With the DAS DDL, developers define the data model for a particular project, specifying for each data type the metadata attributes, the data format and layout if applicable , and named references to related or aggregated data types. Das Lektin aus der Erbse Pisum sativum: Das Erbsenlektin ist ein dimeres Leguminosenlektin mit einer Besonderheit in seiner Struktur: They consist of DAS data collected from a fiber optic cable placed in a tank of water, subjected to oscillating head. These tests are described in the article linked below.
This article describes model units for an in-depth cultural analysis of " Das Versprechen" in undergraduate college courses including intermediate German, German culture and civilization, advanced conversation and composition, and film. Practical suggestions for pre-viewing, viewing, and post-viewing activities as well as assessment in…. Hydraulic fracturing operations in unconventional subsurface reservoirs are typically monitored using geophones located either at the surface or in adjacent wellbores. A fiber-optic cable was installed in a treatment well in a subsurface reservoir Meramec formation.
DAS data were recorded during fluid injection of same fibered well and also during injection into a nearby treatment well at a distance of m. For both scenarios the DAS sensing array consisted of approximately channels at a fine spatial and temporal sampling and with a large sensing aperture. Thus, the full strain wave field is measured along the borehole over its entire length. A variety of physical effects, such as temperature, low-frequency strain and microseismicity were measured and correlated with the treatment program during hydraulic fracturing of the wells.
These physical effects occur at various frequency scales and produce complementary measurements. Microseismic events in the magnitude range of The analysis of this DAS data set demonstrates that current fiber-optic sensing technology can provide enough sensitivity to detect a significant number of microseismic events and that these events can be integrated with temperature and strain measurements for an improved subsurface reservoir description.
On the Law of Inertia. This article is a translation of Ludwig Lange: Berichte ueber Verhandlungen der Koenigl. Saechsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, math. Klasse Leipzig, , SS. Kind assistance by Julian Barbour is acknowledged. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of influenza virus mutants selected with the sialidase fusion protein DAS Background Influenza viruses IFVs frequently achieve resistance to antiviral drugs, necessitating the development of compounds with novel mechanisms of action.
Results Despite extensive passaging, DAS selected viruses exhibited a very low level of resistance to DAS , which ranged between 3- and fold increase in EC DAS selected viruses displayed an attenuated phenotype in vitro, as exhibited by slower growth, smaller plaque size and increased particle to pfu ratios relative to wild-type virus. Further, the DAS resistance phenotype was unstable and was substantially reversed over time upon DAS withdrawal. In mice, the DAS selected viruses exhibited no greater virulence than their wild-type counterparts. Conclusions Results indicate that resistance to DAS is minimal and unstable.
The final step in the algorithm consists of an adaptive buddy check that either accepts or rejects outlier observations based on a local statistical analysis of nearby data. A basic assumption in any such test is that the observed field is spatially coherent, in the sense that nearby data can be expected to confirm each other. However, the buddy check resulted in excessive rejection of moisture data, especially during the Northern Hemisphere summer.
Observational evidence shows that the distribution of mixing ratio errors is far from normal. Furthermore, spatial correlations among mixing ratio errors are highly anisotropic and difficult to identify. Both factors contribute to the poor performance of the statistical quality control algorithm. To alleviate the problem, we applied the buddy check to relative humidity data instead.
This variable explicitly depends on temperature and therefore exhibits a much greater spatial coherence. As a result, reject rates of moisture data are much more reasonable and homogeneous in time and space. System for multispectral data analysis. M- DAS is a ground data processing system designed for analysis of multispectral data. Interactive training by operator-investigators using a variable cursor on a color display was used to derive optimum processing coefficients and data on cluster separability. An advanced multivariate normal-maximum likelihood processing algorithm was used to produce output in various formats: The analysis procedure for M- DAS involves three phases: Typical M- DAS applications involve iteration between each of these phases.
Study of morphometry to debit drainage basin DAS arau Padang city. Floods that happened in Padang besides caused high rain intensity, require to be by research about morphometry that is cause parameter the happening of floods. Morphometry drainage basin physical network DAS quantitatively related to DAS geomorphology that is related to form of DAS , river network, closeness of stream, ramp, usage of farm, high and gradient steepness of river.
Form DAS will influence rain concentration to outlet. Make an index to closeness of stream depict closeness of river stream at one particular DAS. Speed of river stream influenced by storey, level steepness of river. Steepness storey, level is comparison of difference height of river downstream and upstream. Ever greater of steepness of river stream, excelsior speed of river stream that way on the contrary. High to lower speed of river stream influence occurrence of floods, more than anything else if when influenced by debit big. Usage of farm in glove its link to process of infiltration where if geology type which is impermeable, be difficult the happening of infiltration, this matter will enlarge value of run off.
