It also establishes an inevitable a priori fixation or foundation for theorizing in IR. In abstract terms we take it to refer to a bounded realm or arrangement consisting of connected parts which have to cohere in some fashion. World order conceptions thus refer to an imagined whole which is structured internally by certain principles eg. Human thought and practices shape our understandings of these orders. For this reason conceptions of order are not fixed. They depend on prevailing practices of community formation, structures of intercommunal interaction and our very beliefs about these practices.
Moreover, political order thus conceived is inherently normative. During the past decades this perspective has been challenged and criticized on many fronts. A Scalar Politics of Divided Subjectivities. Contested Readings of Global Political Order. April , Abstract The objective of this lecture is to examine the broader sociology of the discipline of International Relations IR in India.
I do this by consciously turning towards the disciplinary history of the Indian variant of IR while situating it against the backdrop of comparative disciplinary histories of IR. I argue that the specificities of context left an indelible imprint on the make-up of the Indian variant of the discipline and this is most evident in the preferences exercised by scholars in the early years of Indian IR scholarship. One valuable point of entry to gauge particular slants of emphases in IR from India is the manner in which the question of international political order was theorized from this setting.
I argue that competing conceptions of political order often served as the backdrop for shared bonds as well as animated disagreements among particular constituencies of Indian IR scholarship. His prior publications include a single author book titled Banning the Bomb: Chimni titled International Relations: Perspectives for the Global South besides other journal contributions. His research interests include disciplinary histories of International Relations, the politics and episteme of the global south, the theory and practice of global governance and evaluations of both mainstream and critical approaches to the study of world politics.
He has also been featured in February on Theory Talks. Erik Ringmar , Lund University, Sweden. Abstract This lecture examines the way nomadic peoples have been treated throughout history by sedentary peoples, but also the way nomadsArabs, Mongols, etc. This historical discussion will provide the basis for an argument about life in a post-territorial future.
Nomads, the thesis will be, can teach us a lot about how international politics will be organized in the future. He has also worked in China for seven years, the last two years as professor of international relations at Shanghai Jiaotong University in Shanghai. He has written four academic books and some forty research articles. His most recent book is Liberal Barbarism: Abstract There is considerable anxiety in Western capitals about the rise of non-Western powers.
While this stems in part from a fear of the instability that often accompanies great power transitions, at root it is a cultural anxiety, a fear that non-Western powers will promote values and practices that erode the modern international order. This resonates with the extant literature in IR, which sees international orders emerging in unitary cultural contexts and diversity as corrosive.
Yet such views are deeply problematic. Virtually all international orders emerged in highly diverse cultural contexts, and managing diversity has been a key imperative of institution building. This all suggests that cultural diversity shapes political orders in complex ways, constitutive and subversive. The challenge is to better understand these complexities, and to cultivate practices that sustain order while fostering global cultural diversity. This lecture explores these issues and maps a research agenda on cultural diversity and international order.
Abstract If internationalization is the process of ever closer relations between states, then the institution of diplomacy was certainly essential to its evolution. This lecture begins with the observation that, with a handful of exceptions eg. The assumption seems to be that, as agents proliferate to include not only states, but also non-state actors, diplomacy is left behind. I argue the opposite, that diplomacy adapts and plays an important role in globalization, but in a way that transforms diplomacy in significant ways.
Two case studies of diplomatic practice — peace and reconciliation, and also humanitarian diplomacy — demonstrate that, rather than leaving the scene to other agents, diplomats are actually working through these agents. As a result, diplomacy has begun to change away from being about negotiation and representation towards being about governance.
Precisely because diplomats work through other agents, however, diplomats become dependent on other actors to perform tasks that are expected of them. Oxon, Politics , Dr. He was the editor of Cooperation and Conflict. Inside A European Foreign Ministry Abstract How to think about security in a world of multiple differences? In this lecture, I build on the contributions of Critical Security Studies defined broadly and draw upon the insights of Postcolonial IR to suggest that thinking about security in a world of multiple differences entails inquiring into the international in security and security in the international.
She is the author of Regional Security in the Middle East: Her research agenda focuses on critical approaches to security studies. She has served as the founding governing board member of the European International Studies Association, past president of Central and East European International Studies Association, past chair of the International Political Sociology section of the International Studies Association.
Abstract Debates about relations between problematic concepts of order, global and theorization are now shaped by shared but conflicting commitments to modern principles of subjectivity and self-determination. These commitments rest on specific claims about spatiotemporal origins and boundaries. The consequence is a structure of spatiotemporally organized contradictions expressed in aporetic claims to humanity and citizenship, and thus in the contested status of sovereignties expressed in state law and international law.
Prevailing literatures usually erase the significance of the spatiotemporal, normative and contradictory character of this historical constitution of modern politics, partly by recasting internal and external moments of subjectivity as distinct spatial, temporal and hierarchical domains, partly by identifying specific practices through which contradictions are negotiated as the primary problem that must be engaged. To the contrary, I argue that the core source of order and disorder remains the status of claims about modern subjectivity expressed in political practices that must try, and fail, to reconcile claims about liberty, equality and security within a scalar hierarchy.
He is the long-term Editor of the journal Alternatives: Throughout history, law and legal knowledge were circulating between cultures, countries, and continents. Sometimes willingly adopted, sometimes forcefully imposed by powers from outside, the process of dealing with foreign law often changed not only the sources of law, but a whole structure of normative thinking. One might think of the reception of Roman law in Europe during the Middle Ages, the formation of derecho indiano in early modern Hispano-America or the adoption of European law in East Asia during the 19th century.
In recent years, such processes could be observed in states in transition, for example in Eastern Europe. As most normative orders, law is not only produced by politics, but it is rooted in language and traditions. Is it actually possible to translate norms? What happens when they are taken up by a different culture, having to operate in another language? How does their meaning shift during these processes, how do their function and even their normativity change?
We do not only focus on legal normativity. While one lecture will explicitly discuss the translatability of law and legal norms, the other lectures shall deal with different forms of normativity as to be found in political concepts, religion and technology. This might, eventually, produce a profounder understanding not only of law but also of normativity in general.
Dezember , Januar , Februar , Like its competitors, it has advantages and disadvantages. The model of translation between languages has at least two advantages. In the second place, the model has the advantage of emphasizing agency, the conscious adaptation of a text to a new context. Of course the model itself needs adaptation when it is used to discuss other kinds of cultural change, for example the work of missionaries in a culture very different from their own. There are obvious differences between translating forms, as in the case of architecture, and translating knowledge or ideas, when the problem of contradiction may arise.
