Apparently, in the absence of genetic differences, other forces influence zebrafish sex determination; for example, stochastic differences might cause some eggs to have less yolk than others or environmental differences might arise if late hatching larvae have less access to food; both situations would lead to poorer nutrition, slower growth, and a greater likelihood of developing as a male Lawrence et al.
Analysis identified a single significant peak linked to sex at Chr This result does not address the question of whether sex-determination alleles are polymorphic within each strain, just that alleles differ between strains. For example, AB fish might have partially deleterious alleles at this locus so that AB homozygotes have fewer primordial germ cells, are slower developing, or are less successful at obtaining nutrition and thus more likely to become males relative to individuals homozygous for TU alleles Lawrence et al.
In contrast, RAD-sex detects sex-linked polymorphisms segregating within a strain, not between strains. AB and TU both experienced selection to remove preexisting mutations for mutagenesis experiments Walker-Durchanek ; Streisinger et al. Walker produced AB from 21 females derived by half-tetrad gynogenesis Streisinger et al. Because homozygosity can result in male bias due to loss of fitness Brown et al.
Sex-biasing alleles or environmental factors could cause some WW or ZZ individuals to become males or females , allowing the strain to propagate. Researchers might select for any preexisting male- or female-biasing alleles as they set up mating pairs; eventually a new genetic sex-determining mechanism might evolve in the domesticated strain, perhaps similar to the rapid evolution of new sex chromosomes in cichlids Roberts et al. TU originated from a pet store in Germany about A hypothesis is that the major wild male or female sex determinant was linked to lethal or deleterious alleles, leading to the loss of the sex determinant along with lethal allele loss.
In the absence of male or female alleles of the major sex determinant, occasional sex reversal would allow for stock maintenance, and researchers would strongly select for alleles favoring the development of both sexes. If this hypothesis were true, then the evolution of new sex determinants in TU provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution of new sex-determining mechanisms.
Despite the absence of a strong sex-linked locus on Chr4, AB and TU may have retained some components of the wild sex-determination mechanism:. The identification of autosomal sex-associated loci Chr3, Chr5, Chr16 could represent either the unmasking of weak sex determinants given the loss of the sar4 , or the rapid evolution of new sex-determination systems after the divergence of EKW, which has the Chr4R sex-determination system, from the common ancestor of AB and TU.
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What causes male genotypes to develop only as males but female genotypes to sometimes develop as sex-reversed phenotypes? Answers likely lie in environmental factors and background genetic features that affect the strength of a meiotic oocyte-derived pro-female signal that inhibits oocyte apoptosis, probably by maintaining aromatase production Slanchev et al.
In general, harsh conditions, including high density and poor nutrition, tend to promote male development Walker-Durchanek ; Pelegri and Schulte-Merker ; Shang et al. These harsh factors may act to decrease the pro-female signal by depressing the pool of meiotic oocytes, either by inhibiting primary germ-cell proliferation or entry into meiosis or by promoting oocyte apoptosis. Sex reversals can happen even in species with a strong genetic sex determinant. In medaka, high temperature and hypoxia can cause female-to-male sex reversal, accompanied by increased cortisol and depressed aromatase Sato et al.
It remains to be tested whether stressful conditions cause sex reversal in zebrafish by a similar mechanism. In addition to environmental factors, background genetic factors might decrease the strength of sar4 activity in domesticated stocks. Although our experiments showed that WIK has a strong sex determinant, inbreeding, which results in homozygosis of partially deleterious alleles, biases WIK fish toward male development Brown et al.
Especially likely would be an interaction of background genotype with environmental factors that could override the influence of sar4 on phenotypic sex. Did AB and TU lose sar4 independently or was this feature present in the last common ancestor of the two strains? By parsimony, these results do not rule out the possibility that the lack of sex-linked loci in Chr4R was a shared trait derived from the last common ancestor of AB and TU. Nevertheless, due to their independent domestication in Eugene and Tuebingen, and the presence of sar4 in EKW, we suspect that the loss of a strong sex determinant occurred independently during the separate domestication of the two lineages, a conclusion that is not incompatible with the phylogenomic data.
Analysis of the mitochondrial genome-encoded cytb gene showed that our strains all derived from mitochondrial haplogroup 1, suggesting that a broader understanding of the genetics of sex determination across the full diversity of zebrafish will require investigations of haplogroups 2 and 3 populations in Nepal and Southern India, respectively , which diverged from haplogroup 1 about 3 million years ago Whiteley et al.
