La fiducia; Il coinvolgimento. Percepire la sua essenza, come interagisce con il proprio mercato. Fombrun e Cees B. Lo strumento utilizzato dal Ri ha il nome di RepTrack, e utilizza un metodo di rilevamento riconosciuto a livello internazionale. Al centro del RepTrack troviamo il Pulse, il vero cuore dello strumento reputazionale.
Esteen; Trust; Admire; Feeling.
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La misurazione di queste dimensioni dipende da una serie di giudizi che vengono espressi dagli stakeholder. Questo per dire che, basta un semplice errore di gestione, di valutazione per far crollare una reputazione costruita con tempo e sacrificio. Per evitare di commettere questi errori, bisogna costruire bene le fondamenta e una reputazione che sia forte, attraente ma anche e soprattutto capace di conquistare la fiducia ed il rispetto delle persone. La comunicazione deve essere trasparente e chiara, differenziata sui target di riferimento, senza pause e senza mai lasciare nulla al caso.
Fondamentale utilizzare i social network per mantenere il dialogo con i consumatori per monitorare le proteste e raccogliere i suggerimenti. Esistono molteplici fattori che contribuiscono alla formazione di un giudizio o reputazione, come i valori etici e morali, i progetti futuri, le azioni compiute nel passato.
Tutto contribuisce alla nostra reputazione. La stessa logica vale per la reputazione aziendale e per tutti quei soggetti che devono tutelare e proteggere il proprio brand. La reputazione diventa un vero e proprio biglietto da visita. La creazione di una reputazione online rappresenta un processo molto delicato. Per questo motivo, bisogna partire da un accurato monitoraggio del brand, dei manager e dei principali stakeholder che possono influenzare la reputazione.
Le informazioni dovranno essere analizzate e scartate quelle superflue. Un attento studio dei concetti, delle parole e delle immagini prevalenti. Dopo questa prima fase, ce ne sono altre che aiutano a creare un perfetto piano di azione per ricostruire la reputazione online mettere nota pag Contattate i media coinvolti: Una volta fatto il danno, bisogna ricostruire la reputazione nel minor tempo possibile. Bisogna concentrarsi su diversi fattori pag Mantenere le promesse e rimanere coerenti con le proprie dichiarazioni.
Coerenza tra i valori che comunichiamo e le azioni che compiamo. Queste sono le basi per essere di nuovo credibili agli occhi dei consumatori. I blogger iniziarono a incuriosire e a far riflettere gli uomini delle pubbliche relazioni. Queste persone potevano influenzare la reputazione delle aziende e quindi erano un fenomeno da analizzare.
Alcuni provarono i primi contatti con i blogger, inviando loro prodotti in cambio di un feedback sincero. Altre aziende provarono a incontrare queste persone in maniera informale, per stabilire un contatto personale. Oggi viviamo in una fase delicata di passaggio. Dalla consapevolezza delle sfide che pone il nuovo ambiente mediale, ai primi tentativi di gestione professionale. Quando parliamo di comunicazione tramite i social media, non dobbiamo avere in mente uno strumento tecnologico o un canale di distribuzione. Manuel Castells sostiene che: Con la diffusione della grande distribuzione, questo meccanismo ha perso parte della sua importanza lasciando spazio a diverse alternative Mario Poiani, Alti consumatori, Editore di Comunicazione Lupetti, Milano, , pag I consumatori parlano come lo hanno sempre fatto, ma ora preferiscono farlo online, condividendo informazioni , pareri ed opinioni con gruppi di utenti, in modo da influenzarsi a vicenda.
Il bravo comunicatore capisce che nel mondo digitale, bisogna partecipare a questo colloquio in modo naturale per trarre il massimo da ogni dialogo. Le dinamiche emotive dei consumatori si possono monitorare, con la condizione che le aziende sviluppino approcci nuovi per definire le proprie strategie. Il termine cognizione Keith C. Williams, Psicologia per il marketing, Il Mulino, Bologna , pag. La percezione Keith C. Ogni giorno, i nostri organi sensoriali, sono bombardati da una moltitudine di stimoli.