The problems of translation from one region to another, from one medium to another and from one domain to another are rather different. Translators like other people follow norms in their work, while norms like forms or ideas can be transated. In the case of law, one thinks of the problems of translating laws from one language to another, of the translation of oral custom into written law, and of imposing laws formulated in one context or culture in a different context or culture. Despite its advantages, the model of cultural translation is not universally applicable.
Like other paradigms, perhaps all paradigms, it casts shadows as well as light. He has published 26 books and his work has so far been translated into 31 languages. For most of his career he has worked on the cultural and social history of early modern Europe, with some incursions into the 19th and 20th centuries.
Abstract The Iberian Atlantic constitutes an interesting laboratory for studies of historical semantics, and in particular for the observation of the transfers of political and legal concepts in modern times. As well as the imprint of Christianity and classical culture, in addition to the presence of Spanish and Portuguese as main languages, one should bear in mind the considerable cultural diversity and the presistence of indigenous American languages in extensive rural areas.
In any case, the fact that certain circumstances were experienced in the region far earlier than in other parts of the world — conquest, independence, republican and constitutional regimes — renders historical analysis of the circulation of political vocabulary exceptionally interesting. The aim of my lecture is to offer some general reflections which I will attempt to illustrate with specific examples upon this theme from the perspective of conceptual history.
He has published extensively in the field of intellectual and conceptual history of modern politics. Among his recent books are the edited volumes Concepts and Time.
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
Abstract Over the last decades, diverse task forces have sought to promote legal integration within the European Union. And it is well-known that the European Parliament has spoken in favour of a European Civil Code on various occasions and that the European Commission has provided financial sponsorship for some at least of the major projects. Although the idea of a European private law has generated considerable debate, the specific implications following upon the brand of legal uniformization being defended remain poorly appreciated. The striking contrast between the two models of intercultural communication sheds light on the legal initiatives mentioned above.
In particular, my comparative and interdisciplinary analysis points to the many translational problems arising from the development of uniform law in a plurilingual setting which are either ignored or downplayed by proponents of a European private law. She has acted as visiting professor in Grenoble, Montreal, and at the Sorbonne. Her research focuses on theoretical issues arising from the practice of comparison in the context of the globalization and Europeanization of laws.
In this regard, Dr. Dalloz, critically assesses the possibilities and limits of legal translation from an interdisciplinary perspective. Further, she acted as Guest Editor for a special issue on law and translation just released by The Translator , a leading translation-studies journal.
If Truth Be Told Law and Language Oxford: Martti Koskenniemi University of Helsinki Mittwoch, Nearly every normative order claims to be well justified as well as valid at any time and any place. Every ethnologically or historically inspired contemplation on the world works from the premis that each 'culture'or 'epoch' develops its own normative order, which can change more quickly or slowly.
The Lecture Series is a continuation of the series of readings about Frankfurt Perspectives on Normativtiy that was begun with a philosophical-political scientific view on normativity. Normwandel und Medien im subsaharischen Afrika Prof. Annette Warner For further information: Hartmut Leppin For further information: Verena Steller For further information: Bernhard Jussen For further information: Moritz Epple For further information: Matthias Lutz-Bachmann For further information: Benjamin Steiner For further information: Karl-Heinz Kohl For further information: Stefanie Michels For further information: Der Vortrag zeigt dies am konkreten Fall: In diesen Vertrag wurden viele Rechte der Duala schriftlich fixiert, die diese in der Folge verteidigten.
Ausweisungen aus Deutschland und die Exekution der wichtigsten Duala-Politiker werden im Vortrag als Ende des sukzessiven Ausschlusses der Duala als Menschen, denen Rechtfertigung geschuldet wird, gelesen. Duala und Deutschland — verflochtene Geschichte: Die Familie Manga Bell und koloniale Beutekunst, hg. Im Vortrag wird anhand der neueren Geschichte der Indigenenbewegung der Frage nachgegangen, wie es zu dieser Essentialisierung gekommen ist. Seit verbrachte er verschiedene Feldforschungsaufenthalte in Ostindonesien, Neuguinea und Nigeria.
The End of Anthropology? Der Briefwechsel zwischen Wilhelm II. Afrika spielte in diesem Zusammenhang von Herrschaft und Kolonisation eine bislang wenig beachtete Rolle. Dass eine so geartete Herrschaftspraxis sich nicht unmittelbar in Afrika realisierte, macht ein Blick auf die Begegnungssituationen der Franzosen mit Afrikanern deutlich. Schwerpunkte seiner Forschung liegen in der Philosophie des Mittelalters, der Politischen Philosophie, der Kritischen Theorie und der Religionsphilosophie.
Metaphysik heute — Probleme und Perspektiven der Ontologie Hrsg. Schmidt , ; Handlung und Wissenschaft. Die Epistemologie der praktischen Wissenschaften im Jahrhunderts im wissenschaftlichen, kulturellen und politischen Zusammenhang, u. Modernism in the Sciences Hrsg. Epples Forschungsinteressen gelten der Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften des Zum Vortrag Seit Beginn des Gender and Islam in Southeast Asia.
Ringvorlesung des Exzellenzclusters Prof. Von zentraler Bedeutung war aber auch die Stellung der jeweils beteiligten Institutionen. Der Umgang mit Bildern und Texten ist allerdings sehr verschieden. Der Vortrag diskutiert die Probleme eines kaum kontrollierten geschichtswissenschaftlichen Bildgebrauchs. Zum Vortrag Das britische Empire des Freihandel, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und einer weltweit einsatzbereiten Marine. Beide konnten ihre Herkunft aus spezifi sch britischen Erfahrungen nicht verleugnen, galten jedoch als universal anwendbar.
The Rise and Fall of a Modern Concept. Diplomatie von Angesicht zu Angesicht. Paderborn ; The Power of Protocole: The Cultural History of Diplomacy Zum Vortrag Im Christentum war das Kaisertum nicht vorgesehen, ja, die kaiserliche Stellung galt als unvereinbar mit dem Christentum. Der Vortrag geht der Frage nach, wie die paradoxe Verbindung von Kaisertum und Christentum zustande kommen und sich auf Dauer etablieren konnte. Er ist Principal Investigator des Exzellenzclusters. Auf dem Weg zu einem christlichen Imperium, it. Socrates, Sozomenus, and Theodoretus, in: Fourth to Sixth Century, , ; Power from Humility: Justinian and the Religious Authority of Monks, in: Sie forscht seit in Kamerun und Nigeria und seit in Mali.
Normativity is the concept for a phenomenon that is common but at the same time difficult to explain, which poses one question: What does the power consist of that brings us to comply to principles, norms and rules of various kinds? Normativity is a kind of bind without chains and the explanations, from where it comes, reach from self-centered deliberations over social explanations up to the assumption of objective values beyond the empirical world. Wednesday, 26 October , 6. Nikita Dhawan Negotiating Normativity: Challenges and Prospects for further information: Wednesday , 2 November , 6.
