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English - Vitalis

Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the…. During its long history, France has gone through numerous types of government.

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The table provides a list of the major rulers of…. Shrewsbury, town, administrative and historic county of Shropshire, western England.

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It is the county town seat of Shropshire, and its strategic position near the border between England and Wales has made it a town of great importance. The older, central portion of the town lies on a peninsula…. History, the discipline that studies the chronological record of events as affecting a nation or people , based on a critical examination of source materials and usually presenting an explanation of their causes.

History is treated in a number of articles. For the principal treatment of the…. Help us improve this article! Contact our editors with your feedback. You may find it helpful to search within the site to see how similar or related subjects are covered. Any text you add should be original, not copied from other sources.

Robert Vitalis

At the bottom of the article, feel free to list any sources that support your changes, so that we can fully understand their context. Internet URLs are the best.

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Please try again later. Bashar al-Assad, faced an unprecedented challenge to its…. September 11 attacks, series of airline hijackings and suicide attacks committed in by 19 militants…. Vitalis received his Ph.

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His graduate work included a three-year residence in Cairo where he studied Arabic and researched the political strategies of Egyptian business firms. His first book, When Capitalists Collide: Business Conflict and the End of Empire in Egypt , was published in The Organization of American Historians awarded him the Bernath Prize in for his work on Egypt's political economy.

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He has continued to develop and expand the scope of his interests in historical comparative analysis in his second book, America's Kingdom: He was a MacArthur Award nominee in Read the review here. The Stuff of Mass Delusions," in Jadaliyya , Read the article here. Cornell University Press, University of California Press,

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