Noi andiamo a selezionare quelli a cui prestiamo attenzione e poi li organizziamo in modo da renderli comprensibili. La sensazione Quando parliamo dei sensi, siamo soliti pesare e far riferimento ai cinque sensi. Tutti questi organi insieme ci forniscono le informazioni sul mondo che ci circonda. Ogni nostro recettore, come, ad esempio occhi e orecchie riescono a rispondere a stimoli specifici ma entro dei limiti.
La studiosa Keith C. Per soglia assoluta nota pag31 intendiamo la stimolazione minima degli organi di senso richiesta prima che ci sia una qualsiasi esperienza sensoriale. La percezione selettiva In ogni momento della giornata, i nostri organi di senso sono bombardati da una moltitudine di stimoli differenti, ma solo alcuni di essi vengono da noi percepiti. La nostra attenzione si focalizza solo su un numero di stimoli, gli altri non vengono percepiti, o lo sono vagamente.
Grazie ai loro studi, possiamo distinguere: Questo processo prende il nome di assuefazione. Possiamo quindi affermare che noi percepiamo per differenziazioni. Gli interessi e i bisogni hanno influenza sulla nostra percezione. Accade anche che gli interessi e gli scopi di un individuo possono indurlo positivamente a selezionare dal suo ambiente determinate informazioni.
Bene, ad un concerto, non ascoltiamo o vediamo un numero di stimoli distinti che rappresentano suoni forti o acuti, macchie di colori o variazioni di illuminazioni. Ad un concerto ascoltiamo ritmi e melodie, e vediamo musicisti e strumenti. Questo per dire che, la nostra percezione non consiste nella ricezione passiva di un numero differente di stimoli sensoriali.
Ma, parliamo di un processo dinamico, piuttosto che la semplice aggregazione dei dati sensoriali.
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Tuttavia, in alcuni casi, le differenze fisiche che realmente esistono tra prodotti concorrenti non possono superare la soglia sensoriale dei consumatori. I processi percettivi organizzano il mondo attorno ad una persona in oggetti e gruppi di oggetti. Il lavoro di Sinek ha permesso a molti professionisti nel campo della comunicazione, di offrire un approccio innovativo durante qualsiasi fase di lavoro, migliorando le tecniche di persuasione al fine di sostenere al meglio la comunicazione con i clienti.
Questa struttura comunicativa ci sembra logica, condivisibile e facile da comprendere, ma ha dei grandi limiti. A sostegno della tesi di Sinek, infatti, interviene la biologia. Come i grandi leader ispirano le azioni Sinek sostiene la sua tesi facendo riferimento anche a leader di successo. Se hai risposto Apple, sei sulla strada giusta.
Per questo la mission di Apple ha sovvertito lo stile comunicativo a cui tutti erano abituati e ha avuto successo ispirando e attraendo sempre nuovi utenti. Tra le numerose aziende che oggi si caratterizzano per un successo senza eguali, spicca anche Facebook, nata da un sogno ben definito e con una mission molto condivisibile: Applicando la metodologia proposta da Sinek al nostro lavoro, possiamo migliorare il grado di persuasione della nostra comunicazione, attraverso la creazione di siti web, immagini, testi e la gestione dei social network.
Soprattutto in un mondo caratterizzato da tecnologie avanzate e dalla standardizzazione dei processi di produzione: A determinare la scelta del prodotto, poi, non sono le nostre considerazioni razionali. Ma un insieme di desideri e di emozioni primarie, come ad esempio: Manipolare in maniera efficace, e, soprattutto, senza sprecare risorse. Centinaia di agenti commerciali della Pepsi avrebbero messo un tavolino nei centri commerciali e nei supermercati di tutto il mondo, offrendo due bicchieri anonimi a chiunque si fermasse e chiedendo loro di esprimere una preferenza.