Wednesday, 9 November , 6. Wednesday, 23 November , 6. Wednesday, 30 November , 6. Nicole Deitelhoff Genese und Scheitern for further information: Wednesday, 7 December , 6. Wednesday , 14 December , 6. Christoph Menke Gesetz und Freiheit. Wednesday , 21 Dezember , 6.
Wednesday , 11 January , 6. Wednesday , 18 January , 6. Institutionelle Grundlagen von Autonomie for further information: Wednesday , 25 January , 6. Rainer Forst Zu einer Kritik der rechtfertigenden Vernunft for further information: Wednesday , 8 February , 6. Vorangegangene Ringvorlesungen des Exzellenzclusters: Das Recht setzt durch und organisiert — vorzugsweise mit Mitteln der Zwangsandrohung — was in den Ordnungen der Moral, der Politik oder, im Zuge der funktional sich differenzierenden Weltgesellschaft, in anderen sozialen Systemen vor allem: Muss die Rechtfertigung selbst eine soziale, diskursive Praxis sein, und in welchem Sinne?
Ist es nicht selbst ein moralisches Prinzip? Wie ist der Grundsatz der Rechtfertigung letztlich gerechtfertigt? Er arbeitet zu Grundfragen der Moralphilosophie und der politischen Theorie. Both reports are correct as far as the facts are concerned, but the sense expressed is not the sense Europeans had or have of themselves, or of things European.
It might be tempting to attribute the impression these reports make on Europeans — the facts are correct, while the sense is missed - to the naivety of these African travellers. Could such a finding be a quality of all transcultural descriptions? At least, this is suggested by three Trobriand readings of Malinowski's professional ethnography.
Neuzeitliche Theodizee und funktionale Differenzierung. Eine historisch-semantische Analyse zur Wissenssoziologie der modernen Gesellschaft. Modern theodicy and functional differentiation - An analysis of histori-cal semantics on the sociology of knowledge of modern society. The problem of theodicy is a specific phenomenon of the modern age. Though when Max Weber introduced the term in a much broader sense into sociology and based his sociology of religion on it, the actual empi-rical phenomenon got concealed, considering the historical importance of theodicy for the emergence of modern society, a sociological analysis is overdue.
By means of an analysis of historical semantics the paper shows the connection of theodicy with the change of society's primary form of differentiation to functional differentiation. Biologische Wurzeln und ethnologische Varianz. Grundlagen einer Anthropologie der Erziehung. Biological roots and ethnological variety.
Foundations of an anthropology of education. The contribution deals with rearing an education in a broader perspective, which includes data of biological anthropology and ethnology. The aim is to contribute to an outline of rearing and education. Emphasis was given to material derived from about ethnological monographs. The data displayed a great many of conformity in the general educational processes of tribal cultures in spite of different subsistence techniques, races, continents and climates.
These conformities contrast to our rearing and education and raise anthropo-logical questions. Two subjects are discussed more in detail: The cultural and ethnological sciences at the Free University of Berlin. Developments and achievements from the beginnings to the present].
This article analyzes the contributions of internationally mobile artists to cabaret performances referring to racial stereotypes between the World Wars. Musicians, singers and dancers classified in Cuba as mulatos or negros and female artists who were not conceded an equal access to the music business during the s and s seized new opportunities in the context of New York's Harlem Renaissance and Paris' Tumulte Noir. They were motivated to work in these cities not only for economical reasons, but also because of the potentiality they ascribed to cabaret music and dance as means for overcoming racism.
I explore to what extent they were able to introduce versions of "black culture" that differed from the exoticizing representations privileged by "white" impresarios. The performances are analyzed as sites in which heterogeneous actors inscribecl imaginaries of race. Travelling beween the diverging racial regimes of the three cities which all constructed a similar bipolar racial order , the artists institituted more realistic perspectives on music and dance on the transnational stages based on their local knowledge.
Ultimately these Cuban artists contributed to a diversification of what was considered to be "black culture" in Havana, Paris and New York. A Neglected theme in Ethnopharmacology? In many pharmacopoeias and in comparison to the use of medicinal plants, insects - or what is folk-classified as insects - undoubtedly are a neglected issue. Moreover, with few exceptions, there are also scarce ethnographic data on the therapeutic value of insects within indigenous healing systems.
Most research on this topic has been carried out on Asian medical systems, where ancient and modern written sources prove that the use of insects and other arthropods as prophylactics, medicine and food is a fairly widespread practice. More recently, especially in Latin America and Africa there have also been several projects concerning the folk-use of insects.
In the last two decades, medicinal insects have attracted more and more attention as bioscience has been discovering its highly specific chemical substances as defensive mechanisms or against microbial infestation for its possible pharmaceutical application. In this article I establish a relationship between the history of ethnoentomology and popular medical use of insects, and how this knowledge has significantly contributed to modern pharmacological research. The internationalization of Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca , globalization , users of ayahuasca , discourses on ayahuasca , healers. We gathered contributions from the majority of participants, as well as some additional collaborators The book seeks to describe and analyze the diverse forms of ayahuasca use throughout the world from a multidisciplinary perspective.
It was our specific goal not reduce the varieties of practices, experiences and scientific perspectives into a single model or to provide a simplified risk assessment. Instead the book makes available a general overview of the topic, ranging across multiple cultural, health and legal aspects. Like the expansion of ayahuasca itself, the addition includes voices from the north and south, from urban and rural areas, from scientific and spiritual perspectives: Das Individuum und die Vermischung der Genres.
Kulturelle Dissonanzen und Selbst-Distinktion. The individual and the mixing of genres - Cultural dissonances and self-distinction. By considering cultural practices and preferences in terms of intra-individual behavioral variation it is possible to construct a model of the social world which does not neglect individual singularities and avoids the cultural caricature of social groups. Thus, it becomes clear that the boundary between "cultural legitimacy" and "cultural illegitimacy" does not only separate different social classes, but divides up the cultural practices and preferences of individuals themselves across all classes.
Without challenging the existence of social inequalities in terms of the most legitimate forms of culture, such a scientific point of view allows to establish the marked statistical frequency of individual cultural profiles composed of heterogeneous or dissonant elements. The article considers the socio-historical conditions that produce heterogeneous cultural profiles and shows that these frequent cultural dissonances allow to reinterpret the social functions of culture and to highlight the importance of the study of intra-individual behavioral variations within the framework of a sociology of dispositional and contextual plurality.
