In the other truth you are what you see. If you see spirit, you are spirit. If you look at the anointed, you are the anointed. If you see the father, you will be father. In this world you see everything but yourself, but there, you look at yourself and are what you see. Faith receives, love gives. No one receives without faith. No one gives without love. To receive, believe; to love, give. If you give without love, no one derives a thing from what is given. Whoever has not accepted the lord is still a Jew. Jesus, the Nazorean, messiah, that is, Jesus, the Nazorean, the Christ.
The last name is Christ, the first is Jesus, the middle name is the Nazarene. The Nazarene and Jesus are they who have been measured. If a pearl is thrown into mud, it loses no value, and if rubbed with balsam oil, it gains no value. Wherever they are, the children of god are precious in the eyes of the father. I wish I had that title. The world will not endure it when hearing the name. God is a man-eater. So people are sacrificed to him. Before humans were sacrificed, it was animals, because those they were eaten by were not gods. Glass decanters and earthenware jugs are both made with fire.
When a glass decanter breaks, it is redone, since it was made through a breath. When earthenware jugs break, they are destroyed, since they were born without a breath. A donkey turning a millstone walked a hundred miles. When it was set loose, it found itself in the same place. Some people travel long but go nowhere.
At twilight they have seen no cities or villages, no human constructions or phenomena of nature, no powers or angels. These miserable ones have labored in vain. The eucharist is Jesus. The lord went into the dye works of Levi and took seventy-two different colors and threw them into a vat. He drew them out perfectly white. The companion is Mary of Magdala. Jesus loved her more than his students. If a blind man and one who sees are together in darkness, they are the same. When light comes, the one who sees will see light. The blind man stays in darkness.
The Gospel of Philip - The Nag Hammadi Library - Willis Barnstone Translation
Whoever is, was, and will be. The superiority of humans is not obvious to the eye but lies in what is hidden. Consequently they have mastery over animals who are stronger and larger in ways apparent and hidden. So the animals survive. When humans withdraw, the animals slay and devour each other, because they do not find food. Now they have food because humans plow the soil. But if you receive the holy spirit, you have the name as a gift.
And a gift you do not pay back. But if you have borrowed at interest, you must pay. So it works when you have passed through mystery.
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Great is the mystery of marriage! Without it, the world would not be. The existence of the world depends on marriage. It possesses deep powers, though its image is filthy. Among the forms of unclean spirits are male and female ones. Males have sex with souls who inhabit a female shape, and females mingle promiscuously with souls in a male form. No one escapes those spirits: This power resides in the mirrored bridal chamber. When wanton women see a man sitting alone, the man is overcome. They fondle him and pollute him. When wanton men see a beautiful woman sitting alone, they overcome her, and she is violated and polluted.
But when spirits see a man and his wife sitting together, the female spirits cannot enter the male, nor the male the woman. When the image and angel are joined, none can force themselves on the man and woman. When you leave the world, nothing can stop you because you were in the world. You are above desire and fear.
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You are master of envy. If someone does not leave the world, the forces grab and choke him. How can one escape those great grasping rulers? How can one hide from them? But if they had the holy spirit, nothing filthy would cleave to them. Have no fear of the flesh. If you are fearful, it will gain mastery over you. If you love the flesh, it will swallow and paralyze you. Either someone will be in this world or in the resurrection or in the middle place. God forbid that I be found in the middle! In this world there is good and evil. Its good is not good, and evil not evil. But there is evil after this world that is truly evil—which is called the middle.
The middle is death. While we are in this world it is best to acquire resurrection for ourselves so when we strip off the flesh we may rest and not walk in the middle. Many go astray on the way. It is good to leave the world before one has sinned. Some have neither the will nor the ability to act. Others, even if they have the will, are better off if they do not act, for the act of the will makes them sinners.
But even if they have no will to act, justice may be concealed from them, whether they have the will or not.
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Will, not action, is always primary. A messenger in a vision saw people locked up in a house of fire and bound with fiery chains, lying in a flaming ointment. It is the outer darkness, and we are in it. Soul and spirit came into being from water and fire. From water and fire and light came the attendant in the bridal chamber. I am not referring to flame, which has no form, but to another kind of fire, whose appearance is white, which is luminous and beautiful and gives beauty.
Truth is received only that way. There is rebirth and its image. They must be reborn through image. What is the resurrection? Image must rise again through image. The bridegroom and image enter through image into truth, which is restoration. But they have not done so on their own. You receive them in the oil of the chrism, the aromatic unction of the power of the cross. The lord did everything through mystery: I came to join them in one place.