Per questo motivo, secondo Gladwell, la Coca-Cola continuava ad essere leader sul mercato. Practical Applications and Ethical Concerns. Belden, Journal of Mind Theory, p. E i loro cervelli lo confermavano: Venne chiesto ai volontari di assaggiare la Pepsi o Coca prima che bevessero. Avviene un cambiamento di fondamentale importanza durante questo esperimento.
Due regioni del cervello erano impegnate in una silenziosa gara fra pensiero razionale ed emozionale, e che, proprio durante quel secondo di incertezza, le emozioni si alzavano per vincere la preferenza razionale degli intervistati per la Pepsi, e quello era il momento in cui la Coca vinceva. Hanno scoperto che quando i partecipanti vedevano una diapositiva di una Mini Cooper, si attivava una piccola area nella zona posteriore del cervello, che risponde ai volti.
In altre parole, il cervello dei partecipanti identificava i volti dei bambini come qualcosa di speciale. I ricercatori della Daimler-Chrysler hanno mostrato immagini di 66 auto diverse a una dozzina di soggetti maschi, sempre sottoposti a fMRI. A quanto pare, i soggetti maschi di questo studio subconsciamente cercavano di attrarre il sesso opposto con la carrozzeria abbassata, il rombo del motore e le finiture cromate delle auto sportive.
Una seconda ipotesi che esistesse uno stretto legame tra lo sport e la religione, ecc. Nonostante queste immagini, si stima che circa un terzo dei maschi adulti su tutto il pianeta continui a fumare. I fumatori sono selettivamente ciechi alle etichette dissuasive? Lindstrom cerca di rispondere proprio a tale domanda attraverso questo esperimento Neuromarketing. I risultati sono stati che: Quasi tutti conosceranno molto bene la famosa e inconfondibile suoneria caratteristica della Nokia.
Per ogni categoria sono stati scelti dei suoni abbinati. Sono state illustrate ai volontari dieci immagini distinte per ogni brand e, per confronto, anche immagini prive di alcun rapporto con i suoni caratteristici. Prima sono stati mostrati i singoli brand in segmenti distinti, di 10 minuti ciascuno, durante i quali ai partecipanti venivano presentati prima solo i suoni, seguiti dalle immagini da sole e poi dalle immagini e dai suoni insieme.
Nokia aveva fallito il test del suono. Infatti il solo sentire quel suono annullava i sentimenti positivi che il cervello dei volontari mostrava alla vista delle immagini dei telefonini. Dopo aver sentito la suoneria, i soggetti indicavano una maggiore preferenza per le immagini di confronto senza relazione fra loro che per quelle dei cellulari Nokia. Lo squillo evocava forti associazioni negative che allontanavano completamente i soggetti dal brand.
Ci sono delle regole fondamentali da tenere ben presenti quando si parla di neuro marketing, e, soprattutto quando si vuole studiare attentamente il consumatore. Queste regole, prevedono che: Queste sono utili per impiantare idee, desideri, paure, timori o indurre comportamenti.
Bisogna conoscere gli individui meglio di quanto loro stessi si conoscono. Meglio di quanto esso stesso si conosca. That means that we know what is the best product that may satisfy our needs, what is the most suitable university carreer for us or the cheapest hotel among several options. Nevertheless scholars keep observing the reality and the users' behaviour. By the way it wouldn't be correct to dwell on a strictly rational point of view. We should take into account the complexity of the emotional and unaware factors which lead our choices and responses.
Richart Thaler, Nobel Award for Economy in , thinks that human features as the limited rationality, the lack of self-control and the social preferences, influence individual decisions but also the market's outcome. Fos some consumers will be pretty hard to admit they have been infuenced by advertising spots because it would mean their choices are conditioned by third party and unconsciously.
Thanks to the neuroscientific studies now we know that emotions play a very powerful role in the decision-making process, so we are able to undesrtstand that gap between what the user says and what the user does. To do that we have several disciplines: Neuromarketing studies improve the business communication and thanks to its scientific techniques produce better results in the consumer's purchasing process' analysis.