Investigations of Danio species closely related to zebrafish will also add to our understanding, although the sar4 sex-determination locus may not be widely conserved with other danios. The closest lineage to zebrafish Cypriniformes ; Cyprinidae ; Danio that has a genome-wide analysis of conserved syntenies is the gudgeon Cypriniformes ; Cyprinidae ; Gnathopogon Kakioka et al. Analyses showed strong conservation of syntenies among all zebrafish chromosomes except Chr4R Kakioka et al. Results presented here show that zebrafish in nature has a strong sex determinant linked to the right tip of Chr4, the only chromosome arm with cytogenetic features frequently found in sex chromosomes; that the determinant is necessary but not sufficient for female development; and that in natural populations, females are WZ and males are ZZ.
In contrast, domesticated strains cleaned of background mutations for mutagenesis experiments lack or have greatly weakened versions of the Chr4 sex-determination system. Supporting information is available online at www. Mitochondrial sequence accession numbers: National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List Genetics v.
Published online Sep Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Received Aug 2; Accepted Sep This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Sex determination can be robustly genetic, strongly environmental, or genetic subject to environmental perturbation. Materials and Methods Fish strains Zebrafish D. Strains included the following: ZDB-GENO , originating from a mating of strain A and strain B purchased at two different times from a pet shop in Albany, Oregon, in the late s and screened for making large numbers of lethal-free embryos by in vitro fertilization and subsequently bottlenecked through 21 gynogenetic half-tetrad individuals produced by early pressure treatment to establish the current AB strain Walker-Durchanek ; Streisinger et al.
Statistical analysis Haplotypes were exported from the Stacks web interface requiring a minimum stack depth of three reads, and a blacklist of overmerged tags was generated with a custom python script File S1. Mapping unassembled scaffolds Despite the high quality of the zebrafish reference genome Howe et al. Phylogenetic reconstruction To infer the history of zebrafish strains, we sampled RAD-tag sequences from 10 females and 10 males arbitrarily selected from each strain and identified 9, RAD-tag loci that were present in all samples.
Results Verifying the RAD-sex method: Medaka To verify that a RAD-tag-based population genomics approach would identify a major sex-determination locus if one exists, we first tested a species in which the sex chromosome and major sex-determination locus has already been identified. Table 1 Number of RAD-tags analyzed for each population tested.
RAD-tags Polymorphic RAD-tags SNPs analyzed Population Denovo Refmap Total Denovo Refmap Total Denovo Refmap Total Denovo Refmap Total Medaka Carbio Zebrafish AB Tuebingen Nadia WIK EkkWill Cooch Behar Open in a separate window. Identifying a major zebrafish sex-determination locus To identify loci linked to sex phenotype in zebrafish, we initially analyzed Sbf I-associated RAD-tags Table 1 from the widely used AB and TU strains.
Sex-linked unassembled scaffolds map to the sex-associated region at the right tip of Chr4R While all four natural populations we studied had a strong sex-associated region near the right telomere of Chr4, several strains showed sex-associated loci at other locations, including a small portion of Chr14 and a number of unassembled contigs and scaffolds Table S5. Phylogenomics of sex determinant loss To determine whether our four natural strains represent separate accessions from the wild and to understand their historical relationships to the two strains that lack the Chr4R sex determinant, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis using RAD-sex sequence data.
Analysis of the maximum-likelihood tree Figure 5 and the maximum-parsimony tree see Figure S3 provided several conclusions: Maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony both gave strong support for the same phylogenetic relationships among strains. In contrast, relationships between individuals within a strain varied between the two approaches and across maximum-likelihood bootstrap replicates. Because AB and TU occupied a monophyletic clade that was sister to EKW, phylogenomics does not resolve the question of whether the lack of the Chr4R sex-determination locus in AB and TU is due to two independent events during their separate and independent routes to domestication in Oregon and Germany or to a single event that occurred either in nature or in the pet trade before the divergence of these two populations.
The inability to resolve relationships among these strains even with a large amount of available sequence data are due to variation in the placement of the root of the tree. The length of the branch between zebrafish and dwarf danio is orders of magnitude longer than the length of the internal nodes separating strains because dwarf danio lacks zebrafish-specific RAD-tags. Unfortunately, outgroups closer to zebrafish are as yet unknown.
CB appears to have two subclades, suggesting population substructure within that isolate. In addition, CB harbors more genetic variation than the other strains as evidenced by the depth of the root of that strain and analysis of heterozygosity Figure 5 and Figure S2. This result is expected for the offspring of individuals taken directly from nature.
