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It incorporates a variety of pedagogic aids, besides colour illustrations to help the students understand the subject quickly and to the maximum. The self-assessment exercises will stimulate the students to think rather than merely learn the subject. In addition, these exercises essays, short notes, fill in the blanks, multiple choice questions set at different difficulty levels, will cater to the needs of all the categories of learners. The book offers an integration of medical and pure sciences, and is comprehensively written, revised and updated to meet the curriculum requirements of Medical, Pharmacy, Dental, Veterinary, Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences, Life Sciences, and others studying Biochemistry as one of the subjects.

It is the first text book on Biochemistry in English with multi-colour illustrations by an author from Asia. The use of multicolours is for a clearer understanding of the complicated biochemical reactions. It is written in a lucid style with the subject being presented as an engaging story growing from elementary information to the most recent advances, and with theoretical discussions being supplemented with illustrations, flowcharts, and tables for easy understanding of Biochemistry.

Yuce, Mehmet R.

It has each chapter beginning with a four-line verse followed by the text, biomedical concepts, a summary, and self-assessment exercises. The lively illustrations and text with appropriate headings and sub-headings in bold type faces facilitate reading path clarity and quick recall. It describes a wide variety of case studies and biochemical correlations and several newer biomedical aspects- Metabolic syndrome, Therapeutic diets, Atkins diet, Trans fatty acids, Epigenetics, Nutrigenomics, Recombinant ribozymes, Membrane transport disorders, Pleural fluid etc.

It contains the basics Bioorganic and Biophysical Chemistry, Tools of Biochemistry, Immunology, and Genetics for beginners to learn easily Biochemistry, origins of biochemical words, confusables in Biochemistry, principles of Practical Biochemistry, and Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory. In Ending Aging, Dr. They explain that the aging of the human body, just like the aging of man-made machines, results from an accumulation of various types of damage.

As with man-made machines, this damage can periodically be repaired, leading to indefinite extension of the machine's fully functional lifetime, just as is routinely done with classic cars. We already know what types of damage accumulate in the human body, and we are moving rapidly toward the comprehensive development of technologies to remove that damage.

By demystifying aging and its postponement for the nonspecialist reader, de Grey and Rae systematically dismantle the fatalist presumption that aging will forever defeat the efforts of medical science. Yuce 16 Oktoba Ukaguzi Sera ya Maoni. Flowing text, Original pages. Web, Tablet, Phone, eReader. Itasawazishwa kiotomatiki kwenye akaunti yako na kukuruhusu usome vitabu mtandaoni au nje ya mtandao popote ulipo.

Unaweza kusoma vitabu vilivyonunuliwa kwenye Google Play kwa kutumia kivinjari wavuti cha kompyuta yako. Tafadhali fuata maagizo ya kina katika Kituo cha usaidizi ili uweze kuhamishia faili kwenye Visomaji pepe vinavyotumika. Vitabu Pepe vinavyofanana na hiki. Wireless Body Area Networks: Technology, Implementation, and Applications. The book provides a comprehensive overview for the latest WBAN systems, technologies, and applications.

Some hours later typically eight , medical staff look for abnormalities by reviewing a video created from the still images transmitted wirelessly from the capsule endoscope to the recorder belt. Adding the capability to transmit and analyze high-definition HD video in real time can provide further advantages to the medical staff for an accurate diagnosis. This additional capability, however, might increase the complexity of the circuitry and hence the power consumption of the capsule endoscope. Transmitting real-time video requires a high-transmission-rate communication link, for example, In contrast, UWB technology has the potential to fulfill them all.

In [ 9 ] we proposed the IR-UWB communication system for a capsule endoscope with high-data-rate capabilities.

Ultra-Wideband and 60 GHz Communications for Biomedical Applications - Google Книги

Due to the limitations at the in-body transmitter that include power consumption, size, system cost, and complexity, its communication architecture must be as simple as possible Figure 2 a. A pulse generator provides the UWB pulse that is subsequently modulated, amplified, and transmitted.