In a interview Caterina Garofalo, president of AINEM neuromarketing italian association , explains how today business is getting more and more interested in neuromarketing and how this discipline is becoming a strategical tool both for innovation and for the knowledgment of the users. It is possible that we are struck by something unconsciously and therefore we memorize it. For example it is possible we focus our attention on a part of an advertising spot and it doesn't require a particular reflection, but by the way it will influence our perception of the brand. For this reason good communicators work on the emotional and sensorial involvement, they know that this factors lead the user's attention and then influence the perception of the brand.
In practical, neuromarketing wants to better understand the consumer's point of view and it uses a more sensitive and introspective approach to do that, maybe a more human one. In the digital era social networks have impressively accelerated the spread of information which have became more fluid and prone to constant changes. Therefore reputation represents the basic element to measure the liking and the effective recognition of an agency.
Reputation is a intagible asset we need to build, consolidate and keep alive in time. More than intangible, reputation is also inimitable and is formed by two basic variables: Trust; Involvement When both these elements are present in the agency's strategic communication, that means there is a solid base on which we can built up important relations with the users. Usually, expectations by an agency that has a good reputation are high, both as concerns their products and also the correct behaviour it should keep in time.
For this reason we can strongly affirm and recognise reputation is a real guarantee. Customers, consumers, individuals choose those products, that brand and that agency everyday for a reason. Behind an action which may seem simple, actually, there is a clear choice, a involvement and especially an act of extreme faith in items, in services and in our expectations. Keeping a good reputation in time brings a positive percetion of the agency, of its products and its actions. In order to keep a good reputation we need to be believable. It provides them an assessment according to the perception of their performances, their targets and the own agency's behaviour.
Achieving these goals will increase the reputation and at the same time the consumer's positive perception of the agency. Another important aspect for the enterprise is the one concerning a transparent communication with its customers. It should learn to listen to their needs which the same customers often don't manage to identify.
In order to strenghten this reputation is necessary to create a emotional appeal, a engagment, so that users can perceive the enterprise not only for its products but especially for all it comunicates. They should perceive its essence and how it interacts with its own market. It is an hard achievement but it is not impossible if the business invests its time in building up strong relations with its own community. Therefore besides money, a good agency has to invest in its value.
Only by doing that it can increase its reputation and ensure a place in the customer's mind, who will associate a positive perception to it. Fombrun and Cees B. Van Riel, started the "Reputation Institute" Ri , the biggest research and consultancy society in the world in the field of corporate reputation. During the last years the Ri measured the reputation of many big companies and it created the biggest corporate reputation database.
The tool used by the Ri is called RepTrack and it uses a detection method that is internationally recognised. At the center of the RepTrack we find the Pulse, the real core of this instrument. The Pulse represents the emotional factor that create the link between the reference audience and a particular business. The measurement of this factor depends on: Esteem; Trust; Admiration; Feeling. The Ri's testing goes to great lengths to identify twentythree markers contained in seven dimensions.
These markers influence in a pretty strong way the positive bahaviours of reference consumers or target audience, like for example the choice of investing in a business or buying a product rather than another. These seven dimensions represent the fundamentals that may change the users' opinion and actitude in case they already have a negative perception of the business. Here I mention the seven factors as they are named in the book "Business over the crisis": The testing of these dimensions depends on a number of judgements expressed by the stakeholders.
Once they are expressed, these judgements are summed up in order to gain a common outcome which gives us the agency's value. The markers will be divided so that the managers can see in few seconds the business' critical points and address the communication strategies to make up the deficit with the competitors. That means a little management or assessment mistake is enough to destroy a reputation built with time and sacrifice. In order to avoid mistakes, we need to built strong fundamentals and a strong reputation.