But what is within them all is the fullness. Beyond it there is nothing inside. Before Christ, some came from a realm they could not reenter, and they went where they could not come out. Those who went in he took out. Those who went out he took in. When Eve was in Adam there was no death. When she was cut from him, death came into being. If he enters what he was and takes her in him fully, death will disappear. But not from that place. He was already gone. The lord rose from the dead. He became as he was, but now his body was perfect. He possessed flesh, but this was true flesh.
Ours is only an image of the true. Bedrooms are for free men and virgins. Through the holy spirit we are again engendered, but conceived through Christ. We are anointed in the spirit. When we were conceived we were united. No one will be able to look at oneself either in water or in a mirror without light, nor see in light without water or mirror. So it is fitting to baptize in light and water. Now the light is the chrism. Baptism is the holy building. Redemption is the holy of the holy.
The holy of the holies is the bridal chamber. Baptism includes resurrection and redemption. Redemption happens in the bridal chamber, but the bridal chamber is part of something superior to it and the others because you will find nothing like it. Those familiar with it are those who pray in spirit and in truth for they do not pray in Jerusalem. There are some who pray in Jerusalem, awaiting the kingdom of heaven, called the holy of the holies. Before the veil was rent we had no bridal chamber but the image of the bridal chamber above.
So its veil was torn from top to bottom. It was right for some below to ascend. The rulers do not see you who wear the perfect light, and they cannot seize you. You put on the light in the mystery of union. If the woman and man had not come apart, they would not know death. Christ came to repair the split, there from the beginning, and join the two and give them life who had died because of separation. Now the woman and man are one in the chamber with the bed, and those so joined will not come apart again.
Eve and Adam separated because when they joined it was not in the chamber with the bed. The soul of Adam came into being through a breath blowing into him. The element given him is his mother. When he was joined to spirit, he spoke words incomprehensible to the powers. They envied him, excluded from the union of the spirit. Their exclusion spurred them into fashioning the bridal chamber where lovers would come and be defiled. Jesus appeared at the Jordan River with the fullness of the kingdom of heaven. He was born before there was birth. He was anointed once and was anointed anew.
He who was redeemed redeemed the world. It is good to speak of mystery, especially because the father of all joined with the virgin who came down, and on that day a fire shone over him. He came to the bridal chamber. So on that very day his body came into being.
And on that day he left the chamber with the splendor of what passed between the bride and bridegroom. Through this force Jesus did everything. It is good for each of his students to go into the chamber and rest. Adam came into being from two virgins: Two trees are growing in paradise.
One bears animals, the other bears people. The tree whose fruit Adam ate is the tree of knowledge. So his sins increased.
If he had eaten fruit from the tree of life, the one bearing people, the gods would worship man and woman, for in the beginning god created man and woman. Now they create god. In the world humans make gods and worship their creation. It would be better if the gods worshiped them! A man does what he has the skills to do. He has the ability to make children. He does it easily in a few seconds. His accomplishment shows in his children. They are the image. He was also made after the image, doing things with his physical strength and producing his children with ease.
In this world the slaves serve the free. In the kingdom of heaven the free will serve the slaves, and the attendants of the bridal chamber will minister to the wedding guests. The attendants of the bridal chamber have one name, rest, and need take no other form because they meditate and comprehend by insight. They are many, since they do not store their treasures in things below, despicable things, but in unknown glory.
It was necessary for Jesus to descend into the water so that he could perfect and consecrate it. So also they who have received baptism in his name may be perfect. When you say you will die first and then rise, you are wrong. If you are not resurrected in life, you will receive nothing when you are dead. Enter the water and live. He made the cross from the trees he planted, and his seed hung from what he planted. His seed was Jesus, and the plant was the cross. The world eats bodies, and everything eaten in the world dies. Truth eats life, but no one fed on truth will find death.
Jesus came and he carried food, giving life to whoever wanted it so they might not die. God planted a garden, and humans were placed in the garden. They lived among many trees with the blessing and in the image of god. The Passing Of Mary. A Call to Holy Living. Money, Wealth, and the Prosperity Gospel: A Christian Examination of the Facts in the Bible. Eastern Orthodox Prayer Book. The Voice Of One Calling. At Thy Right Hand. The Shadow of the Cross. Where to Find Fruit. Bible Verses About Love: The Means of Grace. The Marks of the New Birth.
Weapons for Victorious Living. A Basket of Summer Fruit. The Personality of the Holy Ghost. Hope and Life Press. Behold He Cometh With Clouds! Out of the Wilderness: One Step at a Time. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.
