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Scriptural Confirmations 4 , 6 , 12 , 20 , 30 , 68 , In the Spring of von Hatzel, having read one or two of Swedenborg's works that had been published anonymously in London during the previous ten years, wrote to Bonde seeking the name of the author, whom he knew to be a Swede.

Bonde replied that he did indeed know who the author was but that he was not at liberty to disclose his name. He promised to act as a mediator however and pass on any correspondence sent care of himself. On 7 August Count Bonde wrote to Swedenborg enclosing a copy that had been made of a letter from von Hatzel written in German whose handwriting was 'very indistinct and illegible'.

Addressing himself directly to the anonymous author, von Hatzel asked him to 'indicate and point out to which of the five books of Moses, in what chapter and in which two verses, lies concealed the means of coming into the company of these spirits [that is, those with whom Swedenborg had "familiar and free interaction"], and moreover, how to use it, and how to comport oneself'. Swedenborg's reply to Bonde, written immediately after receiving these two letters, took up first the question of the anonymity of his writings, secondly that of open communication with the spiritual world.

The original of Swedenborg's letter is now preserved among Riksarkivet the State Archives of Sweden's capital city.

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Bonde had a country estate in Hesleby, near Stockholm. In his letter the Count had invited Swedenborg to visit him and examine his 'little garden'. In his first draft of his letter, copied by Dergius, Swedenborg here adds: It's likely to be similar to this footnote from Acton's translation: In his draft, Swedenborg here adds: Commentary on this chapter: Verse by verse commentary.

Cristianismo y Laicidad: historia y actualidad de una relación compleja

Explanation s or references from Swedenborg's works: What the Bible says about Forgiveness What the Bible says about The Nexus, Part 5: Is It Good or Bad? Yet those abroad may receive a reply by means of others, and I humbly ask you to be so good as to convey my greeting to him and to give him my apology that I am unable to give him a personal answer. Yet please assure him that it much pleases me that he has found delight and enlightenment in reading those Writings. This is a sign that he was then in illumination from heaven, for the things written in them cannot be comprehended without illumination, because they do not belong to the external understanding but to the internal.

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Vosotros sois sal de la tierra. You are the salt of the earth. Vosotros sois esta respuesta providencial. You are this providential response. It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Ye are the light of the world. Todos vosotros sois hijos de Dios. All of you are children of God. More context All My memories Ask Google.

“LA SAL Y LA LUZ DEL MUNDO” - Dr. Armando Alducin. Predicaciones, estudios bíblicos.

Spanish Vosotros sois espirituales. English You are spiritual. Spanish Vosotros sois felices. English You are happy.

Romanos y te confías en que eres guía de los ciegos, luz de los que están en tinieblas,

Spanish Vosotros sois doctores. English You are doctors. English Are you Japanese?

Spanish Todos vosotros sois uno. English You are all one. Spanish Vosotros sois MI iglesia. English You are MY Church. English You are my vision. Spanish Vosotros sois la semilla. English You are the seed.

S. Mateo 5:13-16

English You are the masters. Spanish Vosotros sois los responsables. English You are responsible. Spanish Vosotros sois verdaderos amigos. English - You are true friends. English "You are all brothers. Spanish Vosotros sois nuestra esperanza. English The hope is on you.