This reputation has to be also attractive and able to conquer the trust and the respect of people. A corporation has always to take under control these elements: The offered product or service; Identity and personality; Benefits it may offer; The message it wants to communicate and how it should be communicated; Reliability. The corporate's reputation is strictly linked to its identity, so to what it is, and to the way this identity is perceived by the audience and the potential customers.
Therefore the strenghts is knowing how to present yourself with clarity and simplicity, what are you able to do, what are your targets and also what are your weaknesses. The writer and professor Gianluca Comin identified some key tools and actions that help to built a reputation coherent to the predefined targets and to the agency's position: The aim should be raising people's awareness and involve them in the business' actions; Engagement: Engagement aims at including audience's requests in the agency's decision-making processes and in external communication actions; Transparent communication: Communication should be transparent, clear, different according to the target, without pauses and not left up to chance.
It is essential to use social networks to keep in touch witht the users, monitor their protests and take their tips and suggestions; Responsability: The agency has to appear as and be a model of integrity ans social responsability. Good or bad, this reputation influence the quality and the nature of our relationships. Several factors contribute at the creation of a judgemnt or reputation, as the ethical and moral values, the projects for the future and the actions of the past. Everything contribute toward our reputation.
The same logic works for the corporate reputation and for all those subjects that have to protect their own brand. Reputation becomes a real business card. Indeed, nowadays consumers are used to check out on the web information about agencies before taking their decisions, they read up and look for feedbacks, share on social networks and discuss in forums. In other words they try to create in their mind a judgement based on their perspection of the agency. So the user from consumer becomes prosumer. It is also possible to find a image of the corporate that doesn't match with the real one. Up to some years ago this was not a problem but today all the consumers looking for information about a business search for it on the web.
The building of a online reputation represents a very delicate process. For this reason we need to start by an accurate monitoring of the brand, the managers and the main stakeholders who may influence the reputation. Store:Kindle eBooks:eBooks in Foreign Languages:Italian:Literature & Fiction
The useful information will be analysed and the useless ones discarted. We need to carefully study the concepts, the words and the main images. At this point we can place our business in a map and define its reputation. After this first step there are others that help in the construction of a perfect action plan to rebuild the online reputation: Taking a metaphorical picture of the present situation: Once the damage has been done we need to recover our reputation as soon as possible.
For this reason there are the so-called operations of reputation recovery. It has been already said that building a reputation is a very complex process but it is even harder to recover reliability after a wrong actitude. We need to focus on several points page We have to keep our promises and be coherent to our statements; Identity: There must be coherence between what we communicate and what we do by actions; Transparence: This is the basis to be reliable in the eyes of consumers again.
Firstly bloggers made PR curious and started to make them reflect, PR didn't get how important these bloggers were and they didn't even know how to catalogue them. Bloggers managed to influence the corporate reputation and so they surely were a phenomenon to carefully analyse. Then they stopped trying to understand the phenomenon and they started to experiment new approaches in the public relations. Some tried to get in contact with the bloggers, by sending them products in change of sincere feedbacks. Others tried to meet these people in a informal way in order to establish a personal contact.
In they started to talk about blogs as a useful tool which might change the perception of the agencies, defined as "moneymaker machines" Social Media Roi, Vincenzo Cosenza, Apogeo, With the increase of sharing tools, it became even more complex to manage the business activities on social networks and the disorientation raised. The coming of the social networks, in particular Facebook, led a lot of enterprises to substitute the delicate and challenging blog with a simpler and less risky Facebook page. The wrong idea is that a page full of advertising and winking posts is enough to become social and reach thousands of people.
Instead, the winning idea for a longlasting reliability is looking for a more innovative way to communicate. Users forgive little bumps in the road because they may happen when you are a principiant. Today we are leaving a delicate transitional phase. We are getting more and more aware about the new challanges linked to the media and we are discovering a new professional management. When we talk about media communication we must not think about a technological tool or a distribution channel. We must think about an activity which aims at generating a value exchange among people.