Males and females do not group separately within strains, showing that standing genetic variation in the bulk of the genome masks any sex-specific differences in the phylogenetic analyses. In sum, phylogenomics showed that each of the six strains used is a distinct population, that the most recently accessed natural strains lie basal in the tree, and that the domesticated strains AB and TU are rather closely related among the strains we tested. Discussion A major genetic sex determinant is linked to the distal tip of Chr4R in natural zebrafish populations RAD-sex analysis identified a 1.
In natural zebrafish populations, Chr4 is likely a sex chromosome The discovery of a strongly sex-linked locus only in Chr4R in natural zebrafish raises the question of whether Chr4 is a sex chromosome. Domesticated zebrafish strains lack a single strong sex-linked locus In contrast to natural strains, RAD-sex failed to detect any sex-linked loci in AB and TU, which is surprising given that published studies involving these strains identified sex-biasing loci.
Modification of the Chr4R sex determinant in domesticated strains AB and TU both experienced selection to remove preexisting mutations for mutagenesis experiments Walker-Durchanek ; Streisinger et al. Despite the absence of a strong sex-linked locus on Chr4, AB and TU may have retained some components of the wild sex-determination mechanism: If the AB parental female lacked a strong female sex determinant as in our AB fish, then the MGH cross might miss sar4 even if IN females, which were not involved in the cross, do possess the natural wild sex determinant. Our female-AB-by-male-NA cross identified sex-linked loci in addition to sar4 , specifically, one on Chr3, although the reciprocal cross identified only sar4 Anderson et al.
Female-to-male sex reversal What causes male genotypes to develop only as males but female genotypes to sometimes develop as sex-reversed phenotypes? Population diversity and the modification of sex-determining mechanisms in domesticated strains Did AB and TU lose sar4 independently or was this feature present in the last common ancestor of the two strains?
Conclusions Results presented here show that zebrafish in nature has a strong sex determinant linked to the right tip of Chr4, the only chromosome arm with cytogenetic features frequently found in sex chromosomes; that the determinant is necessary but not sufficient for female development; and that in natural populations, females are WZ and males are ZZ. These conclusions have several important implications: Some studies investigating the biology of zebrafish sex determination using TU and AB fish should be revisited using sex-genotyped animals from a strain that possesses the natural genetic sex determinant.
Although mechanisms downstream of sar4 are likely to be the same in all zebrafish stocks, future work that includes studies of natural strains containing the wild sex determinants would provide richer understanding. The zebrafish genome sequence, which was derived mainly from TU with input from AB and substantial correction using the SATmap, is unlikely to contain strong alleles of both the male and the female alternatives of the major natural sex-determining gene. We need to concentrate efforts to identify the molecular genetic basis of wild sex in zebrafish. Supplementary Material Supporting Information: Click here to view.
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Footnotes Supporting information is available online at www. Literature Cited Abozaid H. Effect of rearing temperatures during embryonic development on the phenotypic sex in zebrafish Danio rerio. Elevated temperature applied during gonadal transformation leads to male bias in zebrafish Danio rerio. Banded chromosomes and the zebrafish karyotype.
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Genome evolution and meiotic maps by massively parallel DNA sequencing: Multiple sex-associated regions and a putative sex chromosome in zebrafish revealed by RAD mapping and population genomics. Genome-wide association study of phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana inbred lines. Why so many ways of doing it? Controlling the false discovery rate: Connectivity of vertebrate genomes: Evolution of Sex Determining Mechanisms. Frequency of gamma-ray induced specific locus and recessive lethal mutations in mature germ cells of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio.
The evolution of chromosomal sex determination and dosage compensation. Steps in the evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Action of temperature on sex-ratio in agama agamas embryo Agamidae lacertilien. Whole-genome sequence of a flatfish provides insights into ZW sex chromosome evolution and adaptation to a benthic lifestyle. Hypoxia turns genotypic female medaka fish into phenotypic males. Germ cells are required to maintain a stable sexual phenotype in adult zebrafish.
Zebrafish in the wild: Zebrafish 5S rRNA genes map to the long arms of chromosome 3. Temperature-dependent sex determination in Hd-rR medaka Oryzias latipes: High temperature causes masculinization of genetically female medaka by elevation of cortisol. Genetics of sexual development: Population genomics of parallel adaptation in threespine stickleback using sequenced RAD tags.