Essays related to Paul Rabinow und Bruno Latour. She considers this to be an innovative approach for an ethnographic philosophy in the area of education studies. The world language of key visuals 3. All papers were improved in the light of the discussions and supplemented by further international contributions. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the DFG for the publication of this volume, as part of our research project "Automatic Detection and classification of persons as Key Visual Candidates.
Heads of State and Common People: Perspectives from the Computer and Social Sciences. Visible violence — invisible victims. Managed news inside the U. Another spiral of silence: Lack of publicness is its own generator. News enlightenment in Ger-many. Transnational publics — transnational news enlighten-ment? In the process, both parties — observer and observed — explore how far their views of the world coincide and how far they differ. We have used this concept of merging horizons not only to characterise our various activities as students, researchers and teachers of anthropology, but also to throw light on our personal relationship.
What does it mean to do fieldwork as a couple? What were our different backgrounds, and how did we meet, bond, separate, and bond again? How did our interests develop? How far did they coincide and how did they differ? The story is told with an eye on the figurative power of events, as well as on the many surprises and reversals that have occurred in the drama of our lives. Im Auftrag des Staates.
Die geheime Gesellschaft der Folterer. In the name of the state. The secret society of the torturers. Torture is an extreme act of collective violence that is secretly executed in the name of a state. In order to explain the reasons why people torture others, individualist approaches concentrate on individuals' motives or interests. Contrary to that, the article argues that torture should be understood as a social relation. Thus, it takes the social relations of the group of torturers as a starting point. Firstly, following Georg Simmel's analysis of the secret society the paper argues that the group of torturers can adequately be conceptualized as a secret society; secondly, against this background the article reconstructs the conditions which structure torturers' agency; finally, this article offers an outline of the processes and dynamics that allows for explaining the phenomenon of torture.
The thesis of the article argues that a relational sociology helps better explain and understand the social phenomenon of torture. Kultur, Volk und Rasse. Die deutsche Ethnologie im Nationalsozialismus und ihre Aufarbeitung. German anthropology , Nazism and anthropology , Frobenius, L. Culture, Volk, and race. German anthropology during National Socialism and its reappraisal. German anthropology has started to deal with ist own role during National Socialism just since the eighties.
Although important research has been conducted since then, significant issues remain to be discussed. Therefore, the following article aims at two subjects in order to arouse further debate. On the one hand, the theoretic and practical conjunctions between anthropology and National Socialism are being analysed. On the other hand, the postwar anthropological examination of the own past itself shows specific reductions and rationalisations which are to be explored.
They indicate that form and content of dealing with the National Socialist past still shape today's anthropology. Grounded Theory , methodology of Grounded Theory , situational analysis , subjectivity , self-reflexivity , Glaser, B. This book presents an overview of the development and current situation of Grounded Theory methodology. Vierzig Jahre nach ,,The Discovery": To learn thinking conceptually]. Grounded Theory konstruieren [Interview: On the foundations of situational analysis]. Eine analytische Reise unternehmen [Undertaking an analytical journey].
A central problem of Grounded Theory]. Zwei Varianten von Grounded Theory? Zu den methodologischen und methodischen Differenzen zwischen Barney Glaser und Anselm Strauss [On the methodological and methodic differences between Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss]. The logic of the discovery of Grounded Theory].
Theoretisches Sampling in Qualifikationsarbeiten: Die Grounded-Theory-Methodologie zwischen Programmatik und Forschungspraxis [Theoretical sampling in theses of qualification]. Multikodale Transkription von Videodaten in der qualitativen Sozialforschung. Multi-coding transcription of video data in qualitative social research. The author defines the field score as a sign and symbol system for the multi-codal transcription of video data, for researchers in the social sciences and humanities working qualitatively.
Using this method video data are no longer exclusively directly translated into text data as done in current transcription conventions, but audiovisual processual data will be captured by transmitting carriers of meaning in a two-axes system, a score: Thus they can be captured only to a small degree of its components, contained in the medium, with the methods of text transcription.
All of this is explicated in theory, with three case descriptions. CouchSurfing als soziokulturelle Praxis. Alternativer Tourismus im Zeitalter von Web 2. CouchSurfing as socio-cultural practice. Alternative tourism in the age of the Web 2. In the book this transnational network of hosts is researched — focusing socio-cultural practices of the users.
The study is based on empirical work: The magic of stories. World traffic, literature and anthropology in the second half of the 19th century. Of the 27 papers of this volume the following are of special interest for anthropology: Anthropological knowledge and the societal imaginary in the poetology of Fontane]. Heymann Steinthal and the profession of men]. Die lokale Zirkulation des ethnologischen Wissens. Raabes Verwandlungsgeschichte Vom alten Proteus [The local circulation of anthropological knowledge. Korruption als Ordnung zweiter Art.
Corruption as a secondary type of order. Korruption als second-life-economy [Corruption as second-life-economy]. Klientelistische Strukturen und Ausdifferenzierung von Politik [Clientelistic structures and the qualification of politics]. Mafia, Warlords, Terror, Korruption: Systeme rationaler Besitzsicherung [Mafia, warlords, terror, corruption: Systems of rationally securing property].
Don Corleone in Gomorrha: Emergence, stability and change of Mafia businesses]. Die Funktion von Korruption. On the specificity of informal institutions in Japanese society]. An Institutional Analysis of Corruption in Kenya. Geistiges Eigentum oder Kulturerbe? Lokale Strategien im Umgang mit kulturellen Ressourcen. Cultural Heritage or Intellectual Property Rights? Local strategies in Dealing with Cultural Resources. Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Property Rights are two means of protecting cultural achievement.
They are western concepts that have been widely adopted by nation states in the course of globalisation and promoted by arguments of the circulation and preservation of cultural goods in the interest of humankind. The international discussion on immaterial cultural property generally neglects the existence of local concepts of rights in cultural institutions and their history. This article analyses local concepts of rights in immaterial cultural goods in southwest cameroon. It illustrates the importance of their history for the understanding of what exactly is preserved by cultural heritage.
In the course of the growing transatlantic trade activities, the owners of localized cults and rituals transformed these institutions into an alienable resource. Since then interested parties were able to acquire them under certain conditions, use them for income generation and sell them to other interested parties. The sale concerned not the rights of original creators but those of ownership and performance.
Since the s, these cultural institutions were increasingly understood as exclusive, traditional cultural goods restricted to specific administrative units. This development has to be seen within the framework of the UNESCO activities of preserving cultural heritage on the national level.
In this way, the UNESCO encourages the establishment of concepts of traditional culture owned by ethnic groups even though theses cultural goods may have been acquired rather recently and are owned by groups of individuals who paid others for obtaining their ownership rights. I felt attracted by the interdisci-plinary perspective of both of these projects and lived to see the growing insight into the inter-ethnical analogies and the concepts of the knowledge to cure "Heilwissen" in other cultural communities.