The shape of the transmitted pulse determines the signal bandwidth. The power spectral density PSD of the transmitted pulse is shown in Figure 3. The generated data from the electrooptical circuitry of the capsule endoscope is directly modulated without further processing thereby simplifying the transmitter architecture. We considered the biphase pulse amplitude modulation BPAM scheme, in which the data bits are expressed by the polarity of the transmitted pulses. The resulting signal is then amplified and transmitted.

The transmitter antenna must cover the entire frequency range with little pulse distortion.

Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

The design of a compact UWB antenna for the in-body transmitter is a challenging task, but some designs are available in the literature [ 45 , 46 ]. For the on-body receiver we proposed a novel architecture, which uses a single branch correlator including a multiplier and an integrator for recovering the transmitted signal. The block diagram of the receiver is depicted in Figure 2 b. The UWB antenna at the receiver can be placed on the skin or at some distance away.

By placing the receiving antenna on the body surface, the nonradiative near-field components can be collected by the antenna thus improving the link quality significantly. The practical implementation of the receiver antenna requires a special structure since it must cover a relatively wide body area abdominal torso [ 48 ].

Commonly, a spatial-diversity antenna array around the torso is embedded in a recorder belt, which is worn by the patient while the capsule endoscope operates. The low-noise amplifier LNA increases the power of the received pulses to a suitable level for signal processing and to overcome noise in subsequent electronic stages. The data are subsequently recovered by the correlator. The correlation operation can be implemented in either analog or digital circuits.

A hybrid analog and digital receiver can reduce the system complexity and cost by decreasing the sampling rate and resolution of the ADC [ 49 ]. The correlator output is then sampled, and the ADC converts the analog-demodulated signal into digital form. The digital baseband circuitry provides control for the clock generation, synchronization, and data processing.

One might think that the receiver can take advantage of multipath signals by creating a bank of correlators rake receiver structure. This idea has been applied to IR-UWB links in dispersive channels with large number of correlators and a more complicate system.

Ultra-Wideband and 60 Ghz Communications for Biomedical Applications

However, the imperfect correlations resulting from distorted received pulses reduce the system performance. An optimal way to correct this problem is using a template-match detection technique that performs a matched filter operation with a series of template waveforms. However, the system complexity increases significantly, and channel estimation is required. Hence, we propose using a single branch correlator with an optimized predefined template that guarantees maximum energy recovery.

The associated delay of the template is adjusted so that maximum correlator output at one branch is generated. The design of the pre-defined template depends on the propagation channel characteristics. The second derivative of a Gaussian pulse can approximate fairly well the PSD of the channel and therefore was chosen as the pre-defined template. It is important to mention, however, that this template pulse choice is optimal for the ideal case that we considered, that is, when the antenna effects are disregarded.

Taking this into account, the antenna effects would have a considerable impact on the optimal template. In such case, the EM simulations must include the particular antenna specifications in order to select the most appropriate template for any other specific design. The average bit-error-rate BER performance averaged over 90 arbitrary channel realizations for different templates in an additive white Gaussian noise environment is compared in Figure 4. The worst performance is observed using the fifth derivative of the Gaussian pulse as template.

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The reduced BER performance reveals significant distortion of the transmitted pulse while propagating through the body tissues. The best BER performance is obtained for the second derivative, which collects more signal energy from the distorted pulses. Using the first and the third derivatives provides almost similar BER performance. We recently carried out an experiment that demonstrated the feasibility of transmitting high-data-rate video H. The in-body to on-body communication was done using an ECMA link in 4.

Further improvement is expected using lower frequencies and an implantable antenna [ 46 ]. Moreover, if the data from the electrooptical circuitry of the capsule endoscope is properly encoded [ 50 ], significant reduction of the required transmission rate can be obtained thereby improving the communication conditions.

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These speculations will be verified in future experiments. One of our goals is the development of a full-duplex communication link for capsule endoscopy. This means integrating not only a transmitter but also a receiver transceiver architecture in the capsule endoscope. This will allow transmitting external commands movement, optical focus on specific areas, etc. The same transceiver can be used to remotely control microrobotic multifunctional endoscopic devices, capable of performing several diagnostic and therapeutic operations such as biopsy, electrocautery, laser microsurgery, and so forth, with a retractable arm [ 51 ].