Research by descriptive qualitative that is about characteristic of DAS. Result of research got by DAS reside in at condition of floods gristle. Music in Dementia Assessment Scales Mi DAS , an observational outcome measure for music therapy with people with moderate to severe dementia, was developed from qualitative data of focus groups and interviews. Expert and peer consultations were conducted at each stage of the scale development to maximize its content validity. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of Mi DAS.
Care home residents with dementia attended weekly group music therapy for up to ten sessions. Music therapists and care home staff were requested to complete weekly Mi DAS ratings. The statistical analysis revealed that Mi DAS has high therapist inter-rater reliability, low staff inter-rater reliability, adequate staff test-retest reliability, adequate concurrent validity, and good construct validity.
This study indicates that Mi DAS has good psychometric properties despite the small sample size. Future research with a larger sample size could provide a more in-depth psychometric evaluation, including further exploration of the underlying factors. Mi DAS provides a measure of engagement with musical experience and offers insight into who is likely to benefit on other outcomes such as quality of life or reduction in psychiatric symptoms.
Myriant Corporation Myriant has successfully produced the bioproduct succinic acid by the fermentation of glucose at a commercial scale operation in Lake Providence, Louisiana. The MySAB facility is a demonstration-scale plant, capable of utilizing sorghum grits and commercially available dextrose, to ferment glucose into succinic acid. A downstream processing train has demonstrated the ability to produce an industrial, a standard and a polymer grade product. A by-product of the process is ammonium sulfate which is sold as a liquid fertilizer product. The product has gone into a number of commercial markets worldwide for customer applications, development and production.
Thailand laboratories, positions the company well for future production at the plant and commercialization of new bio-based products. This will be especially important and valuable as the green chemistry business climate continues to take root and flourish. Crosslinking effect of dialdehyde starch DAS on decellularized porcine aortas for tissue engineering.
Biological tissue-derived biomaterials must be chemically modified to avoid immediate degradation and immune response before being implanted in human body to replace malfunctioning organs. DAS with active aldehyde groups was employed to replace glutaraldehyde GA , a most common synthetic crosslinking reagent in clinical practice, to fix bioprostheses for lower cytotoxicity. The aim of this research was to evaluate fixation effect of DAS. The tensile strength, crosslinking stability, cytotoxicity especially the anti-calcification capability of DAS -fixed tissues were investigated.
The tensile strength and resistance to enzymatic degradation of samples were increased after DAS fixation, the values maintained stably in D-Hanks solution for several days. Moreover, both unreacted DAS and its hydrolytic products were nontoxic in cytotoxicity study. The results demonstrated DAS might be an effective crosslinking reagent to fix biological tissue-derived biomaterials in tissue engineering. In Rayleigh-scattering-based Distributed Acoustic Sensing DAS an optical fiber is transformed into an array of thousands of 'virtual microphones'. This approach has gained tremendous popularity in recent years and is one of the most successful examples of a fiber-optic sensing method which made its way from the academia to the market.
Despite the great amount of work done in this field, sensitivity, which is ones of the most critical parameters of any sensing technique, was rarely investigated in this context. In particular, little attention was given to its random characteristics. Without careful consideration of the random aspects of DAS , any attempt to specify its sensitivity or to compare between different DAS modalities is of limited value.
Recently we introduced a new statistical parameter which defines DAS sensitivity and enables comparison between the performances of different DAS systems. In this paper we generalize the previous parameter and give a broader, simple and intuitive definition to DAS sensitivity. An important attribute of these parameters is that they can be easily extracted from the static backscatter profile of the sensing fiber.
In the paper we derive the relation between DAS sensitivity and the static backscatter profile and present an experimental verification of this relation. DAS is a novel inhaled drug candidate blocking influenza virus IFV and parainfluenza virus PIV infections through removal of sialic acid receptors from epithelial surface of the respiratory tract.
To support clinical development, a day Good Laboratory Practices inhalation toxicology study was conducted in Sprague-Dawley rats. In this study, achieved average daily doses based on exposure concentrations were 0. DAS was well tolerated at all dose levels, and there were no significant toxicological findings. DAS administration did not affect animal body weight, food consumption, clinical signs, ophthalmology, respiratory parameters, or organ weight. Gross pathology evaluations were unremarkable. Histological examination of the lungs was devoid of pulmonary tissue damage, and findings were limited to mild and transient changes indicative of exposure and clearance of a foreign protein.
DAS did not show any cytotoxic effects on human and animal primary cells, including hepatocytes, skeletal muscle cells, osteoblasts, or respiratory epithelial cells. DAS did not cause direct or indirect hemolysis. A laboratory abnormality observed in the day toxicology study was mild and transient anemia in male rats at the 3. Another laboratory observation was a transient dose-dependent elevation in alkaline phosphatase ALP , which can be attributed to reduced ALP clearance resulting from increased protein desialylation due to DAS systemic exposure. These laboratory parameters returned to normal at the end of the recovery period.