As a doctor in rehabilitation medicine I discovered the psycho therapeutic way of this ethno-medical perspective, especially in the context of family dynamics. On the other hand I was irritated by the fact, that there was much knowledge with the many disciplines in our society, but no ability and skills to work with the dynamics of our group in using its scientific and personal resources.
Rechtsgeschichte - Traditionen und Perspektiven
My paper will show that researchers and their objects in the social fields are building up new group-settings. The developmental chance of this group-setting depends on communicating the experiences of these group members in mutual respect. In this attitude Georges Devereux Paris agreed with us, when we discussed our research with him. Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen. Bierschenk , Bierschenk, T. On a factual basis. Festschrift for Thomas Bierschenk. He has worked on the state and statehood, development, local forms of power, and strategic Fulbe groups, all based on long-term field research, mainly in West African Benin and the sultanate of Oman.
Studies of everyday life and its analysis. This volume includes several studies on technology and civilization, embodiment and experience, material culture and museum, and spheres of the unconscious in culture and cultural science. Taking the artifact, a gesture etc. A good review of an exhibition should include some research into the conditions and the time schedule that are decisive for the success of such an enterprise.
Mainly two factors were decisive for the final shape of the exhibition "Anders zur Welt kommen": The exhibition was never intended as a preview of the planned Humboldt-Forum but to give some idea of the work in progress. Normally this is not done. Neither the new museum in Paris nor other large institutions put on special exhibitions as previews of their new museums.
In this context it is also evident that an exhibition can never touch and deal with all possible themes. And even if the presentation of the subject of colonialism is important, that does not mean that every special exhibition has to deal with it. The exhibition 'Anders zur Welt kommen" offered several new perspectives not only in its design and presentation, but also in how it described and explained objects which will be further developed in future exhibitions of the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin.
Zur Tragweite einer praxis-theoretischen Grundannahme. Practice Theory ; observation ; social epistemology , distinction , Bourdieu, P. Publicness as a Methodological Principle. The assumption that social practices are public and thus observable is a basic tenet of practice-theoretical approaches. On the one hand, the "publicness assumption" defines the praxeological criticism of subjecti-vism as well as of relying on hypothetical structural entities. On the other hand, a certain conception of the "publicness assumption" allows critics to reproach praxeology for its limited analytical scope.
In this article, we explicate in several steps the contentious - and often implicit - basic assumption that social practices are public in several steps. We sketch a notion of social practices and their fundamental "publicness" which avoids presentist misinterpretations and conceptualises sociality as chains of practices across time and space. We do so by referring to the works of Schatzki, Wittgenstein, Giddens, and Latour.
In these, the carriers of practices artifacts, symbols, media, bodies and the translocal structures they establish acquire particular significance. In a further step, we present some methodological considerations corresponding to the "publicness assumption" and exemplify these by referring to Bourdieu's study of "Distinction". Social Media, Massenmedien und gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeitskon-struktion.
Social media, mass media and social reality construction. Since the s, the Internet serves as a projection space for varied visions of a more transparent and integrative public sphere and a less dominant role of mass media in the social construction of a "common" reality. In light of those expectations, this text scrutinizes the relations between digital social media and mass media from a systems-theoretical perspective and observes the present preferences of German onliners as well as the content quality of network communications weblogs, podcasts, social networking services, microblogging.
The investigations lead to the conclusion that social media and mass media are situated on comple-mentary levels of publicness. The perception of digital games and mass media in Germany and Australia. The book analyses the social history of digital gaming in both countries and relates it to their socio-cultural traditions. Concerning social history, Australia almost depicts an inverse mirror image of Germany. Its foundational dynamics, closely associated with different egalitarianisms, led to a different form of distinction than in Germany - a country whose national self-conception was closely related to groups which perpetuated an idealistic notion of Kultur and later integrated it into a rigid class system.
The book not only demonstrates how the discourses on games follow long-established patterns of rejection and approval of mass media but also regard them as an access to the inner workings of both societies. How the games are perceived tells us a lot about German and Australian identity.
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- Bugs in the garden (The Adventures of Riley and Tiny Book 1).
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Die Technik operiert mit. Zur Mikroanalyse medizinischer Arbeit. Towards a Micro-Analysis of Medical Work. Medical work is deeply mediated by technology. In line with constructivist studies of medicine and technology, this paper conceptualizes routine medical work as being fundamentally marked by uncertainty and indeterminate situations. To account for the agency of the means of medical practice in such situations, current discussions about the agency of technology are critically reflected and adapted to the analysis of medical technologies.
Drawing on ethnographic observations in operating theaters this paper traces the empirical distribution of medical work between ensembles of humans and machines as well as the handling of uncertainties in daily practice. On the Formation of Social Memory. Contemporary sociological theoretizing about social memory affords two alternatives: In discussing both variants of the sociological understanding of social memory, we identify factors of variation and selection in its formation.
As factors of variation we identify functional, cultural, and generational differentiation, mediality, authen-ticity, and the communicative genres of narrativity and discursivity. These factors are combined with relevance as a mechanism of selection within a theory of the formation of social memory based on the sociology of knowledge. Reflexivity, media, and visuality. Ritual dynamics and the science of ritual IV. Held in Heidelberg from September 29 to October 2, by the collaborative research center SFB "Ritual Dynamics", the international conference "Ritual Dynamics and the Science of Ritual" assembled most of the leading experts on rituals studies and more than participants for the purpose of reassessing the traditional subject in view of the latest research.
The results, which are presented in five volumes, are pathbreaking for future transcultural, interdisciplinary and multimethodical research on rituals. The convention was marked by the broad range of disciplines and the corresponding diversity of methods. It embraced a great variety of topics in terms of cultural geography and spanned a time horizon from antiquity to the present. The proceedings show how broadly the term ritual can be defined, as well as the conditions, modes and functions of ritual actions in different cultures of the present and past.
Reflexivity and Discourse on Ritual. Reflexivity and Discourse on Ritual - Introductory Reflexions. Ritual and Rigidity in Commentaries and Court Debates: Sacrifice East and West: Experiencing Ritual Difference in the Roman Empire. What About the Bean King? Ritual Criticism and the Alevi Cem Ritual.
Ritual and Reflectivity in the Sociological Discourse on Modernity. Culture and Rites in Motion: Global History, Religion, and Discourse on Ritual. Imperial Reflections, Colonial Situations: Introducing Media Rituals and Ritual Media. Ritual Spirit Presence and the Limits of Media. Time and the Other in Moroccan Rituals of Possession.