This value is not material and it is impossible to measure. For that, it is fundamental that social media marketing e pubblic relations have achievable and measurable goals. In this way they can lead the business toward a improvement. Manuel Castells states that: The growing importance of new relational spaces, especially of social networks, has expanded further the possibility of "have a voice" and created opinion, critic or research groups. The use experience that represents the second moment of truth is shared on the web to enrich other people's Zero Moment of Truth.
The consumer establishes a relationship of trust with the seller and asks for true information about the quality of each available good. Afer the diffusion of the big distribution, this mechanism lost part of its importance giving space to other alternatives Mario Poiani, Alti consumatori, Editor of "Comunicazione Lupetti", Milan, , page Marginal consumers, that means people with less money or that don't care about the quality. They buy the cheapest good; Exigent consumers with large amount of money.
They buy the most expensive good because they are convinced it is of a higher quality; A lot of consumers focus their preferences on famous goods. These users are the most manipulable and they may strongly need omologation. In the modern society we find the phenomenon of the popular status symbol, that means all those goods which are achievable in a economic sense. Therefore the consumer is convinced by the enterprises' actions that a good have some characteristics, as the novelty or the very presence, which strenghten his or her prestige.
In the most of the cases marketing always behaved in an active and didactical way toward the consumer who was instead passive and in search of the information presented by the seller. Consumers keep speaking as they have always done, the only difference is that now they prefer doing it online, sharing opinions and information in users groups in order to influence each other. The expert communicator understands that in the digital world he has to participate at these interactions in a natural way in order to make the most from each dialogue. We should invest a great part of the time in listening the other.
The possibility of bulding meaningful relation with customers helps them to create a positive perception of the brand, the products and the services of the corporate. Consumers are interested in the way marketing help them to take decisions and to improve the purchasing experience. More specifically they search for a experience without problems, so the agency has to work to provide them with it. In order to take advantage of all the chances to develop new goods and new ways of communication the agency has to acquire new thought patterns.
Competition asks the corporates for new interpretative models to increase the effectiveness of the commercial, distributive and marketing strategies. The consumer is first of all a human being and is featured by very complex emotional and mental processes. Marketing has to take into account this complexity and try to fill the methodological and technical gap. Consumers' emotional dynamics can be monitored as long as the agencies develop new approaches to define their strategies. Development and innovation requires a large view and the knowledgment of all the aspects involved in the agency and its staff's relations.
In order to compete successfully it is not enough having a aim anymore, we need also to pay attention to the effects and consequences of our actions on the surrounding system. The term cognition Keith C. Williams, "Psychology for the marketing", Il Mulino, Bologna , page 29 refers to those mental processes which allow us to give a meaning to our environment and our experience. Therefore these processes are significantly important in the moment of learning and in the perception of events. The perception Keith C. Williams, "Psychology for marketing", Il Mulino, Bologna , page 29 , instead, can be defined as a complex process occurring when people select, organise, interprete stimulus in order to reach a meaningful representation of the world Markin Every day our sensory organs are swamped with billion of stimulus.
We select those we pay attention to and then organise them in order to make the information understandable. Nevertheless the interpreting process is more complex and requires something more than the simple elaboration of the information. We are talking about a dynamic and constant process, conditioned by our beliefs, reasons, behaviours and by what we learnt in the past. Since our decision-making process is basically affected by how we perceive a product, what a good communication and marketing expert should do is to understand at best these perceptive processes.
Perception, in turn, will depend also on the attribute the communicator is able to give to the merchandise. The most part of the research on perception has been taken by the psychologists of Gestalt. For the latter perception is something more than a set of simple and single stimulus put together.
Feelings When we talk about senses we usually refer to the five senses. This link is correct but incomplete. Besides sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell there are other senses which we never take into consideration. We are talking about Keith C. Williams, "Psychology for marketing", Il Mulino, Bologna , pag.
Without feelings there is no perception and without perception there is no understanding. The way our brain organise and interprete information underlines the differenece between feelings, which means collection of information, and perceptions, namely how we organise this information.