Using DAS for reflection seismology - lessons learned from three field studies. Distributed acoustic sensing DAS has rapidly gained recognition for its potential for seismic imaging. For surface reflection seismology, the wide spatial aperture afforded by DAS is a primary motivation for its application, however the lower SNR of DAS has proven to be a significant impediment to acquiring data that can replace conventional receiver arrays. A further limitation of DAS cables is that the strain-dependent response is insensitive to acoustic energy which arrives orthogonal to the cable axis, reducing its effectiveness at seeing energy reflected from the deep subsurface.
To enhance the sensitivity of DAS cables for reflection seismology, we have trialed at three field sites DAS cables with helical construction in which there is a significant component of optical fiber that is coincident with arriving broadside energy. At the Otway and ADM sites we operated surface orbital vibrators SOVs at fixed locations to enhance sensitivity by stacking large numbers of sweeps.
We present survey results from the three sites. Analysis of both vibroseis survey and SOV results show that the helical cable design achieves its primary objective of improving sensitivity to reflected energy, with further gains needed to achieve the sensitivity of conventional geophones. The PoroTomo research team deployed meters of Distributed Acoustic Sensing DAS cable in a shallow trench and meters in a borehole at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada in March together with an array of , three-component geophones.
The seismic sensors occupied a natural laboratory x x meters overlying the Brady geothermal field. The DAS cable was laid out in three parallel zig-zag lines with line segments approximately meters in length and geophones were spaced at approximately m intervals. In several line segments, geophones were co-located within one meter of the DAS cable. Both DAS and the conventional geophones recorded continuously over 15 days. A large Vibroseis truck T-Rex provided the seismic source at approximately locations outside and within the array. The Vibroseis protocol called for excitation in one vertical and two orthogonal horizontal directions at each location.
For each mode, three, 5-toHz upsweeps were made over 20 seconds. In addition, a moderate-sized earthquake with a local magnitude of 4. Its epicenter was approximately km away. Several DAS line segments with co-located geophone stations were used to test relationships between the strain rate recorded by DAS and ground velocity recorded by the geophones. Prevalence of mab DAS -1 positivity in biopsy specimens from the esophagogastric junction.
Intestinal metaplasia IM is a precursor for malignancies at the esophagogastric junction. A monoclonal antibody, mAb DAS -1, can probably identify cellular characteristics of IM before the appearance of goblet cells. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of mAb DAS -1 positivity in biopsies from the squamocolumnar junction SCJ and to correlate this positivity with the presence of IM and clinical findings. In patients, reflux symptoms were scored, and the presence of reflux esophagitis and hiatus hernia was evaluated during endoscopy.
Two biopsy specimens were obtained from the SCJ. Tissue specimens from the cardiac region without IM stained positive in Biopsies of these patients showed similar histological characteristics as patients with IM. Geheimnisvolles Universum - Europas Astronomen entschleiern das Weltall. West, its many pictures were mainly taken with the ESO 3.
The structure of the book - perhaps at that time somewhat unusual - started with things far away Universe and galaxies , zoomed in to the Milky Way, and finally reached the Solar System with a concluding chapter dealing with the La Silla observatory. Now, with the 4 units of the Very Large Telescope in full operation, and on the occasion of ESO's 40th birthday, another jubilee book has appeared: Europas Astronomen entschleiern das Weltall", written by the science journalist Dirk H. Presumably, this book will also soon become available in more languages spoken in ESO member countries.
Thus it may be worthwhile to review the first edition, although some readers may like to wait for more easily accessible editions. Before going into details, let me first mention that I find this a very impressing book, great to look at and refreshing to read. With ESO seen through the eyes of a visitor, things gain a perspective that is quite different from that of the previous book, and at least as attractive. It comes as no surprise that the book starts with a visit of ESO's showcase, the Paranal Observatory, and the writer not only notes down his own impressions, but also cites statements of some of the many people that keep Paranal going - technicians and staff astronomers.
This mixture of texts provides a good impression of the operations at a large observatory for the general reader. The two more 'astronomical' parts that follow deal with star and planet. The data is organized chronologically in timeseries format to facilitate the computation of statistics. The array is figure-eight shaped and roughly m along its widest side with a channel spacing of roughly 8 m. This array is easy to maintain and is nonintrusive, making it well suited to urban environments, but it sacrifices some cable-to-ground coupling compared to more traditional seismometers.
We have been testing its utility for earthquake recording, active seismic, and ambient noise interferometry.
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This talk will focus on earthquake observations. In some of these events, we will point out directionality features specific to DAS that can require slight modifications in data processing. Using existing earthquake databases, we have created a small catalog of DAS earthquake observations by pulling records of over Northern California events spanning Sep.
