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Our silence spoke about our presence What a conniving double edged sword pain is, breaking and binding us concurrently. It's just the only thing I won't live through. Geissinger, Burn for You. Strong women don't give up They find a way through tears and thrills to love again For it is mothers who bend, twist, flex, and break most dramatically before our uninitiated eyes.

Fathers bear, conceal, inflict, sometimes vanish, so the mythology of domestic union tells us. But mothers absorb, accept, give in, all to tutor daughters in the syntax, the grammar of yearning and love.

  1. Hold On!
  2. Celebrate Mother's Day Everyday & Cherish Mom.
  3. A Mother’s Love: Inspiring Quotations - Family Relationships -;

The first means pain; the second means love. That is a mother's love. It was keen as it was strong, and it's memory razor sharp. She was the wings of her, the very wings.

Mother's Day Song: A Mother's Love- Gena Hill (Lyric Video)

Do you think I liked seeing you torture yourself when you didn't need to? Do you think I wasn't terrified when Tate was in Special Forces? Do you think I don't worry now because I know that Marcus does some dangerous things? All of you are adults, and you need to make your own decisions regardless of whether I like it or not.

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I raised remarkable children, and I have faith that they are going to do what they have to do to be happy. But that doesn't mean I always like it.

She say everything fine at home.. I write her back too, when I can, but what I'm gonna tell her that won't start her bawling again? Long day alone with your baby?


Hard day at work? Annoyed with your person? After childbirth, most women get one check up at a week postpartum and one 5 weeks later. In between, women go through a gamut of emotional and physiological responses with nowhere to turn. Baby blues to PPD — true, evidence-based facts and tips on maternal mental health edited by two psychologists who specialize in the field. Relationship and intimacy support.

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Every mom needs a wife — nuff said. Mojo to trust your mama instincts no matter what anyone says. Mini meditations for stress, exhaustion, self-esteem and the crazies — no woo-woo or religious beliefs required.

A mother’s love — Voices of Youth

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