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Dennis and Sheila live in Colorado with their son, John, whom they are home and global-schooling. Matt lives in a Jesuit community in Minnesota. Dennis, Sheila, and Matt Linn have given retreats and seminars on processes for healing in over fifty countries and in many universities and hospitals, including a course to doctors accredited by the American Medical Association, Dennis and Matt are co-authors of twenty-one books, the last sixteen co-authored with Sheila. For what am I least grateful? Discovered what they should do more of and less of in order to resolve their problem Paulist Press Bolero Ozon.

For what moment today am I least grateful? Part I of the book explains the examen process and how to adapt it. Part II discusses experiences of the Linn family and others who practice the examen; and Part III is a useful compendium of frequently asked questions.

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This is one reason we encourage doing the examen with other people who love you. Feb 11, Marianna rated it really liked it Shelves: The authors begin by saying that this is the simplest book they have ever written; well, this is probably the simplest one I have ever read!

Far from being annoyed by this, I actually admire the skill that went into such a simple and un-pretentious presentation of the Ignatian practice of Examen — a practice with a somewhat tarnished reputation, very often associated at least in France where I live with guilt-searching in the manner of the 19th century Catholic confession standards.

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The book c The authors begin by saying that this is the simplest book they have ever written; well, this is probably the simplest one I have ever read! It introduces in a very gentle way many important for Ignatian spirituality concepts and gives also some practical advice on how to make Examen part of your life.

May 28, Emily Goldberg rated it really liked it Shelves: A quick and easy read, but NOT for lack of content. This book inspired lots of helpful thoughts and prayers for me on paying attention to what is life-giving and what is life-draining in my days, and on paying attention to God's voice in that.

Sleeping with Bread: Holding What Gives You Life by Dennis Linn

I loved another way they phrased the Prayer of Examen: Where today was I the least able to give and receive love. Jun 14, Jed rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Recommended to Jed by: Stephanie Ford, former professor at Earlham School of Religion. I discovered the book in Introduction to Spiritual Formation class, far and away my favorite class in ministry school.

Over the years, I've returned to the book often. I don't usually read it through. I just glance through it, reading a bit here or there to get me back into the spiritual practice that I know from experience enriches my life and helps me to live God's will instead of my own. There's nothing complicated or nuanced about what the authors present.

The content can be taught to children I discovered the book in Introduction to Spiritual Formation class, far and away my favorite class in ministry school. The content can be taught to children in a few minutes, but if you can be spiritually forgetful like me, it's good to have physical reminders of healthy spiritual practices lying around the house. They seem to find me when I need them.

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  • Sleeping with Bread : Dennis Linn : ;

Feb 07, Robert Martin rated it it was amazing. A modern look at an ancient practice. This book describes the "Prayer of Examen"The Prayer of Examen is a daily spiritual exercise typically credited to St. Ignatius of Loyola ], who encouraged fellow followers to engage in the practice for developing a deeper level of spiritual sensitivity and for recognizing and receiving the assistance of the Holy Spirit.

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  2. Sattie Blanton "Sleeping with bread. Holding what gives you life" | Unity Five Cities.
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  4. Sleeping with Bread : Holding What Gives You Life.
  5. Feb 04, Deborah added it. What gives you life on a day-to-day basis? What draws your heart away from God on a day-to-day basis? For many people they cannot answer because they do not know how to identify these moments. The Linns help explore this Ignatian practice by explaining it in such a simple way that even a child can understand. This book is about asking ourselves two questions: What am I least grateful today? Apr 19, Maria Longley rated it it was amazing Shelves: Lovely book that explains the examen in good and simple terms, and had examples and stories from the authors' lives to explain it practically.

    I liked the illustrations too in this thoughtful and inspiring book. Jan 12, Holly Weiss rated it really liked it Shelves: Filled with colorful illustrations, this very adult book makes the Examen Prayer more accessible. Ignatius, the Examen calls us to reflect back upon our day and ask: What am I most grateful for? What am I least grateful for? God, what are you teaching me through this?

    Sattie Blanton "Sleeping with bread. Holding what gives you life" 2-13-16

    The Examen started among Catholic monks but is now used widely throughout Christanity. Jul 30, Benjamin Vineyard rated it really liked it. A great little book that helps the reader engage with the process of exploring consolation and desolation in their life with God. The book provided guidance and how-to's for the simple process. My take away is simple encouragement to engage the rich examen process for prayer an conversation for myself, my family and friends.