34 Things You Should Tell Yourself

On the flip side i have depression and social anxiety which i hide so i don't feel like a nuisance to people.

34 Things You Should Tell Yourself | Mountain Crisis Services

I'm boring as hell. I don't play sports, i don't like games, I hate any competition, I don't have jokes, I don't like being around people in general. I don't know why anyone is even interested in spending time with me. I really enjoy myself. Im losing weight, im growing a beard, doing better in school. Life is pretty good to be me right now: I'm a lazy clumsy idiot and a complete social wreck who fails at the most basic of human social interaction.

I wish more people were like me.

85 Encouraging Quotes About Being Yourself

Im polite, can generally pick up social cues, quite warm and funny. I would without a doubt hang out with me. Am I happy that I drink too much, or that pretty insecure on the inside? Nope, but at least I try. Should anyone find out the potential I have towards psychopathy and sociopathy, they would immediately run. I try to be a good person, and I'm good at it. I'm a loser though. Depressed, never been in a real relationship, unmotivated, confused with my life, vulnerable, despise myself, unconfident, a bad buddhist.

I don't like my life right now and it's hard to see how it could get better. I can't do anything and I'm pretty much shit.

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I spent a long time disliking myself. Now I try to be the person that I like seeing reflected back, in the mirror, in my children's behavior, in peoples interactions with me. I also gave up my "appearance wish list" in the last year I have gotten more compliments on my looks then ever in my life, it ironic how freeing accepting yourself is. I am probably one of the worst people i know. I am unintelligent, unfunny, unattractive, unfashionable, unfriendly, uninteresting, unthoughtful, selfish, boring, repulsive, clean but still smell a little funny, unassertive, uncaring, lazy, untalented in most things, and i will probably never drive to fix those things because honestly, why would i care to fix some thing that broken?

I am with out a doubt the largest douche bag i've ever known. Cynical, sad, and sees everything as bullshit, yet I still can remain happy.

Or let's just say "happy. I hate myself and at the same time I think I'm usually the most interesting person in the room. That loud guy that tries to be funny.

Some times he succeeds and some times he fails. Either way he's trying too hard to be cool. Wants to just be normal, but crippled by depression and anxiety. Obsessed with being skinny, but addicted to food.

Somewhat intelligent, but either gets distracted, doesn't try quite hard enough or messes something up and never comes out on top. Always hopes for the best, yet expects the worst. I'm really narcissistic, yet I still feel like everyone else thinks I'm ugly and unworthy. I don't really understand.

I spent 20 years of my life trying to 'prove myself'. What a mistake

I'm quite awkward, but I'm meant to be famous. I'm full of myself in the sense that I think I'm lot less narrow minded than other people funny, right? I really just don't get myself. Deep deep down, I love who I really am not in a narcissistic way , I am content with existence.

The next layer up, I can't stand myself and I have so many flaws and anxiety. The outermost layer that everyone sees: I'm just meh, not really happy with myself but don't hate myself either. I have a very dry wit that others often misunderstand. I love the quote "Seriousness is the last refuge of the shallow. Also, I can be critical of others, yet I'm still incredibly open-minded of others even if we disagree, because I enjoy playing Devils Advocate. My opinions are generally honest when I give them, but they are subject to change. Life would be boring if we all stayed static and our thoughts and opinions never evolved or changed.

But secretly, I hate myself because I'm so good at making people hate themselves, and because I enjoy it so so much. I'm highly intelligent and physically gifted, but I have no motivation.

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I try too hard to fit in, and at the end of the day only appear to be a shallow attention-whore. I'm incredibly caring and deep towards my friends, but I find it hard to make any. I'm pretty average but everyone assumes that I'm really smart. Again, I'm pretty average. I think I'm funny and good looking. Some days I'm very charismatic, some days I think I come off as nervous and a little annoying or indifferent to people, just depending on the nature of the interaction and my mood.

I'm quiet most times, some say I'm too serious or seem too serious. I'm quite lame when it comes to talking to girls, which I suppose is kind of common for a shy teenage guy. I love everything around learning, it is a goal in life to increase my knowledge. With this though, I tend to read too far into things or even overanalyze various aspects. Overall, I'm a pretty chill guy, and I pride myself on what I know on various topics from history to politics and philosophy.

I feel that I am a smart, attractive funny young woman who isn't living up to her potential which makes me very sad. Probably because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual. But seriously, I'm a pretty charismatic and funny guy. I know sometimes my dryer humor can be a little off-putting and make me come off as a bit of an asshole but I'm not blatantly rude to people.

For the most part I am friendly and polite. Like everyone I have my problems. I have trouble reading the extent of the relationship I have some people. Meaning I don't know how good of friends we are. I could be a little bit more open and less closed off about my problems. But basically I need to stop being a pussy and start taking charge of my life. Now for the bad! I am lovable 2. I am a good person 3. I deserve to be 4. I am responsible for my own happiness 5. I profoundly and deeply accept myself 6. I have realistic expectations of myself 7.

What I want for myself is more important than what others want from me 9. I believe the world is a good place and I have a place in it My feelings are just feelings, neither good or bad I am proud of me I acknowledge my good qualities; not to do so would be to cheat myself I got mad, both at the world and at myself for wasting so much time feeling apologetic. Like I had to gratefully accept any little crumbs thrown my way. So I went on a rant. I called it exactly as I saw it, with all the vitriol I could manage. My humor, intelligence, hatred of reality TV, love of old timey movies, insanely huge music collection spanning six decades, mad cooking skills…did my size matter all that much, really?

And much to my surprise, my inbox exploded with responses. Many of them were immediately deleted—you know, pictures of genitals and all that. Craigslist will always be Craigslist. Some were practically unintelligible, so I moved past them pretty quickly, too. The guy could spell and knew how to use punctuation.

He seemed warm and friendly and smart, and appreciative of what I had to say. The fact that he liked to cook earned him points, too. Ladies, I think we can all admit that we get a little swoony over a man who knows his way around the kitchen—men, pay attention! I knew immediately that if nothing else, this guy and I would be friends. Things started clicking within minutes of me publishing that post.

For years I had assumed that everyone else saw me the way I saw myself: I know now just how deep my self-loathing went, and I wish I could go back and hug that old version of me.