We have analyzed these events to approximate thresholds on what distances and magnitudes are clearly detectible by the DAS array. Further analysis should be done on detectability with methods tailored to small events for example, template matching. In creating this catalog, we have developed open source software available for free download that can manage large sets of continuous seismic data files both existing files, and files as they stream in. This software can both interface with existing earthquake networks, and. The plot on the left has nodal stations labeled; the plot on the right has vibroseis observations labeled.
Stations are shown in map-view using Brady's rotated X-Y coordinates with side plots denoting elevation with respect to the WGS84 ellipsoid. Blue circles denote vibroseis data, x symbols denote DAS cyan for horizontal and magenta for vertical , black asterisks denote Reftek data, and red plus signs denote nodal data.
Was ist das Leben? Die Antwort auf diese Frage finden wir nicht in der Bibliothek und nicht im Labor, zumindest nicht an diesen erkenntnisproduzierenden Stellen allein. Development and Validation of a Item Measure. This study involved the development and validation of the Deaf Acculturation Scale DAS , a new measure of cultural identity for Deaf and hard-of-hearing hh populations. Results indicated strong internal reliabilities for all the subscales, and construct validity was established by demonstrating that the DAS could discriminate groups based on parental hearing status, school background, and use of self-labels.
Construct validity was further demonstrated through factorial analyses, and findings resulted in a final item measure. Directions for future research are discussed. Reisen im freien Fall - Teil 2: Nachdem wir uns mit den Prinzipien der ART und einigen Beispielen vertraut gemacht haben, kommen wir nun zur Berechnung des Zwillingsparadoxons aus Sicht des reisenden Zwillings. Sie befindet sich in ihrem System S'in Ruhe. Nach einiger Zeit werden die Triebwerke abgeschaltet, und das Raumschiff fliegt mit konstanter Geschwindigkeit weiter, Phase 2. Die Erde, auf der sich Michael befindet, bewegt sich mit x' t' aus Sicht von Katrin im freien Fall von ihr weg, s.
Atmospheric data assimilation is a method of combining actual observations with model forecasts to produce a more accurate description of the earth system than the observations or forecast alone can provide. The output of data assimilation, sometimes called the analysis, are regular, gridded datasets of observed and unobserved variables.
Analysis plays a key role in numerical weather prediction and is becoming increasingly important for climate research. These applications, and the need for timely validation of scientific enhancements to the data assimilation system pose computational demands that are best met by distributed parallel software. The discussion will center on the following issues: Two percent of total available DAS will be set aside to pay The obligation to carry and pay for an observer shall not be waived due to the absence of set Cost recovery payments shall be made electronically via The Microbial Database for Activated Sludge Mi DAS field guide is a freely available online resource linking the identity of abundant and process critical microorganisms in activated sludge wastewater treatment systems to available data related to their functional importance.
Phenotypic properties of some of these genera are described, but most are known only from sequence data. The taxonomy can be used to classify unknown sequences, and the online Mi DAS field guide links the identity to the available information about their morphology, diversity, physiology and distribution.
The use of a common taxonomy across the field will provide a solid foundation for the study of microbial ecology of the activated sludge process and related treatment processes. The online Mi DAS field guide is a collaborative workspace intended to facilitate a better understanding of the ecology of activated sludge and related treatment processes--knowledge that will be an invaluable resource for the optimal design and operation of these systems. Published by Oxford University Press. A Brief History of the J. Das Developmental Disabilities Centre. Das Developmental Disabilities Centre celebrated its 40th anniversary on September 1, , followed by The University of Alberta's th anniversary in The year also brought the appointment of a new Director for the Centre.
As the immediate past Director of the Centre, the author recounts some of the history of the J. For over 14 years the University of Iowa Radio and Plasma Wave Group has utilized a network transparent data streaming and visualization system for most daily data review and collaboration activities. In light of current efforts to promote automatic data distribution in space physics it seems prudent to provide an overview of our open source Das 2 programs and interface definitions to the wider community and to recount lessons learned.
This submission will provide an overview of interfaces that define the system, describe the relationship between the Das 2 effort and Autoplot and will examine handling Cassini RPWS Wideband waveforms and dynamic spectra as examples of dealing with long time-series data sets. In addition, the advantages and limitations of the current Das 2 tool set will be discussed, as well as lessons learned that are applicable to other data sharing initiatives. Testing was completed during March Safety evaluation of genetically modified DAS maize in a subchronic rodent feeding study.
The aad-1 gene, which expresses the AAD-1 protein, was derived from Gram-negative soil bacterium, Sphingobium herbicidovorans. A day sub-chronic toxicity study was conducted on rats as a component of the safety evaluation of DAS maize. Rats were given formulated diets containing maize grain from DAS or a non-GM near isogenic control comparator at an incorporation rate of In addition, another group of rats was fed a basic rodent diet. Under the condition of this study, DAS maize did not cause any treatment-related effects in rats compared with rats fed diets containing non-GM maize.
