanted the h and is honest about this, so he never acted like a hubby and had in essence deserted h for close to a year. Granted it is for a good cause and all, but we never were told why he never bothered to write, except he just doesn't care for her. Given the fact that he never even gives a flying fig for her, I find it ridiculous he was mad she was seeing someone behind his back.

Dude dog in a manger much? You don't even pretend to acknowledge her in your life, so why should she remember she has a hubby that hadn't done one single thing except bed her. I understand why he did it, but that just convinces me they are never gonna be in romanceland, especially when even after he realises he feelings, there is still a reverse between the 2. There is also the huge issue that he isn't happy with the forced title, we never get the feeling he is ok with that in the end. Ok, the h is a doormat.

She was really being pushed and shoved around by everyone so much that I wonder why I should care, falling all over herself to be a victim is not something I want to read. I don't know why she fell in love when H has nothing but contempt for her sex, this again doesn't work for me especially when she is actually unhappy when H turns up sweet in his book.

Wow what sort of romance is this?

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All through the book H either ignores h or is contempuous of her, but h just is so in love with his non action. Neither actually really show one's true thoughts and neither communicates much and they fell in love? Aug 14, Nancy Crayton rated it really liked it. I enjoyed this book because the heroine was so likeable.

She was strong but not abrasive. She was loving but not a doormat. She was perceptive, not a pushover. She expected the best of the people she met but once she found out that they were malicious or manipulative, she had no problem walking away from them. While the hero was somewhat unlikeable at first, it was understandable given his family situation and life experience. Because he was a British officer during the interminable Napoleonic Wa I enjoyed this book because the heroine was so likeable. Because he was a British officer during the interminable Napoleonic Wars, he was understandably unwilling to tolerate disloyalty among his closest associates - that included his new bride.

He really knew nothing about her when he made his offer of marriage. It was a matter of honor - his honor - and duty and honor had defined his life so far. I'm sure I will read this story again and again. Jan 26, M. This book was decent. Not amazing, but entertaining. There's not much about it that stands out as being memorable, but it was worth a read the first time around. The heroine is a bit bland, but likeable and you want to see her get her happily ever after. The hero is little more interesting, but not terribly well rounded.

I wish there had been more development of the romance and showing them falling in love, rather than all of the subplots that took a ton of time away from the main storyline. And This book was decent. And the heroine has a brother who plays a significant role several times in the story and then suddenly disappears and is never mentioned again, which was strange. But it is mostly just entertaining fluff. No real depth or originality, but mildly entertaining none the less. Jul 12, Saadia Y rated it it was ok.

I did not find this story "light-hearted" it was very frustrating. The hero was in fact the most frustrating. I Have no idea what made them fall in love with each other because they were barely together until the latter part of the book and everyone they knew apart from 2 people had major flaws in them.

The servants had more sense than the members of the ton. Rated it a 2 rather than 1 because I've rea I did not find this story "light-hearted" it was very frustrating. Cupid's Mistake, a Regency Romance. Marriage Made In Hope. To Kiss a Thief. The Portrait of Lady Wycliff. The Misadventures of Lady Ophelia. The Unwilling Miss Watkin. A Rogue of Her Own.

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