Accurate tracking of the capsule is required for all the aforementioned applications. However, the tracking problem is rather complicate due to the highly nonhomogeneous structure of the human body. Nevertheless, our research has demonstrated that the use of multimodel MM target tracking methods can provide accuracy in-body tracking in the millimeter scale [ 52 , 53 ]. Several other possible medical applications of UWB radar include ambulatory cardiac output monitoring, blood vessel movement recording, blood pressure celerity measurement, and shock diagnosis in emergency patients. Similar technology can obviously be applied to pneumology and polysomnography for apnoea monitoring in infants, obstructive sleep apnoea monitoring, allergy and asthma crisis monitoring, and so forth.

The application of UWB radar in obstetrics as a replacement for ultrasound has also been proposed [ 14 ], but this idea has been looked upon cautiously because of the great concern regarding radiofrequency RF safety for the newborn. Nevertheless, UWB radar can offer the medical staff and patients several advantages over ultrasound, such as noncontact operation, no need for cleaning after use, remote and continuous operation, lower cost, and easier operation.

Noninvasive measurements of BP exist such as sphygmomanometer, photoplethysmograph [ 56 ], tonography [ 57 ], and pulse transit time [ 58 ]; however, they all rely on peripheral measurement points. This may constitute a problem in certain situations such as when flow redistribution to central parts of the body heavy injury, temperature degrades these measurements; another situation where central measurements may prove advantageous is in the presence of strong movement of the peripheral locations, which affects pressure measurements [ 59 ].

The use of radar techniques to measure BP may draw upon ideas from these fields, as well as from ground-penetrating radar GPR , yet is different enough to merit a specific approach. In particular, the complexity of geometry and stronger attenuation are more significant in BP measurement compared with detection of breast cancer and HR and RR, which are essentially based on shallow reflections. Estimating BP using radar techniques is necessarily indirect; pressure only affects propagation through the geometry and not material dielectric properties, contrarily to medical imaging using UWB radar for early breast cancer detection.

The latter involves transmitting an extremely short pulse through the breast tissues and then recording the backscattered signal from different locations. The basis for detecting and locating a cancerous tumor is the different dielectric properties of healthy and malignant breast tissue. Healthy tissue is largely transparent to microwaves, whereas tumors, which contain more water and blood, scatter them back to the probing antenna array [ 22 ].

However, in the case of the aortic BP, two effects may relate aorta diameter geometry to its pressure: In both approaches, the radar-based method aims at detecting the aorta walls and estimates the diameter as a function of time. From a medical point of view, central measurements are better than peripheral ones. Therefore, we pursued the measurement of BP through movement detection of the aorta. In order to understand the principles of using UWB radar to measure aorta diameter variations, a simple model was constructed for EM simulations [ 15 ].

  1. Mehmet R Yuce (Author of Ultra-Wideband and 60 Ghz Communications for Biomedical Applications).
  2. Product description.
  3. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin - Educational Research (Educational Research 79-2).
  4. Una promessa damore (Leggereditore Narrativa) (Italian Edition).

Our model combines a voxel representation of the human body with the material dielectric properties proposed in [ 62 ]. It is based on a 2D simplified geometry: The lossy medium approximates average living tissue dielectric properties, except for the skin and aorta, the properties of which were taken from [ 62 ].

Further details of the model and the EM simulations can be found in [ 15 ]. The current source signal in the simulations was the seventh derivative of a Gaussian pulse with energy centered around 4. This relatively high-order derivative was used for compensating, to a certain extent, the frequency-dependant attenuation in the simulations. The analysis of the resulting transfer function and the time-domain echoes led to the conclusion that the backscattered signal from the aorta contains necessary information for distinguishing front and rear walls of the aorta thereby making the estimation of its diameter feasible.

However, due to strong attenuation in living tissues, feasibility is essentially hinged on a viable power budget. In the simulations, an upper bound on received power in the 0.