This article analyzes Jose Leon Machado's novel, "Memoria das Estrelas sem Brilho," as a multilayered historical novel in which a war story provides a background for comments on aspects of early twentieth-century Portuguese society, such as male bonding, religion, sexual mores, and social stratification. The GEOS DAS will be used to provide background fields of meteorological quantities to EOS satellite instrument teams for use in their data algorithms as well as providing assimilated data sets for climate studies on decadal time scales.
The DAO has been involved in prototyping parallel implementations of the GEOS DAS for a number of years and is now embarking on an effort to convert the production version from shared-memory parallelism to distributed-memory parallelism using the portable Message-Passing Interface MPI. The GCM operates on data that are stored on a regular grid while PSAS works with observational data that are scattered irregularly throughout the atmosphere.
As a result, the two components have different data decompositions. The GCM is decomposed horizontally as a checkerboard with all vertical levels of each box existing on the same processing element PE. The dynamical core of the GCM can also operate on a rotated grid, which requires communication-intensive grid transformations during GCM integration.
The owner of a vessel issued a limited access monkfish or red crab permit who is participating in Results indicated strong internal reliabilities for all the subscales,…. The online Mi DAS field guide is a collaborative workspace intended to facilitate a better understanding of the ecology of activated sludge and related treatment processes—knowledge that will be an invaluable resource for the optimal design and operation of these systems.
DAS photonics developments for analogue and digital photonic links for intra-satellite communications. During past years, special efforts have been invested to develop optical links, both digital and analogue, for space applications, such as reference signal distribution or digital communication cables. The aim of this paper is to present the current DAS developments for these applications as well as future work to increase TRL levels and flight opportunities. Brief note on Ashtekar-Magnon- Das conserved quantities in quadratic curvature theories.
In this note, we correct a mistake in the mass formula in [N. D 71, The corrected mass formula confirms that the black hole masses for recently discovered critical gravities vanish. Continuous development and user support by programmers and scientists for more than a decade has helped to make Sea DAS the most widely used software package in the world for ocean color applications, with a growing base of users from the land and sea surface temperature community. Availability of the processing algorithm source codes and a software build environment also provide users with the tools to implement custom algorithms.
A 90 day chronic toxicity study of Nigerian herbal preparation DAS in rats. Background The herbal preparation DAS , used for the treatment of various ailments in Nigeria, contains the milled bark of Mangifera indica L. Toxicological assessment of the preparation was carried out in this study. Methods In the acute toxicity study, DAS was administered to mice p. Mortality within 24 h was recorded. In the chronic toxicity study, rats were treated p. By 90 days, animals were sacrificed and blood samples collected for hematological and biochemical analysis. Organs were harvested for weight determination, antioxidants and histopathological assessments.
Results DAS did not produce any lethality administered p. However, possibly reversible side-effects include electrolyte imbalance and sterility in males. The herbal preparation DAS , used for the treatment of various ailments in Nigeria, contains the milled bark of Mangifera indica L. In the acute toxicity study, DAS was administered to mice p. DAS did not produce any lethality administered p.
Revision of an automated microseismic location algorithm for DAS - 3C geophone hybrid array. Application of distributed acoustic sensing DAS has been studied in several areas in seismology. One of the areas is microseismic reservoir monitoring e. Considering the present limitations of DAS , which include relatively low signal-to-noise ratio SNR and no 3C polarization measurements, a DAS - 3C geophone hybrid array is a practical option when using a single monitoring well.
Considering the large volume of data from distributed sensing, microseismic event detection and location using a source scanning type algorithm is a reasonable choice, especially for real-time monitoring. The algorithm must handle both strain rate along the borehole axis for DAS and particle velocity for 3C geophones. Only a small quantity of large SNR events will be detected throughout a large aperture encompassing the hybrid array; therefore, the aperture is to be optimized dynamically to eliminate noisy channels for a majority of events.
For such hybrid array, coalescence microseismic mapping CMM Drew et al. CMM forms a likelihood function of location of event and its origin time. At each receiver, a time function of event arrival likelihood is inferred using an SNR function, and it is migrated to time and space to determine hypocenter and origin time likelihood. This algorithm was revised to dynamically optimize such a hybrid array by identifying receivers where a microseismic signal is possibly detected and using only those receivers to compute the likelihood function. Currently, peak SNR is used to select receivers.
To prevent false results due to small aperture, a minimum aperture threshold is employed. The algorithm refines location likelihood using 3C geophone polarization. We tested this algorithm using a ray-based synthetic dataset. Strain rate along the borehole axis is computed from particle velocity as DAS microseismic. Fiber-optic distributed acoustic sensing DAS uses conventional telecom fibers for a wide variety of monitoring purposes. Fiber-optic arrays can be located along pipelines for leak detection; along borders and perimeters to detect and locate intruders, or along railways and roadways to monitor traffic and identify and manage incidents.