A role for Piwi and piRNAs in germ cell maintenance and transposon silencing in zebrafish.
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The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genome. Centromere-linkage analysis and consolidation of the zebrafish genetic map. A trans-species missense SNP in Amhr2 is associated with sex determination in the tiger pufferfish, Takifugu rubripes fugu. The medaka draft genome and insights into vertebrate genome evolution. Genetic linkage mapping of zebrafish genes and ESTs.
Novel sex-determining genes in fish and sex chromosome evolution. Its Care and Development. Carolina Biological Supply Co. Estrogen rescues masculinization of genetically female medaka by exposure to cortisol or high temperature. A reference cross DNA panel for zebrafish Danio rerio anchored with simple sequence length polymorphisms. A microsatellite genetic linkage map for zebrafish Danio rerio. Diversity and plasticity of sex determination and differentiation in fishes. Genomic organization of the sex-determining and adjacent regions of the sex chromosomes of medaka.
Sex determination and sex chromosome evolution: Temperature-dependent sex determination in crocodilians.
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Rapid growth and out-crossing promote female development in zebrafish Danio rerio. Brief Funct Genomics Polygenic sex determination system in zebrafish. Strain-dependent effects of developmental ethanol exposure in zebrafish. Phylogenetic relationships of Danio within the order cypriniformes: Environmental sex determination mechanisms in reptiles. Deconstructing evolution of adult phenotypes: Sex chromosomes in land plants. Predetermination of sexual fate in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination.
Large-scale mutagenesis in the zebrafish: Tracing the emergence of a novel sex-determining gene in medaka, Oryzias luzonensis. Common spontaneous sex-reversed XX males of the medaka Oryzias latipes. Long and winding roads: Genetic interactions controlling sex and color establish the potential for sexual conflict in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes.
The master sex-determination locus in threespine sticklebacks is on a nascent Y chromosome. A gynogenesis-based screen for maternal-effect genes in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Assignment of zebrafish genetic linkage groups to chromosomes. A genetic linkage map for the zebrafish. Zebrafish comparative genomics and the origins of vertebrate chromosomes. Activation of NF-kappaB protein prevents the transition from juvenile ovary to testis and promotes ovarian development in zebrafish. A polymorphic zebrafish line for genetic mapping using SSLPs on high-percentage agarose gels.
Sexual conflict resolved by invasion of a novel sex determiner in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes. Asakawa et al , Sex reversal in zebrafish fancl mutants is caused by Tpmediated germ cell apoptosis. BreMiller et al , Roles of brca2 fancd1 in oocyte nuclear architecture, gametogenesis, gonad tumors, and genome stability in zebrafish.
Turnover of sex chromosomes in the stickleback fishes gasterosteidae. Evidence from mitochondrial genomics supports the lower Mesozoic of South Asia as the time and place of basal divergence of cypriniform fishes Actinopterygii: The karyotype of the zebrafish Brachydanio rerio. Effects of high temperature on sex differentiation and germ cell population in medaka, Oryzias latipes. Multiple interacting loci control sex determination in lake Malawi cichlid fish.
The emerging use of zebrafish to model metabolic disease. Hypoxia affects sex differentiation and development, leading to a male-dominated population in zebrafish Danio rerio. Female heterogamety in Danio rerio Cypriniformes: In search of determinants: Germ line control of female sex determination in zebrafish. Development without germ cells: Classical and molecular cytogenetics of the zebrafish, Danio rerio Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes: Statistical significance for genomewide studies. Production of clones of homozygous diploid zebra fish Brachydanio rerio.
Juvenile hermaphroditism in the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio. Co-option of Sox3 as the male-determining factor on the Y chromosome in the fish Oryzias dancena. Systematics of the subfamily Danioninae Teleostei: Zebrafish monosex population reveals female dominance in sex determination and earliest events of gonad differentiation.
Meiotic chromosomes and stages of sex chromosome evolution in fish: Oocyte apoptosis during the transition from ovary-like tissue to testes during sex differentiation of juvenile zebrafish. Impact of daily thermocycles on hatching rhythms, larval performance and sex differentiation of zebrafish.
Population genomics of wild and laboratory zebrafish Danio rerio. Zebrafish as a model of cardiac disease. A comparative map of the zebrafish genome. The zebrafish gene map defines ancestral vertebrate chromosomes. Fast and SNP-tolerant detection of complex variants and splicing in short reads.
An immune-related gene evolved into the master sex-determining gene in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Articles from Genetics are provided here courtesy of Genetics Society of America.

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