The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. All through the wilderness they disobeyed and so God allowed Israel to have a yoke of captivity put on her. We find God stating that He is going to punish Israel in the future for their disobedience. So who put the yoke on her and judged her?
So this verse in no way can be used for what some are saying today. You have stricken them, but they have not grieved; you have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than rock; they have refused to return. Jeremiah pleads with the Lord about the truth and Israel being unresponsive, refusing to receive correction. They will not turn back. I will go to the great men and speak to them, for they have known the way of the LORD, the judgment of their God. Therefore a lion from the forest shall slay them, a wolf of the deserts shall destroy them; a leopard will watch over their cities.
Everyone who goes out from there shall be torn in pieces, because their transgressions are many; their backslidings have increased. They set themselves free and God will punish them because he wanted to be in a yoke to be chastised. Then God spoke to Jeremiah in Jer.
This was a symbolical action, to show that the several kings should be brought under the dominion of the Chaldeans. The yoke of Babylon was to be there until they are conquered by the Medo Persians. If they do not submit to this yoke of the Lord they will be destroyed. God warns them against hearing the false prophets.
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These prophets flattered them, having them fall asleep into a false security. The pleasing prophet, yes we have them today. What they said was a lie. They said that God sent them; but that was false; he disowned them: I have not sent them, saith the Lord. God told them to serve the king of Babylon and live v.
But instead they wanted to listen to their prophets, and because they have not submitted to God or his true prophets they will now have to submit to God through a cruel nation or be destroyed. Take the time to read this carefully. I have given him the beasts of the field also. This year you shall die, because you have taught rebellion against the LORD. Jeremiah was first willing to have the prediction come true, as he had no word from the Lord. So he states time will tell whether Hananiah was sent by God or not, if his prediction comes to pass. It is later Jeremiah receives an answer from the Lord for Hananiah.
Jeremiah made a counter sign when it was fulfilled it discredited Hananiah as a prophet v. Nothing has changed, as Israel goes so goes the church. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are servants of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage.
For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. Look at those who use the phrase the anointing breaks the yoke. Who prophesy great things for everyone. They are the prosperity teachers, those who promise a successful life and blessing for all who listen to them and contribute to their ministry. They promise financial freedom at the expense of people in debt. They often promise instantaneous freedom from trials where God wants his people to go through the trial of suffering so they can learn lessons and be used if him.
The people come to depend on them as they receive the anointing that will do all what they promise. The anointing was for consecration; it meant Separation and it had everything to do with serving the Lord. The first mention of oil being poured on something was used on the stone by Jacob in Gen. The anointing with oil was a symbol of endowment with the Spirit of God. It was for serving in the office to which a person was consecrated to Lev.
It was a physical symbol consecrating them to service, showing they were appointed by God. In the Bible we find anointed places and objects Exodus All these were set apart for use in religious service, and for nothing else.

These are all types of ministry and service. In the New Testament it is people, living temples that God has the anointing dwell in and on. In the Old Testament two elements that were present in worship were blood and oil. The blood was for cleansing and the oil was used for anointing. All these like the other elements used, are types and symbols of Christ. The tabernacle, the feasts are all typology of Christ. Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it: Whosoever compounds any like it, or whosoever putts any of it upon a stranger, shall be cut off from his people.
Israel was prohibited from making this oil for use in anything else but what it was intended for, it was not be as a common ointment, the punishment for doing this was excommunication. Nor were they to put it on the flesh of someone they did not know, because it was sacred and separate for those in service and ministry. Oil was also used as a medication for the sick, and liniment for bodily pain Isa. It was still used as a symbol for miraculous healing by the 12 sent out from Jesus Mark 6: James uses oil in chpt. It was used for physical cleansing and the references to anointing as part of ordinary washing are numerous, in the Old Testament and New Testament.
The figurative use of this word anoint chrio is in reference to the Holy Spirit upon the individual Luke 4: Only God anoints with the Holy Spirit Heb 1: When Priests, kings, and prophets were anointed the Oil was poured on the head of the person being anointed Ex.
Kings were consecrated through the ceremony of anointing this was performed by a prophet. The Old Testament also records two instances of the anointing of a prophet, Samuel was sent to anoint Saul 1 Sam And he Moses poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron's head and anointed him, to consecrate him Lev 8: It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: The anointing oil flowed down the hair and beard of the head Old Testament high Priest.
Then onto his garments, but it did not touch the flesh. From His anointing the anointing flows over the body that is under his leadership and that is dressed in Christ righteousness, because of the blood.