DAS can also be used to monitor oil and gas reservoirs and to detect earthquakes. Because thousands of such arrays are deployed worldwide and acquiring data continuously, they can be a valuable source of data for earthquake detection and location, and could potentially provide important information to earthquake early-warning systems. At Stanford University, we have deployed a 2. Data have been recorded continuously since September Over earthquakes from across California have been detected and catalogued. Distant teleseismic events have also been recorded, including the two Mexican earthquakes.
In Mexico, fiber-optic arrays attached to pipelines also detected these two events. Because of the length of these arrays and their proximity to the event locations, we can not only detect the earthquakes but also make location estimates, potentially in near real time. In this presentation, we review the data recorded for these two events recorded at Stanford and in Mexico.
We compare the waveforms recorded by the DAS arrays to those recorded by traditional earthquake sensor networks. Using the wide coverage provided by the pipeline arrays, we estimate the event locations. Such fiber-optic DAS networks can potentially play a role in earthquake early-warning systems, allowing actions to be taken to minimize the impact of an earthquake on critical infrastructure components. While many such fiber. The distributed aspects of the protocol enable the use of various reference and annotation servers for connecting biological sequence data to pertinent annotations in order to depict an integrated view of the data for the final user.
Results An annotation server has been devised to provide information about the endogenous retroviruses detected and annotated by a specialized in silico tool called RetroTector.
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We describe the procedure to implement the DAS 1. We use our server to exemplify those steps.

Data distribution is kept separated from visualization which is carried out by eBioX, an easy to use open source program incorporating multiple bioinformatics utilities. Some well characterized endogenous retroviruses are shown in two different DAS clients. A rapid analysis of areas free from retroviral insertions could be facilitated by our annotations. Conclusion The DAS protocol has shown to be advantageous in the distribution of endogenous retrovirus data.
The distributed nature of the protocol is also found to aid in combining annotation and visualization along a genome in order to enhance the understanding of ERV contribution to its evolution. Reference and annotation servers are conjointly used by eBioX to provide visualization of ERV annotations as well as other data sources.
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The reporting period covers 12 May - 21 December The residential services group is lobbying to dump its aging hard-wired phone system because students don't use it. The town and campus public safety officials are demanding that their portable two-way radios operate well not only outdoors, but within campus buildings. Students are now expecting text messaging and WiFi service to work everywhere…. Communities of uncultivated microbes are critical to ecosystem function and microorganism health, and a key objective of metagenomic studies is to analyze organism-specific metabolic pathways and reconstruct community interaction networks.
This requires accurate assignment of genes to genomes, yet existing binning methods often fail to predict a reasonable number of genomes and report many bins of low quality and completeness. Furthermore, the performance of existing algorithms varies between samples and biotypes.
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Here, we present a dereplication, aggregation and scoring strategy, DAS Tool, that combines the strengths of a flexible set of established binning algorithms. Further, when applied to samples of different complexity, including soil, natural oil seeps, and the human gut, DAS Tool recovered substantially more near-complete genomes than any single binning method alone. Included were three genomes from a novel lineage. The ability to reconstruct many near-complete genomes from metagenomics data will greatly advance genome-centric analyses of ecosystems.
In operational weather forecasting, the assimilation of brightness temperatures from satellite sounders, instead of assimilation of 1D-retrievals has become increasingly common practice over the last two decades. Compared to these systems, assimilation of trace gases is still at a relatively early stage of development, and efforts to directly assimilate radiances instead of retrieved products have just begun a few years ago, partially because it requires much more computation power due to the employment of a radiative transport forward model FM.
While SBUV-type instruments cannot compete with newer sensors in terms of spectral and horizontal resolution, they feature a continuous data record back to , which makes them very valuable for trend studies. We will compare pre]lmlnarv results of SBUV radiance assimilation with the assimilation of retrieved ozone profiles, discuss methods to deal with the increased computational load, and try to assess the error characteristics and future potential of the new approach.
Der Allgemeine Soziale Dienst ASD als Arbeitsfeld Sozialer Arbeit: theranchhands.com: Bente Braun: Books
Malignant mesothelioma cases among primary school teachers are usually linked with asbestos exposure due to the mineral contained in the building structure. Among the approximately 12, cases of mesothelioma described in the fourth report of the National Mesothelioma Register, 11 cases of primary school teachers are reported, in spite of the fact that the "catalogue of asbestos use" does not describe circumstances of asbestos exposure other than or different to that due to asbestos contained in the buildings.
Four cases in the Brescia Provincial Mesothelioma Register are identified as teachers, without this circumstance of exposure. To characterize the asbestos concentration and fibre type retained in the lungs of a teacher reported as a new mesothelioma case and preliminarily classified as of unknown asbestos exposure.