Religious Rituals on Video-Sharing Websites. The Politics of the Dead: Living Heritage, Bones, and Commemoration in Zimbabwe. Clothing the Suomussalmi Silent People: Reporting on Civic Rituals: Text, Performers, and Audience. Stars in Your Eyes: Ritual and Visuality - Introductory Remarks. Visuality and Ritual Space in Chinese Buddhism. Festival Vehicles and Motif Lamps: Ritual Design - an Introduction.
The Re-Embodiment of Mr. Spock and the Re-Incarnation of Voldemort: Reinventing "All Souls' Day": Spirituality, Contemporary Art, and the Remembrance of the Dead. Funeral Design in the Netherlands: Structures and Meanings of Non-Ecclesiastic Funerals. Observations at the Marian Sanctuary of Velankanni.
Cases from Contemporary Sweden. Researcher and Researched Rituals. Der Mensch in der Medizin. Lebenswissenschaften im Dialog Patients and healers as object of good and bad intentions]. Hippokratische Medizin und menschliche Natur [Hippocratic medicine and human nature]. Zur Theorie des Leben-digen in der Paracelsischen Medizintheorie [On the theory of the living in the medical theory of Paracelsus]. The healing power of nature according to Mesmer]. Der Mensch im Kontext von Geburt und Tod. Medizin und Menschenmaschinen [Control of the living: Medicine and human machines]. Psychoanalyse und die Ambivalenz des medizinisch-technischen Fortschritts.
Psychosomatische Medizin in sozialer Verantwortung — Alexander Mitscherlich im Kontext [Psychosomatic medicine and social responsibility: Alexander Mitscherlich in context]. Zwischen Freiheit und Notwendigkeit. Auswir-kungen neurowissenschaftlichen Denkens auf das psychosomatische Menschenbild und die Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung [Between freedom and necessity. Effects of neuro-scientific thought on the psychosomatic image of man and the physician-patient relationship].
- [PDF] Download Georg Simmels Religionstheorie Religion Und Aufklarung by Mcguire.
- Romanzo criminale (Einaudi. Stile libero big Vol. 1024) (Italian Edition).
- News from Normative Orders;
- Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. h.c. Werner Gephart - Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Recht als Kultur".
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Medizinisch-anthropologische Aspekte des Neuro- Enhancements [Medical-anthropological aspects of neuro-enhancement]. Der Leib der Medizin. Approaches of an integral medical anthropology]. Introduction to social forms of reciprocity. Stegbauer deals with everyday social reciprocity in this introductory textbook. He argues that causes for this behavior are not to be sought in individual purpose-means calculations but is rooted in the relations of the partners of exchange.
There is no single-dimensional principle in this kind of reciprocity, but relations between those exchanging govern the way and value of products being exchanged. Transnational and transatlantic American studies Pirates captivate the western cultural imagination at the beginning of the 21st century. Reading the films from a variety of post-structuralist perspectives, this study demonstrates the contradictory discourses and power relations that characterize the series.
It argues that 'piracy' constitutes a sliding signifier that facilitates the de construction of discursive boundaries of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class and nationality. The handling of trance and possession is often brought into focus in anthropological literature and has challenged rational explanations.
The emic discourse of the mediumistic healers in Germany I have researched as well as the etic discourse of anthropologists about experiences of trance and possession in religious contexts oscillate between finding the origin of such experiences inside and outside the Self.
Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. h.c. Werner Gephart
On the one hand "spirits", "Energies" and similar things are seen as autonomous entities affecting the Self, while on the other hand they are seen as having originated in the Self through projections of the unsconscious or through imagination. Even some phenomenological approaches which actually aim to conceptualize experiences beyond dichotomies such as inner and outer or the Self and the Other, like the much cited approach of Thomas Csordas, tend to entangle themselves in such dichotomies and tend to trace back experiences of the other as having originated in the Self.
This paper traces different emic and etic conceptions of body, soul, the Self and the other and, against this background, argues with reference to the German philosopher Bernhard Waldenfels for a phenomenology of otherness which is grounded in the assumption of an otherness of experience itself and offers an alternative to one-sided externalizing or internalizing inter-pretations.
Mikrostrukturen einer kolonialen Globa-lisierung. Microstructures of a colonial globalization. The author assesses Christian mission, Catholic and Protestant, as a way of globalization, very much in concord with colonialism. Wendt thus focuses on specific local situations and discusses mission settlements as locations of social order, forms of missionary segregation politics, education and mission, indigenous helpers and native clericals. The Leipzig School of the psychology of peoples. In Germany, the disciplines of ethnology and psychology emerged in Leipzig.
The author describes the relations between them exemplarily in seven influential persons: These scholars propagated distinct concepts of their fields, like: Another chapter is devoted to the idea of structure in ethnology and psychology, which is elaborated in the case of Felix Krueger and Fritz Krause, and influences of this approach to structure is briefly described in ten other scholars. The final chapter asks if there are remnants of the idea of structure even today: The individual issues deal with the following topics: Jahrhundert [Doubting is human. Enlightenment in the 21st century].
Visuelle Medien und Forschung. Studien und Materialien 5. Visual media and research. How to deal with photography and film scientifically and methodologically. The following papers are based on the conference of the same title in Berlin in Forschungsfeld und wissenschaftliche Methode [Photography and film as a field of research and scientific method].
Im Feld - im Film - im Fernsehen. Dezember , Abstract Over the last decades, diverse task forces have sought to promote legal integration within the European Union. And it is well-known that the European Parliament has spoken in favour of a European Civil Code on various occasions and that the European Commission has provided financial sponsorship for some at least of the major projects.
Although the idea of a European private law has generated considerable debate, the specific implications following upon the brand of legal uniformization being defended remain poorly appreciated. The striking contrast between the two models of intercultural communication sheds light on the legal initiatives mentioned above.
In particular, my comparative and interdisciplinary analysis points to the many translational problems arising from the development of uniform law in a plurilingual setting which are either ignored or downplayed by proponents of a European private law. She has acted as visiting professor in Grenoble, Montreal, and at the Sorbonne.
Her research focuses on theoretical issues arising from the practice of comparison in the context of the globalization and Europeanization of laws. In this regard, Dr. Dalloz, critically assesses the possibilities and limits of legal translation from an interdisciplinary perspective. Further, she acted as Guest Editor for a special issue on law and translation just released by The Translator , a leading translation-studies journal.
If Truth Be Told Law and Language Oxford: Januar , Abstract The Iberian Atlantic constitutes an interesting laboratory for studies of historical semantics, and in particular for the observation of the transfers of political and legal concepts in modern times. As well as the imprint of Christianity and classical culture, in addition to the presence of Spanish and Portuguese as main languages, one should bear in mind the considerable cultural diversity and the presistence of indigenous American languages in extensive rural areas.