Every single receptor, like eyes and ears for example, responds to specific stimulus but it does it within limits. This means that actually our sensory system is limited. For this reason, over the years, the development of modern science brought scholars to experiment new tools used to measure stimulus not perceived by man. Williams in her book "Psychology for marketing" underlines the concepts of absolute threshold and differential threshold. The first one note page 31 is the minimum organs' stimulation requested before a whatever experience. The second one note page 31 , instead, is the minimum organs' stimulation needed to distinguish two different stimulus.
Feelings and perceptions Besides sensory data, perception is contioned also by the way these stimulus arrive and by other factors as the past experience and the learning. Even when there are significantly differences between the products, the consumer may get confused. Confusion is given by they way these products are presented. The aim of the marketing expert is to emphasise these differences which are not immediately evident to the consumer but he also wants to minimise the unfavourable comparisons.
In order to make own communicative strategy become effective, the good communicator should understand the complexity of the perceptive process and know the factors which influence the way stimulus are perceived. The selective perception Our sensory organs are swamped with different stimulus all day long but we only perceive some of them. Our attention only focuses on some of them and the many others are barely perceived or are not perceived at all. Even though it seems impossible to pay attention to specific stimulus every single moment, our attention is dynamic, it moves constantly.
It may happen that at the same time a certain activity gets our attention but other stimulus hits our conscience and then keeps us alert on what happens in the surroundings. What is at the center of our attention in a given moment may suddenly become fringe in the next moment.
For that, our perception is very selective. It is very curious to know how this stimulus selection happens. Talking about that, psychologists note page 36 managed to identify several important factors involved in the direction of our actions. Thanks to their studies we can distinguish: This process is called habituation.
So we can claim we peceive by differentiation. That means our attention is attracted by situations which somehow differ from what we are adapted and used to. So in order to get potential consumers' attention, we can't undervalue some aspects, namely: Intensity and dimension The stronger a light or a sound are more probably we will notice them. In the same way, big dimensions and bright colors generally draw attention more than small dimensions and off colours do. Nevertheless we must know that increasing the strenght of a stimuls doeasn't mean increasing the consumer's attention.
The main external factors used to get the user's attention are the following note page Position Magazines readers' audience increase when the advertising is placed next to elements compatible with the same advertising.
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Contrast This method works when there is a stimulation wich differs from all those we are used to. Contrast always draws our attention. The alternate use of big and small dimensions, bright and light colors or more or less marked shadows are much more effective in advertising than a uniform stimulus. Novelty Whatever differs from we normally expect will tend to get our attention, like a package with a particular shape or a lovely monster. Novelty often tends to lose effectiveness after its second or third repetition, at this point the commercial has to find another idea. Repetition The same stimulus repeated several times attracts more than one presented only once.
Our attention constantly moves from a stimulus to another and the chance a stimulus will get our attention, while our concentration toward another action is waning, is higher if the above stimulus is repeated several times. Movement Our eyes are unintentionally attracted by movement, since this makes part of our body defense mechanism. Internal factors influencing attention Besides being naturally attracted by stimulus which differ from the others somehow, our attention is also unintentionally influenced by our interests, needs, reasons and expectations.
Needs and interests determine all that will capture our attention, so they influence our perception.
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For example, if we are hungry we more likely pay attention to stimulus linked to food rather than stimulus related to drinks. It also happens that the interests and the goals of a indivudual lead him or her to select useful information in the surrounding environment.
Another factor which plays a important role in the perceptive selection is the expectation or the subjective approach. The readiness may be the result of past experience, known or unknown by the individual. The organisation of perception Everybody has gone to a concert once in a lifetime, I think and I hope. During a concert we don't hear or see different stimulus representing strong and acute sounds, colours or changes in light.
During a concert we hear rhythms and melodies, musicians and instruments. In short, our perception doesn't consist of passive reception of several stimulus but it is rather a dynamic process. These tendencies seldom operate separately and in certain circumstances one may undo another one. Implications for marketing Consumers can try to assess the characteristics of a product by using physical indices like the taste, the smell, the dimension and the shape. However, in some cases, the physical differences, which actually exist among competing products, can not overcome the consumer's sensory threshold.