The mesothelioma case presented here was diagnosed at age 78 and malignant mesothelioma was confirmed at autopsy; the patient was interviewed directly for occupational history. Samples of lung parenchyma from necropsies were collected, stored and analyzed by scanning electron microscope SEM and samples of DAS paste were analyzed by SEM to detect asbestos fibre content. It was possible to confirm past exposure to DAS paste in forming and finishing dry items and toys during school recreational activity almost every day from the mids to about the mids. Subsequent SEM analysis showed: These results seem to be in agreement with an occupational exposure to asbestos due to past use of DAS paste.
After the investigation, this case was reclassified from "unknowun" to " sure" occupational asbestos exposure. The occupational origin of the tumour was recognized by the Italian. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit werden exemplarisch Chancen und Grenzen der Integration von Umwelt- und Naturschutz in Verfahren der ackerbaulichen Landnutzung aufgezeigt.
Dieses Konzept haben Heidt et al. Eine Auswahl der von Heidt et al. In the simulation, noise reduction technique is used in order to eliminate the crossover effect. Sueyoshi, Tatsuya; Green, William D. Constituent chemicals in garlic extract are known to induce phase I and phase II enzymes in rodent livers. This slow response to DAS suggested that CAR required an additional factor to activate the Sult1e1 gene or that this activation was indirect.
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Despite the remarkable induction of SULT1E1, there was no decrease in the serum levels of endogenous E2 or increase of estrone sulfate while the clearance of exogenously administrated E2 was accelerated in DAS treated mice. The LSM uses a more advanced representation of physical processes than previous versions of the GEOS DAS , including the representation of sub-grid heterogeneity of the land-surface through the Mosaic approach. As a first approximation, Mosaic assumes that all similar surface types within a grid-cell can be lumped together as a single'tile'. Within one GCM grid-cell, there might be 1 - 5 different tiles or surface types.
All tiles are subjected to the grid-scale forcing radiation, air temperature and specific humidity, and precipitation , and the sub-grid variability is a function of the tile characteristics. Enough surface data has been collected by ARM to extend this goal to sub-grid variability of the land-surface energy and water budgets. The time period of this study is the Summer of June I - September 1. The ARM site data consists of surface meteorology, energy flux eddy correlation and bowen ratio , soil water observations spread over an area similar to the size of a G-CM grid-cell. Various ARM stations are described as wheat and alfalfa crops, pasture and range land.
The LSM tiles considered at the grid-space 2 x 2. Surface energy and water balances for each tile type are compared with observations. The Distributed Annotation System DAS offers a standard protocol for sharing and integrating annotations on biological sequences. There are more than DAS sources available and the number is steadily increasing. Clients are an essential part of the DAS system and integrate data from several independent sources in order to create a useful representation to the user.
While web-based DAS clients exist, most of them do not have direct interaction capabilities such as dragging and zooming with the mouse. GenExp is a genome oriented DAS client capable of creating informative representations of genomic data zooming out from base level to complete chromosomes.
It proposes a novel approach to genomic data rendering and uses the latest HTML5 web technologies to create the data representation inside the client browser. Thanks to client-side rendering most position changes do not need a network request to the server and so responses to zooming and panning are almost immediate. In GenExp it is possible to explore the genome intuitively moving it with the mouse just like geographical map applications.
Additionally, in GenExp it is possible to have more than one data viewer at the same time and to save the current state of the application to revisit it later on. GenExp is a new interactive web-based client for DAS and addresses some of the short-comings of the existing clients. It uses client-side data rendering techniques resulting in easier genome browsing and exploration.
GenExp is open source under the GPL license and it is freely available at http: Background The Distributed Annotation System DAS offers a standard protocol for sharing and integrating annotations on biological sequences. Conclusions GenExp is a new interactive web-based client for DAS and addresses some of the short-comings of the existing clients. OLI includes a suite of relatively narrow spectral bands at meter spatial resolution in the visible to shortwave infrared that make it a potential tool for ocean color radiometry: To evaluate the potential of OLI to measure ocean color, processing support was implemented in Sea DAS , which is an open-source software package distributed by NASA for processing, analysis, and display of ocean remote sensing measurements from a variety of satellite-based multi-spectral radiometers.
Here we describe the implementation of OLI processing capabilities within Sea DAS , including support for various methods of atmospheric correction to remove the effects of atmospheric scattering and absorption and retrieve the spectral remote-sensing reflectance Rrs; sr exp 1.
The quality of the retrieved Rrs imagery will be assessed, as will the derived water column constituents such as the concentration of the phytoplankton pigment chlorophyll a. There is a need to develop an outcome measure specific to music therapy in dementia that reflects a holistic picture of the therapy process and outcome. This study aimed to develop a clinically relevant and scientifically robust music therapy outcome measure incorporating the values and views of people with dementia.