In any case, the fact that certain circumstances were experienced in the region far earlier than in other parts of the world — conquest, independence, republican and constitutional regimes — renders historical analysis of the circulation of political vocabulary exceptionally interesting. The aim of my lecture is to offer some general reflections which I will attempt to illustrate with specific examples upon this theme from the perspective of conceptual history.
He has published extensively in the field of intellectual and conceptual history of modern politics. Among his recent books are the edited volumes Concepts and Time. Februar , Like its competitors, it has advantages and disadvantages. The model of translation between languages has at least two advantages. In the second place, the model has the advantage of emphasizing agency, the conscious adaptation of a text to a new context.
Of course the model itself needs adaptation when it is used to discuss other kinds of cultural change, for example the work of missionaries in a culture very different from their own. There are obvious differences between translating forms, as in the case of architecture, and translating knowledge or ideas, when the problem of contradiction may arise. The problems of translation from one region to another, from one medium to another and from one domain to another are rather different.
Translators like other people follow norms in their work, while norms like forms or ideas can be transated. In the case of law, one thinks of the problems of translating laws from one language to another, of the translation of oral custom into written law, and of imposing laws formulated in one context or culture in a different context or culture. Despite its advantages, the model of cultural translation is not universally applicable. Like other paradigms, perhaps all paradigms, it casts shadows as well as light. He has published 26 books and his work has so far been translated into 31 languages.
For most of his career he has worked on the cultural and social history of early modern Europe, with some incursions into the 19th and 20th centuries. Throughout history, law and legal knowledge were circulating between cultures, countries, and continents. Sometimes willingly adopted, sometimes forcefully imposed by powers from outside, the process of dealing with foreign law often changed not only the sources of law, but a whole structure of normative thinking. One might think of the reception of Roman law in Europe during the Middle Ages, the formation of derecho indiano in early modern Hispano-America or the adoption of European law in East Asia during the 19th century.
In recent years, such processes could be observed in states in transition, for example in Eastern Europe. As most normative orders, law is not only produced by politics, but it is rooted in language and traditions. Is it actually possible to translate norms? What happens when they are taken up by a different culture, having to operate in another language? How does their meaning shift during these processes, how do their function and even their normativity change?
We do not only focus on legal normativity. While one lecture will explicitly discuss the translatability of law and legal norms, the other lectures shall deal with different forms of normativity as to be found in political concepts, religion and technology. This might, eventually, produce a profounder understanding not only of law but also of normativity in general.
Abstract Debates about relations between problematic concepts of order, global and theorization are now shaped by shared but conflicting commitments to modern principles of subjectivity and self-determination. These commitments rest on specific claims about spatiotemporal origins and boundaries. The consequence is a structure of spatiotemporally organized contradictions expressed in aporetic claims to humanity and citizenship, and thus in the contested status of sovereignties expressed in state law and international law.
Prevailing literatures usually erase the significance of the spatiotemporal, normative and contradictory character of this historical constitution of modern politics, partly by recasting internal and external moments of subjectivity as distinct spatial, temporal and hierarchical domains, partly by identifying specific practices through which contradictions are negotiated as the primary problem that must be engaged.
To the contrary, I argue that the core source of order and disorder remains the status of claims about modern subjectivity expressed in political practices that must try, and fail, to reconcile claims about liberty, equality and security within a scalar hierarchy. He is the long-term Editor of the journal Alternatives: Abstract How to think about security in a world of multiple differences? In this lecture, I build on the contributions of Critical Security Studies defined broadly and draw upon the insights of Postcolonial IR to suggest that thinking about security in a world of multiple differences entails inquiring into the international in security and security in the international.
She is the author of Regional Security in the Middle East: Her research agenda focuses on critical approaches to security studies. She has served as the founding governing board member of the European International Studies Association, past president of Central and East European International Studies Association, past chair of the International Political Sociology section of the International Studies Association. Abstract If internationalization is the process of ever closer relations between states, then the institution of diplomacy was certainly essential to its evolution.
This lecture begins with the observation that, with a handful of exceptions eg. The assumption seems to be that, as agents proliferate to include not only states, but also non-state actors, diplomacy is left behind. I argue the opposite, that diplomacy adapts and plays an important role in globalization, but in a way that transforms diplomacy in significant ways. Two case studies of diplomatic practice — peace and reconciliation, and also humanitarian diplomacy — demonstrate that, rather than leaving the scene to other agents, diplomats are actually working through these agents. As a result, diplomacy has begun to change away from being about negotiation and representation towards being about governance.
Precisely because diplomats work through other agents, however, diplomats become dependent on other actors to perform tasks that are expected of them. Oxon, Politics , Dr. He was the editor of Cooperation and Conflict. Inside A European Foreign Ministry Abstract There is considerable anxiety in Western capitals about the rise of non-Western powers. While this stems in part from a fear of the instability that often accompanies great power transitions, at root it is a cultural anxiety, a fear that non-Western powers will promote values and practices that erode the modern international order.
This resonates with the extant literature in IR, which sees international orders emerging in unitary cultural contexts and diversity as corrosive. Yet such views are deeply problematic. Virtually all international orders emerged in highly diverse cultural contexts, and managing diversity has been a key imperative of institution building. This all suggests that cultural diversity shapes political orders in complex ways, constitutive and subversive.
The challenge is to better understand these complexities, and to cultivate practices that sustain order while fostering global cultural diversity. This lecture explores these issues and maps a research agenda on cultural diversity and international order. Erik Ringmar , Lund University, Sweden. Abstract This lecture examines the way nomadic peoples have been treated throughout history by sedentary peoples, but also the way nomadsArabs, Mongols, etc. This historical discussion will provide the basis for an argument about life in a post-territorial future. Nomads, the thesis will be, can teach us a lot about how international politics will be organized in the future.
He has also worked in China for seven years, the last two years as professor of international relations at Shanghai Jiaotong University in Shanghai. He has written four academic books and some forty research articles. His most recent book is Liberal Barbarism: Abstract The objective of this lecture is to examine the broader sociology of the discipline of International Relations IR in India. I do this by consciously turning towards the disciplinary history of the Indian variant of IR while situating it against the backdrop of comparative disciplinary histories of IR.
I argue that the specificities of context left an indelible imprint on the make-up of the Indian variant of the discipline and this is most evident in the preferences exercised by scholars in the early years of Indian IR scholarship. One valuable point of entry to gauge particular slants of emphases in IR from India is the manner in which the question of international political order was theorized from this setting.