In other cases, even if the consumer is able to differentiate, he or she may be not expert enough to understand what are the differences that will bring satisfaction. This means consumers are not able to judge only according to the physical features of the good. Data from various studies are not surprising, indeed scholar Brown note page 57 discovered that: This expert always has to keep in mind that perception is a process which is not determined only by the direct experience but it is also influenced by the past of the individual, his learning and actitudes.
For this reason it is extremely important to carefully analyse the market before embarking on radical changes in the product's strategy. The expert will analyse the attributes of certain market segments and he will identify the variables acting in opposite directions. Moreover, the good marketing man has to be sure his strategy will work in a real purchase situation. Marketing scholars have recognised the importance of providing a pleasant image to their products, since they realised the subjective experience involves much more than a simple and rational assessment of the sensory data.
Indeed, today agencies have understood their business image is truly important in ensuring the purchases, particularly when new merchandise come into play. A enterprise has to spend a lot of time and money in creating a reputation of quality and reliability for each of its branded products. The concept of perception Perception consists of the selection and the organisation of the sensory data in order to reach a meaningful shape. Perception is influenced not only by the sensory data of the direct experience but also by the past experience, the learning and the actitudes.
Williams, author of the book "Psychology of marketing" note page Attention is a crucial factor in relation to what we perceive. External factors implied in the control of the attention are the intensity and the dimension of the stimulus, its position, the contrast, the novelty, the repetition and the movement. These factors may be used in the promotional campaigns to draw consumers' attention.
Attention is also influenced by the interests of individuals, by their needs, reasons and expectations. In general we perceive what we want to perceive. Thanks to a better comprehension of the consumers' needs during the purchase phase, the responsible of marketing is able to come up with more appropriate strategy for his products.
Perceptive processes organise the surrounding world in objects and groups of objects. A good knowledge about the action of these organisational tendencies, as the one given by the Gestal psychologists, can help the responsible of marketing create an appropriate image of his product and draw consumers' attention on the quality of the product in question. Simon Sinek worked in the advertising field but at a certian point of his carreer he was full of doubts and started wondering about his reasons, his leadership and his work.
His educational and work experience led him to publish several books and to become one of the more requested speakers, as well as consultant in big agencies as 3m, Disney, KPMG, ecc. Sinek's work allowed a lot of communication professionals to find a innovative approach during all the work phases and to improve the persuasive techniques which help the communication with users.
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The innovative idea developed by Sinek consists of inverting the custom, that means: His idea comes from a careful communication analysis: This communicative structure may seem logical, acceptable and easy to understand but it has big limits. For a leader or an agency, communicating means persuading, creating a emotional impact and getting closer to the other in order to make him or her listen to our story.
For that, it is necessary to invert the scheme and start by "why". The pattern "why - how - what", the so called "Golden circle", causes a bigger impact on our audience or interlocutor because it goes along with the working pattern of our brain. In fact, biology comes supporting Sinek's claim. The brain is divided into three main areas: This happens because we give him a very large set of information: In this way we can't be sure he got what we want, on the contrary, we risk that his interpretation will be very far from the message we would like to be transmitted.
If we set our communication starting by "why", instead, we address to that brain area which is responsible for the behaviour. In this way we facilitate the understanding of the message which is immediately linked to a concrete and rational behaviour. So words are transformed in material concepts and stick on the interlocutor's mind. More in detail, if we explain to the user why we have done something, he will have the reason and the rational basis to take his own decisions.
How big leaders inspire actions Sinek's thesis refers to successful leaders as well, like Steve Jobs and Martin Luther King. Wright's brothers started by "why", for this reason they have been among the best communicators in the history. A glaring example of the effectiveness of the pattern "why - how - what" is evident in the comparison between DELL and Apple, two very important agencies that have different approaches and different stories.
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