Focus groups and interviews were conducted to obtain qualitative data on what music meant to people with dementia and the observed effects of music. Expert and peer consultations were conducted at each stage of the measure development to maximise its content validity. The new measure was field-tested by clinicians in a care home. Feedback from the clinicians and music therapy experts were incorporated during the review and refinement process of the measure.
Analysis of the qualitative data identified five key areas of the impact of music on people with dementia and they were transformed as the five Visual Analogue Scale VAS items: Mi DAS comprises the five VAS items and a supplementary checklist of notable positive and negative reactions from the individual. This study demonstrates that it is possible to design and develop an easy to apply and rigorous quantitative outcome measure which has a high level of clinical relevance for people with dementia, care home staff and music therapists. The history of an unsuccessful book.
This paper offers an introduction to Hermann Cohen's Das Princip der Infinitesimal-Methode , and recounts the history of its controversial reception by Cohen's early sympathizers, who would become the so-called 'Marburg school' of Neo-Kantianism, as well as the reactions it provoked outside this group.
By dissecting the ambiguous attitudes of the best-known representatives of the school Paul Natorp and Ernst Cassirer , as well as those of several minor figures August Stadler, Kurd Lasswitz, Dimitry Gawronsky, etc. The "puzzle of Cohen's Infinitesimalmethode," as we will call it, can be solved by looking beyond the scholarly results of the book, and instead focusing on the style of philosophy it exemplified.
Moreover, the paper shows that Cohen never supported, but instead explicitly opposed, the doctrine of the centrality of the 'concept of function', with which Marburg Neo-Kantianism is usually associated. A review of the existing literature, the experiential results and the consensus process enabled the development of the new outcome measure "Music in Dementia Assessment Scales Mi DAS ". Os mecanismos causais identificados foram: Establishment of feeder-free culture system for human induced pluripotent stem cell on DAS nanocrystalline graphene.
The maintenance of undifferentiated human pluripotent stem cells hPSC under xeno-free condition requires the use of human feeder cells or extracellular matrix ECM coating. However, human-derived sources may cause human pathogen contamination by viral or non-viral agents to the patients. Here we demonstrate feeder-free and xeno-free culture system for hPSC expansion using diffusion assisted synthesis-grown nanocrystalline graphene DAS -NG , a synthetic non-biological nanomaterial which completely rule out the concern of human pathogen contamination.
DAS -NG exhibited advanced biocompatibilities including surface nanoroughness, oxygen containing functional groups and hydrophilicity. In this article, we present a valid and reliable instrument which measures the attitude of in-service and pre-service primary teachers toward teaching science, called the Dimensions of Attitude Toward Science DAS Instrument. Attention to the attitudes of primary teachers toward teaching science is of fundamental importance to the professionalization of these teachers in the field of primary science education. With the development of this instrument, we sought to fulfill the need for a statistically and theoretically valid and reliable instrument to measure pre-service and in-service teachers' attitudes.
The DAS Instrument is based on a comprehensive theoretical framework for attitude toward teaching science. The theoretical underpinning of the DAS combined with the statistical data indicate that the DAS possesses good construct validity and that it proves to be a promising instrument that can be utilized for research purposes, and also as a teacher training and coaching tool.
This instrument can therefore make a valuable contribution to progress within the field of science education. The layout of the DAS array was designed with a zig-zag geometry to obtain relatively uniform areal and varied angular coverage, providing very dense coverage with a one-meter channel spacing. This array continuously recorded signals of a vibroseis truck, earthquakes, and traffic noise during the day deployment. As shown in a previous study Zeng et al. To avoid effects of the vibroseis truck operation, only continuous data recorded during the nighttime was used to compute noise cross-correlation functions for channel pairs within a given linear segment.
The frequency band of whitening was set at 5 to 15 Hz and the length of the cross-correlation time window was set to 60 second. The phase velocities were determined using the multichannel analysis of surface waves MASW methodology. The phase velocity dispersion curve was then used to invert for shear wave velocity profiles. A preliminarily velocity model at Brady's Hot Springs Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, was used as the starting model and the sensitivity kernels of Rayleigh wave group and phase velocities were computed with this model.
As the sensitivity kernel shows, shear wave velocity in the top m can be constrained with Rayleigh wave group and phase velocities in our frequency band. With the picked phase velocity data, the shear wave velocity structure can be obtained via Occam's inversion Constable et al. Shear wave velocity gradually increases with depth and it is generally faster than the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory model.
Furthermore, that model has limiting constraints at shallow depth. The strong spatial variation is interpreted to reflect the different sediments and. Data assimilation has become a popular method to integrate observations from multiple sources with land surface models to improve predictions of the water and energy cycles of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum.
In recent years, several land data assimilation systems have been developed in different research agencies. Because of the software availability or adaptability, these systems are not easy to apply for the purpose of multivariate land data assimilation research. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Unlimited One-Day Delivery and more. There's a problem loading this menu at the moment. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us.
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