I argue that competing conceptions of political order often served as the backdrop for shared bonds as well as animated disagreements among particular constituencies of Indian IR scholarship. His prior publications include a single author book titled Banning the Bomb: Chimni titled International Relations: Perspectives for the Global South besides other journal contributions.
His research interests include disciplinary histories of International Relations, the politics and episteme of the global south, the theory and practice of global governance and evaluations of both mainstream and critical approaches to the study of world politics. He has also been featured in February on Theory Talks.
April , A Scalar Politics of Divided Subjectivities. Contested Readings of Global Political Order. Ringvorlesung "Normenkonflikte in pluralistischen Gesellschaften" des Exzellenzclusters "Die Herausbildung normativer Ordnungen". Abstract Personal names generate confl ict in pluralistic societies because names are intimately connected to conceptions of the self.
They serve as important symbolic representations of individual identity and as a crucial tool for documentation of persons residing within state borders. Laws governing names also function as a form of social control. For immigrants the choice of fi rst names may be especially controversial because naming customs reflect deeply held values.
This analysis considers the extent to which the right to a name is protected under international law and general principles like privacy and freedom of expression and how such a right ought to be construed. Regulations governing the choice and use of names in pluralistic societies illustrate the limits of law. This project demonstrates the importance of onomastics and anthroponymy for sociolegal studies.
For three decades she has analyzed cultural confl icts in domestic and international legal systems and proposed policies designed to address these. She has enjoyed teaching judges, lawyers, court interpreters, jury consultants, and police offi cers. Renteln also collaborated with the UN on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, lectured on comparative legal ethics in Bangkok and Manila at conferences sponsored by the American Bar Association, and served on California civil rights commissions and a Human Rights Watch committee.
Her current research focuses on the intersection between sensory studies and socio-legal studies. Nachdem einige Landesgesetzgeber Lehrerinnen das Tragen eines Kopftuchs in der staatlichen Schule verboten hatten, befasste sich zweimal das Bundesverfassungsgericht mit zum Teil unterschiedlichen Aussagen mit dem Thema. Nachdem zentrale Aspekte der genannten Entscheidungen kurz dargestellt werden, soll die Problematik vor allem unter dem Aspekt der Toleranz diskutiert werden.
Was bedeutet Toleranz in dem fraglichen Zusammenhang und welche Rolle spielte der Terminus in dieser Rechtsprechung? Er untersucht, woraus und wie sich Schranken herleiten lassen. CV Rudolf Steinberg, geb. Abstract Frankfurt ist die Stadt der Vielfalt. Aber auch hier bedarf die Gestaltung der vorhandenen Vielfalt eines permanenten Aushandlungsprozesses auf verschiedenen Ebenen. Mit Hochschuldiplomabschluss in Psychologie hat sie sich als Psychotherapeutin mit eigener Praxis niedergelassen.
Olivier Roy European University, Florence. In the meantime, many court decisions and especially the European Court of Human rights considered that it was acceptable not to grant equality for religious signs in the public sphere: The issue is to understand what make here the religious norm acceptable or not. The argument of the courts are that the Christian signs are more cultural than religious. What does it say about the relationship of Religion, faith and culture in Europe?
Twenty-two years later he received a PhD in Political Science.
His extensive research interests and fi elds of expertise include the Middle East and Central Asia, especially Iran and Afghanistan. One of his best noted works, Secularism Confronts Islam , offers a perspective on the experiences of Muslims in western secular society. He also serves on the editorial board of the academic journal Central Asian Survey, and in during the Paris riots he wrote about their non-religious causes.
Abstract For some years now in Europe, Islam and above all those legal systems that transpose it into the positive law of a given State have been increasingly problematized. The grounds adduced are generally that the values underlying Islam are on several points incompatible with those dictated by human rights as interpreted in the domestic law of European democratic States.
My presentation will therefore not limit itself to a discussion of conflicts, i. By the same token, I will suggest that it would be a shame to allow the problematic aspects to dominate, and thus obscure, the encounter between Islam and European domestic legal orders. Case law indicates that it is possible to accommodate the different normativities without this being to the detriment of respect for the constitutional principles of the European countries concerned. I will provide several illustrations.
She has held various visiting professorships both within and outside Europe. In the field of anthropology of law, her research focuses on cultural diversity and legal practice, with special interest in the application of Islamic family law in Europe, and more recently in the accommodation of cultural and religious diversity under State law. She is also an honorary member of the Brussels bar.
In she received the Francqui Prize, the most distinguished scientifi c award in the humanities in Belgium. Kabir Tambar Stanford University, California. It carries the weight of a historical judgment, which scaffolds ethical community by delineating which populations, languages, and religions remain outside of the framework of collective obligation and responsibility. This paper examines comments delivered by a pro-Kurdish political party and a largely Kurdish mothers-ofthe-disappeared group during the Gezi Park protests of These moments of public address participated in the broader spirit of state critique on display during those protests.
They were noteworthy, however, for recasting the Gezi events as a late moment in a longer history of state violence, prefi gured by a century of dispossession experienced by those who have been classed as minorities or threatened with that designation. The commentaries interrogated what we might call the negative historicity of the minority. They were not primarily aimed at repudiating that historical judgment as discriminatory or contrary to law, but instead sought to delocalize the judgment vested in the category of minority, to see in that judgment an increasingly generalized economy of political abjection, and in effect to view it as prefiguring an ethical community to come.
His work has largely centered on Turkey and has explored questions of citizenship, minority politics, and religion. This research led to the publication of a book, The Reckoning of Pluralism: Tambar has also begun new research on emergency rule and the politics of state coercion. Is this an oxymoronic demand? Should a democratic regime automatically refuse to accommodate Muslim laws? These important philosophical and theoretical questions are of existential signifi cance for emerging democracies in the Muslim world.
But can this be achieved at all? State Violence and the Minority Question in Turkey. Projektleiterin in Frankfurt ist Prof. Stellvertretende Sprecher sind Prof. Daniela Grunow und Prof. Daniel Ziblatt Vortrag und Buchvorstellung. Durch Eigennutz zum Gemeinwohl: Zur Konstitutionalisierung transnationaler Regimes. How are Justice and Peace Understood around the World? We look forward to interesting lectures and exciting debates!
Dezember , 18 Uhr c. Abstract All normative phenomena are normative in as much as, and because, they provide reasons or are partly constituted by reasons. Januar , 18 Uhr c. Februar , 18 Uhr c. Ein Kapitel aus der Religionsgeschichte der Moderne. Challenges and Prospects Video: November , 18 Uhr c. Campus Westend, Casino 1. Verena Steller Wirtschaftstheorie, Normsetzung und Herrschaft: Moritz Epple Die Moral der Gleichheit: Ringvorlesung des Exzellenzclusters Dr.